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Bakuto Hokori

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night
Interactions: @LC@McNephelim@Sho Minazuki

Focused throughout his first attack against the dog hollow, Bakuto's attack was successful. He figured out how his jump technique worked, and how he was using it wrong before he hit this attack. The massive humanoid hollow trying to catch Bakuto off guard, he gives it a side glance, "I'll deal with you in a second, Youho..." Quickly like before Bakuto does a rather fast pace jump to avoid the massive fist instead of jumping straight up he shifts his weight to jump sideways and out of the way. Then again he jumps back again with Youho going past the humanoid hollow and putting a follow up attack against the dog hollow he started up on. This time pushing through with his zanpakuto, finishing off the dog hollow separating its head and mask from the rest of the body.

Bakuto looks back to the humanoid massive monster of a hollow he flicks the blood from the dog hollow. "Let's see if I can't get the other technique to work better this time..." Bakuto looks to see what is transpiring. Another mysterious old man showed up near Ouga and Regalhorn. Bakuto didn't know who he was but for some reason he didn't feel like a shinigami like Ouga to Bakuto. "Guys, who is that with Ouga? Something is telling me he isn't like us...we might want to hurry up and finish off these monsters."

Bakuto changes what he was going to do, he doesn't have liberties any more to test out his techniques he needed to finish this off quicker uses quick footwork and movement to move around the big hollow slicing at its legs to try and bring it down so he can finish it off or so one of his other teammates can chop off its head.

Bakuto Hokori

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night
Interactions: @LC@McNephelim@Sho Minazuki

Missing opportunities were apparent as the hollows regrouped. The kido attack Darius launched was enough to stagger the bat, but nobody followed up to help secure the kill. The hollow hit the barriers but no one launching after the attacks. Bakuto grumbled in disappointment. Pathetic, I'm pathetic. I am supposed to be a superhero now, but I keep making these mistakes. We have to take down one of these things.' Bakuto's thoughts as he sat there gripping his sword. Then he took a different stance, one to get ready to move. "Alright, this is a bad idea, but we are out of moves to play. Darius I know you might disagree with what I am about to do, but keep your barriers and attack spells ready." Bakuto cracks his neck a few times as he stretches, "Keep them off me the best you can, Tony if I can get one strike the other or finish off the one I go after. The bat seemed to get hit, hopefully it isn't as fast anymore in the air, so please don't let it get me because I am about to do something very dumb here. Mikazuki you might want to get ready to get some heals ready, this might not go the way I think it might."

Finishing his speech Bakuto took a very deep breath and started to focus on himself focusing his feet with all his power. He sheathed his sword and unstrapped this sword and scabbard from his body. "Time to go crazy. Yall better get those barriers ready. Don't let me die!" His final words to his allies behind the barrier as he takes off in a sprint fast towards the hollows coming at him. Avoiding the barrier first he didn't want to run right into his own team's barrier.

Needing to make an opening was the first thing. Not sure if they would expect a forward assault, Bakuto gets his sword while sheathed ready for fight. Onibi didnt work the first time because he was too far away, this time Bakuto was going to try and assist himself with the attack. Running forward towards the hollows once he get into distance, "Onibi!" He strikes his sword forward towards the lizard hollow while sprinting towards the lizard one. With the scabbard still on he launches the scabbard at the hollow with his Onibi technique Once he gets closer to the dog hollow. His next part of his plan goes into action, remembering what little he was told Youho the one technique he was training in the morning was meant for a quick escape.

"Youho..."Bakuto uttered this word quickly using this fast jump and the power in his legs to jump upward in a flash. Hoping to surprise the hollow and quickly get out of view. Attacking the dog hollow with his scabbard and Onibi was part of both an attack and diversion plan. As he goes into the air above the dog follow in a flash using upward momentum to go up spinning himself with his zanpakuto. Gripping the sword tightly on the downward momentum of gravity swinging downwards with the speed his own body weight provided by the velocity he was falling at, aiming for the dog hollow with full force of his sword. Trying to take the head or neck the hollow. Thinking of a quick rush and surprise attack might work. The barrier was able to create an opening before by surprising them, maybe quick movements can do the same. If all else fails Bakuto was also being a distraction trying to provide an opening for his fellow substitute shinigami to get a decisive attack on the monsters.

