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"Sir, they're still coming out of the water!"

Commander Thorn could not believe his eyes. So many of them.

Skeletons were seemingly limitless. In addition to the 2000+ that had come through the gate, an additional 1000+ had been raised from the northeastern wall where Valhiem soldiers, Orcs, Goblins and Corrupted Tribesmen who had died in battle, were resurrected and drafted into the Bone Legion.

The unstoppable wave of skeletons marched around the mountain, undeterred by the attacks coming from the Citadel, whose magic was waning fast as it was.

In the next few minutes, the slopes at the foot of Citadel Mountain would be crawling with the skeletons and there would be no path of retreat for the garrison at The Bazaar.

All looked lost.


The number of injured defenders slowly climbed but there were none to heal them. All Cleric class mages were now dedicated to support. Dark Bolts, Inferno Waves and Chain Lightning were the spells that Saladin's magic regiments favored and these attacks were part of the constant stream of offense. Of those spells targeting the bridge, Idril the Cleric of Evermere's Barrier spells extended to protect all three of the Adventurer Parties, with Vaella the Wizard of The Silver Arrow smartly using her Counter Spells to dispel the larger Ritual Tier attacks from the enemy.

With Second Chance felling two ogres quickly and Alison even injuring another, a great deal of pressure was lifted from the bridge. The Silver Arrow managed to kill one of the ogres attacking them and Evermere was able to survive the initial minutes on the bridge without taking any major injuries.

Enchanter Wizards on the enemy's side of the bridge had finished charging a vile concoction of spells and now cast them down onto the advancing Knights of Terequette. Several ranks of Knights were hit with a dark red and black glow that gave off smoke and flame before settling into their bodies. Their swords flashed with black and white electricity, now infused with the mix of Dark and Air Domain Source. Their bodies looked bigger, muscles bulging and aura pulsing. The chants of the Knights of Terequette got louder and more enthusiastic as they eagerly moved forward and soon came into contact with the Adventurers.

More and more archers began to turn onto Adam as he continued to be a problem on the enemy side of the bridge. Adam's movements were hard to track, many arrows missed and many Orcs and Knights were slain, but being on that side of the bridge was simply too dangerous, even for a whole party, let alone a single Druid.

Adam suffered an axe wound that slowed his Bear Form down. Two arrows buried deep into him. He had drawn so much attention that he was now forced to retreat.

One of the stronger Pyromancers was not about to let the Druid leave. He conjured a Greater Pinning Arrow of Flame. The mage at the Pyromancer's side was close enough to Adam that he was able to cast Cursed Mark and connect it to the Arrow of Flame. This meant that the spell would not miss.

Vaella and OF ALL PEOPLE! Xavier ran forward into the front line The Silver Arrow.

Roots grew out of the ground and snaked their way up to the Pyromancer, wrapping around his arms and preventing him from firing the Flame Arrow. The roots tried to crush him, but other Pyromancer started burning them away, forcing Xavier to continuously conjure more to keep the Flame Arrow wielder constrained. Meanwhile Vaella cast a series of Counter Spells to break down the Cursed Mark which was glowing on Adam's body. The two mages of The Silver Arrow managed to do enough that when the Flame Arrow was eventually fired, it missed just barely and exploded, the blast hitting and damaging Adam but thankfully not killing him.

Adam's good nature and deeds had drawn many admirers in Valhiem. Even the mean-spirited Xavier could not resist begrudgingly respecting the gifted young man from another world. Although whether this would change their relationship or not was another story entirely.

For now, Adam had survived his suicidal plunge into the enemy army and was forced to retreat with his injuries.

Something in Fenna's subconscious spoke to her, yet she heard it in her ears like it came from a real voice. She felt it in the ground under her feet. A mental image of the Wellspring flashed in her mind. Her heart was tugged strongly by something unseen in the sky above.

The faint, distant voice: "Y__ A__ ___ Ch___n W___"

She could not make out the words properly.

The ground began rumbling and each of the Adventurers would suddenly look around, ready to brace for an explosion. Instinctively, the rumble felt like a massive attack was incoming. But also, the Knights of Terequette, the Orc Heavies and even the ogres reacted the same way.

It was an explosion. But nothing like anyone expected.

The explosion was one white-blue light and it came from Fenna. It momentarily paused everyone who saw it, the flash hurting their eyes. Then they saw...

Fenna was outlined with the white-blue light. Her eyes were gone, in their place, her sockets were smoking, glowing with this outpouring of light of the same colour. And her spear was blindingly bright.

