September 27th, 2021 | 2:30 PM | Happy Harbor, Rhode Island
Daphne was doodling in her plant diary, enjoying the tranquility of nature around her. She drew little hearts and initials all over her notes, not fully aware of what she was actually doing. There was a dreamy look on her face, eyes sparkling with something special, something new and exciting.
A gentle murmur coming from a patch of daisies interrupted her musings. She paused the song that was playing through her phone and listened more carefully. They sounded distressed and Daphne could occasionally catch a word, but so far it wasn’t making much sense. She furrowed her brows. What was going on?
Daphne touched the grass next to her picnic blanket and closed her eyes.
Her mind connected to the deep interconnected system of roots underneath the trees. They described what they were seeing several yards away.
A predator….
She gasped and drew back her hand from the grass. The brunette teen immediately started to survey the surroundings.
Amidst her absent-mindedness while enjoying her picnic, it was clear that she hadn’t noticed how quiet the woods had gotten. Normally this forest made itself to be obviously filled with animal life as well; but right now the cicadas didn’t buzz, and the birds didn’t chirp. It was as if all the woodland creatures were holding their breath, hiding, waiting.
Instead, it was just a soft breeze rustling through the leaves of bushes and trees. During the moment she took to look around, it would initially appear that she was alone. Then, a single rustle of leaves in a treetop a little deeper in the woods revealed the contrary. The figure looked somewhat familiar from this distance, almost human but where its head would be, appeared to be nothing but a round bushlike shape.
It was climbing across a rather high branch and, in a movement too fluid to be just human, swung its body to leap to another branch— disappearing from sight.
Daphne narrowed her eyes. She kept her gaze trained on the treeline. An ominous feeling spread through her. It made her skin prickle and her stomach turn uncomfortably. She looked down at the plates, cups and other small containers with various food items, debating if she would leave them behind and make a run for it back to the HQ.
She got up from the grass and began to take a few slow steps backwards. Like she was in a stare down with something unseen. With each step the feeling of being unsafe intensified, to a point where she wanted to bolt back to Mount Justice.
Don’t be afraid….
Stay, don’t run…
We’ll keep you safe…
The voices of plants she couldn’t see started speaking to her. From underneath the grass glaucous patches of white, mauve and red flowers started to grow at an unnatural pace. They spread out in a broad circle around her. Most remained closed, but some bloomed revealing dark markings at the base.
Opium Poppies.
While she was still deliberating, she’d find that it might have been too late. Despite having just seen it across the forest a few moments ago, only a slight sound indicated how close it had gotten so quickly. As silent as the night during the bright of the day, he had made it to a tree branch extending nearly just above her picnic setup.
Now, much closer though, she was able to see who it was more clearly. The umber mane of curls was a dead giveaway, even if they were hiding his face. With all the contention that surrounded his disappearance weeks ago, it may have initially been great to see him alive. However, further inspection would reveal that the scarlet light of his eyes pierced from within the shadows. His suit was worn and dirty, clearly weathered compared to how he normally maintained it.
The Red Beast, as Ja called it, perched calmly in the tree above; Watching. He could sense her fear, even from this distance. His nose twitched as he could sense a hint of what was below. Eyes roved over them. Sleeping flowers, freshly grown. Did she grow them?
Daphne barely recognized him, with his face obscured and his suit that looked like he’d been trudging through the wilderness for weeks. The image of Ja at the docks flashed in front of her before she pushed it to the back of her mind. She breathed slowly and tried to control her initial fear of him.
With every step she took towards him a flower opened, releasing their pollen into the air. She covered her mouth and nose with the cardigan that was wrapped around her shoulders.
What happened to him and where had he been all this time….?
As she slowly approached, a few moments passed before he lumbered down from the tree, crouching on all fours at the base. Despite the best efforts of the flower guardians, their pollen seemed to have no effect on him. If she noticed closely, darker lines appeared on his seemingly barely functional suit and seemed to shift to a pattern reminiscent to that of a caterpillar. Although her caution was clear, he allowed her to approach without making any sudden moves.
Daphne managed to safely maneuver through the poppy’s which were meant to protect her. She searched for any sign of Ja within the red glow of the force that seemed to possess him. The Green continued to whisper warnings to her but she ignored it. There was a slight grimace on her face at the effort it took to shut out their voices.
When her mind quieted down she searched for the right words to say. What if she couldn’t get through to him?
"Ja….? Is that you?
What she could see of his face was dry, and a little dirty. Near his eyes though was puffy, oddly in the way it would if someone were crying and rubbing their eyes. As she was first walking over, it was clear he was watching her, but his eyes were more clearly over at her picnic basket.
When the girl of the green said his name though, he perked up, turning his head to look up at her instead. His breathing was calm, but was clearly unsure of what to do while in her presence. Several sounds came from his lips, as if trying to speak, but it was mostly incomprehensible at first. After a few false starts, he decided to attempt to repeat what she said.
”J…aaaa…?” A familiar but growly rendition of her friend’s voice came from him.
Daphne’s heart jumped hopefully when she recognized a sliver of Ja and she clutched onto it fervently. Her hesitant smile grew more sure, brown eyes filled with warmth.
”Ja….that’s your name, that’s you…”
She signed for him to stay put and rushed back to her picnic set up. The poppy flowers were already starting to wilt just as rapidly as they’d sprouted. Daphne plucked a big blueberry muffin from the basket. This time she walked up right in front of him, only an arm’s length of distance left between them. She presented the sweet like a peace offering.
