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Race: Tiefling
Class: Ranger
Location: The Bar
Interactions: @princess Phia @samreaper Menzai @PapaOso Bastion/Gears @FunnyGuy Wendel @Tracxyx Bobbi

Gold Balance: 10
Injuries: Scars on body, old chain marks on wrists, ankles and neck, tattoo on wrist with number

Arya quietly observed the scenery around her. How this young pink haired lady carried herself so elegantly astounded her. Soon afterwards, a wolf joined and her eyes widened. The two quickly converse and it was quickly obvious they knew each other. Arya tried not to listen in, but it was hard not to notice the two. Being an observer soon was not enough, because the wolf was now addressing her. Her, of all the creatures here? Not only was he addressing her, he’d given her gold. Arya moved a fingerless gloved hand under her long cloak to pinch herself. Was this another dream or hallucination? The pain she felt was definitely real. Astonishment covered her like her cloak.

Her heart hammered in her chest. She folded her hands together to quit from fidgeting. Arya’s voice, longing to be heard, was caught in her throat. Why had he given her money? Was he expecting something in return? She opened her mouth to speak, but now the pink haired elf addressed her too. Her words further bewildered the tiefling. Smokey berries and secrets…? Arya swallowed nervously and took the coin.

”....” The first attempt at speech failed miserably. Oh Gods, would she lose her chance to talk to the only two people who’d spoken to her? What if they turned against her?

”....Thank you,” she murmured. Arya cleared her throat as quietly as possible without drawing too much attention to herself.

”....Th.. Thank you.” She stammered, repeating it louder as she glanced over at the duo. The movement caused some of her white hair to fall into her face and frame the left side of her face. She quickly wiped it out of her face and did her best to hide the rest of her appearance. The horns were impossible to ignore…

”....I don’t know what a smokey berry is, or why you’d think I have secrets… I’m sorry.’

The confusion rose in her voice, as a dwarf now joined them and sat beside her. Why of all places, were they sitting near her? No matter, once they learned she was a tiefling, they would leave. She decided to make the best of the moment. Then, a warforged joined, and now Arya couldn’t help but gawk at the two figures. A dwarf and a warforged together? The combination was a curious sight.

Arya gathered her courage to speak up–then suddenly lost it. A loud yell caused her to flinch and immediately duck her head. Arya braced for pain–sharp, throbbing, stabbing, or burning pain, it didn’t matter—but nothing came. Memories flashed through her mind’s eye and Arya was temporarily void of reality. Heart pounding, she tried to catch her breath, and began to hyperventilate.

This was a mistake. A mistake. I have to-”

A familiar and comforting voice caused her train of thought to come to a screeching halt. ’Arya.” Stella, back from flying, perched on her shoulder and kept pecking her head until she responded. ”You are okay. It was a gnome. Not a threat to you. Chin up. Make some friends.”

”I don’t…” Stella pecked her again and then unfurled a wing to give her head a half hug. A small smile finally escaped her. She took a deep breath as she pulled out of the reverie. Arya turned to face the unexpected group beside her while Stella folded her wings.

The gnome was now attempting to flirt with the bartender, Gears, and the commotion seemed to have died down. The noise level of the bar went back to its normal level, though she could sense unease and tension from the scene that unfurled before them all.

”Sorry,” she addressed the group, unaware her hood had fallen off and exposed her face and features. ”... I.. Thanks,” she directed her words to the wolf finally. ”It’s… It’s nice to meet you all…” She paused and a peck from Stella encouraged her to continue speaking. ”I’m… Ayra.”

The words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop herself. The name change was out of necessity for survival. Stella peered down at her with disapproval but Arya shrugged at her.

Then she realized her hood was off. Panic flashed across her face. Quickly, she pulled it up, but not before she heard: ”Tiefling filth!”

Arya flinched once more and commenced her panic internally. Stella turned to glare at the speaker menacingly. Then, she returned to comforting the terrified blue tiefling.
Race: Tiefling
Class: Ranger
Location: The Bar
Interactions: @princess Phia

Gold Balance: 10
Injuries: Scars on body, old chain marks on wrists, ankles and neck, tattoo on wrist with number

Arya sat quietly at the bar. Her figure was cloaked beneath a dark and hooded poncho. Its deep blue fabric, worn from travel, draped loosely around her petite frame. It hid her from the curious gazes she hoped to avoid. Her silver-white hair was mostly concealed beneath the hood in a half-up braided hairstyle, with only a few strands falling softly forward, and framed her anxious features.

She shifted uneasily in her seat, gently tugging the cloak tighter around herself, one hand nervously gripping the worn strap of her satchel. Beneath the cloak, her ranger attire peeked through and showed a hint of leather padding on her thighs and worn gloves covering her fingers.

An audible growl escaped her stomach. Arya blushed furiously beneath her hood. Her gaze darted toward the warforged bartender busy with the other patrons. Arya bit her lower lip softly, glancing downward. What if she was too loud? What if speaking up caused her to be seen-to be noticed, and for the authorities to be alerted? Each time she gathered the courage to raise her hand, another confident voice cut in front and thus, left her hungry and overlooked. It was as if she were at home, except there weren’t angry voices belittling her existence.

A girl’s voice nearby piqued her curiosity. She noticed a vibrant flash of color from her peripheral vision. She looked over to observe a woman with long magenta hair standing at the bar. Her antlers poked out and reminded Arya of her own horns. This woman dressed in an outfit adorned from leafy garments. The way she dressed and her demeanor astounded Arya.

Arya's eyes widened slightly beneath her hood in quiet fascination. The woman carefully placed an assortment of marbles and stones on the counter. Was she trying to pay with them? A soft smile played at Arya's lips, intrigued yet envious of the woman's carefree confidence. Some day, she hoped to mirror it; perhaps when her family was truly free. Her heart ached – were they still alive? No. She could not let herself think this way. Arya clutched her cloak and waited for whatever happened next.

