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Alison answered his plea, he was grateful for it and was not hanging around with his hand out for long, for when the two went ahead with the plan. The Rogue smoothly hopped onto his hand and leapt in sync with the vampire’s throw. Alison’s powerful presence and commanding aura had always made her seem a lot bigger than her five-eight frame, but now Barracker could feel just how light she was. She flew high into the air, way-past the rows of the enemy lines. With precise control, the Rogue landed on the targeted ogre and finished the beast in an impressive fashion.

Barracker did not have much time to idolise and admire her as the orcs and Knights kept advancing on their position, his eyes darted away after a nod to Alison. The Paladin blade continued to flow, from enemy to enemy, Barracker very familiar with the cross-armed Ochs Stance. The vampire's power and speed enabled him to deal with the numbers with ruthless efficiency.

Then, out of nowhere a phenomenon happened, a bizarre situation that no adventurer had ever been recorded doing before. Fenna dazzled everyone around, as the bridge was engulfed in the light of pure source. She is like a living wellspring.

Barracker had never had the privilege of encountering a wellspring himself but he had read of such things in church passages and this was the exact color of light that was described. She looked godly at this moment, then she fired a beam of source at Citadel Mountain, and just like that it was all over.

Barracker was stunned in awe, watching the event unfold. The Paladin almost was killed but his reflexes saved him from the nearby heavy orc and knight of Terequette. He exchanged parries and performed some crucial dodges at the right moments to avoid the stabs and slashes toward himself from both participants. His mind was a bit in disarray to what he had just witnessed, it still felt fresh as if he was experiencing it again and again, for the first time. This made it hard to concentrate on battle.

He had seen displays of power from his friends from another world and he had also seen crazy abilities from other adventurers from Mytheria, but what just happened with Fenna, felt so different and he couldn’t explain it.

The Bats stood in two groups, splitting the power of the block across the riverbank. Warren stood on the rain shelter of a shop's front door, shouting commands, alternating aggressive pushes and retreats between the two groups.

“Good, left block, up and attack. Right Block to meee!” The second in command of The Bats shouted his orders, drowned out the battlefield noise with his voice.

Barracker always knew he would make a good captain, in his opinion even a far better captain than himself, but he did not have a source crystal in his hand.

The Bats were doing exceptionally well, but fatigue was setting in and this made the form of the shield wall not as strong and in place as before. The fighting spirit could not save them from taking hits and losing soldiers. As both blocks fought their hardest, it only took a moment of complete exhaustion to drop their shields a little and to be dragged by the skeleton troops into the river, suffocating and stabbed to death. The swarm of skeletons were being held back and The Bats numbers were now reinforced with the help of the new leader of the Dire Stags.

"This must be hard for you, no? All of this blood."

Barracker didn’t noticed MacKensie’s footsteps, he grinned sadly. “Even with my sharp hearing, you still manage to sneak up on me in my worst moments,” the vampire muttered under his breath with a trace of humour. “Indeed, it is hard. This is much harder than I had thought before, even,” he paused a moment looking up at the sky. “The thirst is beating me slowly. As someone who is not born a vampire, it is said that I will succumb to a blind rage that will controls my life, my very being. It is said that eventually you cannot think of anything else except the thirst and thus, become a slave, a thrall to the higher vampire who turned you. It is so difficult to put into words… Viktor…” Barracker was about to carry on but then held back, shaking his head.

"Just know… That I may not be able to understand fully, but I am here for you. No matter what. All of us," she said, referring to Second Chance. "We all have our burdens to carry, but we can draw strength from eachother. Our bonds. Our trust. We will never abandon you."


By Hades he appreciated her so much, the words hit hard. If I only could think of myself in that way. If only she could realise the danger that comes with this afliction.

His gaze said it all, the sadness, the vulnerability, the fear, all mixed with gratitude and appreciation for her to be here for him in this moment of strife. Then she gently turned him to face her and grabbed his hands. "I will not stand for this nonsense of you being a monster," she said firmly. "You, Kass, are a hero. You always have been and you always will be. Yes?" She gave a small smile. He gave a smile back and nodded, reminding himself the battle was far from done. "Now let's do what heroes do and save this city."

Barracker and MacKensie set off in a hurry. Barracker was glad to hear that Sil would be okay. Fenna said she would join them shortly, so he and MacKensie went to the command post to find James and Allison. Barracker was over joyed that both the Rogue and the Cleric were alive and well, meaning that all of Second Chance had survived the battle so far. It seemed that James was in charge so Barracker waited for his orders.

