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Time: 6p.m.
Location: Castle Dining Room
Attire: Tripleting Banquet Fit!
Interaction: Charlotte, Olivia, Alexander, King Edin, Queen Alibeth
Mention: Wulfric, Anastasia

Lorenzo spent the entire afternoon telling every person at the Sorian Vikena Estate about how his performance had won over the other performances at the theater. He exaggerated some, like mentioning Prince Wulfric holding back tears beneath that stoic expression of his and how Anastasia was so moved by his performance, she attempted to mimic the ambience he had set for the audience. No one was safe, except Charlotte who only needed to listen to an abbreviated version of the events due to her attendance at the art gala. He wished she could have seen his performance but he also knew courting season was important for a developing woman. He was not completely comfortable with the idea of her being courted by different suitors but as long her reputation remained better than Mina Blackwood's, he'd continue to allow her to participate.

“Alexander Deacon?” Lorenzo had no idea who this man was but had been sure he did not hold a relevant title. At least until Delilah said otherwise, getting her information by way of gossip. She had presented the nicely written letter, and immediately his worries died down. Vice President of The Black Rose Trading Company? Royal Advisor?! And it's a business meeting with Lottie? How wonderful!” Lorenzo had pined, only knowing the company for the face it presented to the public.

The clock ticked away, until it was time for Lorenzo, Charlotte, and Olivia to attend yet another event hosted by King Edin. In addition to the banquet, there was also an official meeting with Prince Wulfric and the other dukes. At first he had been annoyed at the thought of having to speak about official business during such a comfy event, but he soon. figured Wulfric was simply hiding the fact that he'd be presenting him with a medal or trophy for his performance today. With that belief he made sure he’d stand out even more than usual. Red would be the color for tonight!

As Lorenzo and his company entered the dining hall, he removed his top hat and strode in with his head held high.

"Presenting… Lord of Theater, Duke Lorenzo Vikena and Lady Charlotte Vikena of Veirmont, accompanied by Lady Olivia Vik..en..a?” Lorenzo gave the room a subtle wave and grin at the announcement of their arrival before the trio had their seats pulled out for them. However, before anyone seated, Lorenzo looked far across the table, greeting the King and Queen with a bright smile before performing bow, while he assumed Charlotte and Olivia went for their best curtsies.

Briefly, Lorenzo moved to sit down but paused upon spotting Alexander Deacon also seated far across the table. The two exchanged a smile before Lorenzo pulled at his deep red jacket with an excited look on his face. Alexander mirrored his gesture, tugging on his own jacket, noting they were wearing very similar colors but he then he pointed toward Prince Callum who had entered wearing something similar.

“Girls, it looks like I have a twin- No… We’re TRIPLETS!” Lorenzo’s jaw dropped as he lightly pushed at Charlotte’s arm upon spotting Prince Callum wearing a similar deep red suit. “Prince Callum and uh… who is he, Charlotte?” He asked genuinely, revealing he had been gesturing so openly with a stranger.

Time: 6 p.m.
Location: The Castle Dining Hall
Attire: Red Suit
Interaction: King Edin, Queen Alibeth
Mention: Wulfric

Alexander entered the dining hall, boldly adorned in red by his lonesome. He welcomed the wide-open space filled by the most succulent aroma with a smile and a nod before walking across the length of the room to his assigned seat. As he strode, Eri piped in, taking advantage of this moment by adding her own improvised tune.

A ribbon for a ring… A ribbon for a ring… The scorpion makes a promise that he won't ever sting… A ribbon for a ring… A ribbon for a ring… The deadly poison spreads deeply beneath the lady’s skin… There was light laughter from her before she continued.

Alexander, are you prepared to eat? Will you bring your wife back something sweet? Do you… enjoy my rhymes? I could do this all the time…

I’d rather you not. Just inform me of how Lianna is doing while I’m here. This banquet… is mine and mine alone. Alexander couldn't show just how elated he was with his chosen seat, so a warm smile would have to be enough. As he walked down the aisle made by the rows of tables, his eyes naturally locked straight ahead on the one and only Queen Alibeth Danrose. Compared to her, King Edin was far from interesting as he stuffed his face and lathered his lips with the rich food prepared for this evening’s meal. Swine. Right now, Alexander would find it quite humorous if the King were to choke to death here but unfortunately that would go against the interests of the Black Rose. Wulfric taking the throne too soon would be unfavorable and disadvantageous. Unfortunate…

As he arrived at his seat, he refrained from seating himself. Instead he took this opportunity to greet the King and Queen, seated so close to him. Since Edin’s mouth was occupied with food, Alexander took this opportunity to mostly address the queen.

