Hidden 4 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 7 days ago

Time: One Week After Human Arrival
Location: Seaside Park
Interactions: Aurora @mole, Vasco @JJ Doe
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor

Barrock only heard three things: Rowan and Vasco in danger, River Port Lodge, and a Dark Elf. This got Barrock's blood boiling, and he charged straight for the destination, with his sword in hand, Aurora hopefully behind him.

Did that General returned? Were they here to finish the job? Were both Vasco and Rowan ok? In his head, he worried if he was going to fail again. Was it a mistake to split up both of them? He really wanted to walk a lot faster, but the limp in his leg made it quite difficult.

The door to the Lodge slammed open as a giant green orc barged in to perhaps either terror or annoyance by the staff. Barrock didn't care, he saw the human sitting with a cup of beer in his hand, while Rowan was nowhere insight. Meanwhile, something was on the ground.

Barrock was unimpressed with Vasco's cavalier attitude, but he decided to play with it anyway.

"And here we will party later." He rolled his eyes, turning his attention to the one laying out-cold on the ground. A lizardman, quite tough-looking but didn't seem quite as tough as he looked.

"Are these the General's men?" Barrock lifted the lizard guy up, his eyes on Vasco, but expecting nothing out of him. Maybe Aurora could chime in with any further insights, as the orc was a bit calmer knowing at least Vasco was safe.

Regardless of what either of them said though, Barrock threw the lizardman into a chair, tied him down and headed to the barkeeper, towering over him as if the monster was going to do the same thing to him, but instead left a stack of coin on the table, much more than a simple drink Vasco needed.

"For the trouble." Barrock growled, before heading back to the lizardman. He would wake up soon.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Lodge, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

Her footsteps followed quickly behind Barrock’s heavy strides. Her mind’s eye kept replaying the scene and had seen. Partially out of fear, and the other to admire what she was able to see without her true eyes. She felt so shy and much too afraid to say the vision was a gem of its own nature.

The door to the lodge swung open. There was a still in the room that resonated as if something extravagant had just occurred. She could smell the fear that once was and… the scent of alcohol currently being enjoyed. All of this came before Barrock began scolding Vasco.

A strong emotion began budding inside of Aurora. She had felt this before, many times. Although, during those times, she able to qualm the feeling. She had been advised from using it or letting it come to fruition, but right now, there was little to stop it.

“Where is my brother!” Her voice tried to ask gingerly but came out more as a command, as if she had meant to say Tell me where my brother is! Her fists were balled in frustration and tears — not the same ones she showed Barrock earlier — tried not show themselves.

How could Vasco be relaxing at a time like this?

She understood how and why. It was Vasco, but her heart strings were so worried about her brother. The memories of Zara, her blood, her lifeless body, and her spark fading so quickly were looming over her. What would become of her brother? And, did Vasco even care?

Soon, Aurora was shaking. Her anger leaving as soon as it came. It couldn’t last. It never did, and she felt embarrassed it had even erupted. Never mind her anger, her dearest brother was missing. Her poor dear Rowan. He had been lying so limp under the orc.

“I… I saw you… trying to help, Vasco.” Aurora sniffled. Her eyes were downcast, staring into what would have been the wood flooring, if she could see it. “It must have been scary for you… and still is.” She was unsure how much she projecting her own fears onto Vasco, but she hoped and knew, the truth was Vasco somewhere in his own mystery knew what she was referencing.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: A.M.
Location: River Port Forest
Interactions/Mentions: @Conscripts @mole
Equipment: Knife, drugs, and wallet looted from dope peddler

A bark of laughter escaped Vasco at Barrock’s crack about partying. The thought of the stiff-necked orc cutting loose - now that’d be something worth seeing.

“Are these the General’s men?” Barrock grunted, hauling up the unconscious lizardman.

“Ain’t everyone these days?” Vasco drawled as he watched Barrock slip the bartender extra scratch. Good manners, that. And he took full advantage of it to signal for another drink.

Ignoring the fact that Rowan got himself kidnapped, everything was jake for Vasco - riding high from the scrap, decent booze, and hell, even Barrock wasn’t being his usual wet blanket self.

Then Aurora had to come along and kill his buzz faster than a raid on a gin joint.

