i dont recommend getting a pinched nerve, especially in your leg
6 yrs ago
Just a few more hours and i get to dissappear for 10 days. The place we are going has some wonderful views.
7 yrs ago
wow talk about nostalgia. Things to do while your bored, look up "the cluefinders."
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
what? its already been a year here? *looks around* well other than loseing a bunch of wieght not much has changed.
Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.
Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.
Time: 11am Location: Sorian Gallery of Fine Arts Interactions: Violet @Tpartywithzombi Mentions in order: Mina @Tae, Rohit @Helo, Milo@PapaOso outfit: Uncomfortable fancy metal clothing.
This gallery was magnificent. Its works rivaling if not out right exceeding some of his own works, something Roman begrudgingly admitted to himself. Painting was not his strong suit, but sculpting was, the masonry and sculptures on display showed a level of expertise that he would find hard to manage in even his own craft. This Milo St. Claire really did have a better handle on the finesse required to complete these works then he did. Perhaps if he had a different life, he could devote more time to honing his own skills but that thought was fleeting.
Violet expertly maneuvered the two of them through the pairings of other Finley dressed individuals. Polite nods and quite murmurings of the art pieces were shared. Yet, these events held something else just under the surface. The masks of everyone, even himself, were on full display, he detested this but still wore his polite smile occasionally excusing himself if his towering form ventured to close to another’s personal space.
His eyes occasionally flickering over to Violet watching her gaze, how she admired the works in front of them, how she stared at the others they passed making subtle notes of those whose eyes she lingered on more than others, was she hunting in a place like this? Her sudden pull towards a particular portrait caught him off guard, her next hushed words even more so and to be looking for charlotte of all people, “I’ll keep an eye out, why exactly are you looking for her?” he asked keeping his voice hushed while gesturing at the painting like they were discussing it.
After his question their attention snapped to a flourish of movement, his eyes catching the distinct look of Mina falling towards another duo. Then just before she would have hit the ground one of them reacted with speed and grace, catching her and twirling back to her feet. A better look at the man didn’t look familiar but the other man in the duo was the man of the hour himself, Milo.
His attention turned back again to Mina who was looking quite faint. A look he recognized as one of her episodes of being overwhelmed by something otherworldly as she described it to him before. Hopefully it wouldn’t render her unconscious like it has done in the past. He did glance around for a moment but didn’t see Munir around, this would be the exact kind of situation for the man to be showing Mina off unless something happened. It was a matter to investigate later.
A glance back at the two guards that were also paying attention to the two then back at him told Roman that they two were worried but would not leave his side unless asked. Something that a slight raise of his left shoulder told them not to worry. “Then let us continue our search. Maybe towards that hall of mirrors?” he asked quietly but something tugged at the back of his mind. A sensation that had only grown stronger since arriving in this kingdom. His other half growing restless in its cage.
Time: 11am Location: Sorian Gallery of Fine Arts Interactions: Violet @Tpartywithzombi Mentions in order: outfit: Uncomfortable fancy metal clothing.
The whispers of his guards kept Roman entertained while he waited. The duo stood a few paces behind him speaking quietly in their native language. They were having a debate about what kinds of alcohol they have found and tried in the city so far. Both disagreed if that beverage was a local spiced rum that had a hint of apple or the hot cinnamon liquor, they found in one of the more spendy and proper locations.
Both of which slowly fell silent as they noticed someone before roman did, the beautiful visage of Violet Damien adorning some fine pieces of metal with her outfit as well. It held her figure well and was not shy to reveal those scars she always tried to hide. Scars that his eyes lingered on for a touch longer than appropriate.
“Lady Violet Damien. A pleasure as always.” A polite nod and an offer to take his arm was what she received in turn. “Your dress does look wonderful on this fine day. I hope you have been well since our last meeting?” he asked politely. His attention breaking away from her to the art gallery proper wondering what exhibit they should enjoy first.
Time: 11am Location: Sorian Gallery of Fine Arts Interactions: Mentions in order: outfit: Uncomfortable fancy metal clothing.
The ride over to the art gallery was uneventful. If it wasn’t for what he was wearing Roman would have walked, yet he was a bit too flashy for even his liking. The decision was made, and he was outvoted to the type of attire he was to wear for this outing. He understood but he still didn’t like it.
What was decided was some of the more eccentric and complicated attire they had made. A pauldron wrapped itself around his left shoulder and covered the magic caused injuries on his left arm down to his fingers. It was a wearable puzzle, an intricate piece of several thousand cut out shapes of different kinds of metal each in a different unique shape and size. Polished to a near mirror shine, the unique material could move like normal fabric but could also be just as sturdy as real armor if twisted the right way.
The next part of his walking art piece that he wore was a bronze-colored jacket with hundreds of carved and shaped scales layered over one another. Each scale was etched with designs, some random designs and shapes others depicting ancient sea monsters or legends. A scaled wire coiled around his torso and right arm ending in the head of a snake at his wrist, it looked like it was intertwined and made into the suit. Yet, it moved like it wasn’t attached to him at all.
The last part of his ensemble was the cascading scales from his jacket past his knees. The colors of his house checkered dark blue and black poking out from under the long jacket. For him it was a fancy rendition of their culture. The kilt being part of it, as part of their artistic style metal and armor was typically worn as ceremonial wear of some kind.
These were the kind of things roman didn’t enjoy, being a walking advertisement was one thing but now he had to put on a fake smile on top of it. He should have gone to that theater at least there he wouldn’t have to wear this, this uncomfortable garment that pinched and pulled hair. At least it was protective and not meant just for looks.
There were two others in the carriage with him, two of the guards Sven and Erik assigned to him. They were wearing matching outfits, loose formal clothing that professionally hid the body armor underneath. One noticed his lord’s uncomfortable movements, “at least you look nice my lord.” A snicker escaped the other guard. Roman replied with a sneer, “next time you two can wear this.” They all smiled the other guard spoke up just as they were arriving, “Id rather eat a bowl of Astri’s mystery meat stew.” Silence for just a moment then All of them laughed together.
The Carriage rolled to a stop in front of the gallery, the door opened and Roman stepped out his guards following close behind. He took it in for a moment before entering, the sights, sounds, smells, mostly the building. The architecture of this place was a little much, but it was to be expected given the current ruler. The trio stepped up and through the main entrance and met with a kind receptionist that quickly made name tags for each of them. It was nice but roman was here to meet someone and ultimately decided to stand to the side so that both him and his date could explore the art works.
