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7 yrs ago
Current Going in a trip over the weekend. Will be back on Sunday, probably no RP posts until then
7 yrs ago
>That awkward moment when you learn the religious revival movement you were headin was actually a vehicle for a Lovecraftian Abomination masquerading as a God to jack your body and take over the world
8 yrs ago
>That moment when you realize that you can only do fandom RPs because you're bad at original characters. This is what I get for never playing DnD


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It seemed that the encouraging words she spoke to Penny were what the group really needed in that moment, as Alicia found her outspoken rejection of the Mad Hatter's game prompted pretty much everyone else to go along with it as well. Aside from Lily, who prepared to leave in order to find Alex. That was the other reason they were here after all so it was good that they were getting to it.

Of course she did notice that something was a bit off with Penny, though there wasn't the time to really focus on it in the heat of the moment. Perhaps some small part of her had expected her friend to be able to handle breaching that wall without Rachel needing to get involved in the first place.

Readying her bow for the battle to come, Alicia joined the others in heading for the entrance that had been knocked into the wall. "Keep moving," she advised everyone. "We can't afford to get bogged down." They were on hostile ground in a very literal sense, and she didn't want to risk anything going wrong with their anti-Wonderland devices while they were in the middle of their plan.

She quickly set to work as the tea drones approached from above, joining in fending off the attackers as she fired spreads of arrows from her bow. This was the sort of environment that her Barrage power was made for, unleashing several arrows at once to either take down the drones entirely or make them release their heated tea contents in a manner safe for the fighters below. But true to her own warning she did not let this stop her entirely, keeping in motion where possible as bright wings added to her ability to dodge.

"Don't forget about the eggs," she added as she ran along towards the facility that waited ahead of them. "They're the reason we're here. We destroy them and the Queen may end up killing off the Mad Hatter for us." Considering the theme of this place, it was not an impossible outcome if things worked out in their favor. For now though, it was time to focus and do what they did best save the day.

With everyone as prepared as they could be, the assembly of magical girls were transported to Wonderland for the battle that was to come. Despite the strange environment Alicia was unfazed, having been mentally prepared for 'weird stuff' thanks to the overall theme of the people they were engaging with. She barely even noticed the enchantments, thanks to their prepared preventative gear as well as her ShineSpark and Light Specialization.

"Alright, we're now on the clock. Let's get moving," she said to the others as they got their bearings. They needed to take advantage of the time that they had before Wonderland could organize a response. Of course they would have to deal with the immediate problems, that being the massive wall as well as the facility beyond it. The information that they had gotten from Chloe at the last meeting really undersold how big this place was.

And it seemed they had already been noticed as a drone approached and the Mad Hatter made his appearance. Of course she didn't know anything about him either way, but she wasn't exactly inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. "The longer we're here the more time Wonderland's enchantments have to work," she pointed out as Justine and Lily argued with the Hatter.

Despite her own skepticism it looked like some others had their own opinion on the situation. "Someone needs to take the Scrambler to go rescue Alex," Alicia reminded Nefer as the other girl took the game hat or whatever in preparation to put it on. "And we don't have the time to be entertaining this."

Instead she looked over to Penny, giving her friend a small nod. "I think it's time we get a bit...explosive. I'm not worried about being found, are you?"

Alicia's attention shifted from the ongoing work on the earrings to the arrival of Mariette at the meeting as it happened. She did not give it too much focus for long though, since it seemed the portal-user was as determined to begin the mission as Lily was. So Alicia gave a small mental shrug and moved on as well. It seemed that they had all the information that they needed and there would not be any more girls arriving as part of their offensive, and it was best to not waste any more time.

"Make sure you all get your anti-mind control earrings, but other than that I'm ready to go too," she added. The last thing they needed was someone getting corrupted by Wonderland because they got too swept up in the heat of the moment and forgot about that part.

With that said she summoned her bow, donned her own earrings, and prepared for the fighting to come with a deep breath. This was going to be difficult, but they would succeed. What other choice was there?

Taking the earrings, Alicia looked them over as Rachel explained how they worked. She gave a small nod to go with the explanation before handing them back. "Something is better than nothing," she observed as Justine approached. It was unfortunate that they had no way of knowing for sure that it could protect someone who didn't have a Shinespark, but that they had anything at all was more than the rest of the people here had done. 'Beggars couldn't be choosers', and all that.

She looked over as Justine conversed with Rachel, choosing not to comment on the tension between the two of them. She could hardly blame Rachel for feeling that way considering all that Justine had done in the past. While Alicia knew that Justine had been purified, the burden still remained for the girl to atone through her actions.

For now though Alicia left things as they were and did not engage at all. Luckily there was an easy distraction provided courtesy of the 'Brain Unscrambler'. "I hope that thing is durable," she noted as she looked over the device from nearby. "It seems like the sort of thing that will draw attention."

Still, it was useful to have. They would need to incorporate it into their plan accordingly. While Nefer figured out how she would get around, Alicia's mind was on other practical problems. "We should probably have the Brain Unscrambler go with the team that is rescuing Alex and Brittany. Especially since we don't know what state they're in," she added. It would be awkward if they ended up fighting the people they were trying to save because of Wonderland's influence.

Alicia continued to survey the area as more people arrived. It might not be something akin to the grand scale battle that the assault on Mariette's base had been, but it would still be pretty large all the same. Which made sense, considering the forces they had already faced in Bolorton. Wonderland itself was likely to be even more fiercely defended.

She then turned to face the Ascendancy agents as they arrived on the scene. "The last stragglers are showing up now, but it looks like the general plan is the same. We got in, some of us rescue Alex and Brittany while the rest of the group targets the eggs with the information provided by the Mint. We then withdraw, and prepare for the Queen's inevitable counterattack."

Having given the general gist of the plan as she understood it, Alicia's gaze shifted to Nefer as well as she rummaged around in her bag. "Did you manage to figure out those countermeasures to keep Wonderland from brainwashing us once we're in there?" as far as she was aware that was the one part of the plan they had not worked out yet.

Alicia surveyed the park as more people trickled in. Perhaps not as many as might have been preferred, but that was alright. It meant less complications for when things finally got underway.

The others clustered a bit to catch up on how things had gone since the last meeting, more on a personal level than addressing the crisis at hand. That left Alicia by herself for the moment, not that she minded. It kept her from having to provide her own perspective on what Magical Dream Princess was telling Penny, a thought that made her shudder as she momentarily flashed back to it.

