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I really hope Roche finishes up her hug soon...
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Maybe Suki thought there was no reason to remain in the clubroom, but in a twist of irony, while Nyxia herself was usually the one who wished to depart from this dysfunctional collection of losers the most, now, she had a vital reason for staying as long as needed. Roche, her partner and, yes the Neon Tempest reflected, her friend was clearly going through a rough time, and she wanted to be present to support the rule keeper in whatever way she could. Of course, she wasn’t the only one doing the supporting, with Kiyo providing a pep talk in her usual, acerbic manner, and her partner going so far as to engage Roche in what Nyxia was fairly certain was the most awkward attempt at a hug she’d ever seen. In fact, the girl almost looked like she was a robot set on autopilot. At least she’s trying to help, the Neon Tempest reflected. I guess that’s better than nothing…

Nyxia was sorely tempted to throw a snide comment Suki’s way after the toothy girl made a disgusting remark involving underwear as she headed out of the club room, but for Roche’s sake the Neon Tempest remained silent. Thankfully, the rule keeper’s demeanor seemed to be brightening up a bit, and not just in the literal sense of the amusingly embarrassed blush coloring her cheeks in response to the sudden embrace she currently found herself in.

“Damn straight they’re not,” Nyxia agreed when Roche declared that no one would break the bond they shared, even if that was just her bond with the rule keeper herself, rather than the club as a whole like Roche had almost certainly intended. “So, uh, did you wanna get some training in after this?” the Neon Tempest asked her partner as she awkwardly glanced over to the beckoning window she’d arrived from. “Not that there’s any rush,” she hastened to add, not wanting to deprive Roche of the chance to bond with the other club members, even if she herself had zero interest in such things.

After Lily finally got the hint as to what her animal friends were trying to tell her, she responded with her characteristic energy, summoning a fancy motorcycle on which to ride to Alex’s rescue. Of course, there was no way more than one person could ride along with the greenette, but that was where MDP came in.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess would, like, totally wotally wuv to, Lily Wily~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl replied after a request for “cute, sparkly, rainbow unicorns” (an MDP speciality) had been made. In a burst of prismatic glitter, a trio of said creatures blinked into existence. “Ta daaaa~!” she declared, striking a cute pose.

“My most gracious thanks, your highness,” Gaia told the bubbly girl with a demure nod and a warm smile.

“O-Oh, gosh!” Connie exclaimed in surprise, before giggling as the unicorn nearest to her licked the cheek of her mask. “T-Thank you, MDP! T-They’re so p-pretty! B-But, um, I-I’ve n-never r-ridden a-anything a-alone b-before,” she added with an uncertain frown even as Gaia gracefully mounted her own unicorn. “S-So…”

“Like, it’s okie dokie, Connie Wonnie~!” MDP replied, giving her timid friend a bright and reassuring smile. “These pretty witty horsey worseies are, like, super duper nicey wicey~!” To prove her point, the unicorn nearest Connie sat down to let her climb onto it. “See~?” MDP inquired. “They’re super duper helpful welpful, too~! (giggle!)”

“T-They really are!” Connie marveled, her mask forming a happy smile as she easily sat down on the friendly unicorn. “A-And they’re so soft, too!” she added as she began petting her mount’s rainbow mane.

“They sure aresie~! (giggle!)” MDP agreed, nodding rapidly, before giving her own unicorn a big hug, while gently stroking its own prismatic mane. “Oh~! And they wuv candy wandy, so like, heresie weresies a baggy waggy for you, and one for Gaia Waia, too~! (giggle!)” she added, tossing a pair of glittery pink bags of sweets to her two friends. She was just about to hop on her own unicorn, when “Penny” called out to her.

