Avatar of RevekaRed


Recent Statuses

15 days ago
Current I didn't know I'd have to explain bananas ripening to a woman who clearly had been buying bananas longer than I've been alive.
1 mo ago
I now have a new favorite customer last name, introducing.....McDilda
1 mo ago
I love that my coworker moo'd at a crackhead after she cussed him out because he didn't give her a cigarette. Basically told that heifer to moooove. XD
2 mos ago
I mean, nothing is stopping ya'll from getting a booster seat
2 mos ago
I love that when I drive, I play a little game... Can the person behind me, see over the steering wheel?


Hey Girly Pops!

Currently living my best life by being creative and roleplaying!

A few things you should know about me:

  • I am a semi-literate roleplayer but also I give back what you provide as well, but if I am getting back two sentences while providing a couple of paragraphs, I will get bored of the roleplay fairly quickly.
  • I won't roleplay with anyone under the age of 18, I personally think that's pretty self explanatory other than the fact that it would be creepy and gross to roleplay with anyone under that age.
  • I am more than willing to talk and compromise with you during roleplay if you aren't satisfied with the direction of the roleplay and wish to go back and change things that would make things more simple and easier for the both of us if it becomes difficult to remember certain details.
  • If you want to talk about real life things too, alongside rp, I am fine with that as well as sometimes someone may need that outlet and have someone to talk to and to just keep each other updated is a very necessary thing if something were to happen and things can't continue.
  • I like doing research during roleplays as well so I can be at least accurate to a time period or way of life or if I can't remember something because that's just me doing my due diligence toward our roleplay and that I will treat it with care and respect.
  • No God modding unless discussed first, I sometimes don't mind if it is done, if it is discussed first to further push the plot along and give you more to write.

Now onto some odd facts about me:

  • Astro Girly, Gemini Sun, Cancer Moon, Taurus Rising.
  • Currently learning and possibly choosing to be a pagan witch. {I've sacrificed an ex's name to river spirits, they love fucking shit up}
  • Now that I've played Dnd, I can't hardly watch a movie without calling out the roll they did during certain moments in movies and I think its hilarious. I do this on my own and not with others, I'm at least that self aware.
  • I'm also a high functioning autistic so if I start feeling burnout, I will at least let you know.
  • My current response schedule can sometimes suck that I'll go a day or two without responding and that's just because after I work, I'll end up napping long enough that I have just enough energy to wake up and eat dinner and then go back to sleep. I am working on trying to make it better though.

Most Recent Posts

Honestly, such a bop.
Here is mine in hoping that it is acceptable.

Oooooh, I'm most definitely interested! I've loved Bleach and would love to see how this turns out!! I'll definitely get to brainstorming and fully figuring your combat system as I need to remind myself of several things I've forgotten since I've not watched the show in forever or played their games in forever either.
@Lighthouse Thank you kind stranger. I am hopeful for the journey ahead. May your belly and mind be as full as your kindness to me in the days ahead.
I am here to start my humble beginnings on this website, so, it's a pleasure to meet you all! I am not unfamiliar to role-playing as I did do some a few years ago and now that I've been doing DND with my friends, I've wanted to expand back out again.
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