Bakuto Hokori

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night
Interactions: @LC@McNephelim@Letter Bee@Sho Minazuki

The attacks missed all of them. Bakuto misjudged the distance with a technique he really never used that much until now. Thinking he was going to get brutalized by the oncoming bat hollow. Then it hit the barrier that was made by his ally and bounced off and flew back getting ready to find its next target.

"Thank you magic wall and magic man. I nearly became hollow food. Thanks for that..." Bakuto thanked those who put up barriers for their barriers. Bakuto messed up his own attack and nearly met his end. Listening to the others speak Bakuto said, "I don't have many fancy long range attacks. Onibi was the only thing I was told about. Cant use Kido, I can jump if I focus multiple times in the air sort of like double jumping in a video game. Other than that I only have my sword skills." Giving off his list of skills to his allies around him that could hear.

As much as Bakuto wanted to, he knew he couldn't just fight these fights one on one he needed to fight as a team with this group. Listening to the orders of the others coming up with plans to fight together. It bugged Bakuto a bit but he even had to admit he couldn't do this without teamwork. "Alright either use your fancy magic kido stuff to take out that darn bat'man' hollow thing or find a way to ground it so one of us on the ground can get a good slash at it. The big slow lumbering ones on the ground once they get closer I should be able to fight those. For the record, I hate this, fights should be one on one but in this situation if we all want to get out of this alive I need to do this teamwork thing."

Bakuto then gets into a stance behind a barrier and yells towards the hollows on the ground. "Come on you slow lumbering monsters, is bats the only one with the balls to fight us. Or are you cowards?!?" Smacking his guard to make a clapping sound as he goads the on coming hollows on the ground. This time he stood behind the barrier and now waited for them to hit the barrier before he was to act. Putting his trust within his allies barrier skills and to try and work as a team. Bakuto's trembling from the start of this incident has vanished. He wasn't nervous or scared any more. He had a plan this time which followed the plan his allies had laid before him. Leave the bat to the long range users and use the barriers for cover then attack what he can once the hollow hits the barrier.

Bakuto Hokori

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night
Interactions: Hollow Horde

A horde of Hollows, the trembling stopped as soon as Bakuto saw the horde going straight into focus that he started to calm himself down. Bakuto went quiet, but his grip on his sword tightened as he went into a battle ready state of mind. Listening to the hollows speaks, Bakuto didn't even know they could talk, these were very much different then the one he first saw. Showing a bit of intelligence. The crown masked one that gave orders is Regalhorn, and caught Bakuto's attention commanding authority over the other monsters. Not only did it match the description that was given it was also in a position of authority that just screamed to Bakuto the boss.

Hollows talking about eating them, and Regelhorn speaking about if any of them are worthy of his horns. If anything that actually fired Bakuto up. He can feel he doesn't stand a chance without a lot of luck yet Bakuto was ready for a fight now. He watched fights in the afternoon with his peers now it was his turn to let loose.

The wave of Hollows came forth Bakuto started to say, "Woah, woah...too many..." Then he watched Ouga go into action his wooden sword changed. His zanpakuto change almost completely caught Bakuto off guard but when Ouga did his attack? Ability? Whatever it was Bakuto saw it the numbers of Hollows disappear. But knowing he should keep on his guard he took a battle stance with his own zanpakuto. While he couldn't change his sword it didn't mean he couldn't fight.

A group of hollows managed to get around Ouga's attack, a more manageable group. Big thug looking hollows, ones that Bakuto remembered from his first hollow, a lizard, a dog thing, and a bat. In his combat stance Bakuto's muscles tensed up as he gripped the sword and pointed the tip towards the oncoming horde. "Onibi..." saying the attack not really increasing the strength of the attack but mostly to remind himself what it was called. His technique that he learned from training, while he could jump around he can also attack from a distance.

