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@Shinny Just for clarification, does this mean that everyone with an accepted character can post?

Related to that, were you going to randomize our start positions, or are you letting us start wherever?

Everybody with an accepted character gets to post, some people did basic gists here but didn't manage to put the sheets there and to stop it from being too small I'll let them post too. I wanted to make it so just people with accepted sheets can post, but otherwise this would be over way too quick because there's only three ;;

Also, I will let people choose their starts within reason (No spawncamping artifacts!)
It's as if you were trapped in a dream.

For some of you, the tale of The Toymaster may have been one of mutual understanding and dealership; for others, the tale begins with coercion and force. But whatever the circumstances, the ultimate truth is that all of you awaken in a toyshop. The sensation almost feels natural, as if you're somehow still able to breathe and smell and sense the world around you. But looking at your hands reveals that they were as artifical as the rest of you, trapped within a clear plastic container with flashy and gaudy branding atop it.

You are a toy.

The toy shop you have woken in is remarkably clean and modern. Artifical lights shine bright from a roof much more akin to a warehouse or a megastore than a quaint workshop, closer to a 'Toy's 'r' Us' type store. The store is completely empty of people, the hustle and bustle of customers instead replaced with the writhing and awakening of others, much like yourself. The vast majority of them are new, just like yourself. Awakening from the isles and shelves and erupting from their packaging as they try and figure out what is going on and how to survive. In the shadows, older secrets work.

The calendar on the till's operating system reads late December, but even though it is mid-winter, there is no snow to be found. Instead beyond the glass doors to the outside world a torrential downpour thunders, water blown near-horizontal thanks to howling winds strong enough to make trees buckle. A residual boom of crackling thunder looms overhead.

You must fight to survive.

How and why the thought entered your head is difficult to ascertain, but you know for certain that every toy that has awakened is now your enemy. Whether or not they could ally with you, you realise that only one toy can survive, and only one toy can be victorious. Even if this thought somehow never enters your head, the visual demonstration of two Action Men throwing blows at each other and throwing each other off of the shelves onto the floor is enough of a visual demonstration of the struggle.

And thus, The Battle Toyale Begins.
Round: 1
Number of artefacts revealed: 0
Turn order: To be confirmed.
Right! Apologies for being late, Christmas' run up tends to be hellish when you're working in a hospital.

Because of the relatively low number of characters posted in the character tab, I am going to make a little adjustment.

Those who want to participate get to post in the first round, which will run until January the 6th. (Should be plenty of time for everyone!) Those who did post characters will get a little bonus to help them, as a token of appreciation for the hard work.

Both approved!
Are we allowed to bring characters who have destructive powers scaled down to toyverse size effects? Foe example: a missile fires from a toy hits a shelf, but the explosion is no larger than a firecracker, or a laser beam that is only strong enough to cut through paper, and leave a mild scorch mark on a steel shelf, but with prolonged application would be able to cut through the beam.

Basically, my brain is operating on less of a literal toy fight, but something with toysized effects, but if everyone is truly launching fake missiles, aka, plastic rods with nothing more than kinetic force behind them, then it would obviously be unfair if I brought the former into the fight.

Yeah, this was more or less my intention. If they didn't then toys would take a long time to kill each other, and given the number of people I hope to throw into this mess, the faster things go the better for everybody.

I love this idea.

I have three ideas and two questions. The questions kind of inform which idea I go for.

The last time I did this we had a Warhammer 40,000 combat patrol as one of the contestants, which in a way answers both questions at once. Just remember that conservation of ninjustu applies!
@Sky Blue

@Shinny I started picking out materials for my toy and I do have more questions.

It's hard to deny the durability of a vintage cast-iron toy. If a stuffed animal or a plastic toy were to come up against something so durable, would they have any hope of damaging it? You mentioned that "The make of a toy can influence its stats in subtle ways", which almost suggests that whatever the toys are made of, their materials influence things like durability and flexibility but aren't necessarily equal to their IRL counterparts. Is that correct? Are more rigid toys able to move the way a toy with joints or softer materials would?

