Hidden 8 days ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

If there was a lesson Roche should have taken from the beach trip sooner, it was that when she let her guard down, the club wasn't going to do her in like the Ides of March.

At least not now. Before the vacation, it was anyone's guess.

Nyxia's rancor was clearly for Roche's benefit and the Rule Keeper smiled softly, discerning it was a wrath born of compassion that moved Nyxia in her rant. It was touching display and her lips warbled with a giggle she didn't want to voice.

Kiyo's acerbic sarcasm was like a hand upon her shoulder, a familiar presence there when she needed it. Evil Eye was never one for grand gestures, but she was still a steady foundation to the club.

About the only thing she couldn't quite capture in its entirety was Shuuko's reaction; Mostly because Roche was too busy blushing from ear to ear as she was suddenly embraced. It had the feeling of a reversal on their last hug, even if Roche was the one who'd just been spiraling in on herself yet again. With how tightly Shuuko was clinging to her she couldn't help but feel the trembling like a frost bitten leaf that wracked the poor girl.

"O-Okay, thanks for that everyone. I think we can leave Rei be for now and just get ready for our next hunt. And, umm, let's try and stay in pairs at least. Light Girls are getting real brazen...." Roche said that, though her words were petering out as Suki seemed to react poorly to the outpouring of support and stormed out in a huff, a puff of cigarette smoke coming through the door as Suki stormed away.

She might have chased after her, but there was already one girl clinging to her like a limpet. Her arms worked to wrap around Shuuko, scooting the chairs closer before running a palm along the girl's hair. "It's okay. It's going to be okay. We're all in this together, and no Light or Dark Girls are going to change that."

Hidden 8 days ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

I really hope Roche finishes up her hug soon...
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Maybe Suki thought there was no reason to remain in the clubroom, but in a twist of irony, while Nyxia herself was usually the one who wished to depart from this dysfunctional collection of losers the most, now, she had a vital reason for staying as long as needed. Roche, her partner and, yes the Neon Tempest reflected, her friend was clearly going through a rough time, and she wanted to be present to support the rule keeper in whatever way she could. Of course, she wasn’t the only one doing the supporting, with Kiyo providing a pep talk in her usual, acerbic manner, and her partner going so far as to engage Roche in what Nyxia was fairly certain was the most awkward attempt at a hug she’d ever seen. In fact, the girl almost looked like she was a robot set on autopilot. At least she’s trying to help, the Neon Tempest reflected. I guess that’s better than nothing…

Nyxia was sorely tempted to throw a snide comment Suki’s way after the toothy girl made a disgusting remark involving underwear as she headed out of the club room, but for Roche’s sake the Neon Tempest remained silent. Thankfully, the rule keeper’s demeanor seemed to be brightening up a bit, and not just in the literal sense of the amusingly embarrassed blush coloring her cheeks in response to the sudden embrace she currently found herself in.

“Damn straight they’re not,” Nyxia agreed when Roche declared that no one would break the bond they shared, even if that was just her bond with the rule keeper herself, rather than the club as a whole like Roche had almost certainly intended. “So, uh, did you wanna get some training in after this?” the Neon Tempest asked her partner as she awkwardly glanced over to the beckoning window she’d arrived from. “Not that there’s any rush,” she hastened to add, not wanting to deprive Roche of the chance to bond with the other club members, even if she herself had zero interest in such things.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by Emeth
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Emeth Fluffs Responsibly

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"You know what they say..."

Kiyo watched, wide-eyed, with an unreadable expression as Shuuko shambled over to Roche's side like a possessed Jiangshi, embracing her just as stiffly, receiving stiffness in return. What is THAT supposed to be? she wondered. Elsewhere in Hibusa Town—somewhere far away—an eye twitched. She thought their last interaction had ended amicably enough, but... perhaps not? Was this "bad girl" Shuuko? No, no, no. The aura was all wrong. The hug was no clever scheme, but an earnest display of affection from Shuuko. All this time, was there a third? And when did she get close to Roche? In fact, the same question could be asked of Nyxia. Just when did Roche get so popular—and why did she care, exactly? Even now, Suki was leaving them all behind, and somehow, it irked her. Then, like a bolt of lightning, it hit her, and if it were even possible, her eyes widened further.

Ah. No one is looking at me, she realized. Not for wise counsel, not for sisterly affection, not in admiration or fear or even base lust or hatred. Everyone's eyes are on someone else but me. How vexing. I'm not myself when no one is watching, she lamented with a quiet sigh. She, too, turned towards the door, gnawing contemplatively on her thumb nail. "Haha. Now I feel less like a third eye and more like a third wheel. ...I'll be going now. Be evil, sisters," she said, the same way an adult would normally say "be good" to teenagers left without supervision.

