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Volcanic Glass

"Shall this humble high priestess regale you with a tale most horrific?"

"I've lied, cheated and nearly killed a man. Does it get more horrific than that?"

”I wouldn’t say you look terrible. Honestly, you look more like you’ve been pulling all nighters for a test. It’s normal. ‘Don’t think people are used to seeing you not at 100%” Roche shrugged apologetically for poking at what seemed a tetchy subject, especially when she knew full well the circumstances around it.

Confusing though they still remained to her, what with Ashbringer knowing Misoka so well….

Her lips quirked upwards, a soft smirk on an oft harsh face. The blonde wasn’t one to roll over and replied with a light jab of her own, verbal though it was. ”If I didn’t eat, I wouldn’t make it far past the starting line. Need some fuel to burn, you know. Just swing by after classes and I will show you how to warm up and cool down properly. It feels a bit tedious at first but long term it’ll cut down on a lot of muscle aches.”

Roche’s gaze turned to Shuuko and her brow wrinkled quizzically, confused why the girl was acting so….stiff. At least outside of her transformed state that always spoke in flowery and ostentatious fashion. ”You doing alright? You seem a little tense, or is this just you being h’angry?”

”Ah… I apologise, Takahashi-san,” Ember made Shuuko’s body bow a little bit further than necessary, then lingered there for a moment to show her genuine effort. ”I suppose I could have worded that better.. I meant to say that you looked frazzled yourself and with myself being a prominent member of the Detention Club, I figured I should inquire if something troubles you.”

Looking to Roche, Ember flashed a smile, however,, it would look a little off to the Rulekeeper. Something that Sylvia’s smile held was absent in the schemer’s, a feeling that would probably intensify when Ember spoke up again.

”Hananami-san. I also think a meal would be a good idea. How about I invite the two of you? To return a favour owed, and of course, in the spirit of an apology.” Ember made the offer freely, wondering if her hyperbole had indeed been a mistake or if she had unknowingly channeled her frustration at how Sylvia handled herself the last time she took part in the Detention Club and unleashed it on Misoka.

”You don’t need to apologize!” She reassured Shuuko. The dark spots under her eyelids got bigger when she forced a smile. Though when Roche addressed Shuuko, Misoka also turned to look at her. ”I thought the same thing. I didn’t want to pry though. I don’t really know you as well as your friends, but it seems like even Roche notices that something is amiss.” She folded her arms. ”Do you not wish to discuss it in public? Or with me? I can leave if you’d rather confide in Roche.”

The Track Captain found herself blinking as the other girls were….stiff. Something was uncanny about the both of them, though it struck her strongest from Shuuko. She certainly hadn’t been that….rehearsed, in their time cooking together. True, Roche had been a hot mess too at times as well, so perhaps Shuuko was good at putting on a public persona?

That didn’t explain much why she was doing it now with her and Misoka. Misoka was also picking up on the girl’s strangeness and seemed open to excusing herself. Thinking this might be some Detention Club business she nodded along and gently set her hand against Shuuko’s upper arm.

”If you don’t mind, I think some privacy might be best. I’ll catch up with you later, Misoka. Don’t forget to come by, okay?” Roche’s expression had dimmed, concern clear as she tried to guide Shuuko out of the cafeteria, naturally leading her to the familiar school exterior where they could have some peace and quiet from the students.

Misoka groaned. ”Take care.” Was all she said before walking off.

”For one who is supposed to adhere to the rules, you sure worry much, Hananami-san.” Ember’s words got the usually composed honor student to look over her shoulder, but she thought better of saying anything and continued on her way. Ember followed Roche without any resistance, seeing no reason to take the offered out. It did seem like Misoka harbored a little resentment as well, so it would serve her well to be more careful in the future. She could have chosen her words better. Speaking of which, she wondered if Sylvia wished to talk with Roche?

”I’m all right, Ember. Please don’t shorten your time for my sake.” The protector sounded like she wanted to say anything but that, almost vibrating in their shared mental space and the schemer sighed before she stepped down from the driver’s seat and almost shoved Sylvia into it. As she did, Shuuko stumbled from the way her gait changed and she almost ended up face-first on the floor in an almost picture-by-picture recreation of the first time Roche met with Sylvia.

”Ah!” The protector almost squeaked as she found her balance again. ”Please slow down a little, Roche?” she asked, tone and cadence now much more familiar to the rulekeeper’s ears.

They’d come some distance from the general hum of students congregating for their meals, eager to join together with their friends without the teacher’s lessons getting in between them.

Roche might have been doing the same if something hadn’t set her off. Shuuko’s engagement with Misoka was already stilted and uncanny, but her suspicions took firm root hearing her use Roche’s family name.

Grammatically correct, but so very, very distant. Not once had she spoken to her like that as they cooked, or even as they fought like Magical Girls. That she even did so when absent of prying ears or well-intentioned Misoka had Roche’s brow furrow with worry.

”What is going on?” It was impossible to keep the words from sounding like an accusation, especially when Shuuko was acting completely normal the moment she stumbled upon herself. ”What is going on? This isn’t normal for you…”

”Eh?” Sylvia’s eyes widened as she raised her hands, palms facing Roche. ”But everything’s… all right?” Blatantly false, but she could not just tell her friend that she was having trouble with one of the club members now, could she? Especially when the reasoning was as silly as hers, despite Ember’s and Hotaru’s relentless insistence that she could talk about it with her fellow detention club members.

”What the- Of course everything isn’t alright. You just pulled a 180 so hard you left tire marks on the cafeteria floor.” Roche was genuinely gobsmacked by Shuuko’s reaction and found herself staring in bewilderment at her friend. That was acting like herself now didn’t excuse how bizarre she was just a minute ago, and judging by the haste of her denial she knew it as well.

”Look, just talk to me here. You’ve seen my DVD collection, so you have more than enough dirt on me if it’s a trust issue here.” The Track Captain said, offering an olive branch and trying to relieve some of the stress. Having found that openness and vulnerability- Paradoxical thought it was given their Dark natures- Was the best method when getting her comrades to open up, she opted for a softer approach now that Shuuko’s guard was up.

Of course it did not work. There were few things Sylvia considered herself worse at than lying. What is more, she attempted to lie to her very first friend, the one whom she shared so much time with. How could she even have contemplated that? But on the other hand, how else could she protect her comrades? She pursed her lips, clenching her teeth. The impossible choice ground away at her moment by moment.

”You don’t have much choice I’m afraid, Sylvi. I’m sorry that I made us stand out. Do you want me to take over again?”

”That wouldn’t help shit! Sylvia knows what she’s doing, Ember.”

”I know you’re worried, ‘Ru, but-”

”Worried my ass! You’re the one who screwed up this time, Ember, and you can’t fix it. Just shu-”

Sylvia stepped away from the argument that was starting to become all-too-familiar. She wobbled as she tried to find her footing against the surfacing emotions it stirred, but her actions helped about as much as trying to resist a tidal wave. It merely washed over her before sweeping her away, then drowned her in the cold depths filled with ice.

”What… what do you do, Roche,” the words were hesitant. Fragile. The protector spoke barely above a whisper. ”No, never mind. I’m… I’m really excited about the next movie night!” As if. As if! But how in the world could she burden Roche with her troubles?

There was a glimmer from behind the curtain of deceit. A tentative finger uncurling towards Roche, but quick as a viper it withdrew and Shuuko deflected the matter. Poorly.

Roche could see that the subject was more fraught then even she’d first assumed as her friend was shaking like a leaf, swaying enough she was liable to fall over. That and the girl’s shaken words had Roche step forward and reciprocate Shuuko’s own attempts at comforting her as her arms wound around the swaying figure.

”You don’t need to lie to me. It’s really not your strong suit.” Roche’s hand rose, cradling the back of Shuuko’s head to her shoulder as she tried to still the girl’s nerves. Granted, the closeness of them was liable to set her own alight and see her be reduced to a bundle of misfiring nerves given time, but her focus was sharp enough upon Shuuko she could look past the compromising position.

”Please…Just be honest with me. Tell me what’s the matter.”

Shuuko’s body went stiff as Roche hugged her, spine shooting ramrod straight instead of embracing the comfort it should have brought. Stiff as a skeleton and still as a corpse, the protector could take little solace in the embrace at first. She did not know if she deserved to take solace in it, because what did she do to earn the privilege? No, she was a troublemaker. A devil child. Someone who cleft a family apart with her mere existence. Even her mother died because of her.

Sylvia opened her mouth. Roche could probably feel it as close as she was. But no sound came out.

Try as she might, Roche felt her stomach tighten with discomfort as Shuuko remained stiff and unbending in her grasp. There was no comfort or solace taken in the embrace, and when she released Shuuko’s head and looked her in the eye, Roche flinched at the expression of pained terror writ across Shuuko.

”I’m not going to judge you. You already know I’m a mess……” The Track Captain sighed, her arms loosening their hold but not ready to fall away. Her own confidence was shaken but had yet to shatter. ”The other day I was with Nyxia, and I told her I plotted to kill a man. I would have done it too, if he hadn’t died before I could do it myself.”

”I’m the last person who deserves happiness here. Even less than Rei, but you still cooked for me. With me.” There was moisture beading up in the corner of her eyes as she clung to Shuuko, so close their noses brushed against one another.

”Say something. Anything.”

”I’m the daughter of a filthy whore.” She spoke barely above a whisper, yet the words struck like a gavel. While not the issue itself… that is where it started, had it not? Grandfather. Grandmother. They could not have done what they did if it was not for her mother. Then she would not have to protect everyone. Then she would not have to keep all of this in. Yes. It was all her fault.


