Peterson Estates
Passenger Island, Castleburg
Status: Infiltrating
Speaks to: Dahlia @baraquiel, Stray @rabidporcupine
On a mission with: Wireframe @Silver Carrot, Bastion @Infinite Cosmos, Dahlia @baraquiel, Gematria @Scarifar, Alchemist @Duoya, and apparently Stray @rabidporcupine
Apparently, Professor Gholem's kill-bots were rejected not because they were too dangerous, but perhaps because they were too safe. With great simplicity, Stray had dispatched several robots with his pre-prepared runes, and Dahlia several more with her blasts of acid. Blast, for his part, had very efficiently roundhouse-kicked the last remaining killbot into oblivion with a barrage of attacks so quick and vicious that it seemed almost comical. He stood over his downed electronic robot, before looking around the room that was filled with scraps and hunks of destroyed and acid-melted metal. Not too shabby for a day's work.
"Well, that's like, what, 75% of the mission taken care of? Badabing, badaboom," Jake said confidently, stretching his arms. "Why don't we look around for some type of computer? Gholem's whole villain thing is being, like, a massive nerd. He has to have some type of device around here that he does his nerd stuff on." Jake walked around the room, examining the tables, and fortunately, he was able to quickly find said “nerd stuff device,” a laptop sitting atop one of the workbenches in the room.
Jake looked at the two other people in the room- one of them was a longtime assassin, and the other was somebody that Jake had seen at HERO One struggle to figure out the basic uses of a cell phone- and made the executive decision to be the one to open the laptop. Luckily for him, Gholem clearly had not expected visitors and left the device unlocked. Not like it would’ve been particularly difficult to access the device in the right hands, but it did make it easier in the moment.
Jake was not exactly a computer whiz in any sense, but he did know how to open tabs, and the first tab that pulled up on the screen was disturbing. Particularly because what had just come up in his face…was his face. All of their faces. It was profiles of the heroes, including the people who were on this mission. Information about their lives, their powers, their capabilities, their records, everything.
Jake removed a device that had the shape and design of a thumb drive and slotted it into the side of the device. "ALISA, we got Dr. Robotnik’s laptop, and he has what looks like HERO files. Any ideas?"
”First, a possible security breach, and now this,” the disembodied female voice said exhaustedly, if it were possible for artificial intelligence to grow tired. ”I’ll forward everything to the Boss and to Wiseman, but he had to have had access to this information well in advance. We’re probably looking at a mole of some kind. Not good.”
"That…would be bad,” Jake said lamely, sneaking a glance at the two people in the room. He quickly decided that neither of them were the mole; otherwise, he probably would’ve been poisoned or origami’d to death. (Truth be told, Jake didn’t exactly know what Stray’s powers did.)
”An understatement, to say the least. We’ll figure this out. In the meanwhile, you should probably go help the rest of your team. They aren’t doing nearly so well as you are right now.”
"Can do.” Jake looked down at the unconscious Professor Gholem, before looking up at his two colleagues. "You guys should go find them. I’ll make sure to get Dr. Doom here into a place that he can’t crawl away from, and then I’ll catch up. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a jiffy.”
"I’m glad we’re in agreement," the woman said with a sinister look on her face. "And for the record, I’m not going to entertain any movie-talk, or the usual reparte where you insist I won’t get away with it and I happily respond that I will. I’ve had enough of that already."
"Let’s run through the sequence of events here. You two will stay put in this office and wait. I already have somebody cutting the power to the room, so don’t think about any type of electrical trickery. Instead, I’m just going to walk outside and lock the door. And if any of your friends try to come, they’ll have to come up the stairs, which means they’ll run right into an attachment of invisible guards. And then, well…" Ada ran a finger over her neck. "One way in, right into the jaws of defeat. Oh, and of course, if I hear any commotion coming from this room…" She adjusted the ring on her finger. "You know what happens. Now, make yourself comfortable. Might be a little wait."
Ada walked out of the room, followed by the attachment of guards. The study doors shut behind them. One of the guards took his position outside the doorway to the study, the other three, as Ada had indicated, disappeared from sight, perhaps positioning themselves at the top of the grand staircase to catch any unsuspecting heroes off-guard.
However, Ada’s theory did have a couple major flaws in it. Namely, the fact that while the grand staircase was the only good entrance upstairs, it wasn’t the only one. The same air duct that Gematria had crawled in from was still perfectly wide open, and the study had multiple windows that, while quite high up in the air, were certainly still ways in and out of the room.
