Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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5 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
6 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
6 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

"I just learned how? Of course I did. I didn't look like this before. I don't even know where we are." Jor said as she was massaging out her legs. "That was my first time turning into a snake and back, though I can say for sure that I was quite adorable." She said proudly before most the rest of the room headed off toward the kitchen. Her legs stopped tingling so much so she attempted to stand though it was slightly troublesome for her still.

"So, uhhh..." Jor stumbled out, looking toward the familiar bird. "Delicious-looking bird woman." The snake wasn't fully sure in what manner she meant that... But she did feel a small bit hungry. "Pardon, Relki was it? You're a familiar? I'm a bit jealous of that little witch of yours. I kinda wish I could summon a little birdie too." Jor mentioned as she finally started to get the full feeling back in her legs and tapped each foot on the ground a few times to make sure it felt right. "I hope I get more use to this whole shapeshifting thing." She couldn't help but look at Relki and ask another question. "I think it'd be safe to call you my senior in shapeshifting. Any advice for a newbie?"
Her question wasn't necessarily answered, but it was mentioned to be a shrine. Jor didn't really think more to say more about it. Any more she wanted to ask about the specifics were distracted by the fact that there was now a rather... Big... Raven-turned-woman in the room with them. If she was in her normal form, Jor's eyes would widen greatly but luckily her current snake form didn't portray much surprise... Aside maybe a small amount of reeling back. Her tongue flickered out of her mouth as a snake would as she studied the woman. The small conversation between Ilsa and Relki about the fey caught her interest lightly, however, her attention was pulled by Relki getting close to her and Hikari before complimenting the fox and headpatting her, which the fox in turn gave to her as well.

"As much as I like the headpats, I'm going to become a spoilt snake if you keep doing that." Jor mentioned unconsciously pushing into the hand patting her. "Hmm, I should probably go back to my human form and sit here if you're going to cook though. The only food I can make is an extra well-done steak on the grill so I don't think I'll be much help for you." The snake mentioned before traveling down the fox and making it down to the floor, getting clear of people and reverting to her humanoid form.

Thinking on what Nick said about new clothes however, Jor's eyebrow raised. "Much like Hikari mentioned, I think I know a lot more about tailoring than I did before. I could probably make clothes." Her arms, however, felt like jelly. Perhaps a symptom of her shapeshifting considering she had no arms or legs. In fact, her legs wobbled a little bit as she stumbled a bit like she cut off the circulation to her legs. "I don't think I'm going to be able to do that any time soon. I hope shapeshifting feels better as I get use to it." The snake-woman mentioned, focusing on her legs so she didn't fall over.
There were a lot of things happening at once. Jor just casually accepted the smell pets on the head Hikari gave her as if it were just what usually happened as the moved forward, complaining a bit as Ilsa mentioned something about her being drunk again. "If I was drunk, I'd be dead back there." This girl was kinda infuriating every time she tried to say something about it. And then the fairies? If she wasn't already overwhelmed by everything that had happened, she'd probably comment a bit more, or want to talk to them. Though they were known for being horrid little pranksters according to many stories so perhaps it was much better to tread carefully.

Jor was fine when Ilsa dismissed them. Her stress levels were a bit too high to want to worry about whether they were going to prank her annoyingly or not. She relaxed on Hikari a bit more, still trying to be a bit more comfortable with this newer form she. Not having limbs was an odd experience and every now and then she understood the phantom limb phenomena. Then, when the tortoise appeared, she studied him for a bit. He gave off the image of an old man and felt like she should be polite in turn. "Greetings to you as well, Mr. Tortoise." She said, no knowing his name so she did her best.

