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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"When your header’s this big, you don’t have room to include anyone else’s!"

— Chloe Irving

"Boy are you in for a treat!" Chloe led her girlfriend in front of her hidden army. There, filling the space of a football field was an array of blood red skeletons. Because Ruby wasn’t familiar with warhammer 40K, she did not know the name of each unit, but she could tell she was standing in front of a terrifying force. The ones in front were simple skeletons in armor, wielding magical swords, spears, and shields. Behind several rows of them were larger skeletons, easily three times the size of a man. They each had an extra pair of arms, and had either a greatshield and a halberd or a sword in each of their four hands. Further back were even more monstrous abominations, which looked like large animals divorced from anything resembling a man. There were also “Gothizard Harvesters” like the one that was used as a bodyguard at the meeting. Further behind them were rows of trebuchets, but made out of bone and with legs instead of wheels. It definitely looked like an army that an eldritch horror could conjure. "Tada! What do you think? I can answer any questions you might have."

Armies were not really Ruby’s scene. These were things she usually avoided as a Djinn. Wishes people made under those circumstances didn’t tend to turn out well. At least she didn’t really have to worry about those compulsions anymore. As she surveyed the sheer number of creatures, it certainly felt intimidating. She would whistle. ”Wow. These are from your patron, I assume?” It wasn’t really that hard to identify, but she didn’t know all that much about Chloe’s other patron.

"Sort of." She tapped her fingers together. "Without getting too into the weeds, I was supplied with some undead mages that specialize in creating things like this. They’ve been building this little army for a few weeks now, but I added a few of my own touches." A grin crossed Chloe’s face when she thought about the gothizard devastators they had made. The bony abominations that were made from the “penny papers” before all of the Mint research was destroyed. And then there was another surprise, but no point in popping the lid off of that yet.

Not far away, Harmony was standing aside running the numbers and assessing all the units in preparation. She would turn to the two as they approached. ”Ah, good to see you Chloe. I was just making sure your army was in order.”

"I figured as much." Chloe didn’t fully trust Harmony yet. She understood that Harmony was very much for Mint and against the Queen, but she was also a potential competitor in the future. Though something like this couldn’t be fully hidden from the Mint, so she had reluctantly told her about it. Some of Chloe’s other minions were also present, which was the only reason she trusted Harmony wasn’t going to try and turn this to her advantage. She hadn’t told Harmony about the Gothizard Devastators or her surprise. At the very least, she wouldn’t be able to figure out exactly what they were. That was the most important thing. "Any word from the other factions? Is the Tin Princess ready to roll yet?"

Pausing for a moment, Harmony would check up on what systems had some insight to the meeting. ”Not completely sure. I believe she is in another meeting I am not present for. I expect more action to come once that’s finished.” After a couple seconds she shrugged and gave a awkward smile. ”Penrose isn’t the most organized group I imagine.”

"Understatement of the year…" Chloe rolled her eyes. "So! How closely have you been observing my minions? Probably close enough to know they aren’t exactly your average magical girl fodder, right?"

”To a degree. I can’t say I understand a lot about magical creatures like these. It’s like... book smarts. You know a lot of information, but it’s very different in practice.” She would try and explain. Having a load of data dumped into her head didn’t automatically mean she had command of it all. The AI wasn’t really built for that purpose.

"Well! I was just about to explain what this is to Ruby, so you can listen in." She turned away from the AI to look at her girlfriend. ”I don’t think it’s a secret to say that a lot of magical girls have died in Penrose. Sometimes the overcity area, but you know, it’s just… something that kind of happens a lot. Especially if we include the rave." She turned to her armies. ”Nagash works in souls. So many souls. Each of his creations are made by fusing the strongest parts of various souls to bone, and then animating them to be obedient servants. Normally, they would not be terribly powerful. I mean, compared to a magical girl, that is. Even if they are made up of several human souls, souls do have their limits." A smile crossed her face. ”Which is why all of these guys are made from magical and monster girl souls! I hunted everywhere for resurrecting magical girl souls,though the bulk of them came from the rave." Harmony likely knew that the whole fiasco was Chloe’s doing. Ruby hopefully didn’t. Regardless of what was offered, it had always been Chloe’s goal to get her hands on a large sum of monster girl souls and a few ascendancy souls for this very purpose. The cycle of reincarnation would likely cause her creations to break down after a decade or so, but they should be able to do some fighting in this upcoming battle without any issue. "It’s almost poetic, isn’t it? The dead returning to defend Penrose one last time…"

Listening intently, the details didn’t seem to bother the holographic girl all that much. Hard to say exactly why that was, but not having any connection to the magical girls in question probably went a long way. ”Impressive. I don’t imagine that is an easy task.” With more details, she could better identify the essence of souls with her Spirit magic.

Ruby herself had not ever seen anything like these creatures before. Though she could not say she was surprised. Magical girls were magic after all and that power can be used in many different ways. But to Chloe’s observation. ”It does have a poetic note to it.” It still a bit awkward given that Chloe was likely involved with some of these creations. Most were probably unrelated though. ”So what is the plan for them? Will they be with whatever the others are planning, or will they be in another offensive?”

Chloe wrapped her arm around both girls and pulled them into a huddle. "Well, things have been dragging a bit, haven’t they?" She grinned like a shark. "These guys were always going to be a distraction, but if everyone is still twiddling their thumbs then maybe I have to be the point of the spear.”

”Ooh, that sounds fun. What did you have in mind?” To Harmony this sounded like an interesting challenge. Already her mind began to reach out and craft scenarios of how best to move each piece. Not that combat was exactly her strongest area, but enough overlapped that it wasn’t that hard to imagine what could be done.

"I’m just going to start the attack myself!”

Harmony noded along. ”Mhm. And that would divert some of the Queen of Heart’s forces away from where the others will be going.”

Chloe grinned. "Possibly all of it, if the other teams keep stalling.”

Ruby was a little less enthusiastic on the matter, though it would probably take a while longer than she was thinking to attack. ”Shouldn’t we wait until their meeting is done at least? That way we aren’t left without backup or for them to have the chance to start whatever it is they have in mind.”

"Time isn’t on our side, queenie knows as much.” Chloe wrapped her arm around Ruby. "If there’s something that big group huddle we were all in taught me, it was that nothing happens around here until a fight starts. Maybe the meeting pans out, maybe it doesn’t. I don’t see how kicking the hornet’s nest could hurt. Maybe putting wonderland under siege will give our allies room at the negotiation table. Mary likes to work alone, and I’m sure she can adapt to whatever we do.” She winked.

”Okay. Do you need me to do anything specific?” Harmony would look over to Chloe. ”Oh, would you like me to try and predict our success?”

Chloe swung her eyes off of her waifu and onto the digital monster girl. "I think I have everything covered, but sure, calculate our success. I’m curious.”

With a nod, Harmony would direct her processing and magic to foresee the possible outcome of their assault. Her visage would flash and blink as traces of light zip up and down her body. Her eyes would glow bright as she zoned out. ”I see your forces are able to prevent the flanking by Wonderland’s armored forces and capture the army base.” A moment later, she would return to normal and gasp out loud. Recoiling, Harmony would and grasp at Chloe and move in close. ”Y-you should not attack alone.” She would whisper in a hushed, but urgent tone.

"Why is that?” Chloe continued to grin.

Chloe clearly didn’t know what Harmony has seen in her vision. ”I saw your head in front of a castle surrounded by the bones of Nagash’s troops.”

"Really now? My head in front of a castle? And it wasn’t attached?” Chloe held her chin when she looked over the army. "That’s awfully specific. I thought for sure you’d give me a probability. But if I’m doomed to fail, I suppose I shouldn’t lead the army.” She placed a hand on her hip. "I’ll just have to hope that the hekatos are up to leading the army.” She pointed at a necropolis stalker "Sakura! Lead the charge! Do what you were born to do!” The giant skeleton moved to the front of the army. "It’s not like we have much of a choice at this point. The queen is all seeing, so we are forced to attack sooner rather than later.”

”Usually it is data. I think the events are close enough that they are clearer.” She sighs. ”I’m glad it was though. I don’t want to see you killed.”

It was a shame that Chloe hadn’t gotten to know Harmony earlier on. Maybe if she had, she would have been able to involve her more deeply in her machinations. Initially, Chloe was pissed when she realized Harmony was going around acting like her own free agent, but it was starting to seem like that was just a quirk of her being a monster girl rather than some deep seated desire to run everything some day. She wrapped her arm around the girl’s waist and pulled her close. Chloe was shoulder to shoulder with both girls. "With any luck, the others will get here soon.”

Sakura pointed one of its four swords towards wonderland, and the entire army started to move. Extremely disciplined, all possessing the exact same ability and moving as one cohesive unit. Humans could not move with such unison, and even the more monstrous of the ossiarch moved with machine-like precision. Even though each of those creatures had a soul, not one of them was acting with anything more but single minded devotion. Fanatics in everything but name.

"Could you tell Penny that the siege has started? My army got spotted.”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PlatinumSkink
Avatar of PlatinumSkink


Member Seen 6 days ago

It seemed like it was time to get moving.

‘We’re ready,’ Miko declared, nodding with determination that the twins would be ready to move out once more. If the earrings were for everyone and trusted, then the two could pretty easily use some reinforcement magic to get the earrings in place, even if they needed to stick holes in their ears for it. Well, Miko would need to, anyway, Ronin could just change her ears to have holes in them.

‘Anytime!’ Ronin declared. Though there was one more thing that was on her mind. She walked up to MDP, Miko looking after her questioning. ‘Hey, how were you able to remember everything from your recent adventures?’ she asked, just curious.


It seemed that it was decided.

‘Then let us make haste. An army will join us in Wonderland. The Queen is about to learn the consequences of treating one's peons unfairly,’ she told, and she gestured for the portal that she opened, that she was about to be joined going through.

If it was Mariette’s job to bring them to Wonderland, she would focus her powers to open portals to the locations that had been decided upon. If not, then she didn’t need to.

‘Good luck, I’ll be right there,’ she said briefly. Then, she would open another portal, through which Penny and Janet were to join her. Those that were through it would have been warned to prepare their forces, albeit not been privy on the exact details of the plan, yet. That was about to be rectified, Mariette was just so cautious she didn’t want any one of them to know before the time was at hand, just in case the Queen undermined any of them before today.

With that, it was time to get to work.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Ponn
Avatar of Ponn


Member Seen 12 hrs ago

On the far side of the universe from the Milky Way’s local group, one can find a particularly imposing galaxy cluster. The extraordinarily expansive domain of the Grand Trans-Galactic Vaastatorian Imperium, its thirteen thousand galaxies are encompassed within and linked together by an ultra structure of nearly unimaginable size. The myriad star systems of each galaxy are encapsulated by Dyson spheres, each linked together by techno tendrils spanning light years, the stars themselves surrounded by shimmering Dyson swarms and spinning gyro dynes drawing staggering amounts of power even as they hold their imprisoned stars in a state of perpetual entropic equilibrium via chronological manipulations far too complex to comprehend. Yet, this is but a mere microcosm of the processes being enacted upon the galaxies in which they reside. Indeed, the great spirals have themselves been enclosed in massive spheres of biomechanical matter and linked together in an intricate web of mega worlds stretching out into the infinite cosmos beyond.

An unequivocal Type III civilization, on the cusp of attaining Type IV status, the Grand Trans-Galactic Vaastatorian Imperium stands utterly unopposed in its corner of the universe, the surrounding civilizations left to either flee before its inexorable expansion or wait to be inevitably subsumed into its titanic totality. And at the heart of this all-encompassing array, this mind-numbing network of nodes, resides the grand and glorious capital, the prime node, the hyper hub, the central crux core, Vaastator itself. This planet-sized eldritch horror is the genesis point of the Grand Trans-Galactic Vaastatorian Imperium, its heart, brain, and soul, the galaxy cluster-spanning ultra structure serving as nothing more than an extension of its own incomprehensible being. Thus, if one wished to destroy such a stupendously powerful civilization/entity, this is where they would strike.

So it was, that an eldritch biomechanical technomantic vessel of an unfathomable level of super-scientific advancement materialized in the midst of this ostensibly inviolable sanctum, bypassing all its metaphysical, multilayered defenses with effortless ease. Of course, such a violation could not be tolerated, and the presence of this unwelcome intruder was immediately responded to. Over a hundred million warships of the most frighteningly formidable types surged forth from a plethora of portals to engage the mysterious foe who dared to threaten their supergalactic sovereign. And they were not alone. Joining the myriad million-meter long ultranoughts, meganoughts, and hypernoughts were billions of dark matter mecha-mystic demigods, each mountain-sized titan ten times more powerful than any Earth-born magical, and then elevated by eldritch energies to pinnacles of physical, psionic, and preternatural power even further beyond.