Now, it should come as little surprise that MDP had been so distracted in the lead-up to the mission that she hadn’t heard that Penny wouldn’t actually be going through the portal with them. But that was fine. It wasn’t like she was in an important leadership position where she had to be mindful of such things, lest she look foolish. She always looked foolish, and she had more than enough such responsibilities to deal with in her normal life. This was a time for funsie wunsie, not boring woring business wusiness stuffy wuffy. Thus, when she heard Penny call out to her, that was exactly who the whimsical girl thought it was.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess would wuv to play hidey widey and seeky weeky~! (giggle!)” she cheered as she bounced over to give the Mechanical Monarch a hug. “Especially wecially with you, Penny Wenny~!” she added, batting her eyes as she looked up at her girlfriend with a dreamy expression, small hearts bursting into being around her head like tiny balloons. However, the whimsical girl quickly broke off her sickeningly sweet gesture of affection upon remembering the other important task she had agreed to. “Like, Magical Dream Princess is super sorry, Lily Wily!” MDP told the greenette, looking rather distraught. “Like, she really really wanted to helpy welpy findy windy Alexander Wander, but, like, Penny Wenny really really wants to play a super duper funsie wunsie gamey wamey with her insteady weady, so, like, Magical Dream Princess is gonna sendy wendy Mister Wister Kitey Witey to helpy welpy you in her placey wacey, okie dokie~?!” MDP added, returning to her customary cheerfulness as she conjured a smiling, rainbow-colored kite on a glittery string tied to her unicorn’s horn with a wave of her wand. “He’s, like, super duper good at finding windng thingie wingies, since he’s soooo high uppy wuppy, he can see everythingie wingie~! (giggle!)”

With that, the playful Princess of Dreams skipped after Penny as the Mechanical Monarch entered the gaping hole in the factory wall alongside the Beacon contingent. While Penny chatted with Alicia and the other members of the assault team dispatched the swarms of tea drones via various means, MDP ensured that the ones closest to her became docile, pink-hatted versions of themselves with one glittery sweep of her whimsical wand. Grabbing one by its gloved hand, she eagerly dragged it over to Penny. “Like, do you thinky winky these silly willy hatty-watty thingie wingies will helpy welpy us findy windy the Hatter Watter person werson if we asky wasky them nicely wicely~?” she inquired innocently.

Meanwhile, Gaia had turned her unicorn in the direction Dave was pointing. “Shall we be off?” she asked Lily, honestly thankful they wouldn’t have to deal with the insanity of storming the factory, while still being fully aware that even greater insanity could very well await them…

Fucking Rei...
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Nyxia pretty much tuned out both Suki’s string of questions and Tsubomi’s disjointed musings while she waited for Roche to respond, although the emotionless girl’s apparent minor epileptic fit did manage to evoke a raised eyebrow from the Neon Tempest. What a fucking weirdo… Speaking of weirdos, Kiyo’s partner seemed to be having some issues of her own, since it looked like the girl was doing her best impression of a statue. Seriously, what is with these dipshits? Finally, Roche spoke, bringing Nyxia’s full attention back to the rule keeper.

“Oh, uh, you’re welcome,” the Neon Tempest replied somewhat awkwardly, not exactly expecting Roche to thank her just for inquiring if she was all right. But what the hell are you thanking Miss Perpetually-Stoned-Out-Of-Her-Fucking-Mind for?

As Roche went on to say how Rei had found fault in her leadership and would be joining the club on their next hunt in order to provide proper supervision, Nyxia found herself growing increasingly annoyed at the club’s enigmatic leader, her teeth grinding together in rising anger. That fucking bitch… She’s got some fucking nerve blaming Roche for everything that’s happened, especially when she keeps fucking off to who the hell knows where… The Neon Tempest had never particularly cared for Rei. As much as she’d initially thought of Roche as a control freak, even from the beginning, she could see that Rei was far worse. Indeed, the green-haired girl had gone so far as to practically blackmail her into joining the Detention Club. And the way she lorded her power over the club’s members while barely lifting a finger to do anything to assist them…

“It’s that bitch Rei who needs to do better,” Nyxia snapped after Roche had asked them how she could improve as a leader. “You’ve done an amazing job considering all the shit we’ve had to deal with these past few months,” she added, her fists clenched tight, while her eyes and the lines etched into her skin began to glow a bright teal. “We’re being called out by that shit stain Ashbringer and her fucking pals who are all stronger than us, and know more about Miseria then we do, but Rei doesn’t seem to give a single fuck about any of it! I don’t know what the fuck she does on her super secret missions, and I don’t fucking care, but if she can’t be bothered to deal with a threat to our city, then she can go to fucking hell!”

