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In Avalia 3 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: One Week After Human Arrival
Location: Seaside Park
Interactions: Aurora @mole, Vasco @JJ Doe
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor

Barrock stood aside and watched the torture continued. He wasn't going to lie, the orc was quite surprised at the bastard's cold-bloodedness. Orcs his kind often torture and kill, but there was a certain crude barbarity to it; their victims often left in confusing messes. But Vasco was precise, calculated, a level of sadism not birthed out of impetuous passion. He really seemed to enjoy this. Barrock stood ready to intervene if he came close to killing the lizardman, but he didn't need to worry at all.

Once Zarnak spat out the location, Barrock took out the city map and reviewed the location. He then walked over, took the knife from Vasco and shove its handle into Zarnak's mouth. Then he hovered the map at his face level.

"Point." Barrock stated very tersely, and the lizardman complied. The knife pierced ever so slightly on the paper map.

The orc immediately grabbed the rest of his stuff, not that he set them down that long ago, but before that, he looked over the lizardman one last time. What exactly should he do with him? The easiest was just to kill him, but that would cross a line that could leave a permanent mark on all four. He was, after all, likely just a lowly thug employed for cheap. Didn't make him any less despicable but to slaughter him for this transgression reminded Barrock of a time he'd like to forget.

"Go, I will deal with him."

Aurora was definitely not going to ensure a proper 'disposal', and Vasco would likely just kill him. So he volunteered to play catch up, despite his mobility issues.

As soon as the two of them left, Barrock cut the ropes holding Zarnak in place. He lifted the battered, broken lizardman by his chest with one arm and pinned him against the wall. His blood-red eyes locked with Zarnak's like a stake impaling through a dead body.

"If I see you against us again, you will wander the underworld deaf mute and blind." He stated, never needing to raise his voice. The terror in his eyes spoke for itself.

Now it was time to save that elf.

Time: Sola 28th Late Morning
Location: Edin Theatre
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, Kazumin @samreaper, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy

Laced inbetween the degenerate behavior from the Caesonian public and its head of state were not so bad performances. Kazumin's puppet show was clever. A typical tale of a woman's friendship with an inanimate object with a dark and sad twist. John wondered if it was something of a personal story to this otherwise goofy jokester he remembered. It was not a sad twist for the sake of a twist. It was handled well and beautifully, he found it hard to believe the dance of emotions were just pure inventiveness. But whatever the case was, he gave the man a clap. He deserved it. Hopefully the guy wouldn't get himself killed in the king's court.

He didn't know what to think about Lorenzo's performance. The Duke did put his heart into it, but it came off as a bit cheesy for John's taste. He tried to overlook it and find empathy, and the result was somewhat middling. Perhaps he was biased against Lorenzo due to his theatrics before the performance, or his nonsense John had to deal with the other day. John remained quiet like most of the crowd, simply choosing to blend into the background.

John suddenly felt an itch. A sixth sense, if he were to describe it. He glanced back and forth around the theatre to nothing unusual. Everyone was just enjoying the show in their own way. But he couldn't shake off that feeling that something bad might happen. He comforted himself with the fact that it wasn't the first time he felt this, and most of the times nothing happened. He hoped the only drama here would just be Anastasia's gripping cello performance.

Speaking of, John could felt her performance to the very bone. This wasn't just music. This was a story, told without a single spoken word, and it was a sad one. He could also feel his own story, his own feeling of loss and grief emerging from within, entangling with her own in a empathetic dance. They said last but not least, but this was certainly the most he felt in this event so far. It made all the trouble, the annoyances he had earlier in the day all worth it.

By the performance's end, John was among the applauders. Solemn just like everybody else, but one of the loudest.
In Avalia 2 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: One Week After Human Arrival
Location: Seaside Park
Interactions: Aurora @mole, Vasco @JJ Doe
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor

If Vasco was going to squander Barrock's good will with the bartender, then so be it. If anything he could be a good scapegoat if the New Dawn decided to discipline them, if they were even willing. The orc did the most he could on that end, now for that reptilian creature.

