Rebecca Holloway
The room was rather empty. Rebecca had only what she could carry in her bag with her, which included a sleeping bag and a bedroll, some changes of clothes, a few other essentials and toiletries, some gear that was currently stored in her closet, and her personal belongings. She had her smart phone up to her ear and leaned against the wall, looking out the window at the city below.
"Yeah...yeah I'm alright. No trouble yet. ...yeah, the address for the PO box I texted you should be fine. Don't want to get too much too fast. Lord knows they're trying to get anything they can on me for a lead. ...yeah, I'm keeping my head down like I know how to do. Yeah...yeah...thanks, Tilt. Give the boys my best. I'll look for some local employment. Nothing fancy. Should help me make this place more send what you can in small amounts. Alright. Got it. Thanks, man. See ya."
Rebecca turned the smart phone around and slid it into her pocket. Most of her stuff was unpacked, and it made her feel a lot better now. It had taken the whole time since she had arrived, but it was done at least. She had taken her M65 Field Parka off. She had a black t-shirt on under it and was still wearing her jeans for today. The sleeves barely covered her tattoos. Two snakes labeled "BOA" and "GARTER" ran down her right arm, criss-crossing and ending at her hand, and there was a wolverine wrapped in barbed wire on her left forearm that led up to a rose. She looked in the mirror of her bathroom and touched the small tattoo on the back of her neck. The Greek letter delta that had been colored in green. Bad business, that.
There wasn't much else to do about it. She was here now. A fresh start. A new life. For however long it would last, she would make the most of it. She stepped out and headed for the cafeteria. Her stomach was quiet, but the hollow gnawing of hunger was deep in her gut. She'd gone days without food before, but she wasn't in country now. She noticed Theria making her way out of the cafeteria and slipped by as quiet as she could. Though, it would be quite the feat to dodge her entirely with those extra pairs of eyes she had around her head. A small girl with black hair was currently talking to the cook in the kitchen. With nothing but her boots on the floor making any sort of sound, she saddled up into the newly formed line behind the girl and waited for her turn with her hands shoved into her jean pockets.