When the snake entered with Hikari, she marveled at the inside. It was... Magical, to say the least. When Ilsa said witch, the place definitely had that kind of feel for it. Then, the substitute witch brought up that they weren't exactly to make themselves comfortable. It wasn't necessarily unexpected, but she did say while they were there she would protect the lot of them. Jor just sighed and was happy enough to have a place to recollect her thoughts for a small bit. Nick asked her a small number of questions. One more couldn't hurt right? She wanted to ask where or what the Forest of Lorkay was but she had no context so anything like that might not get any answers. Maybe she could ask later. "I have an odd question too. When we woke up, there were some ruins of... something. Do you know what those might be, Miss Ilsa?" Jor asked, wondering why they woke up there of all places.
"I haven't even found anything like water to drink yet, let alone alcohol." Jor mentioned as so looked a bit tired. She yawned a bit and wondered why she felt so tired. Perhaps it's just because she wasn't use to using her legs so much? In fact, they hurt a bit didn't they? Maybe she pushed herself too hard... Well, Nick didn't seem that tired. Maybe she just didn't know how to use them for such high speed running for so long. "Regardless, thanks for giving us a place to rest for a bit I guess." She mentioned before finally looking to Hikari that she just so happened to be holding in her arms still... Who just so happened to shift back to her humanoid form. That gave her an idea, actually.

"Sorry, you probably want to stand up now, don't you?" She said before setting the girl down. "That said... Mind if you help me with something really quick?" Without giving her a chance to say no, Jormungandr would then change shape as well. A small poof and her form changed from a grown woman... To a smaller, white scaled and red-eyed snake that would land on Hikari. "Huh, I really can do this too. And talk? Curious. We're twinsies, Hikari!" Jor would say, trying to make it so her two and a half foot long body wouldn't get in Hikari's way. "Anyway, mind carrying me for now? My legs were killing me and I'd really appreciate it!"

Whether Hikari carried her or not, eventually they would make it to the cottage with Ilsa. It looked nice, at least. Safe too. Not that it seemed to mean much with that Wendigo thing out and about though she didn't want to consider that for a bit.
Running, running and more running! Jor was running for her life when the fox girl... Changed into an actual fox! That didn't matter! She could do something similar. For now, she needed to keep pusbing so she didn't become bug food. Eventually, however, a horrific noise was heard behind her. At first, she was worried that Nick had been gobbled up, be a quick peek to the side showed he was just fine.

Before she had time to consider looking behind her, she saw a girl in black and gold... And she was trying to talk the creature down? Jor looked behind to see a golden wall holding the creature back, but not it's smell. She wanted to run, put more distance between her and it but her legs felt like bags of concrete. Too heavy to move.

She started to hold her breath lest she gagged from the stench of rot until eventually the beast turned and left. It took some seconds before she finally released her breath and quickly fell to her knees. Nick was being a lot more logical than she was right now. She started speaking, albeit a small bit of a crying tone to her voice. "It's not like I wanted to wake up in a forest with a disgusting Wendigo like thing or whatever it was. I don't even know where we are. Like, at all."

She sighed before turning to her fox companion. "Are you fine Hikari? No injuries or traumas or anything?" She asked, trying to calm herself more than check on ghe fox girl.
"Running is easy enough, see?" Jor mentioned as she strode pretty confidently with the fox in her arms. "I'm worried your little legs might not keep running as well as Nick and I's strides." She mentioned, not looking behind. Really, the forest was nice. Well, until it wasn't. It was really dark now and that was a small bit annoying. It was pretty and peaceful and now she felt like she was in a horror movie of sorts. "I really hope this doesn't turn into a Steven King novel or something. I'm really not a fan of those at all."

In their flight from those ruins, however, there was this Thudding noise. Frustrating as it were, Jor tried to ignore it and focus on running. Surely it was just her mind playing tricks on her. This world was a little weird but that didn't mean it was... Horrid enough to have something chase her as soon as she woke up.

Well, she tried to ignore it, but the heavy thudding of whatever was behind her seemed to get louder and louder. She didn't know what it was. She was absolutely sure she didn't WANT to know what it was, however, she needed to see. She looked back to see haunting, green-hued wisps staring at Nick, Hikari and her. That was terrifying on it's own. She had an answer to what was thudding after them. What she was not expecting however...

"C-c-c-entipedes! Nononononnono.... Disgusting!" She exclaimed, pushing her body to it's limit to run faster than the multi-legged creepy crawly chasing after them. She wasn't sure if that green eyed thing was in cahoots with the bugs, but she absolutely detested both parties to a huge extent. "I hate these damn bugs!" She cried out, running quick as she could looking around for something that would stop the bugs behind them. Slow them down even, though she had little idea on what to do in either case.
After she asked the question, the noise was getting louder and more frustratingly kind of annoying. And terrifying. Very terrifying. Jor wouldn't let it bother her too much. Otherwise she'd be quaking in her boots, worried until something bad happened. "I really don't like that noise one bit." She mentioned before Nick, basically agreed with her inner thoughts of "Let's leave." Though she didn't quite understand one part.

