Rolan was wary as they advanced, following the Feinyar after it seemed to favor Ser Fionn. Granted he was already favored by the fae, so that was not much of a surprise, but the Captain's order to have their equipment enchanted, however briefly, to stand against the Hunt had him temporarily surrender crossbow, blades, and bolts long enough for them to be enchanted. Now a slight warmth thrummed through them, something that was mildly distracting while on the march, he had to wonder if all enchanted weapons and equipment did this. Gave off not just warmth, but bitter cold, strange sensations, and more beyond that. Not like he had the luxury of bearing true magical arms, nor would he particularly want to before the rest of the Order was more properly outfitted, or barring that at least the Captain and those she kept by her side. He felt it before he saw anything, however, the steady tension of waiting to walk into the Hunt replaced with a bitter cold and overbearing scrutiny. He held his cloak tight, concealing much of what he carried though it felt like it wouldn't help, he did so mostly out of spite.
The grip on his crossbow tightened, fingers settling into a familiar readiness that kept his nerves steady. Rolan considered himself at his best with crossbow in hand, and he even had the luxury to know he was walking into trouble and spanning the crossbow before hand. He hadn't chosen a bolt yet, he wouldn't want to be caught unawares with the wrong ammunition loaded in the event of a sudden ambush. He knew his choice of tools could backfire if not used well, he had learned that the hard way seeing how those opposing them during the trials acted, so he would not be forced to fire an ill advised bolt at close range if he could help it. Then he saw it, just as the Captain acted, a pale, grinning thing reaching out, confident in its place perhaps. The fact the exchange ended with its head on the ground said all that needed to be said about its so called place, but that was just the signal to draw back the curtains as it were.
To call the assembled Hunt abominable would be charitable at best, from hairless hunting hounds with mockeries of human faces to starkly exposed wretches with weapons as varied as their forms. A veritable host of 'hunters' lead by champions of a sort. A pale figure that reminded him of what famine might look like incarnated, one who wore both face and presence of a bird, one who probably was relying on those chained dogs to see, and the one that unsettled him the most. Rope, beartrap, charred and smoldering armor, he knew full well how dangerous a well placed snare, trap, or flame could fell even a large beast, something about the figure had dug its metaphorical claws into him, but he didn't have the luxury to tremble in his boots. Rozenalt had taken to the field, something that finally pushed away the background feeling that had been with them the entire time.
Just as the Captain ordered them into action, Tyaethe launched herself forward, blisteringly fast and leaving a wake of embarrassed and disrupted members of the Midnight Hunt in her wake. He had his orders still, however, and Rolan shouldered his crossbow while loading one of the bolts loaded with alchemist's fire. Taking careful aim, he sent the bolt hurtling out across the open field between the Knights and the Hunt, putting his shot right into the front ranks of the Hunt. The alchemical fire, enchanted as it was, would hopefully disrupt that section of the formation before it ever had a chance to get the charge underway. If not, well, the unfortunate wretch that caught the bolt between the eyes would be not having a good time of it. Stepping back alongside Gertrude, he spanned and picked his next bolt, aiming to put steady, disruptive shots into the ranks of the Hunt the entire time, warning the Captain of the current planned intent.
"Captain, I'll be accompanying Gertrude into the skies. We'll provide support from there, and have a better angle the entire time."
At least until the impending duel between Rozenalt and Tyaethe turned sour, in which case Rolan would have to put his accuracy to the test. He was confident he could make such a shot even under incredibly unideal circumstances, but all the better if they have a moment for a steadied, aimed shot. Never mind whatever nasty tricks the Hunt would employ, be it one of the countless numbers of their ranks or one of the individuals that stood out even amongst such an unpleasant to look at group. This would be a long, hard fight, and he wasn't even going to be in the press of a close assault alongside the rest of the Order. He would have to watch for chances to support their fighting as well, and trust that Gertrude would employ her magic effectively. Fortune willing they walked away from this, since dying in the attempt wasn't an option and the alternative was, quite simply, not an option. Only one way to make that happen now, and that was by cutting through as many of the Hunt as it took.