A Zach Carter, Delaney Barlowe and Miles Price interaction
By @Hedgehawk, @Sadie and @Soufflegirl123
It had been a good while since Zach had actually been involved with any kind of coven matters. Ever since the coven ceremony a few weeks back, Zach had been avoiding the household. Too much drama going on. He had heard dribbles and drabbles but nothing from the horse's mouth so to say. Zach was eager to try and integrate himself back into Coven life. He had been admittedly quite lonely, settling into his new place and starting his new job as a fast food employee. Zach made sure that he took his job outside of Tanner, lest any of the girls there figure out the kind of job he had to take to pay the bills.
Entering the coven, he looked around the hall and noticed just how empty it was now. He figured that Carlisle had to be around here somewhere, but he had actually messaged Miles and asked him to meet up and hang out for a bit while Zach reintegrated. He was still trying to message Catherine from the dance and speak to her more, but he was getting the impression she was either not interested in him or she was giving him the dip for another reason. Waiting in the hallway impatiently, Zach spent some time observing the new sign that Carlisle had put on the basement entrance, and the extra padlock.
Miles had received Zach's text during his coffee break that morning. Miles hadn't seen Zach since the party if he thought about it, even at the party he'd barely seen him. Part of Miles knew he'd already spent quite a few evenings out recently, John had made that all too clear with his mutterings on Miles not being around to help with the evening chores as if he wasn't up at the crack of dawn to help on the farm. Regardless he knew he couldn't be out late every night, not with Lilith getting more pregnant by the day. Hoping to help with a speedy escape when the time came for him to go he asked Delaney to come with him.
Miles went straight to the coven after work, swinging the door open and walking in as if he belonged there. In truth he did. "Zach, man. How are you doing?” he asks his friend as he claps his back.
Why in the hell was she going back to this damn coven? Miles hadn’t mentioned much to her, just to help her with something. Delaney figured it had to be something with the little shrimp pretending to be in charge. She had ended up pulling in just a few moments after Miles, seeing his car and him walking inside the building.
She soon parked her car and headed into the coven. Delaney immediately noticed Miles with Zach, being all pleasant to the guy. ”No. Hell no.” She looked at Zach and scowled at him. ”Go back to wherever you came from. You’re not wanted here..”
Miles hadn't even managed to greet his other friend before she was scowling at Zach. He gave a sigh, turning to her. Miles had near forgotten the amount of times he'd had to play a middle man for his friends, why did barely any of them get along? ”Not that kinda help, Laney,” he says gently.
Zach smiled as he saw Miles. It felt nice to have some contact and some friendly company. Before Zach could even respond, another voice echoed across the hallway and Zach face fell. ”What!? What are you doing here? I didn't remember ordering a whistling hyena to keep me company” Zach growled back at Delaney.
Delaney scoffed at Miles as she returned her attention to Zach. She scrunched her nose and shook her head. ”Wow, you’re so witty. A whistling hyena? Couldn’t come up with anything better than that? Ouch, sorry for you.” She folded her arms across her chest and looked back at Miles. ”What am I doing here?”
Honestly, Miles didn't really remember that Delaney and Zach were at odds. He was hoping the woman could take over keeping him company when he had to disappear for the night. "Zach wanted to get back into the coven and I thought it'd be good for him to see another friendly face,” he throws the pair of them a stern eyebrow raise. ”I can't be out all hours of the night all the time anymore.”
Zach looked even more confused. Miles invited Delaney here? Why would he do that? Zach thought for a second before then the last part of his statement sunk in. ”Since when could the great party animal Miles not be allowed to be out all night for?” Zach asked arching an eyebrow.
She huffed at the look Miles gave her before looking back at Zach, She didn’t know why she disliked the guy so much. Delaney shook her head and rolled her eyes at the man. ”Since he went and knocked up Lilith.”
”Woah Woah. Hold up. Hold right up” Zach held up his hands in disbelief. ”You are back with Lilith and you shot a baby into her? When were you going to tell your main man? Keeping me in the dark isn't cool man”
Scrunching her nose at that response, she rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. ”Hate to break it to you, Zach. His main man position has been refilled. And don’t talk like that about Lilith. We all know she can wipe you off this place with one shake of her finger.”