Bakuto stabs forward extremely fast and hard with his zanpakuto faster than a normal human eye. Bakuto's first stab targeting the bat was a full focused attack, then Bakuto repeatedly stabbed using Onibi over and over. While lacking concentration, each attack would still launch an attack. Bakuto aims for any hollow he could see as he stabs forward over and over again. The first attack would be more impactful as he focused on it the others were rapid and more shallow with their cuts and attacks. No real plan for his attacks other than hit them quickly and as many times as possible except for the bat, that one needed to be hit first and hard. The hollow flies can do the most damage in Bakuto’s eyes if it wasn't taken care of first. Bakuto can fight in the air by jumping but he wasn't sure of the rest. Also during Bakuto's training earlier in the day he wanted to stay on the ground as long as possible and not try to battle it in the air with his unreliable air jump ability.

Bakuto Hokori

Sagamiyama -Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Night
Interactions: Ouga@Sho Minazuki

The rush of spirit pressure weighed down upon the group that interrupted Ouga's orders. Bakuto felt something and replied, "Anyone else feel that? Either I suddenly got heavier or something is poking their ugly head out very soon" Currently Bakuto wasn't very adept at even sensing or tracking spirit pressure and right now he couldn't even see this potential enemy. Yet he could feel them, Bakuto wasn't sure but considering how Ouga was acting this seemed like a rather big hollow.

The orders to stay behind him and await orders Bakuto resisting every urge to start running into the park to hunt down this creature that was putting out this much power out. "Run away if we come across this thing was the original plan saying when we left the shop this afternoon. I don't think running away would help in this situation. Running away this creature would surely hunt us down faster than we could get away.” Quickly cracking his knuckles and stretching his arms preparing for a fight that was about to happen. "Point me in the direction to go Boss man. I'll slice this bad thing up..."

Bakuto trailed off between his bravado and his sword hand trembled. Fear from the immense power he was feeling, even if he said and believed in his own words. His own body hasn't really felt things like this. Bakuto punched himself a few times with his free arm to try and knock the trembling off. Fear wasnt something Bakuto normally ever felt, yet this spirit pressure was giving him a sense of dread. Was this always with something giving off this much energy or was this hollow special in some way to give off a higher sense of dread. The trembling sweat on his brow, Bakuto wasn't sure how he was sweating as a spirit but he wasn't going to question the simple things.

Gripping the sword tighter and tensing himself up, he needed to stay focused now more than ever. Once the fighting starts up Bakuto knows he needs to be ready for whatever may come. "Boss man, is this that warlord you guys were talking about at the shop that we are feeling? Regalhorn was it?" Getting away from his over the top banter and getting serious. Trembling, slowing down as he spoke, and controlling his breathing as he focused down on trying to keep his senses as razor sharp as they could get.

Bakuto Hokori

Saturday - Afternoon
Interactions: Ouga@Sho Minazuki

"Right, if we run into this Hollow warlord thingy we should run away. Got it! I will totally run away. I learned my lesson with my first hollow. I will not attempt to do something like that ever again." Bakuto said with a smile. As the meeting within the shop came to an end. Mimicking and answering what information he heard. "I'll lay low in the shop until it gets dark. Don't have anywhere I need to be. Got no family like these youngsters to go back to."

Bakuto then left the room and went into the shop to wait to get ready for his mission. Setting himself in a chair and appearing to fall asleep within the shop as soon as he sat down. If anyone asked what he was doing he would say 'Meditating' but it was an excuse for napping. Not to simply get some rest before the mission.

Sagamiyama - Sakuhana Park
Saturday - Evening

The quiet park was just that nice and quiet, that was until Bakuto arrived. Leaving his body at home in bed Bakuto managed to go home at some point to change back into his spirit body. Entering the park Bakuto was all but quiet. Figuring nobody else could see him, the night workers and any other civilians in the park couldn't see him. The job was simple: find this Hollow. Or at least Bakuto's plans were simple.

As he entered the park he drew his sword, not that he saw anything but to prepare for what he was about to do. As he yells loudly into the park, "Come on out Hollows! Come and get a nice, tasty newbie Shinigami who just entered this park." He then starts whistling very loudly as if calling for a dog or pet. Waving the sword around to entice the nothing he saw to come to him. His promise of running was a bold face lie. Bakuto was going to try and fight any hollow that came after him, Warlord or not. Watching people spar at the shop earlier got him all fired up.

"Come on out Reggieborn. Reggie where are you?!? This sword isn't going to slice things up on its own. Need a nice Hollow to come out and make this some fun. Come out, come out wherever you are!" Going from trying to entice to taunting and make a rather fool of himself, while seeming to have a bit of fun with it. Calling the hollow warlord Regalhorn by anything other than its name and purposely trying to anger a beast that he was told is way stronger than himself.