“Where is my brother!” she screamed, like he was the mastermind who had orchestrated this whole dance. Worse, when she remembered that she was supposed to be the perfect choir girl, she started going on about some mumbo-jumbo about Vasco trying to help her brother and being scared. The broad didn’t make a lick of sense.

“Don’t know. Why don’t you take it up with the bunch who nabbed your hotshot bodyguard elf and jumped me instead of busting my chops, Spiritual Advisor?” Vasco said, the title dripping with all the respect of a back-alley insult. He turned back to his drink, letting the liquid do its healing since Aurora clearly had other priorities.

The thought of splitting from this crew was looking better by the minute. They treated him like a cheap tool - all stick, no carrot. Maybe if they’d been paying top dollar, he could stomach playing their favorite punching bag. But this? Getting blamed for any trouble because it was easier than facing their own mess? A sucker’s game, that’s what it was. No wonder The New Dawn were going the way of yesterday’s newspaper.

Just as the bartender topped off his glass, Zarnak started to stir under Barrock’s watch. Vasco swiveled in his seat. “Give a shout if you need a hand,” he told the orc, settling in to watch the show. This ought to be good.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 7 days ago

Time: One Week After Human Arrival
Location: Seaside Park
Interactions: Aurora @mole, Vasco @JJ Doe
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor

If Vasco was going to squander Barrock's good will with the bartender, then so be it. If anything he could be a good scapegoat if the New Dawn decided to discipline them, if they were even willing. The orc did the most he could on that end, now for that reptilian creature.

As light began to return to Zarnak the lizardman, he'd see a gigantic silhouette towering over him. But he wouldn't see a small tub of iced water that Barrock prepared for him. For now, he met the orc's menacing bloodshot eye with defiance and condescension. He wanted to play the hero to the establishment, even though the man who hired him likely wouldn't give a shit of his death today.

"You've heard her." Barrock only nicked his neck ever so slightly. "Tell me the whereabouts of the elf you captured."

Zarnak, a real macho, spitted onto the orc's armor. "Or you'll do what? Break my arm and leg? It'll grow back."

Barrock remained still, letting the silence do its work. If he learned anything from his kind's failure, loudness bred ineptitude.

"Murder my family? I've already gotten there. Kill me? Bitch, it's my birthday!" The lizardman continued. Barrock let another moment of silent go by before speaking up.

"Eternal damnation."

"Pfft, don't tell me you believe in that fairy tale." Zarnak sneered, to Barrock's unflinching and unchanging face. "If you want to send me to hell, go ahead."

It was then that Barrock slid the tub of iced water over. Although he tried to hide it, Zarnak's demeanor suddenly went quiet.

"Reptiles can't handle the cold." Barrock said, reaching his hand for Zarnak's legs, which was tied firmly to the chair.

The lizardman tried to fling himself to the ground with the chair to disrupt what Barrock was trying to do, but the chair along with him, was weighed down with rocks and heavy items. All of that only confirmed to Barrock this lizard's greatest weakness.

The tip of the chair and the reptile's feet were lifted up then back down into the icy water, ever so gently, contrary to the usual orc brutality. But this was a fate worse than death to the lizards, as Barrock would explain as he sat down opposite of him.

"Cold-blooded creatures could not self-regulate your body temperature, so you will slowly freeze. But before that, the water will seep into your skin and you will breath out water droplets along with air, which freezes on your scale blocking the air route. Meaning: you suffocate."

"You motherf-"

"Ten minutes."

The veil had been lifted. There was no more playing the hero. The animal now roared against its cage, but the more he tried to resist, the more energy expended, the more he breathe in and breathe out. Soon, white frost began to show on his scale, and then inside his tongue. Similar to how a human/elf gasp for air, the lizard began to emit blood-curdling agony, but Barrock remained still for a minute more. Only when his eyes began to dilute, that Barrock stood up and walked over to him and lifted his feet out of the icy tub. He then punched the lizardman hard in his stomach. The orc knew Zarnak wouldn't die from that. Those lizardmen were tough bastards.

The punch only knocked some of the frost from his scale. Barrock then wiped any frost left on his scale, left Zarnak only a minute to catch his breath, then put his feet back into the tub. This cycle would repeat again for few more times.

"We have all day."

