@Nani Want to get the glomp on the way to school? If you give me an opening I can write it into my post. It'll be a little while though - flu went through my family last week and is still hanging around, so I'm having to catch up with work first.
@Nani Want to get the glomp on the way to school? If you give me an opening I can write it into my post. It'll be a little while though - flu went through my family last week and is still hanging around, so I'm having to catch up with work first.
@Kensai No, sorry work's been chaotic and I was drained for a couple days. I plan on responding by tomorrow, though I don't know how to get it close to the length of my first post when I'm conversing with another person so do forgive me for that
@VertigoOooookay, now that my brain is functional again, allow me to reiterate: I love that, it's adorable. I would also like to add an additional possible layer of cute: if he found it more difficult to approach her after she got more popular, then as a kiddo she could've seen that and wondered why he wouldn't talk to her much anymore, did she do something to make him mad and he didn't like her now? Him just kinda casually getting roped into helping her and it still having an effect on his life even now just drives it home even further. She was probably sad when he stopped showing up for summers, she always looked forward to him being there.
The one thing I'd like to mention is that you mention 'once she got to elementary school,' as though she would've been putting up the laundry by herself, outside, at five years old tops. She would've wanted to help and stuff, but she just wasn't coordinated or tall enough, yknow? I think it would make more sense if they met in like, third year or so, when she was eight and starting to actually function like a human being. And we could still keep the whole 'he found it harder to approach her' thing, since he could've met her during her summer break, it's like a month and a half with no school, which is plenty of time for them to get acquainted before school and stuff. Though if he was spending time with Mikako during summer, he definitely would've been introduced to Suzuka and Eikichi too, since she used to play with them a lot.
@Vertigo If Ryuu was visiting in the summers and hanging out with Mikako, he most definitely hung out with Suzu and Eikichi too, but idk if you want them to be more than childhood playmates. Eikichi doesn't like trouble if he's not the one causing it, but since it's likely that Suzu and Ryuu will become close, he'll definitely be keeping an eye on the resident delinquent to make sure nothing funny happens with his best friend...
So, first off, with regards to Ryuu’s hijinks. Chance encounter sounds great. Maybe they both encountered each other in the mountains then? This could be when they were both fairly young, so Junko would’ve still been a dainty little girl who was doing stuff like lifting small rocks or pushing/pulling trees or stuff like that. Kinda giving the image of a kiddo replicating hardcore training. Kinda like a sealed childhood memory that is vaguely incongruous to their present selves so neither of them made the connection. That being said, maybe later down the line, Junko encountered Ryuu in a scrap with some bullies/delinquents and stepped in? That’d be the incident where she broke her nose, which she treats as a badge of honor because she definitely tossed the dude into the stratosphere immediately afterwards. And maybe there’s some form of ‘fight buddies’ connection afterwards, with Junko offering a hand whenever Ryuuichi needs backup in a scrap, and Ryuuichi never taking that hand because he’s a lone alpha wolf in his head.