”Don’t say that! Mom deserves better!"

”But it’s true!”

”Sylvi, those are not your words and you know it.”

She just said them, so how could they not be hers? Ember was wrong this time.

That Shuuko did finally answer her was just a candle’s flicker of relief before the weight of what she said struck Roche full force. Few words were said and barely a whisper at that, yet it was plain to see Shuuko had met her confession with one of her own, and it explained a great deal while rousing even more questions.

Roche’s issues stemmed from the shattering of her family unit. Shuuko was shattered by her family. And it was plain to hear all that anger and disgust was directed just as much inwards as towards her mother, for the voices were correct.

Those were words no child would say of their mother.

Her arms redoubled their efforts and gripped Shuuko, nearly pulling her off her feet as Roche enveloped her tightly. ”Shuuko, tell me honestly. Is someone hurting you? At home, I mean. I can help you. I WILL help you, because no matter what happened with your mom, none of that should reflect on you. Your mom could be Prime Minister and it wouldn’t change a thing about the girl who held me as I cried. The girl who watched a cheesy movie beside me, and didn’t run when I….When I….”

Roche knew it wasn’t the time to get worked up about that in particular, huffing out a breath as she let Shuuko’s feet touch the ground but didn’t loosen her grip at all. ”You are fantastic, and kind, and I am so glad you are in my life, regardless of what any idiot says.”

There was still no response. If it were not for Shuuko’s breathing, her words or the tears budding in the corner of her eyes, it would have been impossible to tell if she were still alive. Like a statue, she stood awkwardly within Roche’s hug as one memory surfaced after another, chasing across her mindscape as though they were butterflies with blades for wings. That would have been bad enough on its own, but the wings of these insects had a message engraved in them: It was all her fault.

”I’ll make you filthy, too.” Sylvia continued to speak in a whisper. ”You’ll also be a bad girl. You don’t want to be a bad girl, do you?”

”Sylvi! Please!” Ember’s desperate call for the protector to stop her barrage of words and reflect on herself merely echoed in their shared space, for Sylvia was no longer close to them. Hotaru could not reach her either, no matter how much she tried to embrace the protector’s mental self. They could no do anything despite their best efforts, helpless against the past that surfaced ugly word by ugly word.

”She wanted to die. She couldn’t bear her shame. That’s why she died.” From the outside, it had to be surreal. A stiff Shuuko standing within an embrace, saying words that sounded like they were not meant for her lips, but had nevertheless been burned into her. ”I’m… sorry, Roche. I don’t want you to become a filthy, bad girl. Please let me go.” Sylvia smiled, but it did not look like one.

”And please don’t be a bad girl. Good girls don’t talk about family matters.”

Were Roche’s words not reaching Shuuko? No, they had, but they’d hit upon something terrible. Enough that the girl could completely wall herself off, acting as stilted as a computer offering rote responses drilled into her by monsters worse than any Miseria. It tapped upon a fury Roche had long buried, an obsessive hatred that brought her to the brink of being yet another girl Rei made vanish.

Someone did this to her. Put these ideas in her head. They violated her for nothing more then being born. A volcano had erupted inside her and as close as they were Shuuko would hear the grinding of her teeth as it was Roche’s time to be stricken into rigor mortis. It was truly everything she could do not to transform and demand to know where her tormentors lived. Her mind screamed to enact the justice the world would never provide them on its own, and her body was a bow drawn painfully taut as adrenaline surged.

But it was her pitted, scarred heart that kept her leashed to the moment. It kept her from turning away from Shuuko to indulge the allure of rampant violence. Because the instant she let Shuuko go, she’d be feeding into every warped delusion that bound her.

All that energy burned her something fiercely, sloshing like the contents of a washing machine till Roche did what she always did; Charge forward and take the pressure upon herself.

It wasn’t the first time their lips had met, and it was rougher than she would have liked. As much a need to silence Shuuko’s words as it was an exorcism of the feelings inside her, a denial of every wretched label Shuuko had put upon herself now conveyed by the mashing of lips and arms pulled painfully tight.

It should have been intrusive. It should have been foul, a violation of everything that was right and yet, it refused to be so. Something had intruded upon Shuuko’s body, of course, but it felt like a soft, clumsy pillow instead of a wooden spoon or the foul things Sylvia remembered all too well. Her own lips tingled from the feeling, the shock jolting her out of her state and-

”Kiss her back, you idiot!” Hotaru’s voice cut into the protector’s thoughts, but it only made Sylvia feel like a deer in headlights. She did not know what happened, her thoughts running a mile a minute, her heart speeding up, blood slowly flowing back into her face and… and why? Unable to hold her tears back any longer, the image of the protector crumbled as she buried her face into Roche’s chest when the rulekeeper released her lips. Silent sobs wracked Sylvia as she cried, something deep within coming undone. Something painful beyond words.

”It’s all right, Sylvia. We’re here for you.”

”Damn straight!”

She could barely hear them due to the din of her tears, falling and falling without end. Why did she even cry? She did not know. All she knew is that she needed to cry and so she did, almost suffocating herself against Roche’s skin. Any attempt she made to speak ended up in a hitching gasp, but that too, was almost silent, especially compared to the mess she was making.

It would have been generous to call what they shared a kiss. Roche was wild energy, pressing against a girl who couldn’t respond. So much harder to do when it wasn’t an accident borne from a moment when both had let down their guard.

Roche pulled away, her expression wrought with conflict as she witnessed Shuuko break down into tears. She’d made a choice, and it might still prove to be the wrong one, but as the girl broke down into tears and buried her face into Roche’s chest, she couldn’t deny it had silenced the poisonous words of another.

Her back struck a wall as the balance shifted, and she found she was now holding Shuuko up rather then holding her close to her person. A change that saw her chin resting over her head while she hesitantly rubbed circles into the weeping girl’s back. Inside herself a knot had come undone, though the gravity of its unravelling was undercut by the weight of Shuuko’s revelations, and Suki ousting her from the closet upon their vacation.

Yet admitting her affection towards Shuuko was a relief all the same.

”You aren’t alone. I’m here for you, no matter what you say or do. Because I want to be here with you, Shuuko.” Roche said, startling herself by how dry her own throat was as she forced out that words she felt the girl needed to hear.

No thoughts existed in Sylvia’s head as she cried her heart out while also trying to stay as silent as humanly possible. The only real noise she made was when she took a breath, the image of a crying dark girl becoming a surreal painting: tears falling, shoulders shaking, but nothing for the ears. It almost felt as though she wanted to keep it hidden, no matter how absurd the thought of that would be to anyone who watched her break down.

Time seemed to have lost all of its meaning, the molasses of grief only broken by the occasional voice, though the protector could not tell if they came from the inside of her head or the outside. Her burden lightened an iota for every minute she spent like this, but how long she did it for when the world started to return to her senses, she had no idea. Her throat felt raw. Her eyes felt puffed up. If Roche looked down, she could only see a mess of clothes and a face that looked worse than if Sylvia had gone through a warzone.

The protector opened her mouth to speak. She made a mess of sounds that were mostly unrecognisable, save for one word.

”... dirty…” Had she any strength left in her limbs, she would have stepped away from her fellow dark magical girl. But as it was, maybe fortune smiled upon her as she felt she could not stand on her two feet, strength having left her as though it had not been there in the first place.

”You aren’t dirty. Not in the least.” The Track Captain couldn’t relish in her own relief when she looked upon Shuuko’s face and saw the cost of exercising even a fraction of her grief upon Roche’s windbreaker.

Two things were clear; Shuuko needed more time to recover, and they couldn’t linger outside the building forever.

Concentrating on her crest, Roche transformed into Earthshaker, unintentionally leaving Shuuko nestled up against a great deal more of her bare skin than before as she scooped the girl up into a bridal carry. Stepping sidewards to ensure there were no windows directly above her, the Rule Keeper bounded upwards to the roof of the school. Naturally such a place was forbidden to students, with a high fence ringing the roof to make it even harder for jumpers to take a leap off the building.

Getting onto the roof, however, was child’s play for a Magical Girl. Up there, no one would stumble upon them or eavesdrop, and Earthshaker settled down with her back to the fence as cradled Shuuko in her arms.

“You take all the time you need, but I’m not letting you go home to those….those animals. You can stay with me, or we can find you a place, but no one is going to call you dirty again.” This was Roche in her element, decisive and commanding as she curled protectively around the weeping girl.

Sylvia let out a yelp as she got lifted, clinging onto Roche for dear life. She may have done stunts which were death-defying or deadly as a magical girl, but she was not in control of what happened to her this time, so it felt more dangerous. Not to mention it risked one of Shuuko’s bodies. The tiny amount of magic inside the Khir would not be able to save it if it fell from this height.

Already reeling from her experiences, she stared at her companion like a deer in headlights before she shook her head. It came across more of a slow look from one side to another because of how little strength she felt she had left, legs feeling like they had been made out of jelly. Or putty.

”No… already left… dirty girl…” She could only whisper that, sniffing in an attempt to clear her nose. Her head felt so clouded she could not even reach for a tissue.

Roche could take some succor in knowing she wasn’t going to be run out of town by Rei after doing some unspeakable things to Shuuko’s family. That she was on her own was a blessing and a curse, for while the poison wasn’t dripping into her ear, it pooled enough to fester on its own inside.

”You aren’t dirty, and even if you were, I’m filthier, so it would all balance out. Now, just use this and get it out of your system.” Earthshaker gripped the hem of her cloak and held it up for Shuuko to take hold of.

