Hidden 14 days ago 5 days ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

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S H O U J O 4 : H A T S U K O I R E U N I O N
S H O U J O 4 : H A T S U K O I R E U N I O N

In a small corner of the world, there was an island. On that small island, there was a town. In that town, there were several small children, who, through luck or misfortune, happened to know one another for a time.

It wasn't as though it was for a particularly long time, either. Six years felt like an eternity for us back then, but if you look at that on the scale of a human lifespan, even all that time we spent together would seem insignificant by comparison. That's probably how most things go when you're growing up. All those memories, washed away by the tides of time, like sandcastles on the beach.

Our world was still so small, then. We didn't yet understand the vastness of the sea and the sky, or even of the city in which we lived, or of the distance between two people, and the walls we build between us to keep ourselves from getting hurt.

Six years together. Four years apart. If we spent all that time making memories, how long would it take, I wonder, to forget them all? It's probably different from person to person. If someone kept on making new memories -- kept finding things worth remembering -- then it probably wouldn't take long, even if one person happened to be missing.

But try though I might, I can't grow up like that. There are some things I'll probably never forget. And because I can't forget them, it makes me want to gather them up and hold them close to me. It makes me want to cling to these precious moments tightly, so that they'll never slip through my fingers again.

I want to go back.

I want to change.

I want to move forward.

I want to stay the same.

Today, once again, I lower my voice, whispering a greedy love song I could never sing, in the hopes that it will fill this small corner of the world, and reach you at last.

Welcome one and all to Hatsukoi Reunion! This RP is the story of a group of kids who knew each other to some degree or another in the past, gone their separate ways after one of their number moved away, and reuniting by coincidence in high school with her unexpected return. Sometimes cute, sometimes poignant, sometimes silly, these are the stories of their various "first loves," as they give their all and grow together day by day.

The RP is set in Kumoriyama City, located on a small fictional island of the same name off the southern coastline of Japan. This name, which translates to "Cloudy Mountain," is derived from the crescent-shaped isle's two most prominent features: the tall gray peak at its center, and the mist that often forms around the many lakes and rivers dotting and running down from its greener slopes.

Originally, the city, built at the foot of Mt. Aogumo in the sheltered harbor created by the island's curving coastline, was quite small. The island's rocky, steep terrain was ill-suited for farmland, and there was little else of value to be found inland from its shores. As such, the city was largely built up as a port for fishermen over a hundred years ago. Over time, however, it has expanded as new people have been drawn to the island by its cheap living costs compared to the mainland, and as businesses have moved in to take advantage of the existing infrastructure. The end result is a hodgepodge of old houses, shrines, and family-run shopping arcades in the outer districts of town, slowly being pushed outward from the center by a new influx of more modern highrise buildings and apartment complexes that have come to take their place.

The "new city," as it is often called, is overcrowded not by circumstance but by design. Buildings are crammed together or neatly stacked one on top of the other along even, parallel streets, making it easy to navigate despite just how much city is packed into such a small area of town. But even in the "old city," space is still a bit cramped, as the mountain with its hilly slopes and the multiple small river valleys running outward from it tend to constrict development on the city's outskirts. As such, the further you get from its organized center, the stranger Kumoriyama becomes, with many narrow, winding streets, footpaths, and alleys snaking, intertwining, and splitting off once more, intersecting with old parks, bridging across rivers, circling around or sloping sharply up large hills and bluffs, and eventually reaching either the thickly forested mountain trails or the many old wharfs, warehouses, and harbors running up and down the coastline.

There are two other, much smaller suburbs of Kumoriyama, referred to as Kitaguchi and Minamikawa respectively, at each extremity of the island, with a long, roughly straight train line connecting all three, with one stop in Minamikawa, three in Kumoriyama, and two in Kitaguchi.

Kitaguchi is located in a smaller harbor on the north side of the island, situated along the mouth of one of the rivers coming down from the springs of Mt. Aogumo, and is a rather upscale area with many large homes, shopping districts, and even some resorts. It's popular with tourists and more well-to-do families due to the beautiful white beaches and clearer skies there, while still only being a 20-30 minute train ride away from the city center to its south.

Minamikawa, conversely, is significantly smaller than either of the other two cities, and is a very sparse, rural community built up from an old mining town on the southern slopes of the mountain. As one of the only places on the island with roughly flat, arable land, it's turned into a microcosm of the Japanese countryside, dotted with farms, ranches, and rice paddies. It is also a nationally-recognized cultural heritage site, housing several old Shinto shrines and a long tradition of local festivals and legends that go back to when the island was first settled. Many of these shrines are built onto the side of Mt. Aogumo itself, as the mountain is much less steep on that side. This also makes Minamikawa a popular stop for anyone planning on hiking up the mountain, be they tourists or island natives. And, indeed, the mountaintop is a very popular destination, as its slope tapers off into a giant lake basin at its summit, with a great deal of greenery around it. On clear days, this vantage point provides a majestic panorama of the entire island, while on cloudy days, one feels much higher up than they actually are, as they can look down upon the tops of the low-hanging clouds of fog and mist that give the island and the mountain their names.

Kumoriyama Private High School, located atop one of the steep bluffs overlooking the city center, is directly up the mountainside from the city's southernmost station, and only about 20 minutes train or bus ride out from the city center. Despite being surrounded by the Old City, the school itself is rather new, having only been founded about thirty years ago when the city's development reached its peak. It's generally a rather highly-regarded school, with good teachers and connections to some decent colleges on the mainland. A few of its students have even gone on to Tokyo University, giving it something of a prestigious reputation. Although it is a bit more expensive than the few other high schools on the island, it does offer some financial aid options for particularly high-performing students, and is significantly better staffed and equipped than its counterparts, with a reasonably well-liked faculty and facilities in place for a wide variety of clubs. However, its student body is comparatively small, both due to its price and somewhat high standards.