Time: Evening
Location: Castle Dining Hall
Interactions: King Edin, Queen Alibeth, Prince Wulfric, Auguste, Callum, and Princess Anastasia & Hafiz
Mentions: Cassius

The preparation for the noble banquet was not as cheerful. It would be the first time she’d be in close quarters to him. The anger flowing through her veins powered her through the stupidity of dressing up for these shithead nobles. How she wished she…. Kira pushed the thought out of her mind. At least, she could watch the rest of these insects. There would be plenty of opportunities to mingle with everyone and create friendships. Now she stood outside the banquet hall doors. With a big sigh, she strode confidently into the room.

The royals were seated at the head of the table. Typical. She smiled, curstied politely, and then glanced at the seating chart. Her eyebrows rose. Next to Shehzadi Nahir? The Gods were in her favor for once. With a grin, she strode over to take her seat. While she passed the tables, Kira noted who had arrived; the Vikena clown trio, Alexander Deacon–she avoided eye contact–, and Grand Vizier. He seemed to be in wonderful spirits, she noted dryly. Without a trace of emotion, she seated herself at the end of the table.

”Good evening, Princess Anastasia, Prince Auguste, and Grand Vizier Hafiz, my name is Kira.” She smiled and bowed respectfully to each of them. Kira folded her hands together and rested her chin on top of her hands and looked at them. ”How are we this fine evening?”

Time: Evening
Location: Castle Dining Room
Interactions: Lorenzo/Alexander, Charlotte, King Edin, Queen Alibeth Prince Wulfric, Callum, Auguste & Princess Anastasia

Olivia stared around at the fancy banquet hall. Nothing she’d seen had come close to the grandiosity and arrogance of the Danroses. She glanced around and wondered how much of it could have been put to good use-such as, feeding the poor. The thoughts caused her blood to boil. She had to remind herself to relax.

With a sigh, Olivia turned to Lorenzo. As he announced their presence, she raised a brow subtly. Vikena? She pursed her lips and curtsied without a word. She knew correcting him would be dangerous. She accepted it and straightened up after Charlotte had. Prince Wulfric, or Wulfdick, greeted her; she noticed he’d skipped greeting her, though she’d been part of the Detective Meeting. As expected.

She waved her hand in acknowledgement to the royals gathered. Her gaze flicked to Prince Callum who looked rather put-together than the rumors claimed he was. ”A pleasure to make your acq.. acquaintance!” What a stupid word. She smiled and took her seat across from Charlotte. She nervously glanced around and spotted a taller and dark haired gentleman. Without knowing who he was, she bowed her head respectfully and looked at the food. Her stomach rumbled, and she resisted the urge to grab the food with her hands to begin stuffing her face.

I’ve got this.. I hope!


A figure stood in the back of the theatre. By default, they remained hidden from view. Their gaze remained trained on the figures on the stage. In particular, their gaze focused on a certain blonde draped in purple attire. A smile crept across their face. The wonderful music would soon grace the disgraceful ears of the participants. How dare they sit here, as if they could truly enjoy the performance? Nobody could… Nobody could enjoy the music like they could. Disgust washed across them, and then slowly faded. Not here, not now… Composure, that was what they needed. With a sigh, the figure relaxed and continued watching with a malevolent grin.
Kira & Nahir


Thankfully, her body felt back to its usual state. No tremor in her hands nor a heavy weight on her legs and back. So they had all agreed to spend the morning by the shore, a blend of playful and leisurely activities planned. While Suhasani and Minha were eager to take a dip in the waters, Nahir and Ece had other priorities. They intended to relax, keeping their skin sun-kissed and radiant. After all, they wouldn’t want to start resembling the pale Varian nobility, especially those from up north.

Their setup was impeccable—lounging chairs laid out, soft towels draped over them, a large parasol casting cool shade, and a personal mini-bar standing ready. Ece, ever the enthusiast, made a beeline for the bar, expertly mixing drinks: arak, vodka, lime juice, ginger syrup, and ginger ale over ice. Minha and Suhasani accepted their beverages with eager smiles, almost running toward the water, while Nahir reclined luxuriously in her chair.

Nahir's lips pressed together in a tiny smile as her friends squealed at the cold touch of the sea. Their hesitation gave way to giggles as, slowly but surely, they waded deeper, their laughter mingling with the crashing of waves as they sipped their drinks in delight.

Nahir’s eyes subtly drifted across the beach, catching a glimpse of a familiar figure. “Ece, will you prepare another drink, please?” Nahir asked, her voice calm yet soft, and Ece obliged without protest or inquiry.

She recognized Kira Lockhart, laying not far from their setup. Her golden eyes lingered for a moment, tracing the graceful lines of Kira’s legs up to her face. The sight was eye-catching, but Nahir kept her expression carefully neutral, only the faintest hint of intrigue flickering in her gaze.

Ece handed her the drink, and with a gracious nod, Nahir stood, her sheer muslin robe shimmering in the sunlight. The fabric moved fluidly with her steps, and though it revealed just a touch of her golden-kissed skin, it remained modest enough to leave the imagination wondering. Every movement was deliberate, measured, as though she were fully aware of the balance she had to strike between allure and propriety. They were in the public after all.

"Kira Lockhart, was it?" Nahir’s voice was smooth as silk, carrying a subtle edge of playfulness. She stood above the woman, one hip slightly cocked, her posture relaxed but deliberate. A small smirk tugged at the corner of her lips as she looked down, golden eyes gleaming with curiosity. "May I join you?" she asked, though it was more a formality than a question. "You ran off before we could finish our conversation last time."

Kira sprawled out on a beach chair with an umbrella over her. Dosed in shadow, her hat was wide and blocking any sunlight, and sunglasses hung loosely on her face. There was a towel beside her and a picnic basket. A book laid beside her, the pages open, but her focus was not there. In front of her, the waves crashed and lurched forward, tempting the laughing kids to come play. Above her the sun shined brightly; almost too brightly. She glanced up at the sun as if to curse it for being so prominent. With a sigh, she turned back to her book. It was not often she had time to herself; she wasn’t sure why, but she wasn’t complaining.

She glanced down at her book, ready to immerse herself into someone else’s drama, when a voice interrupted. At first, she couldn’t believe it. Was this the Shashzadi Nahir? Kira glanced up and lowered her sunglasses with both intrigue, shock and amusement. “Shehzadi Nahir, what an honor,” she replied smoothly and moved to sit on the towel so Nahir could enjoy the chair. As she moved, her coverup slid down slightly and revealed more than she had possibly intended.