Gross it may be, it was hard to deny magically formed clothes weren’t incredibly sterile, and it wasn’t like they’d stain for long either.

Though looking down and seeing the girl was hardly in a state to help herself. the Rule Keeper instead began to gently blot of her cheeks and brush along her nose, trying to clean some of her excess.

”You are very pretty, and if I have to tell you that till you believe it, I will.”

With a slight shake of her head, Sylvia batted away both the metaphorical hand that reached out for her as well as the scarf. She had already soiled her friend with her tears, soaking clothes to the bone, ruining whatever outfit she had worn. She did not need to ruin the situation even more. She did not even realise that Roche had transformed and as such, the cloak would clean itself by the time she transformed again, so lost she was within her own head.

”Thank you. But please don’t lie to me.” Having found a tissue at last, she dabbed at her face. It did little to help, irritating the now-sensitive corners of her eye instead. ”I know what I am. I… I think I’m happy you don’t think so, but it doesn’t make it true.” A small smile appeared on her face as she spoke, truly looking as though someone had saved her. But there was also sorrow, no, a piece of knowledge in that smile that presumed her views to be true.

”Why do you think that, Sylvi? Ember’s voice projected warmth in their mental space.

”Do you really care, Ember? Sylvia’s rebuke felt colder than ice. ”I’m just a bad girl. Nobody really cares about what a bad girl thinks. Especially not you two.”

The hope had been that seclusion and privacy would give Shuuko an opportunity to open in peace. That Roche could break through the shell of self loathing.

Instead it had calcified, and the once flowing dam had turned into a perverse resolve as Shuuko dug in her feet. It was a perverse display of Shatterscape’s own unwavering resolve, yet another reminder Magical Girls were more than just their powers. A shame that it was working against them.

”Calling me a liar? You know I’m usually more defensive of my reputation but I’ll let it slide given the circumstances..”” Roche exhaled gustily, letting her offered cloak settle over them as she rested her hands upon Shuuko’s back.

”How about this. You be open with me, and you’ll have your chance to prove me wrong. I’ll be open with you, and I’ll have a chance to prove you wrong. You up for it, Shuuko?”

Sylvia looked up at Roche. She did not respond, but the other dark girl could see a practical war unfolding behind the red eyes, its true nature hidden from mundane sight.

”Please take the offer, Sylvi. I know you’re very angry at us, but will you please listen to me?” Ember tried to approach the protector as she spoke. The latter backed up, putting the ever-present distance between the two of them back to where it belonged.

”Yeah, what do you have to lose? She’s just plain wrong! It’ll be a piece of cake to win.” Hotaru grinned, placing her hand on her hips.

”She’s just wasting her time and effort.” Sylvia crossed her arms. ”If I want to be a good friend, I have to stop her.”

”I think that sometimes, the best choice you can make is to let your friends do what might seem unwise in the moment. Maybe they will learn an important lesson from it, as experience is the best teacher.” Ember’s tone remained gentle as she tried to find a crack in Sylvia’s argument.

”Exactly. You know, just like when you learned how to cook for Roche.” Hotaru withdrew her hands from her hips, then pointed at Sylvia. ”Just bet something important to her on it and-”


She echoed the word in real life too. ”No.” A simple denial that cut to the bone, leaving no chance for an in. ”Please don’t take bets you can’t win.”

Shuuko would easily be able to feel how hard Roche winced hearing the flat, biting rejection of her offer. It was turning out to be a bitter irony that the stolid Shatterscape was far more hostile than the acerbic Nyxia could be at matters of the heart.

Though their wounds were entirely different.

Her arms stiffened and she’d skipped a breath, her tongue working against the back of her teeth as she struggled to form a response that wasn’t glib or combative. A swallow, her throat dry and gulping air into a leaden chest.

”I won’t lose. No matter what you say, or what you do, I won’t turn away from you.” Roche mustered herself for those, ultimately setting her hands upon Shuuko’s shoulders and sitting up so they were face to face. ”I swear it to you as Rule Keeper, and as a Club Captain, and as your friend.”

”I won’t blink.”

”Do you really know what you’re talking about?” Sylvia sounded… worried? She still spoke quietly, so it was difficult to place. ”You’re… you’re just getting yourself dirty for a girl who’s got mud for blood. I… I don’t think I can let you do that. You’re… You treat me well. That’s enough for me.”

[color=red][i]”She does. She’s doing this because she cares about you, Sylvi-”[i][/color]

”Please let her speak for herself, Ember.” The protector’s interruption rung in their shared space as though it were a gallow. ”She’s important to me. I can’t let her work her fingers to the bone for nothing.”

”So please don’t suffer for my sake.”

”Of course I know what I’m talking about. The only person who gets to decide I’m suffering is me, and spending time with you is the furthest thing from that.”

Ever so slowly her lip curled upward, a grin of confidence upon Roche as she met a gaze that had gone from resolute in its self flagellation to conflicted. Shuuko’s grim resolve wasn’t unshakable, and Roche would take that opportunity and do what she did best; Run with it.

”So I’m going to look forward to more time spent cooking, watching movies, and doing anything else you’d like till you realize that someone else can see how good of a person you are. That I actually feel better just holding you like this right now.”

”Why?” She never really questioned Roche’s presence until now. The protector had just assumed the other girl took some sort of pity on her to keep hanging out, or maybe she tolerated her presence, but now it seemed like the Rulekeeper wanted more than that. Something that sounded as though it were beyond friendship. Or maybe she misread the situation completely and Roche was playing a cruel prank on her.

”No, you didn’t.” Ember smiled. ”I’ve been trying to tell you for a long time. That girl thinks the world of you, Sylvi.” But that was impossible. Sylvia only existed to curse others and to be the shield that took on everything that would harm them. Her reason for being born was so that Chiaki would no longer suffer anymore, so that the protector’s skin would be the one flayed instead of the golden child’s.

”I’m just a filthy girl,” she repeated as though it were a counterpoint, but she did not sound as sure as the first time.

”And I’m an orphan who lied, cheated, and stole to keep living in an empty home. I stalked a man for days before having the chance to kill him snatched from me.”

Roche exhaled, the words no less stressful than they’d been to confess to Norika, but repetition did rob some of the sting to her own heart. ”Rei can kill me with a touch. Kiyo and Tsubomi have no interest in touching anyone. Suki actively avoids me out of disgust and revulsion. Nyxia doesn’t like girls. Shuuko, you are the only person who wanted to come home with me since I became Dark Magical Girl.”

”You could be dripping from having crawled out of the sewers, and I’d still want to have you over again.”

There was no reasoning with Roche. No matter what Sylvia said, or how she spoke, the other girl seemed determined to stick by the protector’s side, to more than just tolerate a filthy existence beside her. It almost felt like she wanted to embrace it completely, professing dark secrets of her own. They were insignificant in comparison to Sylvia’s though, who was merely a useless, good-for-nothing sink of pain. So maybe she could not understand. Maybe she would never get it.

And so, she would have no choice but to protect Roche from the consequences from her own actions.

”Sylvi, please don’t tell me you’re about to stop spending time with this girl. If she wasn’t already on our side, she’d cross over thrice! Please take her feelings into account!”

But she was doing exactly that in her own way.

”You… You’re too kind.” Sylvia wiped her face. Colour had been returning to her for some time now, but it seemed that only now did she regain full control of Shuuko’s body. ”Please think of me when your kindness turns into pain.” She meant it, too. It was the least she could do. It would hurt her beyond belief. And yet there was no other choice.

It was dawning on Roche that neither of them would be budging on their stances, but neither was Shuuko trying so hard to force her away. Almost smugly certain of rightness, yes, but at least she was willing to assume Roche would come to agree with her rather then force the issue.

”We’ve got time for minds to change. Let’s just agree to disagree for today. Want to get something to eat?”Earthshaker said, helping Shuuko rise to her feet before offering her arm to the barely recovered girl. “Want me to carry you down, or should I go snag something from the cafeteria and bring it back?”

”Please wait.” Sylva closed the eyes of Shuuko’s body… or rather, one of the bodies as she focused on the web that was her and her comrades. She reached out to the next nearest Khir, then the body she currently possessed fell to the floor as though its strings had been cut. At the same time, Roche felt a pang of magic from the seemingly lifeless corpse in front of him right before it got replaced with a Shuuko that looked far more collected than before.

”Sorry… if that was too much.” The protector smiled, weak and still a little shaken. ”I’d like to drink something first.” And a way to discourage Roche from following this path, a sentiment she kept to herself as she tried to put on a brave face and lead the two of them towards the cafeteria.

The hug helped. Though Sylvia did not notice it, the heartbeat that had hammered away at her chest started to lessen in Roche's presence, maybe because they had spent so much time together. Really, she could not even count how many nights they sat by each other or just talked, with her stumbling over her words while Roche listened patiently. Then the roles would reverse. She even started to be decent at conversation herself, or at least she hoped so. Clinging to these moments just as strongly as she clung to her blushing, flustered body pillow, the protector relaxed moment by moment. She still kept watch on Tsubomi with half an eye, wondering what horrors she could unleash on her or the rest of Shuuko, but at least she did not tremble like a leaf anymore.

And no, she did not feel embarrassed by Roche's caresses. If anything, they made her more comfortable in the embrace they shared, warmth freely flowing between the two of them.

But speaking of others... whatever happened to Suki and why did Evil Eye leave like that? Nobody said anything offensive or hurtful, in fact, they were trying to cheer up Roche. Indeed, it did not even occur to her that others may have been feeling left out, or upset because of how she behaved, the closeness shared with Roche easily mistaken as something else to outsiders. Maybe even to Roche.

