I didn't know I'd have to explain bananas ripening to a woman who clearly had been buying bananas longer than I've been alive.
8 mos ago
I now have a new favorite customer last name, introducing.....McDilda
8 mos ago
I love that my coworker moo'd at a crackhead after she cussed him out because he didn't give her a cigarette. Basically told that heifer to moooove. XD
8 mos ago
I mean, nothing is stopping ya'll from getting a booster seat
8 mos ago
I love that when I drive, I play a little game... Can the person behind me, see over the steering wheel?
Hey Girly Pops!
Currently living my best life by being creative and roleplaying!
A few things you should know about me:
I am a semi-literate roleplayer but also I give back what you provide as well, but if I am getting back two sentences while providing a couple of paragraphs, I will get bored of the roleplay fairly quickly.
I won't roleplay with anyone under the age of 18, I personally think that's pretty self explanatory other than the fact that it would be creepy and gross to roleplay with anyone under that age.
I am more than willing to talk and compromise with you during roleplay if you aren't satisfied with the direction of the roleplay and wish to go back and change things that would make things more simple and easier for the both of us if it becomes difficult to remember certain details.
If you want to talk about real life things too, alongside rp, I am fine with that as well as sometimes someone may need that outlet and have someone to talk to and to just keep each other updated is a very necessary thing if something were to happen and things can't continue.
I like doing research during roleplays as well so I can be at least accurate to a time period or way of life or if I can't remember something because that's just me doing my due diligence toward our roleplay and that I will treat it with care and respect.
No God modding unless discussed first, I sometimes don't mind if it is done, if it is discussed first to further push the plot along and give you more to write.
Now onto some odd facts about me:
Astro Girly, Gemini Sun, Cancer Moon, Taurus Rising.
Currently learning and possibly choosing to be a pagan witch. {I've sacrificed an ex's name to river spirits, they love fucking shit up}
Now that I've played Dnd, I can't hardly watch a movie without calling out the roll they did during certain moments in movies and I think its hilarious. I do this on my own and not with others, I'm at least that self aware.
I'm also a high functioning autistic so if I start feeling burnout, I will at least let you know.
My current response schedule can sometimes suck that I'll go a day or two without responding and that's just because after I work, I'll end up napping long enough that I have just enough energy to wake up and eat dinner and then go back to sleep. I am working on trying to make it better though.
Bring Back Mystery Inc.! - A new group of friends or two besties need to satiate their curious minds for all the strange goings on in their hometown. Their hometown being where the original mystery inc. had resided so long ago but it's time for a new generation to take over and try their best to not get actually harmed in their mystery solving because the world has certainly changed since the Scooby Gang took root.
Who Says Villains Can't Have Fun? - Your boy/girl crazy best friend finally pulled the last straw against you and yet still plays the victim to everyone around them because they managed to make more 'friends' than you did. So you're the villain in their story, MAKE THEM SUFFER, or move on with your life. Either way, they are going to find any way they can to keep their leash on you because in reality they were always obsessed with you and how fine you are on your own. Friends to enemies to lovers. Yes, it's meant to be toxic.
Anime I would like to do an rp to: Bleach - Already in a group one but would like a 1x1 if someone is interested. Tokyo Revengers - Someone needs to teach the main character to fight ffs. Gokusen - My OG gangster anime that I used to watch and got addicted to that sort of genre, Crows is also super good. Chainsaw Man Delicious in Dungeon Peach Girl Sugar Sugar Rune Danganronpa Rosario+Vampire All Out! - ALL the dudes in this anime are hot playing Rugby, and yes I do find all of them hot. My tastes are not gonna be the same as yours. Gakuen Alice Haikyuu Shinzo Samurai 7 Inuyasha Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne Eyeshield 21 Full Moon Wo Sagashite Gakuen Babysitters The Way of the Househusband Kotaro Lives Alone Saiki K God Of Highschool Lookism My Little Monster Say I Love You I'm in love with the Villainess Mamotte Lollipop Scum's Wish Kamisama Kiss Lovely Complex Ranma 1/2 My Love Story!! Nanbaka Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun Romantic Killer Spy x Family Tokyo Mew Mew Uramichi Oniisan
After managing to take care of the hollow closest to her, she analyzed more of her surroundings while also managing to take note of the dim light she seemed to be emitting from behind her. She listened as Aya had shouted out to go for the mask or be fast enough to run. Asami knew that she could very easily manage both if she wanted. However, she had a higher priority as the shield had finally been dropped to get the big spider down which made her disgusted to watch as she had a scowl on her face from being less than amused by the disgusting creature.