Bakuto figured getting to the big boss and trying to defeat it right out was the best and fastest course of action. If he wasn't strong enough to fight it that did not matter. If it showed its face he knew if it was stronger he was never going to get away anyhow. But if the instructors were wrong or that he could overcome the monster's greater power or the hollows that may come then the mission will be done. While reckless it was simple for Bakuto to come up with this plan of action. Bakuto figured the proper shinigami wouldn't have picked them for this mission; he thought they didn't want the mission to get completed or if they didn't think they could handle it. If they wanted them to stay away from the big bad hollow then they would have never said anything and kept the group in the dark.

Bakuto Hokori

Saturday - Afternoon
Interactions: Ouga@Sho Minazuki Mikazuki@Letter Bee

Getting to things or the meat to the question Bakuto came into the room for was what he had been waiting for. Getting orders to fight some hollows. Bakuto listened intently and tried his best not to start running out of the room to search for this hollow. The Hollow Warlord they called it. As questions came forth, what is hueco mundo, it was a question Bakuto didn't really think of, he figured it was something similar to where these Shinigami came from but for Hollows. Bakuto heard Mikazuki's question about Hollows. Bakuto was quick to chime in, "You don't know what they are? You are right about monsters. I nearly was killed by one before this whole substitute job we got going here. But as for what they are. I think they were people if I remember what was all pitched at me when I got talked into doing all this. People souls who what was it again couldn't move on right? We kill them to clean them I think that is what i was told."

Bakuto added his 'wisdom' to the mix adding his experience when he first fought one. Bakuto then figured that he should start asking questions himself, "So it's safe to assume we can't go to this hucco moon place either since special shinigami aren't allowed either. So where were these sightings? Did this Hollow appear last? Maybe we can go there, poke around and I don't slice it up until it speaks no more. Or do you have something else you want us to do?"

As Bakuto spoke and asked questions he was 'stealthy' making his way to the door. Wanting to get ready to start hunting the monsters down. He pulls out the konpaku candy, "Are we using these? Or do you have a better method to get us out of our bodies?" Bakuto did put his candy back; he just kept it in his pocket. Fully planning on sprinting out as soon as he is given the go ahead or rather a general idea of location where he should go or where the hollows sightings were at.

Bakuto Hokori

Saturday - Midday
Interactions: Tony-@McNephelim Mitsuaki@Morgannis Ouga@Sho Minazuki Mikazuki@Letter Bee

The fight was something Bakuto was glad to watch. Then another of the other 'true' Shinigamis showed up. Shouko Ouga was the name he called them. When told they need to return to their bodies Bakuto snapped back into reality, "Oh right, my body! Now where did that wander off to...I'll be right back. Got to find that thing."

Wasn't long under he found his body performing some sort of sideshow racking up people coming to the shop for calls. Bakuto almost laughed at the showoff that was the personality of the candy that was inside his body until he saw all the work it left him to do. "You were supposed to repair the bikes...not get more for me to work on..."

Dragging his body back inside quickly and shutting out any more people from entering the building to give him more work. To the public Bakuto walked awkwardly into the building and the door slammed shut on them. "Now cough out that candy!" After a bit of work of trying to get the candy out of his body. Bakuto sort of just grabbed his body and tried to shove his spirit hand down its throat until it threw up the candy. Then jumped back into his own body. "Ouch...my throat hurts now...got to ask how to get these things out easier next time..."

Getting to work was his next task. Or at least sort of 'work' While his Konpaku brought in more work Bakuto's work ethic or rather lack there of when it comes to working in the bike shop. Bakuto put together bikes, or at least sort of. He made the bikes 'look' good. Repairing by tapping things back together. Making them 'look' not broken. Once he got 'done' he put his tools away then grabbed his stuff and headed to the area where the meeting was.

"Sorry I'm late, that Konpaku decided it wanted to bring in more business to this place. Don't worry, I fixed that problem." Bakuto says with a smile on his face. His lack of working was also to keep those people from coming back. "So what is this meeting? We gonna go hunt those Hollow thingys? Could try my luck at punching another one of those things." Bakuto joked how he met his first Hollow, "Maybe it won't almost kill me this time."