"Y-yeah," she responded shakily to Roche. "I'm here too, especially if you need a meal!"

Now if only Ember would tell her why she palmed her face in their mental space. Sylvia had not said anything wrong, had she? She turned out to be a decent cook and she had to repay Roche for all the time they spent together somehow, not to mention that Roche always enjoyed Sylvia's cooking. Therefore, reminding Roche that she could count on Sylvia for her cooking would surely reassure the Rulekeeper or at least give her something to look forward to.

Though it could be barely seen from afar, Shuuko's body actually trembled under Sylvia's influence, her thoughts spiralling into a chorus of white noise while Hotaru and Ember tried to convince her to step down. However, the former's concerned pleas fell on as much of a deaf ear as the latter's ceaseless bravado. Sylvia did not switch. She refused to switch with another - and everyone had vowed not to force themselves to the front unless the situation proved dire. Like it or not, the two were stuck in the background for the time being.

It sounded like they were talking about the Giga Miseria before Roche stated that their leader would be joining them on their next outing. Of course, Ember had a thousand or more questions regarding Rei's absence, not to mention the permission for Shuuko to go on an absolutely useless trip. There was also the fact that Roche had returned as depressed as she had been when Sylvia first met her. This did not sit well with Ember either.

"Sylvi... please. Please talk to Roche at least. She could use a hug."

And maybe it would distract the protector from the object of her fears. Especially since everyone seemed to be offering a word of support to the Rulekeeper, even Nyxia herself. Even better, Sylvia actually considered the advice and followed up on it.

Right after Kiyo bonked Shuuko's body on the head, Sylvia had it stand up, then move towards Roche. Her movements were stiff and from the outside, it seemed as though she had ignored Kiyo in favour of moving to the side of the Rulekeeper, taking a seat way too close for comfort, then wrapping her up in the most awkward hug known to mankind. Stiff, shivering, heart thumping in her Shuuko's chest, Sylvia was in no condition to give reassurances in a hug. If anything she looked like the one in need of it.

"No... Sylvi... Please switch out for me or Hotaru. It's all right. You don't have to protect us all the time."

"Yeah, that's right! You know I could kick Tsubomi's ass seven ways sunday, right? So come on, let me step up to the plate already!

However, their words fell on deaf ears. Sylvia merely shook her head in response to the others, clinging just a little more tightly to Roche in an effort to take solace in the other girl's presence.

Sylvia almost breathed a sigh of relief as she went through the door, as Acid Drop had not arrived yet. She could prepare herself to face the other dark magical girl at her own time, or maybe if she was lucky, the apathatic girl would not show up at all. Except she did, just moments after Shuuko stepped through the threshold, acting as though nothing happened between the two of them. As though Tsubomi's presence had not lead to that happening.

Shuuko's face lost all semblance of colour as her spine went ramrod straight, heart hammering against her ribs. Sylvia felt as though she fell through layer after layer of clouds, then got impaled by a stone spike right in the chest, piercing her completely - but also condemning her to suffering. For all intents and purposes, she appeared as though she had turned into a salt statue, her limbs locked beside her body even as the club moved. Her gaze got lost in the distance, maybe even peering beyond what was visible. She did not even notice as Roche entered, all but slamming her head into a desk. Only Ember's gentle warning proved enough to snap Sylvia out of her reverie.

Even then, Shuuko's movements remained stiff. She glanced Tsubomi's way every now and then, trying to see if the whirlwind in her head died down at all - but it had not.

"Sylvi... You can't take this." Ember reached out towards her in their mindscape, but Sylvia brushed her off with a wave of her hand.

"I... I have to face her... I can't fear anything if I want to protect you..."

But was it really Tsubomi whom she feared? Or was that merely Shuuko's body reacting to the memories she recalled? And if the latter were true, did that mean she should have focused her fear on her so-called comrades, Hotaru and Ember?

Even as Sylvia lost herself in thought, the other members could no doubt notice her unusual behaviour. She did not greet the members as she usually did; nor did she approach Kiyo or Roche - the two she seemed to cherish the most out of the Detention Club. She had always made sure to reserve a warm comment towards them and had never missed a single day. Of course, it had went without saying that Shuuko had not frozen up like this in the past either.
I keep forgetting Earthshaker isn't Strength from BRS.

Hello and welcome to the madhouse RP. We have severely traumatised dark magical girls looking for love cookies.

The house rung from their voices. Shouting echoed between the walls, laughing at the idea that it may be stopped by Sylvia’s hands on her ears, reverberating inside her skull, rattling her mind. The words blended together and while it was not a cacophony, she felt their anger, no, their hatred for each other. Blame arrayed against blame. Fingers pointed at each other. Age-old arguments breaking out like a wildfire, spreading through the entirety of her home.

Could it even be called as such, though? The walls may have been warm, but the fire inside the hearth died a long time ago. Its flames burned like ice, painful snowflakes blossoming across her skin whenever she tried to reach for it, then seeped into her bones before it penetrated her to the core.

Steps. They were coming closer. Their shouting stopped. It could mean only one thing: both Grandfather and Grandmother agreed that the source of their woes could be no one but the girl they had locked inside a barren, barely-functional room. Somehow, somewhere, they came to the conclusion that they lost their daughter because of their granddaughter, that they were angels and that their only descendant was a demon.

Sylvia huddled closer, wishing she were anywhere but here. She thought she could protect Chiaki, but every time she did, it was just pain upon pain. Maybe that was all that she deserved. After all, was she not but an ugly, filthy spot on her Grandparents’ flawless lives? Was she not the sole source of their suffering? They were right, were they not? It was all her fault. Chiaki was innocent. Slyvia was the one who did all the bad things, so she deserved to be punished.

The door opened. Grandfather walked in with a belt. Grandmother had a wooden spoon in her hand. Slyvia did not care. She fixed her eyes on a spot on the wall, hoping that it would be over soon.

”... you to please stop, Hotaru! Sylvia’s terrified!”

Those words finally got through to the warrior, who took a look at Sylvia and froze. The protector sat in the very same position she used to whenever their so-called ‘family’ did the unthinkable. Indeed, Sylvia’s eyes lost all life, their normally oh-so-vibrant green becoming a dull, colourless puddle of mud. Even worse, fresh-looking bruises started to appear on her body.

”Shit…” Hotaru lost all of her fire as she beheld the fruits of her labour, her eyes widening at the sight. ”Look… I won’t say sorry to you, Ember, because I’m not. We’ll return to it when Sylvia’s all right.” As she spoke, the warrior approached Sylvia with careful steps, taking care to showcase her open, empty hands.

The protector did not respond. Only the faint movement of her chest betrayed the fact she lived, as it seemed like she refused to see how Hotaru moved her hand in front of Sylvia’s eyes or how the warrior snapped her fingers beside the ears. The world was as dead to Sylvia as she was dead to it, for nothing mattered in the face of the inevitable. Bad children got their punishment after all, did they not?

Hotaru muttered some sort of curse beneath her breath before she reached for Sylvia, but she stopped short before her fingers could brush against skin. It would not help at all, she realised. If anything, it might take their dear protector further away from them, into a land she would never be returning from. Having run out of ideas, the warrior looked back at the schemer, who seemed to be occupied with something else.

”Ember! Get your ass over here!”

“‘Ru.” The red-haired woman looked at her. ”Since when could we talk to each other like this?”

”It’s always been like this! Now stop your thinking and do something!” Hotaru’s outburst struck like a hammer, causing Sylvia to flinch. In response, the warrior looked back at the protector and-

Realised what Ember meant as her eyes took in her body.

”What the…”

”Exactly. You have never seen me like this. I have never seen you like this. The same fact stands for Sylvia.” Ember’s blue eyes swept the mental space around them, looking for more details. A hazy fog descended on the mental scape, obscuring details, however, her cold gaze picked up on details hidden within the distance. Walls. Faint outlines of furniture. A floor. A ceiling.

It all wavered when she stepped forward, yet it lingered. It felt ephemeral like a dream, yet it could be felt. They could now perceive each other not only as voices, but as though they were people sharing a room.

”I do not know what Kana-san did, or if this has anything to do with her… but I believe this change can not be reversed.”

”Are you absolutely sure you will be all right, Sylvi?

Slyvia nodded in their mental space even as she braced herself for the meeting today. So far, she begged off the days or even the moments where she would have to face Tsubomi. Or more accurately, she left very little choice to her comrades who… she did not know anymore. Both of them tried their best to prop her up, but did that make up for what they did? For bringing that memory to the surface?

Shuuko’s body shivered as Sylvia lived through the experience. It seemed just as vivid as the day it happened. Like no time passed at all. Yet as Ember often said, if people did not face their fears, then they would become beasts. Even more importantly, she could not protect anyone if she could not overcome this trial, which in turn meant she would no longer be useful. And as much as Ember or Hotaru smiled at her, they would not hesitate to throw her away.

If they were like her Grandparents, a hopeful voice noted in the back of her head. She dismissed it right away, refusing to show it to her so-called comrades as she approached the Detention Club’s entrance. Her gait, once steady, slowed down as she came before the door. Her legs trembled. Her fingers shook. Not even measured breaths helped as she reached for the door, almost stumbling through the room’s threshold.

Volcanic Glass

What did one do with this so-called… “free time?” If Sylvia dared to ask that question out loud, she knew she would be treated as though she were an alien, but honestly, she had no idea other than staring at the last page of a novel that Ember had read before she forced Sylvia to the forefront. The others refused to front as well, even though there was nothing she could do, except play shiritori with herself until she inevitably lost.

