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‘Fair enough,’ Earl responded to Basil saying that he wished to figure it out himself. Then, he raised an eyebrow at Basil suggesting to do a good deed.

The clerk flinched back to reality when Basil suddenly addressed her, like her whole being suddenly regained color again, looking at the hand he waved with startled eyes.

‘Wh-what?’ she first asked, looking almost afraid that he’d come with another reality-changing statement. And… maybe he did. She looked confused at the offered kindness. ‘You’d… you’d do that?’ she asked, not sounding like she entirely believed him.

‘I can help make them,’ Earl supplied, walking to stand next to Basil in offering aid. ‘I know something about how to concoct flavors out of berries. Crafting mixtures based on plant-life is my speciality, after all,’ he said, a certain amount of pride in his tone.

‘I-’ The clerk stared at them in disbelief. ‘Yes! Thank you! In that case…’

So, with Basil’s berries (which ones do you offer? or, just like, all of them?), the clerk’s knowledge of herbal medicine and Earl’s skills at making concoctions, they were able to craft some items. Any combination of sweet, sour and salt can help reduce bitterness. Berries could provide sweet and sour, while the clerk could dash off and grab salt from elsewhere. Earl also provided some honey, because he had some available.

In the end, they produced…!

Berry Smoothie! - You’d never believe there’s Heal Powder inside it!
Berry Gummy! - Chewy little treat that has Energy Powder inside it!
Berry Bar! - A crunchy bar with sweet insides disguising the Energy Root!
Berry Poké Puff! - It looks just like a Poké Puff! If you didn’t know there was a Revival Herb inside it, you’d never have guessed!

‘Wow…’ the clerk made a bit of an amazed noise. While she might have known how to use the herbs, these creations were mostly Earl. He sighed out in content and stood up. Stella, who’d previously just been hiding behind Basil’s leg, peeked out slightly curiously!

‘Like… like this?’ the clerk offered some of the creations, perhaps to let Basil and Earl advertise with them.

Basil obtained 2 Berry Smoothies!
Basil obtained 2 Berry Gummies!
Basil obtained 2 Berry Bars!
Basil obtained 2 Berry Poké Puffs!

Basil also lost an unspecified amount of berries.

Now, then. How was he going to advertise these?

What does Basil say?

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.


‘Professor’s assistant, huh? Got any good boons out of that?’ Earl asked back after having shook hands, er, hand and gauntlet. Then Basil started going through what had happened to him during his trip. Earl took a moment to raise his eyebrows a bit as the speech grew longer. Finally, Basil finished, and Earl gave a little ‘Huh,’ sound.

‘I guess they’re supposed to be adventures. I did catch a
Pokémon only to suddenly be pursued by his overly protective mother. Now I travel with both of them, but the higher-level mother is unusable by me because all she does is demand to see her son… But, like, he actively hates and avoids her, so I’m somehow carrying a whole family drama in my pockets. But I guess that’s how far I can compare. Other than a couple mishaps when trying to develop new potions…’
Earl said, something about Basil unloading all that made him share some, too.

‘I got a gym badge, too. Pretty sure Lorette held back, though. More than she needed to, at least,’ he said, and then looked aside for a bit… ‘I’ve lost against Archie thrice already. He doesn’t hold back at all. … Would you like a tip?’ Earl asked.

What does Basil say?

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.


The boy looked a bit surprised at Basil’s reaction. Still, he nodded to his question.

‘Yes, I made this. With a bit of a combination between the herbs I research and a touch of fairy magic,’ he replied, putting a hand on Cleffa’s head as he did, who let out a happy little cry. ‘I’m still on my journey, figuring out what more I might be capable of. I’ll figure out what I’ll do with it after I’m done,’ he said, looking satisfied enough. Though, then he held a hand over his mouth and whispered something, mostly to himself.
‘Albeit, as it is, no proper establishment would sell my potions given the rampant unpredictable side-effects…’

‘Hello, I’m Earl,’ he stated, holding forth one hand, looking like he intended to shake Basil’s hand before he could question anything he might have just heard. ‘I’m challenging the Pokémon League as well, trying to achieve it using my potions and perfecting them on the way. Albeit, so far it isn’t going too well, but I believe that’s mostly due to my failings as a Pokémon Trainer,’ he said.