As light began to return to Zarnak the lizardman, he'd see a gigantic silhouette towering over him. But he wouldn't see a small tub of iced water that Barrock prepared for him. For now, he met the orc's menacing bloodshot eye with defiance and condescension. He wanted to play the hero to the establishment, even though the man who hired him likely wouldn't give a shit of his death today.

"You've heard her." Barrock only nicked his neck ever so slightly. "Tell me the whereabouts of the elf you captured."

Zarnak, a real macho, spitted onto the orc's armor. "Or you'll do what? Break my arm and leg? It'll grow back."

Barrock remained still, letting the silence do its work. If he learned anything from his kind's failure, loudness bred ineptitude.

"Murder my family? I've already gotten there. Kill me? Bitch, it's my birthday!" The lizardman continued. Barrock let another moment of silent go by before speaking up.

"Eternal damnation."

"Pfft, don't tell me you believe in that fairy tale." Zarnak sneered, to Barrock's unflinching and unchanging face. "If you want to send me to hell, go ahead."

It was then that Barrock slid the tub of iced water over. Although he tried to hide it, Zarnak's demeanor suddenly went quiet.

"Reptiles can't handle the cold." Barrock said, reaching his hand for Zarnak's legs, which was tied firmly to the chair.

The lizardman tried to fling himself to the ground with the chair to disrupt what Barrock was trying to do, but the chair along with him, was weighed down with rocks and heavy items. All of that only confirmed to Barrock this lizard's greatest weakness.

The tip of the chair and the reptile's feet were lifted up then back down into the icy water, ever so gently, contrary to the usual orc brutality. But this was a fate worse than death to the lizards, as Barrock would explain as he sat down opposite of him.

"Cold-blooded creatures could not self-regulate your body temperature, so you will slowly freeze. But before that, the water will seep into your skin and you will breath out water droplets along with air, which freezes on your scale blocking the air route. Meaning: you suffocate."

"You motherf-"

"Ten minutes."

The veil had been lifted. There was no more playing the hero. The animal now roared against its cage, but the more he tried to resist, the more energy expended, the more he breathe in and breathe out. Soon, white frost began to show on his scale, and then inside his tongue. Similar to how a human/elf gasp for air, the lizard began to emit blood-curdling agony, but Barrock remained still for a minute more. Only when his eyes began to dilute, that Barrock stood up and walked over to him and lifted his feet out of the icy tub. He then punched the lizardman hard in his stomach. The orc knew Zarnak wouldn't die from that. Those lizardmen were tough bastards.

The punch only knocked some of the frost from his scale. Barrock then wiped any frost left on his scale, left Zarnak only a minute to catch his breath, then put his feet back into the tub. This cycle would repeat again for few more times.

"We have all day."

Barrock sat back, seemingly in complete relaxation. The cold-blooded lizard now at the mercy of a real cold-blooded creature.

It didn't take long for the lizard to break.

"T-T-The elf...h-he's..." Zarnak screamed as loudly as he could have with whatever strength he had left as he was about to be lowered into the tub again.

Barrock stopped, letting the lizard look at Vasco and Aurora. They were the one who needed the answer.

Time: Sola 28th Late Morning
Location: Edin Theatre
@Lava Alckon Drake

A charity event couldn't hide the depravity of the Caesonian public. If anything, it was a perfect representation of the country and its monarch. But whatever, it was technically for a good cause, so up he went. But he was in no hurry. He slept in and thus missed Farim's performance, but made it in time for Drake's.

With a cup of iced tea, John entered and stayed at an unassuming corner of the theatre, almost like a ghost. He promised himself and others he would not make a scene, instead just enjoying the music. It was actually really really good. John expected something unspectacular, and instead was treated to a whirlwind of emotions that he could only assume came from the bottom of his heart. With the tears flowing onto his cheek by the penultimate piece, John convinced himself he was right.

The doctor spared Drake a round of applause, though his last statement wasn't as resonant to John than to others.
In Avalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: One Week After Human Arrival
Location: Seaside Park
Interactions: Aurora @mole, Vasco @JJ Doe
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor

Barrock only heard three things: Rowan and Vasco in danger, River Port Lodge, and a Dark Elf. This got Barrock's blood boiling, and he charged straight for the destination, with his sword in hand, Aurora hopefully behind him.