"Hehe... the more the merrier."

Evil Eye flew through town, somewhere above eye level but below the rooftops. Roche was right, of course. Traveling alone was a bit foolhardy, but she didn't care. In fact, the thought made her smile almost uncontrollably. I've found it, Rei. The chink in your armor. You're my polar opposite—you don't spare a thought about the girls... but if something threatens the claim you've staked over Hibusa Town? Ohh, noo~! Her smile became manic. "Eyes on me, girls. I have the perfect plan. It's so flawless, even failure is an option! Khhk-khhk-khhk-khhhhhhk!" She snickered, her body trembling with both gleeful anticipation and terror. Yes, what Hibusa Town needed was not less light girl activity, but more. If what passed for incompetent leadership with Rei caused her to lead where Roche had failed, then if Evil Eye failed as a supervisor, Rei would supervise—and if Rei supervised the Club, surely she would see what Evil Eye saw: that the girls needed her. If she didn't see that, then it would confirm to them all what Evil Eye already believed: that Rei didn't care. The best part was that, just like with Roche's party at the beach, she could accomplish this with no real harm done—except to Rei's ego, as well as her own image, perhaps—but no stain to her reputation would last forever.

I wish they could see my brilliance, but I suppose it takes a few billion years for some stars to become visible to the feeble human eye, she thought with a sigh. I need a hero. If she were a choosy beggar, she would find someone with an aura like Nonsuch, but who would actually follow through when given the right enemy to fight. To find such a person, she would need Mogall. A lot more of them. She'd been saving her strength for Ashbringer, but this was an important moment, and even if no "ceiling" was quite apparent in her ability to store this evil energy in her eyes, diminishing returns certainly were apparent. I can afford to cry if it's only a little...

So it was that, this evening, and well into the night, the Mogall would multiply. They swarmed around the bathroom as Evil Eye gazed into her own eyes in the mirror. They trickled out slowly, so as to not draw too much attention to the night club. I don't need them to recognize my efforts. I do my best work when my heart is empty, she told herself as she cried. They will die if I fail, she willed herself to think as, behind her, the night club caught fire—though, it did not. Shuuko's head didn't explode beside her, either—for several reasons, among which was the fact that Shuuko wasn't even there to begin with. She maintained eye contact with herself for as long as she dared, which was up until the point that she began to feel the sting of smoke in her eyes that didn't exist. The smoke, that is. It was the smoke that didn't exist. Her eyes certainly did, even if she couldn't exactly see them anymore. I cried too much. It's been too long. Trespassers... I can barely sleep. She pulled out her handkerchief and wiped her face with it, even though her tears had all birthed Traumas, and there was nothing to wipe. Years had passed, and this realization would never not be weird. "Why is this part of my magical girl kit, anyway? What's wrong with standard issue tissues? Besides, it's never useful to me," she pouted as she inspected the useless kerchief in her fingers. Her mind drifted back to the one time it had been useful. It was Oros she'd lent it to, which was fine, but she wasn't even crying at the time, and she'd been the one being comforted, which was just backwards! It's not like they even spent that much more time together than with the other girls, either. Well, they all spent the most time with their own partners. What was she even worried about, anyway? Shuuko had no choice but to keep spending time with her, and time healed all wounds. The two of them would be fine.
Hidden 8 days ago 7 days ago Post by Chevaleresse
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Chevaleresse Knight of Thunder

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hibusa's newest light girl dipped into an alleyway not far from where she'd been staying. She glanced around to ensure she had no observers, magical or otherwise, before releasing her transformation. It still felt almost. . . disappointing, to have to give up that freedom to take to the skies, but such was life as a magical girl. The box felt a bit heavier in her arms, too, as it wasn't Hizuki that walked out onto the sidewalk.

Haruna crossed the street to the apartment building she now called home. It wasn't the nicest place, but neither was it falling apart. The three-story building had faded white paint and a few plants in simple beds that the elderly landlady tended to. Said landlady was currently struggling with an armful of groceries, presumably for the grandchildren Haruna had heard her mention once or twice. "Oh, here, I'll take some." She waved off Mrs. Tanaka's insistence that she didn't need the help, taking one bag, balancing it atop her package from Ms. Gate, and heading to her door in the middle of the second story. She exchanged her usual course of thank-yous and no-problems, then headed back to the stairwell before she could be invited over for dinner. Nothing against Mrs. Tanaka's cooking, but she was still busy.