She would then watch as Aya and Deimos had engaged with the disgusting beast before choosing to take her action of getting Kobe free. As she would shoot up towards where he was, she had hoped that what she was about to touch with her sword wouldn't be slimy and thankfully that was not the case as she slashed through his encasement to let him free although he was a bit weakened. She landed fairly gracefully and would simply watch Kobe's stumbling form head toward the table nearby to stabilize himself. Asami would roll her eyes and sigh at him looking pitiful in front of her but she wouldn't comment because she could very easily see how hard he was trying to stand. "Just stay safe if you can and rest. We don't need an idiot dying right now." She said to him before looking back toward Aya and Deimos and Tatsui and Yuto. Trying to decide between the two pairs, she knew she needed to react quickly and figured that Yuto and Tatsui had been able to handle themselves so far, she'd quick step toward Aya and Deimos to help them.
I am a semi-literate roleplayer but also I give back what you provide as well, but if I am getting back two sentences while providing a couple of paragraphs, I will get bored of the roleplay fairly quickly.
I won't roleplay with anyone under the age of 18, I personally think that's pretty self explanatory other than the fact that it would be creepy and gross to roleplay with anyone under that age.
I am more than willing to talk and compromise with you during roleplay if you aren't satisfied with the direction of the roleplay and wish to go back and change things that would make things more simple and easier for the both of us if it becomes difficult to remember certain details.
If you want to talk about real life things too, alongside rp, I am fine with that as well as sometimes someone may need that outlet and have someone to talk to and to just keep each other updated is a very necessary thing if something were to happen and things can't continue.
I like doing research during roleplays as well so I can be at least accurate to a time period or way of life or if I can't remember something because that's just me doing my due diligence toward our roleplay and that I will treat it with care and respect.
No God modding unless discussed first, I sometimes don't mind if it is done, if it is discussed first to further push the plot along and give you more to write.
I'm also a high functioning autistic so if I start feeling burnout, I will at least let you know.
My current response schedule can sometimes suck that I'll go a day or two without responding and that's just because after I work, I'll end up napping long enough that I have just enough energy to wake up and eat dinner and then go back to sleep. I am working on trying to make it better though.
LGBTQ+ Friendly
I can write more than one character if need be and I can do male and female roles.
Sexual content is left up to my rp partner's preference as I don't mind writing the smut or just simply fading to black.
Bring Back Mystery Inc.! - A new group of friends or two besties need to satiate their curious minds for all the strange goings on in their hometown. Their hometown being where the original mystery inc. had resided so long ago but it's time for a new generation to take over and try their best to not get actually harmed in their mystery solving because the world has certainly changed since the Scooby Gang took root.
Who Says Villains Can't Have Fun? - Your boy/girl crazy best friend finally pulled the last straw against you and yet still plays the victim to everyone around them because they managed to make more 'friends' than you did. So you're the villain in their story, MAKE THEM SUFFER, or move on with your life. Either way, they are going to find any way they can to keep their leash on you because in reality they were always obsessed with you and how fine you are on your own. Friends to enemies to lovers. Yes, it's meant to be toxic.
Stockholm Syndrome - Two girl best friends go to the wrong cabin for their spring break and get captured by two hot guys who try and human traffic the girls.