Whatever happened next, the horns of the enemy urged them to fight on and the defenders were forced to do the same...........

"FIRE!" Commander Thorn boomed.

The reserve core - 100 mages and 500 soldiers, all rained down arrows, earth, fire and ice upon the Bone Legion. It was a sight to behold, to see the multitudes of balconies at the top of Citadel Moutain light up with Source and fire arrows. Much damage was done. But Commander Thorn could already tell that it would not be enough.

By the hundred, the skeleton warriors of varying size and armament climbed out of the river, arriving on the side of Citadel Mountain. And another hundred. And another. There was no end to them. Within a few minutes, the entire docks under the moutain and the road by it, was packed with the Bone Legion. And they began their slow, unstoppable march aiming to round the northside of the mountain, taking tremendous damage from the reserve core, but never hesitating a step.

What was almost as terrifying as the Bone Legion to the mages on the mountain was the fact that they were running out of mana. Days of holding up the sky barrier was now taking its toll. Pretty soon, the magical forces of Valhiem would become virtually useless.

This scary fact was something that the mages at the Bazaar were also feeling. The Clerics and other wizards were feeling the magical fatigue as they began to reach the end of their mana. Small groups of them who were capable, were stood in circles, holding hands as they tried to spend the little time they had, charging up from the Source of of all things around them, the air, the grass, the water. There was a desperation in their efforts.

The Orc heavies lined up on the other side of the bridge, getting into rank and file. The highly skilled Knights of Terequette lined up beside them. Skeletons began to form up on the banks of the river, staring across at the Bazaar with their soulless sockets. And then through the gap between the Orc Heavies and the Knights of Terequette stomped the ogres.

6 huge ogres in patchwork armour, with clubs and huge machete's covered the width of the bridge and began snarling and barking.

The defenders were vastly outnumbered and these here were not even all of the strongest troops. Saladin was still holding back, using the orcs and skeletons to wear down the magical reserves of the defending mages and the stamina of the soldiers.

After all... when the city was taken, the Antiquinite General would make 10-15 thousand more corpses out of Valhiem's population, to raise up as auxillary fodder.

The Bazaar had its own problems, but if the skeletons made it around the northside of Citadel mountain and took the high road at the foot of the slopes, then the defending army would be crushed with nowhere to run. Suddenly, this 2nd level of defence was looking like a gamble that Commander Thorn would lose.


Saladin and his 2nd in command stood outside the North Gate as the last of the invading forces entered the city. These were the Men of Rudiger - huge hulking Sibliconians, descendants of humans and giants from long ago.

"We should have brought Wyverns," the 2nd in command said.

Saladin did not take his eyes off the top of the mountain as he replied to the high-born vampire. It was almost like he was staring Commander Thorn in the face. "We will need all we have in the North. Tarost, is the key to felling this entire empire."

The vampire arched an eyebrow. "I thought the fortress was called Fornost."

"It is, to those who do not know it's history."


Saladin finally took his eyes off Citadel Mountain and looked upon his 2nd in command. "Tarost has never been taken. And it is built upon the 2nd largest Wellspring on the continent. We must not underestimate it. We must know everything about it. This city has little value other than it's corpses, unless Tarost falls. If we were to advance onto Capitol City from here with The Witch Queen's full might, we would become victims of the biggest tactical blunder possible. Perhaps our strength can manage it, but it is best not to try and find out. And that is why we are here with minimal, select forces. Bolstered by the Bone Legion.

That is why Sonthonax raids in the south with a bare bones army. Everything will be decided at Tarost."


With Commander Thorn completely distracted by the swarm of the Bone Legion, it was all down to Second Chance to lead the defence at the Bazaar.

When all was ready, the invaders began chanting, louder and louder, faster and faster, until there was continuous roar coming from over the bridge. Then a horn sounded and it began.

The skeletons submerged as they marched into the river and headed for the banks of the Bazaar. The ogres charged forward, aiming to smash a hole in the three adventurer parties. All around the ogres, Orc Heavies and the Knights of Tereqette rushed in.
To everyone, I feel reading everyone's posts has been an amazing read and very interesting and captivating one as well.

Teyao loving the call backs to his death in the burning building and facing that fear of fire and also his split mind with Zigmund and taking charge of all the defense. Being a leader might be the hardest task in a group RP but you do it so well.

Zapdos, loving the call back to Micheal Fern and the hardwork Adam did in Golden Tree Park. You have been making very good use of your set ups, including the ending of that amazing fight with Zacharius.

