The moment that the blades began to slice through the ceramic tunnel like it was nothing, Mitsuaki knew that he was dead. Inch by inch they drew closer and closer, slicing more and more of the tunnel. Each time, he attempted to crawl a little farther the other way, only for the beast to launch itself to the other side, doing the same exact thing. With each blade drawing closer his anxiety spiked, heart plummeting to his stomach, grey eyes wide with fear.
This was it. This was the end.
Pain blossomed in his shoulder, sharp and burning like the sun. A scream pierced through him, no time to block, no time to move. Sand underneath him stained crimson as blood immediately began to trickle down his arm. On his back, as the Hollow began to try to inch in, Mitsuaki panicked. Arm all but useless, he tried to kick out at the Hollow while crawling back towards the wreckage of the tunnel behind him, but it was drawing closer, and closer.
He didn’t want to die, he didn’t want to die, he didn’t want to die!
Aquafang was inches away from him, so close he could practically feel the breath on his sweat stained face. Every inch of him was trembling, every nerve on fire as he thought that this was it. This was it, and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. He hadn’t even done anything to try.
Instead of the final lunge, the final attack that would end his life, the Hollow flinched back, retreating.
Taking this chance, Mitsuaki surged to his feet, Zanpakuto held in the wrong hand. Raising it straight towards the beast, his hands trembled with fear and pain. Grey eyes never once left the hollow as he put more and more distance between him and it, watching as it bashed it’s head against the ground, again and again and –
Everything went still. That scream made his head swim, familiarity washing over him at the sound of its voice, the tone of it so, so familiar.
Then it was gone. Aquafang bounded away into the night, leaving Mitsuaki frozen in place to try to piece everything together. It wasn’t possible, right? It just wasn’t. That Hollow…Maybe Ouga, or Shouko would know why it sounded just like–
Ouga and Shouko! He had to get to the park.
Blood continued to drop down his arm, dripping from his fingers to leave a nice trail as he began to walk. Zanpakuto sheathed, Mitsuaki stumbled occasionally as he walked towards where they were supposed to rendezvous what felt like hours ago, free hand pressing to the wound.