She tried to plead with Ember, but the woman walled her off “for her own good”. The phrase tasted like ash on Sylvia’s lips and she almost begged to be let back into the second line of her own mindspace. Hotaru too, seemed intent on giving her her own time, citing how much pain she had taken on recently. She could not fault them for their intentions but… seriously, what could she do?

Sylvia sighed.

Counting the seconds did not prove as entertaining as she hoped. She also messed up several times with it, so she had no idea how long she had been here. But maybe a walk could help her find something? Anything. Anything that counted as a form of entertainment or company, a thought which caused Ember in the back of her head to snicker.

Fine then. A walk without aim it was. Roaming the school hallways along with the track field as though she were a lost spirit of sorts, Sylvia spotted someone who still put herself to the grinder despite the late hour. She could not see her, but really, there was only one who could have been it: Roche. The Rulekeeper… really kept the harshest of rules for herself, did she not?

Sylvia sighed again, leisurely taking her steps, almost tiptoeing closer. What did she even say to Roche? How did she start a conversation? Ask anyone else in their head and they would know it - Sylvia would not. What if Roche rejected her outright? What if there was no hope? What if…

Ember interrupted the movement of Sylvia’s legs and the latter almost fell face-first against the dirt. Her legs screeched against the surface, no doubt attracting Roche’s attention as she balanced herself by cartwheeling her hands and likely looking absolutely ridiculous from the outside.

The track team had already dispersed for the evening, but for a Magical Girl, endurance was more a suggestion than a hard limit. Roche pushed no one harder than herself, and she’d be damned before anyone accused her of not leading by example. Not that such integrity made her company any more palatable to others.

Respected. Tolerated. But sought after? Unlikely. She only had one girl do that to her in recent memory and that was more someone seeking her for her expertise. An exchange she did admittedly enjoy a great deal, and she found looking forward to in the mornings they met. But in the evening hours between school and Detention Club activities, she expected nothing more than solitude and the sounds of her own heart beat.

So the Rule Keeper was reasonable distracted when the sound of screeching shoes had her turn and see Shatterscape in her normal form, flailing her arms like she’d been about to trip over her own feet. The tanned track star pivoted and approached, breathing steadily with a sheen of perspiration coating her skin. “Hey there. Did you need something? It seems a little early for Miseria.”

Naturally her mind went to business, thinking this was about their nightly activities.

Sylvia’s heart thumped against her chest, the beats practically audible in her ears. What did she say? What did she say?! Naturally, only silence greeted her as she tried to come up with something, the awkward silence stretching for what felt like two or three eternities. She must have looked even worse than just a second before, almost frozen in place with an expression that could have been cut from a horrified marble statue.

“I’m sorry!” she ended up resorting to something familiar as she immediately bowed, her hands clasped beside her body as she bent forward at an almost ninety-degree angle. Her head faced the ground even as the blood in her veins pounded away like a volatile mixture of napalm and arctic ice, lips pursed tight, eyes shut.

“Wait, what?!” Roche sputtered out, confusion turning to shock and second-hand embarrassment as Sylvia was prostrating herself before her for seemingly no reason. Her head whipped side to side, checking if anyone was watching before quickly closing the distance and raising the other magical girl by her shoulders.

“Sheesh, don’t go doing stuff like that without a reason. What are you even sorry for?” Roche questioned, keeping a firm grip on Sylvia lest she trip or attempt escalate matters into full blown Dogeza before her. At the very least it seemed clear this wasn’t about business as usual.

Sylvia twitched as soon as Roche touched her, but she did not resist. It would have been useless anyway. Roche was stronger in this form than Sylvia - she felt it in her bones even though her companion did her best to handle the situation gently - raising Sylvia upwards regardless of what she wished for, her expression on plain display: eyes wide, lips pale and slightly open, face lacking any colour one could think of.

But at least some blood seemed to be returning to her experession after Roche spoke.

“Ummm… err… Hello?” tried Sylvia as she screamed for help in her head.

“I’m so sorry, Slyvi,” answered Ember. “But if I helped, It wouldn’t be your time.”

“She’s right,” smiled Hotaru. “Go on! Enjoy yourself! Maybe race her around the track and see where that gets you. It’s better than just sitting around, isn’t it?” She patted Sylvia on the metaphorical back. “You can do it!”

Unfortunately, Roche responded before Sylvia could say anything back.
“Are you having a seizure?” The Rule Keeper hadn’t considered the medical backgrounds of most of the club, but Nyxia proved that being a Magical Girl didn’t remove any existing illnesses or conditions. She didn’t panic, but seeing the near lifeless expression on Sylvia’s face before she slowly returned to her senses had the tanned girl increasingly alarmed. “Hey, let’s get you on a bench. I’m not exactly sure you should be standing after that.”

That made no sense whatsoever. Shutting her mouth so that nothing strange could leave it for some time, Sylvia had to fight against showing the confusion she felt. Butterflies swarmed up from her stomach and throughout her whole body, making it feel as though everything she say would be wrong in some way or could be misinterpreted or it could turn into an argument or maybe Roche would slap her or maybe…

“No…?” she half-whispered, half-asked, almost choking the words out. “I… err… I… umm. I don’t have,” A pause. A breath. More butterflies. More uncertainties. “A seizure.”

“Oh….Oh!” Roche faltered in her steps, arms locked in place before pulling away like they’d been thrust onto a stove top and not noticed the flames till that very moment. Roche was often cavalier with others and bossy, but that didn’t render her immune to being mortified at being so wrong.

Her arms crossed across her chest and she looked away, a flash of vulnerability in her failure. Gaze looking out across the campus, she worried her lip before turning back to Sylvia with a ragged sigh. “Sorry, that was rash. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions like-”

Her apology was stilted, and was then rudely interrupted by the rumble of her stomach. Embarrassment deepened and a faint rosy hue dusted her tanned cheeks as Roche tried to mask her discomfort with a weak laugh.

“Hey, do you wanna get something? We can talk while we eat.”

The butterflies continued their flight, their wings growing bladed edges as they danced across Sylvia’s body. She tried her best to keep her face neutral as Roche danced away from her, then, in another incomprehensible action, apologised to Sylvia about jumping to conclusions. But was it not her who was in the wrong here? She interrupted Roche in the first place by being an ugly, disobedient-

A growl like the roar of a lion, coming straight from the Rulekeeper’s stomach.

Slyvia did not even flinch as she heard it, her expression neutral.

“Okay. Being hungry… is not good.” It seemed that some of the butterflies wedged themselves under her tongue, between her teeth as the words came out haltingly. Awkwardly. Almost like they had immeasurable weight without having gravitas.

“Yes….it’s not.” The Rule Keeper felt she could be forgiven for not knowing where to go with that, but decided anywhere else was preferable to staying on school grounds a moment longer. She murmured an excuse before going to scoop up her gym bag from the grass along the track, a quick check confirming all her things were inside before waving Sylvia after her.

Fortunately High School’s were prime real estate for inexpensive eateries with high traffic, and Roche grinned seeing a KFC up ahead. Turning on the spot she offered Sylvia her bag, checking the street around them, and quickly transforming into Earth Shaker.

“Alright, you wait here and I’ll be back with a bucket of something warm.” Rubbing her palms together, she waited for another customer to open the door before slipping in behind them.

Sylvia followed as though she were a robot marching to Roche’s tune for the lack of any better options that came to mind. At least the butterflies inside her were quieting down as they walked, but they did nothing to improve the atmosphere. Such things were on her, a distant part of her consciousness reminded her, which meant she had to come up with a topic. Which meant she was back to thinking again.

Nodding to Roche instead of trusting herself with an answer, Sylvia took the opportunity for a break as her companion disappeared into the restaurant. Letting out a lungful of air, she centered herself and let the tension loosen from her body. She had not even realised she held it, but she felt immediately lighter and in a few seconds, she realised something she could talk about. Or try to. She was not as good at moving as Hotaru, but she could ask about the track team.

There was a topic now! Carefully keeping her expression neutral, she took the bucket that Roche returned with in silence, meaning to start the conversation after they had their fill and she had enough time to map out how their exchange could go. Firstly, she would have to be the one to speak up, apologising for her awkwardness. She could do tha-

The food tasted - at least to her sensibilities - like cold, mushed paper infused with sewage juice. She desperately tried to force it down so as not to offend her fellow dark girl, but it was a losing battle. The moment it touched her tongue, Sylvia coughed once - deliberately closing her mouth to avoid the worst - but the second cough had her spit it out and heave, doubling over in her seat as she tried to get her breathing under control.

Being invisible in Magical Girl form had often been an easy way to get free things, but it did come with the age old adage attached, ‘Beggars Can’t Be Choosers’. Roche had a great deal of experience lowering her expectations in these penny-pinching forays but it had slipped her mind that Sylvia might have had a developed pallet.

Biting into the chicken herself she didn’t even react to the cold, damp mess bereft of flavor. A steaming hot meal put in a container and left to sit for a terminally-late Pick-Up order was bound to be tepid but it would be the least noticed of all to go swiped off the counter.

Back in her untransformed state, Roche was startled from her chewing by Sylvia retching rather violently. Dropping her thigh to the sidewalk she rushed over, fretting with her hand patting at Sylvia’s back. “Shit, shit! Are you choking? Do you need something to drink?!”

Hastily setting down the bucket she rummaged into her bag, pulling out a squeeze bottle of water and giving it a shake to find she’d still left some water inside.

