I'm giving this an extra week because the hospital has picked up - again.
@Shinny Just for clarification, does this mean that everyone with an accepted character can post?
Related to that, were you going to randomize our start positions, or are you letting us start wherever?
Are we allowed to bring characters who have destructive powers scaled down to toyverse size effects? Foe example: a missile fires from a toy hits a shelf, but the explosion is no larger than a firecracker, or a laser beam that is only strong enough to cut through paper, and leave a mild scorch mark on a steel shelf, but with prolonged application would be able to cut through the beam.
Basically, my brain is operating on less of a literal toy fight, but something with toysized effects, but if everyone is truly launching fake missiles, aka, plastic rods with nothing more than kinetic force behind them, then it would obviously be unfair if I brought the former into the fight.
I love this idea.
I have three ideas and two questions. The questions kind of inform which idea I go for.
@Shinny I started picking out materials for my toy and I do have more questions.
It's hard to deny the durability of a vintage cast-iron toy. If a stuffed animal or a plastic toy were to come up against something so durable, would they have any hope of damaging it? You mentioned that "The make of a toy can influence its stats in subtle ways", which almost suggests that whatever the toys are made of, their materials influence things like durability and flexibility but aren't necessarily equal to their IRL counterparts. Is that correct? Are more rigid toys able to move the way a toy with joints or softer materials would?
@Shinny So, was I approved?