Avatar of Sadu


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2 mos ago
Current I have a desire to play the most broody, angry at the world Kirlia/Gardevoir imaginable. But Pokemon RPs never seem to do players playing trainers and Pokemon separately.
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5 mos ago
I just clicked a button on accident after typing up an OOC for the last literal 2 hours, and it was gone. Imagine how fast I googled 'Clipboard History' and how I felt when I saw it was in fact, on.
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5 mos ago
Maybe combining themes like supernatural powers... I dunno, might be going off the deep end with that. But it could be fun.
5 mos ago
Hmm, thinking about a 'Mecha Mercenaries' type group RP... kinda based on things like Gundam with a merc group that swaps around fighting for different factions as they war over Earth and beyond...
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6 mos ago
The amount of people looking NSFW RP is very finite. Also writing that you consider people wanting to play non-standard genders 'artificially injecting ideologies and identities' isn't a good look.


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<Snipped quote by Simple Unicycle>

Well, hello again! Seems like it's a good season for returns. If you're down for a one-post-a-week commitment then we'd be happy to have you. It's a good time to jump in as well, since we're in a bit of downtime before the next mission, with people spreading out over the Paved Wilderness for short adventures. Or, you could join team Detectives and Dog to the northeast near Martira, whose members are looking to crack a case of missing children at the nearby Curien Mansion.

Who're you thinking of playing?

How good of a time to join are we talking? Been peeping in every once in a while... have no idea what's ACTUALLY going on but, keep coming back and thinking about this. So curious if you think you're too full up or not!
<Snipped quote by Sadu>

Do you want to start it?

Wreck it Ralph is actually Disney. But I'm honestly cool with DreamWorks worlds being part of the KH Verse. They've always felt like they fit under the Disney/Pixar Umbrella. I still plan on having Alias going to El Dorado after Anastasia. So if any of you want to visit worlds like Shrek, Sinbad, How to Train Your Dragon, and Kung Fu Panda in this or later games, let me know.

See that's what I get for asking such questions at like 2 in the morning.

I was mainly looking forward to a potential trip to Berk later down the line. And I think Po could accidentally teach people a thing or two about hearts with his whole 'The secret ingredient to awesomeness is just, you' bit.

Do you want to do a collab with me as Max and Daisy?


By the way... seeing as how there are official links between KH and Dreamworks... (And by that I mean Wreck it Ralph being a summon and not a whole lot else) I know we've talked about it in the past but officially, how are we feeling about Dreamworks worlds?
<Snipped quote by Sadu>

The only issue I see is the Villain plan for Kingdom Hearts 1. With them being aware of Royal Authority and what it is and does-

Nah, the plan is they specifically DON'T know what it is or what it does.

Maleficent, at most, knows it exists, therefor she pretty much assumes it is of great importance, and so she's out to get it. She doesn't know what it's for, how many there are, or even what it does. She just knows if there's an essence of power out there that seeds itself in great rulers of worlds, she wants it for herself.

Young Xehanort is absolutely clueless about it, not even knowing where to start.

Old Xehanort, coming later, is aware that it is a part of the key to unlock Kingdom Hearts, but he does not have the full information on the how and why. He doesn't know how many there are, or how to use them. This is why he hasn't made his move yet. The information he requires was entrusted to Eraqus, not him.

The knowledge of Royal Authority is entrusted to only a very select few, namely Merlin, Yen Sid, and Eraqus, potentially Ansem the Wise, and Mickey as well. This is why Xehanort will later on require an advisor knowledgeable in the specifics of Royal Authority to guide him.

Currently, they know about the Princesses of Heart. Maleficent however doesn't even know if Royal Authority and Princesses of Heart are connected in any way.
Is alice going to remain a Princess of Light after everything that is going to happen in Wonderland?

Also we can say that each Princess must be granted the blessing from a ruler with Royal Authority. But the remaining six rulers must all unanimously grant their blessing to the magus themself.
I think we need to decide on a solid list of who the Princesses of Heart are for KH1.

The reason I don't really want us to just, increase the number of Royal Authorities, is because ultimately each Royal Authority is supposed to be bound to a Princess of Heart. Each Princess of Heart is meant to be tied to one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

If we just say instead 'now there's thirteen Royal Authorities', then now we just kinda randomly have 6 extra of them for... no particular reason other than because we think there are characters who would fit the bill of hosts for it. The Royal Authority is not really a power that grants abilities or anything. It is itself, a power that can be granted to a Princess of Light, allowing them to aid in the opening of Kingdom Hearts. The full method is:

"Seven Princesses of Light, Purged of Sin, and Granted Royal Authority, Will Empower a Grand Magus to Shatter the Seals, and Open the Path to Kingdom Hearts"

So each Princess of Light needs to defeat the sin they are linked to (So, Kida needs to defeat Greed), and then be empowered by Royal Authority. At which point, all seven can come together, channeling their power into a powerful mage, like Merlin or Yen Sid, and then they can break the seven seals.