The door to her apartment opened to an austere single room. The garish desk she'd had in her parents' home had been too bulky to move, so the current one was a bland particle-board work surface with a relatively nice, if weathered, office chair pushed up to it, alongside a stack of disorganized paperwork relating to various administrative topics like her transfer and the registration of this dwelling to her uncle. In reality, he was a busy man and lived across town, but she'd managed to get his signature on things so she could funnel a small bit of her parents' life insurance money to rent.

I still need to figure out how I'm going to manage a job at this rate. Haruna set the box down at the foot of her bed, then folded it open to retrieve a particular stuffed monkey from where he'd been stowed. "Nothing weird, okay?" She knew the stuffed animal (probably?) couldn't hear her, but Black Gate had given her enough of an indication of what Mr. Banana's personality would be that she felt the need to say it anyway. He was placed precariously upon her backpack, bulging with the books needed for tomorrow, before Haruna promptly flopped facefirst onto her mattress.

The breath slowly leaked from her lips as the inviting embrace of fabric-covered springs beckoned her to take a nap. She couldn't sleep yet, though; the Daybreak still needed to make her nightly patrol, and if she passed out now, it'd probably be well past midnight by the time she awoke. She settled for reaching out for the tiny stuffed cat she'd had since she was a small child, taking a moment to stroke it as if it were a real animal. It'd be nice to have an actual cat around here; the mascots were nice enough, but they weren't exactly pets. Sadly, she just didn't have enough space to keep one inside, and she wouldn't want one running around outside in a town like Hibusa.

Haruna inhaled deeply, then dragged herself back into a sitting position. She carefully set Bluestar next to her pillow, then stood once more. She began to move toward the balcony, stopped, then quickly skittered back to lock her apartment door. Need to remember that. She also remembered to grab a quick snack before heading back out, devouring a granola bar before heading to the balcony again. Haruna pulled the door open, then took a few steps backward. With a small smile, she sprinted forward, transforming just before her feet crossed the threshold and leaping off the edge.

She took to the skies once more, rocketing into the air before turning to survey the town's layout as it was bathed in the light of the setting sun. Before long, night cloaked the buildings, leaving Hizuki as a stark contrast against the darkened streets with her glowing wings and golden visor. Tonight, it gave her a distinct feeling of being watched. . . well, that and the ominous floating eyeball that flitted past her vision as she moved lower. Her naginata whipped out and began to charge an attack before she remembered what Black Gate had mentioned earlier. Hizuki swung around, releasing her charge and dismissing her sweet arm before landing on a nearby building. Unsure of what else to do, she moved closer to inspect it, hopping across the few gaps between herself and the odd creature until they were face to face. Face to eye. Whatever.

The eye blinked. Hizuki blinked back. It stared. "You don't really. . . do much, do you?" She peered around it, honestly finding it a bit unsettling to look at. "Uh, I don't know if your magical girl can hear through you, but if she can, uh, I guess I'll just say I'm not here to fight. Not unless you give me a good reason." The eye blinked again. "Well, she knows I'm here regardless, and I didn't blow you up, so I guess that's probably proof enough." She turned, happy to get the eyeball thing out of her sight, and headed off again, moving to another vantage point to stretch her sixth sense out.

It didn't take her long to pick up another set of hazy desires. She stood up from where she'd crouched atop a building, looking over in the general direction she was getting. Another dark girl. And one that was wanting. . . a hero? Well, that was why Daybreak had come to Hibusa, after all. It was difficult to see against the night sky, but she was pretty sure she could see more of the eye things in the air, especially in that direction.

A few more jumps between rooftops, and Hizuki managed to spot one of the eyes slipping through a doorway. She flew a circle around to see what it was. The signage and lighting made it clear that this was a nightclub. She felt a bit of trepidation about going into one of those, even knowing she couldn't be seen, but the set of desires she was feeling wasn't moving, which meant she could potentially sit here all night if she didn't go in and answer. She descended to street level with a short glide, then slipped through the door as someone else exited, being careful not to bump them as she set about searching for the owner of the eye creatures.
Hidden 5 days ago Post by Villamvihar
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Villamvihar Shocking Developments

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The hug helped. Though Sylvia did not notice it, the heartbeat that had hammered away at her chest started to lessen in Roche's presence, maybe because they had spent so much time together. Really, she could not even count how many nights they sat by each other or just talked, with her stumbling over her words while Roche listened patiently. Then the roles would reverse. She even started to be decent at conversation herself, or at least she hoped so. Clinging to these moments just as strongly as she clung to her blushing, flustered body pillow, the protector relaxed moment by moment. She still kept watch on Tsubomi with half an eye, wondering what horrors she could unleash on her or the rest of Shuuko, but at least she did not tremble like a leaf anymore.

And no, she did not feel embarrassed by Roche's caresses. If anything, they made her more comfortable in the embrace they shared, warmth freely flowing between the two of them.