‘How’s it going for you?’ he asked, looking curious enough.

The clerk was still frozen behind the desk.

How will Basil reply?

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.

It seemed like it was time to get moving.

‘We’re ready,’ Miko declared, nodding with determination that the twins would be ready to move out once more. If the earrings were for everyone and trusted, then the two could pretty easily use some reinforcement magic to get the earrings in place, even if they needed to stick holes in their ears for it. Well, Miko would need to, anyway, Ronin could just change her ears to have holes in them.

‘Anytime!’ Ronin declared. Though there was one more thing that was on her mind. She walked up to MDP, Miko looking after her questioning. ‘Hey, how were you able to remember everything from your recent adventures?’ she asked, just curious.


It seemed that it was decided.

‘Then let us make haste. An army will join us in Wonderland. The Queen is about to learn the consequences of treating one's peons unfairly,’ she told, and she gestured for the portal that she opened, that she was about to be joined going through.

If it was Mariette’s job to bring them to Wonderland, she would focus her powers to open portals to the locations that had been decided upon. If not, then she didn’t need to.

‘Good luck, I’ll be right there,’ she said briefly. Then, she would open another portal, through which Penny and Janet were to join her. Those that were through it would have been warned to prepare their forces, albeit not been privy on the exact details of the plan, yet. That was about to be rectified, Mariette was just so cautious she didn’t want any one of them to know before the time was at hand, just in case the Queen undermined any of them before today.

With that, it was time to get to work.
@Joshua Tamashii

Shuppet did her best to dodge Meditite’s Confusion, swinging around! But, the Meditite focused her mind… and snapped out of confusion!

‘TITE!’ she called, with intense passion, perhaps intending on making up for her previous misfortunes and shot out a telekinetic Confusion, which hit Shuppet square on! Shuppet took damage, and staggered back!

However, Shuppet braved through the Confusion and suffered no other side-effects, despite it being heavily damaging, and sent a Night Shade over Meditite, encompassing her in darkness! As the shadows dissipated, the already heavily damaged Meditite stared blankly ahead…

‘Medi… tite…’ Meditite coughed before collapsing backwards! Meditite fainted!

Shuppet grew to level 14! Shuppet learned Shadow Sneak!
Pumpkaboo grew to level 14!

Anise returned her Pokémon, a stern look on her face as she took out another Pokéball, one she’d used before.

‘Okay. I don’t have much choice,’ Anise she mumbled. ‘Froakie! Go again!’

The blue frog emerged from his Pokéball, landing in a ready stance!

‘Hunt down your opponent and use Lick!’ Anise commanded, and Froakie jumped off towards Shuppet!

What will Amelia command?



‘Gothi…’ Stella decided to trust in Basil, and now he had the level way too high Pokémon covering behind his leg as they entered the store.

As Basil approached, the clerk was quick to place her hands together and face Basil with a smile.

‘Ah, welcome to the herb store! We sell many miraculous cures for anything that might ail your Pokémon! How may we help you?’ the clerk was so quick to start her typical selling pitch… When Basil asked his question. The clerk continued smiling for a second or two, staring at him with the expression of charming salesman…

After that, the other customer turned and peered at Basil, inspecting him for a moment. He looked down at Stella for a second, then back up at Basil.

‘You don’t look very local. Are you a Pokémon Trainer here to challenge the Gym?’ he asked, his hand going to his bag, one hand going into it. ‘Here, have this. It might help you out,’ he said, and then handed Basil a clear bottle containing a very red, hot-looking liquid. Should he take it, it’d feel hot, too. Like a warm coffee or similar.

Basil obtained the Fire Potion!

If he wants it, that is.