Royal Authority is, at its most basic level, the ability to give permission for Kingdom Hearts to be opened. Royal Authority, when hosted in a ruler, grants them the right to give a Princess of Light their 'blessing' for Kingdom Hearts to be opened. If a single ruler does not think it should be opened, and therefor refuses to grant that blessing to a Princess of Light, then simply put, there is no way of getting around it. That ruler must be convinced otherwise, or they must be defeated, and their Royal Authority claimed by another who is willing to grant the blessing.

Something to keep in mind is that, Royal Authority isn't really meant to be a major plot point until KH2. As of right now, Young Xehanort is just spreading evil, being a bad guy, trying to spread darkness and all that. He isn't really at the point where he has that 'big plan'. That's on Old Xehanort, who will make his first appearance come the Organization storyline.

So it's not really meant to be central to the plot right now. There will be moments where something happens with it, but it's much, much too soon to be worrying about who has Royal Authority. So if Maleficent is trying to find it in Tarzan's world, and Kerchak has it, then it will most likely leave the world entirely come the end of KH1. It may stick around for a while in Tarzan, but...

If you think of Kingdom Hearts like a semi-sentient will of the universe, then it would not want one of the Royal Authorities to remain in a place that not only have agents of darkness already come looking for it, but have already killed its host once. That means they know it's there, and Tarzan, and everything he loves, would become a target.

The original idea was that every wielder of Royal Authority would have a direct relation to a Princess of Heart, or at least, for example, as direct as Mulan and the Emperor are. The only exceptions would be whatever is going on with Uther, and then Mickey... for literally no reason other than it just wouldn't make any sense if Mickey Frickin' Mouse didn't have Royal Authority as King.

However there are explanations for both of those cases. With Mickey's explanation being, Royal Authority would remain hosted inside a King of great power, with a heart of pure light, like Mickey, who already does so much to keep the worlds safe from darkness. So despite him not having any direct relation to a Princess of Heart, he has been, effectively, PERMANENTLY entrusted with Royal Authority.

Probably because there needs to be one instance of someone wielding Royal Authority, who doesn't have personal ties to the Princess of Light they bestow their blessing on. As a father is more likely to say yes to a daughter, for example. Mickey must make the decision of granting his Royal Authority to a Princess of Heart, completely without bias.

Yeah, and Commander Rorque is the embodiment of Greed. Or will be later on.
Well there are only seven instances of authority. So we'll need to decide on a final list of who the Princesses of Heart are, as those who hold the authority will be closely tied to those who are Princesses of Heart.

I think thus far we have confirmed...

Alice is a Princess of Heart, and the Queen of Hearts currently holds Royal Authority.

Anastasia is a Princess of Heart, and Dowager Empress Marie holds Royal Authority.

Lucian is a Prince of Heart, and Royal Authority is either held by his father, or it may have passed onto him when they met him on Destiny Island.

Mickey also holds Royal Authority, but is not close to any particular Princess of Heart. (Therefor, there is room for one Princess of Heart who doesn't have any sort of figure above them to hold Royal Authority). Unless we wanted to make someone like Daisy a Princess of Heart.

And Uther holds one more instance of Royal Authority.

So that leaves 2 more characters that can have Royal Authority.

Something to keep in mind is, not many people know about Royal Authority, and what it actually is, is essentially a complete mystery. That being said, it's not crazy to imagine someone like Maleficent who is sort of in the know about its existence, might try to seize it for herself, but have absolutely no way of actually knowing who has it... so she may assume any hero or leader in a given world would have it.

To put it one way, Royal Authority is not yet really central to the plot... at least, it won't be relevant until after KH1 is done.

But like I said, someone like Maleficent wouldn't know that nobody in Tarzan's world has it. (If they don't)

Also... we can easily do what the game did, and come the end of KH1, who the Princesses of Heart are can change. Not all, but some. And with them, the Royal Authority may change as well.

Especially if... well, I'll bring it up with Kindred.
Oh also one thing we talked about, not set in stone but it is the idea that each of the Princesses (and Prince) of Heart will be tied to a villain that represents one of the Seven Deadly Sins. For example, Mulan is a Princess of Heart, her nemesis is Shan Yu, the avatar of Wrath, and the Emperor holds Royal Authority in their world.

This all depends on who ends up being Princesses of Heart.
Yeah there is still a few details to work out here and there, some miscommunications to iron out but you all get the general plot here. Will respond more once I am free from work.

As to where the final confrontation happens, I dont think we decided yet.

I think a lot of this story will focus on what a heart is, what it means to have a heart, how you cant simply replace one because everything that makes you who you are is your heart. A Nobody is just the renains of a person who died, and has lost what makes them who they are, which is why they are disconnected from their past life and who they used to be. But at the same time, new hearts can be created by living life, creating new memories, experiencing emotions. But it is not an easy process once a heart is lost, unless they can reclaim their original heart.
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