Everything had gone at such breakneck speed Miles had no clue who did and didn't know about him and Lilith. Gossip spread so fast in Tanner he knew people Miles barely had anything to do with would know. "C'mon, man. I don't know how you didn't know I got back with Lilith, it's been nearly 3 months.” He sighed, running his hands through his hair. "But- yeah. She's pregnant,” he confirms. As Delaney speaks up he scratches the back of her head. "You're both good friends, ‘kay.”
”three months…” Zach looked shocked, how had he not known about this? He hadn't really had the chance to spend time with Miles since he got back from college, but this was ridiculous. ” Well I suppose a congratulations is on order. I will admit its going to be alot harder to pull now that you aren't my wingman. But hey. More girls for me right?”
"Thanks, man.” Miles replies, clapping him on the shoulder. This wasn't the response he expected from his party animal friend. In fact he was expecting Zach to expect Miles would keep going the way he always had and run from it all.
She just stood back and watched the interaction between the two of them. Delaney rolled her eyes before looking at her finger nails. [color=teal]”Honestly. Whoever came into my bar knew. You don’t get me drunk if you don’t want things to come to the front.” She looked at the two men and shook her head. ”I’m so not covering you as a wingman. I’m a taken woman now.”
”Well, we can still go out every now and again right?” Zach asked, a slight twang of desperation in his voice. Zach tried to confidently swagger it off by rolling his shoulders, but it was still there. ”I came down to the Coven because I figured I could help with something. If I am being honest I have been lonely since coming back to Tanner” He then turned to face Delaney ”Well well… Someone actually decided to take one for the team. Who do I need to give the award to?”
Delaney rolled her eyes at Zach’s comment before smirking. She knew her boyfriend was strong and very, very capable of squeezing this guy into a pulp. Tilting her head to the side, she folded her arms across her chest. Her smirk only broadened. ”Rowan Gale.”
At Zach's asking about going out Miles gives a shrug. "I don't think Li's gonna sentence me to never go out again but between the kids and the ranch I'm not gonna have all the time I used to.” Miles replies. As the pair bickered Miles rolled his eyes, placing his work bag on the ground for better access to his back pocket. He rifles through and finds his tattered leather wallet he'd held onto since he was a teen. "Part of the reason I asked you to come, Laney, is I thought you'd wanna see this,” he announces, pulling thin trifold piece of paper out of his wallet and holding it in the air between his fingers.
Zach almost winced at the sound of Rowans name. ”Poor guy. Send him my apologies” Rowan sighed. Thankfully no one seemed to pick up on little emotional display earlier,. He had feared that Delaney would pick up on it and use it against him. ”So what exactly is that you got their Miles?”
She was so ready to hit that guy. Rolling her eyes, she smirked to herself. While Rowan was a loveable type of person, he also fiercely protected the ones he loved, so Delaney wasn’t worried about anyone in the slightest. Her eyes moved from Zach to the little piece of paper in Miles’ hand. She tilted her head slightly to the left as she focused in on the item. ”Yes, do share with the class, Mi.”
”Well, Li had her first scan in my lunch hour today,” he said gently as he unfurled paper in his hands. "I dunno, thought you guys might wanna see.” Seeing his children and hearing their heartbeats earlier that day only made the situation more real to Miles. It reignited a lot of his fears but it seemed to also create some excitement in the man. "I, uh, gave them names.” He points to the first kid. "This is Tay-” his finger drops down to the next vaguely baby shaped form. "This is Ter-” he moves his finger down once more. "And this is Tot. Lilith hates it.” he looks back at his friends with a goofy grin. Although this was far from the life they had planned he figured he might as well make the best out if it. He supposed it was one of his best features- being able to roll with the punches.