But speaking of others... whatever happened to Suki and why did Evil Eye leave like that? Nobody said anything offensive or hurtful, in fact, they were trying to cheer up Roche. Indeed, it did not even occur to her that others may have been feeling left out, or upset because of how she behaved, the closeness shared with Roche easily mistaken as something else to outsiders. Maybe even to Roche.

"Y-yeah," she responded shakily to Roche. "I'm here too, especially if you need a meal!"

Now if only Ember would tell her why she palmed her face in their mental space. Sylvia had not said anything wrong, had she? She turned out to be a decent cook and she had to repay Roche for all the time they spent together somehow, not to mention that Roche always enjoyed Sylvia's cooking. Therefore, reminding Roche that she could count on Sylvia for her cooking would surely reassure the Rulekeeper or at least give her something to look forward to.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"I think we should write a letter."


Tsubomi's hand reached out to grab Suki's, but her usual speed meant that she was too slow, Suki had already left. It fell faster than it has moved upwards to slump at her side once more. Her head slumped as well, tilting to the side. Smoking is bad for you...

"Yes, she knows that already." Oh, good. Good that she knew, good that she was putting on clean underwear, "good" that Acid Drop could read her thoughts. "Of course I can, I'm stuck in the same skull as you." Mm...

Roche wanted them to stay in pairs, but wouldn't chasing after Suki make things worse, somehow? Besides, she couldn't catch up when the smoker had gotten such a big head-start. Kiyo soon left as well, smelling of awkwardness and... depression? It was subtle, and hard to tell, mixed in with a few other emotions to the point that Tsubomi couldn't pick them out without too much effort to be worth it.

At least Nyxia was feeling something other than rage and disgust, for once. Though why, Tsubommi didn't know. And the final girl in the club-room... Something had happened it seemed. Another mess of tangled feelings that were too convoluted to tear apart under a microscope. If Kiyo was a salad, Shuuko was ramen. Too many cooks in the noodles. And so Tsubomi stood at her usual speed, waved to the huddling girls, and started on her way home.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 30 min ago

Mr Banana was an obedient little monkey. He just sat there, unmoving as Haruna chided him. With unflinching eyes, he watched as his new companion flopped into her bed with dramatic flair. But nothing Haruna did would get the monkey to move. Not her squeezing another stuffed animal right in front of him, not her movements to and fro, not even eating a nightly snack in his presence caused him to move at all. It wasn’t until she dove off the balcony and the doors swung shut that the little stuffed monkey did anything. The doors caused a small vibration, and it caused the precariously perched monkey to roll off the side of the bag and land on his back. Mr Banana was looking straight at the ceiling. He would not move again without Haruna’s assistance.

"I’m too much of a chadette for my own good.”

— Suki Oyama

Why were so many teen romance novels based around school life?

As the years ticked by, school was starting to feel less and less important. Nothing interesting ever happened, her teachers wanted her to drop out already, even the detention club meetings were starting to feel increasingly tedious and pointless. At least she could look forward to going on a hunt with Rei later, even if some of the others were going to be there.

Speaking of, what the hell was up with the meeting yesterday? Seeing everyone show compassion for someone who absolutely didn’t deserve it was going to confound Suki for a while. After a good night’s rest, she decided that Tsubomi deserved a pass. She had learned that Tsubomi could be a little weird sometimes and couldn’t fault her for wanting to eat some emotions. The emotionless girl was still her partner and treated her the best out of everyone else present. Speaking of which, she needed to meet with her later today for various reasons.

Additionally, she needed to take a look at all the new transfer students today. She had no idea what any of them were like, but when you had already burnt bridges with nearly everyone outside of the detention club, you needed to keep your options open for new prospects. Even if school life sucked, there was always a chance it would turn around. Probably. Maybe. Not likely.

This created a bit of a dilemma. It was lunch time, and of course Suki was first to the food court. She could stay here and see if some new face showed up, or she could try to visit their classroom. It wasn’t unheard of for students to eat their lunches in their classrooms. The roof was also a possibility, but not for normal girls. Going to the roof level was forbidden in most schools, and it was crazy how many school dramas featured scenes in such a location. Of course that hadn’t stopped Suki from eating up there in the past, but she always had to do so alone. Tangent aside, it would be her luck to visit the classroom of said girls and miss them because they decided to go to the cafeteria to eat with their new friends. and she could miss Tsubomi. Not a great plan.

With a groan, Suki sunk into a chair and started to unbox her lunch. At the very least, she could be sure that Roche and Shuuko would be eating with each other and wouldn’t harass her too much. But ideally, Roche would eat out by the track or something without gracing the cafeteria.

