Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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4 mos ago
Current Away from home between October 26th and November 10th. Contests will return when I'm back home!
6 mos ago
Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
6 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
6 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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8 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

You can post here with questions and such, no problem. The entries themselves should be sent in a PM to me.

You can use your own OCs for the story, that's not a problem. This round of writing contest doesn't necessarily need characters if you choose to go for a poem instead, but you can definitely use your own characters to write a short story.

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Microfiction and poetry contest #13 – luck

The number 13 is upon us and in a lot of Western cultures it's considered an unlucky number, especially when it's a Friday. There is even a fear for the number 13: triskaidekaphobia.
Let this inspire you to write something about 13 and luck.

Core rules:

  • At all times follow the Fundamental Rules of the Guild and the Moderation Policy for Forum Contests.
  • After reading the above this should be obvious: No plagiarism and respect copyright laws.
  • Your submission must be written by you and specifically for this contest, without the use of AI.
  • This is a place for original fiction, no fanfiction allowed.
  • Don't exceed PEGI 16 with your writing; no 18+ themes and fade to black if applicable.
  • Don’t forget to subscribe to this thread. You will receive updates on the contest and on the number of entries, and reminders about the deadline here. I will not PM them.
  • The winner of this contest will be honoured in our Hall of Fame.

Contest rules:

  • The prompt for this contest is the meeting.
  • There will be a minimum word count of 5 and a maximum of 500
  • Every literary or poetry style is permitted.
  • Please PM @Loksfjoer the entries and give it as title MFP#13 - (Your Title).
  • Your entry can be anonymous or carry your name. Let me know what you want in the PM. If you don't specify, your entry will be posted anonymously, but you may always claim your story during or at the end of the voting round.
  • The deadline is 11 March 2025, 9:00 CET, which is 7:00 server time (both times are in a.m.)

Number of entries so far:
The fight seemed to go well for a moment. Her spear lit up with Holy Fire and the soldiers cheered, but more enemies poured in. Even though she was side by side with MacKensie and their soldiers were inspired by their fearless captains, it wasn't enough. The skeletons came. Thousands of them. The signal for retreat was given.
They had practiced this.

"To the Bazaar!" Fenna ordered. "Falcons, fly back! Kill anything on your path but do not stop! Sil! Guide us."
The falcon spread her wings and took to the sky. The soldiers followed her. Fenna locked eyes with MacKensie. "I'll race you there. Stay safe."

There were three routes they could take from the wall to the Bazaar. The first was blocked, Fenna could tell because Sil went into a different direction. The enemy lay in an ambush and were about to jump on them when Sil let out her Loud Screech to distract any non-undead creature and the Falcons were able to deal with them with minimal casualties. Fenna looked at the fallen with a flash of sadness in her eyes when she passed them. If they were alive she'd stop and help, but there was nothing she could do.

Explosions and screams of pain sounded through the city as fireballs rained down on people. The stench of burning meat and clothes filled the air. One explosion was closeby. Sil took a sharp right turn, the road ahead wasn't safe. The soldiers followed her. An explosion knocked the falcon out of the sky.
Fenna's heart stopped for a moment. Without thinking she planted the spear on the ground and used it to launch herself up so she could reach Sil. She landed next to the falcon and gently picked her up. The falcon was dazed and there were scorch marks on her feathers, but there weren't any major injuries.
"Go!" she ordered the soldier around her. "Fly to the Bazaar."

With both Sil and her spear in her arms, Fenna was limited to running, but there was no way she would leave Sil behind. Two soldiers stayed close, matching their speed to Fenna's so they could defend her if needed.

They entered the street the Lions had just before left. Fenna saw a familiar face lying on the ground. Zell. She beelined to him and the two soldiers followed.
"We have to go ma'am."
"One moment." Fenna urged. She pushed her fingers on his throat to feel for a pulse. That was there, but Zell was out cold. "Come on Zell get your lazy ass up we have to go!"
"I'll take him on my back," one of the soldiers offered. "Please go ma'am."
Fenna put down her spear and the falcon for a moment and helped the second soldier to pull Zell from the ground and onto the back of the first soldier. Then she quickly picked up Sil and her spear and continued to run down the street with one soldier next to her and the second jogging along behind them.
I will post tomorrow, I've had some busy days but I should have plenty of time tomorrow.
I'm a bit late, but a short post is up.
Fenna directed her Falcons when needed, but the fight had turned to the more chaotic "everyone for themselves". There were too many enemies on the wall to truly strategize. They had to fight, kill as many of the enemy as they could.
"Watch your defence, don't give them an opening!" Fenna reminded a few soldiers who were getting into a too heated fight with the enemy. "You guys, close up ranks. Don't let them get through!"