Wow, who would have guessed sex-for-brains would be one of the more intelligent ones?
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Nyxia clenched her teeth as Kiyo began to mock her in that infuriatingly flippant manner of hers, sarcastically rattling off all the ways they were doomed to fail at any other course of action than the one she’d come up with. “Do you always have to be such a fucking drama queen?” the Neon Tempest snapped back. This is why I hate interacting with you shit stains… However, to Nyxia’s considerable surprise, Suki, of all people, then spoke up to actually agree with her opinion on how idiotic it would be to summon a Giga Miseria in the heart of Hibusa Town, even going so far as to offer what the Neon Tempest had to admit were some rather sensible alternatives. The girl may have been horny as fuck, but at least she wasn’t a complete moron.

Speaking of, the next thing Nyxia knew, Apathy Incarnate entered the room, followed by Drama Queen’s strange, yet still rather forgettable partner. Now only Roche was missing. The club did have other members, of course, like that snooty girl with the giant chess pieces and her stage magic-obsessed partner, but, like Rei, they were often absent, doing “important tasks” the Neon Tempest couldn’t really have cared less about. She may have developed a stronger bond with Roche, but she still held the rest of her club mates in fairy obvious disdain, and, based on the current conversation, that opinion didn’t seem likely to change any time soon…

“Look, the whole reason we’re trying to get stronger is to fuck over that Ashbringer bitch,” Nyxia shot back after Kiyo had finished giving her summary of why they had no choice but to risk the safety of Hibusa Town’s populace. “And the reason I wanna do that is cuz she trashed an innocent flower shop just for the fuck of it! What good would fighting a Giga Miseria do if we wreck the entire fucking city in the process?!” She exhaled in annoyance. “We seriously need to come up with a better plan than just ‘make a few show up and then try to deal with them’!”

However, before anything further could be said, Roche finally arrived. Just one look at the track captain told Nyxia that something was wrong. Ignoring any potential rebuttals Kiyo might spew, the Neon Tempest strode over to where her partner had taken a seat and looked down at the athletic girl with a visage filled with concern. “Everything okay?” she inquired.

(Sigh) I really hate socializing...
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Before Suki could do more than energetically wave and say a pathetically desperate-sounding “Hi!”, another club member entered the room. Nyxia couldn’t really be bothered to remember crimson-eyed girl’s name, but the Neon Tempest was vaguely aware that she was the one who controlled all the disgusting eye monsters the club used for surveillance purposes. Thus, when the new arrival quipped that no member of the club would stoop so low as to forcibly drag someone to see a play, Nyxia couldn’t hep but roll her eyes. After all, what would an edgy voyeur know about standards? The next thing she knew, Suki had gotten over her momentary shock and had begun rambling about how she’d gotten apathy incarnate to go along with her, before moving on to mentioning a body pillow that she used to bring to public places (shudder), and concluding with an inquiry about fairy tales.

Now, if she was being honest, while Nyxia had never really given much thought to fairy tales, from what little she knew of Rapunzel, the story actually shared some similarities with her own confined and isolated life, at least before she’d become a magical girl. That said, there was no way she was going to share that information, especially not with these particular two girls, even if tall dark and mysterious’s comment about Rapunzel’s shitty parents did manage to elicit a muttered “Yeah…” from the Neon Tempest, her mind briefly reflecting on how hated and unloved she herself felt at home before savagely casting such thoughts aside. However, when the conversation shifted to the possibility of summoning a Giga Miseria in the heart of Hibusa Town, Nyxia finally spoke up.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to fuck one of those things up again,” she began. “But summoning one in the middle of the city is a really fucking stupid idea,” the Neon Tempest added, her mouth contorting into an annoyed scowl, while she fixed an intense glare upon Kiyo.

See, Roche? I'm trying to be sociable!
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

The weeks following Roche’s unexpected visit to her home saw a marked change in Nyxia’s interactions with the Rule Keeper. Where once there had been an understated agreement to work together as well as could be expected, while limiting conversations to the most taciturn minimum amount possible, now, the pair had begun actually opening up to one another, engaging in small talk that would have been unthinkable a week prior, and genuinely enjoying each other’s company. Needless to say, their teamwork had skyrocketed as a result, with Unstoppable Doom really living up to their name as they slaughtered Miseria more effortlessly and efficiently than ever before. Meanwhile, Roche’s tutoring visits had become greatly anticipated high points of Norika’s otherwise dreary days, the track captain’s friendly encouragement allowing the sickly girl to make progress she’d never before imagined possible. Of course, this newfound sense of camaraderie with her partner didn’t extend to any of the other members of the Detention club, and that went triple for Suki.

