Avatar of Silver Carrot


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I'll makea CS as soon as I have some free time
I'm interested! Particularly in Aqua or Freyja
In Primality 18 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Also thanks for pinging the people who didn't get in initially before you posted an IC for brand new people >.>
In Primality 18 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Wait, after having my character accepted but then also rejected because 'limited slots' or something, this RP is now looking for new members again?

I still want to join with Charity.


The Stakeout had been fun. Using her wire form to get into the ventilation system, shehad been able to record all the comings and goings. There was no doubt that invitations for the auction were being held here. She recorded everything that was being said which was then sent back to Rose for analysis. The passwords may be useful but there was no guarantee that the same passwords would be in use for the auction itself. It also didn't help that if customers and contacts had conversation, the whole thing was nonsensical and likely entirely in code. Still, there was likely something that the buys back at base could decypher from her recordings.

Her phone silently buzzed in her pocket. She'd recieved a text.

You could stare all week and not learn anything more. Not what is sold, not how people get in.

I have information that can help you with this. Why don't you come meet me tomorrow, 6PM?


There were so many questions. How did this person know her number? How did she know what she was doing and why? She immediately let Rose know. There was a possibility that there was a leak in Lexon. She also decided to cut the stakeout short. This was too important. Besides, the text was right. Anything that she could possibly gain from this, she already had. She slipped back out of the restaurant vents in her wire form, and returned to Lexon Tower.


The following day, Madison, in a white frilled blouse and medium-length skirt, attended the invite. Her hair was curled, her lean muscle was hidden and she looked every bit the classy rich girl she technically was. There had been no determined leak at Lexon, so she had been advised to attend the meeting and find out what was going on. It had been decided that she attend in civilian attire. Madison did not have the luxury of a private persona so there was no need to protect one, and attending such a lavish location in a costume that exposed her midriff and thighs would have been mortifying.

Arriving at the meeting room, Madison took a seat and looked at the folders. She immediately spotted the folder on Georgia, and averted her eyes. She liked to think she and Hostess had been friends, so her fall from grace was painful to ruminate on. She almost felt grateful when Sir Articus took her folder away. Sir Arcticus. Not that Madison could talk given her own careful mask of kayfabe, but surely talking like that all the time would get exhausting. There was also a man in a labcoat and a ski mask, wondering out loud why he'd been invited here.

"Just knowing more about these people and what they're doing, at the very least would help you help people. I imagine if there's anything in here that would hint that a lot of people might get hurt soon, you could be ahead of the curve." she answered. Despite her appearence of a spoiled daddy's girl, and her reputation as a corporate sellout, Madison was both passionate and knowledgable about heroics. It was her life's passion. Her life's purpose.

Madison flipped through some of the folders when a brief momentof silence fell. She immediately spotted something interesting, and leaned forward with interest as she picked up Dragon's file. So, he hada hand in the Undergroumnd Auction?

"Oh, this was what your text was talking about..." She muttered to herself, before lookingup and addressing Aurealis directly. "I was already going to investigate the Auction. Naturally, that's what Im' going to pick."
I'm still in

(Tbh this is kinda how I've felt with all the posts since the goblin hunt was announced)
I was mentioned! What's up?

Madison's bike hummed as she was smoothly gliding along the highway's fast lane like it was made of water. She loved riding. Right now she was heading from patrol route A to patrol route B. High in the sky behind her, a drone was tailing her, capturing stock footage. Clips of her riding along were always useful for something. It was also there to capture footage of her helping people, stopping criminals and generally being a Hero. That footage would later get used in promotional material or on Luxon's own channels. Madison tapped the screen on her bike's dashboard and called Rose, her personal maid but also her 'mission liason', so to speak.

"Hey, Rose. I'm heading towards Patrol Route B. Any crimes?"

"Nothing...appropriate. Two armed robbers held up a convenience store. Shot the Cashier. Glutton got to them. There's also a heist at Nova City Bank, but already have reports that several vigilantes are on the scene, as well as the police. If you went, you wouldn't stand out as a 'symbol of peace and security'. In fact, you'd only add to the chaos and confusion."

"Yeah, giving those a miss. I would hurt more than help. Anything else?"

"Well....nothing else we can get footage for.." Rose trailed off.

Madison frowned, and looked puzzles as she paused for a second before continuing the conversation.

"And anything we can't get footage for?...This wouldn't have anything to do with that missing prototype the warehouse manager was yelling about yesterday, would it?"

"I'm afraid it does. There's a semi-regular underground black market auction that happens somewhere in Nova City. The higher-ups are convinced that whoever stole the protype is going to try and sell it there. Now, they've been keeping an eye on potential customers. You know, higher-ups of rival companies and stuff. One of their potentical customers has been visiting the same restaurant every evening at around the same time. There's no prior record of this behavior being regular. I'll send you the coordinates of the restaurant and I'll recall the footage drone if you fancy a stakeout."

"Sure. I don't get to do slow, quiet heroics with a camera off me very often. Exposing the Underground Auction is just the kind of project I need after last week's energy drink commercial shoot took up all the time I should have been out helping people. "
Unsure if I can join, time-wise, but are there still openings? I think I have a pretty funny idea for a power/character the roster is missing

also long time no see @Silver Carrot

And hello!
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