Avatar of Visyn


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10 mos ago
Current Ahh depression while finding out you're being ghosted. <3 the best
11 mos ago
That feel when you’re craving a super specific RP..
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12 mos ago
I wish there was a search bar to search for things I 've previously said in the PMs; so I can reference things in the RP for the RP.. Just me? Got it.
1 yr ago
If I'm slow to reply, it's cause I'm working on my IRL store things I need to do to get it up and running. <3
1 yr ago
Happy birthday to me! 3/20!


Heyo! Lovely Azure Dragon here!

I've been roleplaying for 15+ years, and haven't stopped. Absolutely love it!

I'm pretty adaptable, except I struggle with super duper long posts.
3rd person is my go to, as to me, it gives more freedom of description.
I've roleplayed most genres, but my favorites involve romance with supernatural conflicts, as well as fantasy!

No interests yet, but should be soon! Hit me up if you're interested! I love plot discussing!

My downtime is usually between 1am-9am EST. My UTC is UTC -5. If I’m offline any other time, I’ve gone into town.


Most Recent Posts

Roleplay has been closed. Thank you all who enjoyed it.
Sorry anyone watching! We took a break since things got a little hectic for us! We'll be back!

Rowan Kimb

Rowan hums softly, pulling her closer and kissing her cheek. "I don't think you had a proper education, so we'll have to start simpler, but if you wanted to go to college at some point, I don't see why not." He smiled against her cheek. "You're welcome to do whatever you want, little one."

He sat back, fingers still playing with her tail before his other hand went back and joined in again. He looked back out to the view, smiling lightly. It was pretty today.

Rowan Kimb

He moved a hand up and brushes some of her bangs from her eyes with a smile. "Don't worry too much. I won't toss you into the deep end. Once Killian's recovered, he'll help out too." He then cupped her cheek, thumb rubbing against her cheekbone. "Maybe if you wanted to after you learn some stuff, you want to open your own business.. We can talk about it. Find something you like."

Killian Velvet

Killian nodded lightly and smiled. "That's fine.. I might fall.. asleep here or.. there, but.. you can stay.." He settled more into the bed, even giving a slight yawn. "If.. I'm asleep and.. you have a question.. write it.. down." He shifted the bed so he was laying down a little more before pulling the blanket up a little higher. Nap was in order.

Rowan Kimb

"I dont see why not." Rowan offered a small shrug, still playing with her tail. "It'll help me if you go anyway. Then if I need to stay for anything, I can send you to do a round. That sometimes happens. I've had to send Killian before." He offered her a smile, looking down at her when he turns his head.

"Since you'll be my mate, you'll need to know some of the workings of my businesses."

Killian Velvet

His face lit up with a small chuckle and he waved his hand a little. "I'll be.. recovered by.. tomorrow, earliest.." He let his hand go from Xavier's wrist. "So.. message me.. with updates and questions.. it'll.. also help.. bring me.. more solidly into.. my own rationale.."

Rowan Kimb

He gave a soft hum, fingers playing her tail very gently. "Some of the Omegas are still.. cautious, but that's alright. They'll all been moved to the new sanctuary. Mostly Betas work there, and a couple Omegas. Only one or two Alphas, but they've been screened and interviewed and made sure their scent is compatible with all the Omegas living there. The Alphas are mostly just for desensitization therapy and in case a fight breaks out."

He leans his head back and keeps his gaze out the window. "I need to go do my rounds with my sanctuaries soon too. See how they're functioning and get some in person reports."

Killian Velvet

His eyes drift shut at the caress on his cheek, but he gives a slight shake of his head. "No need for.. pick up. Rowan will.. when ready." He raised his hand to encircle Xavier's wrist, the grip still a little weak. "I'll be.. okay and.. update you. Go home, Xavier.. Change you.. image for.. the better." He smiled when he opened his eyes, slightly dilated and shining up at him. "Message me.. about questions.. I helped.. Rowan."

Rowan Kimb

Rowan gave a soft chuckle into her hair as he settled back, letting her get adjusted. "I agree, you could have." He pulled her head down gently by the back of it to his chest, letting her settle against him. "But I wanted to carry you." He loosely wrapped his arms around her, looking towards the view they had. "So, let's just sit like this for a moment."

Killian Velvet

The bear smiled to him, hand coming up to touch Xavier's hand on his face. "You have.. no obligation.. to me, Xavier. We.. aren't mates." He looked a little bit sad at the statement, but it was nonetheless true. "You have to.. go back.. anyway. Need to be.. there for the changes.. and.. the funeral.. I'll be fine.." He chuckled lightly. "This isn't.. my first time.. in a hospital.. And I.. have my phone."

Rowan Kimb

Rowan chuckled lightly and nodded. "Sure. We can go out to dinner? Unless you wanted to do something else? I'll have my phone just incase something happens with Killian, but he should be fine." He ran a hand through her hair gently, then picked her up under her thighs and started into the other room and back to his chair.

Killian Velvet

Killian looked at him more, just looking. He then smiled lightly and reached over. He set a hand with an IV on Xavier's cheek. "Xavier." He cleared his throat gently, and looked to the water. He took a sip, leaving his hand on the man's cheek and then looked back to him.

"Go. Home." He pulled his hand away slowly and laid back in the bed. "I'll just stay here. I need more.. observation.. because.." He paused. "My eyes are.. still.. dilated.. They don't want me.. to slip back."

Rowan Kimb

Rowan looked up from his book. He was sitting in one of the chair by the table near the balcony. He smiled, putting in the bookmark and nodded. He got up and moved with her to the bathroom. He plugged in the hair dryer and brush. "Of course. I'll always dry your hair, little one." He started to gently brush her hair, swishing the hair dryer against it so it dried.

Killian Velvet

Killian looked up when Xavier walked in. He offered a small smile, clearing his throat lightly. He'd only finally started speaking last night. So his voice was rather scratchy and worn. He'd done a lot of snarling and growling. "A little sore still.." He clear his throat again. "But better.. I think I should..*throat clear* be able to leave today. As long as I'm under someone's.. observation."

Killian Velvet

The bear watched him settle on the seat and then take his hand. It was a little too much, but that was okay. If it became unbearable it would pull his hand away. He smiled lightly at the fact that the Omegas were safe. He nodded. That was good.

He shifted a little, turning towards Xavier more before his eyes slipped shut. He was so tired still. Still coming off Feral brain, but they were safe, so that was good. He had done good, protected them.
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