Flash Back Sola 25th Afternoon Ravenwood Warehouse
The afternoon light filtered through a few small windows. The air was rich with the scents of incense and burning herbs, wisps of smoke flittered around them. The warehouse was organized chaos, with assortments of boxes, paths, and beds scattered about the sides of the large building. The center stage of the building was open with tables and workstations for both paperwork and tinkering.
Towards the back of the facility was a small alcove partitioned from some larger stacked boxes. Set up in a way that couldn't be seen from the front and in a pinch was a strong defensible position. This place was where the managers and leaders of this marketing venture slept and conducted their business. Currently two members of the management sat around a simple table with the Ravenwood house symbol, two ravens with a crown above them, etched into its wooden surface.
Whispers came from the smaller frame of a women clad in long robes and red hair braided over her shoulders. They were hunched over the left arm of the larger man sitting at the table, lathering his arm with healing salves and whispering small healing words into his skin to rejuvenate it. Roman for his part seemed unbothered by it, the occasional flinch reminding him she was taking care of it at all. Several letters and reports were spread out in front of him while he sipped on a small glass of rum.
Aside from Astri's chanting, a comfortable silence filled the building. Its only disruptions being some of the other workers and artisans scribbling on paper or tinkering with jewelry nearby.
The silence was broken by several familiar faces entering through one of the side doors. Guards snapped to attention at the doors while some of the tinkerers and merchants looked up to address those that entered with a respectful nod. The five other individuals made their way into the alcove and proceeded to get comfortable in the chairs around the table.
All five of Romans advisors were now here as requested given the recent events and the news of the impending trial. The only other person not part of the advisors was Erik's assistant who without prompt began to set up a type writer at a small desk nearby to record the minutes of their meeting.
Once everyone was settled and Astri began bandaging up Roman’s arm, Erik pulled a small device out of his coat pocket. It looked like a simple compass with a sharp point in the middle. Flipping up the lid with his thumb he brought the compass up to his lips whispering, "Þögn er tónlist lífsins." sinking his thumb onto the point to pay the blood price to activate the magic device. Placing it into the middle of the table.
A sharp ring invaded and consumed the ability to hear for all those in the alcove, when it eventually stopped, they were left in complete silence. Almost maddening as the only sound, they could hear was what they made themselves. The device cast a small sphere that blocks all sound from leaving and entering its small radius.
"Must you persist in brandishing that blasted relic at every council of minds?" the oldest man of the group spoke up, an average sized man with long grey hair, he was adorned in simple clothes like the rest of them but were made with very fine materials and silks, each finger ordained with an extravagant ring. Glóin Akselson, the master haggler, a title bestowed upon the individual responsible for all things trade and finance while out on expeditions.
"We don’t know who is listening, our enemy is well prepared and well supplied." a gruff, tall, and muscular young man with slicked back blonde hair wearing a heavier version of the guard’s uniform and armor. Adorned with simple and spartan weapons of fine craftsmanship. Sven Ekstrom, the captain of the guard, responsible for the safety and wellbeing of all of their supplies, manpower, and hosted events.
"Cannae we juist burn thaim an' oot o' thare holes wi' th' rest o' th' toon." the heavy accent of the Shaman Astri Lund shown true with her fiery perspective. Twirling her red hair in one hand with her feet curled up under her in her chair, her other hand holding a helping of cooked pork. Her short temper and lack of tact was a result of the spell casting and the strain it puts on her.
"We are here to slow or stop the black market and criminal underground from continuing its march into Varian, not start a war, as well as our other duties." The mono tone strictly logical voice of a women who looked to be from noble birth with the way she held herself and her posture. She looked to be in her mid-thirties with straight black hair and a neat simple appearance. Sylvi Holmgren the Master of scrolls, her duty was communication, correspondence, and categorizing information. She was the best at it, rarely letting her emotions show and maintained a practiced stoic presence.
Astri looked like she was going to argue when Erik spoke up, "I be callin' this Thing to order on Sola 25, 1739, with all present. The minutes from the last meetin' are documented an' stored. First topic, Current Business. " Another accent but a tad lighter. In each other’s company they didn't have to worry about pronouncing their words correctly, it was just what was comfortable.
Nock... Nock... Nock... Erik rocked his ring against the table to signal the start of a new topic.
Roman spoke up first, "The runes have been sealed, there have been others out to the site since our ritual but I did not see any disturbances to the circle we laid. The Ace of Sapphires has been acquired we should be getting semi regular reports from them within the next few days."
" nay’tin tae report. " Came Astri's reply between bites of her food.
Sven was next, "Recent detentions have occurred among our newer members at the Tough Tavern. Numerous inquisitive observers have been dissuaded from entering this establishment. In one noteworthy instance, a pair of affluent inhabitants sought to board our vessel moored in the bay under the guise of..." He cleared his throat, "Believing it to be a vessel of leisure and adultery, they were ultimately enlightened regarding their error."
Glóin put on his reading spectacles and began to read off from the paper he held, "Profit blossoms like a wilting flower in a sunlit dystopia; soup kitchens hum along like clockwork, the little theft we have skittles away like a frightened rat. A few commissions have been requested for jewelry. The furnishings for the tough tavern, marked with their insignia of unyielding grandeur, shall gracefully embark upon their journey by day's end to supplant the broken remnants of lesser quality."
Sylvi just shrugged, "There is no evidence of tampering with any of our encoded messages sent or received by paper or wire. Willow and Oak recognize our situation and advise us to proceed carefully. Chariot instructs us to continue gathering information and evidence regarding the main criminal organization. Additionally, we are to investigate the Seven of Emeralds' claim regarding the potential involvement of the Black Rose trading company."
Erik straightened in his chair, "Wid no more current or auld business..." He paused to make sure everyone was in agreement. He continued, "onto new biznus, so it is. The announcement 'bout the trial agin' of our own leader just a few hours back, them diplomats from some bleedin' mystery island, that personal letter ya got from the King o' Sapphires, the news o' the attack on the Ten o' Emeralds this mornin', and the charity event comin' up, hosted by..." a short pause as he looked over his notes, "an' the charity shindig hosted by the Jack of Diamonds an' the Six of Sapphires, so it is."
Knock... Knock... Knock.