Loks loving the use of Sil in your last post, that was especially amazing, really made it show how truly special the bond is between Fenna and Sil. Such a unique character trait, making for really cool writing. Somehow her motherly nature always comes through no matter what she is doing.

AvaP, loving the teamwork posts of Olaf, Pete and Kerensa. Very powerful stuff you wrote and there like a family which made Olaf's death even more emotional. Alison always looks cool and reminds me of The Boss in metal gear solid 3.

Zool, I love your interactions and how you jump around and include everyone all the time in your posts. Also still managing to do bad ass ranger choreography. Her background and personality has ran through every post and action.

Saiyan, Loving the constant build of the Baphomet situation and always throwing your character into situations of dire hospitalization lol. I have learned alot about how to present a brave frontliner who doesn’t have to be perfect to be cool.

I couldn't have said it better myself, brother! Nicely put!

There was a reason why Alison trusted Pete. Loyalty was one thing, but to carry out the American woman’s plan also required competence. And here he showed just that. Skill, experience and guile was the reason why his stealth was enough to close the distance on Saladin. But unfortunately, the world of Mytheria was incredibly favourable to one other factor:


As Pete leapt up, taking Saladin and his bodyguard completely by surprise, the mere proximity to Saladin’s enchantments saw rust spread across the Thief’s blade in real-time. As he landed his blow, the powerful counter magic of a percussion blast flashed through Pete’s body and sent him flying. The fell knights all drew their swords and Saladin looked over his shoulder in shock to see the last part of Pete’s flight before he landed in the dirt, barely conscious.

“Pah… ants,” Saladin spat. His ego was bruised by the fact that this rogue could even get near him. “Seize him.”

He had tarried long enough, but at least he had a prisoner as he’d hoped.


At the Command Position on Citadel Mountain, all were scrambling to organize the reserve forces in preparation to fire down on the Bone Legion that had come across the river to make a direct line on Citadel Mountain. There were just so many of them.

Commander Thorn had a crucial decision to make. Pull all defenders back to the mountain now. Or defend the Bazaar. There were pros and cons to each, but in the end, he had to allow the garrison time to make use of every layer of fortification, even if it meant risking those at the Bazaar having no route to get up the Citadel. He had to risk it all. To turtle up so quickly on the mountain was simply asking for a slow but certain death.

He shouted down to the defenders to hold the Bazaar, his magically enhanced voice booming throughout the city. Then he turned to get a report on the status of his reserves on the mountain.

“We are in position, sir. But we will not be enough to hold them back. There are too many of them.”

Commander Thorn stepped forward. “I did not ask for your opinion, Yarol.” Curse the Quinity: His men were starting to break. Insubordination from a sheer lack of morale. He uncharacteristically decided to be gentle on the officer, not softening his tone, but not escalating either. “We need only slow them down for as long as possible. We are not out of options yet.”

Yarol nodded. “Sir.” He got another order and then rushed off to carry it out.

Then Thorn turned to others and tried to keep desperation out of his voice as he said, “I need an update on Clarissa Shields. Now.”


The Bazaar was well fortified. All along the river were spikes and barricades where men could prevent the enemy from getting onto the island. The Bazaar itself had a open-air roof of sorts and that roof, plus the supports were all inscribed with runes that would enhance any defensive barriers that the defenders might cast to protect from ranged attacks.

Saladin’s army would attack from the northeast quadrant. The Bone Legion who were armoured enough to be able to walk along the riverbed would march into the water and try to bypass the underwater spikes and climb up onto The Bazaar side. Mages and marksmen would stand and fire across at the defenders. And the main quality troops who were furthest up front would try to assault the bridge and break through the chokepoint.

Vice Commander Jeremiah was dead, leaving the chain of command broken, but James Sirius, leader of Second Chance, had stepped into the gap to hold the chain together. Whether he meant to or not, his courageous initiative had caused the garrison at the Bazaar to look to him for leadership.

The only thing for certain was that: The Silver Arrow. Evermere. And Second Chance. These three parties would stand in front, at the bridge and prepare to shield the garrison from the worst of the onslaught.

Second Chance stood in the middle. The Silver Arrow to their left. And Evermere to their right.

The three individual party formations covered the width of the bridge. The rest of the garrison backed them up, with melee soldiers protecting the shores from the skeletons who coming from underwater, marksmen ready to empty their supply of arrows and mages, clerics organized for defence, support and counterattack.

A random location, not far west of Valhiem...