‘Its effects only last briefly, or until switching out. But until then… the Pokémon will embody Fire,’ the boy said. He held a neutral expression, albeit his two Pokémon looked up happily at Basil. They looked proud of their trainer.

There’s a list of prices.

What will Basil say/do next?

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.


Stella didn’t look too much like she considered the lyrics of the song, but she was so earnestly skipping in front of him, her eyes positively glimmering as she listened to him play, the emotions of the song and his playing still getting through to her as the little creature so happily listened along.

Eventually, though, they went off somewhere else, and Stella was looking super happy as she skipped by his side. There were blissful locals clearly used to living among the thick spores of this village, and it was also a village where Pokémon walked around freely, numerous Oddishes and Hoppips and Budews skipping about without a care in the world, enjoying life. Stella looked after them a bit curiously as they passed by.

Basil eventually found his way towards the herb shop. Where… something felt a bit off, for some reason. It looked like a regular shop, but… where were all the Pokémon that had been around?

‘Gothi…’ Not to mention, for some reason Stella seemed really apprehensive about approaching this place. Like there was just an aura around this place that she for some reason didn’t want to go closer to…

Assuming Basil still entered, he saw counters selling herbal medicine, signs claiming how very nutritious and how good they were for your Pokémon, that their injuries would be healed in no time! Much more effective than potions!

‘They are far more effective than potions!’ the clerk was even in the act of selling the product to a customer. ‘You’ll find that their effects compared to the prices of normal potions are incomparable!’ she said, looking very proud of herself. The boy she was talking to, however…

‘… At the cost of that your Pokémon may despise you,’ he said, holding up one very strange-looking root (the Energy Root) and inspected it. The boy wore glasses, a hat, and was wearing a lot of jackets and a very long scarf, and had a large bag strapped around his shoulder. He looked like a traveller. A small pink Pokémon and a Budew was sitting on his bag, both looking highly uncomfortable and the pink thing covering its face with its tiny little arms.

‘It isn’t real medicine if it tastes good!’ the clerk confidently declared. ‘Besides, your Pokémon will surely understand that you’re only doing this because you care about their health!’

Both the Cleffa and the Budew intently shook their heads at this claim.

‘I see…’ the boy said, inspecting the root closer. ‘While actually feeding these to my Pokémon feels unnecessarily cruel, there must be some secrets within the healing potential of these herbs that I can make use of for my own potions. I’d like 10 of each,’ he said, much to his Pokémons’ horror.

‘A-absolutely! Coming right up!’ the clerk called, looking like she just made the biggest sell in the history of this store as she excitedly started packing herbs for her customer…

There’s a list of prices.

Will Basil be doing something here?

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.


Pansear went over towards Sno, intending to hit the sleeping ghost with an Incinerate… when Eep flinged acid that splashed on the surface of the hill they were trying to become king of. It spilled over Pansear’s feet just as it was going to send out a burst of fire, and with a searing noise the monkey cried out, the Incinerate flying harmlessly into the air as it recoiled, and then proceeded to stumble backwards from trying to save its feet, eventually resulting in it falling backwards over the edge of the top!

Vanillite was about to send another Icy Wind shooting… when Kay flew up and struck with a shadowy Foul Play! It struck true and straight in Vanillite’s face! Critical Hit! Vanillite was sent flying off towards John’s corner of the battlefield!

With two precise moves, the two of them had cleared the top! Additional seconds were added just for Sno sleeping on the top. She showed no signs of waking up yet.

‘Tropius, Razor Leaf!’ John commanded, and Tropius, still in mid-air, sent out a swarm of leaves, and Razor Leaf was one of those attacks that could be sent indiscriminately forward, and all of Erika’s Pokémon were currently in the danger zone! Kay’s Reflect was sure to mitigate the damage, but did Erika have any other plans for this?

‘Pansear, Leer! Make them more susceptible to my seasoning!’ he commanded, because Pansear had only barely fallen off the top, and was able to quickly pull itself up to glare threateningly to lower their defenses! On Kay and Sno, then, because Eep hadn’t yet made it to the top.

