Levi was expecting a few things to happen, such as the Large Body’s charge, or the next volley from the Scarlet Tangos, or the swarm of heartless moving in to keep him pinned.
What he wasn't expecting was the sudden arrival of a certain friend, nor how a good number of the Heartless turned to address her, the Large Body included.
“Hoshi?” He muttered, shocked at her timely arrival, but he quickly traded his surprise and relief for focus. Her appearance galvanized the Heartless away from him, and gave him the critical seconds he needed to right himself.
At Hoshi’s prompting, he rushed towards the Large Body’s rear. He knew full well how hard they could hit, and he wasn't sure if Hoshi would take that as well as he could. Plus, it didn’t take a genius to know she made it mad. He needed to stop that thing now. Levi’s bat knocked away a soldier that tried to intercept him, as he launched himself into the Large Body’s rear. Thrust, underhand, overhand, and it was reeling. As it lept in the air in an attempt to flatten him and get Levi out from behind it, he rolled back towards Hoshi as it came down, flattening a pair of shadows that had pursued him.
Levi turned back to face Hoshi with a smile he couldn’t suppress. “Thanks for the save. Looks like we’re even.” He paused for a moment as one of the Scarlet Tangos threw a fireball towards them, but he smacked the fireball with his keyblade. As he did, it flew into the Large Body, which staggered it and scorched the front plate, and though it didn’t seem to do much, he noticed through his strange ability it had done at least some damage, so when the others in the volley came, he sent them towards the Large Body as well. It was hurt now, despite the fact that there wasn’t any physical indication of that. Wouldn’t take much more to bring it down.
Levi then addressed Hoshi again. “Lucian’s out here somewhere too. Would love to catch up, but as you can see I’ve been kinda busy here.” He gradually realized Hoshi’s exhaustion, as he then looked back towards the current issue; the Heartless. “You think you can handle this? I don’t mind if you need to bow out.” He asked, as the Large Body started gearing up to charge, but he simply took a deep breath, and stuck out the flat of True Light’s Flight as a shield and planted his feet, with the confidence of knowing it had worked before. “The Large Body wouldn’t be an issue, if not for the swarm of pests.” He muttered under his breath, rather annoyed at the Heartless. Still, he couldn’t help but smile.
If she’s alive, there’s hope for the other two. I’ll have to ask her how they got off the island, but it’ll be after this problem is dealt with.
What he wasn't expecting was the sudden arrival of a certain friend, nor how a good number of the Heartless turned to address her, the Large Body included.
“Hoshi?” He muttered, shocked at her timely arrival, but he quickly traded his surprise and relief for focus. Her appearance galvanized the Heartless away from him, and gave him the critical seconds he needed to right himself.
At Hoshi’s prompting, he rushed towards the Large Body’s rear. He knew full well how hard they could hit, and he wasn't sure if Hoshi would take that as well as he could. Plus, it didn’t take a genius to know she made it mad. He needed to stop that thing now. Levi’s bat knocked away a soldier that tried to intercept him, as he launched himself into the Large Body’s rear. Thrust, underhand, overhand, and it was reeling. As it lept in the air in an attempt to flatten him and get Levi out from behind it, he rolled back towards Hoshi as it came down, flattening a pair of shadows that had pursued him.
Levi turned back to face Hoshi with a smile he couldn’t suppress. “Thanks for the save. Looks like we’re even.” He paused for a moment as one of the Scarlet Tangos threw a fireball towards them, but he smacked the fireball with his keyblade. As he did, it flew into the Large Body, which staggered it and scorched the front plate, and though it didn’t seem to do much, he noticed through his strange ability it had done at least some damage, so when the others in the volley came, he sent them towards the Large Body as well. It was hurt now, despite the fact that there wasn’t any physical indication of that. Wouldn’t take much more to bring it down.
Levi then addressed Hoshi again. “Lucian’s out here somewhere too. Would love to catch up, but as you can see I’ve been kinda busy here.” He gradually realized Hoshi’s exhaustion, as he then looked back towards the current issue; the Heartless. “You think you can handle this? I don’t mind if you need to bow out.” He asked, as the Large Body started gearing up to charge, but he simply took a deep breath, and stuck out the flat of True Light’s Flight as a shield and planted his feet, with the confidence of knowing it had worked before. “The Large Body wouldn’t be an issue, if not for the swarm of pests.” He muttered under his breath, rather annoyed at the Heartless. Still, he couldn’t help but smile.
If she’s alive, there’s hope for the other two. I’ll have to ask her how they got off the island, but it’ll be after this problem is dealt with.