When a familiar voice called her name Fenna only briefly looked up to verify it was MacKensie, before turning her attention on the battle. It was a huge relief to see her friend wasn't dead, but one she couldn't focus on. She nodded to MacKensie when she joined her and they stayed together. Attacking the enemy, defending each other. Enemies fell where the two rangers went.

Falcons and Rabbits started to mix. That was fine, there wasn't anything strategic about this part of the battle anyway and Fenna didn't stop them. They formed a block like their captains. Both teams had suffered losses, but combined they had the manpower and strength to slow down the invaders on the wall.
When the Screamer was defeated, Fenna took a moment to assess the situation. The other two screamers had caused casualties, but the order to stay on them with three at all times had worked. With two arms they couldn't defend three sides at all times and spear wielders had been able to find an open spot to stab them.

They barely got a moment to catch a breath. The order to fall back to the center was given. It felt wrong to abandon this side of the wall and allow the enemy to take it, but an order was an order and she wasn't a military expert. She had to trust their decision. She repeated the order and the Falcons moved back, killing enemies as they moved back to the center, stepping over already fallen soldiers of the factions that had been stationed here. The Rabbits, Fenna realised. MacKensie had been stationed to her left on this section of the wall.

At least MacKensie wasn't among the fallen soldiers.

"Reposition! Ready swords!"

They were close to the Rabbits. Fenna searched for MacKensie but couldn't find her. If needed, she'd assist the Rabbits, but they seemed to do well. She focused her attention on the Falcons and directed their repositioning so they could take a stand against the incoming enemies.

The Screamers were fast. Even without any decent armour and a wave of arrows raining down on them, they still managed to reach the wall. They climbed the siege towers from the outside and jumped on the battlements. The closest archers didn't have time to react, the blades cut through the air, skin and flesh with swift movements.

"Archers, get back! Regroup on that end!" Fenna ordered. "Melee on the battlements."

As the archers moved back to the appointed location on the far right side of the wall, from which they could still fire at troops trying to approach the wall or those climbing on it, more soldiers came onto the battlements. Spearwielders positioned themselves between the Screamers, and others pouring in from the siege towers, and the archers to keep them safe. Swordwielders moved in to attack.
Two soldiers moved in against one Screamer, but the dual-wielding enemy was perfectly capable of dealing with two enemies at the same time and stabbed both of them.

"You three on her, you three take the second. Always make sure you are attacking with three." Fenna locked eyes with the third. "That one is for me."

With her spear ready, Fenna moved in as the soldiers around her stepped back and focussed on other enemies instead. The Screamer grinned with bloodlust in her eyes. One blade came down, Fenna blocked. The other came down, Fenna used the other end of her spear to block that too. For the first part of the fight, Fenna deflected any attack the Screamer made, who jumped around to try and get an opening. Fenna turned to move with her.

The sword came down, Fenna blocked and swung the spear around to hit the Screamer in the side with the shaft, hard enough to let her grunt and delay her next attack for a couple of seconds. Fenna used that opening to attack with the tip, but the Screamer was nimble and moved out of the way. With a series of quick thrusts, Fenna's aim was to keep the Screamer in the defence. The Screamer jumped up and aimed her blades at Fenna as she came down. Fenna activated the boots of light feet, pushed the spear down on the battlements and threw herself up. The air domain enchantment made her lighter and made it easier to jump. The blades of her opponent cut through air and the sudden miss made her stumble when the Screamer landed. Halfway through the jump, Fenna activated the second ability of her boots: heavy feet. The boots seemed as though they were made of stone and pulled Fenna to the ground, right on top of the Screamer who was turning to meet Fenna where she had projected Fenna would land.

They both fell to the ground. The Screamer let out her high-pitched scream as she tried to slash at Fenna with her sword, but with Fenna on top of her she couldn't put a lot of force in the swing and the blade scraped over Fenna's leather armour. Fenna grabbed her dagger and pushed it in her stomach.
Winner of the Writing/RP contest #1: vacation

Hearth and Heart, by @PrinceAlexus

“Its another year, I did not try to find trouble, but you know how trouble always seems to find me.” The small figure of a petite woman wrapped in a dark red woollen coat, cream scarf as her long snow white hair was braided down her back. “Mostly anyways… Vy Hand is still giving me trouble, I have to call them back.” Russian and English blending into a hybrid accent as she spoke with a ember of mischief that quickly cooled and died.

“My new contract came, I'm working at the University, I'm not a professor but I have a class of sorts, I'm helping mentor them. It's… scary but good. It's more to keep busy than the money, students hate early mornings anyway so slots nicely.” She continued as the cold wind blew through the Yew trees pulling the leather glove tighter about her hand where the skin was exposed. It was a grey day as many where In the English winter.