Yet, as the full, cataclysmic might of the Invincible Champion Legion and Eternally Triumphant Armada converged upon the abhorrent invader, as destructive power of such unfathomable potency that it could rip whole galaxies asunder fell upon the source of their ire, a horrifying realization began to dawn on the dauntless defenders. The explosive might of two hundred Big Bangs, the hyperspacial, megaspacial, infraspacial, negaspacial, ultraspacial, and gigaspacial energies, the dark matter, negamatter, antimatter, and omnimatter polymorphic projectiles, had all achieved absolutely zero effect whatsoever. Not only was their foe utterly undamaged by their apocalyptic assault, it was utterly untouched as well. Indeed, if one word could be used to describe their barrage of biphasic blink cannons, dark energy ray emitters, singularity super guns, cosmic string projectors, tachyon lances, ghost particle beams, ultra challenger grade variable spectrum reality disintegrators, and megamystic annihilation spells, that word would be “laughable”.

“Nyahahahaha! Is that really the best you’ve got?!” Doctor Nykannis, Queen of the Mad Scientists cackled as she watched the pitiful assault on her flagship from the ARGO’s command throne, the arc of panoramic holodisplays an entirely unnecessary aesthetic choice in light of her full-spectrum neural link with the ARGO’s transcendent, soultech AI. “Is this actually your full power?! she inquired with a mocking sneer. “This isn’t even an annoyance! I heard you were supposed to be one of the strongest things in the universe, but this is just pathetic! I gotta be honest, I expected a bit more of a challenge from a civilization capable of building an energy collection array around an entire galaxy supercluster, but seeing as how I built one around this entire multiverse, I guess that was just wishful thinking,” she added with an annoyed sigh as she stroked the wiggling tendrils of the multicolored eldritch blob sitting in her lap. “Turns out, you’re nowhere near my level. Here, let me show you what real power looks like…”

Although a great deal smaller than her previous, planet-sized Ramina-class flagship, the ARGO was far, far stronger, a fact Nykannis was only too happy to demonstrate. Opening like the petals of some eldritch, biomechanical flower, the APEX-grade omninought unleashed a mind-bending barrage of two trillion metaphasic multidimensional monopole missiles and five billion Dark Energy Hyperetheric Homing Lasers to “soften-up” the myriad warships and mecha-mystic demigods’ defenses, each polymorphic probability manipulating, chrono-correcting projectile and beam hitting their assigned target with one hundred percent accuracy, despite any and all attempts at evasion or the plethora of point defense systems they possessed. After this, the full brunt of the destructive power they had hurled upon this horrific embodiment of eldritch biotechnomagimechanical mastery, and completely absorbed by its fractal harmonic polycosmic convergence clusters, was now disgorged back at them in a devastating deluge of pure obliteration. It was perhaps at this point that the precious few survivors of that cosmic holocaust began to fully grasp just how stupendous the gulf separating their own abilities from that of their frightening foe truly was, that they faced nothing less than a numinomorphic Star Bastion taken to the very apogee of advancement. An instant after that, and they would find themselves utterly erased from existence, their very creation canceled out by the starkly inconceivable energies of axionic annihilators, hyper-quantum omni-aetheric chrono-catalytic excision lances, tetra-tachyonic tesseract turbo bores, cross-continuua polychronal numinoscopic nullifier rays, and several dozen other reality editors too incomprehensible to describe.

Yet, even this display of near-omnipotence was not enough to dissuade resistance. From out of a newly opened string of portals poured forth still more ultra-advanced biomechanical warships and eldritchly empowered cosmic titans. However, Nykannis chose to send a swarm of numinospheric omnifighters composed of naked singularities and sentient cosmic string to deal with these latest annoyances. After all, she had a far more important target to focus on…

While the APEX-grade autonomous attack craft laid waste to the new arrivals with phantasmal polymorphic paraphasic psionic pulse conductor coils and cross-continua coalescence cannons, the ARGO moved into position to attack Vaastator itself. Even now, the eldritch sovereign’s psionic screams of rage were reverberating on several trans-aetheric spectrums, but the Monarch of Mad Science simply tuned them out. “How pitiful,” she remarked to her pet as the creature watched the unfolding slaughter with wide eyes atop trembling stalks. “They had to have known this was gonna happen sooner or later. I mean, even if I didn’t pay them a visit, it was only a matter of time before Laat came knocking. There’s no way he’d pass up a prize this big! I’m just glad I was able to get here first! Now, let’s see just how tough you are…”

In less than a second, the results of several dozen spy rays, finder beams, and various other data accumulators filled the mind of the Mad Scientist Supreme, causing an amused smirk to spread across her face.

“Huh, looks like you’ve actually got a fairly impressive array of polyphasic, hyperharmonic, omnidimensional protection systems set up,” Nykannis noted, while kneading her eldritch pet’s tentacle-covered form. “But I think I have just the instruments for this particular operation.”

At that, a pair of enormous crackling portals tore open on either side of the eldritch orb, before vomiting forth two planet-sized Nth-space omniphasic numinoform nega-reality spheres, which smashed into either side of Vaastator at several billion times the speed of light, like a pair of giant ball bearings. These cataclysmic impacts were more than enough to comprehensively shatter every last layer of the eldritch entity’s defenses, leaving its cosmically horrific core utterly exposed to the ARGO’s final killing blow.

“First we crack the shell,” Nykannis explained to her polymorphic pet with a wickedly gleeful grin. “Then we crack the nut inside…”

Glowing and crackling with pent up power of the most starkly inconceivable kind, the ARGO disgorged a devastating deluge of neo-omega hyper-zithronic omnidimensional veilbreaker beams. This staggeringly stupendous bombardment was immediately followed up by an expulsion of the very crystalized quintessence of destruction, an utterly irresistible force of comprehensively complete ontological unmaking, second only to the unfathomable energies of the Storyslayer itself (And Vaastator, while certainly impressive, was not even remotely close to being a worthy target of those energies).

“Nyahahahaha!” Nykannis cackled as the eldritch spheroid burst apart under the full fury of the pinnacle of poly-plenumic power. “This is where the real fun begins!” she told her pet as the strange creature’s eyes widened atop their shuddering stalks. “Since Vaasty here was linked into every node in this biomechanical, transgalactic array, making him pop like a zit’ll cause a chain reaction that’ll tear the whole thing apart! So, let’s move to a suitable location to watch it happen!”

With but a thought, the ARGO teleported itself far beyond the boundaries of the Grand Trans-Galactic Vaastatorian Imperium, and waited. It wouldn’t have to wait long. Within seconds, strings of dazzling detonations blossomed across the gargantuan, galaxy cluster-encompassing giga structure’s shuddering surface as hundreds of its component galaxies were violently rent asunder.

“Now, I know what you’re probably thinking,” the Monarch of Mad Science told her enraptured pet. “How the hell can we watch this process happen so fast if it’s just moving at light speed? Wouldn’t it still take several millennia just to see even one of these galaxies tear itself to shreds? Well, you’d be right! That’s why I encapsulated the whole damn thing in a time dilation field! Nyahahahaha! Now we can watch the Grand Trans-Galactic Vaastatorian Imperium’s cataclysmic collapse in under thirty seconds!”

Sure enough, after that half a minute of apocalyptic fury had elapsed, every last trace of the Grand Trans-Galactic Vaastatorian Imperium had been utterly erased from existence.

“Nyahahaha! That went even better than I’d thought it would!” Nykannis declared approvingly. “Then again, I probably shouldn’t have expected very much from Vaasty and his goons. After all, they’ve got even less protagonist power than fucking Celia, and when was the last time she was relevant? Anyway, the nine unified galaxies really owe me big for helping them out like this. It’s a shame they don’t have anything to give me that I actually want. I mean, there’s already a giant crystalline statue of me in front of their Academy of Super-Scientific Supremacy. But that’s okay,” she added as she stroked her pet’s squirming technicolor tendrils. “I just happen to know someone who does…



And you guys probably thought these things were finished with, huh?
-Doctor Nykannis, Queen of the Mad Scientists

The next instant, the ARGO was once again floating in the familiar yellowy-green nebulosity that filled the space above the biomechanical, technomantic towers of The Lab. Teleporting down to the surface, Nykannis arrived just in time to see a pair of guests enter through a portal.

“Well, well, well… Look who’s back from her adventures!” the Monarch of Mad Science greeted, giving her visitors a broad grin, while unceremoniously dumping her pet into a crackling portal of her own creation. “And it seems you’ve made a new friend, too…”

“Yeah,” Kate replied with a slightly awkward chuckle. “This is Oracle Morowa,” she added, gesturing to her companion. “But I’m pretty sure you already knew that. Morowa, this is my old pal, Nykannis.”

Doctor Nykannis,” the mad scientist corrected with a raised finger.

Morrowa’s eyes darted around the strange space, but didn’t settle on anything. Her grip on Kate’s hand tightened as she surveyed every incomprehensible techno bobble she saw. ”Ah…” Her eyes settled on the tiny doctor, who was about her hight, albeit far younger in appearance. ”Yes, Kate’s told me a bit about you.” After a sharp inhale, she added ”Doctor.”

“I’ll bet she did!” Nykannis replied, her maniacal grin growing even broader. “After all, my incomparable super scientific genius is a pretty amazing conversation topic! Even so,” she added, adjusting her glowing goggles. “Seeing my awesomeness first hand is a trillion times better than just hearing about it!”

“Speakin’ of,” Kate interjected. “I was hopin’ you could help Morowa with a bit of a lifespan extension. Y’know, as part of my payment for gettin’ all these photos for ya?” she added, holding up her camera.

“I was referring to giving her a tour of The Lab, but I suppose that works, too,” Nykannis conceded. “In fact, we can do both! Although I’ve got a feeling she’d prefer it if you were the one serving as her tour guide…” the Monarch of Mad Science added with a sly smirk. “So,” she continued, turning to Morowa. “You just want a few extra centuries, or full immortality?”

”Wah?” She stepped backwards, cautiously. Her eyes darted between Kate and Nykannis. ”Centuries? Immortality? Did I ever say I wanted to live longer?” She pinched the bridge of her nose. After a moment of contemplation, she spoke up again. ”I mean, of course I’d love to live longer. B-but would there be any drawbacks? Am I going to be a zombie or turned into some kind of…” She waved her hand around herself. ”...Anything around here?”

“Are you saying you don’t like my creations’ aesthetics?” Nykannis inquired with a raised eyebrow. “Well, whatever,” she added with a dismissive shrug. “You wouldn’t need to look any different from how you do now, unless you wanted to.”

“And, uh, Wisdom told me about how you wished you had more time to spend with me,” Kate added with a sheepish smile. “So I kinda thought you’d be happy if we could make that happen.”

The moth woman pursed her lips. ”Right.” She raised her finger and, after looking between the two, eventually settled on Nykannis to address first. ”I’m just not use to receiving things without there being strings attached. Your creations look… Interesting, but-” She held her chin. ”Maybe I should take that tour with Kate first, and then I’ll get back to you, okay?”

“Wow. I really wasn’t expecting you to be so nervous,” Nykannis remarked with an annoyed frown. “But I understand where you’re coming from. As it happens, I owe Kate here quite a few favors in return for completing her recent assignment even if she did remove one of my favorite sources of amusement in the process, and this is one of them. Anyway, you can go on your little tour now, but I’ll need that camera before ya head out,” the mad scientist added, holding out her hand.

“Sure,” Kate replied, relinquishing her camera into the demented doctor’s care. “And you can take these, too,” the photographer added, producing a pair of cards.

“So, ya lost your little pets, huh?” Nykannis asked with a smirk.

“Yeah,” Kate muttered. “Wisdom turned ‘em into playing cards for that stupid game of hers, but I’m confident an unparalleled super genius like you can get ‘em back to normal in no time,” she added with a grin.

“I’ll get ‘em back to normal and then some,” the Monarch of Mad Science replied with a wink. “You know me, I always take things to the next level! Nyahahahaha! And that goes for your little life extension, too,” she added, turning to address Morowa. “As a bonus, I’ll give ya an interdimensional link to your home reality plenum. That way, you can still use your divination abilities in other universes! Whatdaya think of that?!

”It certainly sounds good, yes.” She took Kate’s hand again. ”But I think we can continue this conversation once I’ve seen the rest of your lab. This is all very new to me, and quite different than the ponds and trees I’m used to.”

“By the time you’re done, I’m sure you’ll see how much of an improvement it is, and how incredibly amazing I am! Nyahahahaha!” Nykannis replied with a peal of maniacal laughter. “Have fun, you two!” she added, before stepping through a rectangular portal of glowing, yellowy-green energy, which promptly closed behind her.

Given their location, it was unlikely that any amount of distance would put Morrowa and Kate in a place where Nykannis couldn’t hear and observe them, if she so decided. But the moth woman did seem to relax as she got further away from the small scientist.

