Avatar of Foster


Recent Statuses

12 days ago
Current Refrigerator is officially unfixable. Still not sure what's wrong with it, just that after a month of repairs whatever else is wrong with it isn't worth fixing. Will get some sleep and back to posting
16 days ago
My refrigerator is being frustrating resistant to being repaired.
1 mo ago
So apparently there's 60 minutes in an hour because it's divisible by base-12.
1 like
2 mos ago
Well, the good news is I have dodged food poisoning, for now.
2 mos ago
So I found out my fridge broke *after* having some leftovers, so I may/not be doubled-over in pain for a bit.


-There will be delays in replies. Largely due to working overtime, voluntary obligations; other RPs and online-things may compete for my attention.

'Bout me:
Started RPing (badly) back in '05, mostly doing nation-RPs with an emphasis on technology and strategy, later edging out to character-espionage and military-tactics before doing "less serious" character roleplays that were outside of the 2005-2008 continuity.

That's when I went to Dead-Frontier, and found the RP community there, joined a clan, did some pretty good roleplays and pretty much loosened-up my online-personality. When the clan-leader decided to move her RPs here, most of the clan followed.

Took a course in technical-writing back in '08, so now I may sometimes use the semicolon correctly.

In 2010 I dusted off the old nation-RP continuity I had, doing a few hetelia-esque RP-shenanigans there..

RP-Habbits: I tend to geek-out on little technical-details, and sometimes infer how those details would impact the background of the roleplay. Great for world-building, not so great when you had a perfectly good plotline and I just MacGyver it off the rails (though I usually er to the side of amusement, sometimes it creates very grim side-stories).

Most Recent Posts

I was figuring Velvet was hungry enough to bite it out of the air.
If Lilith knew how Velvet was acting, she'd throw an onion at her.
What if we dialed for it and duct taped the phone to their face?

There are ways around rolling a crit-fail on a basic skill-check.

Like that time I rolled a 1.
-Don't worry, it was only a sanity-reroll.
Expect fewer dicerolls and stats, more shenanigans. You'll fit right in.
None y'all smelled what Lilith was cooking in building 2?
Probably a result of the RPGuild admin team not trusting GMs/Topic-creators to not abuse the ability to delete other peoples' posts in the threads tthey've made. That, or making the ability to delete your own posts isn't easily implemented into the current site's code or something.

I do remember that prior to the complete site-crash of 2010, you could delete your own posts though.

Also the possibility of folks harassing a thread and then covering their tracks from moderation by deleting those posts. Which is why self-deleting posts is also not a thing.

Best y'all can do is hire a mod to make the post invisible.
<Snipped quote by Foster>


It's in the web-developer's notes.

Was going to post but wanted to wait til the last post was removed and put into the proper thread first.

About that... posts can't be deleted on this forum.
I was mentioned! What's up?

k. So Lilith is gonna use Eilidh as a doormat, and throw a gremlin in her freezer and forget about it.
<Snipped quote by Massasauga>
... Is it Drucilla?

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