Thus, when Nyxia stopped outside the club room window before yet another boring meeting and saw that the piranha-mouthed pervert was the only person present, her first inclination was to climb back up on the roof and wait for Roche to arrive. After all, the girl’s nose seemed to be buried in a (probably pornographic) book. Yet, in light of the Rule Keeper’s efforts to get her to socialize more with the rest of her club mates, the Neon Tempest was forced to reconsider that plan and ultimately resolve to give the idea of conversing with Suki another shot.

“Sup?” the teal-haired terror announced as she nimbly slipped through the window and strolled over to stand before what was almost certainly the club’s most loathed member. “Did you have fun seeing that stupid play with whatever brainwashed sex toy ya dragged along for company?” she inquired, one hand idly caressing the Omega Obliterator while the other rested on her hip.

Why, Finn? Why must you always do these things?
-Ashley Avenir

As Ashley charged up her techno-wand with transcendent power, her eyes widened upon seeing a familiar, blue-haired young woman rush over to Big Tony and attempt to yank Regina out of his clutches. Gale?! However, the floaty freelancer’s actions, while heroic, were also foolhardy in the extreme and seemed destined to fail, with Tony’s strength being far greater than even the mightiest espers. Fortunately, the Knight of Tomorrow had prepared her forthcoming attack to fully avoid the possibility of striking anyone other than the massive weretiger, even if he went so far as to use them as a human shield. Unfortunately, not everyone was so cognizant of such potentialities…

To Ashley’s shock and horror, before she could fire her charged up weapon, Finn, in complete contravention of her orders, unleashed a beam of his own, one which only succeeded in blowing Regina’s arm off at the elbow. Timekeeper?! Still, as enraged as she was, the Knight of Tomorrow had no time to rebuke her disobedient subordinate. Although Tony had dodged into an alley, the high-tech heroine had thoroughly established a target lock on him, and so the ensuing cylinder of neon green annihilation was able to easily curve around the corner after the titanic tiger in complete mockery of the laws of physics. While she couldn’t see the results of her massive attack, the torrent of blood that shot out of the alley to splatter across every nearby surface and accompanying howl of anguish provided more than enough indication that Tony had been severely wounded at the very least. Of course, whether or not that damage would prove fatal was anyone’s guess, and Ashley wasn’t about to go down and pursue the monstrous mob boss to find out, not with a small army of Maverick espers waiting nearby. Besides, she had a more immediate issue to address…

“What the hell was that, Timekeeper?!” the Knight of Tomorrow snarled as she turned an infuriated glare upon the young agent. “I told you to focus on helping the freelancers eliminate Crazy Train!”

"Okay for one, considering my current streak of fuck ups consider just severing a limb lucky." It had taken Finn a moment to process what had happened. He really did consider that failed shot a lucky break, anything more and anywhere else would've meant death for Regina or Blue.

And no doubt would've marked him as a Depraved, himself. Elroy already despised them for what happened with Dante and Amanda, no doubt he'd hunt him down for killing his twin.

Whatever powers-that-be were toying with him, that was a warning from them. In contrast to Ashley's stark anger over his decision, he merely scowled back. "Two, if anyone was even bothering to listen to me beyond sparing Peace Train you'd know that I don't think killing either of them is a good idea." He tiredly sighed, turning to face her. "But frankly I should've expected it. No one really takes me seriously."

The Machine's expression then, surprisingly, softened.

"Look, forgive me for going against your orders again, but the last time I killed the wrong being I had ripped a father from his daughter." His voice gradually grew quieter. "I don't even know...I don't..."

Great, and now he’s starting a pity party… Ashley took a deep breath. “It’s understandable if you had misgivings, but then why would you take such a reckless shot instead? I made sure my attack wouldn’t harm Regina, or anyone else that might have gotten, or been placed, in the way. You just fired off a deadly shot and hoped for the best! Yes, the loss of only an arm is lucky, but it never should have happened in the first place!”

"Well I could've just thrown myself off this train but I figured we'd lead up to here either way." He furrowed his brows. So much for trying sympathy again. "You really still don't get it, don't you? You don't see it?"

Ashley exhaled in clear exasperation. “No, Timekeeper, I don’t get why you continue to disobey orders just so that you can put people in danger with these reckless stunts of yours, and I don’t exactly have the time to discuss it right now.”

