Avatar of Triantafyllo


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5 mos ago
Current The rustling of the leaves, the singing of the blue jays and larks and robins, the laughter of the wind, all coming together in a symphony of loving, perfect harmony.
5 mos ago
And what if you two layed next to each other in silence, but no, not silence, for the air around you is filled with music?
1 like
5 mos ago
And what if they lied down beside you, and you could tell they were smiling as they laughed–laughed your best friend’s laugh–just for the joy of it?
5 mos ago
[sorry for the wait, life got crazy!]
5 mos ago
And what if that rustle turned into a soft grunt of a person you knew sitting down next to you?


Hi! Yall can call me Trian or just Tri or mostly whatever. I'm pretty new to rping but exited!!! :DDDD

Most Recent Posts

But, suddenly, the phone rings, making Jack finally cast his eyes away from his experiment as his boss picks up. Boss’s eyes blow wide for a moment as Jack can just hear a voice yell frantically through the phone. But then Boss’s eyes crinkle and he laughs. Jack smiles as he turns back to his work. He knows even before his boss says anything that the age of nothing interesting is ending abruptly, without pretense, and most probably with entirely horrible and completely wonderful theatrics.

As he continues prepping his experiment for the blowtorch, Jack catches his boss doing his five second morning routine. He would have to figure out what he could bribe Boss with to let Jack study his abilities someday soon, but for now he pulled out the torch and flipped down his goggles.

“Imma torch, okay?” He called out, using two of his spider legs to clear a space on the desk to set the now purple, gooey substance on. He flicked off the safety on the handle, whispered Algerfraster,” and torched.
HEy yall shameless plug lol but im posting a line from a poem i wrote called Notice every day on my profile until its finished if yall wanna check it out!! :DDD
HEy yall shameless plug lmaooo but im posting a line from a poem i wrote called Notice every day on my profile until its finished if yall wanna check it out!! :DDD
guys wth lmaooo
heyyy since I dont know crap about science im just gonna put random scenc-y words in my posts if thats okayyyyy?
Jack walked into the office late (as usual) with no idea he was late (as usual), mumbling something to himself about compounds and the solvent for gold. He was forced out of the daydream, though, when he tripped on the doorway, letting out a little yelp, and just catching himself on the doorway with one of his spider legs.

He grumbled, and righted himself, noticing his boss looking worried at him from his usual spot. He looked like he had been crying.

Not particularly interesting.

In fact, there hadn’t been something truly interesting in ages. And judging by his desk vacant of case files, there wouldn’t be today, either.

He sighed as he went to sit at his desk, practically overflowing with vials and tubes of all different sizes filled with a plethora of different substances. Some were glowing, some fizzled with magic, some fizzled with just science, and some had turned a disappointing brown.

“Dang,” Jack sighed, picking up the vial with said disappointing substance. “I thought for sure the iodine would carbonize. Well, time to try the alcohol now, I guess.” He sat at that, setting the first vial aside for a bottle of clear liquid.

As he poured, he called out without looking away, “There don't happen to be any cases that came up last minute today that you didn’t have time to make a case file for, do there?”
wait so im dumb and kinda confused- how did the second racoon die??
guys i read yall's characters this is gonna b amazin im so exited yall :DDD
Posted my oc! @Sillyman59 Does it look good? Is there anything I need to/should change?
sorry this is so informal by the way its just easier for me to write this way?? idk just ignore me


(There’s a TLDR at the very bottom for all of this if you want!)

GENDER: male

AGE: 19

RACE: spider-hybrid?? Idk man

SKIN COLOR: black (black black not African American)

EYE COLOR: red irises


HAIR STYLE: short and a little messy

BUILD: he a weak boi lmaoo

HIGHT: 5’ 3”

has 4 humanoid arms (2 out of each side of his body) and 6 giant spider arms out of his back (YES I KNOW THATS 10 AND NOT 8 BUT I THINK ITLL LOOK BETTER AESTHETICALLY SO)

- homemade bombs/gasses mostly,

- plus he can put armor on the ends of his spider arms so that they’re sharp (but also he forgets to bring the armor a lot soo…)

- Most of the time wears this trench coat-lab coat combo thing (color/texture of trench coat but style of a lab coat)

- w sleeves only for his 4 humanoid arms- his spider arms have just holes they’re pokin out of,

- n prolly a black tshirt

- and some black pants ig


- talks in long strings of barely coherent words you barely catch when exited (which is often),

- is very half-glass-full kinda guy,

- gets back on his feet easily emotionally (or so it seems),

- gives people lots of chances.