“Manami is about to graduate her graphic design degree this year, late nights. I Remember those too well. Ami, she gets too stressed but Momo comforts her, I still find her cat a little strange but too cute when he snuggles into your hoody or blanket.” Pausing as she rested a hand on smooth white stone, fingers of white glossy metal and dark rubber moving silently as its full extent was hidden. Her other hand rested on an ornate cane of blue and silver in designs of snowflakes, shaped with a snowflake guard about where the handle started. It was a little damaged but still beautiful. Much like its owner.

“Elizabeth…” Her voice falter as she spoke the word, her finger traced letters and a date kneeling down to place the flowers, a bright red and yellow amongst the muted tones and pure white marble. “Elizabeth, I wish I had your help, I have so many questions and things I have no idea what to do. How did you get me to vare a coat? I swear she would go out in a tutu, a swimming costume and princess shoes.” She said with a smile, it was one thing in her life that was perfect, a great stress, pain and challenge beyond any other but her daughter was perfect just the way she was and would be.

“Mum, I miss vou, Dad's.. Sometimes I need you. It's gonna be dinner soon. I love, and will always miss you.” Her voice breaking as she travelled the words. “Lady Darya Romus. Loving Wife to Vesarian and Mother to Victoria taken too soon, missed by many, reunited many decades hopefully.” She shed a tear as she found a firm but soft push into her chest and Dark Grey eyes met a matching pair just smaller and far more innocent.

“Mummy sad, Mummy help.” Said Elizabeth as she broke free of an adult who moved after her unable to keep up on the frosty grass to a small blur of bright pink coat and a matching sparkling mittens, hat and scarf. A riot of colour In such a place. “Mummy is better now.” She said pulling the child into a cuddle and kissing her forehead, already she was very much like her mother though her height was probably gonna be taller by the time she was barely a teanager or before.

“Sorry Vika, she is a force of nature, too much of you and her dad in her.” The woman's voice apologised and offered her a careful hand to help her up, shaky as she rose with a child cuddled and supported with her other arm who was looking a little sleepy held by her mothers warmth.

“it's vine Ami, I love all of you, for being here for me, even if von of us is keeping an eye, but not a too close eye mum…” She added and exchanged a quick chaste kiss with a dark haired Asian woman bundled up much like her wife. Her Mother did not need to see everything she got up to.

“6:51, il drive Vika, we can be back for the present opening. The kids will not be up yet after last night.”She said in her American accent, quiet and filled with care, it was a ritual They did every Christmas, they had started it out of general support and it had become a deeply personal thing, just them on Christmas morning.

“Merry Christmas Lady Romus, you know me, i'll never change that..” Came an older gentleman who opened the gate and helped it for the young family smiling as the child slept against her mothers shoulder. He had met them before, they were just a couple then, whatever odd events caused this direction in their life they seemed to have made good from it all. “I better give my wife her champagne, she always enjoyed a party.” The old man said carrying on his own tradition. He had seen her alongside her father, her friend, then wife and then her daughter too. An older man was at the same grave, but he had his own moment and his own ways of memory.

But life and happiness had found a way despite the loss, that was evident in the young girl who obviously needed some more sleep. He spoke in his own way, he was stuck in but kindly, Victoria as he knew she was called having helped her push a pram in one winter morning like this one on the 25th, he still called her by her title however she tried.

“Little Late, zis one was a fussy one. Merry Christmas, stay varm, vt's and a little cold, I gonna get her to have a nap bevore presents” Victoria said thanking him in her unique accent as she headed over to the borrowed Land rover that was parked outside, the unfamiliar vehicle was a little tricky to get the car seat in.

A few minutes later the car turned down the wide drive though the gates, the Manor House was lit up brightly and clearly in the cold wintery sparkle of frost, the tall trees bare and finally arriving at the back of Hephaestus Manner, the lake in far distance was still slightly frozen over in the light morning's light. The front door was still all locked, the staff were on holiday too and would celebrate on their own or with family.

Hot meals would be made, presents open, traditions and happiness shared. Victoria's day always had been an interesting contrast as she began in the dark and the light brought the happiness of family. It all felt right in its own strange way. Her life was strange, why should not her Christmas be so.

“Merry Christmas Victoria said as she entered the warmth of heart and heart.”
Congratulations PrinceAlexus ^_^

Here is the entry:

“Its another year, I did not try to find trouble, but you know how trouble always seems to find me.” The small figure of a petite woman wrapped in a dark red woollen coat, cream scarf as her long snow white hair was braided down her back. “Mostly anyways… Vy Hand is still giving me trouble, I have to call them back.” Russian and English blending into a hybrid accent as she spoke with a ember of mischief that quickly cooled and died.