Struggling between breaths, all Sylvia could think of was that she would be exacting revenge on Hotaru and Ember for this, even if they did feel the very same cold, flavourless… disgusting… thing… that she did through their shared senses. The taste was momentary, but it remained with her for several extremely long seconds until her saviour arrived in the form of a water bottle.

Sylvia took a large gulp of it, washing her mouth of the taste as best she could before she lowered the bottle.

“I… umm. I’m sorry, I don’t think I can eat that,” she said with a halting, difficult cadence as she handed the bottle back to Roche, her gaze conspicuously directed towards the ground. “And uh… I’m sorry. I uhhh...” Wait a second. That was right. Chiaki knew how to cook. So did Ember. It would be not as easy as if they were the ones doing it, but Sylvia could borrow the knowledge. It might even be edible unlike the culinary affront she had just experienced!

“I want you to stop eating food like that!” Ooops. She had been too enthusiastic about finally finding something she could do. She did not mean for that to be so loud nor to sound so cheerful!

Roche had every intent of squirting the water into Sylvia’s open mouth but the girl was fast in her panic and took the bottle herself. Eyes wide, she watched as the fellow Dark Magical Girl guzzled its contents from a cap she’d been using earlier in her run. That certainly qualified as an indirect kiss, but Sylvia seemed too distracted to notice.

All too happy to stuff it back to the bottom of her bag, Roche took the sudden change of direction as the coughing girl blurted out her true feelings with aplomb. “Okay! Do you have any suggestions where you’d like to go?!”

Her voice was most certainly not squeaking, and she was very much not flustered by the eyes of strangers turning to them in passing as they very loudly coughed over a bucket of chicken now ignored at their feet.

Oh kami. She screwed up. She screwed up so bad. Sylvia could practically feel a searing blush slowly make its way to her face, roses slowly developing on her cheeks as she fantasized about going back in time by five seconds and strangling herself before she let that sentence out. This was why she wanted help from Ember! She was useless in social situations! She just humiliated Roche to the best of her ability without as much as thinking about it. But now she had no choice but to power through. Somehow.

“Ummm… errr… sorry.. Umm. Umm! Do you have… a kitchen?” she ended up asking after a brief pause, trying to force herself to look at Roche. Which was not happening. The butterflies were back in full force again, fluttering and laughing through her whole body any time she tried to meet the other girl’s eyes.

“Oh! That’s what you….Never mind.” Shaking herself Roche put an arm around Sylvia’s shoulder to help steady her, since the girl might have been under the weather with all her poor balance and hacking coughs.

“I do have a kitchen, but it’s not what you’d call well stocked. I can work a rice cooker but I don’t exactly have fresh veggies in the fridge.” Roche said, slowly leading them off in the direction of her place. She shot Sylvia worried looks, hoping she didn’t keel over or need her to transform and carry her off quickly.

The roses crept further up Sylvia’s cheeks as Roche reached out to her, the Rulekeeper’s fingers wrapping around her shoulder in a gesture that she had not felt… well, ever, if she was being honest with herself. She did not even find herself flinching away from the touch as she should have, because it felt… nice? Yes. It felt nice. She may not have known the other Dark Magical Girl for too long, but they have spent time together just… not like this. She did not know it could be nice like this.

She did not need the support. At all. But instead of informing Roche about it to save the other Dark Magical Girl the effort, Sylvia found herself leaning into the touch so she could feel more of it, starting to understand what Hotaru meant by missing out on hugs. But those would be too forward in this situation, would they not be? Even this gesture might be inappropriate if she thought about it too much.

Trying to distract herself, Sylvia went for her purse, pulling out a five-thousand yen note.

“I umm… I think this should help,” she said awkwardly. “I uhh… er. I am not… the best at it.” Swallow. Breathe. Try to think of how to phrase it. “But it would be better…?”

Roche outwardly projected calm as Sylvia handed her the note but internally she screamed out in despair as she had no idea what to even use it on. She’d been living off instant meals, one-step recipes, and petty theft for so long she didn’t have the foggiest idea what she’d be cooking.

No, she couldn’t just say that. Sylvia barely looked to be holding herself together, so Roche had to remain firmly grounded and support her. It was her responsibility to keep every member of the Club together, even in the most unconventional of situations.

“S-Since you’re paying, you can pick the recipe and we’ll do it together!” Roche blurted out with false confidence, passing the onus of responsibility for the shopping to Sylvia while still holding the veneer of being decisive.

“Teriyaki Chicken,” answered Sylvia almost instantly as for once, Ember helped her out with a recipe that was simple, relatively quick, did not have too many ingredients and had little preparation. Thus, she could not screw it up too badly, having never cooked before. It would likely taste similar to what she had just a few minutes prior due to how utterly useless she was - even if Ember tried to convince her otherwise.

“Err.. uhhh. If you’re… okay with that.”

“Sure, that sounds great!” Is what Roche said aloud, but she’d never cooked Teriyaki Chicken before. Was it complex? Did it take a lot of time? She might have descended into alarmed worrying if she didn’t think to pull out her phone and search for a recipe. To her relief it proved simple in its ingredients and not all that labor intensive.

She kept the recipe open in hand as they turned into a grocers and found her arm naturally slipping from Sylvia’s shoulder as they entered the more publicly packed place. “Here, you carry the basket while I grab the stuff. We’ll be in and out in no time.”

It was quick going from there. The shopping went by in a blitz and before Sylvia realised it, she stood in front of a stove, trying her best not to show just how nervous she was cooking for the first time. What if she left it on for too long? What if she left it on for too little? Tasting it was forbidden - she was cooking it for both of them so she did not want to contaminate it. It did look ready in a few minutes, but was it really?

In an inspired moment, she took a fork to check one of the meat slices for consistency and sure enough, it was. Letting out a sigh of relief, Sylvia moved the pan, toggled the heat, then she fetched the plates for the two of them, meticulously arranging the table without even noticing she did so. Not that there was much to arrange given how sparse Roche’s apartment proved itself to be, but even so, there were soon two tastefully measured servings of food on the track club star’s table.

“Er… umm… if it’s bad, you don’t have… have to eat it,” spoke Sylvia as she did her best to avoid Roche’s gaze. Try as she might, she knew there was no way she could have replicated how Ember did the dish with her years of experience. It was likely she burnt it to a crisp or messed something up but… No, she followed all the steps correctly, didn’t she? Surely, she could not mess up something this simple, could she?

Roche could scarcely remember the last time she ate at a dining table with another person. Even meals at School were more club affairs than anything else, and Roche stared down at the meal they’d prepared together with no small measure of wonder. She’d missed the warmth of it, the expectation of a home taken for granted in her youth, and with it’s absence she’d given up hope of feeling it again.

Unbidden, Roche chuckled softly, the noise soon lost as she blew on the chicken before taking it into her mouth. Sylvia’s cooking had been spot on and the moisture of the chicken had not been driven out of the bird. “You know, I think I under seasoned it, but it’s still a great meal. Can’t even recall the last time I had something like this. Thanks for this, Sylvia.”

The track captain looked across at her fellow Magical Girl, a stark and heartfelt appreciation writ across her face before her eyes widened in recollection. “Oh, we never did circle back to it. Wasn’t there something you wanted to talk about in the first place?”

Sylvia straight up stared at Roche as she took a chopstick to the kitchen, her whole body rigid. Worried butterflies with razor-sharp wings took flight from her stomach once more, gliding across her insides to make it seem as though every movement of Roche’s balanced her death or her survival. She almost leaned forward, her fingers whitening as the morsel made it closer and closer to the Rulekeeper’s lips, inevitably swallowing it and praising it.

The protector almost collapsed from relief on the spot. Thank goodness! It would have been a disaster if she complained about food, then managed to make something that tasted horrible, like that half-Miseria abomination Suki had made. Weirdly enough, the smile on Roche’s face even made Sylvia feel… warm? Like one of those aforementioned butterflies landed on her heart, then spread its wings to envelop it.

Then it flew away in panic when Roche mentioned the topic.

“Errr… umm… I uhh… I forgot?” she half-asked, half-professed as she lied, knowing there was nothing she wanted to talk about in the first place. She had simply wanted to find some way of spending her time, after all.

“You forgot?”

The oddness of that response could shine through even the bliss of a mouthful of teriyaki, but after she swallowed her masticated meat Roche only shook her head with soft mirth. “I suppose we’ve both gone off on a tangent. I’d planned to still be running awhile longer, yet here we are. Since we’re here, let’s just enjoy the food. Maybe watch a movie while we digest before heading out for our nightly hunt?”

No sense fussing over things when Roche was feeling comfortable, a glow to her features oft absent as she turned her focus to enthusiastically chomping on chicken.

Sylvia’s explanation was accepted without question. Perhaps she had grown used to Ember’s sharp eyes or her grandfather’s unreasonable standards, but Sylvia had, deep down, expected more pushback on her lie, so she stood by the table for a second or two before her mind caught up to the facts and she took her well-deserved seat. Like Roche, she carefully sampled her teriyaki chicken - not as good as Ember made it, yet not bad - before she dug in with a smile on her face to mirror Roche’s.

“Do you usually watch movies?” She asked, all but happy to talk about something that Roche wanted to, her own list of topics painfully blank.

“I like to have something playing. Movies. Music. Cable television. At least when I’m home.” Roche answered, her expression dimming just a little before perking up. “At least at home. I’m not one of those who listen to music while jogging. Usually I just work all night with you all then school all day.”