Zach looked over at the scan and a look of bewilderment came over his face. Sure they were cute. And he was happy for Miles. If Miles was happy, so was he. But children? Why would you want them? Even more so at their age. Still Zach didn't want to be the downer of the group and simply smiled and patted Miles on the back. ”Three for the price of one. I suppose if you are going to do it, might as well get your moneys worth”
”You have got to be shittin’ me.” Delaney grabbed the scan from his hands and counted them out. There were definitely three little babies in there. Her wild best friend, her cyclone, her party buddy, was absolutely one-hundred percent a dad. To three. Delaney sucked in a breath and shook his head. [color=teal]”Well. Yep. That’s three.”[//color] She shook her head and glanced at Miles. She knew him and Lilith had just gotten back together, but that didn’t mean that Lil was pure and kept her panties on. ”Are we sure that you’re the father of triplets?” She looked up at him. ”You know. Asking for a friend.”
Miles pursed his lips a moment. He'd be lying if the thought of the kids not being his hadn't crossed his mind especially in those first couple of weeks. "Well we first figured it out cus Salem could feel ‘em and as far as I know there's not heaps of magi floating around Tanner. ‘specially of… my kind,” Miles seemed to be putting the pieces together all over again but it was clear he's talked through it all before. "The scan kinda proved they were conceived around the time of that first party in September and, y'know-” The man gives a sigh, looking over his friend. "I don’t think there's anyone else's they could be. Besides, Lil tried to get me to, I don’t know, leave them I guess? She'd probably just tell me straight up if they weren't mine.”
”Of course she tried to get you to leave. That’s what Lil does. She takes on so many tasks before she’ll just explode.” Delaney scoffed at her best friend and rolled her eyes. ”Just…I dunno. Don’t let the super babies rule the world or whatnot.” She shook her head and ran a hand through her hair. [color=tease]”Rowan wants kids. I’ve always just wanted to be the fun drunk aunt. But now it looks like I have to turn wholesome. Pure. All maternal.” She pat her friend on the shoulder. ”I’m still going to be auntie to those babies. If anyone should decide to hurt them.”
”I didn't mean in a mad sorta way.” Miles clarified, gently taking the pictures back from his friend. "She just kinda went on spiel about how I've got a life to live or whatever as if she doesn't too.” As Delaney mentions Rowan wanting kids a small chuckle escapes the young man. Delaney was a lot of things but maternal didn't seem like one of them. Then again, Miles knew he wasn't quite the paternal type either. He pats Delaney's hand on her shoulder. "Two fish outta water you and I, hey?” he asks. ”I get to be your baby's first visitor though. When you have them. At this rate it seems like I'll be an experienced baby wrangler by then,” he half jokes with a chuckle. It was wild, only 4 or so months ago he and Delaney were going to bars together and getting blackout drunk but here they were now, planning families.
She scrunched her nose when his hand went to her shoulder. Delaney knew she was going to be completely out of her element if she ever had a kid. She never found herself liking one. But the idea of a family with Rowan? Then she could maybe see her future. Her shoulders shrugged at him and let out a breath. ”Growing old sucks. When did we become responsible adults? Well. Responsible ish.”
”I don't know what you're talking about. We can still be young and dumb!” Miles announces, carefully placing the scan pictures back in his wallet. His voice drops as he continues on, "Just as long as Lil's okay with me going out… and there's someone to take care of the kids… and she's had a break… and I've seen them recently… this is just what being responsible when you go out looks like, isn't it?”
Zach stood there and watched as bit by bit Miles and Delaney went down a rabbit hole together. Zach didn't really interject because one: it was a moment between Delaney and Miles, but also because he had nothing left to contribute to this. He hadn't ever had a serious relationship. In fact he was fairly confident he hadn't had a relationship last longer than a week. This kind of behaviour had never interested him. He wanted to be a free spirit with friends. But now college was over and his friends were settling down and becoming stable. Tanner was a small town. People talked, and it wouldn't be long before Zach was going to have burnt through all the lovers in the town, or gained a strong enough reputation that nobody would come near him. It was an odd piece of introspection, ie which caused Zach to phase out of the conversation and the pats on the back, staring into the middle-distance as he figures out what is going on in his life.