“My new contract came, I'm working at the University, I'm not a professor but I have a class of sorts, I'm helping mentor them. It's… scary but good. It's more to keep busy than the money, students hate early mornings anyway so slots nicely.” She continued as the cold wind blew through the Yew trees pulling the leather glove tighter about her hand where the skin was exposed. It was a grey day as many where In the English winter.

“Manami is about to graduate her graphic design degree this year, late nights. I Remember those too well. Ami, she gets too stressed but Momo comforts her, I still find her cat a little strange but too cute when he snuggles into your hoody or blanket.” Pausing as she rested a hand on smooth white stone, fingers of white glossy metal and dark rubber moving silently as its full extent was hidden. Her other hand rested on an ornate cane of blue and silver in designs of snowflakes, shaped with a snowflake guard about where the handle started. It was a little damaged but still beautiful. Much like its owner.

“Elizabeth…” Her voice falter as she spoke the word, her finger traced letters and a date kneeling down to place the flowers, a bright red and yellow amongst the muted tones and pure white marble. “Elizabeth, I wish I had your help, I have so many questions and things I have no idea what to do. How did you get me to vare a coat? I swear she would go out in a tutu, a swimming costume and princess shoes.” She said with a smile, it was one thing in her life that was perfect, a great stress, pain and challenge beyond any other but her daughter was perfect just the way she was and would be.

“Mum, I miss vou, Dad's.. Sometimes I need you. It's gonna be dinner soon. I love, and will always miss you.” Her voice breaking as she travelled the words. “Lady Darya Romus. Loving Wife to Vesarian and Mother to Victoria taken too soon, missed by many, reunited many decades hopefully.” She shed a tear as she found a firm but soft push into her chest and Dark Grey eyes met a matching pair just smaller and far more innocent.

“Mummy sad, Mummy help.” Said Elizabeth as she broke free of an adult who moved after her unable to keep up on the frosty grass to a small blur of bright pink coat and a matching sparkling mittens, hat and scarf. A riot of colour In such a place. “Mummy is better now.” She said pulling the child into a cuddle and kissing her forehead, already she was very much like her mother though her height was probably gonna be taller by the time she was barely a teanager or before.

“Sorry Vika, she is a force of nature, too much of you and her dad in her.” The woman's voice apologised and offered her a careful hand to help her up, shaky as she rose with a child cuddled and supported with her other arm who was looking a little sleepy held by her mothers warmth.

“it's vine Ami, I love all of you, for being here for me, even if von of us is keeping an eye, but not a too close eye mum…” She added and exchanged a quick chaste kiss with a dark haired Asian woman bundled up much like her wife. Her Mother did not need to see everything she got up to.

“6:51, il drive Vika, we can be back for the present opening. The kids will not be up yet after last night.”She said in her American accent, quiet and filled with care, it was a ritual They did every Christmas, they had started it out of general support and it had become a deeply personal thing, just them on Christmas morning.

“Merry Christmas Lady Romus, you know me, i'll never change that..” Came an older gentleman who opened the gate and helped it for the young family smiling as the child slept against her mothers shoulder. He had met them before, they were just a couple then, whatever odd events caused this direction in their life they seemed to have made good from it all. “I better give my wife her champagne, she always enjoyed a party.” The old man said carrying on his own tradition. He had seen her alongside her father, her friend, then wife and then her daughter too. An older man was at the same grave, but he had his own moment and his own ways of memory.

But life and happiness had found a way despite the loss, that was evident in the young girl who obviously needed some more sleep. He spoke in his own way, he was stuck in but kindly, Victoria as he knew she was called having helped her push a pram in one winter morning like this one on the 25th, he still called her by her title however she tried.

“Little Late, zis one was a fussy one. Merry Christmas, stay varm, vt's and a little cold, I gonna get her to have a nap bevore presents” Victoria said thanking him in her unique accent as she headed over to the borrowed Land rover that was parked outside, the unfamiliar vehicle was a little tricky to get the car seat in.

A few minutes later the car turned down the wide drive though the gates, the Manor House was lit up brightly and clearly in the cold wintery sparkle of frost, the tall trees bare and finally arriving at the back of Hephaestus Manner, the lake in far distance was still slightly frozen over in the light morning's light. The front door was still all locked, the staff were on holiday too and would celebrate on their own or with family.

Hot meals would be made, presents open, traditions and happiness shared. Victoria's day always had been an interesting contrast as she began in the dark and the light brought the happiness of family. It all felt right in its own strange way. Her life was strange, why should not her Christmas be so.

“Merry Christmas Victoria said as she entered the warmth of heart and heart.”

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