“You certainly may, Shehzadi. She paused, then grinned as her response became more playful. “Ah, but the delightful cheese restaurant beckoned me. Tisn’t often we dine on the royal’s dollar.” She retorted with a grin and settled onto the towel. She crossed her legs and glanced over at the obvious setup meant for Nahir then back at her. Kira’s topaz eyes met her golden ones and amusement sparkled inside them. “My setup doesn’t match yours, but I do hope you will find it comfortable.”

Nahir’s lip twitched into a smirk as she settled into the chair without complaint, extending the extra drink toward Kira, her golden gaze fixed on her subtle interest. Once the other woman took the drink, her smirk turned into a more genuine smile. “Even cheese would be appetizing coming from a royal’s purse,” she murmured, a hint of teasing in her voice.

Kira smirked and nodded in agreement. “That I cannot deny; the cheese is delicious here.”

Taking a sip, she let the taste linger before slowly licking her lips, her golden eyes still locked on Kira’s. She leaned back, one arm draped casually over the chair, her muslin robe lazily slipping off her shoulder, revealing a sliver of sun-kissed skin beneath.

"Still," she added, her tone teasing and amusing, "I’d like to think my company could rival even the finest of cheese. Perhaps you’ll agree by the time we finish this drink."

Kira watched the woman lounging in her chair with amusement and curiosity. She leaned back on her towel and turned her full attention to the woman beside her. The way the sun reflected off her sun-kissed skin… She looked away for a moment, not betraying her inner thoughts. She took a sip of her drink and savoured the flavor with a satisfied sigh.

“Oh, Shehzadi Nahir, I would bet on it.” She replied with a hint of a purr. She glanced over at the other beachgoers who immediately turned away once she indicated she was going to look over. “And I think you might have a beach of admirers begging for the same opportunity,” Her voice became playful now. “I hope my company will rival theirs as well.”

Nahir’s smirk deepened as she raised her glass in silent toast, golden eyes gleaming with quiet amusement. “Admirers are fleeting, Kira. They see gold and mistake it for treasure,” she said, sweet and smooth, just like butter, as Kira had sounded in their first meeting. “True value, however, must be earned.”

She leaned forward slightly, her robe slipping just enough to draw attention to the curve of her collarbone, enjoying how the other woman looked at her. “So,” she added, her tone teasing with an edge, “how confident are you that your company could outshine theirs?” Part of her wanted to giggle, but giggling was for girls and not women lounging on the beach with a beauty next to her, daring her to a challenge from which both would not be able to back down.

Kira grinned when she noticed the amusement in Nahir’s eyes. She didn’t show she noticed, but the amusement glistened over her expression. “Truer words have never been spoken,” she agreed in the same tone as earlier and Nahir’s.

Kira couldn’t help but notice Shehzadi's movements, but pretended not to notice. Kira allowed her eyes to move over the woman’s bronze skin. All the Alidasht were beautiful, but this one in particular held an edge. Kira smirked and leaned back in her towel just enough for her coverup to slip down towards her chest to reveal a dark swimsuit.

Kira couldn’t help but notice Shehzadi's movements, but pretended not to notice. Kira allowed her eyes to move over the woman’s bronze skin. All the Alidasht were beautiful, but this one in particular held an edge. Kira smirked and leaned back in her towel just enough for her coverup to slip down towards her chest to reveal a dark swimsuit.

“Oh, Shehzadi, I am very confident,” She paused, composed herself, and replied. “I’m irresistible,” She winked at her and sipped her drink to stop her from laughing.

“Confident and irresistible, are you?” Nahir’s smirk settled into something softer. She stared at the woman for a second, watching her lips as she drank. She had to press the tips of her fingers against her lips to stop the thought of another giggle.

Nahir reveled in the attention. The boldness of Kira’s words, the way her gaze occasionally flickered downward, only to snap back up. This was fun. A game she fully enjoyed. And yet, despite the attention, the faintest twinge of something dark and familiar churned deep within her—a quiet reminder of something she dared not name.

“I’d be most disappointed if your company ever proved… underwhelming.” Nahir’s voice dipped into a soft hum as she set her empty glass aside. She stood, the sheer fabric of her robe shifting around her like a whisper in the breeze, and placed a hand on her hip.

“Tell me, Kira,” she said, her smirk returning to her features, “are you content to hide here in the shade all day, or will you join me in the water? I am curious to see if that confidence of yours extends beyond words.”

Kira watched as the woman struggled not to giggle. Truth be told, she was struggling too. It would be unladylike or mature of her, so she resisted the temptation. Years of training under the Iron Wolves assisted her in the process. She enjoyed the game they played, and would be sorry to see it end eventually.

When the Shazadi stood up, Kira’s chest tightened briefly, and her breathing temporarily hitched. Beautiful as the suns of Alidasht, this woman. She was silent for the briefest moment–she dared not let her feelings or thoughts betray her. Then a grin spread across her face and she stood up. Kira removed the coverup slowly with a smirk. Her necklace made a soft thud against her chest when she removed the layer. ”I am content in the shade or the sun, Shehzadi.” She stepped out and gestured to the ocean. ”Shall I escort you, Shehzadi?” Kira held out an arm to her, a playful invitation.

The deliberate removal of the coverup, the confident posture—everything about Kira was bold, and Nahir couldn’t help but admire the audacity of the woman. “You are full of surprises, aren’t you?” She teased, tilting her head slightly. Her smile deepened as her eyes flicked to Kira’s arm, then back to her face.

“I see this gallant effort isn’t something you offer to just anyone. How flattering.” Nahir accepted the held out arm, her fingers brushing past Kira’s warm skin as she settled her hand there.

Kira smirked at her and proudly led her to the ocean water. People moved away once they saw them approaching, which caused her to almost choke on laughter.

The Sorian summer sun cast its golden light across the shoreline as Nahir and Kira waded into the waters. Waves lapped gently at the legs, and their laughter mingled with the distant calls of seabirds. Nahir, ever poised, seemed to move with the rhythm of the sea itself, her movements graceful and deliberate. Kira, in contrast, exuded bolder energy, splashing playfully at the Shehzadi in a way that coaxed a rare laugh from her. Kira’s laughter was contagious as well. There was a strain to her movement and voice, but she didn’t let it show.