A short time later after relaying orders to The Bats he was stood in formation with Second Chance on the bridge. Warren had actually tried to offer his own shield to Barracker which was something that the Paladin respectfully refused, but understood the magnitutde of the sentiment, as a warriors equipment was important to them. Instead, Barracker was stood in the famous ‘Ochs Stance,’ a fighting style requiring a high skill threshhold that was Barracker’s go to when he didn’t have a shield.

Barracker’s attention went towards the big threats in the Ogres direct attack. Barracker searched for the dagger James had given him, he launched the dagger, targetting the ogre eye. This blinded the big terror temporarily, putting a stop to it in its tracks. His first intention was to retrieve his dagger and finish the ogre off, but the crowd of enemy knights and orc heavies waylaid him and he knew he needed to protect the back line of Mages and Clerics.

He fought them back ferociously, several at once. He aimed for one kill per one swing, being so outnumbered it would be dangerous to be overwhelmed.

The moment he got space, he shouted to Rangers and Rogue for one of them to answer his plea. “Allison, MacKensie, Fenna! Finish the ogre!”

The vampire held out one hand low, with the intention for one of the women to jump onto his palm with a foot and to vault over the crowd with the assistance of his throwing strength, onto the shoulders of the blinded ogre.
@Zapdos I was just thinking, that is funny, first Eric's name, then second the gambling. We are on the same wave length.

Warren and Barracker sat off to the side in a secluded area. Inside the narrow part between shops, Barracker got a full report of the status of The Bats. Warren sat, his back against a concrete wall that was fence high. “Fuck, thinking about the causalties in that ambush gets my muscles twitching. It was stupid of me to get caught there. The rush to get to the Bazaar was a bit of a strain on the brain. The Dire Stags leader took a hefty hit to his groin. Fuck me if I know if he’s alive or not, I got some of our guys to carry him further inside the Bazaar where everyone was being treated. I think you could do with the break Captain.”

Warren was chomping down on something, Barracker thought it might have been his pouch of chewing tobacco he regularly chewed in his spare time of relaxing, he only remembered this because of their time spent in their younger days as apprentices under Odis Visigni. Something seemed off, but was it a good time to pry, he wasn’t sure and maybe that came out in his tone. “Warren I mean not to pry, but what is on your mind, friend. You seemed lost in thought.”

Warren was about to speak, “Well I… Don’t mind me, just a duty of an older brother.”

Barracker nodded in understanding. Krillen was always looking out for him when they were younger. He had not thought about his own brother in such a long while, but was reminded today. Not a brother in blood, as they were both orphans, but a brother nonetheless. Where are you Krillen and what have you been up to?

Barracker bent to a knee in front of Warren, a hand to his shoulder. “Do not worry friend, on my honour, we will both see our brothers again.”

Barracker was met a light quip, “Ha, two-thousand to one odds of Valhiem surviving… …We should’ve placed a bet seeing as we’d have been cashing in.” Warren was infected with confidence after his captain’s assurance. “Valhiem will be standing tall in the light of Iris for a long time to come.” Then he changed the subject. “Fuck me, Captain will you go get those arrows out of you. For Quinities sake.”

Barracker smiled then nodded, and bid him a farewell. He wondered what he would find walking into the group gathering of healing the injured, how many of his party would have taken an injury and how fatal it would have been. How many would be there to greet in person. It was a bit unnerving though entering where the injured had been stationed, the air was thick with the stench of blood, it was quite overwhelming to the vampire. Barracker felt fatigued, thirsty and welcomed some rest and some catch up with his friends too. He had hoped that his friends had not gone through alot on this siege but felt it had to have been rough for them. Valhiem truly owed them their respect and if we all get through this, our lives.

First member Barracker saw of Second Chance was Zell. He walked over to his friend, and was met with "Do me a favour and sort out this pincushion next, will ye? He's got more arrows in him than a map with directions. Ha!"

Barracker grinned looking at all the arrows sticking out of him, “one would get lost following this map.” He clasped forearms gently with his brother in arms. “Looking worse for wear friend. How was your side of the retreat? Looks like we did as much damage as we possibly could manage on the front line.” As he spoke about the battle and what happened to the lions, arrows one by one were being taken out of his back and shield arm. So much blood in the air. His fingers raised to gently touch his temples.

Once he had been healed he thanked the tiefling Cleric for sorting him and his friend out. He found what Zell knew about the rest of the party members of Second Chance and went off to find them. Second face he saw was Adam, at the bridge and in talks with that blasted gnome. He was going to go over, but realised they were busy casting and thought it would be best not to disturb them. He did wonder what could have been happening but felt the Druid was exceptionally capable of handling the task. Then he saw MacKensie and Fenna at another medical area. He didn’t see Sil until he got closer. His face brightened up when he saw the two but grew immediately concerned when Sil came into view.