“Queen Danrose, esteemed queen of Caesonia.” He performed a mock bow. “I’m afraid we have not had the pleasure of a formal introduction but I am sure nothing gets past those striking amber eyes of yours, your highness. I am honored and humbled to be so close to the divinity of the crown.” He took his seat but shifted his chair slightly in their direction, leaving the conversation open. “I can assume the food is delectable,” Alexander commented with an amused smirk, noting Edin who was shoveling away at his plate as if his life depended on it.

Martian Manhunter


September 20th, 2021 | JL Watchtower, Orbit

The Watchtower wasn't abuzz as one might believe. Few heroes actually remained up here when there wasn't a global or galactic crisis occurring. The view and silence of space gave it a somewhat tranquil atmosphere despite elements of the natural world being scarce. It was a location that would serve well in escaping one's troubles. At the same time, it could also serve as a prison for one’s negative thoughts. Martian Manhunter aimed for Kassy to experience the former.

It had taken Kassy a while to shake off the physical ramifications of the journey to the Watchtower. With an Atlantean body born to withstand double the amount of pressure that a human could, going into an environment with no atmosphere at all was taxing. But the vertigo and nausea had subsided, which left her mind free and clear to spin into whirlpools.

Within a large soundproof training room, Kassy and Martian Manhunter stood facing each other. When the Martian wasn't smiling, his face was the representation of neutrality, even putting Viktor’s stoic expressions to shame.

“Kassandra, we have worked towards strengthening your mental defenses but is there anything specific you might be interested in training? I may not possess your abilities but I have had experience and time with many heroes of the League I can draw from.”

The young woman looked exhausted. "Well… I feel that I am…" Kassy looked off, clearly struggling to express herself. "I am not doing my share when it comes to combat. The elemental magics my staff provides are a distant second to what the rest of the team provides. It's good for a backup, but if I-" If she had been stronger, she could have protected KJ. She knew that thinking was not actually helpful, and so she didn't let the guilt pass her lips.

"If I wish to continue helping, I need to learn to manage my own magic better. I need stronger illusions." Martian Manhunter gave Kassy an affirmative nod.

“Illusions are an exemplary tool with many uses in and outside of combat. However, the user requires not only a great deal of finesse but the ability to maintain what they know is real against their elaborate design.” Martian Manhunter floated away from Kassy, giving her some distance. “Remember your reason for improving yourself Kassandra, and I know we'll be successful in enhancing your abilities. We'll start easy. I'll draw out surface memories of locations from your thoughts. You will then change the scenery of this training room to that setting. Are you prepared to begin, Kassandra?”

Kassy took a calming breath. She wasn't sure how this was going to go. As far as she knew, no one else had read her mind. Nothing for it but to dive in, though. She shut her eyes and tried to relax. "Yes, I am ready."

“Good. We will be going with something familiar to you. The lounge at Mount Justice where you and your friends spend many heartfelt and casual moments. You are the architect, so build the scene around us. One sense at a time, the order does not matter. Only focus on the final product of your illusion. Convince me that we are in the lounge on a typical day.” His voice was calm and steady as he held a moment from Kassy’s memory while also keeping his senses vulnerable to her manipulation.

"Okay." Sight was always the easiest. The lounge at Mount Justice seemed to melt into place around them. The familiar sofa and cushiony chairs. The Big TV with speakers and a rack of DVDs. Two finely dressed rich women mid-argument about something inane - and then Viktor, hiding a smile while he watched. Daphne next, underneath her sun lamp and reading a book. Zach on his phone, texting at rapid speed. Cora sitting with a machine kit and a screwdriver. Pei with a dye cap on her head. Will trying and failing not to look interested in the television. Vincent walking in with a massive bowl of perfectly done popcorn. And Kilamanjaro with a smile and a laugh, in sharp focus.

Everything seemed to waver for a moment. Kassy focused her breathing and braced herself. And then, like a bubble was popped, sound came rushing through. It was a lively moment, the sort of warm chaos that could easily follow a group full of teenagers. Quite suddenly, it smelled like popcorn, and soda, and hair dye, and sea salt and the air after rain, and it was warm, because despite their arguments, they were comfortable. Her friends, her family.

Her home.

"...I… am not sure how to manage taste."

