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Hi! Yall can call me Trian or just Tri or mostly whatever. I'm pretty new to rping but exited!!! :DDDD

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He didn’t have to wait long, as the bartendress asked for his order almost a moment after. He barely had a second to ponder what sustenance an Upperworld inn might have before, suddenly, a tall, dark figure in a trenchcoat seemingly materialized behind the man holding the black and white creature.

Mordechai instinctively jumped out of his seat and reached for his sword, but his hand grabbed empty air. He had barely enough time to scold himself in forgetting that the weapon had been taken from him before another black and white animal suddenly leapt from the mysterious figure’s sleeve onto the other man’s face with a cry. Then, just as quickly, the thing took out some sort of device and made what Mordechi could only assume was a portal, chattering on all the way, until, finally, it let out one last rapid sentence and all three animals disappeared, leaving behind a black rectangular box with a handle.

Mordechi stared.

The animals had spoken.

What the hell.

They had created a portal! Just like that.

What the hell.

However, he supposed it seemed the threat was gone, so…

He slowly allowed himself to relax his stance, and carefully eased back onto the barstool he had been at. He cleared his throat, a little awkwardly, then called, “Um, do you happen to have any kind of meat?”
@BunniesOfDoom lol tysm!!

@gobboguy no need to be sorry! :D

Mordechi’s feet dragged slowly through the more sludge than snow of what seemed a frozen forest.

But why did his feet drag?

Why did he move so slowly, feel so terribly lethargic? He wasn’t cold (he was never cold), he had been multitudes more exhausted before, and was still able to hunt down any beast.

Plus, hadn’t he gotten what he wanted, ultimately? Now he could see all the places he read about, if he wanted. He could even build a library, collect his own books to read at his leisure.

He could do almost anything he wanted now.

So then why, oh why, did his feet drag?

Why did he feel so soul weary?

Perhaps, for the first time, he was lonel- and then the inn appeared.

He had unwittingly walked into what in springtime would be a meadow, but for now was coated with a layer of glittering snow, a little inn centered quaintly in the circular opening of trees.

It looked a simple lodging, made of bricks and logs and planks, a soft orange glow coming from the windows. But more than that, much more than that, the smell of food.

Mordechai’s mouth began to water. Mordechi nearly smiled. Nearly. Perhaps he was not soul weary! Likely he was merely hungry, and the inn was sure to have food, and so he entered-

-and immediately froze at the completely absurd sight in front of him. What seemed a Kaftos Ektroma, but couldn’t be, cause of the huge wings that hung from his back, was shaking some sort of furry black and white animal, and yelling something about an orb??

“Uhh…” Mordechi stared.

Was the man trying to… assert dominance over the animal?? Or something…???

Though, he supposed it didn’t really matter. All he wanted was food.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, and with heavy footsteps full of snow he abled over to the bar, pulled out a stool, and sat. It seemed the bartendress was attending to the man and his… pet, at the moment, so he waited patiently to be attended to.

(There’s a TLDR at the very bottom for all of this if you want!)

GENDER: male

AGE: 28

RACE: Psychros Ektroma

SKIN COLOR: light blue

EYE COLOR: shades of blue (black skelara)


HAIR STYLE: long, almost to waist, in a braid

BUILD: VERY muscular

HIGHT: he’s like 5 feet tall lol

WEAPON(S): none (would usually have a sword at least but it was taken from him)

OUTFIT: white linen long sleeve shirt, plain brown pants, brown boots

TEMPERAMENT/PERSONALITY: is very stoic/serious All The Time, laughs at Nothing/is Not Amused

INTERESTS/HOBBIES: reading- mostly only historical texts/texts about places he has yet to visit (which is almost everywhere), sword sparring, can kinda sorta play the lute o k a y, but he doesn’t like it that much

FEARS: incorporeal beings (ie. ghost, spirits, etc)- because he can’t fight it/defend himself against it, he feels defenseless

OTHER/QUIRKS: has fat ram-like horns that curl around the sides of his head

FIGHTING STYLE: well he can sword fight really well but he doesn’t currently have his sword so…, he can fight with just his fists pretty well, he’s kind of the Worst Marksman Ever (I’m talking with arrows- his village is not technologically advanced)

POWERS/TALENTS: (TLDR at bottom if you want!) He can create water and ice from his hands, but the more he produces the hotter he gets, and if he can’t stay cool enough he won’t be able to use his power anymore and he will also feel increasingly weak/faint. If he is in a climate/circumstances where he continues to get hotter even after he loses his powers, he will eventually pass out.
He can make almost any shape with the water/ice as long as it is smaller than like a house. He can make water/ice hold shape in the air, but it will eventually have to fall/be set down. He can make almost any shape and hold it for a good amount of time, but the bigger it is and the longer he holds it the faster he will heat up/get fatigued.
(By the way, if he, say, makes something and sets it on the ground, then since he is not changing it/holding it in the air, it now takes no effort to keep the ice in that shape.)
((Also his ice melts at a normal rate.))
(((He cannot make snow yet. That is a careful balance between ice and water and is therefore a hard skill to master.)))