The red glow of Romans cigar glowed while Erik read off the topics of their next discussion, "The trial... we knew it was inevitable... we’re being pushed, tested, I suggest a modest approach. Enough to clear our name but not show our hand just yet." Pondering how to continue, "We need to seem at the very least a little incompetent but not entirely."
Astri was nodding along to the conversation, it was hard to tell if she was even paying attention. Sven was, "Indeed, it is advantageous that our true capabilities remain obscured. The less knowledge they possess, the greater the probability of their miscalculation."
"what if the cosmos itself conspired to mask our proofs? We shall allow not the shackles of imprisonment or the threat of exile from these lands befall you." Glóin asked.
"There are several options available based on my understanding of the kingdom's constitution. However, some of these options may not be effective without properly encouraging the King of Diamonds, who is expected to be present." That statement from Sylvi silenced the room, each of the leaders pondering what they could use. "The Guard breached the agreement associated with our permit to use that space, which has the royal seal affixed."
"Och, ah new." pipped up Astri, "Th' uhh..." she began to snap her fingers as if the answer was right in front of her, "Uhh th' nine? aye nine o' diamonds run in wi' they doctors at th' ritual. Claiming responsibility fur that wull surely shake tehm in thair boots."
a myriad of raised eyebrows and nods came from the others at the table.
"Aye that could work." Erik spoke up, "We'll 'ave to pass this on ta the Ten of Emeralds somehow, get our tales straight before the feast. We shouldn't spill all the info on it 'til the trial."
a small laugh came from Sven, "I possess the knowledge to market this situation effectively. We shall attire our miscreants in restraints, presenting them as medical professionals. They will be dispatched on our forthcoming export; the vessel is scheduled to depart in a mere two days, I believe."
Roman nodded his acknowledgement, "It does and that is an interesting idea, as long as they are seen but not questioned. Then claim they got a little excited. We should also look at starting to spread rumors from 'disgruntled' employees on the docks. something about my competency, fighting ability, and just going off about how I’m just a spoiled brat behind closed doors that sort of thing. Maybe even a rumor sent to that newspaper as well."
Another nod from Sven, "I shall ensure that my most capable individuals are assigned to this task."
"Ye should also be checkin' into gettin' the Queen of Diamonds on our side, now. Their help, or at the very least, knowin' we ain't lookin' to stir up a war, would be mighty useful, so it would." Erik stated.
"I agree.” Roman stated, “I’m aware our list of treasonous nobles could be better used for leverage in other places, but we should give it to them as a gift. Try to show them good faith, getting them on our side should be a priority." After a moment of thought he spoke again this time regarding Sylvi, “could you send them a missive requesting a private audience? I suggest the message be sent quietly to the Ten of Diamonds.”
Sylvi Nodded, “The task will be completed after this meeting.”
Another series of nods from around the table signaled their approval.
"Is there anything else before we be movin’ on, then?" Erik asked.
"Sven." Sylvi spoke up, "Is it feasible to provide a few of our undercover personnel residing here with a camera to capture an image of the injured guard in a compromised scenario?" a good idea, something they could use to show the man's injuries are fake or misleading.
“Indeed, it is a possibility. We may need to utilize one of your Camera's Glóin.” The man in question nodding while making a note.
"Anythin' else on th' topic? No? Thin let’s keep goin', shall we?... Th' foreign diplomats from th' Commonwealth?" Erik spoke the last part as if he was unsure of what he had said.
Knock... Knock... Knock.
Sylvi was quick to respond yet again, "Willow, Oak, and Chariot express interest in the diplomats and seek a meeting with them. A formal invitation will be prepared and dispatched to them, accompanied by a selected gift. Chariot has specified that Erik should deliver the letter."
"Sure, they did, aye." Erik grumbled, "I’ll make sure th' letter's penned an’ handed over by tonight, along with th' gift. Maybe a jade raven, eh?"
"Och, a'm waantin' tae goh." Astri's hand shot up from where she was lounging across her seat, "Ah lik' meetin freish fowk."
Roman gave Erik a shrug, "Might as well take her, see if you can figure out their language and customs." out of all of them Astri was the best suited for that task given her standing in their Culture and her knowledge of all of their languages. They could even have some sort of cultural exchange and build relations or at the very least give Willow and Oak a heads up.
"Any other wee suggestions or notes, like?" No one spoke up, "Next topic now... That personal letter from the King o' Sapphires, it is." The looks Roman received from the others were mostly of worry, suspicion, or questioning if it is worth it to continue the song and dance with them. Astri was the only one that giggled like a schoolgirl at his expense.
Knock... Knock... Knock.
He seemed to shrink under their gazes for a moment, caught off guard as he was. He finished his drink then continued, "I’ll take care of it and try to find more information on whoever else is involved. I’ll get it written approved and sent out tonight after Sylvi copies it. I believe they may be useful still as an informant but their eligibility to be a possible marriage opportunity is still in debate."
his answer satisfied the group, but Astri continued to giggle to herself, the glare from Roman told her to stop laughing but almost like siblings it didn't work until she fell off her chair. Everyone else either smiled or rolled their eyes at the young woman who could still be heard giggling under the table.
"Alright, back on topic." Erik spoke while the red head climbed back onto her throne. "So, movin' on, ye heard about tha' attack on the King o' Sapphires this mornin', by some unknown assailant, huh?"
Knock... Knock... Knock.
The energy in the room shifted almost immediately, the King of Sapphires was still their charge to a lesser extent compared to the other nobles but still their responsibility. Roman’s fist clenched, Sven and Erik scowled, as the others gave their full attention to Erik and Roman.
"Chariot has not replied to the message sent immediately after receiving the news. It is too early to obtain any definitive answers beyond the information provided by the staff in the guest houses." Sylvi stated.
"Information from the guards and traders remains absent. Our inquiries continue, yet no responses have surfaced. I suggest we augment our shadow personnel, to encompass the Varian nobility and citizenry, as well as ourselves." The military tone from Sven coming out in force as he spoke.
"Do we have the manpower for it without increasing suspicion?" Roman asked, rolling his cigar between his fingers.
"Affirmative. However, we may ascertain additional personnel on the forthcoming vessel's arrival." Sven answered.
Roman mulled over the information, with anger in his voice he made his decision. "Do it and send a summons to the draugr. I’ll need at least 3 squads they can stay on the ship anchored out in port until we need them."