“Though, I believe if I were to try the popcorn of your illusion, it would taste as it's intended to.” Martian Manhunter replied as he surveyed the illusion. He expected such a familiar setting to miss the finer details due to the typical complacency seen from other illusionists but he found himself very impressed by Kassy’s demonstration.

“Kassandra, if you can fool most of one's senses, the brain will often fill in the gaps. There are exceptions. Such as someone having prior knowledge of your abilities or someone very in tune with their senses. Kilamanjaro and Viktor would make for good practice. Regulating their sharp senses to the natural world makes them harder to fool. It's better to overwhelm the mind when faced with adversaries of this type,” He informed in his calm, steady tone.

“Now, let us delve deeper…” He put a single finger on his temple, searching for a more tumultuous scene from her memories.

Kassandra shifted with discomfort. She could feel a subtle sense of something wrong, like an itch she couldn't reach. Was this what it felt like when she used her magic on others?

“This one… When you and the team embarked to Atlantis, you encountered a giant squid deep in the ocean. Bring me there, but a version of it where the situation plays out better than it had.” This time Martian Manhunter was asking Kassy to conjure an illusion with a vast setting with an enormous creature. Instead of forming an illusion of events she was familiar with, she'd have to change what she knew of the situation. Kassy’s illusions were strong in their ability to imitate but could they alter what she remembered into something she knew in her heart was not true?

"...Yes, sir. I'll try." She truly did not want to return to the scene of her failure. So many things had gone wrong - had been wrong from the beginning. Despite her fear, she'd been so happy to let the others see where she'd come from.

“I know you can do this. Don’t hold back the illusion, Kassandra. It is merely the past and I am here with you.” Martian Manhunter’s voice coached faintly.

The cool, pressing depths of the ocean, wrapping around like a hug and shield all at once. Safe and familiar. At that depth, it was a deep blue - but it was bursting with life. Coral and kelp feeding brilliant colored fish. The deep vibration of whalesong, and all around an almost imperceptible hum of ocean current. It was peaceful and beautiful.

Then peace and beauty went ink-black in the same moment.

“Team, we have a situation. There’s a giant squid out here and we need to chase it off without harming it too much. Rain, Cybergirl - protect the doctor! Metamorph, Brightheart, and Nymph, on me! Zatara, now’s the time to see if that merman charm of yours works! Let’s go!”

To Kassy's eye, the squid was not a mindless, blood-thirsty thing. No, it was more akin to a giant bear cub than anything else. Dangerous, but juvenile. It would fight if provoked, but more likely would be scared off.

The team shifted into gear at her command. Former and current teammates worked quickly together. Nymph used the thick kelp to keep it from further hampering the sub, while Zatara conjured up a bigger squid. Mirage's magic gave it an illusory reality. It took another push from Brightheart's combined strength, but soon enough the creature was starting to back down.

Kassy's breath started to pick up as she pushed the line between what was real and what wasn't. This had not been how it went at all, but… how she wished it had.

"...hold, team. It's leaving." Mirage exhaled, voice shuddering with adrenaline. "Excellent work, everyone! Head on back to the ship, I will make sure we're clear." The team obeyed her orders quickly, and she watched them all go safely back into the sub. By now, the squid was retreating in full. Mirage saluted the creature as it left.

"My apologies for all the fuss, old one. I know you're not a -"

“MONSTER!” Bingley's voice howled, sending a slight ripple through the illusory world. Martian Manhunter chose not to intervene, believing the effect was just Kassy reaching the limit of her abilities.

Merely a stumble she can recover fro- Martian Manhunter was caught off guard by what occurred next.

Without consideration for Kassy’s proximity to the squid or the decisions she had made to ensure a peaceful resolution, twin torpedoes struck the creature. It occurred so quickly and with little warning. All that had preceded the attack was the brief sound of whirring through the deep. She heard the muffled sounds of torpedoes exploding on contact. She felt the force throw her backward violently. She saw the rush of bubbles mixed in with blood and body parts. She could smell the high concentration of blood that spread through the water. She tasted…

“Kassandra… Kassandra…”

“YOU ABOMINATION!” She remembered this taste.

“Focus on my voice… Kassandra!” Why here? Was she hurt?

“You know what she is, what she’s capable of!”
No, she was-. She was far from being fine.

“Kassandra! Kassan-… where-…. taking us-…” Martian Manhunter’s voice faded while Bingley's remained so powerful.

She'd heard it too many times.

“Kas-……. foc-……. st-...”

Not even her childhood was safe.

“Dangerous beast…”
Just how long would it take to convince them otherwise.