Barrock sat back, seemingly in complete relaxation. The cold-blooded lizard now at the mercy of a real cold-blooded creature.

It didn't take long for the lizard to break.

"T-T-The elf...h-he's..." Zarnak screamed as loudly as he could have with whatever strength he had left as he was about to be lowered into the tub again.

Barrock stopped, letting the lizard look at Vasco and Aurora. They were the one who needed the answer.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Lodge, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

“Stop…” the word fell silently from her mouth. It was possible she had not even spoken it. She felt her lips press together, but no sound came from her.

She could hear the lizardman’s pain. The clinking of the ice and the moans of agony. She could smell the turning of scales. It was all wretched to witness.

In all her wisdom, she knew this was what had to be done. If she wished to see her brother again, at least, alive, there was no other option. She had to trust Barrock’s methods.

And yet, she could feel her breath trembling in her chest. She longed to be in her sanctuary, meditating on the Light Elves’ wisdom and galore in tranquility. This, however, was not an option. It would never be an option, again, unless they defeated the Dark Elves.

The lizardman’s scream pierced her ears. Reflexively, her pale hands flinched. The poor creature, but he knew where her brother was, her dear brother Rowan.

“Where is my brother?” She asked again. It seemed to be the only thing she was capable of articulating clearly.

Aurora felt unprepared for this journey. She needed to be stronger. She was still recovering from Zara’s death, and without Rowan, she felt almost entirely lost.
Hidden 24 days ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: A.M.
Location: River Port Forest
Interactions/Mentions: @Conscripts @mole
Equipment: Knife, drugs, and wallet looted from dope peddler

Whatever secrets that lizardman was fixing to spill to Aurora died in his throat when Vasco spoke first. “You know what I been thinking? I ain’t never owned a proper pair of lizard skin shoes.” He swirled the beer in his glass, foam clinging to the sides, before taking a sip. “Hear they last forever if you take care of them right. Waterproof too. Imagine that.”

The glass hit the counter hard enough to make the bartender jump and retreat to the far end of the bar. In a few strides, Vasco reached the wooden pillar where the knife still jutted from their earlier disagreement and wrapped his fingers around the handle. He yanked it free with a single tug on his way to Zarnak.

His eyes measured the lizardman from snout to tail. “Figure with a specimen like you, I could get a three-piece suit, couple pairs of wingtips, maybe even one of them fancy valises the fellas from New York carry.”

The lizardman's throat worked up and down. “Y-you wouldn’t f-fucking dare,” he hissed, but the stutter gave him away. Amazing what an ice water bath does to a tough guy’s constitution.

Vasco laughed. “Pal, I absolutely would.” He flipped the knife between his fingers. “You think the green man’s bad? See, between the two of us, I’m the real hoodlum. I used to break and put fellas in the ground for a living and for fun.”

He jerked his chin toward Aurora, who stood watching with that particular blend of horror and resignation Vasco had seen before—on judges, on priests, on good women who found themselves in bad company. “And sweetheart ain’t gonna lift a finger to stop me. Cause you see, for all her high-minded talk, when chips are down, your scaly hide ain’t worth squat next to her brother’s. She don’t wanna get those pretty hands dirty, so she’ll just turn away and pray for our damned souls.”

Vasco circled Zarnak slowly, appraising him like merchandise as he considered where best to start skinning from.

“Kill me, you’ll n-never find out where the p-pretty boy elf is,” Zarnak managed, desperation seeping through like sweat.

Vasco shrugged, loose and easy. “Too bad for them, then.” He settled on the thug’s left arm, where muscle bunched beneath scales that caught the light like oiled metal. “Maybe a nice belt and a wallet might ease their grief some.”

The lizard’s jaws parted, but Vasco pressed the knife tip against a scale where arm met shoulder, silencing him. “Save your breath, buddy. I want those shoes more than the elf.”

The blade slipped under with surprising ease. Vasco worked it flat against the connective tissue, separating the tough outer layer of scales from the flesh beneath.

He was no backwoodsman—he’d grown up where streetlamps outnumbered trees and concrete covered the earth. But he’d stood behind enough butchers in enough basements, watching as the Family’s problems disappeared one cut at a time. Some things you learn without meaning to.