As if to prove her point, a blinding light burst into being where Crazy Train was currently spiraling through the air. Ashley doubted Paradise was responsible, especially when she noticed the “holy man’s” charred form plummet off of the spinning behemoth.

What the…?!

"I knew it..."

The next thing she knew, Mika had begun asking questions whose answers should have been blatantly obvious.

“No, that was almost certainly an attack,” the Knight of Tomorrow replied. “Although it didn’t appear to be directed at Crazy Train itself.”

Even now, the behemoth in question was rapidly ascending into the tempestuous sky above. At the speed it was moving, it wouldn’t be long before the twisted train disappeared inside the billowing thunderheads.

“Looks like you’ll get you wish,” Ashley added, turning back to Finn. “There’s no way we can eliminate it now.” She sighed again. “At least the city made it through all this relatively unscathed…”

"Ah yes, pity how my theory about how the behemoths behave was correct. I'm sure there'll be another one you lot can kill with glee next time." Finn rolled his eyes, stepping over to the edge of Peace Train. It was a long way down, but he still had a bit of mana left for a simple slow melody.

"Unfortunately what you imply isn't what I meant. And I fear with the way things are going, there won't be a time."

And once again, Finn was making the situation all about himself. How predictable… “We’re not killing anything with ‘glee’, Timekeeper,” Ashley replied with an annoyed scowl. “We’re just trying to protect this city and its inhabitants from threats.” Like the very familiar golden dragon chasing after Crazy Train… “You need to decide right now whether or not you want to be a part of that, or if you think you even can.”

"Hmm... Protecting behemoths is grounds for getting fired, is it not?"

The machine glanced back at Ashley. He smiled, turning to where his back was towards the edge.

"Consider this my formal resignation from everyone. Don't wanna keep jinxing everyone I meet, right?" He gave those still gathered a two-finger salute.

"Let this be the last time we meet as allies."

Finn let himself fall backwards, off and away from Peace Train.

Well, I suppose that’s that... Ashley sighed to herself in sullen resignation before turning away to begin attending to the operation's aftermath as best she could.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)



It would be grrrreat if I can manage to do this...
-Ashley Avenir

To Ashley’s considerable relief, her team’s attempts to prevent Crazy Train from damaging any of the structures it crashed into seemed to be succeeding. Even as she and the twins kept a fancy hotel from getting demolished, the Knight of Tomorrow noticed that nearly all of the behemoth’s unwanted passengers had either jumped or fallen off it. However, two, in particular, were of special note. First, a badly wounded Elroy plummeted through the air, only to be caught by an unknown esper, while Regina was soon revealed to be in the claws of none other than the aptly-named Big Tony himself. While the trains’ motivations didn’t appear to be particularly hostile, the enormous tiger’s most assuredly were. Not only was Tony the leader of the infamous Weretiger Mafia that had abducted and assaulted G.E.M.I.N.I. agents, he was also an important member of The Hand’s command hierarchy. Thus, his elimination was a top priority, one significantly outranking the destruction of either of the train behemoths, at least as far as Ashley was concerned.

I’ll deal with him, Timekeeper!” the Knight of Tomorrow replied after Finn asked how they planned to fight a foe of Tony’s size and power. “I want you and Paradise to focus on assisting those freelancers in taking out Crazy Train! As soon as they’ve damaged it sufficiently to expose its weak point, hit it with the strongest ranged melodies you have!” she instructed. Of course the monstrous priest who appeared to be leading the freelancers was going to jump on Crazy Train the moment it had just gotten rid of everyone else riding on it, Ashley groaned mentally, but if what he said was true and The Hand really were planning on using the creature to aid them in accomplishing their dark plans, then it would need to be taken out, one way or another. That said, the safety of Pax Septimus’s populace still needed to be addressed. “Cereza, Cerise, continue protecting any structures Crazy Train might try to crash into!” the high-tech heroine continued. “Cerberus, keep watch over the nuns and make sure they don’t try anything.”