Roche kept a busy schedule, and between school and two clubs she left herself very little in the way of downtime. Just the way she normally liked it. Even her idea of a vacation involved cooking herself alive on the beach.

“Got a DVD collection if you want to root around in the media chest.”

Sylvia nodded as she finished her meal, then started to root around the media chest to see if there was anything that caught her eye and - what the hell were those eye-searingly bright magical girls doing here out of all places? Curious, she browsed the box to lift the very first one and read the title out loud.

“Futari… wa… Pretty… Cure…? Err… Are these… light magical girls… in anime?” she asked about as awkwardly as she handled the box. It was… not unreasonable for someone to have these, especially as they all used to be light girls themselves, but the cutesy designs did not match the mental image she had of Roche. Then again, Roche could have changed from her transformation, just as Shuuko had.

The tanned girl winced and turned away, considering the appeal of the floor as Sylvia held up the embarrassing anime. “Look, it still had good action. And it’s not like I watch it anymore…”

Her denial was weak and she hurriedly came over, plucking it from the other girl’s hands and setting it aside. Pointedly out of sight.“Just don’t mention it to Suki and the others. Okay? I don’t think they’d let me live it down.”

“Err… I won’t judge?” Sylvia half-asked, half-promised as she watched Roche walk off with one of the DVDs out of the many. She must have been quite the fan back when she fought on the side of the light, Sylvia thought, failing to notice how her left hand bunched up into a fist as she tried to look for something else in the box. She had not even heard of these titles, never mind saw them and her other selves were of no help either as she tried to decide on something.

“You’re… umm. You’re very… dedicated. Dedicated to the detention club.” Oh Kami, kill her now. How could she sound so awkward when she tried to make conversation?!

“Of course I am.” Roche finished tucking away the DVD and turned back, expression bewildered by Sylvia’s declaration. Flattered too, but Roche brushed past that without a care and joined her at the media chest. “Schrade gave me this role and I take it as seriously as I do everything else I do. There’s no point in not putting in the effort.”

She leaned over, her hair brushing against the other girl’s before she reached in and pulled out one. “You a fan of Kurosawa? I’ve always liked Rashomon. May have seen it too many times, but I can’t tire of it. Though if you want something lighter I’m sure I’ve got Godzilla Final Wars in here somewhere…”

“Ummm… I haven’t seen any of these,” Sylvia confessed. She did not flinch away from Roche even as the other girl invaded her personal space, not even when their hair and shoulders touched. “It’s all foreign to me.” Had she ever seen a movie? No, she had not. Not with her own eyes at least. Those occasions were usually reserved for Chiaki so they could make her at least a little happier. So that there was no burden on those small shoulders and…

Sylvia shook her head.

“Is… is there something that’s… slow? If you don’t mind, of course!” she asked, not knowing how else to word her request.

Roche considered Sylvia’s request, finding it rather odd, but then again so were most of the Magical Girls in general. Still she didn’t think a Kaiju movie was slow, so she dug deeper to the foreign films they had on hand. “I think I have….aha!”

Pulled free from the stacks of cases was one she proudly held up, brushing by Sylvia as she came upon the DVD player and set it inside. Before the television was a kotatsu table and Roche came back , draping the blanket over her lap before patting the space beside her for Sylvia to share. “Okay, this is a musical called The Sound of Music. It’s kinda old but that just means the film style is more measured. So we can just enjoy the dancing and singing.”

It sounded good. Nodding with a small smile as she thought back on how they enjoyed a romantic movie with Chiaki at the centre, Sylvia slid into the kotatsu. Would this be similar to what she was used to? Back then, she never watched the screen with her own eyes, so it felt distant. A little bit hollow. But now she was the one fronting, with the others in the background, remaining silent so as not to “impose” on her time.

“R-ready when you are,” Sylvia said in the end, glancing over to Roche.

Noticing Sylvia seemed a bit tense, her hand reached out under the blanket, squeezing the other Magical Girl’s own softly. “Relax, Sylvia. It’s just a movie. If you don’t find yourself liking it, we can always stop and pick something else.”

Reassurance given the hand settled against the floor between them while it’s mirrored twin clutched the remote and set the movie to play. With a belly full of fresh food and company that wasn’t strictly required for club based activities, the track captain was feeling an energy she hadn’t enjoyed in a long time. A soft smile was playing upon her lips as she cast her attention upon the screen, lulled into a state of peace by Julie Child’s performance.

Sylvia startled when Roche reached out to her, but once again, made no move to get the other girl out of her personal space. She did not even notice it too much, the touch barely a background noise to her as the movie started up. Like she had asked, it was a slow one and also a touching one, exactly what they usually went for with Chiaki. Now seeing it on her own was an entirely different beast altogether, the emotions much more vivid.

Maria caring for the children hit her straight in the chest. The Captain’s strict discipline along with his sometimes harsh words hit even further home, and soon, Sylvia felt what the actors felt and - quietly, under her breath, so as not to disturb Roche’s enjoyment - she hummed along to the musical numbers. Of course, she knew it was only fiction, a tale of make-believe on the screen but still… She swore she could have touched the actors some times.

The longer the movie went on, the more comfortable she became. Relaxing minute by minute, Sylvia did not even realise that she unconsciously closed the distance between them, ending up side-by-side with Roche when the movie finished, turning to the side with a measured smile on her face-

And going red as soon as she realised she had almost brushed her lips with Roche’s cheeks.

The movie had proven a good choice, shockingly so, as it was easy to see Sylvia was enthralled with it to a degree Roche found magical to watch. She stole glances throughout the performance, failing to grasp just how close they’d gotten as time flew by amidst pleasing tunes.

As the family made their flight upon the alps and the credits came to roll she turned to see Sylvia’s reaction at the same time she had as well. A near glance of the cheek turned to a meeting of lips, passing along one another before their noses met and Roche’s head snapped back, blushing clear and bright through her own tanned complexion.

“S-S-Sorry!”The track captain stammered, a hand shooting up to her own lips while the other disappeared into her lap under the covers. Her composure cracked while her thoughts betrayed her, circling back to one word. ‘Soft!’

Mt. Sylvia got buried beneath a swarm of riotous ladybugs as she realised what happened. Their lips had brushed. Their. Lips. Had. Brushed.

Her stomach tangled. A knot built up there, wrapping around the food she swallowed, sprawling deep inside her and dragging her down. At the same time, she felt something light, like a balloon or an eagle taking flight, making majestic circles, followed by a jolt travelling her whole being. Her hands bunched up, accidentally taking hold of Roche’s before she let go as though she had grabbed a rod of white-hot iron.

Thumping filled her ears. What was it? It came from her chest. Her heartbeat. It went a mile a minute. A shiver. She averted her eyes towards the floor.

“S-s-sorry,” she repeated back to Roche, dropping her shoulders as she felt the weight start to crawl up from her belly. [color=teal]“I… umm… er… I-I g-got way t-too close.”

Surprise colored her features as she found herself staring at their joined hands, Sylvia holding on with a strength that jolted Roche from her stupor before seeing Sylvia withdraw just as quickly.

“No!” The words came fast, her haste lending them force before logic could constrain her. “You don’t need to apologize. It….you…felt nice. I was just startled….”

“P-P-please don’t apologise! I-I’m responsible f-for that,” Sylvia responded immediately without thinking about it, even though using her brain would have served her a thousand times better. “I-I-I j-just g-got t-too comfortable! I-I-It’s m-my f-fault I g-got so close!”

“I-I said I liked it!” When pressed Roche fell back on instinct, acting boldly and running forward at her problem. Naturally that was not the most tactful, but it had her reaching out and clutching Sylvia’s wrist firmly.

“You did nothing wrong. Please don’t be upset.”

Sylvia froze in the spot, her hairs standing on end when Roche grabbed her. Much like a rabbit in front of an eagle, she all but turned into a lifeless salt statue. Even her breathing ceased for a second or two, her eyes widening to their extremes, then she jerked backwards and shielded her face with her free hand. Her shoulders dropped as she huddled for a moment, then when nothing followed save for an apology, she lowered her hand.

“S-sorry,” she apologised again. “I uhh… I-It’s okay. You startled me.” Except, if Roche had two working eyes, she could see that the colour rushed out of Sylvia’s face, a rather stark contrast to how embarrassed she had been just a moment before.

The sudden change in Sylvia’s manners was unusual, but it proved difficult to appreciate when the girl had suddenly jerked away in seeming fear of Roche. Hurt plunged like a blade between her ribs and the track captain released her hold on Sylvia, thinking she’d hurt the girl just like Suki always pretended would happen.

But after everything she’d gone through, and seeing the looks of disgust and rejection even the amorous Magical Girl of the Detention Club gave her, seeing such flagrant repulsion to Roche sickened her to her core. Feeling of fluttering emotion suddenly had leaden wings, sinking to the bottom of her gullet like a weight upon her neck. She hadn’t planned for anything to happen, it wasn’t even a thought in her mind, yet such a desperate and depraved soul such as Roche had all but leapt at the chance.

Coming out from under the kotatsu she curled her knees up beneath her chin, both arms wrapping tightly around them. Her mind was spiralling, negativity so palpable you’d think a Miseria was set to manifest around her.

A little puff of air escaped Sylvia’s lips when Roche let go. Tension she had not even known she had been holding in uncoiled from her and she closed her eyes to center herself, running through a series of all-too-familiar mental exercises. What seemed to be a comforting silence fell upon the room, so when she opened her eyes, she fully expected to see a somewhat confused or concerned comrade-in-arms waiting for her. Fate had other plans.