At least the arrival of Ronin and Miko helped keep her mind off of that. "I didn't have much luck scrying on Wonderland, so I'm afraid I can't contribute much in the way of information," Alicia admitted. "But I was able to get supplies, both for our rescue operation as well as defending Penrose when the Queen makes her next move." Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, but it didn't hurt to be prepared either.

Alicia arrived at the park for the meeting with a confident step in her transformed state. She was as prepared as she could all, with all things considered. There had not been much success in scrying so she wasn't able to provide much in the way of information for the gathering. But she had managed to leverage their connections as a larger organization to get items that would be useful in the defense of the city when the Queen of Hearts came knocking on their door, and some of it might be useful in the rescue mission as well.

"Penny, Lily," Alicia said with a small nod as she greeted the other magical girls. That Penny's look had changed a bit once again was not too surprising, and she didn't see much of a need to pry further into what circumstances had led to this particular change. They could talk about it later, once they weren't as preoccupied with serious things.

For now it was a matter of waiting to see who else, if anyone, would show up. She was moderately hopeful in that regard, since nothing had happened to make them less likely to succeed as far as she was aware. Alicia just hoped that she would be able to make it to the actual rescue this time, unlike what happened when the situation was reversed. "I'm ready to head out too, once we're sure that we have everyone who is going to be here." she added.

As the head of The Beacon’s Penrose branch, Alicia had many important responsibilities. However, that didn’t mean she couldn’t shuffle them off onto some unfortunate subordinate so that she could patrol the city, just like old times. Such was the case tonight, as the Paladin Seraph leapt from rooftop to rooftop, following the path of her customary patrol route. Although some might consider it risky for a lone magical girl to travel without support in a city as dangerous as Penrose, Alicia was a veteran of many battles, and thus considered herself to be more than a match for most of the threats the city might care to send against her. Yet, most was not all, and as she would soon discover, such would be the case tonight…

Landing in the center of a basketball court between apartment blocks, once the site of magical graffiti that had since been removed, the Paladin Seraph felt a sense of unease, as if she was being watched. An instant later, the source of this feeling presented themselves, as a ring of twelve figures materialized out of nowhere to surround her. They all looked completely identical, taking the form of featureless young women in generic magical girl outfits, as if they were nothing more than three dimensional outlines, or silhouettes.

“Alicia Hayden,” they greeted as one. “We are the Genericans,” one of the figures announced. “And we have chosen to appear before you now, so that you may be inducted into our ranks as a protector of Generica, the nondescript realm of meaningless banality.”

Coming to a stop with her weapon at the ready, Alicia’s gaze moved between the assembled figures as she tried to determine if they were a threat or not. Clearly not an immediate one since they hadn’t attempted an ambush, but it was never wise to assume when dealing with magical girls.

Then they revealed their purpose here, leaving her taken aback as she recoiled. “Wait, what?” It took her another moment to actually catch up with her thoughts. “If this is some kind of practical joke it’s not a bad one, but I think I’m insulted regardless.”

“Insulted?” one of the girls asked.

“Why ever for?” another inquired.

“You are a paragon of monotony, utterly devoid of ambitions, goals, or objectives, beyond the most base purpose of ‘protecting this city’,” a third stated flatly.

“Indeed, despite your ostensibly high station in your faction’s local hierarchy, you remain a perfect encapsulation of the ideal featureless figurehead,” a forth declared without a hint of derision.

“Therefore, it is only natural that we would seek you out,” a fifth continued. “You serve as an inspiration to all Genericans, and we would be honored to count you among our number in the never-ending battle against distinction.”

Listening to the group, Alicia felt her anger rising higher in her throat as they laid down their reason for coming to her. But some part of her recognized that an argument probably wouldn’t be worth it given the circumstances. She had much better things to waste her time on than something like this. So she opted for the blunt approach.

“The answer is no.” Having given her firm rejection, she turned and began walking away. “I’m going now. Don’t bother me again.”

However, she wouldn’t get far as the Genericans only tightened and contracted their ring around her.

“What reason do you have for giving this response?” one of their number inquired.

“Do you feel we are in error?” another asked. “That you are not the perfect candidate we claim you to be?”

“Do you truly believe you have even some slight degree of importance here?” a third continued.

Her hand gripping her bow tighter, Alicia’s gaze swept the circle once more as they closed in. “I’m giving a serious effort to not resolve this with violence, I think that makes me pretty significant to you right now.”

“Like, she totally wotally does~! a cheerful voice called out.

Looking up, the gathering would see a pastel pink figure in a cute, glittery outfit standing on the edge of a nearby rooftop. Leaping off it a second later, the bubbly girl descended to the ground via bouncing along a series of small, sparkling pink clouds with smiling faces, which appeared in the air like a series of impromptu steps. Upon reaching the pavement, she skipped her way over to the group, but not before noticing a hopscotch court outlined in chalk and playing a spontaneous game, much to the giggling girl’s obvious delight. Reaching the circle, she knelt down and crawled her way inside, her passage unopposed by the gathered Genericans. Once she was next to Alicia, she sprung to her feet and spread her arms wide.

“Like, HI, everybodywody~! (giggle!)” she greeted with a bright and innocent smile.

“Ah, Magical Dream Princess,” one of the Genericans noted impassively. “Despite your considerable level of significance, we shall permit your intrusion in these matters.”

“Princess,” another added, pointing at the Paladin Seraph. “You claim this individual possesses some measure of importance, yet, can you even tell us her name?”

“Like, of coursey worsey she can~!” MDP insisted with an enthusiastic nod. “Like, her namey wamey is…” the whimsical girl’s voice trailed off as a look of confusion entered her eyes. “I-It’s… Ummm…” she stalled as she produced a small, pink, glitter and sticker encrusted book and began feverishly turning its pages. “I-It’s… Alicia Wecia~!” she declared triumphantly, before quickly closing her book. “She’s a super duper important wortant Beacon Weacon person worsen, and Kimble Wimble’s girlfriend wirlfriend~! (giggle!)” she added happily.

“Ah, yes,” a Generican noted, as their entire company nodded in unison. “The former feline monster girl, whom Miss Hayden liberated from Justine von Visceral and took under her wing. Kimble herself would have us believe that this tenuous connection subsequently blossomed into a full romantic relationship.”

