"You know what they say..."
Kiyo watched, wide-eyed, with an unreadable expression as Shuuko shambled over to Roche's side like a possessed Jiangshi, embracing her just as stiffly, receiving stiffness in return.
What is THAT supposed to be? she wondered. Elsewhere in Hibusa Town—somewhere far away—an eye twitched. She thought their last interaction had ended amicably enough, but... perhaps not? Was this "bad girl" Shuuko? No, no, no. The aura was all wrong. The hug was no clever scheme, but an earnest display of affection from Shuuko. All this time, was there a third? And when did she get close to
Roche? In fact, the same question could be asked of Nyxia. Just
when did Roche get so popular—and why did she
care, exactly? Even now, Suki was leaving them all behind, and somehow, it irked her. Then, like a bolt of lightning, it hit her, and if it were even possible, her eyes widened further.
Ah. No one is looking at me, she realized. Not for wise counsel, not for sisterly affection, not in admiration or fear or even base lust or hatred.
Everyone's eyes are on someone else but me. How vexing. I'm not myself when no one is watching, she lamented with a quiet sigh. She, too, turned towards the door, gnawing contemplatively on her thumb nail.
"Haha. Now I feel less like a third eye and more like a third wheel. ...I'll be going now. Be evil, sisters," she said, the same way an adult would normally say "be good" to teenagers left without supervision.
"Hehe... the more the merrier."
Evil Eye flew through town, somewhere above eye level but below the rooftops. Roche was right, of course. Traveling alone was a bit foolhardy, but she didn't care. In fact, the thought made her smile almost uncontrollably.
I've found it, Rei. The chink in your armor. You're my polar opposite—you don't spare a thought about the girls... but if something threatens the claim you've staked over Hibusa Town? Ohh, noo~! Her smile became manic.
"Eyes on me, girls. I have the perfect plan. It's so flawless, even failure is an option! Khhk-khhk-khhk-khhhhhhk!" She snickered, her body trembling with both gleeful anticipation and terror. Yes, what Hibusa Town needed was not less light girl activity, but
more. If what passed for incompetent leadership with Rei caused her to lead where Roche had failed, then if Evil Eye failed as a supervisor, Rei would supervise—and if Rei supervised the Club, surely she would see what Evil Eye saw: that the girls needed her. If she didn't see that, then it would confirm to them all what Evil Eye already believed: that Rei didn't care. The best part was that, just like with Roche's party at the beach, she could accomplish this with no
real harm done—except to Rei's ego, as well as her own image, perhaps—but no stain to her reputation would last forever.
I wish they could see my brilliance, but I suppose it takes a few billion years for some stars to become visible to the feeble human eye, she thought with a sigh.
I need a hero. If she were a choosy beggar, she would find someone with an aura like Nonsuch, but who would actually follow through when given the right enemy to fight. To find such a person, she would need Mogall. A lot more of them. She'd been saving her strength for Ashbringer, but this was an important moment, and even if no "ceiling" was quite apparent in her ability to store this evil energy in her eyes, diminishing returns certainly
were apparent.
I can afford to cry if it's only a little... So it was that, this evening, and well into the night, the Mogall would multiply. They swarmed around the bathroom as Evil Eye gazed into her own eyes in the mirror. They trickled out slowly, so as to not draw too much attention to the night club.
I don't need them to recognize my efforts. I do my best work when my heart is empty, she told herself as she cried.
They will die if I fail, she willed herself to think as, behind her, the night club caught fire—though, it did not. Shuuko's head didn't explode beside her, either—for several reasons, among which was the fact that Shuuko wasn't even there to begin with. She maintained eye contact with herself for as long as she dared, which was up until the point that she began to feel the sting of smoke in her eyes that didn't exist. The smoke, that is. It was the smoke that didn't exist. Her eyes certainly did, even if she couldn't exactly
see them anymore.
I cried too much. It's been too long. Trespassers... I can barely sleep. She pulled out her handkerchief and wiped her face with it, even though her tears had all birthed Traumas, and there was nothing to wipe. Years had passed, and this realization would never not be weird.
"Why is this part of my magical girl kit, anyway? What's wrong with standard issue tissues? Besides, it's never useful to me," she pouted as she inspected the useless kerchief in her fingers. Her mind drifted back to the one time it
had been useful. It was Oros she'd lent it to, which was fine, but she wasn't even crying at the time, and
she'd been the one being comforted, which was just backwards! It's not like they even spent that much more time together than with the other girls, either. Well, they all spent the most time with their own partners. What was she even worried about, anyway? Shuuko had no choice but to keep spending time with her, and time healed all wounds. The two of them would be fine.