It was lunchtime, and Shuuko had just left her classroom.

Her selves had not been feeling at peace since that happened, but she had to do her best to seem normal in front of the rest of the students. Her personal imbalance would rob her of her focus at the strangest times, such as now when her selves could scarcely decide what to do next. It was in this confusion that Shuuko ran into someone. It was nothing serious. A student had suddenly stopped and Shuuko hadn’t put on the breaks fast enough. Both of them had managed to keep their balance, but it felt horrible that it happened at all. Because it shouldn’t have happened.

”Um…” Shuuko took a look at the student she had collided with. It was Misoka. It was easy to recognize the popular girl. They had never spoken, but it was hard not to remember someone with so many accolades. ”I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cut you off! I’m glad you’re alright.” She looked to the ground, but nothing had been dropped. Though there was something off in her appearance. Someone who was revered for their abilities and beauty usually had a glamor about them, but this girl looked tarnished. Her uniform was less than tidy, and there was dirt under her long, slender nails. ”Ah, I don’t mean to pry, but Takeko mentioned that you looked a little agitated recently. I think she’s worried about you.” Takeko was someone from Shuuko’s homeroom classes. They spoke infrequently, and were an acquaintance at best. She couldn’t even remember what she looked like. ”Is something bothering you?”

As much as Nyxia would love to be shooting up miseria,there was nothing to shoot. Not only that, but Norika couldn’t leave her home at this hour. There were too many servants that could enter her room, and her parents would notice she wasn’t there.

If only the view from her window could have been better. It faced the road and was lined with the cars of every servant who worked at the household. But the cars weren’t even that interesting. They were all new cars with the exact same model with the exact same white paint job. Her parents were obsessed with the color white, so they were likely gifts or Christmas bonuses for their hard work. But it looked so ugly and redundant from her room, and they were always there, every day, without fail.

Which was what made the black truck coming down the driveway so unusual. It was old, worn out, and had a diesel engine that rumbled unapologetically. It was a gigantic middle finger to prissy electric cars that were parked nearby. Norika’s home was too far out of the way to reach on foot, but most guests would arrive in a white car or by bicycle. It was rare for someone to bring their own vehicle.

Who stepped out of the truck was just as unexpected as the truck itself. The man’s outfit was probably more expensive than his truck, which was not saying much. His suit had just come out of a heat press this morning, and his shoes had been freshly waxed. His tie wasn’t tucked under his dress shirt, and his shades were trying to keep his hair out of his eyes. His right thumb was looped inside his pocket, and his left hand swung at his side as her approached the door.

After ringing the doorbell, he took a step back and waited. He reached inside his suit to grab a pack of cigarettes and popped one out with his thumb. He was about to chomp down on it when he noticed Norika through the window. He slid the cigarette back into the carton and looked back at her. It was difficult to read anyone’s thoughts, but harder still when they wore shades.
Hidden 2 days ago Post by Chevaleresse
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Chevaleresse Knight of Thunder

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

A bouncy techno beat started up in the club as the music changed, bringing Evil Eye back to the present. She stowed her handkerchief away from whence it came as she addressed her underlings. "Feast your eyes, children, on the misfortune and debauchery of Hibusa Town. Bring me stories of misery and woe. I need more darkness to create a worthy foe for our esteemed guest Ashbringer." Her voice dripped with venom, and she giggled.

The club was full of all sorts of partygoers, but none with a look that really screamed "magical girl." There was, however, a steady stream of eyeball-monsters exiting the women's restroom. They followed some people outside, taking a particular interest in the ones that seemed drunk and ready to make poor life choices in the near to immediate future. As before, though, there really wasn't an aura of malice around them like there was with miseria. They were merely observers—though, that was eerie in its own way.

Eventually, an odd-looking person did exit the restroom, accompanied by a few more of the floating eyes. She looked very out of place wearing a kimono and walking with a cane, but she could have simply been brushed off as an eccentric person if her eyes didn't glow persistently bright red, in defiance of any other color of lighting she might be bathed in with each passing moment. They were quite uncanny, and unlike the underlings who held no malice in their gaze, the girl's eyes were wide, wild, and downright evil. There wasn't quite a threat of violence, but there was an all-consuming hunger and greed, as if there was a magnetic pull to them that made it difficult to look away—an event horizon that, once crossed, made eye contact inevitable, and Hizuki had unwittingly crossed it.

The light girl thought she’d be a bit more at ease in the noisy, cramped environment once she sighted the other magical girl here, but the malice radiating from the dark girl gave her pause. Hizuki blinked, and shook her head. Is that magic? Maybe she’s got something like me. Or used to, anyway.

