Rebecca Holloway
Building 1 Cafeteria
There were many times where Rebecca had felt in danger. She was a soldier. It was her job to put herself in line of fire. The words her old team leader in Vietnam told her were tucked away in her head for her to call back on when she needed to. As Rebecca had watched the rest of the creatures exit the cafeteria to hunt down the pesky gremlins, she considered a small dessert for her menu later. Something nice and sweet would ease her into the new routine. Help loosen her up. A hot chocolate. Something like that would hit the spot. Especially with some whiskey.
Just as she had considered it, there was a commotion in the dining hall. Rebecca watched a gremlin make a proper mess of a tray of food and scamper off without a care in the world, as if he had been waiting very patiently to do just that. She felt an instant pang of annoyance and stared blankly in disdain, heavily considering reaching out with Athectess to wrangle the creature back. Something else pinged her radar instead. She turned and saw the brilliant glow of the nine fox tails and wasted no time in piecing together whose food was just made inedible.
As Rebecca stared, she contemplated her course of action. Sure the fox girl looked impressive with her display, but could she really take her if things went sour? She knew that Athectess could regenerate her from the smallest chunk of meat, even if it would take weeks to do so. The words came back. Shut the fuck up, Snake Eater. You get paid to get shot at. She knew there weren’t many creatures of her caliber that could take such punishment, but the threat of total evisceration was still very real. But still, someone had to make a move. And besides, Rebecca could relate. There were two things in this world that she would kill people over if they messed with: her food and her sleep.
Rebecca approached Miyuki’s table just as she was getting out of it. She broached the subject in her classic fashion.
“Rough day?” She asked, ready to get an earful from the kitsune.