“How is she?” Barracker spoke with great concern. Sil was Second Chance as much as any of them were and Barracker had grown greatly fond of the Falcon. Come on girl, you can shake this off, I know you can, he thought as he looked upon the bird. Barracker gently patted Fenna’s shoulder in a show of support.

As soon as the vampire saw MacKensie, his eyes went to the bloody rips and cuts in her clothes that marked her wounds.

She is covered in blood…


He realised now why he was so thirsty. It had all come on so suddenly, the overflowing urge, and now his brain clicked why these flashes of intense hunger were coming and going. Although it had only been yesterday that he had taken a vial, he needed another now and the sooner, the better. He was so ashamed that he had looked at MacKensie this way, reminded once again that he was a monster deep down. He went to his pouch and then realised he was standing around everyone. So he excused himself and rushed off, finding his way down an alleyway and away from everyone. Out of sight he reached into his pouch and retrieved a dark vial of Lamb's blood. As he drank the vial clean, Barracker immediately grabbed his wrist, his eyes went blood-shot and he could feel his veins bulging. A familiar and painful reaction that happened every time. A futile effort to refuse to enjoy the blood, but it went down like a treat and not because of the sugar and spices that seasoned the blood.

This worried Barracker a lot, how the thirst could just sneak up on him so quickly. It must have been the state of feeling fatigue, bloodloss and on top of that, he guessed it must also have been because of the stench of blood filling the air. Can I really carry on like this? Or will I put everyone in danger?
@Loksfjoer@ZoolHi there both, I am setting Barracker up to interact with MacKensie and Fenna to check up on Sil. I will end my post at some Clerics who are healing Sil, if this is not part of your plans then I can edit my post no problem, feel free to let me know.
Posted! I figured it would be good for Alison to link up with James and start strategizing the next move and helping the guy out. Poor guy seems to be feeling a bit overwhelmed, lol. @Teyao

On a semi-related note, as it was partially the cause of my delay, I have some more pictures of my recent flight! I wanted to share them as I'm pretty happy with how they came out. Flying into the mountains is always beautiful. Also the highest I've flown thus far.

EDIT: Fixed the pics.

Also, I have loved everyone's posts so far. Been a genuine joy to catch up while waiting between flights and reading your guys' posts. Keep it up!

Wow those pictures are amazing, such a cool feeling i imagine to fly a plane.
To everyone, I feel reading everyone's posts has been an amazing read and very interesting and captivating one as well.

Teyao loving the call backs to his death in the burning building and facing that fear of fire and also his split mind with Zigmund and taking charge of all the defense. Being a leader might be the hardest task in a group RP but you do it so well.

Zapdos, loving the call back to Micheal Fern and the hardwork Adam did in Golden Tree Park. You have been making very good use of your set ups, including the ending of that amazing fight with Zacharius.

Loks loving the use of Sil in your last post, that was especially amazing, really made it show how truly special the bond is between Fenna and Sil. Such a unique character trait, making for really cool writing. Somehow her motherly nature always comes through no matter what she is doing.

AvaP, loving the teamwork posts of Olaf, Pete and Kerensa. Very powerful stuff you wrote and there like a family which made Olaf's death even more emotional. Alison always looks cool and reminds me of The Boss in metal gear solid 3.

Zool, I love your interactions and how you jump around and include everyone all the time in your posts. Also still managing to do bad ass ranger choreography. Her background and personality has ran through every post and action.

Saiyan, Loving the constant build of the Baphomet situation and always throwing your character into situations of dire hospitalization lol. I have learned alot about how to present a brave frontliner who doesn’t have to be perfect to be cool.

As soon as the bright light roared across the skies, the red light symbolised all units to retreat further back into the city. Time to retreat.

“Bats, time to retreat to the Bazaar”. Barracker bellowed across the battlefield towards his group. “Keep close to each other and remain in unison with the Dire Stags upon retreat.”

In the chaos of battle, Barracker had fought his way into the midst of the enemy, while The Bats were pushed back, creating a twenty metre gap between captain and his fellow comrades. Once the pressure relieved enough, creating breathing room to think without being attacked by the enemy, Barracker started his retreat. With little magic in the tank, his magic barriers depleted of use and just one stoneskin remaining, he would have to use it wisely.

As The Bats disengaged and retreated away, Warren stepped up and put himself forward to help The Bats depart from battle safely, while Barracker let himself stick around to stop the last of the lizard cavalry. Barracker fought on, this was until a hoard of orc, goblins, humans and elves got into the fray and started fighting. The number was too great so Barracker was forced to retreat and hoped this was enough time given for The Bats.

I hope I have brought them enough time.

