
Rolan weathered Gertrude's gaze with a steady one of his own as she agreed to his request, which would certainly make things even more interesting for the upcoming fight. He had never been fond of fighting from horseback, too many things to track at the same time between guiding and monitoring the horse, navigating the battlefield while keeping such in mind, and making accurate shots all the while. That and horses never seemed to like him terribly much, even under the best of circumstances. With that in mind, having someone else handling the riding part, or in this case flying, should be much more agreeable while he focused on the Hunt below them, assuming the Hunt lacked means of reaching them which would be a dangerous thing to assume. What surprised him was the rare bit of honesty admitting he was the least annoying among the knights thus far, and he shrugged briefly in an almost 'what can you do' sort of gesture.

"Thank you, I shouldn't have to ask you to fly into anything particularly dangerous."

Ser Renar took the time to approach them, speaking in a lowered tone that Rolan would match when the time came to speak up. Planning ahead in case Tyaethe was found wanting in being able to fell Rozenalt in single combat, smart, though he already had several bolts prepared for the explicit purpose of leveling the playing field. He didn't expect poisons to work to the same extent on members of the Hunt as he did his typical foes, well, typical before the last few months. However, given these were his most potent mixtures he hoped, fortune willing, they would have enough of an effect to slow Rozenalt should the need arise. Gertrude spoke up first, a rare bit of serious and direct talk from her, though not without taking metaphorical shots at Tyaethe. Something about enchanting their weapons as well, though Rolan would not take any chances with trusting anything outside his control, at best it would improve the odds he had in punching through weak points in armor.

"Agreed and well ahead of you for once, Ser Renar. Several bolts have already been prepared for hobbling our target should the opportunity arise. With Gertrude's help in maintaining the high ground, I'll have the rare luxury to make that shot count, so fortune willing I'll see it done."