Did that General returned? Were they here to finish the job? Were both Vasco and Rowan ok? In his head, he worried if he was going to fail again. Was it a mistake to split up both of them? He really wanted to walk a lot faster, but the limp in his leg made it quite difficult.

The door to the Lodge slammed open as a giant green orc barged in to perhaps either terror or annoyance by the staff. Barrock didn't care, he saw the human sitting with a cup of beer in his hand, while Rowan was nowhere insight. Meanwhile, something was on the ground.

Barrock was unimpressed with Vasco's cavalier attitude, but he decided to play with it anyway.

"And here we will party later." He rolled his eyes, turning his attention to the one laying out-cold on the ground. A lizardman, quite tough-looking but didn't seem quite as tough as he looked.

"Are these the General's men?" Barrock lifted the lizard guy up, his eyes on Vasco, but expecting nothing out of him. Maybe Aurora could chime in with any further insights, as the orc was a bit calmer knowing at least Vasco was safe.

Regardless of what either of them said though, Barrock threw the lizardman into a chair, tied him down and headed to the barkeeper, towering over him as if the monster was going to do the same thing to him, but instead left a stack of coin on the table, much more than a simple drink Vasco needed.

"For the trouble." Barrock growled, before heading back to the lizardman. He would wake up soon.
John & Roman

Ah, someone he could trust. He hadn’t worked with him for too long, but all the times that he had to deal with him, the man had been professional and nothing short of impressive. At this moment of this crisis seemingly crawling and seeping through the cracks beneath the earth, threatening to swallow this earth while the nobles went for each other’s throat, it was good to have allies.

”Lord Ravenwood.” John bowed firmly with a hand on his chest. Understanding the cues, he leaned in a little, and followed along with whatever Roman deemed safe. ”Sure. Long story short, you knocked several guards unconscious. Some tried to stop you. In the ruckus, their youngest went out cold.”

”You’re aware of why you went rogue, right?” He crossed his arms. ”Would save me some time if you do.”

Roman walked with John a little ways away from the pavilion before he spoke again, “No.” he said bluntly with a hushed voice. “The tonic I took alters one’s perception. I was talking to my grandfather who died twelve years ago.” shifting his head slightly to keep his ears open for anyone investigating the pair. “My instincts would have told me to protect… what happened after I charged off into the forest?” never one to beat around the bush, Roman opted to get straight to the point.

”You barged through the guards trying to hold you down, tried to pursue something I’m not sure, but then…” John gladly obliged. ”Two people joined in trying to knock you down. One is Farim, and the other is this woman who used some form of magic on you. She appeared angered that we were intervening, but I won’t deny, she knew what was going on with you, that being…”

John took a deep breath. He didn’t know how to explain it at first, as it all depended if Roman knew what was going on with his own body. He seemed to be rather well-informed to the extent that he could, so John decided to be as straightforward as Roman would have liked, but was prepared for questions.

”After you seemed to calm down, something formed above and around you, before our eyes. Literally.” John said. ”They were many, translucent…silhouettes, if I were to describe them. There’s no face I can describe, just that it looks very vaguely humanoid, to put it generously.”

From what he described, it sounded more of a fairy tale or a horror story than a situation report, but that was what he saw, and he assumed everybody saw as well.
”Those silhouettes made angry comments about us being sinners, and that we ‘stole’ this land from them. Then they disappeared, just like that.” John concluded, continuing to the princess. He sighed, knowing this was his mess.

”As for the princess.” He said, doing a brief shoulder check before continuing. All of a sudden, he noticed someone looking his way. He wasn’t sure if those were just the usual gossipers, but he decided not to take any chances. ”She ran off into the forest after you had already fought Farim and that woman, so it’s not your fault. From what I heard, she was found unconscious but only with a bruise. To me it just sounded like she wasn’t watching where she was going and bumped her head, or whoever struck her was quite soft so as to not hurt her.”

John gave as much hints as possible that it was them that did it. Whether Roman would get it was up to him. If not he’d have to arrange a different meeting later on, privately.

His brow furrowed and his eyes twitched as he searched through his mind as to what could have happened and what he was saying. Sounds like possession. He whispered more thinking out loud than anything. More than a few pissed off spirits around this city, he continued. “The presence of the other women is strange and doesn't sound like one of ours.”