Anime I would like to do an rp to: Bleach - Already in a group one but would like a 1x1 if someone is interested. Tokyo Revengers - Someone needs to teach the main character to fight ffs. Gokusen - My OG gangster anime that I used to watch and got addicted to that sort of genre, Crows is also super good. Chainsaw Man Delicious in Dungeon Peach Girl Sugar Sugar Rune Danganronpa Rosario+Vampire All Out! - ALL the dudes in this anime are hot playing Rugby, and yes I do find all of them hot. My tastes are not gonna be the same as yours. Gakuen Alice Haikyuu Shinzo Samurai 7 Inuyasha Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne Eyeshield 21 Full Moon Wo Sagashite Gakuen Babysitters The Way of the Househusband Kotaro Lives Alone Saiki K God Of Highschool Lookism My Little Monster Say I Love You I'm in love with the Villainess Mamotte Lollipop Scum's Wish Kamisama Kiss Lovely Complex Ranma 1/2 My Love Story!! Nanbaka Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun Romantic Killer Spy x Family Tokyo Mew Mew Uramichi Oniisan
I will add more ideas as I think of them, I had originally had all of it typed but my computer deleted most of it so this is what we are stuck with. Just pm me or if enough people have an interest in an idea, we can have a group :)
As they made their way down into the basement, Asami kept her wits about her although she was disgusted with how much dust and webbing had accumulated around them. Seemingly undisturbed in so long. Because most everyone was in front of her and taller, they were taking care of the cobwebs that hung so none landed on her which was fairly amusing to watch from her perspective. She was taken out of her amusement when Deimos had knelt to the ground which made her pay attention more to her surroundings as she watched another attack come down toward Tatsui but Aya was able to quickly push him out of the way before she now started watching upward and was able to quickly and nimbly dodge out of the way of her attack coming toward her but watch as Kobe got captured which made her draw her sword, prepared to attack but not activating her Zanpakuto just yet.
As her eyes were more focused on Kobe, she didn't see the one hollow come down to attack Yuto before seeing a hollow for her drop down near her and seeing a force field rise up to block them off from what she would see drop down onto the force field and holding Kobe captive. "Eugh, gross." She said with disdain at the spider woman before turning her attention to the hollow next to her. With a deadpan look and a listless blink toward the hollow she tightened her grip on her Zanpakuto before saying, "Hunt, Shadow Fox." A flame would encapsulate her sword and four kitsune tails made of Kido would be summoned behind her. As they fluidly moved behind her, she quickly engaged the hollow near her, taking out it's legs from underneath it with her insane speed that she had and watched as it's body would plop to the floor after being suspended for a short second, almost not even realizing that she had cut it's legs off before she went to go stab it in the mask with her sword since it would be quite a bit weaker now.
She was able to hear Deimos call out to let him know when to drop the shield so they could take on the hollow above that had Kobe captured. Asami wasn't sure if the spider would be able to understand her but she decided to refrain from yet calling out to her teammates so she wouldn't give the opponent a heads up on what she had planned which would be that as long as the rest could keep the spider woman distracted, Asami would be able to move quick enough to try and retrieve Kobe so that hopefully they could get him out of the webbing that kept him trapped. Even if they couldn't do that, Asami had a couple other ideas in mind and hoped that they would be able to do something and quickly.
As Asami was making some mental notes for herself to jot down later, they would soon be in Hueco Mundo where Hollows ran rampant and free. As much as she was annoyed that Yuto was in a mission group with her which she assumed would mean that he would need babysitting, they had to pair off and be quiet while heading toward the castle tower that they were supposed to explore. Asami did deeply think about pairing herself with Yuto so as to keep an eye on him but at the same time, she couldn't chance them getting into an argument so she left Kobe to be with him while she traveled beside Tatsui, someone she didn't remember from the Academy but she was sure he had to have been in the classes at least. Then again she wasn't really focused on making friends and just focused on her own progress so people tended to be a bit of a hit or miss with her unless they made themselves be her enemy or rival of sorts.
Entering the first tower floor, she stayed quiet but watchful of her surroundings, not yet drawing her sword out as she didn't want to unnecessarily draw it but knew others around her were capable of being a first defence around her, especially Yuto. That was one compliment she could give the knucklehead but always refrained from doing so because he would piss her off before she would be willing to give one out. As she would analyze and think of scenarios for the layout that was showing the hollows on each floor and seemingly someone from the top taking care of them and then someone just beyond a door near them. She did wonder if a sort of "pinch" scenario was happening but was unsure as they didn't know who or what the figure was above taking care of hollows. Taken out of her ever running mind, she heard Tatsui speak up and suggest they deal with the dormant one. Hearing his suggestion made Asami sigh as there were a bit too many factors at play and she didn't want them to make a wrong decision. Although she had to agree that Tatsui's suggestion was probably the best one.
"I feel as though no matter which way we go, the other party will come up from behind us to attack and catch us off guard, but if we were to move quickly, at," she pointed at Tatsui since she didn't know his name, "his suggestion, the other party is at least at a bit of delay where they are dealing with the hollows on the upper floors. Any delay in time for either one is a great advantage and we can't squander or waste time on making this decision because one is currently being held up." Asami explained quickly and quietly, all while keeping a dead tone to her voice as she was in agreement with Tatsui and hoped the other two would agree and not argue on the decision, although knowing Yuto, he'd probably want to go toward the hollows on each floor.