"Well, that's like, what, 75% of the mission taken care of? Badabing, badaboom," Jake said confidently, stretching his arms. "Why don't we look around for some type of computer? Gholem's whole villain thing is being, like, a massive nerd. He has to have some type of device around here that he does his nerd stuff on." Jake walked around the room, examining the tables, and fortunately, he was able to quickly find said “nerd stuff device,” a laptop sitting atop one of the workbenches in the room.
Jake looked at the two other people in the room- one of them was a longtime assassin, and the other was somebody that Jake had seen at HERO One struggle to figure out the basic uses of a cell phone- and made the executive decision to be the one to open the laptop. Luckily for him, Gholem clearly had not expected visitors and left the device unlocked. Not like it would’ve been particularly difficult to access the device in the right hands, but it did make it easier in the moment.
Jake was not exactly a computer whiz in any sense, but he did know how to open tabs, and the first tab that pulled up on the screen was disturbing. Particularly because what had just come up in his face…was his face. All of their faces. It was profiles of the heroes, including the people who were on this mission. Information about their lives, their powers, their capabilities, their records, everything.
Jake removed a device that had the shape and design of a thumb drive and slotted it into the side of the device. "ALISA, we got Dr. Robotnik’s laptop, and he has what looks like HERO files. Any ideas?"
”First, a possible security breach, and now this,” the disembodied female voice said exhaustedly, if it were possible for artificial intelligence to grow tired. ”I’ll forward everything to the Boss and to Wiseman, but he had to have had access to this information well in advance. We’re probably looking at a mole of some kind. Not good.”
"That…would be bad,” Jake said lamely, sneaking a glance at the two people in the room. He quickly decided that neither of them were the mole; otherwise, he probably would’ve been poisoned or origami’d to death. (Truth be told, Jake didn’t exactly know what Stray’s powers did.)
”An understatement, to say the least. We’ll figure this out. In the meanwhile, you should probably go help the rest of your team. They aren’t doing nearly so well as you are right now.”
"Can do.” Jake looked down at the unconscious Professor Gholem, before looking up at his two colleagues. "You guys should go find them. I’ll make sure to get Dr. Doom here into a place that he can’t crawl away from, and then I’ll catch up. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a jiffy.”
¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
"I’m glad we’re in agreement," the woman said with a sinister look on her face. "And for the record, I’m not going to entertain any movie-talk, or the usual reparte where you insist I won’t get away with it and I happily respond that I will. I’ve had enough of that already."
"Let’s run through the sequence of events here. You two will stay put in this office and wait. I already have somebody cutting the power to the room, so don’t think about any type of electrical trickery. Instead, I’m just going to walk outside and lock the door. And if any of your friends try to come, they’ll have to come up the stairs, which means they’ll run right into an attachment of invisible guards. And then, well…" Ada ran a finger over her neck. "One way in, right into the jaws of defeat. Oh, and of course, if I hear any commotion coming from this room…" She adjusted the ring on her finger. "You know what happens. Now, make yourself comfortable. Might be a little wait."
Ada walked out of the room, followed by the attachment of guards. The study doors shut behind them. One of the guards took his position outside the doorway to the study, the other three, as Ada had indicated, disappeared from sight, perhaps positioning themselves at the top of the grand staircase to catch any unsuspecting heroes off-guard.
However, Ada’s theory did have a couple major flaws in it. Namely, the fact that while the grand staircase was the only good entrance upstairs, it wasn’t the only one. The same air duct that Gematria had crawled in from was still perfectly wide open, and the study had multiple windows that, while quite high up in the air, were certainly still ways in and out of the room.
Outside Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant
Brookside, Castleburg
Being observed: Crane @Zoey Boey, Lab Rat @Silver Carrot, Blur Rabbit @DClassified, Ardent @manythings, Terraformer @shylarah, Freakshow @Crusader Lord, Mire @Blizz
Outside of the facility, though the Terrazards were now rabidly running back into the building and leaping suicidally into the flames in a vain attempt to extinguish the blaze, Menace was still battling furiously. Crane’s knee hammering into his stomach was certainly causing him what appeared to be a great deal of pain, but Menace had his own response. As the two were grappling with their arms, Crane had introduced her knee into the equation, but Menace had a different approach.
He brought his massive head directly into Crane’s chin, his slightly smaller stature being useful in that sense, as he uppercutted her using his tremendously thick skull. With that move, Menace hoped that he would be able to bring the larger woman-giant down pin her before going for the fatal kill. Whatever the result of his strike may be, though, it was interrupted by the fungus that was crawling up Menace’s leg and torso. This was confusing to the addled ape-like creature, who swung around, trying and failing to escape the grasp of the mycota, and leaving him perfectly open for a finishing strike.