He initially leaned back when she ran off back to the picnic basket. The name jumbled around in his head. Ja…Him remember Flower say that. Him remember water and dark. Him remember Flower scared…Him was supposed to protect..- The poppies were dying away slowly. Why?
A new smell emerged that stole his focus. Fruit…food…His eyes followed her return with it. When she offered it to him, he stared at her for a moment. She was not mad or scared of him anymore…? She didn’t have to wait long for him to take it into both hands. Now this close, the smell was overwhelming to a stomach that hadn’t had people food in a while. So, he bit into it, wrapping liner and all until it was gone.
Daphne never got tired of Ja making food disappear in seconds. It was endearing and impressive at the same time. She smushed his cheeks with her hands, seeming to urge him to give up the muffin wrapper. Ja’s skin felt dry and rough. There were bumps and scratches under her fingertips when she caressed his cheeks.
”Why did you eat the wrapper silly, you’ll get a stomach ache later.” She said laughing. Although knowing Ja he could stomach nearly anything. He was one of the few people at the base who ate her failed dinners, breakfasts…..and well lunches too.
His eyes quickly switched wider, mildly startled when her hands first contacted his face. Though the longer the interaction seemed to go on, he got more comfortable with it. Despite the coaxing and questioning about the wrapping paper, she got tiger-like chuffs from him instead. She was not scared anymore, Flower was happy to see him. It made the hurt and anxiousness in his chest feel a little better.
In fact, the Prince of the Wild felt better enough, that he now became more curious about what she had left in the basket. His eyes shifted past her to it. His lips twitched a little as if he wanted to say something, but the concept of words seemed strange to his mouth. For a moment he blinked, trying to think of something. She said ‘Ja’ before, and when he said it back, Flower got him something from the basket. Maybe it would work again.? So, looking back at her, he pointed to the picnic setup.
Daphne laughed, recognizing more of Ja’s behavior the longer she interacted with him.
”Yes Ja you can eat all of it.”.
They went back to the basket and Daphne flipped it open. There were small containers of pre-cut fruit, sandwiches, sweets and several kinds of leftovers from dinner. She’d packed way too much food, as per usual. Despite having been out here for a while all she ate was a handful of strawberries. Instead of eating she’d been listening to music and doodling in her diary.
The breeze had flicked the pages on the left side of her diary back and forth, but the pen forced the current right hand page to stay down. Daphne resumed her earlier position, face propped up with her one hand, using the other hand to draw flowers around the hearts which were already there.
’Yes Ja.’ Was all he needed to hear, and he followed her over to the basket with some excitement.
His nose twitched as he sniffed out each of the different things inside as she was pulling them out. With it all dumped out, he immediately went to work on the fruits and sweets. They were the quickest to eat, just in case he had to run.
”Kassy is going to be so happy to see you. When you’re done eating we should go back and surprise her.”
Amidst the food items being devoured and Flower’s drawing— Kassy. Her name roused him enough to pause eating altogether. He perked up and looked around. His nose and ears couldn’t find her. His headbush picked up no different movements.
”Kassy…?” His rumbling voice was softer when he repeated it. Upon not seeing her anywhere, his amber eyes turned back to Flower, his eyebrows sloped upward. There was longing in them.
Daphne stopped doodling when she heard Ja’s voice shift in tone. She closed her journal and sat up straight, facing Ja and his crumb covered cheeks. The way he searched for Kassy’s presence tugged at her heartstrings. Why were they still even out here? She should have been dragging him back to Kassy first thing.
Although bringing him home starved would for sure mean a pitstop in the kitchen and the pantry. So there would be time lost regardless. Daphne kneeled in front of Ja and wiped the crumbs from his cheeks gently.
”Do you want to go see Kassy?”
Understanding her question more by circumstance than by word, he slowly nodded his head. His eyes briefly surveyed the food, or perhaps what was left. A good amount of the things that weren’t in tupperware were consumed. Still he also knew well the law of the wild to never waste food. So those ones held in the little plastic things he hadn’t destroyed yet, as well as some of the half eaten food, the primal prince placed back into the basket to bring with them.
Daphne’s pace was leisurely but secretly she wanted to run back and find Kassy. Somewhere deep down she still had this nagging feeling of guilt, despite having it discussed at length with the Team during the debrief and even after. She felt she should have done more, should have been stronger. Maybe then this wouldn’t have happened to Ja and Kassy. Or maybe it still would have. Whatever the facts may be, her guilt didn’t care.
The wild child followed, carefully keeping pace with her. There was some excitement in his expression and body language. Being with Flower was good, and helped him feel better about his return. Getting back to Kassy would…— He froze, near the entrance to the mountain’s interior.
While staring up at the incline of rock and dirt, he remembered what happened when he escaped; What he had seen. Even though she did not come around here a lot, going by his memory, the hurt inside made him hesitate to move forward.
Daphne glanced back over her shoulder noticing Ja’s hesitation. She gently squeezed his arm, linking them together by the elbows.
”It’s okay, it’s safe here. Everyone missed you a lot, so don’t be scared. We’ll go back together.”
For a moment longer, he didn’t budge. Half of him wanted to retreat back to the safety of the forest…but looking back down at Flower, he understood that his pack lived in there. It should be safe in there if they were there…right?
They is inside. Home is inside.