”It’s been so long since I’ve been able to just experience life without knowing what the future holds. I apologize if I do not seem as confident as I did when you met me. It’s just a lot to take in, being here.” Her eyes moved to a tube filled with techno tentacles submerged in a clear fluid, its purpose unclear to her. ”Did Wisdom tell you why I wanted to be with you?”

“Uh, yeah, Kate confirmed hesitantly, the first hints of a blush beginning to color her cheeks. “She did. Soooo, I, uh, guess this place is kinda overwhelming, huh?” the photographer asked in a half-hearted attempt to change the subject. “Even with as often as I come here, I still can’t help but be impressed by all the stuff she’s got goin’ on,” she added with a chuckle. “There’s nothin’ to worry about, though,” she hastened to reassure her companion. “As long as you’re a guest, this place is perfectly safe. Even if we get lost, there’re plenty of guides to help us out, and Nykannis’ll always know where we are.”

”Yes, I can see why you speak so highly of her.” She wasn’t looking at the lab though, only Kate. ”What I don’t see is why you want to extend my life. I don’t think you’ve thought that far ahead. Yes, having a longer life would let me spend a great deal more time with you, but for what?” She leaned on a railing. ”Kate, you… maybe you don’t know, but the days feel much longer for me than most. I feel like I’ve known you my whole life, and in many ways I have. It must be strange to know so little about me yet hear me talk like this. But Kate, even if we have an eternity to spend together, do you think you could ever feel anything like what I’m feeling for you now?”

Kate bit her lip. “I… I don’t know…” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “I mean, despite having been alive for so long, I’ve never really done the whole ‘romance thing’ before. But that doesn’t mean I can’t give it a shot!” she hastened to add. “I think you’re really cool, Morowa, and I’d really like to keep hangin’ out with ya. I just thought… maybe you’d like that, too. Y’know, to be able to spend more time together, even if it’s only as friends.”

”Is it that hard to see things my way?” Morowa looked to the rest of the lab, and finally pointed at a giant glowing orb. ”Do you know why a moth will fly into a flame?” She moved her hand in front of the light source, and it became apparent how bright it was. Her face looked green, except for where the shadow of her hand was cast on her face. ”There are a lot of theories, but they all revolve around confusion. Moths did not evolve in a way that allows them to properly deal with artificial lights or man made fire. They don’t know how to deal with it, and it destroys them.” She looked back at Kate. ”I imagine I could have lived a relatively normal life if I never learned of your existence. Perhaps the idea of living a hundred years longer or even forever would have excited me. But now that I know you exist, you are all I want.” Her lips twitched into a smile. ”Of course I want to spend more time with you, even if it’s just as a friend. But keeping that up for years? Or centuries? I don’t think you realize how painful an experience that would be.”

Kate swallowed. “Well, uh, I’ve been around for a few centuries already, and I haven’t gotten bored yet,” she replied with an awkward chuckle. “But I guess that’s because I get to travel to so many interesting places and meet so many cool people,” she added, giving Morowa a genuine smile. “And I suppose if I ever did get tired of living so long I could always have Nykannis make it so that I started to age normally, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.”

”I’m not surprised you feel that way.” Morowa turned to some techno organic structure covered in lenses. She didn’t know what she was looking at, but didn’t seem bothered by it. ”But I have, essentially, lived the majority of your life and even parts of a few others. I wouldn’t be an oracle if I didn’t. I cannot say the wonders you experience bring me quite the same joy.” After a moment, she looked back at Kate. ”But I will try, as will you, correct?”

“Uh, yeah, of course,” Kate reassured her. “I mean, I just wanna do whatever makes you happy, Morowa, especially after everything I’ve put you through…”

”I can’t ask for more than that.”

The rest of the “tour” proceeded rather uneventfully, with Kate showing Morowa the aspects of the labyrinthian, continent-spanning laboratory she thought the moth woman would find at least somewhat appealing, such as the botanical bio-dome clusters with their jungles of genetically modified, hyper-enhanced ambulatory carnivorous plants and precognitive perceptive projector panoplies. Soon enough, they were ready to return to Nykannis, who greeted the pair with a maniacal grin.

“What did ya think?!” the mad scientist asked Morowa. “Pretty amazing, right?!”

“Uh, I think Morowa’s used to more rustic and natural settings,” Kate explained before the moth girl could.

“Yeah, most Oroses seem to be that way,” Nykannis noted with an annoyed scowl. Morowa only shrugged her shoulders.

“So, what have you been up to lately?” the photographer inquired in an effort to change the somewhat awkward subject.

“Well, I deployed the various nanoscopic reality shunt projectors that should keep the Wonderlanders from setting foot in everyone’s favorite shithole,” Nykannis began. “Then I tested out a few new weapons, mocked the younger version of everyone’s favorite failure and the other residents of everyone’s second favorite shithole with Jen, did a few dissections, gave the aforementioned failure an urgently needed pep talk, and took my new flagship out for a test drive, although I think I need to find a more suitable opponent for it than the last pitiful specimens I used it on…” she added. “Anyways, that was all before you dropped by. While you’ve been showing your new pal around, I finished analyzing the data you collected on all the various Oroses you’ve encountered, and I got to wondering, what if I created my own Oros? Y’know, find a suitable candidate in some backwater reality plenum before Aigorost can lay claim to them and empower them myself? So that’s just what I did! It took a bit of searching, but I eventually found a universe that Aigorost hadn’t sunk his edgy, perverted-as-fuck tendrils into yet. After that, I needed to find the inhabitant of said universe who he’d select to be his champion if he actually did have knowledge of it. That would’ve just taken a few simple tests, a process even further expedited by all the information you provided on precisely what makes an Oros an Oros. But where’s the fun in that?! So instead, I gathered the most likely candidates by offering to host ‘magical girl tryouts’ in which I put the motley collection of hopefuls through a series of absolutely hilarious ‘tests’. Of course, I’d already figured who the winning candidate would be after the initial screening process, but it was still highly amusing to watch things play out.”

“Yeah, that sounds like you,” Kate replied with a chuckle, while shaking her head.
“So, who was the lucky winner?”

This young lady,” Nykannis revealed, manifesting a holodisplay showing the lady in question. “Meet Isra Mahmud, codename: Osiris.”

“What, no Oros title?” Kate inquired.

“Sadly, no,” Nykannis replied with a tired sigh. “I mean, Osiris kinda implies it, but really, if I’d have to call her anything, it’d be Oros the Failure.

“Uh, why’s that?”

“Because, as Wisdom so eloquently put it, the thing that really makes an Oros an Oros is disappointment, the fact that none of them get what they want, and Isra has everything her heart desires. There’s no unattainable goal that’s forever out of her reach, and while she’s succeeded in carrying out every task I’ve assigned her, the simple fact that she’s completely content with her life means that all the time and work I put into her was nearly a total waste. Still, even if she’s not a real Oros as I’ve chosen to define them, she has at least some use,” the Monarch of Mad Science added. “I’ve been having her gather these things called Heart Crystals, which are basically her universe’s version of Cosmic Ominversal Infusion Numinospheric Synthesizers. As power sources, they’re not exactly novel, but I figure if she gathers, say, fifty of them and uses them on herself, she might reach the level of an actual Oros. Even if she doesn’t, I think I’ve come up with a suitable use for her after her current task is complete…”

“How’s she doing with that?”

“She’s been at it for about a month, and she’s already collected twenty-four crystals, so it shouldn’t be too much longer. Time moves much faster in that universe compared to this one,” the mad scientist explained. “So I’m confident she’ll have gotten all fifty before the Penrose Pack even sets foot in Wonderland. Speaking of, it looks like she just finished getting number twenty-five.”

In a flash, the holodisplay shifted to the conclusion of a battle against a bizarre barbed wire rock hippo. As they watched, the monster crumbled into dust and Osiris claimed its glowing Heart Crystal.

“Nice work, Osiris,” Nykannis commended her creation after opening an audio link. “I hope my lack of instruction wasn’t too disconcerting for you,” she added with a smirk. “I’ve been a little occupied chatting with some guests.” Although she could have easily split her consciousness in order to attend to both parties simultaneously, she honestly didn’t much care about keeping a close eye on the activities of what was essentially nothing more than a failed experiment. “Before you return to your bath, I’d like you to stop by The Lab for a moment. There’s something important I want to discuss with you, and I’d prefer to do so in person.”

The scantly-clad cyborg didn’t look back at her master, nor did she nod or even give a verbal affirmation that she had heard the request. She sprinted away from the ruins of the monster, and her bladed tail yanked a crystal out of the rubble as she fled. After turning a corner, she flicked her tail and seemed to cut the air right in front of the spectators in the lab. The cut opened up, and the holographic became physical as Osiris hopped off of the holo table and landed on the ground.

”Nailed it."

— Isra Mahmud

Osiris didn’t acknowledge Kate or Morowa. She dropped the crystal into her hand before kneeling in front of Nykannis. She extended her arm and held the crystal out for the wise doctor. ”I believe that makes twenty-eight.”

Morowa’s eyes shifted from the newly arrived to Kate.

“It seems your lack of higher education left you with an inability to count,” Nykannis snarked as she took the offered crystal. “This is only the twenty-fifth. Unless you procured some without telling me,” she added.

Her eyes rolled upward, as if trying to peer inside her own head. ”I don’t think I’ve hidden any of them from you.” She withdrew her hand. ”Maybe it was only twenty five...” After scratching her chin a bit, she suddenly had a eureka moment. ”Now that I think about it, I may be getting the price for that dress I was looking at mixed up with the number of crystals I had collected.”

“Probably…” Nykannis deadpanned. “Anyways, this is my old pal, Kate, and her new pal, Morowa,” she informed Isra, while gesturing to the photographer and oracle. “They’re the guests I mentioned.”

“Sup?” Kate said, while holding up a peace sign.

Isra’s eyes lazily drifted from Kate to Morowa. The two looked at each other for a few seconds before her eyes drifted back onto Kate. She gave the photographer a wave before returning her attention to her boss. ”Did you need me to do something with them?”

“With one of them, at least, in a manner of speaking,” Nykannis replied. “Tell me, Osiris, have you ever been disappointed before? Have you ever looked forward to the culmination of a project you’d put so very much work into, only to have it ultimately turn to ash before your fucking eyes?”

”I’ve been disappointed a few times.” She nodded. ”When we were in Rome a few weeks ago I got a new dress tailor made, but the fabric didn’t match my hand bag.” She hung her head. ”I still think about it…”

“I’ll bet you do,” Nykannis snarked. “Well, my recent cause for disappointment was on a significantly higher level. See, a certain someone wanted to try their hand at challenging the biggest local big shot, and I thought it would be interesting to see if he could actually succeed in doing that if sufficiently enhanced,” the mad scientist explained. “However, after some associates and I spent valuable time giving him every possible upgrade and advantage, he just noped out of life like a total fucking pussy! Therefore, in order to not be deprived of the fight I was so very much looking forward to, I needed to enact a contingency plan. You see, if anyone else is going to stand a chance against this particular tinker toy with delusions of grandeur, it’s an individual known as Oros. Thus, I had Kate here collect copies of enough Oros iterations from across the multiverse to form a team that will descend upon said afore mentioned tinker toy at an opportune moment and attempt to kick her shit in! Now, I have no idea if they’ll actually succeed, but I do know that their chances will vastly improve if they have someone to lead them into battle, which, incidentally, is where you come in,” the Monarch of Mad Science revealed, pointing a boney finger at Osiris. “Unfortunately, at your current power level, you’d be utterly unfit for such a role, which is the primary reason why I’ve been having you collect all those Heart Crystals. Once you have all fifty, I want you to use them to empower yourself enough to reach a state worthy of assuming such an important position. Before you get back to that, though, I’d like you to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of your team. I’ve just beamed the full data package on them into your brain, but since you’ve been so used to working alone up till now, I think it's a good idea for you to participate in a few training exercises with some simulations of them. You can use testing chamber epsilon,” she instructed, gesturing to a just opened portal. “It should be rather familiar to you,” the Mad Scientist Supreme added with a smirk. “So, any questions?”

”Not really.” She sighed. ”I’ll get on it.” On her way through the portal, she mumbled something about the bathwater probably being cold as the portal closed behind her.

Once Morrowa was sure Osiris was gone, she addressed Nykannis. ”So you intend to use all this to give her a failure she can grow from?”

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly be opposed to seeing her actually succeed,” the Monarch of Mad Science replied. “But yeah, this is sort of a win-win situation as far as I’m concerned. Still, having her fail against Penny isn’t exactly going to do much to help her become an authentic Oros,” she added. “Since I don’t really see her giving too much of a crap either way. Then again, she did seem kinda annoyed about having her bath ruined, so maybe I just need to inflict disappointment on her in small stages…” the mad scientist mused, tapping a finger against her chin in thoughtful contemplation. “Anyway, speaking of disappointments, what about you? she asked Morowa. “Have you finally come around to accepting my generous offer to fix your biggest one?”