Kassandra turned her head to spit a cloud of fresh blood. “But - I didn’t do anything, Auntie.” Her tooth had cut the inside of her lip, and she knew she’d have another swollen bruise to hide at school tomorrow.

“Be quiet.” Her aunt’s voice was sharp and cold, devoid of everything but disdain. “How dare you embarrass me in public.”

“I was just putting it back. I never sto-” She flinched reflexively as her aunt’s hand clenched. Why did she bother to speak in her own defense? Why waste the air?

Her guilt was already decided; all that was left was the punishment.


"Your useless excuse for a father married a monster and leaves me dealing with his siren spawn-" Kassy tried to block out her words. None of it was true. Her father would come back, someday.

"My beautiful son tangling tailfins with some whore, trying to go to the big city… What does Poseidonis have to offer that can't be found here?"

"Auntie, they love each other! And they want a new start as adults once they marry!"

"They can marry here, and stay here.” She cast a glance down with a sneer like she had found a snail in her food. "No one asked for your thoughts on the matter."


“You’re nothing…”


“Lucky to even be considered fam-”

“FAMILY!” Martian Manhunter’s voice boomed over her aunt’s insults. Just his voice sent ripples through the memory, rumbling and shattering the memory and revealing something else. Something warm, familiar, and pleasant.

Kassy’s treasure.

Her home.

Her family.

Kassy found herself returned to the Mount Justice lounge. The familiar sofa and cushioned chairs. The Big TV with speakers and a rack of DVDs. Viktor was still hiding a smile while he watched TV. Daphne sat up with her precious smile from beneath her sun lamp. Zach was grinning at his phone after receiving a text back. Cora held up a newly constructed gizmo. Pei looked in a handheld mirror at her hair’s new shade of neon orange. Will submitted to simply enjoying watching the television. Vincent held a handful of popcorn, ready to stuff his face. And Kilamanjaro, still with a smile and a laugh, in sharp focus.

“Kassandra.” Kilamanjaro motioned her with his hand to join everyone.

“Don’t look so sad.”
“Don’t look so sad.”

“You’re home. You're safe.”
“You’re home. You're safe.”

I'm home. I'm safe. Kassy relaxed, reaching out for KJ's hand. But just before they touched, she stopped short. "...Kassandra…" The smile slid off her face.

"You never call me that."

It took truth to break an illusion. Even while submerged in it, there was now a sheen of unreality over it. Like a movie with false lighting. Close - but not quite real.

With her realization apparent, Kilamnajaro’s smile faded as his expression became stoic. He uncharacteristically stood square and upright.

"...sir, you can let me out. I… I'm okay."

“Of course, Kassandra.” Kilamanjaro’s body shifted into Martian Manhunter as the lounge melted away into the plain white room the two had started the training session in.

“I would like to apologize, Kassandra. I did not want to resort to such methods but I needed to pull you out,” He explained with a concerned look. “On a positive note, I believe I know where you need improvement… It's not an issue of skill. You're distracted by your pain and you seem to carry it with you like a weapon on your hip.”

"You did what needed to be done. It is… okay." Kassy was silent for several moments, wiping her tear-streaked face on her sleeves. Perhaps she should have felt angry, but… it was nice to see KJ's smile, even a false one. "I didn't do it on purpose. But I'm tired of being that way. Can you help me be better?"

“We will Kassandra. You and I will both help you be better. Let us have a brief intermission before another exercise.” The Martian smiled warmly. He was confident Kassy would continue to grow more powerful. She only needed to find her balance… or perhaps it was more fitting to call it, her anchor.

"That's a good idea… Thank you, sir."

Location: Justice League Watchtower
Interactions: Cyborg


Cyborg and Viktor sat side by side conducting watch duty, which was mostly known as the most boring responsibility of the Justice League’s members. Sit in front of a super computer for hours while providing support to other heroes. It allowed for a way for the League to cover their bases across the globe. However, if there was little to no activity, the duty just made for a good icebreaker opportunity between you unfamiliar members or uncomfortable silence.

“This is incredible.” Viktor commented as he hovered over the control console.

“Every now and then someone appreciates it.” Cyborg commented as he stared at one of the monitors. He was often tagged for this duty considering he never needed sleep and him being here was like having two super computers working off of each other.

“They likely don't recognize the worth of this. Stormcaller would love this… she'd love the Watchtower.”

“She?” Cyborg gave Viktor a telling look who shook his head.

