Avatar of Ivar


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5 mos ago
Current Revamping my old ideas. Might post something up soon in casual interest check.
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5 mos ago
Ready to cook up some RP with people.
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5 mos ago
Imagination is not a want, it's a necessity.
5 mos ago
I'm amazed at how much RP stuff I still had hidden away saved despite losing two big roleplay sites in a row about 10 years ago.
5 mos ago
Just stretching those roleplay muscles again.


Salutations everyone who reads this. Just call me Ivar. I've always had an active imagination since I was 4 years old and grew up playing old computer games that expanded my mind's awe and wonder at what could be. It wasn't until I was 12 that I really started to begin roleplaying with other people. Gradually I became more proficient and started diving deep into world crafting.

I love all things fiction, but my first love will always be fantasy first and foremost.

I found my old files that I did near 10 years ago - Just to give you an idea of the stuff I used to do.

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Heh. That would create an interesting mix up for the various factions. Just one more thing to cause an upset for the balance of powers in that world.
Welcome to the guild. Hopefully you will find many people here who will only push your inspiration as a writer even further.
The Scroll of Rebirth was a roleplay that resulted from a challenge I gave to myself. A good writer should be able to make a story about anything even if picked randomly. Used a deck of my brothers Yu-gi-oh Cards and the Scroll of Rebirth card was what I drew.

From there I came up with the story. About a great underground kingdom where one young talented mage discovered what he was sure the secret to immortality was in some ancient ruins and transcribed it to a scroll to study further. Hence the name the Scroll of Rebirth.

The story of course had a main villain and took inspiration from many works of fiction mixing them together. Ironically enough I knew nothing of the underdark in DND at that time. I am of course more than willing to change things about and breath some new life into it. I think I’ll post the original two starting posts below if you wish to take a look for the story’s beginning.

As you can see I hadn't learned the art of spaces for each section of dialog at the time. However, I did get to play this with three others, and it was getting quite exciting when the site crashed, and everything was lost. -_-

It was always intended to be a young magic students get in over their heads kind of adventure. (Fantasy college magic academy kind of deal) But we never did quite get to flushing out more of the underground world or the surface. All our characters managed to trap themselves in a hidden forbidden part of the library that made their hair stand on end and then bye-bye multiply pages of forum play.
Welcome to the site.
I used to roleplay on forums quite a bit starting when I was still in high school.
Now that life has settled a little I'm looking to get back into it.
Just so those that might be interested have some idea of what I used to do here are my last three roleplays I was involved in before I stopped for many years.

More than happy to start ones like them up again or even start them over again with someone new. I'm just flexing my brain to get back into something like them again. I have one special one titled the Scroll of Rebirth which I would be more than happy to share or start if anyone likes some of the ideas I've put below. I realize of course I was quite young then and my style may have changed a little. But you have to start somewhere.

Never mind I figured it out. It's the hider function here.
How do you get a collapse function in BBC code to work here?
Welcome to the guild! May you continue to grow as a writer with new partners here! ^_^
Welcome to the guild. I have been away for eleven years but I think I might return once again to the forum RP. Good to see new blood keeps coming in.
Gald to see that this site returned after I gave up on it and that it seems to be alive and well. Finally found and dusted off all my old roleplay files. It's always fun to see just how much you have changed and how much has stayed the same looking over past RP records and ideas.
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