The food Trinity had given Evangeline disappeared so quickly that Evangeline almost felt embarrassed about it. Luckily, her happiness from the aftertaste was stronger and louder than any negative thoughts she could come up with. So this new girl moulded energy. That sounded like it could be an incredibly useful type of magic depending on the way one used it. Although she could imagine that it would take a lot of effort and creativity to get it right, so it could be a drag for the user as well. A soft smile appeared on her face as Trinity asked about Evangeline's magic, a smile filled with both excitement and sadness. "I can show you", she whispered as tears started falling down her cheeks. Her mouth wasn't moving. Her eyebrows weren't moving. One could simply see liquid running down her cheeks. No other signs were present that Evangeline was crying.
Exactly three tears dropped from her chin, only to bounce on the table showing that they now were solid instead of liquid. Evangeline grabbed the three balls with one hand and showed off one of them between two fingers. "I can store magic in these. If I wanted to hurt an enemy, I can make these little guys hurt so hard that your skin will feel as if it were on fire. However, I can also use these to cure an ally or to temporarily relieve someone of hunger or pain. Of course I'm not strong enough yet to use this magic to the fullest, but I try. Currently, my defensive moves are stronger." Not long after her explanation of her magic, she was approached by someone asking her to choose a place and colour for the guild sign.
Evangeline quickly put the balls inside a little bag she was hiding in her underwear as to not lose it, and moved her gaze towards the third person. She didn't have to think long or hard about her answer to the question. She wanted her parents to hurt. No, she needed her parents to hurt. For not allowing her to choose how to live her life. For not allowing her to be herself. There was only one way to actually hurt them. "Right here. Above my right eyebrow. Dark blue, please." If her guild sign was visible on her face, then there was no way for her face to be useful as an actress. And if necessary, she could still hide it with her bangs. And the dark blue color only made it even more visible. Soon after, the person moved on to that energetic dog, so Evangeline returned her focus to Trinity.
Matthew tried to control himself as he listened in on what the girls were saying. It wasn't right for him to hear what they were saying. They were having a private conversation. He wasn't invited. They didn't wish for his presence. But... But he wasn't doing something wrong by sitting close enough to hear what they were saying, right? It wasn't like he had anything else to do. He listened to Trinity when she explained her magic to Evangeline and ordered an other dish. Matthew sincerely hoped that this one would be more to her taste. Then the other girl started showing her magic and he was equally impressed. Another type of magic that he didn't immediately recognize! Wow! Everyone here was so talented. He couldn't believe his own eyes or ears.
When the girl got asked where she wanted the guild sign and in what colour, he knew that he was going to get the question next. He had to think about it carefully. How did she know so fast what she wanted? He didn't know what he wanted. There were so many colours and all of them sounded absolutely beautiful. They probably would look stunning. So how should he choose? Should he just choose the first colour that came to his mind? But the first thing that came to his mind was a rainbow. He couldn't get a rainbow guild sign. Or could he? Maybe he could ask! No, if it were possible, other people would have chosen a rainbow colored guild sign. It sounded like such a good idea that someone else must have tried it before. He should choose a colour. Oh, and a place of course. What place should he choose? Maybe something like on his neck, that way it would be close to his hair, since he uses hair magic. However, that way he couldn't look at his own guild sign unless he was looking inside a mirror. He wanted to be able to look at his own sign. Thus, his neck wasn't a possibility. Then what was a possibility? His shoulder? No, his clothes would hide it. But maybe it could be useful for a mission to hide it? Oh, he knew what to do. "Can you do dark pink? On the inside of my left wrist?" This way, if he needed to hide his sign for a mission, he could simply use gloves.