With that out of the way, the Knight of Tomorrow aimed the twin-pronged tip of her techno-wand at Big Tony’s hulking form and focused her remaining mana into a truly devastating attack. As the neon green orb nestled between her instrument’s twin prongs glowed with ever increasing transcendent power, she only hoped that the staggering energy waiting to be unleashed would be strong enough to spell certain doom for the titanic tiger…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Gold Beam][If: Foe][Homing][Avoid][Piercing][Powerful][Charge][Damage X] = -432 mana


Unfortunately for Octolys, his perplexity only grew even more pronounced when his scout ship reached its destination. Although it remained mysteriously incapable of independent movement, his mental link with the servitor craft remained completely intact, allowing him to gaze through its ocular nodes to find that it had landed in an area that was mostly free of the hoards of recently escaped inmates that seemed to be in the midst of a chaotic free-for-all throughout the rest of the massive prison. The artifact the mysterious voice had spoken of was nowhere to be seen, although a glow emanating from within the depths of a large pile of confinement cases hinted at its possible location. Yet, further investigation would have to be postponed for the time being as a more immediate threat soon presented itself…

The shattering of glass and a glimpse of movement drew Octolys’s attention to where, a short distance down his confinement block, a small army of green-skinned creatures was climbing up to his topmost level. It only took a second for the Domiarch of the 94837568th Negaprism to identify them. They were Orks, with a “k”, not a “c”, a rather unique kind of green-skinned, fungoid race from a particularly unpleasant universe, indeed. They were good for dumb muscle, Octolys had mused upon first learning of them, but little else, their hypothesized ability to warp reality itself to their crude beliefs brushed off as the superstitions of races with intellects far below the 815th level of mentalic ascendancy, such as his own. Yet, these Orks possessed a particular peculiarity that Octolys found most disconcerting. Their feet seemed to be attached to circular plastic “bases”, for lack of a better identifier. This prevented them from using their feet to aid in climbing, or from moving in more than short hops, but, to their credit, they still managed to ascend to the top level and then begin moving towards where Octolys sat with commendable alacrity.

Thus, the dark-matter Domiarch knew that he would need to take swift and decisive action in order to curtail the mounting threat the rapidly approaching green tide posed. With a mighty sweep of a titanic tendril, he sent several dozen tightly packed Orks flying off the the wide lane upon which they traveled to plummet to their certain doom far below. Simultaneously, he disgorged a chitinous cannon crawler, its hunched from lowering to the ground and aiming its cosmic cross-continua hyper-quantum singularity coil cannon at what had to be the Orks’ leader, the so-called “Warboss”. While fearless in large numbers and under the direct command of a strong leader, in small numbers, and bereft of a Warboss’s commanding presence, it was all-too-easy to cause Orks to succumb to a panicked rout, and this was precisely what Octolys’s strategy was intended to induce.

Yet, even as this battle played out, Octolys was still cognizant of events unfolding before the optical nodes of his scout craft. Not only had a strangely garbed woman appeared in the vicinity, but from the pile of confinement cases had emerged a gargantuan gestalt of over two dozen assorted entities, now fused into a singular, titanic abomination, at the heart of which was the glowing artifact he was seeking. This revelation seemed to indicate quite clearly that the knowledge he’d been given was indeed nothing more than a trap, although seeing the sword-wielding young woman engage the amorphous amalgamation in battle promised to provide copious insights into both combatant’s abilities...

After equipping their anti-brainwashing devices, the trio was ready to head out. Connie and Gaia stepped through the portal first, but before MDP could skip along after them, Ronin approached her and asked a question that made the whimsical girl’s eyes light up with glee.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess was able wable to remember wember all that stuffy wuffy because of her super duper helpful welpful dreamy weamy journal wournal thingy wingy~! (giggle!)” she replied, producing the bright pink book in question and holding it out for Ronin to see. It was covered with glitter and dozens of sickeningly cute stickers, while several multicolored tabs protruded from the side, the hand written labels and adorable hand drawn pictures upon them serving to help the ADHD-addled girl find whatever she might be looking for in at least a somewhat expedient manner. “Like, Penny Wenny suggested wested that Magical Dream Princess should, like, totally wotally get one to helpy welpy with her brainy wainy problem woblems, and, like, she was totally wotally right~! (giggle!) It, like, totally wotally helpy welpied lots and lots~! Like, Magical Dream Princess can remember wember soooo much stuffy wuffy nowie, even weven with her super duper terrible werrible memory wemory~! (giggle!)” the bubbly girl explained with a happy smile. “So, like, whenever wever Magical Dream Princess does something womething special wecial, she just writes about it in heresie weresie, and thensie wensie she can look it uppy wuppy any wany timey wimey she can’t remember wember on her ownsie wonsie~! And, like, she’s been having waving soooo much funsie wunsie writing stuffy wuffy in it and drawing super duper adorable worable picture wictures in it, too~! (giggle!)” she added, bouncing up and down in delight, before opening to a page depicting a childish colored marker drawing of “Mister Wister Flower Wower”, accompanied by some notes about her new friend. “Like, isn’t Penny Wenny the smarty wartiest~?!” she asked, closing the book and hugging it to her chest even as an array of small hearts materialized in the air around her like rising balloons.