Erik locked eyes with roman, the others shifting uneasily in their seats, with eyes looking between the two leaders. The mere mention of the name made them uneasy as tension filled the room. They were part of Romans personally trained regiment. To be used in instances where peace is all but an afterthought.
More importantly they were trained to fight with and against Romans alter ego, The Red Wake. These teams were not the most subtle and had a proclivity to extreme violence and collateral damage. The training those men and women had been subjected to was brutal and left many even in their own ranks to fear them.
"I see yer anger an' the smudge on our record so far, Roman. But I don’t reckon the situation's gone so far downhill that we need t'call for 'em." Erik responded, he knew the lord was upset but typically those men, if they can even be called that, were only for the direst of circumstances or war. "I'll be sendin' a message to Chariot t'get 'em ready, just in case we need 'em."
Roman broke his cigar in half. His frustration and anger with what we’re going on was getting to him. As quickly as his anger flared, he let it go, Erik was right. He couldn't let his anger cloud his judgment even if all he wanted to do now was what Astri mentioned earlier and burn them out. No, they needed a definitive target and not just a mention as to the likely culprit.
After a few more moments of silent brooding, he spoke up, "Agreed, I will refrain from summoning my strike teams until after we have found more information on our enemy."
The room collectively relaxed. The others knew they were not in any danger but those men unnerved even the most stoic veterans just by being around them. Their presence always made you feel as if death was just around the corner, at the slightest infraction, mistake, or perceived insult.
"We'll be continuin' our investigations and sendin' fer more reinforcements to take on these assassins. In the meantime, all the members o' our guild will be carryin' at least two concealed weapons at all times, so they will, and they'll be travellin' in pairs." Erik Stated
"Anythin’ else?" another pause but no one spoke up, "So, movin' on then, the charity shindig hosted by The Jack o' Diamonds an' the Six o' Sapphires."
Knock... Knock... Knock.
Glóin cleared his throat, “In the interest of hearts and minds, one must concede that Roman is uniquely ordained for this spectacle. Fear not the encroaching tribunal, your innate brilliance shines, even amidst the shadows of your plight."
Sylvi nodded and added, “You will have the chance to interact with other participants of the event. Collect information regarding their affiliations and potential motivations.”
A grunt came from Roman, one of disinterest, “If I must… I suppose it would give us more information.” His voice carrying the slight hint of irritation.
Erik took this time walk around the table to offer those seated some water as he spoke, “Is ev'ryone in agreement wit' this step, aye?” Aye’s resounded around the table, “The Aye’s got it, Glóin's gonna send a note to the charity folks that Roman Ravenwood’ll be showin’ up.” Stopping to fill Roman’s glass.
“Ye'll be there, no matter how much ye hate it, won't ye?.” it wasn't a question, Erik although a good friend and advisor still held authority over him through Chariot.
Roman responded with a sneer but did not disagree.
Erik returned to his spot at the table then continued. “Next ordher o' business.” another look at his notes, “the Ace o' Sapphires an' their recruitin'.”
Knock... Knock... Knock.
the table turned their gazes to Roman, who was silent for just a moment. “The Ace of Sapphires has agreed to hand off some information of the goings on of the inner castle for payment of gold and other regents.”
“What information did you provide to obtain this?” Sylvie was quick to ask with her pen resting on her note book.
Again, Roman had all eyes on him but this time he felt like he was owning up to a mistake in front of his father. A thought that made him take in a deep breath before continuing.
“I shared very brief information mostly on that we are trying to find the criminal underground, the Rebel forces, and we are worried about who may have hired the Vampires in this city. That I represent an organization that is meant to protect the Varian nobility and citizenry. I’m sure they will be able to deduce that we are not a direct enemy to the crown, but they have already figured out we are aware of the cursed beings of this world.”
Sylvi scribbled down a few notes as roman spoke, “What sealed the deal was me showing them some of our magic when I sealed the runes left in the trees. We will see if they come through with the information requested and how useful it is sometime within the week.”
Eric furrowed his brow his eyes moving back and forth in thought, “What was her reaction, like, t'what ye tol' 'em then?”
A short pause before roman spoke up again, “They seemed to be hung up on the information of the Vampires in the city and the magic I used. The reaction I perceived from the knowledge regarding the criminal underground and rebel faction was not as pronounced.”
“Might one postulate that the response to the revelations regarding these factions stems from their potential awareness of, or perhaps even participation in, such organizations?” Sven chimed in.
“Given the current tensions and atmosphere in the city? I believe most commoners here are aware in some capacity.”
“Chariot'll be wantin' a full report on th' matter.” Erik spoke plainly, “Anythin' else ta add, is it?”
No one spoke up prompting him to nod, “Onto new bizzness then, eh?”
Knock... Knock... Knock.
Sylvi stood from her chair, “I propose to modify our intelligence trees by including the Black Rose Trading Company in the Suit of Spades and assigning all members associated with the organization to its rankings.” a short pause while she flipped through her notes, “Based on the information from the Seven of Emeralds and existing circumstantial evidence, there is a high likelihood that this entity acts as a front for a criminal syndicate.”
Sven raised his arm, “I second that motion. Until evidence suggests otherwise, the increasing volume of information we amass indicates the likelihood of their association as our enigmatic organization.”
Erick nodded, “All in faver?” Ayes of some sort came from both Astri and Roman while Glóin remained silent, “All opposed?” this time Glóin responded with a nay.
“The aye’s have it. Until we learn o’therwise, the Black Rose company’ll be holdin' the Suit o’ Spades. This information’ll be sent to command, so they can kick off their operations on their end.”
“I will start gathering pertinent information at the end of this meeting.” Sylvi responded with no fanfare or any kind of celebration as to the passing of her motion.
“Anythin' further?” Erik asked before moving them along, “Grand. So, in conclusion.” Again, glancing to his notes.
Knock... Knock... Knock.
“We'll be a-startin' to plan our defense fer the trial, while the rest o' ye spread the word to our lads. Sven'll be sendin' off the troublesome ones and stirrin' up rumors while the rest o' us gather the info.”
Glancing across the table for a moment waiting on each individual at the table to acknowledge before continuing.
“Astri an’ meself will be makin’ our way t’ the Diplomats from over the sea, bringin’ a royal invite an’ a simple map of our kingdom, wit’ the jade raven as a wee gift.”
Again, nods of acknowledgement were seen.
“Roman will be reachin' out to the King o' Sapphires and keepin' on with his peculiar way o' romancin' 'em.”