“R-r-roche?!” She scrambled towards her companion immediately. She seemed to be breathing, but why was she hugging her legs? Did Sylvia hurt Roche? “D-did I hurt you? Are you injured?” Did she drag her hand away too quickly? Could she have somehow sprained Roche’s wrist? What had she done, what had she done?! A cold, unfeeling rock slowly blossomed inside her chest, crawling up into her throat as she tried to figure it out.

Roche’s eyes widened like dinner plates as Sylvia came upon her, rousing her from funk in a whirlwind of worry. She’d thought Sylvia was taking a minute to word her rejection, or to simply muster the nerve to walk away without a word. Instead the girl had gone from stone-faced to fretful with concerning speed.

“I’m fine. I just thought you were…..repulsed by me.” Her voice had withdrawn, a tiny thing without power or bite, and while her eyes dimmed from the manic orbs they were she had not loosened from her tight ball either. “It’s okay. Everyone is. Suki. Nyxia. Every new girl we seem to meet just wants to kick our asses and burn down our homes.”

“Well, they're welcome to mine, because it’s just me here. Not even Schrade visited when she was around more often!”Her laugh was bitter, and her nails sank into the meat of her calves with an intense grip. “You’re the first person, and I go and make it all awkward…”

Roche’s reply struck right in the chest, causing the metaphorical rock to ring out like a gavel as Sylvia lost her words. Opening her mouth several times, she found that whatever she wanted to say would either come across as trite, unhelpful, ignorant or all three at once. Clumsy phrases repeated themselves in her head, more hollow than an empty cauldron or the feeling left behind by Roche’s words.

She sounded as though something important had been carved out of her. Surgically removed. Perhaps destroyed, cracked into pieces like Shatterscape herself, broken beneath a weight she did not even know she carried. Of course, Sylvia was not so observant as to recognise it, so most of the analysis came from Ember as she stepped forward to help her at last.

“I won’t put words in your mouth, Sylvi,” spoke Ember, “Trust me, you won’t learn without stumbling.” She flashed a sorrowful smile. “But do talk to her. Look her in the eyes. Tell her you’re also awkward. Tell her what you think. Touch her so she knows that she wasn’t the problem.”

Following the advice, Sylvia gently took hold of Roche’s shoulder and lowered her head to line up with Roche’s eyes.

“Umm… I’m… I’m also awkward. But… I don’t think that’s bad…?” That was terrible. She could not have put her foot into her mouth harder if she tried.

But for all that Sylvia was uncertain, hesitant, and entirely out of her element, her efforts bore fruit. The bite of her nails lessened as she met the other girl’s eyes. Not because she looked to her on her own, but because Sylvia came to her. Was touching her of her own volition.

It was a fragile thing, but the warmth even came through her windbreaker.

“Maybe. Maybe we’re both awkward.” Roche wasn’t smiling, but she wasn’t pulling away or shaking from hypertension. The terror was passing and slowly she let her legs splay outwards, stretching the nerves loose. “Shuuko, would you want to do this again?”
Even Roche didn’t quite know if she meant the meal, the movie, or the awkward contact.

“I think so. I… I liked cooking with you, Roche.” A small, awkward smile lit up Sylvia’s face as she responded to the Rulekeeper. “Would you like me to come over and help you again? Or just watch a movie?” She did not want to impose after all, and it seemed to her like the track team’s captain also enjoyed the meal with her. More importantly, though, something about preparing the meal put her at ease, so she wanted to repeat it. The movie was also enjoyable.

Roche’s head bobbed and her focus finally settled upon the present, grounding herself in the moment stretching out between them. It proved a near thing, but ultimately it was Sylvia’s words that pulled her through.

“I liked it…And maybe we can try your house too.” Roche’s head turned askance as she put the prospect out there, naturally coming to rest on the digital display of a clock and finding her eyes widen noticing the late hour. “Oh, we should probably head out if we want some Miseria for ourselves. Feel like hunting together?”

“Sure!” The smile became just a little bit less awkward when Sylvia responded. “I’ll just have to tell Kiyo.” She reached for her phone, not even noticing that she held her shoulders a little more firmly than before. Her chest did not feel nearly as heavy, nor was she trying to think of how to give her time to the others. No, instead a previously unknown feeling took root in the protector’s heart: She looked forward to the next time she got her turn.

Shatterscape understood the logic of the situation well. Perhaps a little too well given that two minds were as one, their observations adding together and yet… She almost sunk her claws into the light girls as they went by her to rescue the hostages. Her muscles tightened as the two passed by her, locking everything in place so her gauntlets would not turn one of them into a fine mist. But only because she was better than them. Only because she was a high priestess.

And of course, right after that, everyone went off to do their own thing. The light girls pretended to be saints who worked for the sake of others, while the Detention Club just sort of split off into various activities. This left her alone for a moment, allowing her to notice just how tightly she wound herself, just how close to snapping she was. The whole world felt as though it were on the blink of explosion; it only needed a spark to go off.

Which is exactly what surged from the abyss when Evil Eye messaged her. Having not seen her teammate for quite some time, Shatterscape’s eyes widened as she saw she was in the hospital. Even worse, the way she spoke felt like she was in danger. And heavily injured at the same time.

There was no question of what she needed to do.

Rattling off a string of goodbyes to those who wanted to listen, Shatterscape immediately reached out for her bodies, then set course straight back to Hibusa Town. She could not be sure that Evil Eye was even in that hospital, but she hoped that the other dark girl would have said if she did not. And if she was not? She would rip the entire city apart looking for her. She would go to the depths of Yomi for her, she would bargain with Izanami herself, she would…

The thoughts escalated into a fierce storm menacing all in its way. People found themselves inexplicably thwarted from their routes, injuries opening up on their bodies as Shatterscape brushed by them with her gauntlets. Panic spread in the city once more, but the dark magical girl cared little. For there was only one thing that mattered: Evil Eye was in danger. Everything else could go cry in the corner.

She dragged a driver out of a bus seat. Piled her bodies into the vehicle. Dispelled her weapons. Still wrapped her hands around the steering wheel so hard it almost warped. Then, she called on Ember’s knowledge to race through the distance between the two cities, bringing with her the storm of violence she ignited.

The others were not capitalising on her predicament, even though it would have been the perfect opportunity to do so. Did they think Shatterscape dead? No, even the newest girls would know that there was no way one of their number would perish from something like this. She had to have missed something, especially with how her allies were not attacking either, refusing to make good on the opportunity that she had given them. Which stung, given how far her the rest of her was.

Unable to move much at the moment, Shatterscape slowly gathered herself, raising from the sand with meticulous movements and also dispelling one of her gauntlets into motes of golden light. The Devil Arm ceased to exist while she stood up, right hand going to her left shoulder before she yanked it back into place with a loud crack. Then she shot a cold, empty-eyed look at Nyxia.

“Have you teamed up with these fools?” She spoke with a sort of dispassionate contempt towards her team-mate, almost as though she were addressing the light girls. “Or are you merely lacking the will to have made use of this golden opportunity? I had thought you thirsted for blood, Nyxia.” And as though to make matters worse, as Shatterscape continued to put muscles back into place, Earthshaker joined in as well.

Had she lost track of the battle? She most certainly did, so she let the others surface briefly in order to take stock and… to be honest, they were in a sorry state. If the light girls continued to fight, she needed to stall even more as the rest of her remained just barely out of range. She could probably take on one of them if that happened, but what about the rest of the dark girls? Only Nyxia seemed rested, with the rest sporting either injuries or signs of exhaustion.

It was not a favourable battle. Especially not with an unknown dark girl, whom the light girls did not attack. It would be three against two even with the best of intentions and Nyxia… Shatterscape refused to trust that girl any farther than she could throw her. Her rage took precedence over everything, shrouding her in a crimson cloud of blood and upredictability.

”As much as this humble priestess disagrees with you, Earthshaker, it really might be the best if we let these pawns of light be on their way, provided they do not disturb our sacred grounds once again.” Her gauntlet-hand clenched, the claws screeching against her palm. Her lips pursed as she set her expression into a mien of stone, but inside, her heart demanded revenge. Or at least a drop of blood. If only their odds were better.

Wrapping oneself around an unwilling opponent did not prove as easy as it sounded as Shatterscape struggled to keep her position, trying her best to hold onto her opponent. Her claws were not much help in this regard, so it was no surprise that Morganite stood up without too much of a problem. At least there was still the issue of friendly fire between allies, especially with Light girls, which meant she had to continue to bide her time. Even though she looked ridiculous from the outside.

Every precious second, every twist of her limbs, her head or her torso brought more time until the rest of her arrived or one of her team-mates noticed her predicament, so with an awkward move, she attempted to straighten out her right arm in an attempt to rake her claws across Morganite’s back. Unfortunately, she had no purchase, so she only succeeded in unalancing the two of them, Shatterscape’s sense of balance working against herself to keep them upright.

She felt her arms twist, her feet catching in Morganite’s, her body slowly slipping away as Nyxia stepped in. The witch girl would shoot her again soon, but at least now the situation looked much better. So naturally, Shatterscape’s next move was to use a tool that still held some power, sinking her teeth into Morganite’s oh-so-vulnerable flesh.

Cloth along with skin gave way under the force of her bite and while she could not injure heavily, it disrupted their delicate balance. Shatterscape used the moment of surprise to twist her joints back into their places, letting herself fall to the ground, seemingly exposed, but also giving both of her comrades a clear shot. Along with the witch of course, but she had tasted that pain already. It was nothing she could not take.
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