The Gold Pavilion, 48th Floor
Ah, not just a paramedic-themed hero, but a true doctor.
"Pardon. I've insulted thee, it seemeth." The massive knight bowed his head slightly before the sitting doctor. "If thou'rt come to save lives in the coming battles, we shall relish thine aid. Even should you furnish our enemies with the same. I swear to thee, no life shall be neglected by Sir Arcticus."
An icy knight, a prickly doctor, a young corporate hero, and their enigmatic leader. Objectively, it was probably not an ideal team for interjecting into a power struggle in the city's criminal underworld. In terms of numbers and combat power, more would have been ideal for such a crusade. Nevertheless, Sir Arcticus found himself nodding along as Auri began to rally the group for their first task. His armour creaked faintly as he settled into one of the chairs surrounding the lavish feast.
There was a Dragon that needed slaying, or so he gathered. He had come to Nova City to handle a number of smaller matters, but he had lacked any awareness of the crime syndicate that rapidly taking root in the city. Moreover, it seemed that certain villains of interest would be making an appearance, whether to oppose or aid the Dragon. Perhaps the silent hands of fate were at work in bringing him here.
There was only one aspect of Auri's plan that gave the knight pause.
Sir Arcticus was no stranger to occasionally using tactics in battle to confuse or mislead his enemy, but wearing a disguise like this and infiltrating an event unnoticed was somewhat outside of his normal practice. His helm turned to face in Wireframe's direction.
"I am loath to make use of such deceit, but with our numbers so meagre, we cannot send thee to the auction alone. I shall follow thine lead, hero of shining iron-cord."
Keeping his helm on, the frozen knight touched neither food nor drink. Indeed, he had never been seen without his helm. The matter of his secret identity had been frequently speculated over in recent months, but not even the shadiest online forums had any blurry photo of his face. He did hold a champagne glass, however, letting a faint layer of frost creep up its surface as the conversation continued.
"Compatriots, if you please, this knight hath two requests regarding the coming eve." He leaned forward. "Firstly, that the police department of this fair city should not be apprised of our actions until the first blows have already been struck."
Sir Arcticus may have not spent much time in Nova City, but the workings of corruption were quite familiar to him. If the Dragon was as powerful as his impact suggested, he would definitely have access to certain people in public and private sectors, including law enforcement. Whether or not that fact was confirmed in his file, it was a worthy assumption to make.
"There are many who ought to be arrested, including the many affluent brutes who would dare to attend an event that peddles prisoners as merchandise... I would see them all in irons. Yet, if we call on the town guard now, the Dragon shall doubtless become aware of our movements and cancel the event, or his confederates may use their dark influence to prevent any action from being taken. Thus, Lady Auri, I request that you contact the police only once Dame Wireframe and myself have been noticed by the enemy."
He raised an armoured finger knowingly, casting a glance at their organizer.
"If thou make'st a most urgent report in the wee hours, speaking of chaos unfolding and flesh traffickers running amok, the response from officers on duty should be so hasty that nary a mote of corruption will waylay it. Attendees shall flee in terror from our righteous power, and into the waiting arms of the law outside the auction house doors!"
He seemed to get a little excited at the mention of that last part, though it was difficult for anyone to get a sense of his body language when he scarcely moved while sitting in his armour. Even the smaller design he had created for this event was rather bulky, and it might've been possible to mistake him for a sculpture if he hadn't been actively speaking in such a booming voice.
"...That is the first of my requests." He continued. "The second is far more plain, but also of greater importance."
There was weight in his words, now. More than before. He spoke to everyone in the room with equal attention and severity.
"Thou must be willing to abandon all other goals for the sake of the auction's innocent prisoners. This is paramount, for there shall always be a later day to do battle against evil, but the freedom of those good people must come tonight."
He stood up. He had not touched his food. The frost on his glass had nearly vanished. The liquid still fizzed quietly, accompanied by a faint crackling of ice. A gauntleted hand rested still on the table. "If all this is agreeable, then I remain at thine disposal, and eager to follow Dame Wireframe into yonder den of shadows. Supposing these guises that we've obtained include some manner of mask, it will take me not but a few moments to prepare myself."