Astri snickered quietly at Romans expense.
“As we look int' these assassins, more lads an' lasses should be comin' in on the next boat with supplies an' funds fer more watchin' an' protectin' the good folk of Varian. The draugr’ll be stirred from their sleep, but they won’t be needed just yet, mind ye. An’ all Ravenwood crew are asked t’ have at least two hidden weapons on 'em at all times.”
Another pause and scan of the present members.
“Roman'll be puttin' himself into the Charity shindig hosted by The Jack o' Diamonds an' the Six o' Sapphires. Don’t be pushin' it, just take on that character ye’ve built up over the years an' give a wee smile. Sylvi'll be waitin' fer a full debrief once ye've wrapped up yer business with 'em.”
A gruff sigh came from Roman but he nodded his acknowledgment all the same as did the others.
“We’ve tentatively snagged the Ace o’ Sapphires as a spy, fer a bit o’ coin an’ a few lessons on the runes.”
This time he didn’t look up from his notes but waited all the same.
“So, at long last, we be updatin' our tracker to make the Black Rose Tradin' Company our criminal syndicate, the ones holdin' the suit of spades. Until proven otherwise, of course.”
“Does anyone have anythin' else t'add before we wrap up our meetin', eh?”
No one said anything.
With a confirming nod from Erik and one last Knock of the table they stood and brought themselves to attention, speaking in unison. “For the Crown, we all lift together, Strong, united, working till we fall.” A short rendition of their motto but one that worked for the closing of the meeting.
“With that, I’ll be closin’ this meetin’. Ye all know yer jobs, now get to it. Roman, ye’ve got a carriage to catch.”
only after that did everyone began to go about their business for the day and Erik closed the small compass in the middle of the table. It was jarring having the sounds of the warehouse rush back into their area.
Roman was about to leave as well when Sylvi promptly returned with a few paper documents, a few to sign and one to write. Sylvi for her part was waiting patiently watching him write over his shoulder.
Redacted portions of this file will be released once they are raveled in the story.
Roman Ardur Ravenwood || 30 || Male
Beneath the mask
Height: 6'6
Weight: 275 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Length/Texture: Short almost in a military type of cut, always neat and well kept.
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Color: Tan almost bronze due to the forges fire.
Facial details(freckles, moles, etc.): Other than bushy eyebrows and a neat, trimmed beard not much.
Distinguishing features: Roman sports a mighty physique due to his work in the family forges and his diligent training, one that shows through his clothing. His hands are rough and covered in calluses with many small and large scars across his hands and arms. Roman can be imposing, intimidating, and looks like he would have no trouble holding his own in a fight.
Clothing Preferences: When masquerading as a noble, Roman wears what ever fits the setting. Allowing him to blend in and not stand out. Always armed in some way but cleverly hidden, a necklace with a hidden blade, rings that lock together, hidden daggers or one shot pistols, even needles hidden under his skin in some places, Etc.
When on a mission he has two sets of armor he wears. << Redacted >> << Redacted >>
Likes: < Quiet nights < Good food < Clear orders < When a plan comes together < Magic and Runic enchantments < The hammer and the anvil < Completing his missions with minimal casualty's
Dislikes: > Micro managers > Bad intelligence > Wasting good soldiers > His curse and bloodlust > Poor trade deals > Failing missions > Disappointing the crown > His blood bond
Sexuality: Whatever is useful in the moment.
Hobbies: Blacksmithing, glass blowing, leatherworking, ceramics, etc. Although mostly to reinforce the narrative of his "job" he does enjoy these things.
Life Goals/Dreams: To be free of his curse and blood bond.
Personality Summary: His mask, the smile he puts on to play lord Ravenwood, hides a cold, broken, and cruel man. Warped by his past and what he keeps at bay, calculating and merciless. He will steal, cheat, manipulate, lie, and kill whomever and whatever he must do to reach his goal if he has too. The weight on his shoulders threatens to crush him with every step, but he will keep moving forward as if he ever had a choice.
Strictly professional, Roman can be joyful at times happy even, but those times are few and far. He does care about his people and innocent lives that are outside of his mission parameters, not for some sense of being a hero. No, he will use that too if it benefits his goals. The deaths of bystanders are just harder to clean up sometimes and it gets in the way of making allies.
None of this is to say that he is a mindless killer. Roman at his core enjoys fighting, one of the few times he feels free, the occasional drink, and a good story. Yet, he is calculating, patient, and reserved. Killing outright rarely serves his goals but he will never be afraid of it. He is after all just a soldier without much for a moral code or care for what's right or wrong, only that the kingdom of Varian eventually comes out on top.
The only things that are truly his own to control are his emotions. Deep down he knows that he can be better, maybe even be free. That however is not something he can do on his own and he knows it.
Current occupation: Lord << Redacted >> of the << Redacted >>
Any past occupations?: << Redacted >>
Relatives: Due to the Blood bond on their family/ top officials and the << Redacted >> of their people from an early age to be << Redacted >>. The birth rate per family is << Redacted >> than most holds. All << Redacted >> married families are << Redacted >>, half of which will be required << Redacted >>. The practice of having << Redacted >> in an << Redacted >> marriage is not unheard of.
> Father - Erick Ravenwood > Mother - Brynhilde Ravenwood << Redacted >> << Redacted >> + Sisters - Sasha - Sarah - Hela - Vigdis - Kjellfrid < Iduna - Died in a Industrial accident. < Reka - Died from sickness at a young age. << Redacted >> << Redacted >> + Brothers - Erickson - Brokk & Bruni twins - Fafner - Halvard - Ivan - Ruslan < Sven - Died after getting lost in a storm. < Egor - Died in a mountain climbing accident. << Redacted >> << Redacted >> << Redacted >>
Skills: Roman has been trained from an << Redacted >> to be a << Redacted >>, leader, << Redacted >>, and << Redacted >>.
History Summary: << Redacted >>
Did you grow up nurtured or neglected?: This question doesn't pertain to me, I was instructed and taught who I needed to be.
When you were upset, where was your sanctuary?: There are no sanctuaries for us, we will only ever have each other.
What were you like in your teenage years?: Beaten to an inch of my life when ever I failed or disobeyed an order. so... quiet and attentive.
How close are you to your parents?: Very.
Do you have any trauma that haunts you?: Yes.
What advice would you give your younger self?: Don't piss off the instructors... you never win.
Were you an obedient child or defiant?: Obedient, not much of a choice there.