To stay behind and protect his comrades so they can retreat… This was something Barracker was always willing to do. Even if it would lead to his downfall he would have considered it an honour to be that sacrifice. Protection is what it meant to be a Paladin and sacrifice is what it meant to be to serve Hades. Even that fateful day on the Plains, when he met that damned soul Viktor and was forcibly turned into a vampire, if he had to do it all over again, he would have stayed behind to let his comrades retreat every single time.

Viktor Battousi was in his mind's eye smiling with that playful menacing grin, causing Barracker great anger as the Paladin fought to stop himself from being surrounded and cleanly break away from the increasing number of enemies. His claymore crowned with the holy flames of James’ blessing, sweeped left and right as he tried to clear a path through all of the enemies which now included the endless sea of skeletons. No matter which way he turned, for every enemy he took down, two more popped up to take their place.

Barracker slowly ran out of options but saw a life line, he bolted towards the window of the building, diving through, using his tower shield as protection from the smashing glass. The flood of enemies gave chase and began trying to crawl through the window and smash down the door. Barracker quickly ran over to the door. The bar on the door snapped in half as the orc soldiers battered it down from the outside. There was no time for anything else except to replace the broken bar with his tower shield.

Barracker then ran up the stairs and climbed out of a window to gain access to the roof. He then proceeded to skip from rooftop to the next roof, his eyes flicking from where he would be jumping next, to the swarm of chaos down below, engulfing the streets.

Warren had made his retreat to the Bazaar with as few casualties as possible, due to their speediness, the help of the Dire Stags and the initial protection of their backs by their captain Barracker. Once the Bazaar was in view, Warren sent The Bats the last one hundred metres alone and joined the nearby checkpoint to help keep the way clear for the rest of the defenders.

Sometime later after a few blocks had passed the checkpoint, Warren saw Barracker running towards them with several arrows sticking out of him.

@AvaP I hope things calm down for you, yeah I well loved the post.

@Loksfjoer Can't wait to see what The Rabbits and The Falcons get up to in later posts, nice idea mixing the two.

It was a tactical battle between not over reaching and leaving a gap in the shield wall but to find their target, positioned with such a height advantage difference. To stray too far from their friends would leave them surrounded by these scaly beasts and that would result in certain death.

The ferocious lizard towered over the top of the troops in close proximity, the monster’s head luring over them. The eye contact must have been terrifying and what was more was when it snapped towards a fellow comrade and chewed a chunk of bone mixed with flesh, removing half the soldier's neck from his body before it flung the meat away. As one body hurled away in mid air like a ragdoll, Warren watched as the row became frantic with their attacks, fear misplacing their spears. One lizard stepped onto a soldier, the massive green monstrosity drove its weight upon their shield, crushing them under its clawed foot.

Warren shouted out words of encouragement, reminding the soldiers how well they have fought up to this point. He told them that their enemies will not take their lives without paying in blood. Some grew in heart to listen to his words. The best of them did not need encouragement, but it still bolstered their own spirit and resolve, pushing them to fight on. But some of the new recruits and young ones seemed to succumb to fear and a rare few even stayed behind their shields, dropping their spears all together and cowering. This was why Barracker had always known to protect his weaker members in the center of the formation.

Barracker had fought his way into the thick of the enemy and unintentionally separated himself from his group, out of desperation to draw as many of these green monstrosities onto himself, all in a bid to lessen the burden on his group. This now meant that he was unaware of what was happening behind himself hoping it would not descend into tragedy without him there but he had confidence that they had Warren. Warren was not just a soldier but a capable seasoned Paladin who had always shown promise in the school of Paladin’s Respite. Anyone could put their trust into the man, to follow as their leader.

The Dire Stags charged in an abundance of power, joining the fight and relighting the fire of the defender’s energy and boosting morale with their presence. It was a blessing and the next thing needed to push the battle into their advantage.

Barracker was surrounded by scales, teeth and halberds. This was not anything new for the former monster hunter. In the midst of battle, he shuffled his feet, twirling his body in a dance to avoid the halberd's strikes and snapping jaws. In an explosive display, he shield-bashed a lizard in the snout, rocking the monster's brain at the same time as knocking the vampire away and into jumping, crushing kick off that knocked a second lizard over. Bouncing like a pinball, he pushed off that kick and up into the air before bringing his weight into a sweeping down-slash upon the neck of another third lizard. This constant movement kept him as safe as his tower shield did.

Barracker slid underneath a bite of another giant lizard, slicing the stomach open along and popping back onto his feet. Before the lizard came crashing down, Barracker was met with a halberd strike towards the back of his head. As Barracker turned around, the strike just came into view and the Paladin shield-parried with such force, it sent the halberd flying away into another rider. Barracker skewered the weaponless rider, then used the leverage to drag the enemy off their mount and flung him into another rider, knocking them, toppling off.
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