The coming of dawn saw birds chirping and, insects humming and little animals scurrying about to start their day. They had no idea the the city a short ways east of here was fighting to protect this habitats beauty and very existence.

If Valhiem did not prevail, all of this will be gone forever.
Posted! I figured it would be good for Alison to link up with James and start strategizing the next move and helping the guy out. Poor guy seems to be feeling a bit overwhelmed, lol. @Teyao

On a semi-related note, as it was partially the cause of my delay, I have some more pictures of my recent flight! I wanted to share them as I'm pretty happy with how they came out. Flying into the mountains is always beautiful. Also the highest I've flown thus far.

EDIT: Fixed the pics.

Also, I have loved everyone's posts so far. Been a genuine joy to catch up while waiting between flights and reading your guys' posts. Keep it up!

Amazing pictures, buddy! Congratulations on your progress!

Thanks for posting. I'll start the next round ASAP.
@SaiyanIf no one saves Zell then I'm killing him off. Just so you know
My apologies to @Zapdos for forgetting about the mystery item in his hand. I got to imagining and typing about what was happening at Saladin's camp and it must have fell out of my head haha!

In Adam's hand is a necklace. It is easy to tell that this is not some ordinary piece of jewelry from, first glance alone. The gold shimmers beyond even what is ordinary of the metal, and is solid - with only a small part of it being chain-link so it can rest easy on the back of the neck. The center-piece is a piece of silver-amber, the sap of a rare tree that only grows on islands in the subteranean sea of BlacksReach, deep under the continent.

Upon closer inspection of the silver-amber, Adam would see that inside are swirling clouds... no... swirling stars... like a galaxy. With enough time spent looking at this marvel, one might see comet, or nebula... it is breathtaking in it's beauty.

The Dark Riders: Hailing from the Dark Elven lands across the sea, these cavalry forces are multi-purpose units that are lightly armoured and, even in large groups, can outrun the fastest horsemen. They can be deployed as scouts, can move ahead of the main army and look to blitz war machines, make precise flanking attacks or act within the main forces as shock troops, usually bolstering the smaller-numbered Lizard Cavalry.


The two wedges moved across the plains like the wind. In spite of being the furthest away, the Dark Riders arrived at Saladin’s camp first. One wedge skirted around the camp perimeter while the other rode straight in, an attempt to make visual contact, fight or retreat if necessary.

Of the 150 strong wedges that rode straight in, their captain rode with horn held in hand, ready to blow once eyes were put on the enemy. They rushed through the burning tents but there was no sign of anyone. Until they heard the thieves shout…


Saladin watched closely as he and the Fell Knights rode to catch up to the Dark Riders. Men of Rudiger, tough heavy infantry who were closely related to Sibliconian blood and just as nomadic, lagged behind.

The General was not picked as one of the Witch Queen’s 5 Antiquinites for nothing. He was of rare intelligence and shrewd with age. His mind ran through possible scenarios and he felt strongly that this could not be a full-sized army, but he did have a few guesses as to the reality of the situation. But he didn't have time to make an action because a 2nd explosion went off in the camp ahead, this one more powerful than the last.

He pulled his mount to halt and looked with shock and anger at the size of the explosion and cloud. He did not need to see to know that he had just lost an entire wedge of Dark Riders.

“It’s a trap,” he rasped. With quickness and decisiveness, he took out the crystal sphere he'd enchanted with his magical relay and gave out orders to what Dark Riders he had left. He sent a runner to the Beastmasters. And another to the Orc Shaman. Then he dismounted, retrieved his staff and spellbook from the saddle of his horse, then turned to the camp…

Olaf and Pete had successfully executed their boss’ plan. Not only had they delayed the assault, but they had also taken out almost a third of Saladin’s cavalry forces. But now they were in trouble. Their choice to wait stick around after drawing attention was valiant, but it would be their undoing.

They would quickly find themselves surrounded, enclosed by a circle of well-spaced, fast-moving horsemen who sped around the perimeter of the camp in a Cantabrian Circle of constant movement. In less than two minutes, the wedge would have spread out enough to form the circle, leaving nowhere to run without making contact in fairly open terrain.

Upon receiving their orders, the Beastmaster would whisper words to the Crebain, creatures of close relation to crows, who were then released from their cages and flew up into a flock and headed toward the destroyed camp to search out the enemy saboteurs.