”Something like that.” Morrowa reached for Kate’s hand, but then stopped herself.

“What’s the matter?” Nykannis inquired. “Still feeling nervous? I told you, it’ll be completely painless! Or are you afraid you’ll stop being an authentic Oros once you finally get to have that unattainable thing you’ve been longing for?”

”More that because I’m an Oros I do not think it’s possible to give me what I want. I’m sure you are familiar with attempts to extend the life of octopus, Doctor?”

“Indeed I am,” Nykannis confirmed with a nod. “And I’m not surprised you know about them, too, considering how powerful your oracular abilities can be,” she added. “But to address your point, those particular attempts were made by people who were, for all practical purposes, cavemen smashing rocks together. My capabilities are considerably more advanced,” the mad scientist explained with a grin. “Plus, it’s something of a hobby of mine to do things everyone else considers to be impossible.”

”That’s fine.” The moth girl groaned. ”But you can’t fault me for being a little nervous, right? I already said I’m fine with it, so we can start when you are ready.”

“Well, I could go all out and make this a big flashy spectacle like I usually do,” Nykannis began. “But I get the feeling you’re not into that kinda thing, so we can just keep it simple,” she added, snapping a finger. “There. It’s all finished,” the mad scientist declared. “Feel any different?”

”No, but I am aware of what you did.” She blinked. ”You’re one of a kind, doctor.”

“Don’t ever forget it,” Nykannis instructed with a smirk. “I mean, I could pack all the stuff you saw here into a space the size of a grain of sand, but I like the aesthetics of having it look so imposing,” the Monarch of Mad Science added. “Anyway, what are you two gonna do now? You saw all the places Kate’s ever been to and all the people she’s ever met, right?” She asked Morowa. “Are there any in particular you wished you could visit?”

”Kate has seen so much, I’ve probably forgotten more than I can remember. However, I’m sure we can go on our own adventures.” She turned to Kate. ”Do you have any business trips lined up?”

“Well, before she commissioned me for the whole ‘Oros thing’, Nykannis wanted me to photograph some creatures called Caustic Bovines,” Kate explained. “So I guess I’ll be doin’ that next.”

“You guessed right,” Nykannis confirmed with a smirk. “They really are fascinating creatures,” the mad scientist continued. “From what I understand, they seem to essentially be the equivalent of multiversal antibodies, acting to keep non-native visitors out of reality plenums that meet certain, as yet unknown, criteria.”

”Sounds like something Kate would have encountered several times over already.” Morowa smiled. ”But it doesn’t matter to me. Caustic bovines, based chickens, I’m sure it will be a fun adventure.”

“Oh, I have no doubt,” Nykannis agreed, her grin broadening. “But you make a very good point,” she commended the moth woman. “You would think that with all the traveling Kate has done, she’d have run into at least one Caustic Bovine by now. As it happens, I’ve done even more omniversal traveling than Kate has, and I’ve never encountered one, either,” she continued. “At least not firsthand. It would seem that they only seek to prohibit passage to and from universes with specific plenumic signatures, signatures like the one possessed by Esper World, for instance.”

“So let me guess, you want me to go there and act as bait for these things, right?” Kate asked with a wry smirk.

“Close, but not quite,” Nykannis replied with a raised finger. “As it happens, the length of time an outsider spends there also appears to be a factor. For example, your old pal Parr stopped by for a short visit that apparently went unnoticed by the Bovines, or at least unreacted to. On the other hand, a certain bespectacled chatterbox who you’ve already had the pleasure of meeting two different iterations of has been staying there for several weeks, although I have it on good authority that she’ll be strongly encouraged to return home in the near future. Anyways,” she continued. “While I’m sure she’d probably leave before the Bovines take offense to her presence, I figure having both of you there along with her will greatly expedite the chance of them taking action, at which point you can take a snapshot of them for me to study.”

”How do you know if they exist?” Morowa asked.

“Via secondhand experience,” Nykannis replied. “I’ve heard about them from various sources, most of whom I consider to be at least somewhat trustworthy. In particular, Jennifer, the False Witch of Time, told me that a certain smug bitch was being chased by them when she paid her a visit. Incidentally, said smug bitch was able to employ one of my inventions to utterly eradicate them,” the mad scientist added with a gleeful smirk. “It’ll be very interesting to see if your two pets will be similarly effective,” she told Kate as she tossed the photographer’s restored whistle back to her.

Morowa opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again. ”I guess that’s worth checking out then.” She looked to Kate. ”I think I’ve taken in as much ambience from this place as I care to at the moment. It sounds like we’ll be back before long. Was there anything else you wanted to do here?”

“Not really,” Kate replied with a shrug. “Wanna get a bite to eat and relax a bit, before starting our first adventure together?” she inquired.

”We could do that.” Morowa strode with Kate towards an open portal. ”Did you have any place in mind? In the waking wood there’s a traveling treehouse that I’ve always wanted to eat at, but never had a reason to stop by.”

“Sounds good to me,” Kate replied with a grin. “There was a pretty cool treehouse restaurant in Fae Creek that I went to a few times with my roommates, although you probably already know all about that,” she added with a chuckle.

“Have fun, you two,” Nykannis told the departing pair. Once they’d left, she settled onto her hovering command throne and activated a holodisplay. “Now, let’s see how Osiris is doing…”

From what the display revealed, the Egyptian-themed technomantic magical girl seemed to be leading the various simulated Oros iterations in a fairly competent manner, although they didn’t appear to have made even a single dent in the simulated Queen of Penrose. But that wasn’t really a problem. After all, there was plenty of time for further strengthening and refinement. Even as the training simulation continued to run its course, the Monarch of Mad Science brought up another display, which presented a detailed, multilayered schematic of the CAPRICORN. If any craft in this reality plenum was going to provide a suitable challenge for the ARGO, Bionic Bonnie’s ship would almost certainly be the one to do so. Next to it, she activated a third display, depicitng the results of a full data scan on one of the lagomorphic cyborg's grief seeds, an item that promised to be an interesting topic of study, to say the least.

Extending a tentacular, multi-lensed optic-stalk from the side of her glowing goggles, Nykannis employed it to keep watch over the initial trio of displays, while she turned the majority of her attention to her just-activated panoramic interdimensional viewer. One of her finder beams had recently located a suitably amusing replacement for the now safely-home Parrthineas E Doxxon the First, and as she watched a shuddering package on a seemingly innocuous toy store shelf burst open, she looked forward to seeing how his antics compared to those of the chrono-manipulating canine…
Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Brittany panicked as Alexander taunted the giant, and held her hands to her mouth in dread at the oversized, ogrish, outraged oaf.

“Clumsy? DUMB?!”

The giant reached out with his other hand, and grabbed Alex’ hand by the bracelet between his hands, showing surprising dexterity for a being of his size.

“I will show you, puny human!”

Then, he pulled, easily ripping Alex’ hand off as if it were a plucked flower. It was incredibly painful…But the bracelet slipped right off the fresh stump. As it did, Alex could feel his magic resurge inside him, his Reinforcement Specialty already mending the wound closed by the time the hand had hit the grass below. The giant blinked, surprised at the glinting effect that the magic produced. Alex was now free to transform, and to cast magic.

“Huh? What was that?”

Lily was the first through the portal, disappearing beyond a window that seemed to lead into a dust storm. Upon arrival, the rest of the Mahou felt Wonderland’s enchantment attempting to take effect: it was faint, but there was a sense of rhythm and music that briefly emerged: an errant tap of the foot, or a little hum of a melody that one recalled from memory. In time, this feeling surely would have grown, urging to let go of one’s sensibilities for the mundane, and express oneself by song and dance. However, thanks to preparations made by the group that had protected them, evident by the shimmering effect of both the worn earrings as well as Nefer’s device, humming with a reddish glow that rejected the encroaching charm, they were safe. However, the effects seemed to be more resistant to nullification depending on who was affected, with Magical Dream Princess particularly tempted to sing and dance even more than she usually does.

The dust storm cleared, assisted by Rachel creating a series of barriers that parted the winds around them. As it did, the group found themselves standing before an incredibly large, metallic wall, located in a colorful yet deserted valley of red, orange and yellow, striped across the land in unusual patterns. The top of the wall was decorated with searchlights, each of them decorated with a metallic top hat. Some distance from the spot where they were standing, there was a metallic door, with the visage of a sleeping woman embossed upon it in copper. Upon closer inspection at the top of the wall, there seemed to be humongous buildings looming beyond the wall. However, the buildings seemed to be strangely shaped: while some were more traditional rectangular shapes, some were cylinders or pear-shaped. Some had chimneys located at the top, but some also had long, winding chimneys that spewed smoke sideways, or what looked to be a chimney that winds up only to end up inside the building again, like a handle…

”It looks like the Mad Hatter stays true to form, even when it comes to the architecture,”
Justine mentioned as she arrived through the portal, earrings equipped. She was holding Caroline’s hand, who simply stared at the visage that the group had now realized: the factory complex was shaped like a city-sized, upside-down metal table, complete with four towers at the corners that were tall enough to reach the clouds serving as the legs, with the buildings scattered on top of it taking the role of tableware like pitchers and cups.

”Wow…With a place this huge, it will take forever to find where the eggs are made!” Lily yelled out, flabbergasted.

Rachel tapped her foot, not out of the enchantment but out of veiled frustration. “I knew this wouldn’t be easy…Damn…”

However, it didn’t take long before a voice could be heard coming out of the loudspeakers situated periodically along the wall. It didn’t take long to realize who it was.

“My my, it seems the ignorant slaves are finally here. After the Conjuration Eggs, aren’t you? Oh, don’t look so surprised.”

One of the hats popped a miniature helicopter blade from the top of its opened lid, and began to fly up from the searchlight, revealing a leg ending in a television screen showing the Mad Hatter’s smiling face: he was sitting on a chair, holding a steaming cup of hot tea.

“Of course, as her Majesty’s Minister of Research and Development, my brilliant genius deduced that you would attempt a strike at one of our most sophisticated weapons.”
Lily and Justine summoned their weapons as the drone approached them, but the floating top hat drone then stopped, hovering in place once it had reached the group.

“Now, you might be wondering, ‘What is his next move? Why has he not rang the alarms yet, and wiped us all out like a handkerchief on a stain of tea?’ Well, I would be happy to answer that question for you. It wouldn’t be strange to have my automaton defenses deal with you, seeing as how my task is to ensure her Majesty’s royal forces have the armaments they need to serve her cause.” He adjusted his monocle.

“But why would I degrade myself with such base, barbaric brawling? Not only would it be as dull as kicking a leather-bound orb and calling it a competition, by my estimates it would be a bother cleaning up the mess afterwards. Besides, I see you are more than mindless brutes. Misguided, perhaps, but you definitely have the potential to entertain me.”

He took a sip of his tea. “Yes, indeed! Let us engage in a duel of intellectual superiority! After all, brains triumph over mere brawn, and in our civilized society, the most powerful mind wins.”

Lily frowned as she looked at the screen. How can we trust anything you say? For all we know, you could be lying in an attempt to lead us into a trap!”

“Oh, but if I were, would I truly have taken my time to talk with you? Besides, as the brightest in all of Wonderland, I have deduced that one among you possesses the ability to infer truth from lies. Does any word of mine detect as a falsehood? Is there even a smidgen of doubt as to my true intentions?”

”You are talking about Light magic, which more than one of us does possess,” Justine now spoke up, having crossed her arms.
”However, that is not always enough. You could be omitting the fact you are stalling for time for your little bowlers and fedoras to line up, or anything else.”

The Mad Hatter now raised his finger in a mocking way.
“Tut-tut, my lady. I have also predicted you would bring up this argument. Very well then. Allow me to prove my intentions.” With a mad grin, he gestured for someone offscreen. He stepped aside, and a Card Soldier arrived: he was a Diamond engineer, with steampunk-style accessories and a train conductor’s cap. The soldier looked nervous, but stood at attention.
“Now then, allow me to demonstrate,” the Wonderlander spoke, and placed what looked like a black, stylish top hat decorated with two electrodes poking out of the sides on the soldier. As soon as the hat rested on his scalp, it locked into place like a helmet.
“As you can see, our volunteer is wearing one of my mind blowing inventions: the Game Enforcer. Now, attempt to remove it.” He continued smiling even as the underling made every effort to lift the hat off of his scalp. But the more he tried, the more it seemed to dig into his skull. Suddenly, the electrodes activated, and the engineer was electrocuted, his body falling down to the bottom of the screen, his charred corpse visible the entire time. The Mad Hatter seemed pleased by the macabre results.