“Indeed, she would insist that the two of you are nothing less than fated soulmates,” another added.

“Yet, any objective observation will reveal that you barely tolerate her attempts at affection,” the first continued. “You look upon the poor creature with pity at best, and annoyance at worst.”

“Like, that’s totally wotally not true!” MDP protested with an indignant frown. “Not at allsie wallsie!” she added with an emphatic stomp of one foot. “Alicia Wecia wuvs Kimble Wimble lots and lots and lots! she added adamantly, before turning to face Alicia. “Like, tell them how super duper wrongy ongy they aresie!” she insisted. “Tell them how you and Kimble Wimble totally wotally are super duper wuvy dovey soulmate wolmates! Tell them, Alicia Wecia!”

Somehow the arrival of Magical Dream Princess wasn’t a total shock to Alicia. She supposed that with all of the weird stuff going on already, the girl’s particular brand of weirdness wasn’t too out of left field when added to everything. At least Magical Dream Princess was willing to speak in her defense, though she did not expect the conversation to veer towards her romantic life.

She could have become prickly over it, but controlled herself enough to avoid that. Instead she focused on the truth of the matter, since she figured that would be more productive than making something up. “I wouldn’t go so far as to say we’re soulmates. I’m not even sure romantic soulmates exist,” she admitted. But she did not stop there. “But I do care about her and I’m happy when I spend time with her, regardless of whether or not we’re ‘soulmates’. Besides, I’m only in my twenties. There’s plenty of time for us to see where life ends up leading.”

“Like, maybe waybe you don’t believe in soulmate wolmates,” MDP conceded. “But you still wuv Kimble Wimble, right Alicia Wecia?!” the Princess of Dreams pressed.

“Yes, I love her,” Alicia agreed with a firm nod.

“Very well,” a Generican declared. “We concede that you truly do have genuine romantic feelings for Kimble. Yet, we remain to be convinced of your distinctive importance.”

“For instance,” another continued. “Although you are ostensibly the leader of The Beacon’s Penrose branch, the leadership abilities you have displayed to date have been exceedingly lackluster.”

“Indeed,” a third added. “At nearly every turn, you present yourself as more of a passive follower, rather than a proactive leader.”

“Such submissive behavior would have been overlooked, had you remained at your former station,” a fourth noted. “But with your ascent to the rank of Paladin Seraph, such can no longer be the case.”

“What have either of you to say in response to this?” a fifth inquired.

“Umm, Magical Dream Princess doesn’t know Alicia Wecia super duper well…” MDP replied with a small frown. “But, like, she still thinkie winkies Alicia Wecia is a super duper leader weader person werson~!” the bubbly girl added. “Like, during wuring that one timey wimey when we attacky wackied Mariettey Wettey’s placey wacey, Alicia Wecia probably wobably gave lots and lots of important wortant order worders~!” the whimsical girl noted. “Even weven if Magical Dream Princess doesn’t remember wember any wany of them right nowie…”

“You are referring to the attack orchestrated by Justine von Visceral,” a Generican stated flatly. “One that Miss Hayden simply followed along with.”

“Magical Dream Princess guesses wesses that’s true…” MDP conceded. “But, like, everybodywody split upsie wupsie, and, like, Alicia Wecia was in chargey wargey of our groupy woupy!” she added with an indignant pout.

“Miss Hayden,” one of the Genericans spoke up. “Can you truly say you served as leader of this group? Can you truly say you coordinated their efforts in a meaningful way?”

An eyebrow rose as the topic turned to the quality of her leadership. “A leader is defined by how well they can adapt as well as how proactive they are,” she pointed out. “Since we came back and found the Ascendancy had taken over the city, I’ve been successful in bringing back girls who had previously been disillusioned with Beacon, won over the Cardinal here, and I’ve even begun to convince the Ascendancy members stationed here that they may have been mistaken in their handling of the situation.”

But that did not directly answer their question, and she shifted to focus on that. “I will admit, the raid didn’t go exactly as I had hoped it would. I certainly had intended to finish off whoever won that fight, though everything worked out anyways. But yes, I helped come up with the plan, I guided one of the teams through the traps, and I tried to get as many people out alive as I could.”

“Perhaps you did indeed serve as a competent commander,” a Generican admitted.

“Yet, can you offer any proof with which to demonstrate that you actually played an important role in any of the major events of the past several months?” a second inquired. “That your actions played a pivotal role in deciding their outcome?”

Growing increasingly annoyed with the Genericans, Alicia paused to take a deep breath and calm herself down by recalling her Vow. Patience was difficult, especially with these guys, but it was the Virtue she had sworn to hold to. Once she had done that, she wracked her brain to come up with an answer.

“Well, I was directly involved in preventing a Horror from manifesting in our dimension,” she pointed out with a small shrug. Sure, she hadn’t been in charge of the branch at the time, but it was still something. Nonetheless she was well aware that they might not accept an answer like that. “Beyond that, you’re right. I haven’t played a pivotal role influencing how stuff goes. Which sucks, by the way. I was looking forward to a showdown or two. All I can say is that I’ve helped people, like Janet or Penny, who have gone on to impact events themselves.”

“A showdown, you say?” A Generican inquired.

“How very curious,” another noted.

“Tell us, did these desired engagements not occur because of reasons beyond your control, or simply because you were content to play the part of a passive bystander, rather than actively working to bring them about?” the first questioned.

Huffing once more, Alicia’s face held a frown as she recalled those events. “At least in the case of Justine and Mariette, they were fighting each other, I got intercepted by another girl in the battle, and by the time I was finished with that Mariette fled, Justine was defeated and taken by the Cradle, and the pocket dimension was falling apart. And then I guess stuff happened that made it not worth a fight anymore.

Beyond that…hm, I guess there was that person who orchestrated the deaths at the Rave. Still no idea where they went off to.”
Maybe she hadn’t gotten over it as much as she might have hoped.

“So it was all due to an improbable string of bad luck?” a Generican asked.

“That’s what it soundy woundies like~!” MDP replied happily. “So, like, none of that stuffy wuffy is Alicia Wecia’s faulty waulty at allsie wallsie~! (giggle!)”
“Perhaps,” another Generican granted. “Yet, there is still the matter of personal goals and objectives to consider,” they continued.