One of the scouting eyes flew over Hizuki's shoulder and approached the girl, landing on her shoulder. She seemed to understand, as if the eye had communicated something to her without the ability to speak. Then, she turned her head and looked directly at Hizuki. If she says she's not here to fight, then is it another 'heroic ultimatum?' The Gems must not communicate very well, she thought. She tilted her head, as if declaring her territory and daring Hizuki to come closer. Her wide open eyes made it difficult to tell just from looking whether she was afraid or eager for a fight.

Hizuki held up both her hands in the classic “I mean you no harm” gesture, then started on her way toward the stranger. She hoped Evil Eye over there wasn’t actually going to attack immediately when she got close; the Daybreak was here to investigate and assist, and this was a bad spot to fight without casualties.

As she wove past another club-goer, Hizuki couldn’t help but consider how bad of a location this was for her in a fight, too. No room to use her speed or even to really get through one of her gates, and the sheer number of people in close proximity created a deafening roar inside her head that made it hard to think clearly. She tried to focus her power more on Evil Eye, hoping the dark magical girl wouldn’t pick up on it and take it as some kind of attack, but even transformed, she didn’t have enough control to shut the crowd entirely.

When she was finally close enough to speak without shouting (too much,) she called out. ”Maybe we should go outside?” Hizuki hoped she didn’t sound too irritable, or that it didn’t sound like a demand. ”It’ll be easier to talk with less people around.” And it’ll be easier for both of us to run away if we want to, she added silently.

A catlike grin made its way onto the girl's face as she, too, seemed to realize that this was an undesirable place for Hizuki to stage a battle between magical girls. "You don't like to dance, Miss Hero?" Her feet lifted just slightly off the floor. Her body swayed this way and that as she floated around, navigating the crowd as easily as if she had eyes all around her head. Her eyes were open, but vacant, as if she weren't really looking at Hizuki, just in her general direction - something the latter appreciated, as it made it easier to look away from the twin abyss. Her eyes in the sky, on the other hand, were looking very focused on the dance floor.

Hizuki took the cue to hover into the air herself, soft rays of light pushing her aloft to roughly match Evil Eye’s height. She was unsteady, wobbling in a situation that demanded finer control than her usual soaring required. ”I can dance just fine, I’m just worried about the audience,” she replied.

The partygoers were loud, but unlike her, most of them had come to a place like this to satisfy their desires and stop themselves from thinking about more complex problems that required long-term solutions. The further Hizuki strayed from the wall flowers, the easier it became to hear what the magical girl was thinking about.

The girl's mind was just as full of desire as her eyes. Power, independence... belonging. Her movements on the dance floor were quick, bold and ambitious but ultimately aimless, and it reflected her state of mind. There were people she wanted to protect, but she felt lost and powerless to change their circumstances. At this rate, we won't get strong enough. I need the Gems and the Detention Club to see Ashbringer as a common enemy, but if anything, if I'm not careful, they'll side with Ashbringer to take down Rei. If that happens... she stopped herself from finishing that thought.

”I can help you,” Hizuki called out to her. The girl’s desires felt familiar; they echoed thoughts that plagued Haruna, thoughts and lingering regrets. ”I really don’t mean you any harm.” Daybreak would fight, of course, if the situation called for it; she couldn’t let her goals in coming to Hibusa compromise her overall purpose of protecting the weak and the innocent. She floated closer still, bumping into the occasional club-goer with her lack of overhead vision and still-clumsy flight. At least the crowd and the lights make it easy to ignore signs of us. She glanced up at the floating eyes, then focused on Evil Eye again, making the mistake of locking her gaze with the dark girl’s once more.

The girl smiled as Hizuki took flight and joined her playful dance of cat and mouse. "I always imagined girls like you must have existed somewhere. Though, it's my first time meeting one. The light girls of Hibusa Town and the City of Light are usually more violent." As she said this, Hizuki could catch sight of a girl with short blonde hair and blood running down her face, smiling, in the corner of her eye—but when Hizuki tried to look at her properly, she was gone, as if she were never there. "Offering to help a Kurai girl, hm~? You're very bold. Are you saying you can purify me?" As Hizuki met her eyes, the girl's voice seemed to come from multiple different directions.

"It's not a bad idea, if all I cared about was survival. It's probably easier for a light girl to get stronger in this town than a dark one... but, I'm not going back to the light. I prefer the cold hard Truth over a compelling fantasy." All at once, Evil Eye was closer to Hizuki—uncomfortably close. "What about you? Do you want to see clearly? I doubt a light girl could give me what I want, but if you want to join me on the other side, I could help you with that." She smiled and giggled pleasantly.