Again he pressed through the information he was just given and nodded, “Farim might be an issue, you're sure no one was around or has come forward about the princess being injured?” a witness to what happened would be an issue as well but speculation could be worked around. If what he was picking up from the doctor and what he was saying was true and he had a hand in it.

The information the man provided matched up with several of the other reports he was able to look over. He still had to ask him about it earlier today but one problem at a time. Roman still had his own information to give to the doctor. Trying to investigate this other mystery woman was another thing he would have to make a report on later.

”Not that I’m aware of the contrary.” John whispered, but he was sure, because they were the only ones there at that time. So the only corroboration that could implicate John would have been Anastasia, and from what he heard, she was not known for reliability.

”As for that woman, yeah I do not know where she came from. I do know that she ‘threatened’ Mina as a decoy to get your attention. That would be something for her to elaborate further.” John said, then proceeded to give Roman a general description of Torvi.

”I’m still a little unsure of how this possession works, but just from the big picture, this seems like 2 unfortunate events - you drinking the tonic and the princess being injured - unrelated but the crown is connecting the dots.”

A sigh escaped him, roman took a glance back towards where everyone else was being dropped off clenching and releasing his jaw. “We will look into her more at another time right now there are more pressing issues.” He stepped in closer to his friend, his voice again lowering to a hushed whisper.

I had multiple physicians that were tasked with subduing me should I lose control given the nature of the tonic specifically made for me. Two of them went beyond what was ordered and took it upon themselves to remove anyone out of my way by any means in order to protect them. Unfortunately Ana was one of them. His mind was racing as he spoke remembering what was discussed at his earlier meeting with his people. They would have to fabricate at least two other statements from their people to support this claim if it was pushed.

Those two have been stripped of their positions and will be returning home within the next two days to receive punishment, prison, and reeducation. A pause to lock eyes with john. Making sure he understood what was being said for all of its gravity. I will take responsibility for this. It plays into my own plans.

John made a note to tell the Society this. This would be something they could likely help with. They maintained records and licenses of physicians across the country (a relatively new thing in Varian society). He knew Roman. The man enjoyed seeing a well-oiled machine work, so if there were any pebbles John could remove for him, it would benefit both of them. They could probably make the case better too.

As for Roman’s plan…

”You sure?” John furrowed his brows a little. ”Caesonian laws are not known to be fair, even for Varians.”

John trusted Roman to have a plan, but the doctor still had some trauma over Caesonian treatment of him many many years ago. Inside, he didn’t want the man to be subject to the same thing.

“Agreed, but here the king is the law. I plan on giving him an opportunity he won't want to miss.” he couldn't risk telling him everything. Not that he didn't trust him but drugs and magic could get you to divulge information you would rather not and there may be listening ears nearby still. “No matter what happens, stick to that story and don't stray from it.” a thought came to mind as he spoke.

“If you and yours come across any evidence of rampant magical use or sickness pass those reports onto me or Erik, if you think something needs to be paid for our misdirection.” He didn't know that physicians without kingdoms organization would see this as him trying to pull favors but at least this way it would definitely pull some scrutiny away from them so they can continue their work.

With that settled it was time to bring up the other thing, “can you give me a bit more detailed report on what happened to you this morning?” there was a hint of something in his voice and his posture. Anger but at who or what?

John gave much of what Roman said a firm nod, and left it at that. Until he brought up the attacks earlier today. John’s teeth gritted. He was of the same temperament as Roman, but for a different reason.

”It was near the Sorian temple. A perfumer outside the shop Lasko sprayed something on my face, making me see…unpleasant things from my past.” He spared Roman the description. ”I managed to keep myself relatively in control, because I’ve been under magic influence before, but I had to flee.”

That was what he knew at least. What came next was speculation. ”I don’t think she was the shop’s oblivious employee. And while I’m not sure who’s the people committing the attack, I’m pretty sure I know who calls the shot: Calbert.”

“Hmm” was the only immediate answer from him as he mulled over the information. What he said matches up with most of the information that was in the report. Like with Riona he couldn't give him all of the information but there were a few things he could tell him to at least get him on the same page or close enough to it. John was, after all, very intelligent and careful.