Noticing him phasing out, Miles cocked his head before calling out, ”Zach? You okay buddy?”
Zach snapped back to reality hearing Miles words. ”Yeah no dude. Perfectly fine. Happy for you. Really good.” Zach said as he patted Miles on the back as well. He shook his head for a second to shake the thoughts out of his head. ”Gunna be weird going on the pull on my own dude”
Miles couldn't help but feel like something was off with the way Zach replied but gave a shrug. ”Thanks man. I'll need as many people in my corner considering I'm- oh.” On speaking Miles realized he never told Zach about his magical status. While Lilith's pregnancy and Miles and her relationship was news that spread like wildfire to the town gossip train, him being magi not so much. ”Turns out I'm magi… from a great family too.”
As if Zach’s brain couldn't break anymore, there it was. ”You are a Magi…. Like. When did you find that out? Why didn't I know? I have a phone you know. People can just text me” Zach retorted, looking a mix of both confused and hurt by the comments.
Miles pursed his lips as Zach mentioned the phone. He felt a little bad but in truth he was closer to Delaney, especially when it came to deep issues like this. ”’bout month and a half ago,” the man mutters quietly under his breath, averting his eyes from the man's gaze. ”Look, Zach, I'm sorry man,” Miles pleads, looking back up at the man. ”It's been a long month and I'm still trying to figure this whole thing out myself. It's like life's moving a thousand miles an hour in 10 different directions,I didn't mean to leave you aside.”
Zach on instinct folded his arms, not looking that impressed. He had a suspicion that Delaney had known everything from the start. He had always thought that he was closer to Miles than Delaney. But it would perhaps appear the other way around. With a soft sigh, Zach unwound his arms. ”It's whatever dude… It’s cool. I am happy for you”
As the two spoke to each other, she folded her arms across her chest and rocked on her heels. She knew it was a pretty big moment between friends when Miles told her about his babies. He needed someone to talk to, and she was always there for her best friend. Miles was like a brother to her and she felt incredibly honored that he hadn’t told many other people before he told her. She continued to rock back on her heels as she watched the interaction between the two guys. Rolling her eyes, Delaney nudged Zach and shook her head. ”Stop being so doom and gloom. So what if he told me first? You could always just stay stuck in second place. Get a participation trophy.”
Miles sighed at Zach's reply. It was obvious the man was mad and, honestly, it caused a twang of annoyance alongside the twang of guilt. That was when Delaney responded and he doubted her response would help. ”C'mon D.” he gently groans at his female friend. Although it was true that especially since returning from college Miles was closer to Delaney he didn't want that causing a rift in his friendship with Zach. ”Look, Zach, I'm sorry. ‘Kay? I mean we never talked all that deep about life unless we're drunk out of our minds anyway. I doubt it'd be that big of a deal to you.” If Miles was being honest, he wasn't sure if Zach would take all the news well. He was his drinking buddy, so was Delaney but Zach used to always be in for the wilder nights, not so much the quiet moments after. Miles wasn't sure how well announcing he couldn't really do them anymore would go.
”Look, I am not mad. Or angry. I am genuinely happy for you. I know you have been busy dude. Just. Yknow a single text would have been nice” Zach was angry, but he didn't want to stress Miles anymore. So instead he would just keep it surpressed and inside him. He gave off a smile, waving his hand at Delaney's comment to dismiss her, sliding his middle finger to her in the process.
Delaney raised a bored brow at Zach, her head tilting to the side. ”Oh, always so classy, Zach. I’m sorry but, if it were up to me, you’d be gone. Just because you’re…you. You should be thankful that I don’t control Miles’ life. That right now belongs to Lilith and her babies. So, you either drop the attitude towards my bestie, or I’ll make your life miserable. Kay?”
Zach couldn't have a go at Miles, but he could have a go at Delaney. He didn't really feel like getting into a shouting match with Delaney though. His brain was still wandering around the idea of relationships and children. So instead he went for the more primal response. ”You wanna step outside Delaney, give you your own free attitude adjustment”
”Alright, cool it. Both of you.” Miles intercepts, standing in the middle of the pair. In truth the fighting around him was starting to give him a headache. ”I don’t know why you 2 hate each other so much but can we just pretend to play nice?”