After asking her question to Jinzo, she watched him with slight contempt in her eyes although her expression would have mostly remained blank. She also knew that he was aware that even though she did slightly threaten him, she would have made good on her word if he had actually done so, which is what would make her so terrifying even though she was smaller compared to most of her classmates. But as she waited for Jinzo's response, she had really hoped he at least made progress with at least one higher up, even if it would be the captain of their current squad they were in. As much as Asami could act like a bit of a hard ass toward Jinzo when it came to when he could be lazy, she actually did care a bit about him making sure he gets what he wants from this life in the soul society and doesn't regret not taking any steps toward his goals that he had, even if she had none herself to speak of.
When she saw his smug smile, a frown came to her face as she looked at him, with slight disgust creeping in her features as she listened to him describe his 'productive' conversation with the Lieutenant of Squad Three. Even if his wording was very suggestive and giving her ideas, she knew better when it came to Jinzo as that was sort of his way of making light of his conversations with his joking nature. She would take her last bite of her candied apple as he had told her that he hadn't gotten the Lieutenant's name which would make her shrug with disinterest even though she knew she hadn't gotten the name of the captain from squad six and gave him a nickname to his face.
"As long as you spoke to somebody, I guess it's fine." Asami said, seeming more disinterested but in a better mood from having a sweet food to help with her hunger. "I was productive myself in at least letting my name be known to Squad Two and Squad Six. Yet I have no interest with Squad Six and what they are doing." Asami told him, at least sharing her experience albeit vaguely.
As she had an annoyed look on her face and continued downing her Yakitori as she paced to make sure she would avoid Yuto, who she was sure would make her absolutely embarrass herself in front of the higher ups who had shown out for the day. So it was something she knew she would have to make sure wouldn't happen because if she allowed it to, she would beat herself up over it. Asami had also wanted to try and find a spot to start writing because she still had inspiration fresh in her brain thanks to Captain Bug who brought forth her ideas. Her notebook that she did keep of that writing was tucked well and hidden among her robes that the only way the thing was noticeable was if you had the keenest of eyes or were in her robes with her.
Often times as much as she couldn't stand a lot of her classmates and their idiotic behavior or clash in personality, she did draw quite a bit of inspiration from them for writing, at least the short romantic snip-its she would write in her notebook. She had only wished that she was gifted with painting so she could draw alongside the writings that she had. As she would try and keep her train of thought while trying to find a place to peacefully write while she could munch on her food, she would be taken out of her thoughts when she felt someone get close to her that they seemed familiar with her which made her immediately get her guard up, even as she was eating.
Her guard would only waver a small bit when she heard the familiar voice of Jinzo Iori, a classmate that while he could get on her nerves, she very much did enjoy the silent companionship they shared when he would share his food with her. What most wouldn't know is that a lot of times her anger and criticisms often came from her just being hungry. As she felt the tap of the candied apple to the top of her head, she stopped and looked up at the sweet treat which almost made her want to have her mouth watering from seeing but kept a blank stare on her face as she looked at the delicious sweet. While she wasn't the biggest fan of apples, she did like them when they were used as a sweet. As she stared at the treat, her gaze would slowly turn to where it was on Jinzo and she would flatly say, "If you stuck that in my hair, I would destroy you." While it would sound like a threat, she didn't mean much by it considering she was somewhat familiar with Jinzo. She would then gladly reach up to take the sweet from his hand, almost snatching it away quickly before trying to eat it.
Since Jinzo was at least a little used to Asami, she would say her 'thank you's' less and less as they shared food but her lightly veiled threat before taking the sweet could have been easily been considered the same. While Asami was capable of using manners, much like with the higher ups in addressing them, she tended to use them less and less with people she would be familiar with. Almost with the sense of allowing them in but keeping them at a distance as well. As she ate the candied apple, she looked over at Jinzo once more after looking up from her treat before saying, "You're weirder than usual, what did you do?" She asked in reference to him speaking to anyone higher up or if he had done something lacking. While she was focused on what she was doing with speaking to her respective higher ups, she was curious as to what he had done or if he had slacked off in not speaking to anyone.