“No. She's just somewhat like the Mr. Terrific of our team. Was going to work with NASA before she received her abilities. Cora has plenty of knowledge and is always looking for ways to improve upon herself. For her, good is appropriate for today and better is appropriate for the next. She and I have this mindset in common. That is all.”

“Alright. Just checking, Vik. I can always give some advice on things that aren't so mission focused.”

“Like dating? It could ruin the dynamics of our team.”

“You sound like Grayson…”

“Well, he and I-”

“He folded. And guess what? Didn't change a thing when we had to save the day. Sure, maybe there were a few small hurdles but nothing big.” Cyborg shrugged before pointing at Viktor. “Vik, listen, when you're on a team like yours, stronger bonds don't make you weaker… I'm not sayin’ you gotta shack up with someone but don't be afraid of it… and don't overthink it.”

“But it requires some thought, no? Practicing favoritism is easily undertaken when you have a stronger relationship with someone versus the rest of the team. And that favoritism can lead to making poor operational decisions.”

“And recognizing that problem means you’ll keep that in mind, right? You're smart, sure, but you think too hard about the simple things, Vik. Enjoy the moment! Not everything's a mission. If you like someone, you like them. You told me Viktor and Rain aren't the same guy. One wears a visor with an almost decent HUD and the other looks at the world through his own two eyes.”


“And you're still overthinking it.” Cyborg shook his head.

“It's a habit.” Viktor shrugged.

“Sometimes a bad one. Especially, when you're not suited up… Listen, Vik, find a way to relax. I mean, really, relax. Make progress on that and I'll consider upgrading some of that equipment of yours. Deal?”


“Vik!” Cyborg caught him doing it again.

“Fine. Deal.” There was a brief moment of silence between them before Viktor shot Cyborg a look and spoke up. “Almost decent HUD?”

Location: Justice League Watchtower
Interactions: Cyborg



“Ehhh… You're gettin’ there but you need to put a little more oomph into it.” Cyborg commented as he and Viktor walked side by side through the main corridor of the Justice League Watchtower. “It’s helluva lot better than the first time though, so we're at least gettin’ somewhere with that.”

“Thanks but, I still don't see how this will help me improve my teamwork or mission oversight skills.” Viktor looked puzzled.

“You’re just looking at it in the short term, Vik. A QB could have all the hours of practice in the world, and the man won't see his good work paid off until game-day.” Cyborg nodded thinking back to his days of highschool football.

“Like training one's core or marksmanship fundamentals. But… Booyah?” Viktor replied before nodding at some passing heroes.

“It’s energy. The type you need more of if you're saying it the way you do. Vik, if you get anything out of these two weeks, it’s learning to live a little.” He put a heavy hand on Viktor's shoulder and the two stopped in the corridor.

“Live a little… I guess I cantake that into consideration, Cyb-, Victor… Vic.”

“There it is. All your own. It's finally starting to kick in. Now, are you ready for some combat drills?” Cyborg smirked.

“Of course.” Cyborg leaned in and put a hand behind his ear as if he was hard of hearing.

“Sorry, Vik. Kinda hard to hear you without that energy we've been talkin’ about.” He caused Viktor to avert his gaze.

What am I meant to say? My words aren't wrong. My approach seems correct but I lack… energy? I have to learn to live a little? Vitkor faced Cyborg again.

“Still can't quite hear ya, Vik.”

“Hear this then! You're losing this time!” Cyborg was briefly taken aback.

“If it's anything like the last time, y-” Viktor placed his on Cyborg's shoulder.

“I’m not losing twice.” Viktor said with a confident grin reminiscent of the Akakichi no Eleven Redraws meme.

Time: 11 a.m.
Location: Edin Theater

Lorenzo could tell immediately that's Anastasia wasn't a fan of his opening speech but he could not dare put spotlight on his rivals. If he had not been chosen to be on this stage, he would have lauded them all from the audience. As she reluctantly took her place beside him, Lorenzo peered over at her. For a moment, his strong demeanor faltered against her words and her expression. He really did like Princess Anastasia, and now wondered if what he did had been worth it. Questioning his actions before feeling Kier randomly nibble at his collar.

Kier was right! Lorenzo has to take this emotion and let him fuel him even more.

“Princess Anastasia… thank you. You've given me the boost I need, lovely muse,” he whispered. “Use that cello to break their hearts as you did mine just now. I didn't mean those harsh but, now I know I was meant to say them. Help me deliver a tragedy, princess. One they won't forget.” Lorenzo shot her a tear-eyed wink. He stood strong, looking at the crowd before spilling his emotions as the cello played.