After some time in the water, Nahir gestured for them to return to her setup. Her ladies-in-waiting were already there, perched elegantly beneath the shade of the parasol. Minha and Suhasani greeted Kira with warm smiles, their light banter suggesting they had already decided they liked her. Ece, on the other hand, remained more reserved, her eyes assessing Kira with a cool edge. Still, she was nothing short of polite, offering the guest a drink.

The group enjoyed tea together, their conversation flowing as smoothly as the spiced-infused brew in their cups. Nahir steered the dialogue with her usual charm, easily navigating between lighthearted topics and subtle teasings directed at Kira. The camaraderie, thought brief, was palpable. When it came time to part ways, Nahir stood gracefully, her golden gaze lingering on Kira for just a moment longer than necessary. With a soft smile, she bid her farewell. “Until next time, Kira,” she said, the words carrying the weight of a promise.

”Until next time, Shehzadi.” Kira purred back with a grin. The gaze upon her caused a tingling in her spine she wasn’t used to. She held the gaze for a moment as well and then waved goodbye.

She returned to her beach setup and lounged back in her chair. Kira ignored the people staring at her and gazed into the ocean. She clutched her necklace and stared into the ocean. Her heart was hammering and a rare, genuine grin spread across her face.
Olivia, Charlotte & Cassius
Part 2

Charlotte pressed herself against the interior wall of the warehouse, her gaze sliding to the other two. As the sounds of voices and heavy footsteps found their ears, she put a finger to her lips to signal them to remain quiet.

Olivia remained quiet. The overwhelming urge to cough was making it difficult. Liv recalled Lottie’s advice on breathing and shut her eyes.

“By the gods, what happened here? How did this fire start?” one guard grumbled, wiping his brow in frustration. “Looks like it’s been burning for a while. Where are the warehouse workers? They must’ve noticed something.”

Another guard, slightly older, shook his head as he surveyed the damage. “Someone lit this. Too many signs. It didn’t spread naturally. Someone’s behind this.”

It became clear that they were spreading out, questioning any workers they could find.

“Where were you when this started?” the guard barked. “Who’s in charge here?”

A worker spoke up. “We were unloading crates, sirs… We didn’t see anything unusual until the smoke started pouring out. By the time we came to address it, the whole thing was up in a blaze..”

“Help clear the area. The rest of you, stay put. I’m heading over to the city watch to get more men on this.” As the guard departed, the unmistakable sound of a large bell ringing echoed from a nearby tower, signaling the arrival of the fire brigade.

“Fire brigade’s on the way,” called a member of the fire brigade as he arrived, drenched in sweat. His voice was urgent. “But we need to act fast. If we’re going to contain this, we’ll need more than just a few men. Water’s being brought in, but we need to get a line set up before it spreads too far...”

“We should relocate through the other side before others arrive.” Charlotte whispered finally.

Cassius adjusted his position beside the women, his eyes scanning the warehouse for exits and threats. He leaned in closer to Charlotte, his voice low and deliberate.

“You’re right, but don’t move too hastily. The last thing we need is to run into more trouble on the other side.”

Olivia could hear the guards outside, but their words remained unintelligible. The warehouse spun around her while her limbs grew cold. It was as if she had taken an ice bath. She leaned into both Cassius and Charlotte to remain standing, and glanced up at them both for help. She pointed to her chest and then to her face which was turning blue from her withholding her breath.

She pointed to an exit ahead and dared not speak in case she coughed and alerted the guards outside. She slowly spelled out “lake” with her hands, slow and deliberate, unable to move fast. Exhaustion washed over her. Olivia knew it would be difficult for Lottie to bear her weight. Reluctantly, and with a mixture of growing disappointment and relief, turned to glance at Cassius and motioned to his arms, then back to her chest and growing-blue face.

Maybe it was fate that he was her and perhaps he wasn’t as bad as he seemed. Nobody could help how their parents turned out. Time would tell…..

After the group decided to move, they carefully navigated through the area, avoiding the heightened activity around the fire and the guards and moving northeast. Cassius carried her as they walked. They stuck to the shadows, using the cover of nearby buildings and the growing distance from the scene to avoid drawing attention. As they eventually neared the lake, the sounds of the chaos behind them faded, and they were able to slow their pace, eventually reaching the edge of the water where they could momentarily rest and gather themselves.

Olivia remained half conscious throughout the entire ordeal. She curled up into a ball on the ground once Lottie helped set her down. ”C-c-c-cold.” She whispered and faced them both, unwilling to elaborate further. Around them, owls hooted, crickets chirped melodically, and nighttime animals scurried about. The lake was smooth without any ripples and the moonlight shone on it, cascading its light across the lake; fortunately, not near them, thus shielding them from any passerby. She shut her eyes briefly to listen to the soft wind and the animals around them.

“Wasn’t that an adventure?” Charlotte commented. She assisted Olivia in sitting down beside her and rubbed her arms comfortingly, trying to bring some warmth back to her friend, her gaze soft with concern.

“Adventure?” he repeated, his voice laced with dry amusement as he glanced at Charlotte. A faint grin tugged at his lips. “You really have a way of finding the silver lining in everything, don’t you? Not sure if I should be impressed by your optimism or simply just concerned…Let’s call it both.” He stated with a playful wink accompanying the satirical nature of his tone.

A giggle bubbled up from Lottie and she gave him a playful eye roll as she replied, “Well, someone has to keep things optimistic!”

Familiarity. These two were becoming friends? She said nothing and managed a soft chuckle at his words. This caused her to cough and turn away as the violent hacks shook her body. Finally, they ended and she sighed heavily.

Cassius lowered himself into a crouch beside Olivia, his expression took on some concern as he noticed her trembling. Without hesitation, he slipped off his worn leather tunic and draped it over her shoulders, though for the moment his words were still directed at Lottie.