As with other Japanese schools, the school year is split into three terms. The first goes from April to late July, the second from early September until mid-December, and the third from early January to late March. Currently, the first term is just about to begin.

The following section will consist of a gallery of images for miscellaneous locations to potentially serve as an inspiration for various scenes in the RP. It will be subdivided by location. New locations, as well as miniaturized character summaries to serve as a quick reference for major NPCs may also be added in the future as needed.

FINAL NOTE: Applications will be extremely limited for the moment, as we've already filled out a mostly complete cast through the interest check. Those interested in joining should feel free to post here in the OOC, but do note that spots may not be available. Right now, we've got one more prospective female character already in the works, so the main spot we'd have an opening for is one last male role.

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Hidden 14 days ago 14 days ago Post by OliveYou
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Woohoo!! Do I have the ok to post Eikichi in the character tab? also, where is Suzu living now? and where did she live before?
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Hidden 14 days ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 2 days ago

Woohoo!! Do I have the ok to post Eikichi in the character tab? also, Eikichi has def lived in Minamikawa his whole life - where is Suzu living now?

Go right ahead! ^v^ As for Suzuka, she probably also would have lived in Minamikawa as a child since her family wasn't very well off at the time, but is now living up in Kitaguchi in an unused studio apartment over a cafe her aunt runs, so they're about as far apart as can be while still being on the same island.

...Not that that'll stop her, though. I've got some plans for some adorable antics down the line, and I can definitely work with this, lol.
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Hidden 14 days ago Post by OliveYou
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@Feyblue Perfect! he's going to be sad that he can't go to school with her in the mornings anymore :(
Hidden 14 days ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

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Oh shoot, I totally forgot to add stuff about Junko and Ryuu to my sheet.
Hidden 14 days ago Post by Nani
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Nani Dreaming about Tomorrow

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I also need to update Gary's sheet with Junko and Ryuu. Also format it to look closer to what y'all have lol
Hidden 14 days ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Feyblue Perfect! he's going to be sad that he can't go to school with her in the mornings anymore :(

...or is he? (¬‿¬)
Hidden 14 days ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Okay, few things cleaned up. 1, Mikako's home location established, Old Kitaguchi. 2, her relationships with Junko and Ryuuichi written in.
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Hidden 14 days ago Post by OliveYou
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@Feyblue Suzuka's voice comes through so clear in her relationship quotes, she's such a cutie! Eikichi's relationship section will change throughout the rp, so be on the lookout for that... it will certainly change after their reunion.
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Hidden 14 days ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Feyblue Suzuka's voice comes through so clear in her relationship quotes, she's such a cutie! Eikichi's relationship section will change throughout the rp, so be on the lookout for that... it will certainly change after their reunion.

D'aww, thank you! I definitely feel like Eikichi's quotes set the tone for him really well, too. Can't wait to see them interact.

I'll likely do some updates going forward as Suzuka becomes a bit more honest with herself and others, so look forward to that as well. :>
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Hidden 13 days ago Post by OliveYou
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When will IC be up?
Hidden 13 days ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 2 days ago

When will IC be up?

Probably in the next day or two. I wanted to give everyone time to migrate their sheets over and catch up on the added setting info before I start.
Hidden 13 days ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Will put up a tentative CS tomorrow (hopefully) that'll make more of an effort to melt other people into Junko's orbit.
Hidden 13 days ago Post by Kensai
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So should I put up a CS or no?
Hidden 12 days ago Post by Feyblue
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Feyblue Lord of Floof

Member Seen 2 days ago

So should I put up a CS or no?

You can put one here in the OOC, I want to review it first. Concept sounds fun, though, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Hidden 11 days ago 10 days ago Post by Kensai
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So here's Koharu - still plenty to be done with her, but I wanted to get the sheet up for review and comment. If there's an issue with pairings, I'd be happy to play her as a wild card - that one friend who doesn't actually hook up with anyone in the group, but looks over everyone and helps them out. Or might have a secret crush that she doesn't ever let on about, she's just happy if all her friends are. Or just has her own plans and destiny that we won't find out about till the series finale with the timeskip....
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by Nani
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Nani Dreaming about Tomorrow

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Awww, she's adorable! I think she and my Sunshine boy would practically be best friends

Hidden 10 days ago Post by Kensai
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Awww, she's adorable! I think she and my Sunshine boy would practically be best friends


Koharu would totally stuff Haruto with katsudon. He was probably responsible for pulling her into the group to begin with.
Hidden 10 days ago Post by OliveYou
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Not that it’s a big problem, but isn’t there a lot of overlap with Mikako re: working a lot, optimistic nature, etc? Nothing wrong with having two cheerful gals but it would be interesting if she were on the more flirty side to better put her apart from mikako. Her forcefulness also relates her to junko. Obvs traits aren’t locked to one character but I do think the more the traits are different between characters the more drama / interesting interactions will be had.
Also, I can’t really tell if our characters knew her before her change, or if they only met her once she moved to the area after her parents deaths.
Overall, I think there’s some potential here to be a flirty, ditzy kind of gal with hidden depths, but it’s up to you!
Hidden 10 days ago Post by Nani
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Nani Dreaming about Tomorrow

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@Kensai Lol for sure! I also think He saw her struggling a bit so he offered to help during breaks/lunch time. Since they're in the same year, maybe they're even in the same class!
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