Ardent may have been trying to find new ways to close the gap with Torch, but success was hard to come by in this department. Doc Holliday had tried a similar technique to keep the flying hero at bay, but Doc Holliday was an older man with two antiquated revolvers. Torch, on the other hand, seemed untouchable. As Ardent swooped towards him, looking to grab onto the hero, Torch once again dodged with cat-like reflexes, firing a few more homing fireballs at Ardent as he blasted past him.
"You’re going to have to do better than that, hero!" the maniacal villain called out, turning to face the flying man. "Face it, there’s-...what the?"
The room had suddenly cooled down significantly. The temperature inside what was previously a swlteringly-hot area (from the searing fires, obviously) was now only modestly stuffy, and more interesting, it was raining. Water was pouring down from the sky, trickling down onto Ardent and Torch’s head and puddling throughout the room, extinguishing the many fires with loud hisses and causing Torch to go into a full-on panic.
”How is this-" Torch vainly attempted to fire a few more fireballs, but his pyrokinetic attacks were stifled by the falling water, which had gone from a shower to a deluge of pouring water that filled the expansive facility almost knee high. Torch stumbled through the water, his fingers flickering with sparks, as he tried to muster up some of his powers, and then-
For Ardent, what happened next was quite jarring: in an instant, the sensation of cold water on his skin was replaced with the familiar searing heat of fire, and the vision of the flooded recycling plant was replaced with the reality of the rapidly-smoldering building. It was as if Ardent had fallen asleep for a moment and had a dream about Torch getting absolutely soaked in the moment. And speaking of Torch, he was no longer attacking or even laughing; rather, he was laying face-first on the ground, a large dart sticking out of the back of his neck.
Furthermore, there was a new sight in the room: the woman who had previously been watching them from the water tower. The ICOSA inspector was looking surprisingly menacing for somebody that probably spent most of her days filing reports: she was adorned in a platinum-black bodysuit that zipped all the way up her neck, her scoped rifle was slung over her back, and in her hand she was holding some type of pistol that, with appropriate context clues, appeared to have been the weapon that had fired the dart which was currently sticking out of Torch’s neck.
Mari holstered her sidearm as she looked over at Ardent. "Next time, you probably should’ve gotten closer to him underground. You know the ground is, at least, easily drillable, possibly hollow. If you came out right under him, would’ve been a lot quicker fight." She pursed her lips after she issued the critique; perhaps she had quickly realized that the inside of a burning building was neither the time or place for battle commentary.
"Well, good enough, I suppose,” she quipped, her vowels having a slightly unique tone that betrayed the fact that English was not her first language. "You should make yourself useful and try and carry him out of here. Better you than me."
Mari was alluding to the approximately full foot of height that Ardent had over the more diminutive ICOSA agent, which made all the more peculiar the fact that she was very nearly bossing him around after her belated arrival to the fight. Still, she had shown up after all. If only they would know how much it had hurt her to go against her orders.
He brought his massive head directly into Crane’s chin, his slightly smaller stature being useful in that sense, as he uppercutted her using his tremendously thick skull. With that move, Menace hoped that he would be able to bring the larger woman-giant down pin her before going for the fatal kill. Whatever the result of his strike may be, though, it was interrupted by the fungus that was crawling up Menace’s leg and torso. This was confusing to the addled ape-like creature, who swung around, trying and failing to escape the grasp of the mycota, and leaving him perfectly open for a finishing strike.
¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
Ardent may have been trying to find new ways to close the gap with Torch, but success was hard to come by in this department. Doc Holliday had tried a similar technique to keep the flying hero at bay, but Doc Holliday was an older man with two antiquated revolvers. Torch, on the other hand, seemed untouchable. As Ardent swooped towards him, looking to grab onto the hero, Torch once again dodged with cat-like reflexes, firing a few more homing fireballs at Ardent as he blasted past him.
"You’re going to have to do better than that, hero!" the maniacal villain called out, turning to face the flying man. "Face it, there’s-...what the?"
The room had suddenly cooled down significantly. The temperature inside what was previously a swlteringly-hot area (from the searing fires, obviously) was now only modestly stuffy, and more interesting, it was raining. Water was pouring down from the sky, trickling down onto Ardent and Torch’s head and puddling throughout the room, extinguishing the many fires with loud hisses and causing Torch to go into a full-on panic.