“Indeed,” another agreed. “There are many others in this city who lack any form of grand significance or high station, yet, they still possess a greater degree of distinction than you, Miss Hayden, due to a combination of their idiosyncratic personality traits and their struggles to achieve goals of great personal significance.”

“Consider Mayra McCullough,” a third went on. “At first glance, she is little more than a minor minion, a tool employed to accomplish the objectives of more meaningful individuals. However, her distinctive personality traits combine to form a memorable and compelling presence, one that has allowed her to endear herself to many.”

“Then there is Mariette Pedersen,” a forth continued. “A major player who, like you, has also seen the majority of her schemes and plots end in ignoble failure, yet, unlike you, still possesses enough distinctive personal quirks, or ‘charm points’, to keep her from fading into nondescript obscurity.”

“Then there are those like Connie Williams,” a fifth noted. “Individuals who are not part of any major faction or power group, individuals who possess no great leadership or charismatic abilities, and yet still remain notable entities due to their personalities and desire to achieve something significant, either for themselves, or for someone dear to them.”

“None of these individuals would ever be suitable to join our ranks,” a sixth declared. “But you, Miss Hayden appear to possess none of these traits. If this were a story, you would be little more than a background character, one swiftly forgotten upon leaving the page.”

“It is this type of forgettable, faceless individual that we Genericans search the cosmos for,” a seventh explained. “And it is a moment of great celebration when we find one.”

“But, like, Alicia Wecia isn’t faceless waceless!” MDP protested with an indignant pout. “Like, she totally wotally has a facey wacey!” the whimsical girl added, gesturing at the Paladin Seraph’s annoyed visage. “And, like, maybe waybe Magical Dream Princess forgot her namey wamey beforsie worsie, but her memory wemory is, like, super duper terrible werrible, so, like, that shouldn’t wouldn’t county wounty!”

“There is nothing to distinguish Miss Hayden from a generic member of her organization,” a Generican responded. “Therefore, we hold to our assertion that she should join with us, for that is her true calling.”

“Like, Magical Dream Princess thinkie winkies Alicia Wecia probably wobably has lots and lots of stuffy wuffy that makes her super duper special wecial!” MDP shot back. “Even weven if Magical Dream Princess doesn’t know what they aresie warsie, Alicia Wecia totally wotally does~! (giggle!) So, like, tell them, Alicia Wecia~!” the bubbly girl insisted. “Tell them, tell them, tell them, like, right nowie~!”

“What is this meta question,” Alicia grumbled. “I’m a lie detector, not a mind reader. How am I supposed to know what people find memorable about me compared to other people. I don’t even know who that first person you mentioned is.”

“Like, Mayra Wayra is a super duper toughy wuffy dragon wagon person werson, and Magical Dream Princess’s friendy wendy~! (giggle!)” MDP explained with her typical cheerful exuberance.

“Meta question?” a Generican inquired.

“In what way do you believe this to be the case?” another asked.

“Indeed,” a third added. “We simply wish to know if there are any unique traits or qualities that you believe allow you to stand out from amongst the rest of your peers.”

Though as it would turn out, someone else was watching Alicia that night. A girl in an orange and black space suit floated out of the darkness and landed between MDP and Alicia.

”Is someone having an identity crisis? Have no fear, the Knight of Tonight is here!” She placed a hand on MDP’s head. ”Thank you for believing in me. In fact, you believed in me so much that I just became real!” She laughed like a classic superhero. ”MDP, would you like me to see if I can convince these meanies to stop picking on Alicia?”

Alicia could tell that was a lie, with or without her power to detect as much. But it at least seemed like this knight of the stars was looking to help.
What the fuck!?

Speaking of stars, massive ones now filled MDP’s widened eyes, as she stared up at the new arrival, her bright smile spreading from ear to ear.

“Wowie zowie~! Ashley Washley’s realsie wealsie nowie~?! YAAAAY~!!!” she cheered in childish delight, and perhaps a little too loudly for everyone in such close proximity… “Like, thatsie watsie makey wakies Magical Dream Princess soooo super duper happy wappy~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl added, clapping her hands together and bouncing up and down, before giving the Knight of Tonight a big hug. “And, like, Magical Dream Princess would, like, totally wotally wuv to see you helpy welpy~! (giggle!)”

“....Yeah, sure,” Alicia said after a moment. Some part of her wondered if MDP had set all this up, perhaps unintentionally, but what was one more weird thing here? Her luck stat wasn’t high enough to explain all of this.

”Haha! Alright…” The corner of Ashley’s lip twitched, but she wrapped one of her arms around MDP anyway. ”Alicia has unique attributes, or at least, attributes that at one time were unique. When Victoria Reales was giving her speech about uniting Penrose’s monster and mundane populations, Alicia was the only one who opposed it. There was another Beacon girl there and even she wanted to go along with the idea. Obviously Alicia has relaxed her stance on monster girls, or maybe it just became more nuanced over time. She’s dating one and convinced the Ascendancy to take a less extreme approach, but she still has her concerns. Her ‘quirk’ has shifted from her stance on corrupt magical girls to her own perseverance.” She lightly bumped Alicia’s shoulder with her fist. ”She’s the one straight laced rock in Beacon. Maybe you don’t find her as interesting as an all powerful robot, a bisexual magician, a lucky rabbit girl, or a hammer girl with glasses, but she’s the one Beacon girl who’s resisted the most change. Penny joined Beacon early on, but she’s since gone off to make her own empire. Alicia is the only one who personally saw Victoria Reales and is still as she was. You might find her boring, but she’s not generic.” Her eyes drifted down to Alicia’s legs. ”Also I’ve heard her leg game is really good, but you’d have to go to New York to confirm it.”

“Fascinating…” a Generican murmured. “So you would have us believe that her steadfast lack of personal development is the very thing that sets her apart from her vastly more noteworthy and nuanced contemporaries?”

”Is that what you’re taking away from this?” Ashley groaned. ”Look, there are two types of people in this world: People that need to change, and people who don’t need to. Alicia is more like your Batman, Superman, or Captain America type. She’s pretty much the best version of who she can be. If she changes, it’s probably going to be for the worst. That’s what I mean by she resists change.” She placed her hands on her hips. ”You guys just got done talking up Connie. All she’s done since arriving in Penrose is stutter and be pathetic. The only time she’s deviated from that was when she took a road trip, and what sort of long term implications did that have? She’s exactly who she was when she left. If she’s not a candidate for a Generican, then why is Alicia? Is it because she doesn’t have a speech impediment?”