20 Orc Shaman would mount hogs and ride to the camp.

Saladin had several high level spells prepped in his book and his staff was charged with Source. Within a short space of time, he was able to solo-cast a summon that would have ordinarily taken a small troop of expert wizards to bring about. Grey storm clouds formed out of nowhere in the sky above, then bolts of jagged lightning began striking down on the camp, creating small explosions with each hit and chaining off to anything close with conductivity. It was not over until 25 bolts had stuck.

Saladin closed his book and turned about to mount his horse again. “Kruger. Stay and wait for the Men of Rudiger. Wait for the direction of the enemy and move to cut them off.” He got a reply from Kruger, a lieutenant in the Fell Knights, and then added with express importance…

“I want at least one of them alive.”

The gap of pressure on the walls was a small one and James Sirius was sharp to take advantage of it, because it disappeared quickly. And even still, it would be a close call because the walls on the former Right Wing were completely flooded with enemies who had been coming down the stairs in numbers and piling up in the streets.

Orcs, goblins, men, elves and dwarves, thirsty for destruction, started setting fire to buildings and pouring through the streets. The temporary checkpoints defending the 2nd half of the Tactical Retreat started to get hit with attacks. At first it was manageable.

But then the Bone Legions awoke. Thousands of them. Armored to varying degrees. They moved to the North Gate, the ladders and the siege towers.

Without the immediate reinforcement of the Bone Legion and the Dark Riders, the 50 strong Lizard Cavalry unit was in some trouble. The initial charge was devastating, and the tanky nature of the mounts and their ability to bite back, plus the heavy armoured riders atop them, made them an amazing unit. But numbers were numbers, and their's were few.

Now, isolated and immobile, not to mention fighting a unit led by the strongest Paladin in the city, there weren’t many left. They had taken out twice their number but were so few by the time that the Bone Legion were coming in, that The Bats and The Dire Stags would have a chance to retreat with minimal casualties if they were quick.

As for all other blocks, they would likely be best finding their way through the mazy small streets of the North-East Quarter, as the main roads were becoming increasingly hostile. Between enemy forces and the defensive blockades, many of the quickest routes to the center of the city were blocked off.

Vice Commander Jeremiah was grateful that the order for full retreat had been given finally. He did not realise it was the result of a streak of insubordinate initiative from one of the Heros from Another World. He had taken 200 men from the Bazaar and gone to fortify one of the main checkpoints that would best protect the 2nd Half of the Tactical Retreat. And now he had his hands full.

The fighting was tense but just about manageable. 200 men was just enough to beat back the outnumbering invaders on Desalines Lane, a key carriage-way that would protect Beam Street North. When flames began to rise all over the Quadrant and he got reports that the checkpoints closest to the walls had fallen, he knew things were about to get rough.

But he did not realise just how rough, until a group of pyromancers appeared on the rooftops right above their chokepoint. His eyes widened as he saw the fireballs grow in their hands. And then they pointed down on their position.......


The Bone Legion was like a sea. An unstoppable tsunami that would swallow up anything it swept over. With the poise of the city's best defences broken, nothing could stop them in the North East Quarter. Even the best checkpoints could stand for no longer than a couple of minutes, because there were enough of the invaders that they could just take a side street, go around and flank the checkpoint from several sides.

The last defence before Citadel Mountain was the Bazaar and all defenders now were making a speedy beeline for that defensive island.

Big Bridge: In the north, connecting the North-West and North-East Quarters had been destroyed before the battle had begun. This was an attempt to funnel the enemy to The Bazaar. Of course, not all of Saladin’s forces would be opposed to swimming across the river and shortcutting to Citadel Mountain. There were enough reserve forces on the Mountain to deal with some. But the Bone Legion had come in numbers larger than anyone could possibly imagine. And if one were to look at some of the armour and decor of the skeletons, they would realize why.

Many skeleton warriors were garbed in the sigils of Eredge, Dantuin, the merchant city of Jhosiria and JudaOsca and Perth. Many of these that had come to exterminate Valhiem were once friends, possibly family. Citizens and soldiers of fellow cities in The Empire of the Free Peoples. Killed and bid to rise again as slaves for the war machine of The Witch Queen.

And several thousand crossed the river, their armour heavy enough that they could simply walk along the riverbed and climb out of the other side. The rest of the Bone Legion would reinforce the numberless horde of Saladin’s other forces, as they descended on the Bazaar.

Anyone who had not made it to the island defensive-point in time, would without doubt be killed.
@TeyaoOkay thanks for letting me know! I'll be delaying the GM Update for a day anyway, so you're good brother.
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