As she approached the stalls of food after now hearing her stomach grumble as she walked, she was focused on getting her fill before running back through her brain about what she could be doing next. Even though she would definitely be wanting some sweets, she instead would start herself off with some Shokupan or milk bread that way she would have something on her stomach before making a better decision other than just picking only sweets. Asami was very grateful that all of the food stalls were free for them to eat from and she would definitely eat her fill as it would probably be the most food she would probably eat since she had been in the soul society.
Food was very few and far between in the 80th Rukongai district to where she would often go a long while without food and now she was glad to be having regular meals since the Academy which was the main reason she even joined to begin with. She knew if she didn't find a regular and sustainable food source, she probably wouldn't have had much longer out there even though she had survived so long anyway. After downing a couple pieces of milk bread, her hunger did seem to mostly subside as she walked along the stalls to see all the kinds of food that they had to offer. Asami was particularly drawn to some Yakitori that she could greatly smell being grilled and made her way over to the stall to get several sticks of the yakitori that they had and would eat them as she walked, keeping her mouth shut and being observant of her classmates that were all having fun.
It did make her feel a bit left out that she didn't really have friends or let alone, a singular friend to do that stuff with so she could be free and happy like the rest of them but she wouldn't linger on the feeling long. She never really did linger on most of her feelings when she did have them, unless she got angry which a couple of her classmates would easily get to flair up out of her. That was when she spotted Yuto also coming to the food stalls and immediately had an annoyed look on her face just from his presence alone and tried to stalk off with the food she had in hand before he would try and bother her with any of his idiotic antics.
After her drink had been poured while awaiting in the pavilion for the Captain-Commander to give his speech, she would idly glance around to all of the amenities going on around her, mainly the food stalls that would every so often catch her glancing in their direction. Even though she was most definitely hungry while being made to wait, she thought it would be idiotic to try and sneak off to get food before hearing the speech from the Captain-Commander. Mostly keeping her hunger back, a frown did take shape on her face as she tried to make sure that she wouldn't make a fool of herself. To keep her focus off of the sweet smells of food, she decided to look around at the representatives for other squads that were here.
She was able to quickly spot the woman from Squad Two whom she knew she wanted to speak with first as she had hoped they had taken notice of her capabilities while in the Academy and how she would very much fit in with them. They would have been mostly ideal for her but she did wonder also where she would better fit in. Asami never really had any goals past graduating the Academy so now she would be free to figure out what it is she wanted to do. As she continued to look through the other reps for the squads, her eyes seemingly couldn't be brought away from the guy who definitely had a 'weirdo' aura about him. She did wonder about his various piercings on his face but stopped thinking about it when she noticed he was seeming like he was laughing rather oddly which made her have a disgusted look on her face as she really thought he was pretty odd just from his behavior alone.
Nearly all of the others seemed rather normal compared to him, even the Kenpachi of Squad Eleven was normal in Asami's mind. Her eyes did go wide when she had heard a voice come from the skies and looked around before seeing the Captain-Commander make his way into the pavilion. While she watched him with suspicious eyes, she did in the very least, did listen diligently to him when he spoke. She did feel a bit unnerved when he glanced around at all of the others and looking them in the eyes and when it got to hers, she surprisingly didn't feel off put by his gaze like she was expecting but did feel a bit empowered by it even though it was fairly obvious to her that he didn't seem like he wanted to be there. As she continued to listen to his words, she did feel a bit motivated by his words but was pretty disappointed by the end of it when he downed his bottle and burped pretty loudly.
Asami's frown seemed to have gotten larger on her face after experiencing the burp that he provided. While disgusted by the action, she did still listen when he had said that they needed to take the opportunity to get to know the individuals here which Asami had been practically waiting for as the Captain-Commander had dismissed himself. As she moved to take a step toward the woman from Squad Two, she did pause for a moment, still fixated on the Captain from Squad Six and looked in his direction for a few moments longer than some people would have liked while having a very stonish look to her face as she stared at him. To most it would seem like she was fairly annoyed or trying to pick a fight with him but that was not the case as she seemed very wary of him and was unsure if she wanted to approach him first or not.