“As you can also see, it is impossible to take off by force. There is no keyhole nor interface to tamper with. I have designed it to only unlock under two conditions: either the Game ends…Or a wearer breaks the rules,” the group could see him reach down to where the engineer fell.
“The game’s rules are clear: the participants may only win by solving three challenges consisting of mental trials like puzzles and riddles. All challenges I have given must be able to be solved by logic and the information given by the challenge, meaning they are all solvable. Attempting to use violence or cheat at the challenges, for example by issuing impossible riddles or solving them without a logical answer results in death. Abandoning the game also breaks the rules. The participants may submit answers by either spoken words or written letters, but only thrice per challenge.” He was once again on screen, holding the deadly headwear in his hands. “The Game ends when either you destroy all of the Conjuration Eggs located in this factory and then leave this place, the players spend 24 hours…or all of you fail to answer any challenge with the correct answer three times, or you break the rules. However, if you accept, one of you must don the same hat for our great game: it wouldn’t do if only one side is raising the stakes.”

Lily looked apprehensively at the others, while Justine sighed. Then, the Mad Hatter chuckled, and reached up at his own top hat. “Still doubting me? Well then…”He flicked it off…And with a crazed glee, slammed the hat down on his head. “It’s showtime!” The group now saw him wearing his own invention, laughing madly. “Oh, it’s so exhilarating!” His laughter died down, and the hat continued shimmering, showing it was active. “The Game Changer is active for 24 hours once it is put on. After that, it will unlock on its own. That’s all the rules for the Game. Now then, allow me to offer you the Game Enforcer.” The group saw in the distance how a drone came flying from one of the four towers, holding the same electrode-stabbed hat as the Mad Hatter now wore. It floated down before the group, as if offering the hat.

“We refuse,” Rachel answered. “We do not deal with Wonderland trickery.”
”Uhh…” Lily did not look enthused by the idea. Neither did Justine, who just held Caroline’s hand even tighter when the latter slightly reached out.
”No, Caroline. Even if he is genuine about this crazy game of his, it’s too dangerous.”

Then, Nefer stepped up, her hands holding the backpack straps to her Brain Unscrambler.
“Well then, allow me to be the pawn then.” She took the hat in her hands. “This is way too complicated, and stupid,” she added with emphasis at the floating screen, causing the Mad Hatter to scoff,” of a plan just to get one of us killed. He could have come up with much easier and less convoluted plans if his goal was to murder us. Besides, I’m sure we can beat any stupid puzzles this doofus throws at us. So, how about we give it a shot?”

Meanwhile, the Mad Hatter was quietly singing to himself as he waited for an answer:
"Be, my, guest, be my guest, put your wits to the test, a game of cards, a duel of smarts, whoever wins proves they're best..."
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Alexander didn't scream in absolute agony, and anyone that says is either crazy or lying "Let the sun shelter my allies and smite my foes!" He managed to grit out. As he finished transforming, he quickly reattached his hand, and the pain faded away "Thanks giant, you did me a solid." he said genuinely as cut off Brittany's cuff with his sword. "Ahhhh. I really missed this feeling" he sighed in relief as he set Absolute Direction to search for something that could start a lot of fire. "Well it's be fun Mr. Giant, but we've got to get going now." He took Brittany's arm and then said in a voice that oozed 'bliss' and 'wonder' "Come on Brittany, let's burn this whole place to the ground" and he started dragging her in the direction that Absolute Direction was guiding him.

The animals jumped off of Lily, and ignoring whatever nonsense the humans we up to. Bob and Tim got to sniffing around, while Dave just kept watch. Then all at once, they froze in place, looked over in the same direction, and then rushed back to Lily to frantically try and push/drag her in that direction. Although given their small size, they weren't making much progress with that.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

After equipping their anti-brainwashing devices, the trio was ready to head out. Connie and Gaia stepped through the portal first, but before MDP could skip along after them, Ronin approached her and asked a question that made the whimsical girl’s eyes light up with glee.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess was able wable to remember wember all that stuffy wuffy because of her super duper helpful welpful dreamy weamy journal wournal thingy wingy~! (giggle!)” she replied, producing the bright pink book in question and holding it out for Ronin to see. It was covered with glitter and dozens of sickeningly cute stickers, while several multicolored tabs protruded from the side, the hand written labels and adorable hand drawn pictures upon them serving to help the ADHD-addled girl find whatever she might be looking for in at least a somewhat expedient manner. “Like, Penny Wenny suggested wested that Magical Dream Princess should, like, totally wotally get one to helpy welpy with her brainy wainy problem woblems, and, like, she was totally wotally right~! (giggle!) It, like, totally wotally helpy welpied lots and lots~! Like, Magical Dream Princess can remember wember soooo much stuffy wuffy nowie, even weven with her super duper terrible werrible memory wemory~! (giggle!)” the bubbly girl explained with a happy smile. “So, like, whenever wever Magical Dream Princess does something womething special wecial, she just writes about it in heresie weresie, and thensie wensie she can look it uppy wuppy any wany timey wimey she can’t remember wember on her ownsie wonsie~! And, like, she’s been having waving soooo much funsie wunsie writing stuffy wuffy in it and drawing super duper adorable worable picture wictures in it, too~! (giggle!)” she added, bouncing up and down in delight, before opening to a page depicting a childish colored marker drawing of “Mister Wister Flower Wower”, accompanied by some notes about her new friend. “Like, isn’t Penny Wenny the smarty wartiest~?!” she asked, closing the book and hugging it to her chest even as an array of small hearts materialized in the air around her like rising balloons.

Once she’d finished chatting, MDP bounced through the portal with her typical excited energy, whereupon she found herself in a broad valley covered in colorful stripes, but that wasn’t what grabbed the Princess of Dream’s horribly fickle attention, nor was it the oddly shaped fortress that loomed before them. It wasn’t, in fact, anything she saw. It was what she heard

“Oooohh~! Like, Magical Dream Princess wuvs that songy wongy~! (giggle)” she declared with innocent delight. “It’s, like, super duper catchy watchy~!” the bubbly girl added as she began to hum and dance along to the enchanted melody, her movements cute, silly, and completely carefree.

“I-I k-kinda hear it, t-too,” Connie noted, slightly tilting her head, while idly tapping a foot along with the rhythm. “B-But it’s r-really f-faint…”

“Yes, it would appear this melody is an aspect of Wonderland’s attempts to mystically brainwash visitors,” Gaia observed in her typical serene tone, even as her hips began swaying from side to side. “It is most fortuitous we came equipped with sufficient countermeasures, although I fear I may have some doubts as to their efficacy…” she added with a concerned frown as her gaze focused on MDP’s silly little dance.

Of course, it didn’t take long for the verdant maiden to realize that she shouldn’t have worried. Indeed, the Princess of Dreams’ childish performance came to an abrupt halt the moment the Mad Hatter’s deranged voice rang out. However, while Gaia had stepped in front of Connie and raised Nature’s Blossom to fire upon the view screen equipped top hat copter the moment it showed any signs of hostility, MDP simply skipped closer to stare up at the odd contraption in wide eyed wonderment.

“Oooohh~! That thingy wingy looks super duper silly willy~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl declared, although as the Mad Hatter continued his deranged speech, her giggling glee soon turned to silent confusion, and then to utter horror…

“N-No…!” Connie gasped as she watched the Hatter fry one of his underlings to a smoldering crisp, her trembling hands covering the mouth of her mask.

“Mother’s Mantel…” Gaia breathed, her eyes widening along with those of her masked friend.

“Y-You… Y-You… YOU SUPER DUPER MEANIE WEANIE HEAD!!!” MDP shouted with unbridled fury, her earlier joyous whimsy having completely dissolved into righteous indignation. “Magical Dream Princess thinkie winkies you’re, like, the worsty worstiest! she told the Mad Hatter, her eyes filled with tears. “Like, how could anybodywody who listens wistens to such a happy wappy songy wongy do such a totally wotally awful waful thingy wingy?!”

“I believe the answer is present in the heathen’s very name, your highness,” Gaia replied in an even voice.

“Humph! Well, Magical Dream Princess is never ever wever gonna play any wany gamey wameies with a horrible worrible person werson like thatsie watsie!” MDP declared, crossing her arms as she continued to glare up at the Mad Hatter’s gleeful visage.

Gaia was also reluctant to take part in this deranged game, and it was clear that Connie and most of the others were as well. Only the Egyptian-themed girl who the verdant maiden couldn’t quite recall the name of seemed unbothered by the myriad risks involved. Yet, finding and destroying the eggs was only one of their objectives. They also needed to rescue Alexander, and as the botanical beauty’s attention was drawn to the frantic activity of Lily’s animal friends, the urgency of accomplishing that goal was only accentuated.

“Pardon my observation, Lily,” Gaia whispered to her fellow greenette, while gently placing a hand on the energetic girl’s shoulder. “But we must also consider Alexander’s potentially perilous situation, and I believe your three friends may be able to guide us to his location,” she added, gesturing to where the trio of animals were desperately attempting to pull Lily’s attention towards a particular direction.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Flamelord
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With everyone as prepared as they could be, the assembly of magical girls were transported to Wonderland for the battle that was to come. Despite the strange environment Alicia was unfazed, having been mentally prepared for 'weird stuff' thanks to the overall theme of the people they were engaging with. She barely even noticed the enchantments, thanks to their prepared preventative gear as well as her ShineSpark and Light Specialization.

"Alright, we're now on the clock. Let's get moving," she said to the others as they got their bearings. They needed to take advantage of the time that they had before Wonderland could organize a response. Of course they would have to deal with the immediate problems, that being the massive wall as well as the facility beyond it. The information that they had gotten from Chloe at the last meeting really undersold how big this place was.

And it seemed they had already been noticed as a drone approached and the Mad Hatter made his appearance. Of course she didn't know anything about him either way, but she wasn't exactly inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. "The longer we're here the more time Wonderland's enchantments have to work," she pointed out as Justine and Lily argued with the Hatter.

Despite her own skepticism it looked like some others had their own opinion on the situation. "Someone needs to take the Scrambler to go rescue Alex," Alicia reminded Nefer as the other girl took the game hat or whatever in preparation to put it on. "And we don't have the time to be entertaining this."

Instead she looked over to Penny, giving her friend a small nod. "I think it's time we get a bit...explosive. I'm not worried about being found, are you?"
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

”I can be whoever I want!”

Mac Ashley

For a flash ambush, there sure was a lot of tedious waiting. Waiting for this one to be ready, waiting for the meeting to conclude, waiting for everything that was set in motion to start. Even when they set off to start their assault, it felt like there was yet more waiting to be done. She made a mental note of everything that was being said, but none of it was interesting enough to be reassessed in her mind. With a nod, she followed after the others. But not before getting something to keep the madness at bay. In fact, it seemed like they had gone all out on making these things and made a few extra. Mac didn't see the harm in pocketing a few extra. If they found someone in wonderland who was struggling, maybe this would be the difference between coming back to their senses.

Though it had dawned on Mac that there would be an opportunity for some more shenanigans here. Penny was pretty much the scariest thing in Penrose, and a threat that was too powerful to overlook. Perhaps if she ditched the "Knight of Tonight" for the "Queen of Penrose", it could potentially have an effect on their opponents. That, and she wouldn't have to be MDP's imaginary friend for a time. It did occur to Mac that MDP and Penny were an item, but surely that wouldn't create any tension during the mission. The real Penny had already soaked up MDP's initial excitement, so there was no reason to expect her to do any more weird stuff. Mac was the last one to step through the portal, but what came out the other side was...

”Told ya!”

Mac Penny Asimov

Unfortunately, what waited for them on the other side was someone else that wanted them to wait. Someone with Finn's boyish charm and Nykannis's mad scientist complex, yet somehow failing to match up to either of them. Why were they humoring this neanderthal's conversation? The fate of Penrose, nay, the multiverse was at stake and they were debating with a mad fool who had watched too much saw.

Though his mad words must have entranced Nefer, who seemed mwilling to slam her head inside a deathtrap. She reasoned with everyone that this was okay because "There were easier ways to kill everyone."

”Yea...” The "Iron Queen" nodded her head. ”But that doesn't make him any less insane. Are you sure he can't use that device to read your mind?” Or a darker thought, Nefer was working along with the mad hatter to get everyone to participate in this sick game. But no, that wasn't possible. While many of Penrose's magical girls would want to save Nefer, there were just as many who were too pragmatic for such an approach, such as herself. And now he was singing...

They were wasting more time. They had to find those eggs, damn it! Even if this game took a half hour that was plenty of time for them to get routed by the queen's forces. Provided the queen herself didn't just decide to show up.

