Alison answered his plea, he was grateful for it and was not hanging around with his hand out for long, for when the two went ahead with the plan. The Rogue smoothly hopped onto his hand and leapt in sync with the vampire’s throw. Alison’s powerful presence and commanding aura had always made her seem a lot bigger than her five-eight frame, but now Barracker could feel just how light she was. She flew high into the air, way-past the rows of the enemy lines. With precise control, the Rogue landed on the targeted ogre and finished the beast in an impressive fashion.
Barracker did not have much time to idolise and admire her as the orcs and Knights kept advancing on their position, his eyes darted away after a nod to Alison. The Paladin blade continued to flow, from enemy to enemy, Barracker very familiar with the cross-armed Ochs Stance. The vampire's power and speed enabled him to deal with the numbers with ruthless efficiency.
Then, out of nowhere a phenomenon happened, a bizarre situation that no adventurer had ever been recorded doing before. Fenna dazzled everyone around, as the bridge was engulfed in the light of pure source. She is like a living wellspring.
Barracker had never had the privilege of encountering a wellspring himself but he had read of such things in church passages and this was the exact color of light that was described. She looked godly at this moment, then she fired a beam of source at Citadel Mountain, and just like that it was all over.
Barracker was stunned in awe, watching the event unfold. The Paladin almost was killed but his reflexes saved him from the nearby heavy orc and knight of Terequette. He exchanged parries and performed some crucial dodges at the right moments to avoid the stabs and slashes toward himself from both participants. His mind was a bit in disarray to what he had just witnessed, it still felt fresh as if he was experiencing it again and again, for the first time. This made it hard to concentrate on battle.
He had seen displays of power from his friends from another world and he had also seen crazy abilities from other adventurers from Mytheria, but what just happened with Fenna, felt so different and he couldn’t explain it.
The Bats stood in two groups, splitting the power of the block across the riverbank. Warren stood on the rain shelter of a shop's front door, shouting commands, alternating aggressive pushes and retreats between the two groups.
“Good, left block, up and attack. Right Block to meee!” The second in command of The Bats shouted his orders, drowned out the battlefield noise with his voice.
Barracker always knew he would make a good captain, in his opinion even a far better captain than himself, but he did not have a source crystal in his hand.
The Bats were doing exceptionally well, but fatigue was setting in and this made the form of the shield wall not as strong and in place as before. The fighting spirit could not save them from taking hits and losing soldiers. As both blocks fought their hardest, it only took a moment of complete exhaustion to drop their shields a little and to be dragged by the skeleton troops into the river, suffocating and stabbed to death. The swarm of skeletons were being held back and The Bats numbers were now reinforced with the help of the new leader of the Dire Stags.