Her hesitation surely couldn't have been noticed among the graduates considering how short she was compared to all of them but with one step toward his direction, she made her way over to the Captain of Squad Six even though she hadn't even given Squad Six a thought when compared to her capabilities. She did notice that most of the graduates seemed to avoid him and head toward squads they would be better fit for and she even became unsure herself as to why she felt drawn to him when she should be going to try and hopefully get in the good graces of Squad Two like she did plan to at the start of the whole thing. She knew for sure that her capabilities were better suited elsewhere but didn't want to waste the opportunity to know him and trust her gut, even though her gut was very wary of him the closer she walked to him. With a very flat look on her face as she stood in front of the Captain from Squad Six, she very quickly gave a bow before saying,
"My name is Asami, sir." She said very bluntly and almost harshly as she spoke, still keeping her personality that she chose to take on still up while she was very much on guard in front of the man in front of her.
Additions to Appearance: She stands at a whopping 5'2 and 110 lbs.
Age: 230
Squad/Rank: Tenth, Unseated
Biography: Not much can be said on her past as she chooses to ignore the things she's been through, trauma blocking it out. Coming from district 80 of the Rukongai district, she's definitely struggled through life since she came to be here. Her teachers would think that the only way she survived most of the brutality in that district is due to her pretty face and they would be right. While her face did offer advantages, it didn't mean much to most men there so she had to be quick and cunning to earn a place there and not be treated like vermin. Happy to leave that life behind her, she did take on a very cold persona while attending classes, which if anyone remembered her, would call her Ice Queen even though she's got a fiery temper and is fairly scrappy. She got the nickname because some random guy tried to confess he was in love with her but she responded very bluntly and disinterested by telling him, 'Good for you' and then just walking off like he didn't just try and confess his love to her. So to get back at her for her cruelty toward his confession, she became known as Ice Queen. Survival is all she knows and continues to display that as she comes off as not very friendly or very blunt to others which she uses to hide how she really is from others. Which would be that she's a sweet girl that's a hopeless romantic that loves small and cute things. She tends to be very combative with men that she finds to be idiotic and mostly very quiet and reserved around women and men she respects.
Relationships: {Color determines how she feels toward them} Nakajima Ageha: While they are fairly similar in personality, there is indeed a clash to happen between the two. However, Asami also has a respect for the girl and her strengths. Yuto: There was a misunderstanding between the two when Asami tried to give advice to him and tried to be helpful but because she was known as the Ice Queen, it was taken wrong so there is a mutual animosity between the two as she does find him to be mostly incompetent. Jinzo Iori: She really likes that he shares food with her even if he does frustrate her. Kobe Abiko: She finds him to be too nice but appreciates that he still continues to ask to spar with her even if he doesn't always win. Finds him to be a bit less irritating than most. Captain Bug {Umeki}: Even though he calls her a pup and finds him to be fairly creepy and bug like, she does really like his piercings and enjoyed that he didn't back down from talking to her when she was being blunt. Aya, 3rd Seat of Squad 2: She's too chipper and felt like she was belittling her even though she was giving sound advice because Asami didn't want to brag about her talents.
Squad Interests: Second, Fifth, and Third Division
Zanpakuto Name: Shadow Fox
Type: Kido, Illusion Type
Kaigo: "Hunt Shadow Fox"
Zanpakuto Appearance:
An open field of tall grass with a flower path leading to a hill with a peach blossom tree sat atop.
Shikai Skills: 1. When summoning her shikai, she gains four kitsune tails which allow her to quickly dash across the battlefield and increases her Kido ability. It is also used defensively as well when she is in combat or mostly immobile and not running around. It protects her backside for one attack before she would need to react to protect herself while her tails would disappear for taking the brunt of the attack. *Duration: Instant, Cooldown for defensive ability is two posts*
2. "Feral Shadow Fox" - a Kido slash attack that does minimal damage, but affects someone with a random Illusion. Fear: Enemy runs away Love: A repeat of ability one (To increase duration or begin a new one) Hurt: The Kido slash reiatsu drains into the opponent and begins burning them from the inside. Betrayal: When a group is attacking and one person is hit with it, it will make them go to attack one of their comrades and just when they are about to strike the comrade, it wears off, wasting two opponents turns. *Duration: 1 post, Cooldown: 3 posts*
3. "Shadow Fox Clone" - She summons 3 clones of illusion that perfectly mimic her actions. Any {Direct} attack made against her will instead be automatically be taken by one of the clones and it will dissipate. *Duration: Until clones are gone, Cooldown: 5 Posts*
~Points~ Saved: [How many Points do you have? 0] Invested: [How many points have you invested? 0]
~Other~ Because she is a secret romantic, she does love imagining people together so she has a little notebook that she carries with her of things she notices of romantic things between others. That means that, yes, she is the fanfiction writer. XD
[center][h1][color=palevioletred] Hey Girly Pops![/color][/h1][/center]
Currently living my best life by being creative and roleplaying!