“But it was only an adventure because you found dear Liv here so quickly. Otherwise, this little adventure could have been a disaster instead.” He then turned his attention fully to Oliva. “You doin’ okay, kid?” He asked with a smile. “Or would hissing at me some more help you feel better?”

Olivia grabbed onto the worn leather tunic and gazed up at him. He wasn’t threatening, was concerned, and aiding them both. If he were the devil, wouldn’t he turn them in or get the guards attention? Could it be a ploy..? Her mind couldn’t focus on the topic, so for now, she accepted the help.

She nodded in agreement. There would not have been any hope she’d have hid from the guards or had the strength. Guilt washed over her. Charlotte did seem to care about her and by extension, so did he. It was an odd feeling, being cared for by two nobles, not being spat upon or treated badly by her peasant appearance. It was almost uncomfortable.

His last comment caused her to erupt in soft giggles. A genuine, rare grin spread across her face. ”Getting… Getting there.” She sat up once the warmth began to return and gazed at him. ”Maybe,” she jested, a bit of derision etching into her voice.

”Thank you…” Was she judging him too soon? She coughed into her sleeve and looked back up. ”I…uh, am sorry for hissing at you.. I.. I..” She broke off and gazed at Lottie. “Thank you for coming, too. I’m sorry you got up in the middle of the night for me.”

“No need to apologize, Olivia,” Charlotte replied gently, “I simply wish you would explain the reasoning behind your actions when you’re able and perhaps share the story of what happened back there with us.” She glanced briefly at Cassius, her expression softening. She added, “And I suppose I should also thank our dear friend here for his timely intervention.” She gave Cassius a small nod before returning her attention to Olivia.

Liv bit her lip. How much should she say while Cassius was here? He did help save them.

Cassius raised a brow at Charlotte’s gentle response, a crooked grin spreading across his face. “Speak for yourself, Lottie. You weren’t the one who got hissed at like some alley cat.” He leaned back on his hands, the grin deepening as he glanced at Olivia. “Though, I’ll admit, you’ve got a good hiss. Solid eight out of ten in my book.”

Olivia couldn’t contain her laughter; it bubbled out hoarsely. ”Dear me, I’ll have to work harder to achieve a 10/10.” Her voice came out dry and hoarse, but the sarcasm clung to it like a wet coat.

The sarcasm dripping from his tone softened, and he gave Olivia a small shrug. “But hey, apology accepted…Lottie’s right though, I too would like to know what kind of situation I just ran head first into.”

”Well…” Olivia trailed off and glanced at Lottie, then returned her ghazi to both of them. ”I wanted to check out the warehouse. I wanted to see what I could find by myself. It had a lot of crates and boxes in there. I was fine ‘till some brunette punkass bitch showed up and set fire to it. He knew my name, too.” At the mention of the brown haired asshole, Liv’s eyes flared with a mixture of fury and fear.

A look of confusion, then shock, then investment crossed Cas’s face as she spoke.

Olivia paused, and then continued. ”Well, whatever they used it for, it’s gone now.” Her expression and eyes relaxed more, and she slowly sat up against a tree to face both of them. ”I don’t think most people would have achieved escaping it.” She glanced at Lottie, silently asking her, How much can I say or not say?

Lottie’s brow furrowed as her words lingered in her mind. The name, or rather the description, tugged at something in the back of her thoughts, reminding her of a certain encounter at the masquerade. The way Olivia had looked when she’d spoken of fear, of someone she’d seemingly known too well.

“A…brunette… punkass… bitch?” Lottie repeated softly, her tone touched with curiosity as her mind briefly wandered back to that night. She shook her head, releasing a soft sigh as she pushed the thought away. Her shoulders, which had tightened with concern, finally relented.

“Olivia,” she began softly, “I must ask, please, not to venture off alone like that again. I cannot bear the thought of anything happening to you.”
Lottie lowered herself to sit beside Olivia, her hand gently resting on her shoulder, as if to reassure her without words. Her gaze wandered out toward the lake, where the moonlight shimmered upon the rippling water like the stars above them.

Stunned. That’s how Olivia stared at Charlotte. Her head tilted to one side and her eyebrows rose. This… This noble was going to miss her? After everything she had put her through…? There was a moment of silence while Liv contemplated the thought. That was… She blinked, and then set her hand over Lottie’s that was placed on her shoulder. A rush of warmth, unrelated to the cool night and Cassius’ jacket over here, filled her. A smile crept over her lips, and she nodded in response to her words.

As the soothing sound of the waterfall filled the pause, she smiled softly. “Look at how exquisite this place is under the moonlight,” she murmured wistfully, “This has always been my idea of magic...”

”Y...Yeah, it’s beautiful,” she agreed. Liv pulled her into a firm hug, despite her weak muscles, and patted her back. It was her way of saying what she couldn’t formulate into words. Liv then let go and turned to Cassius.

“It was beautiful this morning too, wasn’t it, Lottie?” His voice was smooth and debonair, his smile light as his stormy eyes flitted briefly to her before returning to Olivia. Try as he might, his curiosity wouldn’t let him leave it alone.

“Now, don’t get me wrong…” he began, a wry grin curling his lips. “I’m quite partial to a bit of breaking and entering myself now and again. Keeps things interesting. But I have to admit, I’m a little… confused.” He tilted his head slightly, his finger tapping thoughtfully at his lip as if he were piecing together a grand puzzle.

“So, let me get this straight: you snuck into a warehouse because you were curious about the crates. But why, exactly?” He let the question hang for a moment before leaning forward just slightly, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. “And then, as if that wasn’t thrilling enough, some sexy punk-ass bitch decided to torch the place…with you still inside?”

”I snuck into the warehouse because I was curious what was so special about it,” she corrected Cassius. Olivia took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She grimaced at his description. “Yes, he torched the place with me inside. He’s so nice isn’t he? Perfect way to make friends,”

Cassius let out a soft chuckle, nodding as if he were pretending to make sense of it all. His grin widened, his tone dancing between teasing and impressed. “And here I was thinking Sorian was going to be boring.”

She giggled and shook her head. ”No, I don’t think it’ll be boring for a long time.”