And then something special happened. Something truly wonderful. Maybe it was the madness setting in, but it sounded like Alicia was trying to take charge of the situation. In Mac's mind, the only thing she could see Alicia doing was going along with everything as dictated by her vow of patience. But it seemed as if Alicia had waited long enough. So when she asked "Penny" how she felt about the situation, a wry smile crossed her lips.

”I think I want them to find me.” She waved on MDP. ”Let's play hide and seek with the super duper meanie wenie head.”

If Mac was actually Penny, she could probably hack the video feed and pinpoint his exact location. That was not an option for Mac, but she could peer into her replica Endless Eclipse and get an idea of where to start looking, maybe. But while the blade prepared itself for her, Penny lunged at a wall and slammed it with all her might. Maybe she could "dig" her way to her target, but worst case scenario she could go full Sampson. Eh, it was an evolving situation, she'd play it by ear. Hopefully there wasn't some weird kill switch in that helmet that would off Nefer for this. She wasn't presently wearing the helmet, but you never knew when it came to insane magical devices. It would be a small loss, but she was more worried about what it would do to Alicia's resolve. Then again, if Alicia could suggest something like this she was already stronger than Mac suspected.
Hidden 12 days ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

.:⋮At The Duchess⋮:.

Mariette, Penny and Janet arrived at the Earth Bastion’s conference room through the Reflective Witch’s mirror. It was an impressive location with a single long table at the very center, and chairs lined up from end to end. They numbered in the dozens, and a large display screen covered the back, seemingly built directly into the wall. There, they saw the eclectic assortment of participants: alongside humans like the Pea Princess and various peasants were also all kinds of fantastic creatures who sat on the chairs or standing beside them, whispering among themselves with concerned or even slightly agitated voices. Among the magical folks were dwarves, elves, little flowers with faces, and even the Mermaid Princess, conversing through a glass screen set on a portal like she was video chatting thanks to Taihei’s quickly constructed communicator. She was speaking to the Lilliput Princess, who stood on the table on top of a large book to meet the other vassal at eye-level. There were also other Vassal Princesses, like Snow White, who was speaking with a small bird, or the Forest Princess, who seemed awkward in the crowd, preferring the vast wilds.

The narcoleptic Vassal herself was sitting at the far end of the table, stacks of enchanted scrolls furling and unfurling as she wrote into them with a golden quill, her head swaying like she was literally about to collapse into the paperwork from exhaustion. Nonetheless, she endured through pure willpower, only pausing to look up at Mariette and her entourage. “Oh, Princess Alice! I was still assembling *yawn* the agenda for the meeting.”

The crowd soon turned quiet, as all eyes were on the three of them, anticipation filling the air. Penny crossed her arms, and waited for Mariette to start the meeting. It might have been her ship, but if her rebellion would succeed, the eye-patched girl would need to be the one to take initiative and assert her leadership over the small folk of Wonderland.

Mariette still held her bunny as she arrived. Her visible eye frowned. There were more people here than she was comfortable with, and she didn’t know them well enough. With the other servants of Asengav, she didn’t have to do anything to be in charge, she just was. There were people here she had to actually appeal to. It was simple enough when there was just one of them at a time. All of them together…

Still. It was all to increase their chances as much as possible.

‘Thank you for your efforts, Pea Princess,’ she nodded to the exhausted one. After that, she looked around at the rest of them. She took a deep breath. She had prepared for this.

‘I was surprised when… my mother reached out to me and invited me to her world,’ Mariette said, the italics possibly audible to Penny and Janet. ‘As she was so kind to reconnect, I took it on myself to survey the world over which she ruled. What I found was people living in fear, afraid they may lose their heads at the slightest provocation,’ she said.

‘This coincides with my own experience, as I experienced her attacking the realm in which I’ve lived until now. Which is why I went to such lengths to gather you all. I have little reason to believe I will be able to talk her down with words, as such we must pool our resources should we desire to stand a chance.’

‘You all know why you are here. We’re here to discuss how we will work together from this point forward. This is Penny, the Queen of Penrose, the realm which I spoke of. This is Janet, an ally.’ For those who perhaps didn’t know already.
‘I only need one thing first. I’ve been hiding it until now, but I have the power to tell if I am being lied to. Therefore, I require each and every one of you to reply to my next statement. Those who cannot will be removed,’ she stated with absolute definiteness.

‘If you are with us on this quest, you’re willing to work towards our goal and you do not intend to betray us, say “aye”,’ she commanded. If anyone here was about to say “aye” in bad faith, they would be found out.

”Thank you,” Penny spoke, and gave a nod of respect for Mariette introducing her to the Wonderlanders, and in turn faced the crowd with a resolute disposition as Mariette began to speak in full. After Mariette concluded her speech, the crowd went quiet, having been left both inspired by her determination, yet somewhat unsettled by the revelation of Mariette’s ability.


Yet, the silence did not last long, as a voice called out: though slightly dampened, it was melodic and beautiful.
It was the voice of the Mermaid Princess, who truthfully swore her allegiance, a hand pressed against the glass separating them. “I once respected the Queen. However, the denizens of the sea have languished under the rule of the surface above, and she has ignored our plight. Princess Alice, we wish to be part of your new world, and will do what we must to reach it.” The Lilliput Princess immediately followed with a high-pitched answer, and soon enough voices repeated “Aye,” one after another. Their servants followed suit, repeating after their royal lieges. Even Pea Princess managed a yawn-filled “Aye”, though she struggled.

Mariette gave the Mermaid Princess a look of content, and as more spoke, she nodded with content. It seemed her worst fears were unfounded, so far.

But as it seemed that every Vassal had spoken, Mariette realized there were two left. When the crowd turned towards them, the two puffed out their cheeks and crossed their arms: Forest Princess' and Snow White.
“I cannot agree unless I am promised my home be spared,” spoke the wild Vassal, her small antlers glinting from her locks of green hair. “The Wild Woods are not to be touched: the fauna and flora there are my brothers and sisters.”
Snow White, however, furrowed her brows.
“But the dwarven people need lumber for their forges, and food for their tables. How do you expect them to live? I cannot agree to this either.”
“Well you can’t just come in with swinging axes and roaring fires! You only know how to destroy and devour in your greed,” The emerald Vassal retorted. “What, so you expect us to eat gemstones, huh? And at least the dwarves make something of worth to Wonderland, unlike a bunch of twigs!” The black-haired beauty shot back with a squint.

The argument started to heat up between the two, and that was when Penny stepped in.
”Alright, break it up,” she stated calmly as she placed a hand on each of their shoulders.
“I’m sure we can come to some kind of compromise. Isn’t that right, Mariette?” She asked.

Janet would speak up. In all likelihood none of them had any idea of who she was. Stepping forward she would give a courteous bow to the Vassals. Mariette had already vetted them magically, so she didn’t have to worry too much about the attendees leaking details.
”Allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Janet Howell, The Guardian of the Nexus. If I may, you could perhaps solve both issues if you work together. In our world we have developed industries where land is set aside explicitly for the purpose of producing food and lumber. These plots are rotated so there is a reliable supply and to minimize destruction of nature. I’m sure you use some of this already, but with Forest Princess nurture and the dwarves' industriousness, I am sure you can strike a balance. It will take time to set these up, but perhaps our world could help supplement some of what you need in the meantime. Myself and another close to me possess the necessary magic to jumpstart production.”

Mariette had been a moment away from proclaiming that these two were incompatible and that one of them had to move. Seeing how it was probably impossible to move a forest, that would have to be Snow White and her dwarves. Mariette had no doubt she’d be able to find them some mountain and non-sentient forest to exploit. They wouldn’t necessarily be happy about it, but it’d have worked. That said, perhaps that Janet spoke up first was a good thing. Mariette peered at Janet silently as she spoke, and then nodded.

‘Cooperation is definitely preferable,’ she added her own voice to Janet’s argument instead. ‘Forest Princess, if there’s any materials you’d be willing to part with, like already fallen branches or otherwise, you can perhaps assist in making harming the woods unnecessary. Snow White, perhaps there is something the dwarves could also give in return? Like if the Forest Princess needs tools, manpower or protection, perhaps the dwarves can help. That, and what Janet suggested,’ she said, honestly still kind of baffled at the situation but keeping herself steady.

Despite their animosity, the two Vassals shared a curious look as Janet approached them, followed by shock as she revealed her true nature. “The Guardian…” The Forest Princess whispered softly. “I thought it was but a fairy-tale,” Snow White followed up with her own melodic words. The two listened as she suggested an alliance between the two, further encouraged by Mariette as she gave examples of how such an arrangement could be made.
The two shared a glance at one another, until the Forest Princess, biting her lip, spoke up…Or at least, attempted to.
“Uuuu…I suppose the Woods could donate their fallen for a good purpose,” she relented. “And also give some land for the purpose of growing and giving to your people, Princess Snow White. I will make sure the trees such sacrificed will not inhabit spirits. But in return, we would want tools and items that dwarves can produce, as well as planting seeds and protection from those who would raze and despoil.”

Snow White, for her part, petted the head of the dour dwarf next to her, and sighed. “Thank you, Forest Princess. While the dwarves are more familiar with mountains than forests, we will work hard to give where we take and uphold a balance as much as we can, though we might need assistance in getting started.”
The Forest Princess nodded. “That is understandable, for we have never worked so much with outsiders before.” Snow White extended a hesitant hand. “Then it is an oath?” She asked. The green-haired Vassal lifted a hand up to her chest, looking nervous. But when she looked at Janet and Mariette, as well as Penny who nodded with an approving smile, she slowly reached to take the pale Princess's hand. “An oath it is, then.” The two shook hands, and in unison they turned to Mariette.
“As for your question, Princess Alice…”
Forest Princess began.
“...We say aye!” Snow White followed up with a cheer.
“Aye!” Forest Princess also said, with less enthusiasm but no less sincerity.

Mariette nodded to them, content.
‘And for that, you have my gratitude. You all do,’ she said, turning around to face the rest of the room as she said the final three words.
‘As we speak, the forces of Penrose are coordinating to eliminate the Conjuration Eggs, powerful weapons that the queen would use should they manage to hatch. We’re going to need to support their efforts, and also protect your lands as we keep the queen’s forces divided. Penny? Janet?’ Mariette said, turning to look at the other queen present and the Nexus Guardian.
‘Would you brief them on what they might not know?’ She then turned to look at the rest here.
‘And you all may also inform the rest of the meeting of what you are able to contribute with, so we’re all on the same page,’
“Good idea. I will start then, if that’s fine“, Penny spoke, and took a seat at the table, clasping her fingers together.
“First of all, I am able to provide some support in various areas, for example providing metals, medicine, and of course, loyal subjects willing to provide magical aid.” She went on to more detail, though Mariette already knew most of the specifics thanks to her previous experience with the cybernetic yet now surprisingly lively girl.

The Pea Princess meticulously wrote down the information to her scrolls as afterwards the various Vassals spoke in turn of what they can offer for the rebellion effort, seemingly assisted by her magical quill guiding her hand. The Vassals had scarce to offer in terms of soldiers: Lilliput Princess for example had 300 soldiers, 30 knights, and 3 champions, though she did mention their people’s skill at ensnaring much bigger opponents like humans with ropes and traps.

The Mermaid Princess, by contrast, had a much larger army of 3000 mermen warriors wielding tridents, with even their champion able to launch bolts of destructive thunder. She also had a vast assortment of fearsome and brave sea life, including sharks, whales, and even a kraken ready to fight to the last. Though a formidable host, they obviously were limited in their movements to coastal targets, unable to march over land.

Snow White had 100 dwarven soldiers from 7 clans, for a total of 700. As per her explanation, some clans wield axes, others hammers and pickaxes, and some even use enchanted guns, cannons and other artillery. The Forest Princess's natural host was also strong, including 50 mighty treants as well as hundreds of lesser spirits and animals like dryads, bears and stags, but they were slow to move and ill-disciplined.

As the lesser Vassals finished up sharing their meager offerings, the Pea Princess concluded the round by sharing her share of the effort. She had 2400 Green Helms to give: a sizable army, but of regular soldiers with regular weapons like spears and bows. However, her most notable mention was that she had control of most of Wonderland’s agricultural produce, and in turn the majority of food distribution in the land. “I could divert supplies away from the Queen’s forces in an effort to weaken and demoralize them,” she explained. “Of course, this will have grave consequences, as countless innocents would starve…” she then spoke, a grim silence pervading the table.
“The Queen would most certainly realize the high treason swiftly, and act accordingly,” she further added: though not a surprise by any measure, she nonetheless showed apprehension at such a prospect.
“Princess Alice, what are your thoughts on the matter?”
Penny was silent as if holding her breath, having steeped her fingers in a stoic expression as she silently waited. It was an opportunity to see whether the dark magical girl remained brutally pragmatic after everything they’ve gone through.

