Hidden 3 days ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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Rolan weathered Gertrude's gaze with a steady one of his own as she agreed to his request, which would certainly make things even more interesting for the upcoming fight. He had never been fond of fighting from horseback, too many things to track at the same time between guiding and monitoring the horse, navigating the battlefield while keeping such in mind, and making accurate shots all the while. That and horses never seemed to like him terribly much, even under the best of circumstances. With that in mind, having someone else handling the riding part, or in this case flying, should be much more agreeable while he focused on the Hunt below them, assuming the Hunt lacked means of reaching them which would be a dangerous thing to assume. What surprised him was the rare bit of honesty admitting he was the least annoying among the knights thus far, and he shrugged briefly in an almost 'what can you do' sort of gesture.

"Thank you, I shouldn't have to ask you to fly into anything particularly dangerous."

Ser Renar took the time to approach them, speaking in a lowered tone that Rolan would match when the time came to speak up. Planning ahead in case Tyaethe was found wanting in being able to fell Rozenalt in single combat, smart, though he already had several bolts prepared for the explicit purpose of leveling the playing field. He didn't expect poisons to work to the same extent on members of the Hunt as he did his typical foes, well, typical before the last few months. However, given these were his most potent mixtures he hoped, fortune willing, they would have enough of an effect to slow Rozenalt should the need arise. Gertrude spoke up first, a rare bit of serious and direct talk from her, though not without taking metaphorical shots at Tyaethe. Something about enchanting their weapons as well, though Rolan would not take any chances with trusting anything outside his control, at best it would improve the odds he had in punching through weak points in armor.

"Agreed and well ahead of you for once, Ser Renar. Several bolts have already been prepared for hobbling our target should the opportunity arise. With Gertrude's help in maintaining the high ground, I'll have the rare luxury to make that shot count, so fortune willing I'll see it done."
Hidden 1 day ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

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Fionn MacKerracher

Perhaps one of the things that most ingratiated Fionn to the various fey he had met in his days was the way he had maintained his sense of wonder at the world around him, despite long since having grown out of the childhood where it was expected. Even when the fey themselves were something he was comfortable and familiar with, wherever his natural curiosity and delight at his experiences came out, it—at the very least—seemed to entertain them. The wide-eyed gaze that he faced the hulking crow-man with as a blade materialized out of the air was simply an obvious, outward expression of such.

He reverently took the offered hilt, stepping back and twirling the raven-black blade in a short moulinet just to feel the weight of it. How the balance felt, compared to what he was used to, how he may have to adjust on the fly; already, he was accounting for the comparitive lack of a guard, the sword barely having a bolster to help keep his hand from sliding up to the edge on a thrust. The pommel was little more than a faint, knob-like swell at the end of the grip, not the large, weighty ring that ensured he'd never not feel the alignment of his edge, that had long since shown its worth in breaking bones and shattering teeth of those who thought they could get inside his guard...

With a grin, he unclasped his sword and sheathe from his belt, holding it back out towards Súileabhán. "I understand your misgivings, but I'll make sure this isn't wasted. In return, I'd like it if you'd watch over my blade until I can return this to you." He glanced over at the Moonlit Queen just off to the side. "Not indefinitely, mind. I am rather attached to that sword, like how Súileabhán doesn't like lending this to me. Call it collateral, if you like, but I am entrusting it to your safe keeping."

Only as a temporary loaner or not, getting to use such a fine blade was still a princely gift. It was only fitting to return some trust to them.

Without another moment to spare, his hair resumed its natural hue, the cohort standing once more in the altogether more normal forest that they were used to. He didn't have long to consider much of a plan, though, before a diminutive head with flaming yellow eyes claimed his full field of vision. And his face grew hot. Almost uncomfortably so, even, like his pale skin was about to start burning...

"Cad é mar atá tú?" he asked, resisting the urge to pull away to avoid any excess heat. He didn't want to appear impolite, after all, certainly not to Feinyar hovering just before his nose. "Cad is ainm duit? Is mise Fionn."
Hidden 1 hr ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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While she lacked a mouth, the Feinyar's expression seemed to brighten when Sir Fionn spoke to her, and at the very least she decided to give him a little more room, leaning back and clapping her ashen, wood-like clawed hands together.

Her only response, however, was to somewhat vividly gesture. Indeed, while she did likely have a name, it was difficult for her to convey it. She had also nodded enthusiastically at Dame Tyaethe's request, implying that she did indeed know nithyr and that her relationship with them was seen as a positive one in her eyes.

Fanilly inhaled deeply.

Some fae could be harmed by any weapon. But many could only be damaged by unworked iron, or magic. That meant that there was one more preparation they had to make before following the feinyar to their destination.

"Lady Gertrude? Lord Arken?"

As she spoke, the knight-captain drew her sword from its sheath.

"To fight the Midnight Hunt, our weapons will need to be enchanted," she said. It didn't need to be anything particularly powerful or impressive. Rather, it simply needed to be a basic enhancement to bequeath mundane weaponry with magical damage. One that would last long enough to be sufficient for the battle. Given how many weapons needed to be enchanted, it didn't make sense to try and do anything more complicated.

The only exceptions were the feather-blade that Sir Fionn had been donated, and Dame Tyaethe's sword. It was fairly obvious those didn't require any additional attention.

After that had been done---

It would be time.

It was hard to tell how much time had passed, following the feinyar.