Charlotte had been quiet throughout the exchange, her gaze elsewhere, her cheeks faintly flushed. She hadn't yet shared with Olivia that she and Cassius had been here this morning, and for some reason, that felt like a secret, one she wasn’t sure if she should reveal. Her heart fluttered as she tried to piece together why that was. Nonetheless, she recognized if she remained quiet too long, she’d draw attention, so she pulled her gaze back to Olivia.

“You seemed rather surprised by my words just now,” she said gently and curiously, “May I ask why, if you don’t mind sharing?”

As the conversation shifted, Cassius simply observed the dialogue between the two girls for the moment.

Olivia briefly realized they had been here together earlier this morning. Nonetheless, now wasn’t the time to discuss it. She blinked at Lottie and was quiet for a few minutes. What did she divulge? She’d have to be careful. ”I’m… I’m used to doing… Doing shit by… By myself.” Her confession came out quiet and solemn, her voice serious and unwavering.

She focused on the lake and swallowed. Her truer thoughts spilled from her mouth before she could stop them, despite Cassius’ presence. It seemed that people knew who she was; if the Black Rose mafia knew who she was, did it matter? That arsonist, the masked man at the ball, it seemed like it was likely even Calbert knew. It was frustrating. She’d gone through this painful transformation for almost nothing.

”Nobody’s helping a street rat. Why bother helping them when they can just die on the street and not be a nuisance? Begging for food and eating from the trash.” She glanced at her intently for a moment. ”No nobles are going to risk their reputation to help a street rat stealing and eating from trash cans. Crown won’t give a damn, so you go at it alone. Anyone trying to make a name or life for themself isn’t goin’ to help. Besides, nobody would miss a street rat but they’d miss the important people.”

“...Oh, Olivia...” Charlotte began tenderly.

She clutched the fabric of her dress in her lap as she bawled her fists, her gaze falling downward for the moment. There was a long silence before she spoke up again. “I must confess, it grieves me to hear you speak of yourself in such a way…. “ ] Her voice wavered with emotion as her eyes filled with unshed tears. Charlotte couldn’t help herself and she suddenly took Olivia’s hands with fervor, meeting her eyes with intensity. “You are not a street rat, and you are certainly not someone to be discarded or overlooked. No matter what you’ve faced, you are precious and deserving of so much more..”

Olivia stared at Charlotte while her reaction unfolded. The tone itself caused her to blink. Was she emotional? Did she actually stir Charlie’s heart with these words? The sudden hand grab caused her to stare with shock. Her words struck a chord inside Olivia, and she resisted the urge to show her tears.

Her voice softened further, “Even if you were a street rat, as you so cruelly call yourself, you would still be a human being—one who deserves love, kindness, and the chance to live a life filled with joy, just as much as anyone else in this world.”

Charlotte’s eyes glistened as she then continued,“I cannot deny that life is difficult for those less privileged, but you, my dear, have a heart and strength far beyond what many would understand. No, the nobility may not always act as they should, but that does not mean you are without worth. There will always be someone—someone like me—who sees you, who understands, and who will never, ever turn away..”

Her voice softened into a whisper, more intimate now, as she gently cupped Olivia’s face with her hand. “And, if I may say so, I consider you a dear friend now. And friends are never, ever alone. You are, and always will be, invaluable to me. I have already risked my reputation for you, and I would do it a thousand times again, without a second thought.” Charlotte’s shoulders slumped slightly, a playful smile now tugging at her lips as she added, “...Though I suppose I don’t have much of one to risk, anyhow.”

Try as she might, Olivia did not resist the urge. The tears streamed down her face. Charlie’s hands became stained with her tears and Liv angrily brushed them away. Her words warmed Olivia’s heart and she gently pulled her into a firm hug. She rested her head against her shoulder and heard the smile in her voice. It took Olivia a moment to collect herself enough to speak. Stunned didn’t explain how she felt.

”I.. I don’t know.. I don’t know what to say,” Liv whispered. She didn’t trust her voice to speak up louder. ”Thank you so effin much, I really fuckin’ appreciate it. I’m sorry your reputation got knocked down because of me. Maybe we can build ya something better, the lot of us.”

Olivia let go and sniffled. This time, she pulled herself together. ”If we were in different positions I’d do the same for you too, Charlie.”

As Charlotte spoke, Cassius found himself watching her more intently than he’d meant to, her tender yet resolute voice almost catching him off guard. At first, his smirk lingered, but her sincerity began to shift something within him. The way she addressed Olivia, as though she were the most important person in the world, stilled the mischief in his alluring eyes. His grin faded, and his sharp features softened slowly with every word.

Leaning back, he let her words wash over him, uncharacteristically silent for a man such as himself. When Charlotte’s playful smile broke through, he glanced at her. A quiet, genuine smile tugged at his lips as he broke his silence.

“If only Eromora itself could be swayed to feel the same as you, Lottie.” His smile widened back into the handsome smirk he was known for as he continued. “If only.”

”The world would be a lot better.” Olivia agreed quietly and turned to face him, then back to Charlie.
Olivia & Felix

After the evening had ended, Olivia remained wide awake in bed. The conversations and revelations replayed in her mind like a broken record. She tossed and turned. It was unusual for her to be sleeping overnight; when she was on the streets, it was her time to steal, give back to the poor, and screw with the Sorian guards. It was also her time to be at peace and stay alive. Since her parent’s death, the darkness was a comfort blanket she refused to tear off. Drinking and doing whatever she could to not think of that day was on her agenda, and stealing and causing mayhem generally did the trick.

Unfortunately for her, there was no peace. This time, the mafia news and the potential clients of it caused her to remain jittery and her stomach to churn. After what felt like hours, she sat up in bed and strode over to the closet. The silky fabrics and luxury items before her were foreign; as she traced her hands over them, she shuddered. The clothing was suffocating and felt as though she were losing herself in them. She yearned for the loose clothing she preferred. She reached into a box in the back and began to pull out darker clothing she’d purchased using Charlotte’s money (and her permission). She pulled the outfit (with a hood) and her hair into an braided bun. Olivia then grabbed her gun, bow, a quiver of arrows and attached it to her pant loop. Olivia then pulled a hood over her head and tucked her magic book into her pocket.