- Mordechi can create and manipulate water and ice from his hands.
- Using his power causes him to heat up.
- If he cannot cool down, he will lose his power and become weak.
- The bigger and longer he holds a water/ice shape, the faster he heats up and gets fatigued.
- Once he sets a shape down, it requires no additional effort to maintain.
- His ice melts at a normal rate.
- He cannot currently create snow.

EKTROMA: (TLDR at bottom if you want!) If you’ve never heard of Ektroma before, don’t worry because I made them up!! (lol) (I mixed some dnd lore with my own imagination to make these!)
Essentially, there is a place underneath the “surface world” called the Abyss. The Abyss is home to Abyssal creatures, most of these being animals, but there is one humanoid race called “Ektroma”. (Btw “Ektroma” is/can be plural or singular.)
There are two subcategories of Ektroma that live in the two extreme regions of the Abyss: Kaftos Ektroma and Psychros Ektroma, that live in the Kaftos region and the Psychros regions, respectively.
Most Psychros Ektroma have the ability to control/produce water, as previously described, but it is very rare to be born with the ability to cool your core temperature enough to in addition create ice. Mordechi is one of these lucky ones.
The Kaftos Ektroma have similar abilities, with the more common being lava, and the less common add-on being the ability to make lava rock.
The Psychros region is a wasteland of ice and snow and freezing lakes, most of the time staying between 32 to -150 degrees fahrenheit (0 to -100 degrees celsius). This is where all Psychros Ekroma dwell. They are easily able to withstand the cold, with nearly freezing water flowing through their own veins.
The Kaftos region is much the same extreme, but with heat, and not water, but lava flows through Kaftos Ektroma’s veins.

- The Abyss is a place beneath the "surface world" inhabited by Abyssal creatures, including a humanoid race called Ektroma.
- Ektroma has two subcategories: Kaftos Ektroma, who live in the Kaftos region with lava-based abilities, and Psychros Ektroma, who live in the Psychros region with water-based abilities.
- Psychros Ektroma can control and produce water, with some possessing the rare ability to create ice.
- Kaftos Ektroma have similar abilities with lava, with the less common ability to create lava rock.
- The Psychros region is a frozen wasteland, while the Kaftos region is characterized by extreme heat and lava.

- Mordechi, a Psychros Ektroma, is a 28-year-old male with light blue skin, shades of blue eyes, and white hair in a long braid.
He is very muscular but only stands at 5 feet tall.
- While he currently lacks a weapon, he is an amazing swordsman. He is proficient in unarmed combat but struggles with archery.
- Mordechi possesses the ability to create and manipulate water and ice from his hands, but using his power causes him to heat up and potentially lose the ability if he cannot cool down. The size and duration of his creations also affect how quickly he heats up and tires.

- Ektroma are humanoid creatures from a place called the Abyss beneath the "surface world."
- There are two subcategories of Ektroma: Psychros Ektroma, like Mordechi, who have water-based abilities and live in a frozen wasteland, and Kaftos Ektroma, who have lava-based abilities and live in a region of extreme heat.
@Dark Light gotcha ;) Thanks!
@Dark Light Just to make sure, it seems like the tavern can just appear anywhere the characters need it too. Is that the case? Or is it in a fixed place?
@Dark Light Yay thanks! imma keep it a mystery... >:D
oh also one more question: should I write my character's backstory in his character sheet or should I leave it a mystery until he reveals it?
@BunniesOfDoom and @gobboguy thank you so much for the helpfull tips!!

Also everyone sorry I haven't responded in so long! I'm still in school and on top of that I have like constant rehersals for theater lol.

@Dark Light Thank you!! Yes I will be joining! (as soon as I can whip up a character sheet and reveiw a couple of the most recent posts and write mine ((so it might be a minute lol)) but I will try to be as fast as I can!! :D)
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