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15 days ago
Current For those unaware, the guy who made the Castlevania series is making a Devil May Cry series. And it looks promising, at least to me.
1 mo ago
I'm in your walls.
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2 mos ago
Sometimes, you need a break from life. You need to escape to another reality for just a couple minutes, so you can come back and right yourself. But be careful not to get lost.
3 mos ago
New Year, new schemes.
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3 mos ago
Merry Christmas to all.


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Levi was expecting a few things to happen, such as the Large Body’s charge, or the next volley from the Scarlet Tangos, or the swarm of heartless moving in to keep him pinned.

What he wasn't expecting was the sudden arrival of a certain friend, nor how a good number of the Heartless turned to address her, the Large Body included.

“Hoshi?” He muttered, shocked at her timely arrival, but he quickly traded his surprise and relief for focus. Her appearance galvanized the Heartless away from him, and gave him the critical seconds he needed to right himself.

At Hoshi’s prompting, he rushed towards the Large Body’s rear. He knew full well how hard they could hit, and he wasn't sure if Hoshi would take that as well as he could. Plus, it didn’t take a genius to know she made it mad. He needed to stop that thing now. Levi’s bat knocked away a soldier that tried to intercept him, as he launched himself into the Large Body’s rear. Thrust, underhand, overhand, and it was reeling. As it lept in the air in an attempt to flatten him and get Levi out from behind it, he rolled back towards Hoshi as it came down, flattening a pair of shadows that had pursued him.

Levi turned back to face Hoshi with a smile he couldn’t suppress. “Thanks for the save. Looks like we’re even.” He paused for a moment as one of the Scarlet Tangos threw a fireball towards them, but he smacked the fireball with his keyblade. As he did, it flew into the Large Body, which staggered it and scorched the front plate, and though it didn’t seem to do much, he noticed through his strange ability it had done at least some damage, so when the others in the volley came, he sent them towards the Large Body as well. It was hurt now, despite the fact that there wasn’t any physical indication of that. Wouldn’t take much more to bring it down.

Levi then addressed Hoshi again. “Lucian’s out here somewhere too. Would love to catch up, but as you can see I’ve been kinda busy here.” He gradually realized Hoshi’s exhaustion, as he then looked back towards the current issue; the Heartless. “You think you can handle this? I don’t mind if you need to bow out.” He asked, as the Large Body started gearing up to charge, but he simply took a deep breath, and stuck out the flat of True Light’s Flight as a shield and planted his feet, with the confidence of knowing it had worked before. “The Large Body wouldn’t be an issue, if not for the swarm of pests.” He muttered under his breath, rather annoyed at the Heartless. Still, he couldn’t help but smile.

If she’s alive, there’s hope for the other two. I’ll have to ask her how they got off the island, but it’ll be after this problem is dealt with.
The Velvet Room

As Daniel approached, the young man started moving to intercept him with an intensity in his eyes, and a grimace across his face. “If you dare to lay a hand on our master, you will not leave alive.” He said, his tone as forceful as his words, despite the soft volume of his voice. A large silhouette appeared behind him briefly, that of an armored humanoid figure with a staff or spear, though it is impossible to tell further detail. The woman stepped forward, wearing a slight smile on her face instead of the young man’s grimace. “While my brother may be a bit too aggressive, I share his sentiments that you should not threaten our master.” As she spoke, her voice carrying a certain soothing quality, despite her harsh words. Another silhouette appeared behind her, that of a little girl that radiated terrible power and a menacing aura.

The pair stopped as the long-nosed man raised a hand. ”Clerval. Safie. There shouldn’t be any need for that.” The long-nosed man said, as the pair stepped back and the large silhouettes vanished just as quickly as they appeared. The long-nosed man nodded, before turning back to address the assembled. “I apologize for my attendants. Though, I would advise against violence. Rest assured that we do not intend you harm, quite the opposite in fact, as you are guests here.” He said, completely unphased by both the threat from Daniel and the display from his attendants.

“Regardless, I will answer whatever questions I can. Though I cannot answer everything.” The long-nosed man said, as he first turned to address Ami and Flint. “Allow me to start with your question. This is a place between the worlds of sleep and waking. Physically at least, every one of you is asleep right now. As master of the Velvet Room, it is within my power to bring people who possess a certain gift here. As individuals who possess this gift, I called you here so I might speak with you.”

The man then turned to address Radcliff. ”As for why you’re here, if I attempted to explain everything now, you would not understand. And besides, there are some things that you simply must find out for yourselves. However, all will be revealed in due time. For now, I will explain what I can.” The man then leaned forward in his chair, tenting his fingers once more as he began. “The world as you know it is on the precipice of oblivion. Under normal circumstances, I would call on a special individual to save it, but unfortunately they have turned away from that path, and the world, in the current state, is doomed.”
For the sake of not keeping things dragging along, do we want to plan on cutting ahead to Guard Armor in the 3rd District? Or do we want to let the Heartless attack play out a bit longer?