A quick glance in the mirror caused her shoulders to slump and a deep sigh to escape her lips. She strode over to it and gently lifted it, then quietly slid out onto the windowsill and gently jumped off the roof and rolled onto her feet silently. She didn’t glance back at the house and snuck off the Vikena property quickly. Once she began moving, she strode down the road quietly and efficiently without turning heads. The cool wind against her face and the dark sky above her with the twinkling stars soothed her. It was like old times. Her gaze swept around the area frequently.

After what seemed like twenty minutes, Olivia came close to the warehouse. She moved her bow closer to her body and kept a hand near the quiver of arrows. Olivia ducked down behind some carriages and gleaned up at the warehouse. It was bigger than she’d imagined. She looked around the street and looked for an entrance. There was a front door–that was too bold. Was it occupied? If so, by how many? She flattened herself onto the ground like a pancake underneath the carriage and scrutinized the area. There was a nearby building whose roof would allow entry into one of the windows that was ajar. Weird and suspicious. No thank you.

Her gaze moved up to the top of the building and she nodded to herself. She hurried out quickly, remaining low to the ground, and scaled the next-door building’s side like a spider. There was nobody around which she found unnerving. Once up, Olivia moved onto the roof and squatted on it to examine her surroundings once more. She moved up the building’s roof, faced the warehouse, ran down the roof’s side, and then jumped onto the warehouse roof and landed quietly. After checking it was clear, she then found an opening and climbed down into the warehouse. If shit went south, at least she had this exit.

The warehouse was eerily quiet, the kind of silence that wrapped around a person, amplifying every faint creak or shift in the shadows. The air smelled faintly of damp wood and iron, with a metallic tang that clung to the back of the throat. The dim moonlight filtered through cracked windows and gaps in the walls, illuminating the maze of crates and barrels stacked in haphazard rows.

It was seemingly empty, but only moments after Olivia had found her way inside did she hear a voice. “Careful now, sweetheart... Skulking about in places like this… people might get the wrong idea.”

The voice came from everywhere and nowhere all at once, low and smooth, with a hint of amusement that coiled around her like smoke.

Olivia began inspecting the warehouse. She glanced around everywhere and sniffed the faint smell of damp wood and iron. What was that metallic taste? Her throat began to burn. She swallowed and ignored it for now. She looked over the railing at the maze of crates and barrels. What was in those..? She wanted to take a better look when a voice jumped when a voice interrupted her reverie. Olivia pulled her bow out and strung an arrow faster than one could blink.

”One could say the same for you,” she retorted defiantly and continued to glance around for the source.

Felix paused in his circling, a playful glint lighting up his eyes. Then, suddenly, he dropped down from a crate directly in front of Olivia, landing silently on his feet like a cat. Before she could react, he straightened and leaned forward slightly, his grin widening into something equal parts charming and infuriating.

“Well, go on then,” he said, gesturing lazily toward the arrow she had trained on him. “Are you really gonna shoot me? Seems a bit harsh, don’t you think, Olivia?” The moonlight spilled through the fractured warehouse windows, bathing Felix in its glow. The light revealed his angular face while casting deep shadows that emphasized his striking features and brown hair.

“Think of the mess. Blood everywhere. Such a shame to ruin these lovely crates. What do you think’s in them? Silks? Spices? Or maybe…” His voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, “bodies?”

Olivia inhaled when he jumped down in front of her. She scowled and then trained her bow on him again, this time pointing the arrow between his eyes. Why did all these people know her goddamn name? It was infuriating. A chill ran down her spine. She pushed it out of her mind and glared at him. His voice was irritating her. Was he alone…?

”Nah. I don’t think the world would miss you,” she replied curtly, but didn’t take the shot; or at least, not yet. She glanced at the crates and gritted her teeth when he finished saying “bodies”.

”Maybe it’ll be you in there, and we can both find out. What do you think of that?” She paused and then scowled. ”You stalkin’ me or something to know my name? You have nothing better to do than stalk people?” She didn’t release her grip on the bow and glared at him. Did Calbert tell the mafia about me? What a spineless coward.

Felix’s smirk widened. He leaned in just enough to meet her glare head-on, his tone laced with sass. “Stalking? Oh, please. Let’s not get it twisted. You’re the one sneaking around property you’re not authorized to be on.” He gestured lazily to the warehouse around them. “If anything, I should be the one asking you what you’re doing here.” He then straightened with a mock gasp.“Wait! Are you stalking me? I’m flattered, really, but next time, at least send a calling card.”

Olivia glared when he leaned in towards her. She listened to him speak and rolled her eyes. ”Get over yourself.” She replied dryly. Liv glanced around for something, anything, to distract him so she could escape. ”Mind your own fuckin’ business.” She steadied her bow and scrutinized him. ”What’s your name, asshole?” She hoped to keep him talking long enough to formulate a plan. ”And you work for Marek, don’t you?”

Felix arched an amused brow, his lips curling as he began to circle her slowly like a vulture savoring the inevitability of a meal from prey long since dead. “My name? Darling, if you don’t already know it, I’m doing something wrong.” His voice dropped to a low purr. “And if you’re so set on avoiding my questions, why should I indulge yours?”

Olivia watched him and continued turning to face him with her bow. ”Evidently you are,” she quipped. Her arms began to tire from holding the bow, and she set it back onto her shoulder and raised her fists. ”There wasn’t any sign it was private property.” She replied curtly. ”Now, my question, fucker.”

She moved into his airspace, not allowing herself to look intimidated. Inside though, her bones were chilled, and her stomach was in knots. This was not how she expected this to go; a quick in and out is all she wanted. Run, her mind screamed at her, but her feet were rooted to the spot. Her mind spun and she glared heatedly at him. Her gaze swept around for a way to distract him. Magic was bold, but at this point, who cared?

Her glare burned into him, but Felix’s expression remained infuriatingly calm. He allowed a beat of silence to pass. Then, as though bored with the exchange, he slipped a small copper whistle from his pocket, twirling it between his fingers with idle amusement.

“Your question can wait,” he said lightly, as though dismissing a child. The whistle rose to his lips, and with a sharp, piercing note, the real game began

The sound echoed through the warehouse. Felix’s grin widened as the telltale sound of boots striking wood grew louder, and from the shadows, three figures emerged. Their faces were obscured by hoods, each carrying a torch whose flickering flames cast shadows on the crates around them.