Again his voice was but a whisper, “Calbert is definitely connected but our intelligence points at him working with the criminal syndicate in the city. Our sources believe it's the same one that's running most of the black market dealings in Varian as well.” again it was speculation for him as well but given what Violet told him and what he has observed, that man has his schemes. Getting his hands dirty directly didn't seem like his way.

He paused as he considered his next words, this time leaning in to whisper in the Dr.’s ear. Your lot needs to proceed with extreme caution, we have found evidence of between two to four vampires operating within the city. Possibly under the employment of the syndicate or someone very powerful. he stepped back to gauge the man's reaction while he remained just as serious and stoic.

”That sounds about right.” Somehow the idea of a criminal syndicate targeting him didn’t phase him that much, but several vampires running around the city did.

”Vampire…” John planted his lips on his palm, pondering. Was that Violet girl one of those vampires? She didn’t seem like the type, but human hearts are difficult to predict. Or…

Was Mina’s uncle a vampire too?
That certainly fitted the description. His blood gained life when other people’s blood were added. He always seemed pale and lifeless. It was a good hypothesis worth investigating, but he wasn’t sure if Mina should know. For all he knew, the guy could be part of this syndicate too and John would be walking into the cave there.

”That’s valuable information to have, thank you. Let’s see if we have any sort of countermeasure against those creatures.” He nodded. ”We’ll go around only when the coast is confirmed clear.”

John pondered a little bit further. ”I won’t make any conclusions yet, but I have a feeling one of us Varians at home may be one too.” He whispered back.

The way John mentioned creatures as a description for the afflicted people made him involuntarily squint his eyes into a glare. Yet he was right to be worried about them just as he was. “Cursed people not creatures. And yes we are aware but we are more worried about the ones we don't know about. The last thing we want is the inquisition of this kingdom investigating.”

Rumors always circulated about the medical conditions of some of the nobility. His father made him aware of several issues with several nobles and that we were not able to move against them or confront it. Surely there was some deal put in place between his father or the crown and these nobles. Either way it currently wasn't his problem.

“Do you have anything else to report?”

”No…” John finally let out a sigh, knowing he had not much else to pretend.

He would pat Roman in the shoulders, but again, he wanted to keep the image of a lord and a commoner, so he bowed his head lightly.

”People don’t know it, but we’re in dangerous times.” John said, smiling with a tight lip. ”I hope what you’re doing works out. Stay safe. Don’t get killed.”

“Likewise, remember I take the heat, you and yours just pass along any magical use you come across to us.” He sighed. He could only wish that their lives didn't have to be like this, that they could relax and enjoy what time they had. There will always be work to be done, and so they must go to work.

Roman plastered the fake smile and body language he has been using for most of his life and bellowed out a hearty laugh. Stepping around the tree and back towards the others, “and that's when I told her, "That's not me you got a hold of that's my hammer.”” another laugh to really set in that he was just telling John some off color jokes.

It takes two to tango, and John filled in the steps well. He replied in fake cackling. ”Like…what part of you did she mistaken for your hammer, my god?”

Time: Evening
Location: Pinebrooks

For the rest of the day, John never left the guest house. While he would greet guests and interact normally, and the official excuse was because of a staff's medical conditions, he laid low while his staff went through what went wrong. While they were right that the assassins were striking, they didn't really expect it to be a scare with magical properties. John was a little bit to blame too for being so brazen, but everyone had a progressive mindset. No blaming, focusing on solutions. They worked on finding who this perfumer was. They should hopefully get a lead soon.

In the meantime, there were other troubling news. Roman was being summoned for a trial for what happened, along with other Varian nobles. This had the potential problems with what Frederick did the other night. Farim had said to him he wasn't going to be quiet about it. The Society was now beginning to link up with other Varian institutes and even some Caesonian entities to discuss the solutions to this. They reassured John that things will be fine, and that while it had the potential to cause massive problems, this would be a good show of force to the Caesonian nobles. John found it difficult to be so relaxed though.