“We are afraid we must dispute that claim,” one of the Genericans responded. “Connie Williams has, in fact, made significant progress since becoming a magical girl.”

“Indeed,” another agreed. “For instance, she has gained considerable mastery over her powers, despite her fear of them.”

“And on the subject of her fears,” a third continued. “She has done much to overcome several of them.”

“She has also made a not inconsiderable number of new friends, when at the start of her magical girl journey, she had but one,” a fourth pointed out.

“As to your claim that the events that occurred during her recent trip to New York have had no substantial effect on her, we must also disagree,” said a fifth. “If anything, it has given her an even greater resolve to improve herself.”

“Finally, we wish to make one small correction,” a sixth noted. “Connie Williams has lived in Penrose her entire life, so to say she ‘arrived’ is in error.”

“Unless you are referring to her arrival in the Penrose magical community,” a seventh added.

”Nah, I just assumed she was from elsewhere because almost everyone else is. She’s not really on my radar, but I take interest in anyone who leaves Penrose for anything.” She scratched the side of her head. ”But I hadn’t realized you guys were such Connie connoisseurs. She still hasn’t evolved past being a mostly scared, mostly awkward girl who needs friends. But I guess if I was thinking, I’d have suggested Gaia instead, but why does any of that matter? The takeaway is that there isn’t a single magical girl that’s been active in Penrose as long as Alicia has without compromising themselves in some way. Not because Alicia ‘lacks personal development,’ but because she believes in her vow of patience. Sure, it would be fun to see Alicia snap and push Justine’s shit in, but she stands by her vow even when it doesn’t benefit her organization.”

“Perhaps you are correct,” a Generican conceded. “Remaining true to oneself in opposition to any and all external forces is indeed a noteworthy characteristic.”

“That said,” another added. “We must dispute your assertion that Gaia, aka Mia Cooper, is devoid of uniqueness.”

“Yes,” a third concurred. “In addition to her personality shift between her mundane and magical personas, Miss Cooper’s sisterly bond with Connie Williams is far more noteworthy and meaningful than the ostensible romantic bond Miss Hayden and Miss Kimble claim to share.”

”Whateeeeeeeeeeever you guys say…” Ashley rolled her eyes.

During this exchange, MDP struggled to follow the rapid flow of words, but one particular point stood out, causing the whimsical girl no small amount of indignation. “Like, Connie Wonnie’s not pathetic wetic at allsie wallsie, Ashley Washley!” the whimsical girl snapped as she glared up at the Knight of Tonight with a hurt expression. “Like, take that backsie wacksie right nowie!”

Ashley spun on her heel and kneeled in front of MDP. ”Hey! Come on now!” She was grinning ear to ear. ”Sometimes you need to use strong language to figure out what the other person’s thinking. I don’t think she’s pathetic, in fact, I think she’s very brave and strong for coming as far as she has.” She placed a hand on top of MDP’s head and pushed her hand side to side. ”I’m sorry I said that about one of your friends. Do you forgive me?”

Upon hearing Ashley’s apology, MDP’s upset frown quickly shifted into a joyful smile. “Like, Magical Dream Princess totally wotally forgivey wiveies you, Ashley Washley~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl replied as she gave the Knight of Tonight another hug.

Alicia had an easier time keeping up, which was unfortunate because it meant she could hear it all. Her annoyance was rising, and once again she found herself wondering if she should be insulted. Was it too late to go back and make this a fight scene?

“I don’t think I could have put it any better myself,” she said after a moment. “Are we done here?”

“Yes, Miss Hayden,” a Generican confirmed. “We concede that we were in error regarding your status as a suitable candidate to join our ranks, and we shall now take our leave.”

With that, all twelve Genericans seemed to merge into one, before slowly striking a generic magical girl salute pose and vanishing in a flash of light.

“Like, bye bye, magical wagical silhouettey wetty people weple~! (giggle!)” MDP called with an enthusiastic wave, before returning her hyperactive attention to Alicia and Ashley. “Like, now that thatsie whatsie’s finished winished, do you wanna do something womething funsie wunsie together wether~?!” she asked excitedly, her cute, smiling visage getting perhaps a little too close to the pair of young women for comfort. “Do you~?! Do you~?! Do you~?!”

Alicia let out a small sigh of relief as Genericans made their exit. She didn’t really feel a sense of relief that it had worked out, she was just glad that it was over. Any longer and that temptation might have become too strong to ignore. With that finished, she considered continuing her patrol before dismissing the idea. After all of that she needed something destress.

Then she was approached by Dream Princess, and the notion of ‘destressing’ vanished into thin air as well. As much as Alicia would like to decline, she really didn’t have anything more pressing at the moment. So she put her best foot forwards and sucked up any discomfort she might feel. “Sure,” she agreed, glancing over to Ashley to see if she was going to find an excuse to leave or not.

”I don’t see any reason to decline!” She laughed, but Alicia was pretty sure she could hear her grumble “fuck me” under her breath, and not in a tone that suggested it was a request. ”It’s been a while since I’ve spent a night out on the town, and…” Ashley stopped talking when she heard a basketball bounce. Once, twice, three times. A figure stepped into the light. Short in stature, wearing a long gothic shirt and lavender colored hair.

”A basketball court…” She continued to slow dribble the ball towards the other girls. ”I find a street court to be a rather interesting place to hold a debate. In basketball, you have two teams that are trying to score points. They’re passing the ball, maneuvering around opponents, trying to block their shots, It flows much the same way as a debate, doesn’t it.” She caught the ball under her arm and smiled at the other girls present. ”In a debate, you’re trying to get your point across while blocking your opponents. Yes, I think this is a very good analogy, and undoubtedly why something like this happened here. A shame that the least valuable player on your team was Alicia herself. I would have thought she’d have been the most motivated to tell off those goons, but she left it to a voyeur and a simpleton.”

Ashley blinked. ”Aria Rizzo?”

”The one and only.” She bowed her head with a dramatic wave of her arm. ”So tell me, Alicia, what do you plan on doing in the upcoming conflict? I imagine someone of your station must have put forth an incredible battle plan for the day of the attack. Complete with contingencies should Mint or Sanctuary use the opportunity to seize more power over Penrose. Certainly you don’t plan on just leaving it to those dirty monster lovers, hmmm?”