‘Erika strikes back! But how will she deal with a storm of leaves!?’ Makirisu commentates.

Vanillite was sent far by the Critical Hit, and has to spend time recovering and trying to get back.

What would Erika command now?



Gothita blinked a bit at the pat, then smiled what tiny little smile her mouth could.

‘Gothita!’ she called. Then he asked what kind of song she wanted to hear. Her eyes positively sparkled.

‘Gothi! Gothita, goth! Ita, ita, Gothita!’ she did an attempt at singing something that vaguely sounded like something he’d played for her before at Lakewatch Town. Maybe.

She’d happily listen to whatever he’d play for her, for as long as he’s willing to play.

Connected areas:
Route 4. Forest route at the base of Mt. Strength leading west to Rainrock City.
Route 5. A grassy incline connecting mountains, forests, plains, Stillwood and Lakewatch.
Route 14. The waters of Dragon Lake are also known as Route 14. It connects Lakewatch Town, Highhill Town and Stillwood Village.
Mountain Valley. A passage between Mt. Strength and Mt. Chill, a shortcut to Worldedge City.


Gothita stared up at him quietly when he said he wouldn’t make her hurt people. Just a little bit of a head-tilt. She kept the drawing steady in her hands until he spoke next. A name.

‘Gothita?’ she asked, sounding almost a bit confused as she lowered the drawing to look questioningly up at him. However, she seemed to consider it, and…

‘Gothi,’ she nodded to him. A single, fast nod, eyes still locked on him as she did it.

How does Basil interpret this?

The battle started! Eep and Kay made their way forward. Eep, unfortunately, was the absolutely slowest Pokémon on the battlefield. On the flipside, Sno was the fastest, the ghost quickly flying up and claiming the top for Erika’s team, giving her a valuable advantage. If nobody claimed the top, it was now Erika’s win!

In front of them, the Tropius flew high, and unleashed a Razor Leaf! Sno replied with an Icy Wind! Both of them wide-reaching attacks capable of hitting entire teams as the air filled with leaves and ice… but ice beats grass, so Sno’s attack broke through, hitting Tropius for an incredible x4 effectiveness! Now, in this game-mode, you cannot be knocked out… but the more effective the move, the more you’re launched back! Tropius was sent flying!

The two others, however, being Fire and Ice respectively, were not very effectively affected by what wasn’t even the full brunt of an attack, and advanced more or less unaffected! And as retaliation… Pansear Yawned, and Sno felt a sudden drowsiness. She’d fall asleep after one more move. She used said move to throw a Confuse Ray at the opponent closest to getting to the top, which was Pansear.

Pansear got hit by the Confuse Ray and suddenly stumbled. Sno then couldn’t help but fall asleep, but at least she fell asleep on the top.

The next two to reach the top were therefore Kay and Vanillite, basically at the same time. They unleashed their moves at the same time! Vanillite sent out a wide Icy Wind, intending to hit both Kay and Eep! However, Kay erected a Reflect wall… which did absolutely nothing because Reflect blocks physical moves, not special ones! Icy Wind blew straight through! Kay was hit directly and was blown off the top, then Eep ended up getting slowed down! … Suction Cups ensured Eep wasn’t blown anywhere, but he could be slowed down!

It was Not Very Effective against Sno, however, so no being launched off the top for her. Vanilitte went over to try to physically push Sno off the top… only to be reminded that Sno is a ghost and went right through. Vanillitte looked confused.

Kay and Eep had yet to reach the top, so Eep couldn’t do his strategy yet. Right now at the top was Sno, sleeping, but also Vanillitte freezing the score, and a confused Pansear was also stumbling up now.

‘Pansear, use Incinerate to blow the Froslass of the top! Vanillitte, keep using Icy Wind! Tropius, fly over there and Stomp down, keep them from reaching the top!’ John commanded. Vanillitte and Pansear looked like they intended to follow the commands, while Tropius was recovering way over there and took to the air again, but would need to spend some time flying back!

