"...Light Domain bring down the Corpse Dropper! Earth and water target the troops! Everyone else go for the towers!" - James Sirius
Power beams of white light began to fire up from the mage platforms, among them the powerful Sprit Gun of James. The Corpse Dropper could not dodge them all. The giant bat-like creature was technically not an Undead, but it's flesh was rotten like one and it's body was powered with the Dark Domain's necromantic magic. This made it just as vulnerable to Light Domain attacks as any Undead.
The Corpse Dropper swayed and strafed in the air to dodge but several beams were direct hits, burning straight through the wings and weak belly bursting out of the other side. The Corpse Dropper screeched as it felt a new level of agony and it almost fell out of the sky.
Adam Philips choosing to delay his attack in order to aim carefully was worth it, as the creature turned onto a flight path towards the mage platforms and made Adam's attack considerably easier to aim. And now it was injured. Adam's Natural Energy Beam fired between the 1st and 2nd wave of Light Beams, and the Earth Domain user's attack was easy to spot as something different, not pure white light but a kaliedascope of colours, pure energy. It hit Corpse Dropper in the head and took off an ear along with a slice of skull.
Then came the 2nd wave from the Clerics and Spirit Mages. More direct hits, taking chunks out of the Corpse Dropper and burning up the ghoulings inside it's belly. The Corpse Dropper was full of holes and barely hanging onto life as it came crashing down onto abandoned buildings in the northeast sector of Valhiem. Loud cheers filled the air and many of the defenders raised their fists in triumph.
The singing rose above the din of battle all of the blocks across the central line joined in the song, replacing the word, 'Lions' with their own name. The Pits, the Scarabs, the Snakes, the Horses, the LoneStars and more. Such was the power of the message that morale in the Centre of Valhiem's defense rose considerably. Many hands that held bows became steadied by courage. Some deaths caused by the magical battle, instead of hurting morale, only served to strengthen the resolve of the soldiers who witnessed the deaths of their friends, filling them with a desire for revenge and the grit of determination. Zell Brooks, with one simple song, had stengthened the Centre considerably.
Commander Thorn's voice suddenly echoed like thunder in the sky and there was no person in the entire city who could not hear him. Up on Citadel Hill, High Command were watching the battle with spyglasses, commmunicating troop movements to the central figure who was at the very top of the Chain of Command. Commander Thorn.
When Commander Thorn inhaled deeply to shout, the special enchantment cast upon him would activate and the faint outline of a giant magical megaphone appeared in the air several feet in front of him, the shimmering Source that outlined the megaphones shape big enough to be seen from distance. And when he shouted, his voice boomed across the city and even the fields all the way to Saladin's camp.
The ram was blasted with fire arrows and fire magic. It was built not just with wheels so it could be pushed, but a hut-like roof so it could protect the orcs who pushed it. In spite of the fire-proofing hides and magic that covered the ram, there was simply too much fire from the defenders when counting the dozens of fire arrows on top of the magical attacks. The battering ram set on fire and the roaring flames spread all over it, burning the orcs who ran out from blazing siege machine. The ram had been brought to a halt and burned to disfunction before the enemy could extinguish the flames.
On the right wing that included elite archer units like Fenna's Falcons and MacKensie's Rabbits, many bows loosed arrows upon the Dark Elven Screamers. Screamers were a female unit of elite warriors that dual-wielded long daggers and wore zero armour. Had they been allowed to ascend the wall, they would have been deadly in close quarters. The kind of fighters that could win a close-quarters skirmish all on their own. But they were vulnerable to arrow fire and that's exactly what they got. The archery training drills that Fenna and MacKensie had made sure their blocks did everyday were paying off as elite units of the enemy were cut down.
Along with James Sirius' direction of Air Domain Users and the help of Adam Philips, now the Centre of the Defensive Line added the power of their arrows and bolts to the counter fire against the siege towers.
When Adam managed to de-wheel one of the towers and temporarily bring it to a halt, everyone saw the weakness and turned upon the siege tower. Whirling clouds of condensed air, along with lightning attacks barraged the tower, weakening the structural integrity of machine. Fire arrows forced the attackers down low to deal with the flames instead of getting the wheels back on. Eventually, the tower came down and another triumphant cheer filled the air.
But this was the only tower to come down. Of the other 9 towers, the advanced construction and Counter Spell enchantments were enough to fend off damage that would otherwise immoblize them. The 1st 3 towers reached the walls and iron doors fell open onto the wall, releasing armoured orcs and goblins within, aswell as other unit types from Saladin's army.
Close-quarters combat on the walls had started.
The defence had started promisingly well. But in the southeast, where city guards had managed to clear the ghouls and begin evacuating the last of the citizens to Citadel Mountain, something terrible happened.
An explosion went off at the South Gate of Valhiem, making a breach.
A combination of stealth from the wolfmen and a lack of manpower in the south meant that Captain Hrond Lewell's elite taskforce was able to go undetected for long enough to make their move. Now Hrond howled as he led his team into the city.
Screams of terror sounded and people ran. The city guards closest to the gate ran to meet the threat but they were no match for the Armoured Wolfmen. Hrond and Zacharius in particular would effortlessly cut down any defenders without breaking stride.
The citizens were defenceless for the moment.