But the air itself had changed. There was a chill in the air that hadn't been present just moments ago. A creeping coldness that crawled up her limbs, as if her skin had been bare to a chill breeze. It felt as if eyes were scrutinizing her from every direction, looking through her and down to her very core through armor and cloth and flesh.

Fanilly's heart was pounding. Tonight, they would be facing a threat that had never been conquered. Even those who survived the Midnight Hunt had never ended it.

---But that was what they had to do. For the sake of restoring the Duke's sanity, this was their mission.

She couldn't afford to have any hesitation. She couldn't afford even a moment of doubt.

She had to lead the Iron Rose Knights to victory, no matter what.

Fanilly sucked in another deep breath.

Their guide had come to a halt. They were in a clearing in the forest, a large hill on the opposite end that continued into the treeline. Here, the moonlight was sufficient to see somewhat more clearly. That would at least be helpful in fighting the Hunt.

The chill here was greater. The Feeling of being watched was stronger.

Without a doubt, this was their destination. While they weren't visible, the very sensation in the air told Fanilly that the Midnight Hunt was well aware of their presence.

Fanilly's fingers wrapped around the hilt of her blade. The enchantment had given it a warmth, a faint heat almost akin to the sensation of lightly holding a living thing in her hand.

The sword sang as she drew it.

The Knight-Captain glanced back towards her knights.

This was the final moment. She could feel it in the air. Against her skin.

They were at the very brink.

And then her vision was filled by it.

A wide, unearthly, toothless grin on a pale mask, at the end of along neck attached to a vaguely human body, squatting on all fours. The smiling face twitched, a lengthy limb reaching slowly towards her.

For the briefest moment, it felt as if her heart had stopped.

For the briefest moment, she froze, as the smiling thing reached towards her.

---Her grip tightened.

She slide one foot back, raising her blade and twisting her body in the same moment. The magically-enhanced edge of her blade found its purchase, plunging through the unseelie creature's neck and severing it from its body.

With a spurt of unnaturally bright, red blood, the creature toppled sideways, its mask rapidly transitioning between different emotions. Shock, horror, sadness, joy, anger, each one played upon its face over and over again even as its form began to droop and distort, its unmoving body laying otherwise motionless on the grass.

The Hunt had begun.

Now, the treeline was filled with movement. Shapes emerging from the darkness. Distorted, hound-like creatures, hairless and pale with human-like faces. Tall knights in bronze-colored armor with unnatural proportions astride skeletal deer, their helmets adorned with uncanny faces and lengthy spears gripped in their hands. Ghoulish, gangly apparitions that appeared to fade in and out of existence as they slipped through the shapes of their fellows. Hunched, cloaked figures gripping wickedly-curved daggers, unnatural bodies concealed beneath leather and fur. Dark red and grey imp-like figures with insectile wings, holding small bows or hunting knives and wearing nothing to hide their twisted bodies. Crawling, pallid, gaunt human-like figures. Grey-skinned men with wide grins and dark eyes, wielding swords and axes.

A pure white figure in a white dress, cloth hanging over her face and obscuring her features as she rode upon a white horse that appeared far too thin.

A figure with a bird-like white mask cloaked with feathers, long limbs curled against their body and the translucent form of a ghostly falcon perched upon their shoulder.

A faceless, leather-armored man with two manfaced dogs on chains, snarling and biting as their burning eyes fell upon the knights.

A figure in charred armor, cloak smoldering with embers, a length of rope in one hand and a beartrap gripped in the other.

But one figure stood above all, at the peak of the hill---

The thick, crimson plate armor adorned his frame spoke of his identity immediately.

The great, skeletal creature he road, some atrocious blend of horse and deer and lizard, belonged only to him. The cloak he wore more resembled branches, or veins, hanging from his back as opposed to any sort of fabric.

His face was a skull, a tall three-pointed gold crown perched atop it, his eyes two burning coals in their sockets.


He raised his blade, pointing its tip skywards.

Fanilly drew a deep breath---

Now was no time for fear, for hesitation, for anything less then decisiveness.

It was time that they would put an end to a grim legend.

"Iron Rose Knights!" she cried, "Tonight, the hunters shall become the hunted. We will put an end to Lord Rozenalt's Midnight Hunt!"

It had begun.
Hidden 1 hr ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

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When the Hunt emerged, the constant static pressure came to an immediate stop; the waste mana that had been fuelling it was finally directed into strength and motion. Tyaethe had evidently adopted an approach of just crash into and through the assembled Hunt, a headlong charge out of the ranks that was nonetheless rapid enough to close into the vanguard of the horsemen before any of the archers thought to get a bead on her. A minor clue for those behind was the odd hope across a seemingly unmarked patch of brush.

"Rozenaaaaaaalt! Get over here, you faceless bastard!" the vampire laughed in Veltish, a jump taking her over a snapping… hound? onto one of the Knights' deerlike mounts for just a moment. Long enough for the figure's polearm to start swinging around. It never hit, a small hand arresting its owner's wrist and heaving the armoured figure from its own saddle – something not so easily done, with its weight instead pulling the mount over, instead. Which simply left Tyaethe free to spring forward from it again and onto the ground, weaving between or generally just brute-forcing her way into the Midnight Hunt.

"Was it hard, finding a mount uglier than you?"

Tyaethe's wondering question announced her arrival to the real target, sword finally being put to use to try and kneecap the whatever-the-hell it was, and bring Rozenalt down to her level.
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