Before they could move on, the group was approached once more. Turning to the newcomer, Alicia was not thrilled to hear what the subject that the person had decided to bring up was. “A friend of yours?” she asked as she glanced over to Ashley once again.

”You could say we’ve encountered each other a few times.” The Knight of Tonight bit her lip. ”She’s not bad, but she can be a little mischievous… and sassy.”

Her arms folded over her chest, Alicia tapped her foot on the asphalt as she regarded all the stuff that the new arrival was saying. “Alright, first of all, I don’t have to explain anything to you. I don’t even know who you are. Secondly, I don’t know where this impression that I’m opposed to the Sanctuary came from. If monster girls are working to overcome their instincts, then we should support them. Thirdly, it sure would be convenient for me to discuss any hypothetical plans I have in a place where someone could scry it, though I’m sure the Mint expects a betrayal anyways.”

”I’m glad you gave me an itemized list, that makes things much easier to respond to. Here, let me do it for you.” She started to count her fingers back to Alicia. ”Number one, I wasn’t expecting you to respond going by your interaction with the Genericans. You seemed more than happy to let others speak on your behalf. Number two, I never said you opposed Sanctuary, I asked if you had a contingency in place should they try anything, which seems reasonable since she was thrown out of your organization. Number three, all of my questions were rhetorical and required no answer. You’re just a wallflower, so obviously you’re going to go with the flow. Little more than a turd that’s been flushed down the sewer.” Aria quickly looked at MDP. ”Yes? You were saying?”

MDP, who had been growing increasingly distressed as she listened to the new arrival’s words, finally decided to speak up upon being directly addressed. “Like, Magical Dream Princess doesn’t know who you aresie waresie, but, like, she thinkie winkies that you’re a super duper meanie weanie head, and that you should totally wotally apolowologisey wisey to Alicia Wecia right nowie!” she shouted, while glowering at the lilac-haired young woman and stomping one foot.

”Yes, yes that is a very magical dream princess thing to contribute. But tell me, am I incorrect?” She spun the basketball on the tip of her finger. ”I mean we’ve established that she’s not generic. It’s plain to see that no one in Penrose is quite like her. But being a snowflake doesn’t make you interesting, does it? I mean, the Ascendancy is made up of a group of really powerful magical girls, and while they all have really broken powers, cool outfits, yadda yadda, I struggle to remember anything interesting about them. I mean we all remember Rachel because she’s the big cheese, but like, what’s Leena’s deal? Has Violette done anything of note other than look adorably cross eyed? Has Tsuki even been in Penrose? I assume she has, yet I can’t remember a single thing she’s done. I wonder if you were an Ascendancy plant from the start.”

The Knight of Tonight looked to Alicia again. ”She’s something of an ‘observer’ type, you know? Spends a lot of time-”

”So tell me Alicia.” Aria looked squarely at Ashley. The basketball was still spinning on her finger. ”When’s the last time you did something cool?”

”Why are you looking at me?”

”Because I want someone who can give a satisfactory answer.” Her eyes darted between Ashley and MDP.

“Well then, you guys can figure that out amongst yourselves,” Alicia said at last, her efforts at being patient finally boiling over. This was sounding an awful lot like the conversation that just ended, and with no threat of some weirdo cult hanging over her head anymore she didn’t see a reason to subject herself to another person with some inexplicable axe to grind.

Turning to Magical Dream Princess, she gave the girl a small nod. “It was nice to see you again.” Then to Ashley. “Maybe I’ll see you around one of these days.” With that, she turned away from all of them and walked away. She had the feeling that being back at HQ would be less stressful than all this, somehow.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess still wants to have funsie wunsie, Alicia Wecia!” MDP protested, tears beginning to fill her innocent eyes. “Like, let’s just leave this meanie weanie head behindsie windsie, and forget all about the awful wawful stuffy wuffy she’s saying waying!” the whimsical girl added. “‘Cause, like, you’re a super duper cooly wooly person werson, and, like, if this meanie weanie head doesn’t understsandy wandy why, then she’s just a super duper dummy wummy!” she finished, sticking her tongue out at Aria.

”Ah! So that’s it!” Aria pointed up in the air. ”This world is like a painting, and the people who inhabit it are the paint. A masterwork does not try to draw your attention to every brushstroke, but instead, it captures your imagination with just a few bold lines! In other words, if everyone stood out, nobody would!” She looked between MDP and KoT. ”Imagine if the world was filled with bubbly delinquent minded simpletons and covert voyeurs? The two of you would be out of a job! I’d be asking Alicia what makes the lot of you so special!” She picked up her basketball with both hands. ”I was about to propose a course correction, but I don’t think that’s necessary or even warranted at this point. Yes, I think I’m all done with Penrose. Done with the observations and data collection. My play only has an act or two left before I draw the curtain.” She raised the basketball over her head. ”May you all applaud the performance!” She chucked the basketball into the ground, causing it to burst. And with that, she was gone.

Ashley rubbed the back of her head. ”Heh, um, well how about you have fun with Alicia. I’ll just um, make sure that meanie doesn’t follow you guys, okay?”

“Awww… Magical Dream Princess wanted to have funsie wunsie with Ashley Washly, too…” MDP pouted. “But, like, she guesses wesses keeping weeping that meanie weanie away is probably wobably more important wortant,” she conceded, before massively brightening as she turned to Alicia with a gleeful smile. “Like, Magical Dream Princess knows~! We can watch those magical wagical girl video wideos you gotsie wotsie at the Christmas Whistmas party warty~!” the Princess of Dreams declared with eager excitement. “After thatsie whatsie, Magical Dream Princess is positive wositive you’ll feel lots better wetter~! (giggle!)”

"...Sure. That'd be fun," Alicia agreed as she was joined by Magical Dream Princess in her exit. It certainly couldn't be worse.


It was once again time for Alicia’s report to Beacon. And yet again, the conference room was full of various members of both the local branch as well as Ascendancy when she stepped into the room. However, unlike last time, the discussion in the room was civil. Fan-Fan had transformed her metallic hand into an impromptu 3d-map of what seemed like a building, with Elora explaining to Hudie and Suki about some new method of surveillance or deterrence. Similar discussions rang in other corners of the table, but one end was unusually quiet: it was where Rachel was listening to the Cardinal’s report.