A few things you should know about me:
[*] I am a semi-literate roleplayer but also I give back what you provide as well, but if I am getting back two sentences while providing a couple of paragraphs, I will get bored of the roleplay fairly quickly.
[*] I won't roleplay with anyone under the age of 18, I personally think that's pretty self explanatory other than the fact that it would be creepy and gross to roleplay with anyone under that age.
[*] I am more than willing to talk and compromise with you during roleplay if you aren't satisfied with the direction of the roleplay and wish to go back and change things that would make things more simple and easier for the both of us if it becomes difficult to remember certain details.
[*] If you want to talk about real life things too, alongside rp, I am fine with that as well as sometimes someone may need that outlet and have someone to talk to and to just keep each other updated is a very necessary thing if something were to happen and things can't continue.
[*] I like doing research during roleplays as well so I can be at least accurate to a time period or way of life or if I can't remember something because that's just me doing my due diligence toward our roleplay and that I will treat it with care and respect.
[*] No God modding unless discussed first, I sometimes don't mind if it is done, [i]if[/i] it is discussed first to further push the plot along and give you more to write.
Now onto some odd facts about me:
[*] Astro Girly, Gemini Sun, Cancer Moon, Taurus Rising.
[*] Currently learning and possibly choosing to be a pagan witch. {I've sacrificed an ex's name to river spirits, they love fucking shit up}
[*] Now that I've played Dnd, I can't hardly watch a movie without calling out the roll they did during certain moments in movies and I think its hilarious. I do this on my own and not with others, I'm at least that self aware.
[*] I'm also a high functioning autistic so if I start feeling burnout, I will at least let you know.
[*] My current response schedule can sometimes suck that I'll go a day or two without responding and that's just because after I work, I'll end up napping long enough that I have just enough energy to wake up and eat dinner and then go back to sleep. I am working on trying to make it better though.
[hider=Rp Ideas]
[u][b]Bring Back Mystery Inc.![/b][/u] - A new group of friends or two besties need to satiate their curious minds for all the strange goings on in their hometown. Their hometown being where the original mystery inc. had resided so long ago but it's time for a new generation to take over and try their best to not get actually harmed in their mystery solving because the world has certainly changed since the Scooby Gang took root.
[u][b]Who Says Villains Can't Have Fun?[/b][/u] - Your boy/girl crazy best friend finally pulled the last straw against you and yet still plays the victim to everyone around them because they managed to make more 'friends' than you did. So you're the villain in their story, MAKE THEM SUFFER, or move on with your life. Either way, they are going to find any way they can to keep their leash on you because in reality they were always obsessed with you and how fine you are on your own. Friends to enemies to lovers. Yes, it's meant to be toxic.
Anime I would like to do an rp to:
Bleach - Already in a group one but would like a 1x1 if someone is interested.
Tokyo Revengers - Someone needs to teach the main character to fight ffs.
Gokusen - My OG gangster anime that I used to watch and got addicted to that sort of genre, Crows is also super good.
Chainsaw Man
Delicious in Dungeon
Peach Girl
Sugar Sugar Rune
All Out! - ALL the dudes in this anime are hot playing Rugby, and yes I do find all of them hot. My tastes are not gonna be the same as yours.
Gakuen Alice
Samurai 7
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Eyeshield 21
Full Moon Wo Sagashite
Gakuen Babysitters
The Way of the Househusband
Kotaro Lives Alone
Saiki K
God Of Highschool
My Little Monster
Say I Love You
I'm in love with the Villainess
Mamotte Lollipop
Scum's Wish
Kamisama Kiss
Lovely Complex
Ranma 1/2
My Love Story!!
