As James relayed battleplans, everyone listened. Like him, Alison was also stood next Second Chance's leader, on the other side. Her body language and the way she talked told Zell that she was not just proficient in the tactical and strategic elements of combat, she was into it too. Another reason for him to like her. Another reason why they needed to win. And live. And see another another day. Have another drink together.
"Yeah, we'd be best off in the middle," Zell agreed with James' assessment and drew out a triangle on the table with his finger. "If we are positioned a little forward of the line. Create a wedge formation. Then we'll take a little pressure off of Evermere and the Silver Arrow, while they keep our flanks covered."
His determined eyes sought approval from James and Alison. He was confident in his own knowledge of battlefield tactics but there was always a chance he was missing some factor that they had spotted. As for their two fellow adventurer parties, the leaders of which had shown up for the quick briefing, Zell wasn't too sure how strong they were. Judging by the captain of the Scarabs, who was an Evermere frontliner, Evermere might have been just about strong enough to deal with the cult of Drath'tuthan... maybe. Either way, pretty soon they'd find out just how strong everyone was, on the bridge.
A little more discussion with James having the final word and everything was settled. Zell rapped his fist on the table. "We've got this, guys!"
As captains went to their blocks to relay orders and messages were transmitted to the rest of the Bazaar for where to take up positions, Zell had a brief meet with the Lions. He didn't even realise until now, but none of his block had seen him come into the Bazaar. So all this time, between what happened in the streets and now, they'd thought he was dead. Zell was confused at the reception for a second, then he realised and laughed.
"Ah, come off it. You didn't really think your captain would get taken out by one measly fireball, did ya?" Many thanked him for his quick thinking and life-saving play against the pyromancer. Others were still stunned in awe. "Alright, alright, no worries. Now listen up because we ain't got much time..."
He relayed James' orders of positioning, with the Lions set to hold a handful of alleyways, between the shops, that opened up onto the riverbank. After that, he gave them all some words of encouragement, almost indistinguishable from the team talks he'd given in the past before an important football match. There was a customary series of "Oorah!" chants at the end, then they broke up to hit their positions. Zell was satisfied as he watched them go, until his eyes caught three of his men who had not immediately left and were standing in a huddle. He went over, noticing immediately that it was Biff, Chip and Kipper, three of the more unforgettable personalities in the Lions.
"Wassup boys?" he asked as he approached, but they didn't need to explain. As soon as he saw the young lad, Kipper, Zell figured the situation. The kid was as white as a ghost.
"It's Kipper, Captain," Chip said to Zell. "He's not doing too well."
Zell knew he didn't have time for this, but a quick look around told him that not everyone was done with their briefings so he had a quick minute. They all tried to share a comforting word with Kipper. Chip told him that he was scared too. Biff assured him that he'd stay close and protect them. Zell said that he'd seen Kipper's conduct on the wall and congratulated him for an impressive performance and getting this far. All of their efforts were enough to perk Kipper up a little, but he was still shook. And who could blame the kid.
"Look, mate," Zell put an arm around Kipper's shoulder. "You've read them stories about heroes who do great deeds, right?" Kipper nodded. "And all the awesome shit they do? Kicking ass and looking damn good while doin it? Even gettin the smoking-hot princess at the end?" He managed to get a bit of a smile with the last nod. "Every single one of them heroes in them books... we're fucking shitting themselves with fright, the whole time. The authors don't often tell you about that bit, because it's not very flattering, but I promise you... just like you... just like me, right now... just like Biff and Chip too... shitting... bricks, pal."
Kipper frowned in confusion and looked at them all. Biff nodded. "I'm terrified I'll never see my wife or little boy again."
Chip chimed in. "I can barely hold last night's dinner, Kip."
"But that's what courage is, Kipper," Zell continued. "Courage ain't fuckinnnnn... being fearless. No. That's just fucking stupid. Courage is being scared, but having the will to keep going." Kipper's eyes searched the floor as he took in the words. The colour was at least returning to his face a little. "Look at me... people will write about this day. They're gonna write about you, me, Biff, Chip... all the Lions. And they're gonna tell all about our courage. Because that's what matters. We stood up and faced down what was thought to be unstoppable." Kipper nodded and blinked a few times as his back straightened. "And in the final chapter, Kipper gets a feel of the smoking-hot princess." They all laughed. Even Kipper couldn't help but chuckle. "Alright," Zell decided this was the best he could do and wrapped things up. "Your orders, you three: Stay together. Look out for each other, yeah?"
"Aye, Captain," they all said.
Zell backed away and just before he turned to run and catch up with his party, he told them. "Let them motherfuckers hear you roar."
He arrived at the bridge last, but fortunately not too late as to fuck things up. The enemy were lined up across the bridge and chanting. Zell took up his position. Front and centre. The Englishman wouldn't have it any other way.
"Let's fuckin go, lads and ladies!" he flashed a grin at his friends behind him. It felt so good to be fighting by their side again.
With his Source-gifted mental rolodex of combat knowledge, his mind could not decide between Water Stance and Stone Stance. Water Stance was perfect for defending in open spaces against superior numbers, but Stone Stance had all the best counters and he could do with such against the ogres. It turned out that Adam would make the decision easy when the Druid charged across the bridge, crossed past the charging ogres and transformed into a bear, causing chaos in the enemy ranks and leaving a large gap between the ogres and the bulk of the Orcs and Knights.
"Ha!" Zell was pleased and dropped into Stone Stance, then rushed forward to meet the ogre in front and hopefully get the beast's attention so it did not complete a full charge and end up in the back ranks of the adventurers. "Oi, you big ugly bastard!" It worked.
The ogre back-hand swatted Zell with it's machete. Zell took the full brunt of the attack on his sword and slid a metre across the pavestones from the sheer force. The next attack was parried with a smooth counter strike on the arm, but ogre flesh was tough and the strike did nothing to slow the beast down. Orcs came running into the fray as Zell backed up to stay in line with Barracker and re-establish a front line shield. It quickly became a game of; kill as many orcs as possible in between fending off the big, slow attacks of the ogre.
Then an opening appeared. Zell recognised the enchanted arrow of Fenna and blessed the woman for a second time this morning.
He took advantage, dashing in and delivering an awesome combo to a single knee of the ogre. It stumbled and Zell drove the Black Sword into the ogre, up and between the ribs, hoping to catch a vital organ. The ogre howled and Zell gritted his teeth, and exploded with all his might to drive the sword even further into the beast.
It was a risk to get so stuck when other enemies were about and might take advantage, but the prospect of dropping an ogre quickly was too tempting to pass up.
Biff, Chip and Kipper did indeed stay together. They, with a few others, held the mouth of an alley where they frantically hacked at any skeletons trying to climb up from the river. Zell was not lying...
...they were all shitting bricks.