Mariette was silent for an uncomfortably long time, as she closed her eyes, as if considering the ramifications…

‘You know we cannot do that,’ she said simply.
‘What kind of leaders would our people see us as, if we reclaim power with such tactics? No. We will do this with a caring hand, one that we are on the side of good.’ … She felt uncomfortable calling herself “good”. Truth was, she said this because she didn’t like the odds of losing her allies had she gone the other way. That, and… guess leaving people to die didn’t feel that good, either.

‘Besides that… we aren’t even the main characters of this story. When it comes to those with the strength to truly fight toe to toe with the mightiest of foes, the small band in back in Penrose have us all beat. These two included,’ she said, gesturing back to Penny and Janet.
‘But ultimately, this is YOUR land we’re fighting for, and we’re not going to sacrifice a single soldier if we can help it,’ she said. Now to talk tactics.

‘Our most menacing forces are aquatic and woodland. In their right elements, no force will be able to contend with them. Therefore, we should draw our foes near or into the ocean or into woodlands so we can ambush them,’ she said, using a portal to bring a map of Wonderland that she’d procured for this occasion.

‘I figure, if any of you,’ she gestured for the more human of the vassals, Snow White or Pea Princess or similar, ‘Were to reveal your “treason” with a spectacular enough display, then you’d have a sizable force sent after you. If you are confident in your speed, you could then fall back to someplace near the water or the forests, and the rest can stand ready there. And if the Queen sends something more formidable than we can handle…’ Mariette took a breath as she demonstrated opening a portal on her right, leading to nowhere right now but making her point.

‘... I’ll get someone who can. With my portals, I can move select individuals across the battlefield. I will be watching, always,’ she insisted, and hoped they’d be convinced by this. Sure, there were more details to sort out, but that was a start.

The Vassal's looked at one another and murmured among themselves after Mariette gave out her initial directions.
“I’m afraid my dwarves are quite ill-suited for hit and run methods,” Snow White admitted with a heavy heart.
“They have the stamina to run long distances, but their stubby legs do not carry them swift enough, bless them. They also would rather stand and fight than flee in a cowardly manner, even if it means eternal sleep.” The table grew grim in atmosphere, but the Pea Princess spoke up next. “My Green Helms…can take this mission,” she spoke as she leaned with her palms against the table, visibly struggling to stay awake.
“I will have groups of archers…draw the Queen’s attention, with a contingent of, uh, spear-men to accompany them, and have them…lead the forces further into the, uh, woods for the ambush, where the rest will, uh…wait.”
“The Wild Hunt will then commence, and strike terror into their hearts,” the Forest Princess spoke, her eerie smile hinting at a cruel, fey-like capriciousness. “Yes, they will be punished.”
“And we will be ready to strike wherever our tridents can reach,” the Mermaid Princess joined in approval, seemingly excited to be part of the battle plan.
“Sounds like a plan then,” Penny added.
“Green Helms will be a diversionary force drawing them further into forests and near bodies of water, and then divide and conquer the larger force with surgical strikes.” She gave a smirk.
“For someone with no experience in tactical warfare, you came up with a solid plan, Mariette. Let’s just pray it works against someone as ridiculously overpowered as your supposed mother,” she added with a roll of her eyes, something Mariette had never seen the cybernetic girl do previously.
“Umm, excuse me,” the Lilliput Princess hopped up and down on the book set on the table while waving her arm. “Is there something we can do? I know our kind is tiny, but we can’t just sit idly while some of our traitorous brothers and sisters still serve the tyrant,” she said, looking bitter. “We need to fight too, and do our part to liberate our home from her wretched influence.”

Mariette nodded to their respective words, it sounded like they had a plan.
‘Join forces with the Forest Princess, then,’ she said.
‘They can cover your artillery, and your dwarves will be able to cover them in turn at range,’ she suggested.

Penny’s approaching her and praising her made her feel a bit odd, and she wasn’t sure how to reply. She was interrupted from attempting by the Lilliput Princess waving at them. Mariette frowned a bit, but had a reply.

‘I have a hard time thinking of things you can do that does not put you in mortal danger,’ she said, sounding concerned.
‘There are enemy tanks. You could potentially infiltrate them and destroy them from within… but I cannot guarantee that I’ll be able to withhold the attacks of my allies that might also be seeking to take out said tanks while you’re in them. It would be helpful if you could infiltrate the enemy lines to survey their movements, possibly dismantle key magic items and perhaps neutralize possibly vulnerable back-rank mages, or if you could even convince a few of those fellow princesses we haven’t gotten to yet to switch sides… but all of those plans put you beyond our ability to help you should things go wrong,’ she said.

‘I can keep you close, and when I see an opportunity to I could open a portal for you to attempt infiltration, if you’re that determined to help. Your traps can also come in handy when luring the enemy into our ambush,’ she said, but at their size they were clearly much more handy for infiltration.

“Princess Alice,” Lilliput Princess spoke, sounding surprisingly serious despite her high-pitched voice. “We have lived since time forgotten among giants who can crush us underfoot without even noticing us. Mortal danger is nothing to us. But I also believe we would be of greatest aid when it comes to spying and collecting information. We will prepare to be deployed as per your command, Princess. Unlike the others, who can only give so many soldiers,” she pointed to others, “I will give you every one of us capable Lilliputs, myself included, into your service. We know that if we lose this war, the Queen will put every one of us to the sword, and eradicate our people. So we will fight, all 300 of us, down to the last Lilliput.”

Penny couldn’t help but shake her head.
“I appreciate the notion, but surely you yourself need not apply. If you were to die-”
“I am willing to die to protect my home and my people!” The Lilliput retorted with the tiniest stomp. “What leader am I if I don’t sow the seeds of courage by example?”

‘Very well,’ Mariette nodded to the tiny princess, acknowledging her bravery.
‘Then I ask you to stay by my side, and I will find the opportunities to let you strike.’

Having left most of the negotiations to Mariette, Janet spoke up again.
”There are three locations where the Queen of Heart’s additional forces are potentially located, right?” She looked over to the one she was addressing. ”Are you able to open portals in space?”

Mariette turned to Janet, looking a little confused by the last question.
‘… I can, nothing in space is preventing portals from being opened. That said, the longer the distance between my portals, the more magic they use. I can transport myself across a city easily enough… but opening a portal to space would take great effort and spend a lot of my magic. Crossing dimensions is easier than going that vast a distance. Typically, if I am to cross a vast distance, I do so one portal at a time, which can cross the same distance but for less magic. … Why do you ask?’

”Just trying to understand what we have. Mostly I was wondering if there was a way to reduce drag to maximize accelerating and maintaining the speed of an object. We could in theory make a small meteor. Would probably only be able to be done once, but something like that could mean we only have to deal with two locations. Space is a big ask, but some place that lacks atmosphere.”

‘I…’ Mariette had to take a moment trying to comprehend what Janet just said. Still, the last statement did make her consider.
‘… I’m able to create an airtight space with my portals. I’ve used it to stand underwater in the past. I’ve also used the strategy of using gravity to accelerate objects before I use my portals to throw them at someone. Could that be used somehow?’

After a moment of thought, Janet nodded.
”Yes, I believe I can provide the rest for that to work.”

The rest of the meeting was present discussing more minor matters such as mobilizing the various troops and other less-important details. Finally, the meeting was adjourned, with the various rebel Vassals wishing good luck for Princess Alice and her compatriots before disappearing through Mariette’s portals. Now, it was just the three of them left: Mariette, Janet, and Penny. The cyborg queen stood up from her seat.

“I suppose we should get back to Wonderland and-” she managed to speak before she was interrupted by a sound both familiar and not to Mariette. As she turned, she saw a mirror slowly rise up from the floor; its framing resembled a white marble-textured tangle of thorns, with ruby roses occasionally sprouting from them. The mirror itself was shaped rectangular, in the proportions of a human-sized playing card, inside reflecting a black-red murky void. But most alarmingly, the top of the mirror carried a symbol Mariette knew all too well:

It was the Queen of Heart’s symbol.

Hidden 8 days ago 8 days ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Ronin and Miko listened to what MDP had to say, and Ronin grinned happily as MDP demonstrated the concept of her dream journal.

‘That’s a brilliant idea! Penny is definitely the smartest!’ Ronin said, chuckling a little thinking of the fact all those wires probably actually made Penny the smartest, maybe.

‘Yeah…’ Miko tried to peer into the book, somewhat worried that what MDP wrote down might already be jaded and what she read from her own writing perhaps even more so… But it was nonetheless a good idea, everyone else just needed to take it with a grain of salt, which she hoped everyone already was.

In any case. There wasn’t the time to think too hard about that, it was time to go. Ronin and Miko headed with everyone, and this scene played out before them. First they were somewhat astounded by the design of that factory, nothing needed to make sense here, huh. And then, of course, the fact that they came here and were immediately discovered, that was fun, too. Mad Hatter made his presentation, and the way he killed one of his own to prove a point sure scored him a lot of points, even if it was probably a mindless slave. Maybe.

Regardless, it caused Ronin to frown and look less jovial with a hand on her blade, and Miko on her side likewise.

‘What would happen if we refused to play your game?’ Miko asked.
‘What benefits do we get from playing it? You won’t call the guards? Ronin asked, chuckling a little with a sly smirk. She definitely wanted to behead this person, now.

Then there was Penny moving into action, and a bit more things, but Ronin and Miko are not about to lead in this event, they’re not strong enough for that. What they do will be determined by the next number of posts.


So, with the forces departed, Mariette was considering how to make Janet’s plan work and produce a powerful meteorite that would slam into the enemy forces…

But there was no time for that. A mirror had appeared. A very concerning mirror.

Mariette did not wait for something to happen.

She threw her hands up, trying to open two portals. One went immediately back to their own group that would be infiltrating the enemy base, another to her own army that had just departed the room.

‘Go. Warn them,’ she told Janet with as few words as she could, gesturing to the portal leading to the main team. Given this was inside the Earth Bastion, it was safe to say the enemy had breached even the deepest of their security. Given this was the Earth Bastion, she also figured Penny wouldn’t actually obey her command and possibly wouldn’t leave due to the presence of a new threat, so. That said, she was very much open to Penny also leaving through that portal.

That said, her plan was to then collect whoever was left (with tentacles if they wouldn’t move themselves) and leap through the portal directly to Pea Princess to tell the unfortunate news.

However, there was always the possibility she didn’t get that far.

Mayra is in Mariette’s shadow.
Hidden 6 days ago 6 days ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Brittany was surprised at the complete shift in demeanor that Alex showed, and realized that he had freed himself from the anti-magic manacle. “Uh, sure, Alex. Lead the way!” She responded with some enthusiasm. "But uhh, we still got a big problem." The giant was left dumbfounded as Alex leapt away with enhanced agility. "Hey! What about my bone bread? Come back!" The giant started a lumbering chase after them, knocking down trees in his way.

Lily was surprised as the animals turned restless, and like in Sleeping Beauty seemed to be actively guiding her away from the factory and towards the desert behind them.
”Oh, what’s that, Tim? Alex fell down a well?” She asked, trying to understand. She then turned her eyes to Gaia, who was more attuned with the feelings of the animals, and suggested they might be leading her to Alex. It seemed Connie and MDP also weren’t interested in entertaining the crazed Wonderlander’s antics.

”I see! They must have picked up his scent!” She raised her open palm upwards, and like a roar of thunder the enchanted motorcycle appeared, Ixion’s jagged horn and equine iconography decorating it. She hopped on, and gestured for the two girls as the animals clambered on the steering handles or on top of her head for the ride.
”Connie, Gaia, Magical Dream Princess, come with me. MDP, could you maybe summon some cute sparkly rainbow unicorns to ride? I could only fit one passenger on my motorcycle.”

Meanwhile, Justine kept glaring at the display of the Mad Hatter, unamused by his goofy antics as Ronin and Miko asked questions. The Mad Hatter drew in a dramatic breath as he stopped singing, seemingly pleased to be able to speak more by answering the questions…When Alicia made a surprising change in plans, causing him to blink and adjust his monocle. “H-Huh?”
When Alicia mentioned explosives, Justine nodded, and delivered her signature sinister smile from her old days as a former villainess.
”I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I couldn’t agree more with Alicia. Let us be rid of this foul industrial complex with much aplomb, and plenty of bombs.”
Caroline didn’t react with a change in expression from her usual staring, even as Mac, disguised as Penny, smashed the wall, denting it heavily. She simply nodded along to whatever her sister was saying. With a few more blows like that, Mac might have been able to break through the wall.

Rachel lifted her hammer. “Finally, we have found unity in our purpose. Excellent suggestion, Paladin Seraph. But we need no explosives, for we have the explosive power of justice on our hands!” She gestured for Penny to step aside. “Allow me to take the lead, Penny.” She jumped up at amazing speed, glowing with golden energy.
“Take THIS!” She then swung her hammer, creating a multi-faceted barrier around it in the shape of a wrecking ball. With a mighty impact, the Inquisitor struck right through the metallic wall as easily as if it was made of tin, creating a wide passage into the inner complex.