- He a very clumsy boi- his arms get tangled a lot (especially when he’s excited)

- and they also knock stuff over a lot, which is bad in a lab (his natural habitat),

- but he has made a lot of really good cleaning solutions!

- Also, he really just hides his emotions/pushes them down all the time,

- and when he gets mad he becomes the most terrifying guy ever. Like gets-in-your-head mad-scientist crazy-serial-killer kinda terrifying. Oh, and he can do crazy painful and crazy trippy things to you with his science. So… :]

- kinda… uh… forgets abt morality when he’s discovering somthn new.

- Like he’ll do some unethical stuff to figure out why stuff works

- Like “ITS FOR SCIENCE GOSHDARNIT WHY CANT U C THAT D:<” is his excuse for pretty much everything

- Its kinda like the “greater good” thing like “ok so what one or two ppl get hurt now in the research? itll help like a million mor ppl later so”

- (he wont usually go to the extent of killing/permanently hurting someone, but everything else is kinda fair game for him)

- is OBSESSED with alchemy/how science connects to magic/just magic and science and in general. (and also a bit in engineering.)

- He’s way better at science than magic though, which is frustrating to him.

- He’s currently trying to catalog/understand like… all of magic. Just like- everything.

- Will not accept some things should be left mysterious/undiscovered/untampered with.

- Also is constantly inventing new ways to combine things- aka making a new type of deadly gas/a new element/a (theoretical) cure to a sickness, etc.

FEARS: the unknown/things that cannot be understood/things he doesn’t understand

- is kinda bad at understanding emotions/emotional situations.

- Like he dosn’t know what a ‘personal’ question is…

- Also like if someone gets sad his response is trying to come up with logical reasons they shouldn’t and…

- ya its just real awkward and bad lmao.

- rly good at makin sciency stuff ig

- OH AND ALSO he has venomous fangs :D (but be hardly ever uses them unless he has to)

- Has been without parents from since before he can remember

- He stayed with an older avian woman from since he can remember to abt age 12

- But then she got wigged out bc he was showing slightly villainous tendencies- he was like killing all the magic animals he found to study them and trying (slash sometimes bribing or threatening if they really wouldnt comply) magical people to let him study them too (NOT KILL just like give some blood or a few feathers or scales or smthn)

- So she kicked him out

- Luckily she had taught him basic survival skills and he made his way in the world

- until he finally got a job w a blacksmith bc he could like figure out how to make/determine the best metals or smthn like that idk (he did this in exchange for a place to stay n food)

- Eventually he got bored n left n finally found a much more (for now) interesting job in The Anomalous Mystery Foundation!

- (they needed someone that knew the mechanics of magic/science rly well or somethn maybe??)

Also if yall know Varian from the tanged ep series and Sherlock from Sherlock (the one played by Benedict Cumberbatch) Jack’s kinda based on them both a little

- Jack is a 19-year-old, black-skinned spider-hybrid with red eyes and messy black hair. He has a slender build, standing at 5'3", and possesses four humanoid arms and six spider legs.

- Personality: Enthusiastic, optimistic, and often speaks in a rapid, incoherent manner. Emotionally resilient and forgiving, but can be clumsy and forgetful. Tends to suppress emotions, but becomes menacing when angered, using science to inflict harm.

- Moral Compass: Driven by curiosity and a disregard for leaving things unexplored, Jack often engages in ethically questionable practices for scientific progress. Fears the unknown and the incomprehensible.

- Interests: Obsessed with the connection of magic and science, and seeks to catalog and understand all aspects of magic. Skilled in scientific endeavors but struggles with performing magic, social interactions, and emotional understanding.

- Backstory: Abandoned at a young age and raised by an avian woman until his fascination with magic and science led to his expulsion. Worked as a blacksmith's apprentice before joining the Anomalous Mystery Foundation.

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