”How is this-" Torch vainly attempted to fire a few more fireballs, but his pyrokinetic attacks were stifled by the falling water, which had gone from a shower to a deluge of pouring water that filled the expansive facility almost knee high. Torch stumbled through the water, his fingers flickering with sparks, as he tried to muster up some of his powers, and then-
For Ardent, what happened next was quite jarring: in an instant, the sensation of cold water on his skin was replaced with the familiar searing heat of fire, and the vision of the flooded recycling plant was replaced with the reality of the rapidly-smoldering building. It was as if Ardent had fallen asleep for a moment and had a dream about Torch getting absolutely soaked in the moment. And speaking of Torch, he was no longer attacking or even laughing; rather, he was laying face-first on the ground, a large dart sticking out of the back of his neck.
Furthermore, there was a new sight in the room: the woman who had previously been watching them from the water tower. The ICOSA inspector was looking surprisingly menacing for somebody that probably spent most of her days filing reports: she was adorned in a platinum-black bodysuit that zipped all the way up her neck, her scoped rifle was slung over her back, and in her hand she was holding some type of pistol that, with appropriate context clues, appeared to have been the weapon that had fired the dart which was currently sticking out of Torch’s neck.
Mari holstered her sidearm as she looked over at Ardent. "Next time, you probably should’ve gotten closer to him underground. You know the ground is, at least, easily drillable, possibly hollow. If you came out right under him, would’ve been a lot quicker fight." She pursed her lips after she issued the critique; perhaps she had quickly realized that the inside of a burning building was neither the time or place for battle commentary.
"Well, good enough, I suppose,” she quipped, her vowels having a slightly unique tone that betrayed the fact that English was not her first language. "You should make yourself useful and try and carry him out of here. Better you than me."
Mari was alluding to the approximately full foot of height that Ardent had over the more diminutive ICOSA agent, which made all the more peculiar the fact that she was very nearly bossing him around after her belated arrival to the fight. Still, she had shown up after all. If only they would know how much it had hurt her to go against her orders.
HERO Three
East Flank, Castleburg
Nearby: Backup @Zoey Boey, Fallout @Aku the Samurai, Wiseman @Blizz
The device that Backup had stepped on crinkled easily as the heroine destroyed it. Apparently, whoever had built the device had not invested in its durability.
Another source of noise now made itself known on the roof, but this time, instead of coming from the hijacked television, it came from the helicopter. "Surprised to see more arrivals. Truth be told, I expected you to disable the device quicker, but your performance was adequate enough for me to entertain some more challenges." The taunting, distorted voice coming from the helicopter was replaced by what sounded like clicking of a keyboard. "Backup, correct? Interesting that you were the first one to make it onto the roof. Especially interesting that you're arbitrarily trapped with two far superior intellects, at least IQ-wise. It'll be interesting to see how you deal with this. Initiate Protocol 12J-3."
Above them, a small drones (this might've been how the voice was watching Backup from the roof) did a loop around the HERO Three rooftop before landing on a rooftop adjacent to the one that the heroes were climbing up, with a solid 20 or 30 foot gap between them. The drone had deposited some type of black box on the rooftop, and said black box began to deconstruct itself, shifting and moving like it had a mind of its own, until it had constructed itself into the form of what appeared to be a small turret.
Said turret then began to shoot at Backup, firing one round precisely every 5 seconds and following the heroine across the rooftop. It was extremely evident that whoever was responsible for this hacking attack on HERO Three was messing with Backup; well, messing with all of them. Whether or not this was purely to buy time, or collect data, or just have some good old deranged villain fun was unknown. Perhaps it was a combination of all three.
Another source of noise now made itself known on the roof, but this time, instead of coming from the hijacked television, it came from the helicopter. "Surprised to see more arrivals. Truth be told, I expected you to disable the device quicker, but your performance was adequate enough for me to entertain some more challenges." The taunting, distorted voice coming from the helicopter was replaced by what sounded like clicking of a keyboard. "Backup, correct? Interesting that you were the first one to make it onto the roof. Especially interesting that you're arbitrarily trapped with two far superior intellects, at least IQ-wise. It'll be interesting to see how you deal with this. Initiate Protocol 12J-3."
Above them, a small drones (this might've been how the voice was watching Backup from the roof) did a loop around the HERO Three rooftop before landing on a rooftop adjacent to the one that the heroes were climbing up, with a solid 20 or 30 foot gap between them. The drone had deposited some type of black box on the rooftop, and said black box began to deconstruct itself, shifting and moving like it had a mind of its own, until it had constructed itself into the form of what appeared to be a small turret.
Said turret then began to shoot at Backup, firing one round precisely every 5 seconds and following the heroine across the rooftop. It was extremely evident that whoever was responsible for this hacking attack on HERO Three was messing with Backup; well, messing with all of them. Whether or not this was purely to buy time, or collect data, or just have some good old deranged villain fun was unknown. Perhaps it was a combination of all three.