I have given a ballpark of statistics for materials, hopefully that can give some guidelines on how each material works. But ultimately? Feel free to get creative with your toys, but try not to hyperfocus on the minutae of how they interact with one another. The toyalle relies on suspension of disbelief, but on a meta level I will be trusting the players to maintain the balance between fun and competetiveness. I'll allow quite a lot of things so long as it's aimed towards being fun and thematic and not for the explicit purpose of winning, if that makes sense.

@Shinny So, was I approved?

Please put your character in the character tab, then I will go over and approve!
Put your characters here!

I'm going to lose track of character sheets if they are posted in the OOC tab.

You can be as vague (or exact) as you want, just know that being exact will help if any GM discretion or judgement is required.

Our characters were turned into toys and put inside some weird death game in a toy store. But what sort of combat are we looking for here? Are we going to "play it straight" where everyone is more or less "human powered" relative to their size or are we going for lightly powered, heavily powered, or anime powered? There's a lot of wiggle room between "Don't blow up the store" and "be a dangerous toy."

Since our characters are toys, do they have human vitals? Will a gut wound cripple someone? Does a toy have to be totally destroyed or do they have a sort of heart/brain that needs to be destroyed to end the toy's life? Do they need to breathe and can they get tired?

Do you care where the characters in question come from? Is the toymaster just pulling these people out of a sort of multiverse and turning them into toys? Related to this, can toys have abilities/powers/magic that are similar to how they were before being a toy or would everything have to conform strictly to how they would function as a toy?

Is there going to be a character sheet?

Quite a number of good questions! Let me go through them.

  • I know this answer sounds like a meme but 'small soldiers' is a really great reference for the level of power I intend. Toys — and their weapons/abilities — will be able to damage other toys and the environment around them. If a character had an ultimate attack that blew up a planet via a giant energy orb, I would equate that to sometime like throwing a bowling ball and knocking down an entire shelf.
    I suppose on the scale you provided I would go heavily to anime powered, just so put every character on the same page. (Which is the real fun of the fight.)
  • My answer to this is that they don't have human vitals, unless you're an operation kit or something like that. Damaging a toy will instead let the animated essence leak (which you can style as blood, molten plastic, anything!). The more of these, the more they will slow down as they ultimately fade. On a comparative scale I will say that toys can resist more damage than an equivalent human could. Removing a toy's head/equivalent thinking part, damaging them enough that their essence bleeds out, or rendering them unable to act, will be enough to render them inert/dead. At the same time, toys will also be able to stuff like graft limbs from other toys to themselves and repair themselves to 'heal' for the sake of furthering the fight. In terms of whether toys tire, I will tie that down to how much damage they take. They will need to breathe, this will become very relevant later on and it's a good thing you reminded me to bring that up!
  • Frankly, where characters come from isn't something I am bothered by. You can tie it up in whatever universe you wish, the toymaster only care about choosing the toy for next year's sales. Some of the people in this thread have a linked multiverse, some of them don't! In terms of where I pin it, I put it in the Neo-Babylon universe I.E the thread that @Divorarel made, but the impact is so minimal it could happy anywhere, really.
  • A character sheet is not going to be included, you can be as in-depth or vague as you wish. Being exact will be an advantage, however. I will also say a few things are worth bringing up as a start:
    What kind of toy are they? Action figure, gunpla, stuffed toy? The sky's the limit.
    What type of material are they made from?
    What features (abilities) are included?
    Where do you want to start? (I will randomise this but will give leeway if people want to start somewhere specific).
  • This is a good question, and it has come up a few times so I am going to make a judgement below:

You can have abilities/power/magic relevant to your character, but you will have to justify it as features on your toy.
Example: If your character knows fire-magic, in toy form this could be related to them having a lighter feature (OSHA does not exist here).

Hopefully this answers all of them! If you have any new ones, please let me know.
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