‘It’s an intense fight!’ Makirisu commentated. ‘Erika took the lead with the dash of having the quickest Pokémon, but doesn’t it look like things have swung in John’s favor!? But, everything could change if Sno wakes up!’

What would Erika command now?


@Joshua Tamashii

Amelia switched Pokémon to Shuppet! She risked being hit by Confusion as Meditite focused her power to use Confusion… and then ended up instead having the Psychic power erupt right in front of her head and Meditite was blown back, flipping over and hitting the back of her head into the ground! Meditite hurt herself in confusion!

‘Ow,’ Anise winced. ‘That’s fine. I’m confident you can fight through this! Meditite! Confusion!’ she commanded, and it was now simply a question of if Meditite could get off the move or not!

Meditite confidently punched forward! … Wait, a punch is not Confusion-

Meditite suddenly recoiled like she’d been punched in the face and her body curved sideways as she flew spinning through the air and Anise had to dodge aside as Meditite rolled around behind her. Anise looked a bit confused.

Probably because she wasn’t aware Meditite’s Pure Power was boosting the attack power of Meditite hurting herself in Confusion, doing more than half Meditite’s health on her own.

Shuppet launched Night Shade, a dark shadow hitting the already fallen Meditite. It did a bit more damage.

‘Okay. I realize I maybe should have switched Pokémon,’ Anise told, frowning as she watched Meditite slowly standing up. ‘But at this point, Meditite is too damaged to be sent in in the future. So, Meditite! Confusion!’

Meditite smiled, standing looking damaged, before focusing for another Confusion!

What would Amelia do?



Gothita tilted her head at Basil’s question first question. That was perhaps too complicated a word. But she was on to the drawing soon enough.

She kept looking excited as he held back his laugh. So, he mentioned rules… and she looked at him with wide eyes. Not that her eyes were ever not wide.

She listened patiently for him to finish speaking, still staring. As he finished… she took the paper again and started drawing on it. Eventually she finished, turning it around and presenting it to him.

‘Gothita,’ she told, pretty intently.

What’s Basil’s response?

So, MDP started telling her story about her travels. As it grew longer and longer, Ronin’s grin grew larger and larger, while Miko’s expression of genuine concern grew more and more worried. After MDP finished, Ronin just laughed.

‘Sounds like you’ve been having a great time!’ Ronin laughed and smiled widely.

‘I have… so many questions, but I don’t think I want all their answers…’ Miko said, knowing fully well what kind of world Mayra’s home actually was. ‘Who is “Flower Wower”...?’ … was just one out of a whole bunch of them.

Of course, MDP wasn’t actually there to answer them, because she’d already jumped off to marvel at Lily and the animals. Ronin just chuckled some more.

‘I think whatever happened, she probably wasn’t actually in any danger!’ Ronin said, confidently.

‘Sigh…’ Miko mumbled to herself before looking about. ‘Is it time, yet?’ .


It would seem that Mariette had solved the riddle. She looked on blankly as the Pea Princess felt her bed and then seemed to call it all off, so intent on brushing it all off and falling into a deep sleep…

‘Not so fast,’ Mariette declared, and a tentacle promptly wrapped around the princess to pull her up, extended directly from Mariette’s shadow. If she couldn’t sleep due to a single pea, then this should do more than rock her sleep.

‘The dawn of the conflict approaches. I cannot have my ally sleep it away quite yet. Your request, while crudely delivered, is sensible. It is time my allies learn where they stand, and who stands with them. Let us wash away any doubts about our allegiances, and establish the order which shall embrace our future,’ she told, her glare transfixed on the Pea Princess. A portal opened behind her.

‘Come, Pea Princess. A meeting awaits,’ Mariette told. She would not take no for an answer.


In the park, Mariette eventually stepped out of a portal before Penny and the others. The portal closed, and the eyepatched girl in a blue dress holding a stuffed bunny turned to look at the queen directly.

‘I apologize for the delay. I have assembled my allies on the other side. We’re ready to move,’ she explained courtly, turning her eyes slightly to nod at Lily, then looking back to Penny.
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