Once she’d finished chatting, MDP bounced through the portal with her typical excited energy, whereupon she found herself in a broad valley covered in colorful stripes, but that wasn’t what grabbed the Princess of Dream’s horribly fickle attention, nor was it the oddly shaped fortress that loomed before them. It wasn’t, in fact, anything she saw. It was what she heard

“Oooohh~! Like, Magical Dream Princess wuvs that songy wongy~! (giggle)” she declared with innocent delight. “It’s, like, super duper catchy watchy~!” the bubbly girl added as she began to hum and dance along to the enchanted melody, her movements cute, silly, and completely carefree.

“I-I k-kinda hear it, t-too,” Connie noted, slightly tilting her head, while idly tapping a foot along with the rhythm. “B-But it’s r-really f-faint…”

“Yes, it would appear this melody is an aspect of Wonderland’s attempts to mystically brainwash visitors,” Gaia observed in her typical serene tone, even as her hips began swaying from side to side. “It is most fortuitous we came equipped with sufficient countermeasures, although I fear I may have some doubts as to their efficacy…” she added with a concerned frown as her gaze focused on MDP’s silly little dance.

Of course, it didn’t take long for the verdant maiden to realize that she shouldn’t have worried. Indeed, the Princess of Dreams’ childish performance came to an abrupt halt the moment the Mad Hatter’s deranged voice rang out. However, while Gaia had stepped in front of Connie and raised Nature’s Blossom to fire upon the view screen equipped top hat copter the moment it showed any signs of hostility, MDP simply skipped closer to stare up at the odd contraption in wide eyed wonderment.

“Oooohh~! That thingy wingy looks super duper silly willy~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl declared, although as the Mad Hatter continued his deranged speech, her giggling glee soon turned to silent confusion, and then to utter horror…

“N-No…!” Connie gasped as she watched the Hatter fry one of his underlings to a smoldering crisp, her trembling hands covering the mouth of her mask.

“Mother’s Mantel…” Gaia breathed, her eyes widening along with those of her masked friend.

“Y-You… Y-You… YOU SUPER DUPER MEANIE WEANIE HEAD!!!” MDP shouted with unbridled fury, her earlier joyous whimsy having completely dissolved into righteous indignation. “Magical Dream Princess thinkie winkies you’re, like, the worsty worstiest! she told the Mad Hatter, her eyes filled with tears. “Like, how could anybodywody who listens wistens to such a happy wappy songy wongy do such a totally wotally awful waful thingy wingy?!”

“I believe the answer is present in the heathen’s very name, your highness,” Gaia replied in an even voice.

“Humph! Well, Magical Dream Princess is never ever wever gonna play any wany gamey wameies with a horrible worrible person werson like thatsie watsie!” MDP declared, crossing her arms as she continued to glare up at the Mad Hatter’s gleeful visage.

Gaia was also reluctant to take part in this deranged game, and it was clear that Connie and most of the others were as well. Only the Egyptian-themed girl who the verdant maiden couldn’t quite recall the name of seemed unbothered by the myriad risks involved. Yet, finding and destroying the eggs was only one of their objectives. They also needed to rescue Alexander, and as the botanical beauty’s attention was drawn to the frantic activity of Lily’s animal friends, the urgency of accomplishing that goal was only accentuated.

“Pardon my observation, Lily,” Gaia whispered to her fellow greenette, while gently placing a hand on the energetic girl’s shoulder. “But we must also consider Alexander’s potentially perilous situation, and I believe your three friends may be able to guide us to his location,” she added, gesturing to where the trio of animals were desperately attempting to pull Lily’s attention towards a particular direction.
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