What is your biggest regret?: Playing with magic I didn't understand.
Have you ever been in love? : Yes, then I had to << Redacted >>.
What is most important in a partner to you? Describe your dream partner.: It wont matter, whomever can be useful and do their duty.
How do you display affection? What is your love language?: Pass.
Have you had your first kiss? What was it like?: Cold, Harsh, And beautiful.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?: No, but it can be used as a manipulation tactic.
What does marriage mean to you?: Duty.
Are you currently crushing on anyone?: No.
Do you ever consider having children in the future?: Yes, we will always need << Redacted >>.
Describe your ideal Sunday morning: Peaceful.
What kind of person do you aspire to be?: Kind... but its far too late for that.
What bad habits do you have?: Answering questions like these.
If you could go back in time and change anything in your past, what would it be?: Don't fuck around with magic, or you'll find out.
What is your greatest fear?: Death would be heaven, Torture is a vacation, to live an eternal life would be hell.
What are your pet peeves?: Try not to die on me.
When you are in a sour mood, do you like to be alone or with others?: Its better to be alone, dont want to hurt anyone after all.
Are you more likely to fight with your fists or your tongue?: Whichever is appropriate for the occasion.
Time: Evening Location: Pinebrook Interactions: Dr. John @Conscripts Mentions in order: Riona @JJ Doe outfit: white long sleeve shirt with dark green vest, silver pocket watch, brown comfortable pants, leather boots. left arm in a white sling, dark brown leather duster and wide brim black hat for wet weather.
Roman was quiet for the carriage ride to Pinebrook. His mind lost in thought while he watched the world go by outside. Going over the meeting with his people just before and all the pieces moving across the board, hiring Riona, sharing intelligence, and information and the report of some kind of assault on John Williamson. He knew what he had to do and he would see it done one step at a time.
The next step was to find either John or Riona. He needed to talk to john to confirm the reports he was given about their involvement the other night and get their stories straight. Then talk to Riona to see if she remembered anything from what he requested of her. The news of his impending trial was surprising. If anything, the king jumped the gun so to say, giving them time to get there information straight before questioning them. Maybe he saw it as a gift or mercy of some kind, this was something he would have to think about later.
What was strange was the reported severity of the injury to the guard that he assaulted. The reports he was given said the mans armor took the brunt of the attack and his injuries were light. Yet, they said the man’s injuries were significant enough to have a formal trial. Roman smelled foul play of some sort, character assassination was still an attack even if it was a subtle one. He knew the crown here wouldn’t outright come after him due to his families high standing with his own crown.
A benefit few truly new as to why but rumors circulated around the stronger Varian noble houses as to why the smaller Ravenwood house had such a high standing with the royal family. Rumors he did not care to think about currently. All the rumors did was make some of the other Noble houses wary of them. He didn’t blame them, there was good reason as to why many high-ranking military personnel where from his family. Fewer still knew why he was not among them being the oldest and heir to the family name.
What seemed like barley any time at all the carriage started to slow and his driver knocked on the wood to let him know they had arrived at Pinebrook. He glanced at his arm and frowned, it was still painful to move but with the help of his shaman and what Riona did it will be able to be used again soon. Until then it would remain in the sling hidden under his coat. At least it was a good spot to hide a blade if he needed it.
He didn’t fail to notice a few others looking at him a bit longer than the other occupants as he stepped out, plain clothes guards perhaps. He wasn’t going to disappear; it would be easy but out of character for Roman Ravenwood to try and run from the upcoming trial. However, he did spot one other man a little ways Infront of him, Dr. john just the man he was looking for.
Roman nodded towards the camp hosts and returned their smile as he approached his friend. Greeting the man with a simple nod and a smile. “Good evening, Doctor. Do you have the time for a private word?” stretching out his good right hand away from the rest of the departing nobles and their entourages. His voice lowering to a whisper for a moment, “I would like to know your recollection of events during the ritual.” He was sure that they both knew that he wasn’t asking the man to step away with him given their history. John was one of the few people here that had a grasp of who Roman really was.
After finishing her morning duties, Riona returned to the gardener’s hut to find that the supplies were running low. Snatching up a worn wicker basket, she set off for the woods.
Sunlight streamed through gaps in the leafy canopy, casting shifting patterns on the forest floor. Riona stepped carefully over moss-covered logs and through patches of ferns. Her fingers worked steadily, plucking plants and mushrooms while her mind drifted to the things that happened the previous day.
A twig snapped. Riona spun around to see none other than Lord Roman himself striding through the woods. “Lord Ravenwood,” she said, straightening quickly. Leaves clung to her skirts as she dipped into a hasty bow. “Good morning.”
This morning was busy and full of surprises. Roman had just finished getting the birthday gift for Drake Edwards finished and wrapped when their religious leader urged him to go to the forest. He needed to make sure that they had cleaned up all their ‘trash’ from the ceremony. The gift in question was one of their more delicate pieces.
A small dagger for personal defense but elegant, sharp, and light. Carved with the image of a feather in the dark wooden grip ending in a finely cut and polished emerald at its hilt. Its sheath was equally inlaid with an image of a turning page on a book. Included with this was one of their finest types of fountain pen’s, a combination of metal and marble with a hollowed emerald for the pen to sit in. The Edwards family crest was carefully placed on both pieces. This gift was one of many pre-made items made specifically for this summer, one only had to set the jewel and family crest in the item to complete it.
He would have loved to deliver the piece but that would have to be someone else. Their shaman, Astri Lund, was known to have a good sense for mysterious happenings or coincidences. She never knows what will happen but something will surely happen. Today this feeling was in the forest near where they conducted their ritual.
That was what brought him out here, not a bad day for a stroll. The forest was clear and calm. The citizens of the city didn't seem to venture off the path too often. He would have been to the ritual area sooner but made sure to circle back on his path a few times to see if he was being followed.
Even with his vigilance he was surprised by a familiar voice. A young olive skinned maiden wearing a simple dress carrying a wicker basket with many herbal ingredients in it. Her outfit matches his own simple outfit of darker and lighter greens and tans. Riona, a person he was actually going to try and seek out sometime this week. Returning her bow with a smile and a polite wave of his hand, “Riona was it?” he faked a guessing tone, “please don't bow or bother with the honorifics when it's just us. The only things different between us is a name and where we were born." He was genuine with his words.