Throughout the entire carriage ride to Pinebrooks, he kept thinking about Roman's trial. But once he was there, his tension got off a little bit. Maybe they had it under control after all and he was overthinking it. He was supposed to be here to have some peace and quiet, maybe to be courted, but that seemed far fetched. He even doubted his own seriousness when it comes to finding women of his love, but that was the least of his concern.

When the camp staffers welcomed him and offered to be optionally partnered up, John nonchalantly gave a yes to that. He didn't really care. He wandered off to enjoy the mesmerizing blanket of orange. The glowing light went a long way to make John less worried about what was to come.
In Avalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: One Week After Human Arrival
Location: Seaside Park
Interactions: Aurora @mole
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor


Barrock tapped the hilt of his sword, looking sideways back and forth. What was he supposed to say here? He was not one for sweet exchanges, and what else? Zora was still dead, Aurora was still crying, he already said his piece. And they were late. They were supposed to be at the registrar right now looking for that bastard.

And so he said nothing. He would sit there, be a presence for Aurora, but he would not be soft. Her tears should dry up at some point, and then he would stand up and walk. The registrar was right there.

They spent a few moments in there, looking around and asking employees in there. That 'The General' name seemed to not ring too many bells. Most thought of a historical general of the dark elves and pointed them towards the library, with a few thinking it was an orc general. Barrock found out it was some footnote bandit leader turned unwitting rebel that got massacred at some point during the war. Interesting to know, but not relevant.

"Hmmmm..." He sighed for a length of time. This was the most he had ever gouged himself on words. But there seemed to be nothing...until the final entry he read. It was a public inspection of the city's guard, conducted by a dark elf that was personally close to the monarch. He normally does not make public entry, but apparently there were some corruptions in the ranks that he came down personally to hang the perpetrators. Pretty brutal, but Barrock darkly thought that was effective deterrence.

But still, that was something.

He remembered this information, and would write it down when he was out of the registrar. He should get out of here, they had been here for long enough.

"Come." Barrock called to Aurora, as both of them left the building. They were going to talk when they got to a quiet place, but he wouldn't get that opportunity.

The orc looked back and Aurora wasn't behind him. She had stopped walking at some point. Good grief, she could've been kidnapped and he wouldn't know.

"Come." He repeated as he walked back to her. But she wouldn't reply. His instinct suddenly flared up, seeing her weak gestures.

"What happened?" He asked, his voice turned dead serious.

Time: 10 AM
Location: Sorian Temple
Interactions: The Perfumer

John's drastic on-the-spot solution to the hallucination worked, but the perfume hadn't shown its entire insidious nature yet. His visions often blurred intermittently - his eyes reddened like a man possessed - the visions continued to try to invade his senses and his mind and pain, ironically, was fighting back, meanwhile he stared down the perfumer. But then new visions became to come in taking place of the perpetrator, one in the form of a Sorian guard. His face was something John remembered vividly with helpless indignance. He was the one guard who dragged his mother out of the house by her hair and broke his father's nose while they sentenced the family to basically a death sentence in the mountain. And here he was, with his wretched smug smile looking right at John with malicious intent.

'Come on, I know you want to.'

An indiscernible voice whispered in his ears. Strike him. Break his nose. Punch his teeth down his throat. He hurt John's family.

John could feel the rising anger, and his fist tightening. He was about to give in when that one last glimmer of sanity left in him reminded him: this wasn't real. If he slit his throat right here, he'd be in prison. Everything he would be working towards would be gone. He had to resist this urge.

But then the guard's face looked unsatisfied. That malicious intent had escalated to a threat. He suddenly lunged at John, and the doctor had no conscience to speak against that. He was defending against a threat, and his first instinct was to immediately flee. He went in the direction of the northern forest, away from as many people as he could. He wasn't going to lash out against others, his former countrymen.

Away from the crowds, John sat down in a nearby tree and rolled up his sleeves. Trickles of red liquid were soaked up by the handkerchief, the knife he brought along with him that were supposed to be for an assassin dug into his skin. With the world around him still a blur between reality and dreams, John removed one of his shoes and used one of his socks as makeshift bandages. He then made a beeline back to the guesthouse. He would not see anyone else except for his doctor for the rest of the day.

Those assassins had their wins today.

Time: 10 AM
Location: Sorian Temple
Interactions: The Perfumer

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