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Romantic Killer
Spy x Family
Tokyo Mew Mew
Uramichi Oniisan
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><div class="bb-h1"><font color="palevioletred"> Hey Girly Pops!</font></div></div><br><br>Currently living my best life by being creative and roleplaying!<br><br>A few things you should know about me:<br><br><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>I am a semi-literate roleplayer but also I give back what you provide as well, but if I am getting back two sentences while providing a couple of paragraphs, I will get bored of the roleplay fairly quickly.</li><li>I won't roleplay with anyone under the age of 18, I personally think that's pretty self explanatory other than the fact that it would be creepy and gross to roleplay with anyone under that age.</li><li>I am more than willing to talk and compromise with you during roleplay if you aren't satisfied with the direction of the roleplay and wish to go back and change things that would make things more simple and easier for the both of us if it becomes difficult to remember certain details.</li><li>If you want to talk about real life things too, alongside rp, I am fine with that as well as sometimes someone may need that outlet and have someone to talk to and to just keep each other updated is a very necessary thing if something were to happen and things can't continue.</li><li>I like doing research during roleplays as well so I can be at least accurate to a time period or way of life or if I can't remember something because that's just me doing my due diligence toward our roleplay and that I will treat it with care and respect.</li><li>No God modding unless discussed first, I sometimes don't mind if it is done, <span class="bb-i">if</span> it is discussed first to further push the plot along and give you more to write.</li></ul><br><br>Now onto some odd facts about me:<br><br><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>Astro Girly, Gemini Sun, Cancer Moon, Taurus Rising.</li><li>Currently learning and possibly choosing to be a pagan witch. {I've sacrificed an ex's name to river spirits, they love fucking shit up}</li><li>Now that I've played Dnd, I can't hardly watch a movie without calling out the roll they did during certain moments in movies and I think its hilarious. I do this on my own and not with others, I'm at least that self aware.</li><li>I'm also a high functioning autistic so if I start feeling burnout, I will at least let you know.</li><li>My current response schedule can sometimes suck that I'll go a day or two without responding and that's just because after I work, I'll end up napping long enough that I have just enough energy to wake up and eat dinner and then go back to sleep. I am working on trying to make it better though.</li></ul><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Rp Ideas">Rp Ideas [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><span class="bb-u"><span class="bb-b">Bring Back Mystery Inc.!</span></span> - A new group of friends or two besties need to satiate their curious minds for all the strange goings on in their hometown. Their hometown being where the original mystery inc. had resided so long ago but it's time for a new generation to take over and try their best to not get actually harmed in their mystery solving because the world has certainly changed since the Scooby Gang took root.<br><br><span class="bb-u"><span class="bb-b">Who Says Villains Can't Have Fun?</span></span> - Your boy/girl crazy best friend finally pulled the last straw against you and yet still plays the victim to everyone around them because they managed to make more 'friends' than you did. So you're the villain in their story, MAKE THEM SUFFER, or move on with your life. Either way, they are going to find any way they can to keep their leash on you because in reality they were always obsessed with you and how fine you are on your own. Friends to enemies to lovers. Yes, it's meant to be toxic.<br><br>Anime I would like to do an rp to:<br>	Bleach - Already in a group one but would like a 1x1 if someone is interested.<br>	Tokyo Revengers - Someone needs to teach the main character to fight ffs.<br>	Gokusen - My OG gangster anime that I used to watch and got addicted to that sort of genre, Crows is also super good.<br>	Chainsaw Man<br>	Delicious in Dungeon<br>	Peach Girl<br>	Sugar Sugar Rune<br>	Danganronpa<br>	Rosario+Vampire<br>	All Out! - ALL the dudes in this anime are hot playing Rugby, and yes I do find all of them hot. My tastes are not gonna be the same as yours.<br>	Gakuen Alice<br>	Haikyuu<br>	Shinzo<br>	Samurai 7<br>	Inuyasha<br>	Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne<br>	Eyeshield 21<br>	Full Moon Wo Sagashite<br>	Gakuen Babysitters<br>	The Way of the Househusband<br>	Kotaro Lives Alone<br>	Saiki K<br>	God Of Highschool<br>	Lookism<br>	My Little Monster<br>	Say I Love You<br>	I'm in love with the Villainess<br>	Mamotte Lollipop<br>	Scum's Wish<br>	Kamisama Kiss<br>	Lovely Complex<br>	Ranma 1/2<br>	My Love Story!!<br>	Nanbaka<br>	Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun<br>	Romantic Killer<br>	Spy x Family<br>	Tokyo Mew Mew<br>	Uramichi Oniisan</div></div><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div></div>