“Love! What is it I ask you all? Whatever your answer, shelter it in your hearts as I recite my piece!” Lorenzo cleared his throat once before he began.

“A man of mild wealth lived happy and free,
No worries, fears, responsibilities,
In time love found him and entered his life,
Tenderness, passion, makings of a wife,
The thought refused, wishing for loneliness,
Love is powerful, one cannot contes’,
Befalling kings, queens, peasants, and free men,
Remains beautiful again and again,

This is love.”
Lorenzo paused a solemn expression now on his face. He pet Kier softly before continuing

“How could this man be free against it all?
Impossible! He just braced for the fall,
The warmth, into the tenderness he went,
This is love, no fighting, this is what was meant,
Did he appreciate her love? Did he?
Yes, but it soon became something deadly,
The pain, into the abuse he endured,
Clipped wings and caged, no different than a bird,

This was love.

A pet to show off, trophy of marriage,
Faking glee, hiding every miscarriage,
Tender bruises, warm blood, it was the price,
Then came the worst, a sharp knife meant to slice,
Screams and broken things, alcohol mustered,
Matter of time til the worst was ushered,
Darkness, emptiness, the man had vanished,
So did the woman, her life was banished,

Was this… love?”
Lorenzo blinked a few times but continued. He was far from done. This was far from over. He reached down and picked up one of the red petals and held it as if he’d recite the poem to it.

“It was not long til he found someone new,
Fine, bottle-shaped, her color, a red hue,
She never fussed, never screamed, never fought,
Helped him to bed, gifted him what he sought,
Was it freedom, of course, freedom from pain,
Freedom from sadness, yet the loss remain,
This love, one-sided but she made him feel!
Made him feel nothing, so he could not heal,

This is love.

Isolated, his desire for her grows,
Can't let her go, and no one even knows,
Never abandoned, always takes her in,
Deeper, he wipes her juices from his chin,
His eyes roll back, any more will kill him,
Deeper, now he's at the edge, on the rim,
She can take him where he seeks to escape,
Deeper, his eyes shut, his mouth left agape,

This was love.”
Lorenzo smiled weakly at the audience, his expression without a hint of the strength he had at the start.

“Then he wakes, the man is so far from death,
Heavy, labored, and weakly was his breath,
With his mistress, he wished to die alone,
Fall to tenderness and passion like stone,
Hard and heavy, to become still, lifeless,
Rid his heart of this feeling of tightness,
Send him on to the woman from before,
Heaven? Hell? It mattered not on which door…

Was this… love?”
Lorenzo dropped the poppy petal. It grabbed Kier’s attention, causing the ferret to scurry to its landing. “Thank you.” He performed a bow.

Time: 11 a.m.
Location: Edin Theater
Interaction: Anastasia, Wulfric, Morrigan, Edin, Alibeth, Auguste
Mention: Kazumin, Drake, Farim

After briefly conversing with Princess Anastasia and the others, Lorenzo quickly isolated himself to a small wooden stool in a corner backstage. He kept oddly silent and to himself. Alone with only Kier constantly shifting on his shoulder. It was in this isolation that Lorenzo listened to the explosive applause from the audience with each passing performance. Every cheer, clap, and whistle reverberated through his very soul, igniting a flame of competitiveness in him. Ever since he signed up to perform this day, Lorenzo knew this stage and audience was his to claim. Princess Anastasia be damned. She would assuredly cap this midday event but he would be the climax. Farim, Drake, Kazumin… what are their performances besides the rising action leading up to my own. Only, I, the Duke Vermillion could come up with such a strategy. Only the Duke of Vermillion can wow the audience while the sun is at its highest! The gods will bear witness to Duke Lorenzo Vikena of Vermillion!

Lorenzo mentally motivated himself, fueling his confidence to dangerous levels that had always preceded disaster. The fool had every ingredient for catastrophe. A grand public audience to include the Royal family, his delusional confidence, a dose of “medicine”, and of course, his ferret. Everything was set, and it was too late to stop Lorenzo.

“I guess it's my turn now.” Lorenzo's voice held such a deeper pitch to it than usual that people might have mistaken who spoke. Even his gait was different as he walked with a relaxed yet confident swagger passed a group of the staff working the stage with only a brief glance in their direction. He gave them his acknowledgement but not his attention. Despite Lorenzo's odd aloofness, Kier stared directly at the others with his beady eyes, possibly being watchful of where Farim’s feathered friend was for his own safety.