Before Olivia could react, the bastard pulled out a whistle. Her blood ran cold and she realized they weren’t alone. Why would they be? She tensed and her mouth ran dry, drier than a desert.

“Now, don’t look so tense,” Felix practically purred, his tone mockingly soothing. “They’re just here to help… set the mood.”

The men moved efficiently, tipping over oil canisters and spilling their contents across the floor in dark pools. The scent of kerosene filled the air as the liquid spread in uneven rivers, reflecting the faint light of the torches.

Felix watched them work, his hands slipping into his pockets as though the growing chaos was nothing more than an entertaining game. The first torch was lowered, and the fire leaped to life with a roar, flames streaking across the floor.

The inferno instantly transformed the warehouse, the flames climbing crates and barrels. Smoke curled upward in thick, black tendrils, coiling and spilling out through cracked windows while the heat overtook the air of the room.

Felix turned to face the growing blaze, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. He tilted his head, his grin deepening into something colder, and more menacing.

“Don’t let me keep you. You’ve got some running to do,” he said, his voice calm and almost cheerful, a stark contrast to the chaos erupting around him.

Without waiting for a response, Felix turned on his heel and strode toward the exit, unhurried and composed. The fire’s light danced across his figure as he disappeared into the shadows, leaving the flames to finish what he had started.

She whipped around to face the mysterious trio above them and watched with horror as the scene unfolded. Fire–the one thing she was desperately terrified of was now encasing the room. Liv tried to follow Felix, but the smoke enveloped her and caused her to begin hacking and retching. She dropped to the floor and pulled her shirt over her face to shield herself from inhaling any more of it. Her mind raced. What did she do? She was paralyzed with terror.

Flashbacks raced through her mind–her parent’s bakery smothered in flames and gasoline while the food blackened. Her mother’s wail of despair when it was discovered. Her dad’s submissiveness and grief and disappointment reflected in his eyes as he looked at her. An illegal book was found in the rubble days later, covered in soot and ash…. Her father’s paranoia grew worse by the day as he pressed her to master more complicated spells, while her mother used magic freely and scolded her for not being good enough… The spell book, covered in ash, now laying on the table as she desperately tried uttering the incantations and failing. The raised voices, desperate pleas, the inferno beginning yet again, and this time, consuming everything but her in its path… Fire, again, destroying everything in its path and her family included…

Olivia let out a wail of terror and desperation. Tears streamed down her face as she coughed and hyperventilated. She pulled the ash and soot covered book out of her pocket and began tearing through it. There was a spell; there had to be one that wasn’t dark magic…. Her eyes landed on a few spells and a split second decision was made.

”Elementa Evoco-” Liv broke off, coughing and gasping for air. ”Elementa Evoco…” She watched as the barrels and crates around her began melting from the inferno. Liv began to army crawl through the chaos in desperate search for the exit Felix had used, but to no avail. She swore under her breath and wiped her eyes. The tears were streaming down her face faster than a cookie melting in milk. Fury rose inside of her. There was no way she’d die this way, not like her parents!

”Elementa Evoco Aqua!” Olivia yelled and raised her hands. Water sprouted from her hands and doused the flames beside her; and doused the flames long enough to clear a path for her to the exit. Olivia sprinted towards it and remained low so she could avoid the smoke. She threw herself outside and landed harshly on the pavement. With a gasp, Olivia began hyperventilating and coughing, and laid on her back so she could stare up at the twinkling stars above her. Her heart raced so fast she thought it might jump from her chest. She was singed everywhere, and reeked of smoke and fire. Weakly, she raised a hand, pointed her middle finger at the warehouse, and then let it drop pathetically beside her.

Then, a cold chill unrelated to the night, washed over her. She glanced at her arms and noticed the paleness of her skin and shut her eyes. The consequence, of course, much like the fire summoning spell she was so desperately taught. Fire–the element that haunted and soothed her dreams; the one that tore her family apart and killed them and the one that set her on this path. Was her fate meant to be intertwined with fire forever? She shakily raised her pale and frozen arms, but there wasn’t any evidence of the burns anymore. Her arms fell beside her.

Olivia’s breathing began to slow down–was this the end? Did she inhale too much smoke? She tried to push herself up, but her muscles wouldn’t obey. The irony of the situation hit her like a wave. So much for investigation. Her teeth began chattering and her body shook from the unrelenting cold consequence of the spell. She thought she heard noise–was it that asshole? ”Invis… Fuck it,” she mumbled and dragged herself, inch by inch, underneath an empty carriage. Olivia laid underneath it and curled up into a ball. Maybe she’d sleep here for the night. Her mind raced back to Charlotte–would she miss her? Probably not. She’d caused enough trouble for her. Perhaps the latter would be better off without her…

Time: Evening
Location: Camping Event

Interactions: @Rodiak Matthias @CitrusArms Straya
Mentions: @Conscripts John @Tpartywithzombi Ariella
Bandanna, Outfit (ignore the shoes))


Kira politely bowed to Sir Matthias and dipped her head respectfully. ”I hear a good discussion over there on swordsmanship; my curiosity is piqued so I must join! I would enjoy your company if you come!”

Kira strode over to the group and politely waited for a turn to join. Ariella wanted to learn from the knight how to use a sword. The rest of what was said was not of interest to Kira. On the other hand, she heard Prince Callum and Riona whispering and then gesture for Ariella to converse with them. Ariella left to join Riona and Callum which left Stratya alone. She looked over at John who had left Roman, who was also idled and busy. She joined the the knight with a half-smile and shyness.

”Hi, good evening! My name’s Kira! I heard some discussion on swordsmanship? I would be interested in learning more. Y’know, us females have to stick together.” Kira laughed and glanced at Stratya. ”What's your name? Are you looking forward to the rest of the evening? I think the cooking competition sounds fun! All The food looks good, I hope I won’t be alone in diving into that.”

Throughout the exchange, Kira’s demeanor was friendly, innocent and sweeter than a strawberry dipped in chocolate. She waited for their answers patiently.
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