"Sir, they're still coming out of the water!"
Commander Thorn could not believe his eyes. So many of them.
Skeletons were seemingly limitless. In addition to the 2000+ that had come through the gate, an additional 1000+ had been raised from the northeastern wall where Valhiem soldiers, Orcs, Goblins and Corrupted Tribesmen who had died in battle, were resurrected and drafted into the Bone Legion.
The unstoppable wave of skeletons marched around the mountain, undeterred by the attacks coming from the Citadel, whose magic was waning fast as it was.
In the next few minutes, the slopes at the foot of Citadel Mountain would be crawling with the skeletons and there would be no path of retreat for the garrison at The Bazaar.
All looked lost.
The number of injured defenders slowly climbed but there were none to heal them. All Cleric class mages were now dedicated to support. Dark Bolts, Inferno Waves and Chain Lightning were the spells that Saladin's magic regiments favored and these attacks were part of the constant stream of offense. Of those spells targeting the bridge, Idril the Cleric of Evermere's Barrier spells extended to protect all three of the Adventurer Parties, with Vaella the Wizard of The Silver Arrow smartly using her Counter Spells to dispel the larger Ritual Tier attacks from the enemy.
With Second Chance felling two ogres quickly and Alison even injuring another, a great deal of pressure was lifted from the bridge. The Silver Arrow managed to kill one of the ogres attacking them and Evermere was able to survive the initial minutes on the bridge without taking any major injuries.
Enchanter Wizards on the enemy's side of the bridge had finished charging a vile concoction of spells and now cast them down onto the advancing Knights of Terequette. Several ranks of Knights were hit with a dark red and black glow that gave off smoke and flame before settling into their bodies. Their swords flashed with black and white electricity, now infused with the mix of Dark and Air Domain Source. Their bodies looked bigger, muscles bulging and aura pulsing. The chants of the Knights of Terequette got louder and more enthusiastic as they eagerly moved forward and soon came into contact with the Adventurers.
More and more archers began to turn onto Adam as he continued to be a problem on the enemy side of the bridge. Adam's movements were hard to track, many arrows missed and many Orcs and Knights were slain, but being on that side of the bridge was simply too dangerous, even for a whole party, let alone a single Druid.
Adam suffered an axe wound that slowed his Bear Form down. Two arrows buried deep into him. He had drawn so much attention that he was now forced to retreat.
One of the stronger Pyromancers was not about to let the Druid leave. He conjured a Greater Pinning Arrow of Flame. The mage at the Pyromancer's side was close enough to Adam that he was able to cast Cursed Mark and connect it to the Arrow of Flame. This meant that the spell would not miss.
Vaella and OF ALL PEOPLE! Xavier ran forward into the front line The Silver Arrow.
Roots grew out of the ground and snaked their way up to the Pyromancer, wrapping around his arms and preventing him from firing the Flame Arrow. The roots tried to crush him, but other Pyromancer started burning them away, forcing Xavier to continuously conjure more to keep the Flame Arrow wielder constrained. Meanwhile Vaella cast a series of Counter Spells to break down the Cursed Mark which was glowing on Adam's body. The two mages of The Silver Arrow managed to do enough that when the Flame Arrow was eventually fired, it missed just barely and exploded, the blast hitting and damaging Adam but thankfully not killing him.
Adam's good nature and deeds had drawn many admirers in Valhiem. Even the mean-spirited Xavier could not resist begrudgingly respecting the gifted young man from another world. Although whether this would change their relationship or not was another story entirely.
For now, Adam had survived his suicidal plunge into the enemy army and was forced to retreat with his injuries.
Something in Fenna's subconscious spoke to her, yet she heard it in her ears like it came from a real voice. She felt it in the ground under her feet. A mental image of the Wellspring flashed in her mind. Her heart was tugged strongly by something unseen in the sky above.
The faint, distant voice: "Y__ A__ ___ Ch___n W___"
She could not make out the words properly.
The ground began rumbling and each of the Adventurers would suddenly look around, ready to brace for an explosion. Instinctively, the rumble felt like a massive attack was incoming. But also, the Knights of Terequette, the Orc Heavies and even the ogres reacted the same way.
It was an explosion. But nothing like anyone expected.
The explosion was one white-blue light and it came from Fenna. It momentarily paused everyone who saw it, the flash hurting their eyes. Then they saw...
Fenna was outlined with the white-blue light. Her eyes were gone, in their place, her sockets were smoking, glowing with this outpouring of light of the same colour. And her spear was blindingly bright.
Whatever happened next, the horns of the enemy urged them to fight on and the defenders were forced to do the same...........