Stepping around the curtains, Lorenzo walked quietly to the center stage and into the spotlight. Lorenzo only found it fitting for him to flex his aura first, looking across those in attendance before his eyes met the viewing box holding the royal family. It was at this moment, his lips formed into a smug smirk. One that could alarm the recipients of this slight but distinct expression. He wanted a reaction. He wanted to know they could feel his powerful aura leaking out from his emblazoned soul.

Lorenzo then performed a bow, still silent. Kier moved onto the nape of his master's neck to avoid falling, his nails momentarily digging into Lorenzo but the man did not budge. He couldn't! Not now!

As Lorenzo waved his left hand to the side, several members of the audience stood, unveiling brass instruments. Most notably… trumpets. The abrupt act caused many in the crowd to exchange whispers amongst themselves. The band marched onto the stage while the duke maintained his postured bow as they took their positions on either side of him while keeping their distance for the ferret’s sake.
Next, three women left the audience stepping onto the stage. Two stood on either side of the trumpet adorned in pink dresses with red ribbon wands. The third woman, also wearing a pink dress positioned herself behind Lorenzo holding only a hand woven basket filled with something red in color.

Standing up straight and proud, Lorenzo looked to his right. This stage… Lorenzo looked to his left. ...is mine. Once he returned his gaze to the center, the band began.

As the musicians played, the ribbon wand bearers performed their graceful dance, twirling their bands of red, like impassioned painters striking red through the air. Finally from behind Lorenzo, red poppy petals were tossed, raining down upon him and Kier at the center.

Once complete, the band and the women exited to the backstage.

“King Danrose, Queen Danrose, Sorian, Caesonia and honored guests! The Duke of Vermillion is here! I am here to display the greatness of the most splendid region in the greatest kingdom in the world! Who better than Duke Lorenzo Vikena!” Lorenzo glared across the crowd.

“Do I hear Varians?! Alidasht?! Anyone to challenge my claims?! Of course not! One nation showed us how he plays with his pigeon, while the other dared not to expose the lack of artistry and talent!” Lorenzo shook his head with disapproval. “They could not even share the stage with a young man who was likely raised on a farm! And don't even allow me mention the young lord, Drake Edwards…” He chuckled. “Let a proud Caesonian show you what raw talent is! Poetry at its pinnacle! Prepare yourselves!!!”

Lorenzo stomped his foot down with strength, creating a loud thud.

“Princess Danrose! Your cello is needed! Please, it would be my honor to have none other than the jewel of Caesonia set the somber mood for my piece!”


September 17th, after the debriefing

Dropping off Metamorph’s mask at the Watchtower had taken more time than Viktor wanted, leaving him with no other option than to walk onto the obstacle course in his gear. Being late was not an option, even if he wasn't sure Will would show up to meet him. Removing his helmet as he approaches one of the stacks of large tires, Viktor revealed his ever-stoic visage.

From behind Viktor, a voice rang out.

“An obstacle course was not the setting I had pictured for our first fight, I’m not interested in racing you on the monkey bars.” His comment caused Viktor to make a slight and brief smirk.

Quiver, the clear outcast on the team, had entered the obstacle course from the other end. He was collapsing his bow back into his shoulder case as he spoke.

He was looking around, taking in the memories he had of the training sessions the team went through here. He hadn’t been here since he had left his Talon persona behind.

“If you invited me to talk, I don’t have much in me at the moment, I’m afraid. Some of your friends are upset I’m unwilling to give the League or Metamorph the benefit of the doubt, and my punishment was the implication it was my fault for leaving the team when I did.”

“And they're wrong for saying that.” He set his helmet down in the grass. “Leaving the team was clearly something you needed. Maybe the others haven't noticed but… you've changed. Perhaps that's what you needed. You weren't in a coma, and your body wasn't destroyed, but you required healing, yes?” He cocked an eyebrow as he asked.

Quiver could feel Viktor looking at him - really looking at him - and had to avert his eyes. His brow furrowed and he looked irritated, but he wasn’t really. It was the frustration of the exposure. Or maybe it was just the person he wasn’t expecting was the one to see it.

“Everyone here talks a big game about growing and trying to get better. Was it so wrong that this wasn’t the place for me to do it? Casper and Daphne were the only teammates that tried to connect with a version of me that wasn’t able to. When they were gone…let’s face it. I was just in the way. Even if Black Canary says we’re a team, I didn’t feel that way. And I’m not sure how to feel even now.”

While Quiver was talking, he felt himself fiddling with various pieces of equipment nearby.