Being a thug, Zarnak had probably survived worse—most muscles do—but Vasco understood the difference between pain and suffering. When you’re trading punches in an alley, the blood pumping and fists flying, your body gives you something for the pain—a rush that makes you crave it. But strapped to a chair? That slow, methodical suffering with nothing to do but feel every second of it? That's when even the toughest wiseguys start singing.

He’d separated about six inches of scale when Zanark’s curses turned into something useful.

“S-storehouse! STOREHOUSE!” The word tore from his throat.

Vasco paused, cupping his bad ear and leaned closer. “What’s that? Gonna need you to enunciate, pal. Can’t hear so good.”

“There’s a storehouse! Near the graveyards! Behind the large abandoned warehouse! That’s where they took him!”
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Hidden 7 days ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 7 days ago

Time: One Week After Human Arrival
Location: Seaside Park
Interactions: Aurora @mole, Vasco @JJ Doe
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor

Barrock stood aside and watched the torture continued. He wasn't going to lie, the orc was quite surprised at the bastard's cold-bloodedness. Orcs his kind often torture and kill, but there was a certain crude barbarity to it; their victims often left in confusing messes. But Vasco was precise, calculated, a level of sadism not birthed out of impetuous passion. He really seemed to enjoy this. Barrock stood ready to intervene if he came close to killing the lizardman, but he didn't need to worry at all.

Once Zarnak spat out the location, Barrock took out the city map and reviewed the location. He then walked over, took the knife from Vasco and shove its handle into Zarnak's mouth. Then he hovered the map at his face level.

"Point." Barrock stated very tersely, and the lizardman complied. The knife pierced ever so slightly on the paper map.

The orc immediately grabbed the rest of his stuff, not that he set them down that long ago, but before that, he looked over the lizardman one last time. What exactly should he do with him? The easiest was just to kill him, but that would cross a line that could leave a permanent mark on all four. He was, after all, likely just a lowly thug employed for cheap. Didn't make him any less despicable but to slaughter him for this transgression reminded Barrock of a time he'd like to forget.

"Go, I will deal with him."

Aurora was definitely not going to ensure a proper 'disposal', and Vasco would likely just kill him. So he volunteered to play catch up, despite his mobility issues.

As soon as the two of them left, Barrock cut the ropes holding Zarnak in place. He lifted the battered, broken lizardman by his chest with one arm and pinned him against the wall. His blood-red eyes locked with Zarnak's like a stake impaling through a dead body.

"If I see you against us again, you will wander the underworld deaf mute and blind." He stated, never needing to raise his voice. The terror in his eyes spoke for itself.

Now it was time to save that elf.
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Hidden 15 hrs ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Lodge, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

Her lack of sight captured her, this time. Her imagination had stretched towards unfamiliar places. Curiosity gnawed at her, sinking its vicious teeth into her chest. And yet, relief to not entirely understand the sensation of what had just happened draped over her like an innocent veil.

“Is he alright?” Aurora asked. She was unsure if she was asking about her brother or the lizardman. Perhaps, she was inquiring about both.

Of course, she would do anything to know Rowan was unharmed. However, to think she — no, they had to . . .

. . . The conditions of life have always been such a cruel thing. It seemed learning this through verbal lessons and books was nothing compared to experiencing the truth first hand. Aurora assured herself there was worse to come, and yet, she prayed this was the worst of it.

Her dearest brother was so protective over her. She was beginning to understand why. As a soldier, he had experience atrocities far worse than this; far worse than the death of Zara. So convinced and zealous that she could handle this burden, she had volunteered herself for this mission. Had she been wrong?

Gripping her staff, she drew in a noble breath or at least, a breath of bravery. There was no turning back whether the decision had been right or wrong. (Was her insight not clear enough? For this reason, she had to trust Barrock and Vasco.

“You’re very brave,” she said to Vasco. “Both Barrock and you.” Other words flooded her mind. They were choice words that sometimes accompanied and also insulted someone who may be considered brave. The Light Elf chose not to speak those words. Now, maybe not ever was a good time to say them.

. . . Although, a thorn in her side could not help but twist as she thought how Vasco lead the circumstances. He would be a great warrior, to help lead the rebellion, of course. There were sacrifices to be made. Zara being one of them. And again, Aurora’s imagination failed her, for better or for worse this time, she was unsure.

“Thank you.” she finally said.
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