"Above all else, I will fulfill my duty. No matter what blood I must spill."
Name: Asakura Chisato
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Viera
Origin: Osprey
Class: Rogue
Weapon: Chisato is equipped with a variety of weaponry. Her primary option for offense is a straight-bladed katana with a somewhat shorter than average length, though she also keeps a wakizashi sheathed on her back, just above her tail. Additionally, she carries a number of kunai concealed inside of her clothing, as well as caltrops, smoke bombs, and a few other small explosives powerful enough to heavily injure or kill but only at close range. Finally, Chisato also utilizes a heavy, high-power hand cannon nearly as large as most of her body. Decorated with red and yellow paint, the hand cannon is entirely unuseable for her unless she properly prepares and sets up. Even then, it is likely to knock her off her feet. Its high power can even punch through thick armor, but it has a long reload time making it unsuitable for most combat.
Inventory:- Her katana, wakizashi, kunai, caltrops, smoke bombs, and small explosives.
- Her hand cannon, though its heavy weight and impracticality outside of ambushes means she does not carry it on her person most of the time.
- Potions
- Rations, consisting largely of riceballs and dried fish.
- Travelling Kit
- Spare outfits, suitable for disguise
Materia: - Fire, not only used for direct offensive purposes but also igniting her smokebombs and explosives after throwing them.
- Exit, used primarily to disengage from combat and swiftly conceal herself before re-engaging her opponent(s).
Limit Breaks: Sensen Sange: A technique in which Chisato swiftly dashes to approach her opponent and deliver a slash roughly to their mid-torso with her katana. A trail of drifting, luminescent cherry petals is left behind by her advance, culminating in a swirling storm around the target. Each petal glows brighter before erupting into a burst of pink flames, bathing the already-injured enemy in destruction.
Appearance Details: A small, lightly-built girl, extraordinarily short for a Viera of roughly 139 cm in height. Whether this is due to the conditions of her early life or some quirk of her bloodline is difficult to discern. She can be easily mistaken for a child, something utilized for the purposes of completing her duty in some situations.
Personality: Chisato is, at first glance, quiet and difficult to approach. Her expression rarely changes, and her voice possesses very little inflection of any sort. She is usually very polite to anyone who she is required to work with, and rarely appears to complain.
---At first glance.
Despite this reserved and polite demeanor, it quickly becomes clear that Chisato is prone to making dry, sarcastic comments, often about anything that happens to irritate her. This is most often directed at other people, though never at anyone whose orders she has accepted. Her intense loyalty does not allow her to treat them in the same way. That being said, those she works with are not so lucky. If she judges them unsuitable for whatever reason, she will not hesitate to point it out. This is partially motivated by her dedication to her duties, as if she does not believe someone is up to the same level of competency that she is it may impact her mission. That being said, it is hardly the only reason.
Having killed since she was a child in order to complete her duties, Chisato has little qualms when it comes to violence. She will take quick and merciful paths to ending an opponent's life, but she possesses zero hesitation when the matter of death is involved. This includes herself. A strong sense of loyalty and duty over her own life has been instilled within her, and while she will not carelessly throw her life away she will not hesitate if it is the best possible course to completing her mission. Her sense of self-worth is very low, and despite her derisive sarcasm towards allies she is likely to place them before her.
In her mind, her existence only affects the outcomes of her mission. She expects this attitude from others, but at the same time subconsciously treats them as more important then herself. This mindset was solidified during the incident four years ago.
Despite her small size, Chisato is frequently seen eating, especially sweets. She is particularly fond of a certain fish-shaped, filled pastry.
Biography: Chisato never knew her parents.
It's possible this was because they died from some illness. Or perhaps because she was abandoned. She has no clear memory of their faces. Given she was born within the depths of a pleasure district riddled with crime and prostitution, a myriad of potential origins could explain her situation.
Regardless, she only survived her first few years due to some passing kindness by others in similar situations to her, and a higher-class courtesan who happened to have been passing by at the time.
But none of it lasted.