Hizuki shook her head fervently, and not just to dispel the unsettling visions. ”I wouldn’t really be much of a hero if I gave into the darkness as soon as I saw it once.” She leaned back, the motion making her start to float away. ”I won’t force you to come back to the light or anything like that, but I won’t be going over to the darkness. I just. . .” She trailed off for a moment, searching for the right words to use. ”Nobody ever worries about the dark girls. You all became magical girls for a reason, and you probably fell to darkness for a reason too, right?” Her voice was earnest, despite the situation. ”That’s all I need to see, Evil Eye.” She silently wished that the dark girl would maybe stop messing with her head, too, but that would probably just encourage her, if she was the sort to do that to begin with.

Evil Eye paused, trading her invincible smile for a more neutral expression as she drifted away from Hizuki again. "That's true. Everyone just calls us the Depression Club and ignores us... but that's how it is between light and dark. No one needs to worry about the dark girls, anyway. That's what I'm here for." She tilted her head and smiled a bit more softly. "On second thought, you won't need any help finding your way. People like you who put others first are destined to fall to darkness someday. So, when you feel yourself falling, come find me again. I'll catch you." With that, she began to drift toward the same exit the scouting eyes were using.

Hizuki was entirely unsure what to do with that response. It seemed more genuine than her creepy villain act, at least as far as she could tell, but the content was strange. Why would selflessness make me fall? Isn’t that the opposite of how it works? Thrown as she was, by the time she came up with an actual response to Evil Eye, the latter was long gone. Hizuki frowned, and flew out the door in the same direction. She considered trying to follow after the other girl, but elected not to after a moment. She still needed time to think about her words. Instead, she looked up at the stars for a few moments, then flew up toward them, resuming another of many sleepless nights.

Haruna blinked. She'd definitely almost drifted off there. Sitting there in her somehow-already-rumpled uniform, she double-checked that her overstuffed bag - complete with a certain stuffed monkey clipped to one strap - was still in place on the floor next to her. It bulged with books and a sampling of other animal companions gifted to her by Maliss - Black Gate, she reminded herself - for distribution. None of them had found their way to anyone else's possession, yet. Haruna was still the mysterious transfer, the honor student and ex-athlete from another town. She was almost certain rumors would be going around about her inside the day, considering how unapproachable the lanky, sleep-deprived stranger was to the residents of Hibusa's high school.

Her stomach growled, reminding her of why she was here and pulling her back to reality from her musings about the previous night. Figuring out what to say to Evil Eye when they met next wasn't going to fill her belly with delicious cup ramen. She took out her phone, flipped to a more upbeat song, and set that to playing so she could eat in relative peace in her corner of the cafeteria. A part of her she mostly tried to suppress was happy that most people hadn't wanted to approach her; she hadn't been to school since she'd gotten her powers, and even though she ought to have been doing her best to help, it was distracting having so many different desires flitting across her brain.
Hidden 2 days ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Weird. That monkey isn't giving off the 'pervert' vibe."

Maybe don't focus on the stuffed animals?

When hunger isn't able to make one desperate, or irritable, or any number of other subtle feelings, it was easy to forget the need to eat. Luckily for Tsubomi, the school had a designated time to do so. And so she found herself carrying her bagged lunch to the food court. Another gathering of people, feeling their powerful high-school emotions, which allowed her to feed both her body and her magic with little effort. As she inched her way along, her head entirely faced the floor with her eyes loosely shut, allowing her magic to serve as her sight.

There was the usual feelings permeating through the area: fear of failing a test or asking a crush out, desire for someone else and the shame of not being able to approach them, envy from those who wished they were more popular than they were, the glee of being around friends... But she was looking for Suki's trademark lust, or failing that, the recent disgust that she seemed to feel for... well, Tsubomi didn't know. She wandered around the outside of the food court in a circle, slow enough that she felt a flash of annoyance and anger from other students who nearly collided with her, or her with them.

At a speed matching her own walking pace, many of these feelings faded away as she got further from the other students. Eventually she passed by an emptier portion where she could only feel a mixture of mostly normal feelings. There was mostly apprehension and happiness, though they were made muddy by various other ones. More importantly, it didn't match Suki's usual profile, so she ignored it.

After a few minutes she finally noticed the telltale negativity that signaled her approach to her partner. By the time she opened her eyes and walked the final few meters to sit at the table with her, Tsubomi came to the conclusion that the distinct clash of suppressed happiness and unease must have belonged to one of the transfer students. She'd only ever tasted that flavor when someone succeeded in getting a first date, but this wasn't quite like that in texture. She thought back, only to realize that she'd only met a handful of transfer students since her own transfer to Hibusa, usually stranglers rather than multiple at one time.