Riona met her share of commoner-friendly nobles, but Lord Roman was the first this courting season to insist on speaking as equals. She eased out of the bow and smirked, “I see why Cal likes you.”
She closed the distance between them, basket swinging at her side, and craned her neck to meet his eyes. Damn, but the man was tall. Like trying to look a tree in the face. “What are you doing out here, Roman? Shouldn’t you be at a birthday party?”
The mention of callum gave him a slight smile as she approached. He took a moment to look her over, she looked cute in that dress. Her small stature with an almost childlike look about her that he found adorable in the light, yet he knew looks can be deceiving.
“I was reminded by my shaman that I still had to make sure that we didn't leave any refuse behind from our ritual.” pausing for just a moment, “Besides, I know what kind of parties those are, a chance for a lesser house to try and show itself off and gain some kind of favor… it's wasteful.” his own thoughts on the matter were true to him.
Letting that last comment sit for a moment before he spoke up again. “Speaking of Callum, do you know where he has been? I was hoping to run into him these last few days but this year it seems like he's going to make me work on trying to find him.” shifting out of his frown to a small smile as he spoke of his old friend.
“Oh, you know Cal,” Riona said lightly, “probably neck-deep in trouble as usual.” She didn’t go into any further detail than that. Friendly as the man was, she didn’t know how much she could reveal to him without it coming to bite her or Cal in the a**. Still, she threw Roman a bone, mentioning Cal’s visit to Lady Ariella in the dungeons and some family meeting he was summoned to. She shrugged. “He might still be in the castle if you hurry. Otherwise…” Her lips quirked. “Try bloodhounds?”
“So what are you doing all the way out here?”
“Me?” Riona hefted her basket. “Just foraging. Market prices can be highway robbery sometimes, so I usually try my luck in the wild first.” A thought struck her so she added, “Do you need help with the cleanup? It’ll go faster if you have an extra set of hands.”
He thought about that information but figured there was more to it, with Callum there always was, “I'm sure I'll get a hold of him at some point. Mostly to make sure that he wasn't spiraling down hill again… This was never his season. I do hope that lady Edwards comes out of this alright.” his voice trailed off while he looked into her basket once more at everything she had collected.
“Hmm” scratching his beard in a joking manner, “I guess I could use the company. I was going to search you out too in the next day or two so this gives us a chance to talk.” His words and tone did not conveigh anything unsavory at that last part. His calm and content body language didn't betray anything nefarious either, “Might just find more of those herbs for you too. What exactly are you after anyway?” he asked, bowing slightly but still in a humorous way as if he was inviting a noble lady to join him on his stroll.
Riona arched her brow. Searching for her? Why? But before she could voice that question, Roman asked his question first.
The theatrics drew a snort from Riona. “This and that. Nothing specific. Apothecary stuff.” She met his theatrics with her own, gasping dramatically and pressing a hand to her chest. Then she swept into a curtsy that would’ve made her etiquette tutor weep.
As they fell into step, Riona studied Roman from the corner of her eye. His gait was easy, relaxed—nothing in his demeanor hinted at ulterior motives. Still, curiosity gnawed at her. “So,” she ventured, “what did you want to talk about? Must be important if you were planning a manhunt for me too.”
Nodding along to her talking he did glance over his shoulder scanning their surroundings. Although he was relaxed and calm, the man didn't drop his situational awareness. “If you don't mind, do you think you could teach me about what some of these plants do?” The basic knowledge of the smaller varieties of plants was at the very least interesting.
“Yeah, sure.”
Bobbing his head back and forth as he thought about how to answer her. “Well…” he started, “I would like to talk to you about a job.” pausing for a moment to glance at one of the rings on his left hand, “it is a sensitive matter, but if callum trusts you then I will try.”
Riona’s gut clenched. Another “sensitive matter”? The last one had ended with her blowing up in Anastasia’s face and waking up with a headache.
“Well, I can’t tell you where Cal usually gets his shrooms from. But, if you’re going to pick your own, try past the city limits. The good stuff doesn’t grow around here,” she joked, buying time. Riona knew Roman wasn’t talking about mycology lessons. Whatever was about to be dumped in her lap, she needed those extra seconds to brace herself for it.
Please, she thought, don’t let this involve another death.
His gate changed slightly to a slower pace tilting his head one way then the other. It was clear he was listening or trying to listen for something but his gaze remained on her. Relaxed but studying her movements and expressions somewhat akin to an officer overlooking their soldiers for uniform infractions. It was almost like he was becoming someone else or that he was giving her a glimpse of his true self.
The weight of his stare pulled Riona’s spine ramrod straight, shoulders squared, chin lifted as if called to attention. She didn’t fidget under his silent appraisal.
“Mushrooms are of no consequence to us, we have plenty.” He paused for a moment then lowered his voice so that it would not carry into the forest, even going as far as speaking the native Dialect of Alidasht, <”I know that you can understand me.”> The words felt forced with no accent, like there was no emotion in the beautiful language at all. <”We have many eyes and ears across this city and the kingdom. We don't have very many in the Ivory tower where you work.”>
The smile on his face and relaxed posture was a strange match to the way he spoke, some may even find it unsettling. <”All I ask is that you occasionally give us information, what you see and hear. Rumors, whispers, maps, inventory, secret meetings, notable people that come and go. We will take it all.”>
Riona had seen this game before. Servants playing the spy, and spies playing the servant. Also saw what happened when the Crown’s men caught up with them. Or worse, Lady Morrigan. It always ended ugly.
But something about this request made her hackles rise. Then it clicked into place. Darryn: He was working for someone else too. Quack suspected a criminal organization; Riona thought it was the host of the secret party, or at least someone connected to them… what if that “someone” was one of the foreign nobility?
She pinned the Varian Lord with a hard stare. “Why?”
‘Good’ he thought, ‘not a no not a yes’ he would have respected the straight no but a yes without questions is suspicious. <”To do my duty, to maintain the security and safety of the Varian citizens in this city and kingdom.”> he stated with an unflinching conviction that carried in his hushed voice.
<”you know i have been followed by four different people this morning alone? We counted eight yesterday and two the day before that. By what we can tell at least three different organizations.”> He spoke as if these things were normal and not a threat at all.
<”The guards and undercover guards are trying their best but the look in their eyes gives them away, if you know what to look for. A lot better than last year.”> It was true they had come a long way in the last few years to be very competent but some of them gave the others away. Normally by just having that look in their eye like they were better than others or had some kind of hope.