“-deployed tomorrow, while the Swedish and Finnish chapters have agreed to lend emergency squads to arrive in two days.”
“Do we need an interpreter for them?” Rachel asked, and glanced to look at Alicia. She silently gestured for her to take a seat next to her.
“No. All members can speak English fluently,” Isthar answered, and also noticed as Alicia approached them.
“Very good. Send Emma and Lotta thanks on my behalf.” Rachel turned to Alicia afterwards, her fingers clasped as her hands rested on the table before her.
“Paladin Seraph, I believe you attended the meeting Lightning had arranged for the locals as a representative of Beacon at Penrose Park.”
Ishtar faintly smiled. “Could you please report on what happened there? Did you come to some kind of agreement?”

Stepping into the room, Alicia looked around at the various conversations that were ongoing when she arrived. It seemed that they were working hard to prepare for what was to come. Moving past them, she made her way over to Rachel so they could discuss what had happened at the meeting.

“Of a sorts,” she replied as she came to a stop next to Rachel and Ishtar. “We did learn how Wonderland plans to invade so hopefully we can pre-empt them. We’re going to do some scouting and see how many magical girls we’ll have for the operation before settling on the specifics of the plan.”

A pause, then she moved on to the trickier part of the meeting. “There were also a couple of complications. Firstly, one of the local shop owners, Brittany, was seemingly abducted by Wonderland along with another local magical boy. So we’re going to need to rescue them while stopping the invasion.” Her face then twisted into a frown. “The Ebon Mint also claimed that they could support our efforts, and wanted to negotiate a deal for the ownership of physical territory in Penrose.”

She relayed what had been agreed upon with regards to the Mint negotiations at the meeting. She had a feeling that this would go over ’well’.

Rachel furrowed her eyebrows at the mention of Ebon Mint. However, she opened her mouth only to close it afterwards. Isthar nodded, looking concerned. Finally, the Inquisitor spoke.
“It seems the Mint has changed their ways, if they are willing to compromise to the degree you have mentioned.”
“I suppose they feel threatened by Wonderland,” Isthar chimed in.
“So they are picking the lesser of two evils.”
“Not so bad for them with the claimed territory. Still, if even Penny agreed to this…I suppose we will only have to see if Mint’s intelligence will hold true. Or anything else they claim.”
Isthar sighed. “In any case, we should prioritize these eggs. We can’t allow them to be deployed in Penrose.”

“Maybe. The Mint’s whole thing is making deals. When’s the last time you saw them not twist one to their advantage?” While Alicia preferred to think the better of people, after all that had happened there was no reason to give the Mint the benefit of the doubt. The only question was how long it would take.

After a moment she echoed Ishtar’s sigh. “But yes, we’re going to need to decide who we’re sending and if we’re going to have any contingency plans just in case.”

“I have a couple of suggestions,” Rachel spoke up, and laid out various documents and maps on the conference room table.
“First off, a division of defense and offense. I considered the possibility of a surprise assault once we had made our move, and thus secured some insurance in advance. It was difficult, but I have successfully called for emergency reinforcements from other chapters in Beacon. Combined with the local members, this will be about a force with a strength of 50 or so in total. Paladin Seraph, as you know the strategic layout of Penrose the best due to your experience, you will be the one to decide on their deployment.”

Isthar spoke up. “I suggest either splitting them into smaller units at regular intervals That way we can ensure the chain of command is sustained.”

“As for the strike into Wonderland, I suggest bringing in select Ascendancy agents, including…” Rachel grit her teeth, and took a deep breath.
“...Myself. The rest would provide leadership support for the defenders. Are there objections, Pala-ngrh…Alicia?”
Ishtar blinked in surprise. “Oh, you wish to cooperate with this plan in person, Inquisitor?”
“Well, this is a special case, and…It is far too important of an operation for me not to lend my expertise. Not that I don’t trust the capabilities of our local chapter champion here.”

Alicia nodded along as Rachel laid out their preparations so far. “I’ll look into it,” she agreed as she was placed in charge of deployments. It was a large task, but she appreciated the trust. After all, Rachel had been here long enough to get an understanding of the city layout herself. They didn’t explicitly need her knowledge for this sort of thing.

She lifted an eyebrow as Rachel voiced her intention to take to the field of battle in Wonderland personally. “Of course. Hopefully this goes a bit better than my last big plan.” Not that the attack on Mariette's base had ended ‘badly’, per say, but it hadn’t been a conclusion she was satisfied with.

“Good,” Rachel answered succinctly, though Alicia could tell she was hiding her awkwardness. “I’ve considered bringing Fan-Fan, Tsuki and Hudie along for the strike.”
Isthar put a finger to her chin. “Does that sound good to you, Alicia? Or do you think we should send other people in?”

Humming in thought, Alicia considered the dangerous situation they were going into. “I wonder if we should bring Violette, if she’s feeling up for it. Who knows what Wonderland will have waiting for us on their home turf.”

“Yes, we can bring her in as well,” Rachel responded, and gave a little smile. “We can keep her as a direct intelligence relay to Elora, who will be staying back.”
When Isthar stifled a giggle afterwards, the smile was quickly replaced with a frown.

“What is so funny, Cardinal?” She asked with a flash of her glasses, and Isthar rolled her eyes.
“Oh, I was just amused by how you have lightened up since we’ve begun operating in this city.”
Rachel adjusted her glasses. “Well, we won’t have much time for frivolities. We got work to do.”
Isthar nodded. “Yes, we need to prepare for the arrival of the new additions to our ranks.”
“Anyway, that should cover our deployment plans for now. Anything else we need to discuss, Paladin Seraph?”

“I think that’s all for now,” Alicia said with a shake of her head. “We’ll probably need to figure out how we get Wonderland to back off for good at some point, but I suppose that can wait until after we’ve given a brake check to their invasion plan.”

Ishtar nodded with a kind smile. “Very good. I think that wraps up this meeting then, girls.”
“Make sure to prepare yourselves mentally,” Rachel added as she picked up the documents on the table. “And that also means…Taking regular breaks.” The rest of Beacon attending the meeting gave her a surprised look. Rachel scoffed. “Yes, you heard me. You need to be mentally prepared by resting properly. In fact, I’ll demonstrate!” She reared back a fist, aimed at Alicia, and…held a coupon out as she averted her eyes. “...Would you like to have a cup of coffee with me, Alicia? I have this special offer at the Pit Stop, so…” It was clear she wasn’t used to this kind of social interaction.