Those living in this darkest and least gentle part of the pleasure district could not afford to take care of her. It was not out of unkindness, simply their situation permitted for little else.
As Chisato came to understand this, she did not resent them.
But it hardly alleviated her struggle. On the streets she was forced to do whatever she could in order to get by. Had things continued like this, it was likely her best possible life would have been to become a courtesan if she had been lucky. And that was only a single path amongst many that were far darker.
---And then something unexpected happened.
A woman who looked unlike even the high-class courtesans of the district approached her, one day. She was finely dressed, but not in the flashy and alluring manner of such women.
She offered to take her from this place, to give her a different existence.
Thin, spending every day hungry---
It was no wonder that Chisato took the chance with all of her heart.
She learned the woman's name was Asakura Hisami, and that she was a disciple of a man named Asakura Ryoji, whom she would soon meet.
This is when she became Asakura Chisato, and after her health and weight were at acceptable levels, her training began. It was intensive, every day marked by something that honed her existence further and further. Her life was to be sharpened into something that could take the lives of others.
Her training felt almost like it came naturally. Perhaps it was largely because she was glad to have escaped the unkind world of the pleasure district's underbelly, that she would embrace anything that dragged her further away from it.
An existence as a blade was fine with her.
There were others, girls who were trained in a similar manner to herself. Both in subterfuge and deception, and in the swiftest ways to take a life.
The first time she killed anyone was when she was only ten years old. It had left a strange feeling inside of her, but he had been a cruel man who dragged others down to step on top of them, a criminal who had used his bloodline to shield himself. She had nearly botched it, but before he could draw his own blade she had buried hers in his throat.
After that, she killed many more. Even considering her young age, she began to coat her hands in blood. But it was for the good of Osprey. The good of her fellow ninja. The good of the people.
That was her existence. A blade that severed the lives of Osprey's enemies both within and without.
This was true of the conflict with Edren, as well. She was sent further then she had ever been, to covertly slay a number of important enemies, to be a manslaying ghost.
She retreated, eventually, and not long after that the conflict was brought to an end.
---It was a mission after, for the purpose of trying to halt Valheim's ambitions.
It was that day that nearly every other girl who she had trained alongside was killed or cripplingly injured, at the hands of a traitorous samurai.
Only Chisato survived mostly unscathed.
In the aftermath, she couldn't understand it. Why? Why was she the one who lived? Why would a man of Osprey betray his people after swearing himself to his country?
Why did everyone else have to die?
Obviously, she had not carried out her duty sufficiently. Maybe, if she had done something, maybe if she had sacrificed herself, then she would have been the only one.
Traits: - Utilizes her youthful looks for the purposes of deception.
- Prefers extremely efficient and direct methods of killing opponents.
- While she usually eats very simple meals, loves sweets.
- Is inherently suspicious of men from Edren, and likely to be harder on them by default.
- Currently in the employ of Lord Hien.
- While she is trained to employ stealth, her capacity as a direct fighter is not to be ignored. She easily outperforms the average soldier in melee combat.
- Despite having long since left the pleasure district, some part of her still remembers the beautiful outfits of the high-class courtesans she sometimes witnessed as if they were some sort of fantasy.
Relationships: - Lord Rijin Hien: She is currently employed by him, and greatly respects him. He is beneath only her clan head in terms of her loyalty.
- Asakura Ryoji: An old sollan man, head of the Asakura branch of her clan, is the peak of her loyalty. He is shrewd and intelligent, and does not hesitate to make sacrifices if he believes it will be the best outcome.
- Asakura Hisami: A beautiful, seemingly-sollan woman who does not appear to have aged since recruiting Chisato. She was one of Chisato's trainers, and the closest thing to a mother in her life.
- Asakura Kunoichi: Many of the Asakura Kunoichi of Chisato's generation are dead, the few remaining no longer able to fight aside from Chisato. Chisato still considers them to be her sisters.
- Lord Shigemoto Dairoku: A traitorous samurai of terrifying skill and little mercy. His reasons for betraying Osprey in favor of Valheim are unknown. It is likely that Chisato would be unable to maintain her composure in his presence.