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And done.

I got a shortish response out since there was not too much to work from and thanks to me deleting what I had twice thanks to closing the wrong tabs. If there is anything wrong with it throw me a message and I will fix it but for now I am going to sleep before my lectures tomorrow.
Seth sighed and looked up at the sky for a second trying to think of a suggestion that could help the group, his idea that the cat was taken away by someone with a grudge was now out of the window much like the missing cat leaving him close to clueless on ideas. Normally in detective books he head read it was always someone who had a grudge against the victim in someway.

The boy was pulled out of his thoughts and back into the situation by Aoi's volunteering to try and help and stepped out of her way to allow her to get through more easily to the other girl. He smiled a bit at her twitching ears as they distracted and possibly calmed down the client due to their cat like appearance to some which was something he had failed to do by putting the girl on the spot with his questions.

Listening in to Aoi's discovery and the clients remembering of the window being locked Seth thought once more though this time out loud. "Maybe the cat really does have thumbs." Was what came out of the boys mouth before he quickly realised his mistake scrambling through his head to add something a bit more solid to the pool of suggestions.

"I mean if someone had to unlock it from the inside couldn't one of your family members have opened the window to let it the cat out for a stroll?" He asked the client trying to add in a bit more of a friendly tone then how his questions to her were earlier.
I will get a post out tomorrow I guess then.
Seth listened to the girl talk about her missing cat trying to wonder what might have happened to the girls cat. A catnapping just seemed unlikely but it still seemed the most likely since a cat could not open a window by itself, that would require thumbs..cats with thumbs that was ridiculous even for this district.
"Do you know anyone who might steal your cat? Like do you have anyone who has a problem with you or your family?" Seth asked the girl breaking the silence of his train of thoughts to try and make tracking the cat somewhat easier.

Turning to Shina to respond to give her his conclusion so far "If the cat has been kidnapped then it could be anywhere in the district now, maybe we check with the police to see if anymore cases of cat thefts have occurred that way we can try and set up a trap for the thief but, if its a solo case then it was either random chance that this thief stole this cat or it was personal to the girl or her family." He explained his reasoning wondering if anyone else had any ideas about how to go about this since no one as rushing to throw ideas onto the table.

Well at least if it did end in a fight with a kidnapper the group could just set Shina on them Seth thought noticing that Akio had turned down Hikaru and faced away as to not try and draw attention that would lead the girl to approach him once more.

Is she allowed to run with scissors? Sounds like a health and safety hazard if so.
I am slowly working on my post but writers block as well as not having that much to do for this post means so don't expect a large post by any means.
Aye, I will start working on a team cat post after I have a bite to eat now I am done moving ^^.
Really, Team Cat does need to post. ^^;


Sorry. I will get to it either tomorrow or sunday since I am moving into uni tomorrow.
Cat team is mainly waiting on @Natsu and @Vocab to do a post I believe.
Thats fine XD I did kinda want to set that up but did not want to but into the conversation. ^^

@Raineh Daze
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