When she finished thinking, she looked up from her still closed lunch bag and fished out her phone to check the time. She seemed to be moving a bit faster today since she'd only taken seven minutes from entering the food court to sitting across from her usually perverted partner. Most days it was closer to twelve to cross an equivalent distance.

While the proverbial zombie that was Tsubomi didn't notice anything strange, perhaps the anything strange would have noticed her. Because for all the lack of feeling that was in the empath, the girl with magic cast from the same mold would have felt only one desire as she inched her way past, growing and fading as the apathetic girl walked blindly.

To kill that same, closed-eyed girl.

Hidden 1 day ago Post by Chevaleresse
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Chevaleresse Knight of Thunder

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

As Haruna ate her cup ramen in her little corner, having a moment of (what she considered to be) selfish peace she rarely afforded herself, something pulled at her awareness. It took a few moments for her to even realize something was off, like a whiff of sulfur in otherwise clear air. Her eyes darted up despite the weight carried beneath them, her back straightened out of her customary slouch. Most of the desires she sensed through the day were fairly banal: a wish for class to be over, a want for lunch, a prayer for minimal homework. This familiar-feeling void, however, was something that actually needed her attention.

The transfer student stood hurriedly from her seat, nearly tripping over herself in her rush. She pulled the cord connecting her headphones to the cell in her pocket, abruptly cutting off the wall of sound separating her from the school. Haruna's headphones slid off her head to rest around her neck as she stepped forward, briefly glancing around her surroundings until she could match the desires to the body they inhabited. Another girl, achingly slowly settling into a seat from a third, neither of which she recognized (not that this was a surprise.)

It took until she'd moved four steps for Haruna to realize a detail she hadn't picked up on before. The desire she'd felt wasn't crystal clear at all; it was strange that she could recognize that self-destructive urge so clearly in the first place. She hadn't noticed the dark fog muffling it, much as it was currently doing to the wants of the girl she sat across from. Too late to turn back now. Haruna should have realized earlier; this was why she came to Hibusa in the first place, after all.

Continuing forward with trepidation, she walked until she was in the slow girl's sightline. "Um, sorry if this is out of nowhere or something, but. . . are you okay?" Her voice came out laced with equal parts hesitance and concern as she spoke to what she had now realized was an untransformed magical girl. "You just, um, seemed like you weren't doing very good. I guess. Not to try to insult you or anything, I just wanted to see if I could help?" She glanced at the girl's table-mate, expecting a look of irritation or anger at her intrusion and the potential implications thereof.
Hidden 23 hrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

I-I sure am glad I don’t have to deal with all that stupid school drama. H-Huh? W-What’s that outside?
-Norika Tsukishima

As Norika slowly ate what meager lunch her poor constitution would allow, she found her mind thinking back to the previous day’s club meeting. Despite Roche’s assurances that she was all right, the fact that something, or rather, someone, had called into question her worth as a leader had still clearly been gnawing at the rule keeper, even during their nightly patrol together. Even worse, while Norika had done her best to encourage her partner, nothing she’d said really seemed to make any real difference, just as nothing had been able to quell the rage she felt towards Rei for placing Roche in such a state. It had even gotten to the point where Norika, who normally hated being around people, found herself wishing she were able to share lunch with her teammate and offer the troubled track captain her continued support. Instead, all she could do was wait for their next afterschool tutoring session, and later, their Miseria hunt with Rei…

W-We’ll show that stupid bitch we don’t need her help…

Suddenly, a flash of movement outside her bedroom window caught the sickly girl’s attention. W-What the…? Normally, there were no arrivals at, or departures from, the house in the middle of the day, so then…? Slowly moving over to the window, she peeked through the blinds just in time to see a strange black truck moving up the driveway. A delivery? Did my parents order something? She had to admit, it would be a rather unexpected development, considering how frugal her parents had been with their spending in the wake of the “mysterious” break in, but perhaps it was a new security system of some sort. Still, for some reason Norika couldn’t quite place, the sight of the truck’s driver when he emerged from the incongruous vehicle sent a shiver of fear down her spine, and that fear only grew more pronounced when the man turned to look directly at her…

Giving voice to a startled gasp, Norika quickly backed away from the window and hugged her trembling body tightly as her heart pounded like a jackhammer. W-Who even is he?! her racing mind wondered. A-And why does he make me feel so terrified?! Although she had always been apprehensive around strangers, and people in general, this was something distinctly different. The feelings evoked by this man were suffused with danger, although for the life of her, Norika couldn’t even begin to guess why. All the frail girl could hope for was that he would leave soon, and, far more importantly, that she wouldn’t encounter him before he did so…
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