Avatar of BangoSkank


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10 days ago
Current Ah, I too am preparing to lose a lot of sleep and gain several pounds hunting monsters in the wilds.
4 mos ago
Fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Isn't that messed up?
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1 yr ago
Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
2 yrs ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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I be Bango.

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I sort of have three ideas. All ideas I've done before or tried to do. The first and last kind of have good reasons for why they might be off limits so I figured I'd just list all three.

Street Level Wolverine:

I always like RPing as Wolverine, particularly street level versions of him if that's acceptable. My favorite version of him has pretty much always been the versions where he is not with a team. Wandering, sort of like Jack Reacher, maybe doing little team ups. Doesn't really seem the Team type despite how popular he is in teams. I like him as sort of the "ya coulda been a contender kid" type that just doesn't work well with groups.

If needed I could come up with some reason he's fallen out of favor with the X-Men, seems like there's always a reason for homie to hop on his motorcycle and take off.

US Agent:

I was doing a Captain America for the 1968 version of Marvel that I really enjoyed. Got me exploring sort of his mythos and what he means and that got me in to the Less Than Steve versions of him and characters he impacted. Weapon X, Nuke, and John Walker. I'd like to do it as Nuke and have him be sort of a broken, volatile, tool of US groups. Something like a Homelander vibe in that people are just waiting for him to break and go too far, but he's useful. Not as useful as Captain America of course, that's why Steve is hopping around the world and either Nuke (or if that's too much John Walker) is stuck in NYC.


Much more of an anti-hero of a character. I wrote him as like right on the borderline of a psychopath once some time ago. Similar to US Agent sort of but more of an agent of chaos. More mercenary. Would essentially be playing a villain.
In short from the Wiki:
Carl Burbank was a priest who abandoned his vows following the drug-related deaths of young parishioners. He joined the C.I.A., which outfitted him with a cybernetic arm and made him an assassin under the codename "Bushwacker", but ultimately he became a freelancer.
The character is usually depicted as an adversary to the superhero, Daredevil, and less frequently to the Punisher and Wolverine.

I was having him as a basically agent provocateur/assassin/damn near terrorist working for the shady as F government agency I came up with, Janus.

This is a good place for it.

It can be hard to start up but look around for stories you like. Have fun coming up with a character to join one or create a whole new thread if you have an idea just burning a hole in the back of your head.

A Halfling character I came up with for a planned 1x1 RP here.

My partner was going to by TyrannosaurusRex. He was going to be a sort of disgruntled Knight. A woman who wanted to avenge the loss of her family to, IIRC, another noble family.

I was going to be Malva. A Halfling woman. Her family had welcomed a couple humans in one night to escape the cold and the dark. Things had happened, it would eventually turn out to be petty and both their and her father's fault, and in the end her father ended up dead and the humans fled.

Her brother sets out to hunt them down. She ends up growing up with her mother being jealous of her brother and never really getting over the loss of both of them. Eventually she leaves her mother alone to find her brother because news of his travels and adventures in hunting the men down had spread.

That's basically the backstory. Our story was going to begin with the two meeting. Malva was a pirate who used her brains to make up for her size. Part of the story was going to be basically her coming to terms with her mistakes and her families mistakes, finding out her brohter isnt the hero she thought he was, and eventually becoming something closer to the hero she thought he was than he ever was.

We had an end planned that was maybe going to be a sort of cliffhanger tag to move into another RP but also maybe just going to be the end of it. Shame it never worked out, we talked about several plot developments in Discord before he ended up leaving here.

Still like that character. Maybe one day I'll write my part.
I bounced off the first Doom Eternal big boss fight. Just kept dying but goddam it's fun. I should try again now that the next in the series is coming soon(ish)
If your PC is a potato try the Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 Demo.

It's sort of a Rogue-Like Diablo type game. I downloaded the demo and bought the game as soon as I beat it. It's only like $17 or so.

If your PC is a BEAST maybe try the Monster Hunter Wilds Demo. It will be available to play from like 2/6-2/9 and then 2/13 to 2/16, the full game is out 2/28.

I'm going to be playing that shit like a fiend. Like a fiend with very poor impulse control and even worse time management skills.
Just wanted to add in this looks awesome.

I'll be eagerly reading and keeping an eye out for a Blackguards 2 : Stone Prison Boogaloo thread.

LOVE Mer Fuhgoad D'Got and of course Auguz. I love making Halfings (instead of Dwarves because smaller is betterer) and Orcs with similar skill sets so I'm looking forward to seeing this story unfold.
Playing Ghost Recon Breakpoint and having fun with it.

Looking forward to Monster Hunter Wilds when it comes out in a few months.
Saw Terrifier 2 and it's just a weird experience.

It's so over the top violent it's almost funny at times, but it's also cruel enough to make me wonder what the fuck is wrong with whoever came up with that.

I tried to watch one but there was too much of a malevolent sort of "horrific shit is about to happen" sense to it. 2 seemed stupider, but still a lot of horrific mean shit happened.

I don't recommend anyone watch it, but if you have I'm curious what you think.
Well it's now been more than a week since the only remaining halfway active Bolt team member demanded to replace the judge we all voted on and approved with one picked solely by him...

With zero contact from him or any other member of that team

I guess it really is a wrap.

Shame. I was looking forward to tucking them in.

Also, god you're so obnoxious Lith.
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