Of course, the Mad Hatter reacted with as much melodrama as one would expect from a Minister of Wonderland. “WHAT! No! You were supposed to play riddles and games, not break through my defenses! You broke the rules!”

Nefer threw the hat away as it crackled with electricity, and blasted it with her sci-fi blaster, turning it into a black pile of ash. “Sorry, but I guess we’re playing the game wrong. Too bad, so sad.” She blew a raspberry at the display drone and shot that as well. Soon, the loudspeakers began blaring an alarm tone, along with the Hatter’s voice. “Tea drones, attack! Don’t let them reach the inner complex!” Soon enough, more hat drones emerged from the towers and walls: these ones were holding metallic pitchers with elongated snouts with Mickey mouse hands emerging from under the hats. They flew above the group and began pouring scalding hot tea on them, only to be stopped by a barrier Rachel summoned as an umbrella. “We’ve roused the proverbial bee’s nest now. Let’s go and smash the king bee!”

Justine spread her wings, as did Caroline, and the both started flying over the wall.
”I do enjoy tea, but this is simply excessive.” She summoned a red spear and with a charge smashed through three of the drones, with Caroline smashing three more with her flaming sword. However, more and more were on their way.

During the chaos, Mac got a chance to inspect the Endless Eclipse, and it showed her a vision of the largest building at the center of the factory complex, and a quick flash of the Mad Hatter’s sweating face, his tea cup now trembling in his hand. That was when she noticed that Mariette had created a new mirror behind her.

.:⋮Drink Me⋮:.

The mirror opened up to the Earth Bastion, where a very concerned Mariette urged Penny and Janet to leave. Penny scoffed, hesitating. The queen of Penrose, back in the old days, would have stubbornly remained to fight the royal pain in the butt. But knowing how close she cut it last time, having gained her humanity back, and seeing how much the dark magical girl struggled trying to move her with a tentacle around her waist and another on her forearm, she relented with a sigh.
”Don’t make me regret this, Mariette.” She then jumped through the portal, dragging Janet along by the wrist.

Mariette herself then vacated the premises swiftly, managing to glance back and see a ruby shoe emerge from the bottom of the ominous mirror, alongside a familiar voice:

“My dear Ali-”

But the voice was cut off by Mariette closing the portal behind her, having entered the Pea Princess’ chambers in her castle. There was no sign that she was followed, and silence once more reigned, until she was noticed: the green-eyed Vassal was standing beside her table adjusting papers when she shouted in surprise. “Princess Alice! Did something happen?”
Hidden 6 days ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

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"See, since I can't just magic up some fire, step one is to find something that can" Alexander began to explain his plan, while ignoring the giant lumbering after them "Although, if we could find an active source of fire, that would be even better. Although given the tech level here, that's most likely to just be a candle or oil lantern, it's still better than nothing. Anyway, once we have some fire, then the real work begins; given all the greenery here. We could drop some fire in a few spread out locations and let it spread. We have to be careful where we drop it, since fire tends to be at it's most vulnerable when it's just starting out. So places out of the way that have a lot of burnable material would be the best" By this point, Alexander was now running on a barrier bridge in the air, far out of the giant's reach, as they reached the edge of the forest "Actually, now that I think about it; I don't even know what kind of magic you have. Oh please tell me it's fire, or that you at least have something on you that can start fires. That would simplify things so much"
The animals quickly scampered up onto the bike, with Dave sitting on the head and using an outstretched wing to point the way.
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Flamelord
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It seemed that the encouraging words she spoke to Penny were what the group really needed in that moment, as Alicia found her outspoken rejection of the Mad Hatter's game prompted pretty much everyone else to go along with it as well. Aside from Lily, who prepared to leave in order to find Alex. That was the other reason they were here after all so it was good that they were getting to it.

Of course she did notice that something was a bit off with Penny, though there wasn't the time to really focus on it in the heat of the moment. Perhaps some small part of her had expected her friend to be able to handle breaching that wall without Rachel needing to get involved in the first place.

Readying her bow for the battle to come, Alicia joined the others in heading for the entrance that had been knocked into the wall. "Keep moving," she advised everyone. "We can't afford to get bogged down." They were on hostile ground in a very literal sense, and she didn't want to risk anything going wrong with their anti-Wonderland devices while they were in the middle of their plan.

She quickly set to work as the tea drones approached from above, joining in fending off the attackers as she fired spreads of arrows from her bow. This was the sort of environment that her Barrage power was made for, unleashing several arrows at once to either take down the drones entirely or make them release their heated tea contents in a manner safe for the fighters below. But true to her own warning she did not let this stop her entirely, keeping in motion where possible as bright wings added to her ability to dodge.

"Don't forget about the eggs," she added as she ran along towards the facility that waited ahead of them. "They're the reason we're here. We destroy them and the Queen may end up killing off the Mad Hatter for us." Considering the theme of this place, it was not an impossible outcome if things worked out in their favor. For now though, it was time to focus and do what they did best save the day.
Hidden 19 hrs ago 16 hrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

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”Finally, a boss character that's not weaker after you recruit them.”

Mac Penny Asimov

While Mac’s parameters closely matched or exceeded Penny’s, and despite Penny never ever finding a non-magical girl target she couldn’t bust through like the kool aid man, the walls of Wonderland’s military depot seemed to be the one thing that was too strong to breach. She thought for sure that between her physical strength and gravity manipulation that she should have been able to tear through a simple metal wall. Was it reinforced? Not enough for Rachel the Righteous-hearted to be kept out apparently. With what appeared to be a fairly normal attack, she ripped right through it.

Mac couldnt help but feel a little let down by this. It wasnt that she couldnt destroy a simple wall. Obviously she had a lot of value outside of that. But seeing the difference between her power and Rachels reminded her of something she had learned during the rave. Something that most other magical girls and their patrons were not privy to. Rachel was actually stronger than all of the cast combined. That had likely changed over time, but it didnt change the fact that everyone present only possessed a small fraction of her power. She found herself joining in the Mad Hatters frustration. While this was probably the single biggest character moment for Alicia over her entire time in this reality plenum, everything was back to being a member waving contest where the grand magistrates patron champions ruled with their-

She sheathed the sword, and the madness dissipated.

The magical girls present were obliterating the drones so thoroughly that there was hardly a reason to get involved. But there was no point in breaking character here. The iron queen flew into action and dispatched whatever drone she could get her hands on.

She noticed Alicia giving her a weird look out of the corner of her eye. If she didn’t know any better, she’d say she doubted her disguise. But there shouldn’t have been a reason to doubt because it should have been evident she wasn’t Penny. They had all been in a big, boring, and long group huddle where it was explicitly said that Penny would be attending a talk or something. It was possible Alicia had forgotten this, but that would be a little embarrassing. More importantly, did that mean that Alicia sent Mac loose because she didn’t realize she was “Ashley” in disguise? Ashley’s absence and Penny’s presence would have made it evident to herself what was going on, even if they had not explicitly mentioned it. Alicia must have been pretty amped up. But perhaps Mac was reading too much into it. Maybe she just looked like that because she expected more out of someone who took on such an ambitious persona. Thinking it was the former was hilarious, but she’d outwardly pretend it was the latter to spare Alicia’s ego.

”It was stronger than I thought.” She nodded at the wall. Then Alicia mentioned something about not forgetting about the Hatter, and Mac saw an opportunity to both test Alicia and suggest her own course of action. ”I do not think it would be wise to ignore the Hatter.” She continued to move in her intended direction, calling over her shoulder to the sock wearing magical girl. ”If the eggs are so important, he will likely position himself between us and them.” Mac could try looking again, but it felt risky to do that for some reason. What were those feelings of inadequacy she had felt? ”We also mustn't forget what happened at Justine’s castle. I’m sure I don’t need to remind you how all of those servants we killed were innocent magical girls that were bent to her will. The Queen of hearts likes playing with mind control too, and we can’t assume he’s willingly working against us. I'm going for the hatter, and I have no intention of killing him.”

It was a little tricky to fight and talk at the same time, but Mac was a professional. She wasn’t a hammer that could break steel, but an observant eye that could consider many possibilities. That was what she could bring to her team.
Hidden 15 hrs ago Post by Ponn
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After Lily finally got the hint as to what her animal friends were trying to tell her, she responded with her characteristic energy, summoning a fancy motorcycle on which to ride to Alex’s rescue. Of course, there was no way more than one person could ride along with the greenette, but that was where MDP came in.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess would, like, totally wotally wuv to, Lily Wily~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl replied after a request for “cute, sparkly, rainbow unicorns” (an MDP speciality) had been made. In a burst of prismatic glitter, a trio of said creatures blinked into existence. “Ta daaaa~!” she declared, striking a cute pose.

“My most gracious thanks, your highness,” Gaia told the bubbly girl with a demure nod and a warm smile.

“O-Oh, gosh!” Connie exclaimed in surprise, before giggling as the unicorn nearest to her licked the cheek of her mask. “T-Thank you, MDP! T-They’re so p-pretty! B-But, um, I-I’ve n-never r-ridden a-anything a-alone b-before,” she added with an uncertain frown even as Gaia gracefully mounted her own unicorn. “S-So…”

“Like, it’s okie dokie, Connie Wonnie~!” MDP replied, giving her timid friend a bright and reassuring smile. “These pretty witty horsey worseies are, like, super duper nicey wicey~!” To prove her point, the unicorn nearest Connie sat down to let her climb onto it. “See~?” MDP inquired. “They’re super duper helpful welpful, too~! (giggle!)”

“T-They really are!” Connie marveled, her mask forming a happy smile as she easily sat down on the friendly unicorn. “A-And they’re so soft, too!” she added as she began petting her mount’s rainbow mane.

“They sure aresie~! (giggle!)” MDP agreed, nodding rapidly, before giving her own unicorn a big hug, while gently stroking its own prismatic mane. “Oh~! And they wuv candy wandy, so like, heresie weresies a baggy waggy for you, and one for Gaia Waia, too~! (giggle!)” she added, tossing a pair of glittery pink bags of sweets to her two friends. She was just about to hop on her own unicorn, when “Penny” called out to her.

Now, it should come as little surprise that MDP had been so distracted in the lead-up to the mission that she hadn’t heard that Penny wouldn’t actually be going through the portal with them. But that was fine. It wasn’t like she was in an important leadership position where she had to be mindful of such things, lest she look foolish. She always looked foolish, and she had more than enough such responsibilities to deal with in her normal life. This was a time for funsie wunsie, not boring woring business wusiness stuffy wuffy. Thus, when she heard Penny call out to her, that was exactly who the whimsical girl thought it was.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess would wuv to play hidey widey and seeky weeky~! (giggle!)” she cheered as she bounced over to give the Mechanical Monarch a hug. “Especially wecially with you, Penny Wenny~!” she added, batting her eyes as she looked up at her girlfriend with a dreamy expression, small hearts bursting into being around her head like tiny balloons. However, the whimsical girl quickly broke off her sickeningly sweet gesture of affection upon remembering the other important task she had agreed to. “Like, Magical Dream Princess is super sorry, Lily Wily!” MDP told the greenette, looking rather distraught. “Like, she really really wanted to helpy welpy findy windy Alexander Wander, but, like, Penny Wenny really really wants to play a super duper funsie wunsie gamey wamey with her insteady weady, so, like, Magical Dream Princess is gonna sendy wendy Mister Wister Kitey Witey to helpy welpy you in her placey wacey, okie dokie~?!” MDP added, returning to her customary cheerfulness as she conjured a smiling, rainbow-colored kite on a glittery string tied to her unicorn’s horn with a wave of her wand. “He’s, like, super duper good at finding windng thingie wingies, since he’s soooo high uppy wuppy, he can see everythingie wingie~! (giggle!)”

With that, the playful Princess of Dreams skipped after Penny as the Mechanical Monarch entered the gaping hole in the factory wall alongside the Beacon contingent. While Penny chatted with Alicia and the other members of the assault team dispatched the swarms of tea drones via various means, MDP ensured that the ones closest to her became docile, pink-hatted versions of themselves with one glittery sweep of her whimsical wand. Grabbing one by its gloved hand, she eagerly dragged it over to Penny. “Like, do you thinky winky these silly willy hatty-watty thingie wingies will helpy welpy us findy windy the Hatter Watter person werson if we asky wasky them nicely wicely~?” she inquired innocently.

Meanwhile, Gaia had turned her unicorn in the direction Dave was pointing. “Shall we be off?” she asked Lily, honestly thankful they wouldn’t have to deal with the insanity of storming the factory, while still being fully aware that even greater insanity could very well await them…
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