"Opposite the FOE? What does that even mean?" Jor asked aloud before shaking her head, pushing the curiosity about that statement to the back of her head. "You know, nevermind. Doesn't matter. The opposite direction of the scraping I assume? Well, if we plan on moving..." The snake woman scooped the fox girl up in her arms. She felt... Quite a bit stronger than in her previous life. "Here, you look like you might have a bit of trouble moving fast if it came to it." She mentioned while starting to slowly walk in the direction they intended to go.

She should be able to hold the fox. She wasn't all that heavy really, and she felt quite strong now. No pain in her arms as she held the fox? It was interesting. "Might get a bit bumpy, uhh... Hikari? Right." Jor turned to Nick as she picked up her pace. "I think we'll be fine like this, boy-o. Keep those legs moving or you might be fresh meat for some weird animal or something." They just needed to escape now and she was hoping her running speed was enough to keep her and the fox safe. She also hoped Nick was able to run at a safe pace. She'd rather not have to make a permanent goodbye already.
"Navigating?" Jor said, tapping the side of her face in thought. "Well, I don't even know if any of the tricks from our world would work here. The sun could rise from the south and set in the east for all we know. Not that I really traveled more than to university and the store." The snake-like woman would mention before shrugging considering some options before smiling at the two people in front of her "Regardless, pleasure to meet the both o' you. Nick and... Hikari?"

Nick seemed kinda like a normal guy, relatively. After all, Jor had this new serpentine body, one that was a bit bigger now than when she was still a niche author and Hikari was some sort of cute fox girl. Speaking of, Jor patted the small Fox girl on the head. It was soothing to do. Not wanting to leave Nick out, she thought to take a step toward him and offer a handshake but he had his hands in his pockets already so she opted to not offer for now.

With that out of her consideration, she decided to take a look around the area a bit more. See if there was nothing that seemed to be out of place or perhaps stood out. Maybe a sigh of which way they could go. "Well, if we don't find any trail or anything, maybe we should just head in a random direction? It's probably better than staying here. Could find a rock to make marks in trees so we could always find our way back here if we needed to." It was a suggestion alright. She wasn't really sure of survival tips or tricks but it sounded good to her. "And does anyone else hear that noise? An animal?" She asked, concerned about the noise she heard.
What was she even doing? A university lecture? She had work on her latest book to do but she had agreed to guest lecture for a few mythology sessions for a number of weeks. Only for her to be ran into and accidently hit her head just right on a lamp on one of the campus walkways. An embarrassing way to go for sure. She didn't even really need to go... But what was done was done. And what was done was her life. At least it didn't hurt.

"Excuse me, ma'am, you can't sleep here."

"Ngggghh...." She would complain. She had just been sleeping? Well, she felt tired still. In fact, she needed to sleep a bit more. "Five more minutes." There were no blankets on her. That was weird. She slept with three blankets on her at any time that wasn't summer. And even then.... She'd reach out for a blanket, only to grab the hand that had pushed on her to wake her up. "Hmmm? Wait a sec. I've not lived with someone else for years." It was then that she opened her eyes and saw the cute fox girl trying to wake her.

There were so many thoughts flowing through her head. First, what was this adorable creature in front of her? Second, why was she in some... random looking forest? Third, was there a man just laying there too? Oh, no. He wasn't laying. He was getting up. "Hmm. Hmm. I see, I see. Yes, I remember now. Once a fleeting life, I have fallen into the cycle of reincarnation. Or something like that. Maybe." She smiled brightly and stood before grabbing the small fox girl in front of her and hugging her.

"Hello there adorable fox girl and the random man I don't know. My name is... Jormungandr. Just call me Jor, if you please." She hugged the fox girl tight to her chest for some seconds before setting her down. It was then that her tongue instinctively acted. It looked serpentine and it flicked out of her mouth slightly, before retracting into her mouth. When it returned to her mouth her face scrunched up a bit. "That was a small bit unexpected, even for me."

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