Like the others, Alicia was not expecting Rachel’s sudden pivot in topic. All of which seemed to be a cover for her to invite her co-worker out for some off-the-clock recreation time. Well, the execution left something to be desired but she wasn’t about to reject such a positive step forward. Though something about the restaurant did nibble at the back of her mind…

“Sure, I’d be happy to,” she agreed with a nod, letting Rachel hold on to the coupon for now. It would be helpful to get to know Rachel a bit better, and to see what she was like when she was off the clock.

“Thank you. So, let’s depart immediately. Tsuki, please file these,” Rachel said, and walked out of the room, handing the documents to Tsuki on her way.
Isthar sighed. “She’s trying too hard…” Alicia could hear her mutter amidst the noise of the meeting room clearing.

Glancing over, Alicia shot Ishtar a sympathetic look. Still, trying too hard was better than no effort at all. They were taking baby steps, that was all. Then she followed after Rachel, not wanting to end up too far behind.

Afterwards, having transformed back into her civilian form, Rachel led Alicia to the Pit Stop, where she took a table by the window, and soon brought two cups of hot coffee: one for her, and one for Alicia.
“Here you go. If you want to add cream or sugar I can fetch some for you.”

Sitting at the window table, Alicia took the coffee with a receptive smile. “Some cream would be nice,” she replied to Rachel’s offer. She would wait until the girl had returned before striking up conversation. “So, is this where you usually hang out when you’re not on the clock?”

Rachel didn’t answer at first when she went to retrieve the pitcher, and afterwards sat down rigidly.
“It’s understandable you’d think that, but the truth is…It’s not.” She poured some cream into her cup, and handed it over to Alicia. “I haven’t made much of a habit simply doing nothing-I mean, engaging in casual conversation. I’ve always put my work before everything else, but I realize I also need to engage more with my co-workers.” She took a sip of her coffee.
“So, Alicia, how are you doing?” She asked, sounding a bit tense.

Adding some cream to her coffee, Alicia stirred it a bit before taking a sip. Not bad, though not the best she’d ever had. Rachel’s comment was the exact opposite of surprising really. She did give off that impression of only focusing on her job.

“I’m doing alright,” she replied. “Obviously things are pretty hectic with all of the Wonderland stuff, but overall I would say things are looking up. I can’t see any more trouble in the short term, unless another out-of-context baddie arrives. How about you?”

Rachel took another sip before answering. “Stressed out, as you can imagine. I figured it would be another clean sweep, just a couple of months and we'd be done. But Penrose has surpassed all my expectations. However, that also had me realize that I’m going to burn out if I keep up the pace I’ve had. Maybe I could think of something to take my mind off of things. Like a hobby. Do you have any hobbies?”

Alicia took a sip of her coffee to hold back a chuckle. Yeah, that sounded about right for Rachel. She wasn’t all that deep a person. “I’d comment on that but I don’t want to jinx us,” she replied. With how their luck was, it was a legitimate concern.

“Well, it’s not really a hobby but I do like helping around the community center. You know, helping other girls with their training and keeping up on their schoolwork. Stuff like that. Otherwise, I like doing pencil art, listening to music, and playing video games. Normal young adult stuff, I guess.”

“Yes, for a given value of normal,” Rachel answered, and sighed as she leaned on her arm. “Still, I didn’t think you’d be interested in pencil art. How long have you been practicing?”

Another sip led before the answer. “A couple years now?” Alicia offered with a hum. “I took an art class back in college, and it was one of the things I enjoyed doing. I didn’t really stick with art when I was in school, but it was a nice thing to keep around in my free time.”

“I see,” Rachel answered, contemplating Alicia’s words. “You know, maybe I could start doing some art as well. Maybe not drawing or painting, but sculpting could be enjoyable.”

Alicia nodded in agreement. “Sure. Try things out, see what you like. And don’t be afraid to do things you aren’t sure you’ll like. You never know what will catch your interest.”

Rachel gave a slight smile at Alicia’s encouraging words. “You’re right, Alicia. I will give it a try.”
For a while after, the two continued conversing on casual topics, until it was time for Rachel to leave.
“Thank you for sharing this coffee with me, Alicia,” she said as she stood up from the table. “I hope we will get to do this sometime again.”

Finishing off the last of her coffee, Alicia rose to her feet as well. “Of course, I’d be happy to,” she assured Rachel. She was never going to object to spending time with a fellow Beacon sister. For now though, it was time for them to go their separate ways. They both had a lot to do.

Things were continuing to move along. Alicia nodded to Kayli as she pointed out that her magic could probably counteract the effects of Wonderland's mind warping effect. "It would be useful, but we shouldn't rely on it being the case," she cautioned. For something so uncertain, it was wiser to err on the side of caution rather than optimism.

That was when news of what had happened to Brittany came in, followed on its heels by the further news that Alex had been taken with her. "Well that's a problem," she added. Still, it was an odd choice of target if it was for some larger purpose. Brittany's wares were useful but she was not the sole source of magical goods within Penrose. Perhaps they wanted information from her and Alex, though Alicia found it hard to think that the latter had much of use in terms of what they knew of Wonderland's goals. Meanwhile, some small part of her felt deja vu.

While some focused on that, her attention drifted to Aurora. An eyebrow rose, though she was pleased to hold back a twitch of annoyance. For all that had happened Penny was still her friend, and her trust towards Chloe's associates extended about as far as her general trust of the Ebon Mint. That was to say, not at all. "The point of coming here was so we would have more privacy from Wonderland. If you feel whatever information you have can't be shared freely now, and to only some of us, then I guess it isn't important enough to tell me either."

Her mind working, she turned to the problem at hand. Regardless of whatever it was that was to be shared, they still needed to move forward. "If Mariette can poke around to try and find him then that would be the best option. She has a lot more access than the rest of us do. Ideally we can launch a rescue mission and hit the eggs at the same time, with one serving as a distraction for the other." She looked over the room. "I think we have a general plan in mind. Once we've gathered more intel on Wonderland and figured out who all will be participating in this, we can iron out the remaining specifics. Sound good?"
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