Name: Drakutious Rodriguez
Age: 33
Weapons and items: Carries a large, black, satchel type bag w/an interesting symbol spray painted across the front of it. Used to store his ammunution and various pyrex jars of hydroponic marijuana; each jar containing a different strain, a carton of mentholated cigarettes; containing half the original number of cigarette packs, a pack of foil wrapped green leaf cigarillos; containing three quarters of the original number of short narrow cigars, two packs of black rolling paper; one pack containing half the original number of leaves, and a green flame refillable butane torch lighter w/ a 16 oz. butane refill canister
A pair of all black knuckle dusters w/ the words 'Die' designed into them, two all black Louisville slugger bats; one wooden and the other aluminum, and an
Atchisson AA-12 complete w/ both a box and drum magazine
Biography: Just a nobody who seems to thrive in the chaos of the new world. Probably one of the few Pedestrians who chose to extend his search well past the deemed safe zones, effectively staying ahead of the quickly diminishing loot zones. Though he relishes in his solitude, he occasionally seeks the company of others for purposes outside of your typical trading.