He knelt down to pick up a random shrub and lift a part of it up toward her as if he was asking her a question about it. He was almost sure they were not being followed but one could never be too sure. <”The other has used the same people on a few different days which makes us think they are unprofessional, maybe some kind of rebel faction or insurrectionist movement against the crown. Not sure why they would be targeting me but I've made it a point to upset certain individuals.”> He fake laughed, stood back up and carried on.
<”The last is professional, using new people every day, different types of people from different walks of life. They are the hardest to spot and seem to be everywhere but are more concentrated towards the slums and industrial areas. We believe this is the criminal organization in the city…”> he paused for a moment with a sigh <”and there is more.”> The last part he said with a tone that was hard to make out, some combination of anger, dread, and resolve.
“Sounds like you’re very popular, Roman.” What she assumed was Quack’s people snooping around was one thing, but multiple groups? That was something else. “Makes me wonder what you did… or do backstage to draw such a diverse audience.” Riona didn’t phrase it as a question, but it was a question nonetheless.
There was a lot more she wanted to say, but she decided to wait until Roman finished. She crossed her arms, “You mentioned there’s more? What is it?”
Roman let out a short laugh, they were getting closer to where the ritual was performed. He could still smell the faint aroma of a bonfire in the air. “I don't do much backstage, that's not my job.” he spoke effortlessly, switching back to the common language. “I present myself as a well to do, aloof Varian noble and dignitary. Here to spread my business and attempt to raise the spirits of the downtrodden and make their lives just that much easier.”
Again he glanced at her, “I'm sure that we both know that that alone can rub people the wrong way.” another pause while they came upon the opening of the ceremony location proper. “There is definitely more I could share, but I will not do so unless we come to an agreement. We haven't even talked about payment yet.”
“... Since you’re asking me, of all people, to help you on this noble endeavor, and not the royal family, they know nothing about this, do they?” Plucking off the rose-tinted glasses that came with being Cal’s friend, Riona looked at Roman as one of the players in the game of politics.
“Look, I might not know much about politics, Roman, but I’m pretty sure what you’re asking me to do can get me tried and hanged for treason.” Riona continued, adjusting her basket, “Why should I risk my neck while you get to watch safely from afar, playing the aloof foreign dignitary?”
It really came down to that one question: Why ask her? Yeah, her mother was Varian, but he couldn’t possibly know that. There are plenty of other people he could’ve hired for this. Was it just because of Cal? And that thought spawned another—how in the blazes did Roman even know they were friends?
He didn't answer right away. She had some good points after all and he was effectively asking her to risk his life for him. Instead he kept walking silently. It wasn't for too long though until they crossed into the opening of the small field where the ceremony was held. “Give me a moment.”
It was clean aside from the charred pile of ash and charcoal from their fires. He noticed evidence of where others had come and gone the day before. Strange, none of his people reported coming back out here again, they were very careful with leaving trash behind.
Roman scooped up a handful of charred remains from the fire pit. He held the burnt wood and ash with care while he dug a small hole outside the stone ring and buried a small amount in the dirt. Standing, with his free hand clutching his necklace while he looked at the firepit. His grandfather's face flashed in his mind.
Riona tracked Roman’s every movement with her eyes, paying careful attention to what he touched.
“I know what i'm asking of you but we don't know how far up this goes…” his voice was quiet. He paused as he thought about how to answer, his gaze still fixed on the ash at his feet. “With how prevalent and organized the underworld is in this city and kingdom, it could be all the way up to the royal family or some of their top advisors.”
The answer to her second question took him a little longer to answer. His jaw clenched and unclenched as his eyes scanned her and their surroundings. “I am far from safety, Riona. I put myself in dangerous positions on purpose within what would be acceptable with my station so as not to draw suspicion.” his gaze seemed to dig into her again, brows furrowing, and a look of grim determination in his eyes.
“I am expendable. My people are expendable. The Varian citizens in this kingdom and this city are NOT. Neither are our friends or those who help us.” Each word was punctuated clearly, Romans right hand clenched as he felt his mark set ablaze in his skin, turning his knuckles white. “This is how we pay our debt, This is our way.”
Another pause but it was to make sure she understood what it was that he was saying, what it meant. “Like I said.” his voice and demeanor relaxed again, “Callum has mentioned you before whenever we were drinking. If he trusts you I can try. I can not divulge any more details until you accept.”
A flicker of satisfaction warmed Riona’s chest. She fought to keep her expression neutral, but inside, she was grinning. So Cal had been talking about her, even before their friendship got the official stamp of approval.
His eyes glanced at a nearby tree and a thought came to mind, “if you accept I can tell you that I will give you the same offer I am going to give Callum and something you can use against me if you truly need to.” A gamble? Absolutely. This entire summer was a gamble but trust is given not earned. This still doesn't mean she can be trusted with everything.
“I get it,” Riona said when she was sure that he said all that he wanted to say. “But don’t act like your status doesn’t give you more protection than those who don’t.”
She cocked a hip, resting a hand on it as she eyed him. “That was a nice speech and all, but it’s your choices when the wolves are at our heels that’ll show who you really think is... expendable.”
Her gaze dropped to the ground as she mulled it over. A teasing wind danced through the trees, tugging playfully at her skirt and the loose strands of hair that had escaped her braid. She absently tucked a wayward curl behind her ear.
“So just to be crystal clear,” she said, glancing back up at him, “you want me to keep my eyes and ears open, but you’re not expecting me to go sticking my nose where it’ll likely get bitten off, right?”
He took her words to heart and knew he would have to show her that he meant what he said. Which means he has to keep his word. Not an impossible task, still he knew that he wouldn't be able to bring everyone home at the end of the summer there would be casualties. Hazard pay helps with that.
Roman nodded at her question, his stoic posture and gaze unchanging, “Correct. I don't need highly classified information from you, I can hire someone else for that.”
Another pause as the forest moved with the wind around them. He could tell she was thinking it over. This was good, most people these days lacked the ability to take a step back and make important decisions that have long standing consequences. his left hand slowly slid to his waist to grasp something.
For another while, Riona didn’t say anything. Then, she finally nodded. “Okay, I’ll help.”
Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.
Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Sup im sword just got here and am getting a feel for things.<br><br>Well i got a feel for things and i think ill stay... also recovering from spine surgery sucks but is better than ending up in the emergency room again.</div>