Bakuto Hokori

Saturday - Midday
Interactions: Tony-@McNephelim Mitsuaki@Morgannis Ouga@Sho Minazuki Mikazuki@Letter Bee

Whack! A wrench to Bakuto's forehead and down he goes. Rubbing his own forehead from the pain or the sudden discomfort he was given in his current form. "One of these days I'll dodge that wrench..." Bakuto complained out loud and groaned in pain, "Who throws wrenches?!? I went out to get some training done. I left my body with that weird candy in the shop. I set my watch to get back so not much to worry about leaving that thing in too long..."

Bakuto was quick back to his feet and quick to dust himself off, picking the wrench up. For a quick moment the idea of throwing the wrench back at Ouga came to Bakuto's mind but he pushed that aside and followed the others inside the shop. "What is there to worry about? The little Konpaku just has to put bikes together. If it can't fill in for me then what is the point of it in the first place?" Answering the initial fear of him leaving the Konpaku in too long. Honestly Bakuto didn't really understand the fear, not that it would have bothered him. If someone noticed him being different it wouldn't change his life much in the longer run.

"Practiced that little jumpy technique thing. I think you called it Youho? Neat little trick, would have practiced the other trick but didn't really want to put holes in walls or random things with that sword attack thing." Bakuto jabbered on as he followed Ouga and others back into the shop. Tossing the wrench back into a pile of tools, "Ok where did my body wander off to in here..." Bakuto goes into the shop to get his body then. Bakuto heard the challenges to spar, "Ooh a little sparring match. That could be awesome to watch! A good fight got to get some snacks and maybe a drink or two and this could be a good time." Once Bakuto stops, instead of searching for his body he turns to observe the others. Bakuto likes a good fight as the next person maybe more so. He then said, "Remember to dodge! And don't get hit by wrenches!" One final cheerful mention based on his own very recent experience with a red bump on his head proving his experience.

With that Bakuto followed them to watch the fight completely forgetting his search for his body. This was like dangling a treat in front of someone. Bakuto couldn't stop himself watch from watching, "Come on! Don't stop now. Fight! Fight! Fight!" Bakuto standing there shadow boxing the air as he watches the fight as this fight pumps him up as he watches this fight unfold.

Bakuto Hokori

Saturday - Midday
Interactions: Tony-@McNephelim Mitsuaki@Morgannis Ouga@Sho Minazuki

"Hey!!! who are you?", At first Bakuto was in his own little mental world as he walked back to the shop. Then this exclamation yelling towards him snapped him out of it and he quickly looked at the source of the yelling. Another white haired person, at first Bakuto couldn't figure out how this boy could see him. Then that question got answered quickly when a brown haired individual came up and exclaimed that others couldn't see Bakuto then quickly put things together these were those other guys. The other substitutes like himself were picked.

"Shush! Not so loud. I'm Bakuto you guys must be the other Ouga and that other Shinigami talked about the other chosen subs. What names...I think given by descriptions, Timmy and Mishi?" Bakuto trying to remember the names Ouga told him. Scratching at his head trying to remember names and details. Bakuto normally got names wrong, or rather he says names wrong on purpose once he knows someone to try and wind them up or tease them a bit. Although Bakuto quickly changed posture and said, "Don't have much time, I have to get back to the shop before Ouga realizes I snuck out again. Kind of borrowed one of those little candy things and left whatever that thing is minding the shop while I went out." Speaking with a smile and a cheerful tone in his voice with no real sense of urgency as he spoke, "Why keep working when I can be practicing with these skills we were given? Am I wrong? We are basically superheroes now, got to get good at this stuff before fighting one of those masked monsters...again."

While he was in a hurry before most of that hurry seemed to go out the door now he has someone to interact with or talk to. He didn't know these two but if they could see him and were on their way to Ouga's shop they couldn't be that bad or at least to his thought of that is. Bakuto didn't know much about being a Shinigami. Sensing others is new to him while he could sort of sense others, he still thought he could 'hide' if he was very 'sneaky'. "Also worried about the police? Pretty sure we could outrun or out fight most normal people...I think." Bakuto was filled with confidence with his new abilities which does blind him from his own weaknesses and inability to do things.

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