She stared down Zach before letting out a breathy chuckle. ”Pretend? Oh, I can do that. Just like I pretended he got me off. Which, I did. Cause Mr Oompa Loopa has a tiny woompsa.” Delaney couldn’t help but to laugh at her own joke. ”Seriously, though? I have class and he’s a mess.”
Zach audibly growled at Delaney's comment. He could feel the anger boiling over. He just huffed and threw his hands in the air. ”You know, fuck this. Don't even know why I came back to this stupid coven” Zach stormed past Delaney, brushing his shoulder into hers as he passed. ”I am out of here. Laters losers”
”Well… that could've gone better.” Miles sighs, watching as Zach storms out of the room.
She rose both brows and watched Zach run off. Delaney couldn’t help the smirk that pulled at her face. ”He’s never been able to rise to the occasion. Poor boy.” Turning to fully face Miles, she folded her arms across her chest. She scrunched her nose. ”Mine and Rowan’s kids are so going to beat your kids in something. He works with his hands, he’ll teach them all the things.” With a nod, she paused herself and groaned. ”Why am I thinking about having babies? Do you know what that will do to my waist?”
”Please, my girlfriend's carrying literal superbabies. Good luck one upping that.” he teases in return. As she gives a groan Miles couldn’t help but chuckle. ”You never know, a cute lil baby bump might suit you. You might even be able to pull off stretch marks.” he jokes, giving his friend a goofy grin. In truth he had half a mind on Zach who'd just stormed away but he knew he wouldn't get anything out of the man right now, that was a later Miles issue. He refocuses his attention on Delaney first, she was here right now. ”Just promise me you’ll wait til the 2 of you know each other better. I don't know what Li and I would've done if we didn't really know each other that well.” he muses. Responsibility and seriousness like this was rarely the man's strong suit but it seemed to be growing on him. Was that part of getting older?
She eyed the man before shaking her head.”We live together and everything, we have a normal relationship. She let out a breath and shook her head. ”I’m not going to be you and Lil, you two are all heavy on lust, which led to the babies. I will be married first. So. I’ll have that for me. And I don’t know if it’ll be Rowan, so don’t jinx it.” Delaney ran a hand through her hair. ”It’s weird speaking like this. Like…grown ups or something. When did that happen?”
”Oh come now,” Miles replies with mock hurt. ”I'll have you know that in that month before we found out she was pregnant we only did it 3 times. I think for me that's quite a bit of restraint. Since when were you any better than me when it came to lust anyway?” Delaney's last question made Miles bite his bottom lip. When indeed. ”I don't know,” he mutters, running a hand through his hair also. ”I don't know if I hate it though. I guess we're just growing up, guess we're getting a bit old for the keg stands and the sleeping around.” He huffs out a breath. ”You ever get the feeling your life is over now? I don't know, I guess I always thought I'd be partying hard until I was old but here I am at 24 looking at preschools and saving for college funds.”
Delaney couldn’t help watching the multiple expressions that were being displayed on his face. She laughed a bit before covering her mouth and shaking her head. But the feeling of life being over? ”Absolutely not. With Rowan? It feels as though everything has just begun. My life has just now started and it is absolutely beautiful. She let out a breath and shrugged. ”I also don’t have the knowledge of being pregnant with triplets at our age, either. So. Maybe there’s that.”
Miles forced out a small chuckle. ”I guess.” He muses gently, looking vaguely into the distance. His mind was running a million miles a minute. It didn’t do that before. ”It’s not that I don’t love Lil or not want these kids or anything. I’ve kinda warmed up to the idea of being a dad-” his body seems to cut him off for a moment as a small shutter runs through him. ”That’s weird, I’ve never really said it that way before. I’m going to be a dad.” He seems to get lost in that train of thought for a moment, his eyes glazed over as he got lost in his mind. It wasn’t until a good minute had passed he remembered he was saying something with a point. ”Sorry, what was I saying? Lil. Yeah, it's not that I hate what’s become of this life just- it’s just a lot different to what I thought it’d be, y’know?”