“You think it’s worse to have someone on the team with my attitude or someone on the team who almost killed 2 of us?”

Viktor frowned and crossed his arms at the question presented to him. It was so easy to admit that the latter was worse. It was clearly the correct answer but he didn't like the idea of choosing between such a thing. But if he had to…

“The latter is worse… but KJ isn't just someone and neither are you. I won't justify what he did that night, and that is why I agreed to have him benched… But that moment doesn't define the person I know he is. And your moment of anger doesn't define who you are either.” Viktor shook his head as he walked toward Quiver’s position. “Do you remember what happened here? Our first time. Do you remember what happened to you?” He made a quick glance toward the large gap crossing on the obstacle course.

Quiver looked over. Absent-mindedly rubbing at his throat.

“Green Arrow would say that there are worse things to happen to you than a beautiful woman choking you.” His mentor’s sense of humor may have made its way out, but Quiver knew what Viktor was getting at.

“I don't blame you for your anger toward him or the League even… I felt similar when everything seemed to go wrong all at once.” Viktor furrowed his brow upon remembering what he considered the lowest time for the team. “So, I won't tell you how to feel. I can only tell you that I want you and KJ on the team. I will see that you recover, and not alone. And I will confront the one who attacked our team and ensure the incident at the docks never occurs again.” He balled his right hand into a fist. Not in anger but in frustration in not knowing what he would do when that time came. “And I know what I say next may not change anything but I apologize that ever had to happen to any of you.” Viktor averted his gaze with it being his turn to feel vulnerable.

Quiver was surprised to hear the things coming from Viktor. The apology, feeling as earnest as it was, sort of came out left-field. Or at least it just felt like that. Since the two of them had been on the team, there was an animosity based primarily on Quiver’s own toxicity and Viktor’s seriousness. Of everyone on the team, these two were the most similar in terms of their training and their abilities, and it didn’t take a therapy session with Black Canary to know that undoubtedly this was cause for a jealous rivalry, even if it just seemed one-sided. In truth, Viktor’s idea of their rivalry had changed into something healthier. Competition, without the animosity. The two could both learn from each other and in time, improve upon themselves while ensuring complacency was never a factor.

Part of Quiver got pissed all over again. Viktor being so considerate of his feelings. When all Quiver has been wanting this whole time from him was the chance to beat him in a fight? It was preposterous. But Quiver knew that that was irrational, and to disregard Viktor’s olive branch at face value when he had taken the time to hear him out and even agree with him on some of his points would be incredibly petty.

“You know I’d have thought you and I would have broken out into a fight sooner. That we’re heading straight to a collision that climaxes in some bloody confrontation.”

“You’re completely alone with that thought. This. I think this was better.”

Quiver turned around and headed for the exit, while Viktor walked over to retrieve his helmet. He’d stick around for a moment. He did leave this conversation with something- no. He left this conversation with someone to think about.

“Next time, then.”

“We owe that to each other, so yes. Next time.”


September 19th, 2021 | 9:00am. | Happy Harbor, Rhode Island

Two days after their mission debriefing and losing Metamorph, the Team was called into the Debriefing Room yet again but this time, several individuals were there to greet them. Standing beside Red Tornado were Martian Manhunter, Hal Jordan, Martin Stein, John Constantine, and Cyborg. Seated at the briefing table was Starfire, Static, Jessica Cruz, and Ronnie Raymond. They all seemed to be making small talk amongst themselves and enjoying Red Tornado’s freshly baked cookies until members of the Team entered.

“They’re here.” Starfire announced with a welcoming smile.

“They remind you of the good ol’ days, huh Star?” Cyborg commented in reference to the Titan team.

“Good morning, Team.” Red Tornado greeted. “As a means to broaden and strengthen your skills in the field, you will each be partnered with one of the heroes that were more than happy to mentor you for a period of two weeks.” He outstretched his arm toward the other heroes all holding up colored index cards with the names of their mentees. “The details and agendas of your mentorships will be tailored by your chosen heroes to aid you in your needed and desired coaching. Some may have the chance to return to the Tower daily, while others will have room and board facilitated by their mentors. With that said, take advantage of these two weeks and please… help yourself to the post-breakfast cookies I’ve prepared.” Red Tornado wasn't concerned that it was too early for chocolate chip cookies. He was just too damned proud of them. The cookies and the Team.

After introductions and cookies, the Team was given time to make any preparations needed before they embarked on a new adventure! How much will the Team grow in two weeks?! Will Metamorph ever be found?! Find out on the next episode of Young Justice!
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