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I'd think it's fitting for the GM to kick this off.

One idea is to have us taking on corrupt Law Enforcement in a rural community or township. (Messing with a Sheriff's Department in middle-of-nowhere Arkansas, for example.)

Seems like a pretty simple opening adventure, to get us used to RPing with each other, and get a feel for our powersets.

Also, admittedly because the premise of this RP immediately makes me think "Magical A-Team."
Accepted! :D You think Michael could be the one driving the truck for everyone else?

I definitely wouldn't be opposed to it, provided no one else has their heart set on driving.

So, do I put my character sheet here, or DM it to you?

Apologies if this seems like a dumb question, I'm very new to text-based RP.
This seems like a really interesting game, and I'd be down to play.
I would certainly be interested in this. PMD RP... can't say I've done much of that before. I'm familiar with the PMD games at least, so I don't think I'd be completely lost.
In Howdy! 17 days ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
I'm Bacon, and I've had my interest peaked with text-based RP for a couple of months now, but have only just found any method of doing this.

I'm a fan of all things fantastical.

I have experience RPing through other mediums like D&D, and I write a little on the side. Might start running something at one point, once I understand how the site works.
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