Delaney had been studying him as he spoke, and a wide grin spread across her face. One of her best friends was going to be a dad. Yes, to triplets and yes, with a woman he isn’t married to-” she stopped at that thought and tilted her head. Would he have Lilith birth these kids out of wedlock? She wasn’t one that cared about sex before marriage. Have to test drive the car before you can buy it, right? But bringing kids into the mix? She wasn’t sure of. I guess it was her way of making sure he didn’t back out from having these children. ”Have you two..talked about marriage at all?”
Miles seemed almost taken aback by Delaney’s comment. If he did see himself getting married he always thought it’d be much farther in the future. Then again, he didn’t think kids would ever be a part of his life. ”Gee, D, you’re starting to sound like my nan and pawpaw’s neighbours in North Carolina. Next you’re gonna tell me we just can’t have children out of wedlock,” he half-jokes in an attempt to lighten the mood. He takes a long breath before actually working on answering her question. ”Nah, not really. I mean what difference does it make? We live in the same house. What difference is a fancy party and a couple of signatures gonna make?”
Delaney scrunched her nose when he mentioned his grandparents. Gods, she didn’t really sound like that, did she? She shook her head and let out a breath. ”I dunno, it’s just…it makes everything more official, you know? Plus weddings are extremely fun. Especially those that have an open bar. Get one of those, you can afford it now.”
Miles gives a chuckle, shaking his head. ”I mean, we’ve only been back together for- what?- 10 weeks? It feels a bit soon to be talking about marriage. I doubt Lil’ll wanna walk down the aisle pregnant anyway.”
She snorted at him before lightly pushing against him. [color=teal]”Dude. You’re literally the dad of three triplets. Right now. You have a baby mama. Think she wants her kids to be born out of wedlock? You think she actually cares?”
”Hey now, baby mama feels a bit harsh. It’s not like we’re just friends or anything,” Miles replies, nudging his friend with his shoulder. ”I don’t think she cares all that much about getting married before the kids are born. Why does this matter so much to you? You and Rowan planning on putting a ring on it already?”
”What? Absolutely not!” She stopped and eyed him, her head tilting to the side a bit. ”Why? What have you heard? You know you can’t keep this information from me. What has Rowan said? What has he done? Do you really think he’ll ask?”
”Chill, Laney, I'm just teasing.” Miles nudges his friend with his arm. He then stops to squint his eyes slightly. ”And if I did know why would I tell you? Isn't this kind thing meant to be a secret?”
She huffed out a huff and rolled her eyes at the man. ”You would tell me cause I’m your bestest friend in the universe. Well, besides, you know, Lilith.” Delaney shrugged her shoulders. ”Part of me thinks Rowan is already there. Hell, I practically moved into his house after that first night. He’s taking everything really quickly and I just want to slow it down some. I’m not ready to be somebody’s mother.”
”All the more reason to hide it from you,” Miles teases after the woman’s first line, ruffling her hair. At her second line Miles gives her a tightlipped smile. He hadn’t really processed how fast his best friend’s relationship had moved. Or at least hadn’t processed that it was an unnatural rate considering he and Lilith moved almost as fast. Yet when he thought about it he realised they were very different situations. Miles and Lilith had dated for years before and grew up extremely close. Not to mention Lilith was pregnant with his children. Rowan and Delaney though? They knew of each other, sure, but not the way he and Lil had. And likely not enough for this to be a normal pace. ”Have you told him?” Miles asks his friend. ”He probably just got a bit excited, I doubt he wants you to have his children tomorrow.”
Delaney sighed. She knew that tone of voice from him pretty well. She always got it when he thought she was making very bad decisions. At his last comment, she laughed before covering her mouth. ”I don’t care if he’s the President. There’s no way in hell I’m spitting out some babies unless there is a ring on my finger. She shrugged her shoulders. [color=teal]”It matters completely what Rowan thinks of the whole situation, but I doubt he’s been thinking of their names. Then again, his wood work gave him plenty of time alone with his thoughts. She groaned. ”I seriously hate you right now for putting that thought into my head.”