@Bacon just in case I'm not clear on it, Levi is already in the 3rd District? If so I can have my upcoming post include Hoshi swooping in for their reunion moment.

Correct. And go for it, I left him in a bit of a situation on purpose.

“Could be worse. At least these freaks aren’t shooting at us.”

Name: Michael Bennett
Age: 66
Starting Items: Colt M1911, One Spare Magazine, Zippo Lighter, Pack of Cigarettes
Job/Study: Retired (Prior US Marine Corp, and US Postal Service)
Short Bio: Bennett originally hails from the state of Georgia, having joined the Marines in early 1950 at the age of eighteen, in time to fight in the Korean War. After coming home once the war ended, a friend he met in the service hooked him up with a job in Raccoon city around ‘58 when he got out of the service. For the past few years, he’s been comfortably enjoying retirement when everything went to hell. He was drinking to the memory of some of his departed friends once the radio came on, and now he's hunkering down in the bar in question, at least until he had all of his faculties back.
Well, we said we were doing Atlantis, and Kita was a princess of heart. So that would make the Atlantian king the holder of the royal authority.

In theory, at least. In practice, that's up to Kindred.
Here's what I've got so far regarding a CS. Still missing a face claim for now, but otherwise does this work?

-Appearance presently missing-

“Could be worse. At least these freaks aren’t shooting at us.”

Name: Michael Bennett
Age: 66
Starting Items: Colt M1911, One Spare Magazine, Zippo Lighter, Pack of Cigarettes
Job/Study: Retired (Prior US Marine Corp, and US Postal Service)
Short Bio: Bennett originally hails from the state of Georgia, having joined the Marines in early 1950 at the age of eighteen, in time to fight in the Korean War. A friend he met in the Marines hooked him up with a job in Raccoon city around ‘58 when he got out of the service. For the past few years, he’d been comfortably enjoying retirement when everything went to hell. He was drinking to the memory of some of his departed friends when the radio came on, and now he's hunkering down in the bar in question, at least until he had all of his faculties back.
How about we start with a hunting rifle and a pistol? He may be able to loot another gun later, remember the police officers and UBCS are fighting all over the city

I was just going to have him start with a handgun. I was talking about guns he had experience handling in general. My bad for not clarifying.
<Snipped quote by Bacon>

Well, I guess it couldn't hurt since he has the cons of being old and might run out of bullets if we don't come across a gun store or the police station, I assume he suffers from PTSD as well so im eager to see how he reacts to all this apocalypse. What firearms you have in mind? Please don't say a minigun

Also, I don't think we run into a Tyrant since they had very specific missions, perhaps a few lickers or an oringinal boss fight

The firearms I had in mind wasn't anything crazy, mostly pistols, rifles (semi-auto, bolt-action), and shotguns. Maybe SMGs at your discretion, but it wouldn't be until after his time in service that the army started handing out M14s and M16s, and he wouldn't have been a machine gunner, so he wouldn't have much experience with full-auto weapons.
I'd be interested. I've played 3 Remaster, and 4 onwards.

And having read the prior messages, would you be alright with a Korean War vet as a character? Character would be in his late sixties, so while he would be a marksman with some survival skills, he'd also be slower and more fragile than most. The intent is to have someone who can shoot and can treat injuries, but lacks in other important aspects.

For example, he's only good in a fight for however long his ammo reserve holds out. If he's out of bullets, he's too physically broken to fight a zombie up close and expect to win. Not to mention he'd need help getting away from anything like hordes too big to fight, or tyrants like Mr. X.
The Velvet Room

The blue metal door let out a creak as it pushed open, a thick blue mist rolling from beyond the door. As the door opened, the mist thinned, and the next room became visible through the doorframe.

Beyond the door, the next room is entirely different, more like something resembling a war room. A long wooden table sitting prominently in the center of the room with over a dozen chairs, and a long silk tablecloth covering a strip down the center of the table. The walls of the room look as if they’re covered by velvet, almost like soundproofing or a padded cell. The padded walls of the central room, finery on the table, and the cushions on the chairs all are in an identical shade of blue to the bedding, trunks, lockers, and door.

A bald, disproportionately thin man with a freakishly long nose and bulging eyes sits at the far end of the long table in the center of the second part of the room, dressed in a suit and staring intently at the group with a curious expression. His fingers were tented, mere inches from his long nose as he stared at the two who pushed towards the door intently.

Standing at either side of him are a young man and young woman standing at his left and right sides respectively, each with sharp facial features, similar builds, and the same snow-white hair and yellow eyes. Judging by their appearance, one could guess the pair to be in either their late teens or early twenties. The man is wearing a suit, with his hair in a crew cut. The woman is wearing a pan suit, with hair tied back into a braid that runs down to her shoulders. Both of their clothes are in that same shade of blue, both seem to be wearing berets that share that same color, and both of them rigidly stood at a parade rest. They seem to be waiting for either something or someone, as the long-nosed man nods to the first two to enter. His voice carries across the room despite not raising his voice, as he speaks in a welcoming and almost friendly tone. “Welcome to the Velvet Room.”
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