Miles chuckles, slinging his work bag over his shoulder. He couldn't stop his mind wandering back to Delaney's earlier questioning. ”Did Lilith say anything to you? Is that why this whole getting married thing is suddenly so important to you?”
”Lilith?” She blinked and looked back at the man. ”Lilith? We don’t talk about things like that.” Delaney shrugged her shoulders. ”If it doesn’t deal with my table getting a drink, then we don’t talk about that. I didn’t even know she was pregnant until you told me. You and me are friends. Lilith and I are coworkers.”
”Alright, Alright,” Miles replies disarmingly, raising his hands. ”Look, if it means so much to you I'll ask her at some point this week. Means I can tell you ‘I told you so’ when she says something like ’let's just take things one day at a time’ with that bewildered stare she has.” he gives a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck.
Delaney shook her head at him and ran a hand through her hair. ”It might not be important to her. And it’s just something I believe in. So you don’t have to follow my beliefs at all. Was just a little suggestion.”
Miles nods, readjusting the strap on his bag. ”Well I’ll keep you updated. But if she says she does you have to help me find the ring. There’s no way I’m doing that alone,” he replies. His eyes turn to the windows. LIght was already fading fast as the early nights of the oncoming winters took over. ”Talking of Lil though, I should head back home. More to save myself from John than her to be honest with you. Can I just ask something of you first Laney? Apart from the whole ring thing of course.”
The last thing she wanted to do was to shop for rings. She didn’t want someone in this town blabbering off to her boyfriend that Delaney was ring shopping. But, Miles was her best friend, so she would of course help him. Looking over at the guy, she rose a brow and nodded her head. ”You know you can ask me anything, Mi. What’s up?”
”Can you just keep an eye on her for me, at the bar I mean.” Miles gave a sigh, tapping the leather strap of his work bag with his fingers. ”She's meant to be taking it easy but you know what Li's like.”
”I think we all know what Lilith is like.” Letting out a breath, she looked at him for a moment before caving, her head giving a slid nod. ”I’ll try my hardest, but no promises. And you know Lilith wouldn’t be happy at all about me watching her. She’ll know it’s you.”
Miles gives a shrug, resting on the heels of his feet. ”I know,” he confesses softly. He rhythmically taps the strap of his bag once more. ”But I think there's a lot of things she won't be happy about. What's one more reason on the growing list, y'know?”
She stared at Miles for a moment before shaking her head. ”One more reason? Lilith doesn’t hate me yet. She will most definitely not like or trust me if I keep an eye on her without her knowing. I don’t want to be a reason.” Sighing, Delaney looked around, seemingly in thought. She placed her hands on her hips as she studied her friend’s face. After a moment she rolled her eyes. ”Fine. But if she tries to kick my ass, I’m ratting you out.”
”Alright, alright,” Miles replies, raising his forearms in half-joking defense. ”You do what you gotta to save your ass, mine's getting a whooping regardless.” The man gives a chuckle, looking over his friend's hesitant face. Despite her reluctance Miles was glad there was someone he could trust around Tanner despite his and Lil's mothers. ”We should get our drink on again soon, ‘kay? Before I'm surrounded by crying babies and dirty diapers.”
Delaney couldn’t help a small laugh. She shook her head and leaned in for a hug. ”And maybe by that time I’ll have an announcement of my own.” She quickly moved back from him as she processed how her statement had sounded. The girl shook her head. ”Definitely not a pregnancy, though. I am so not the ideal mother type.” With a grin, she nodded at her best friend. [color=teal]”Definitely lots of drinks are needed before babies end up here.” She smirked at him. ”Love you, bubs. Go home to Lilith.”
Miles gives another chuckle, pulling his friend into a hug. ”And I'm far from the ideal father but here we are.” he teases lightly. Delaney was right, he should make his way home. If not for Lilith than the countless chores he was sure John had waiting for him. ”See you round, D.” he replies with a small two fingered salite before exiting the coven house and making his way back home.