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Time: 6 pm
Location: Castle Dinning Hall
Interactions: Hala
Attire: Red like the other cool kids

“Presenting Bey Rohit Amar of Kimoon!” The herald announced.

Rohit was one of the last guests to arrive, late and seemingly unbothered by his lack of punctuality. His eyes widened slightly as he took in the sights: a sprawling feast that covered multiple tables, the collection of nobles from all over wearing only their best, and the lavish decorations that surrounded it all. The royal family had gone to great and impressive effort here.

What was significantly less impressive was the sight of Caesonia’s king, and he tried his best to keep a neutral expression as he watched Edin shovel food into his mouth with all the gusto of a ravenous hog. Then again, who could match the grace and charm of Alidasht’s Sultan? Perhaps the bar for a royal presence was simply set too high by those from his own home. Rohit spotted the Grand Vizier taking his seat and he flashed him a bright smile and gave a small wave.

With a plate of food in hand, Rohit headed to his assigned seat only to find a surprise to end all surprises.

Here he was, smoked up, dressed in his finest silks, and ready to feast on the finest offerings in the city. Rohit mistakenly thought today could not get any better. But he was wrong. He saw the big, dark-furred pile of muscle first. A wide grin overtook his face as he recognized the dog immediately.

Home, most often, was a place but deeper than that, it was the place filled with the people who made you feel welcomed and comfortable. In lieu of the place itself, to see someone who was basically family was just as precious. All lingering traces of homesickness vanished.

“Hala?!” His voice, a touch too loud but unmistakably delighted. “When did you get here?” He asked, taking his seat.
Lord Leo Smithwood

Time: 6 pm
Location: Castle Dinning Hall
Interactions: Thea
Attire: “Why was I not told red was the color for tonight?”

Leo arrived at the castle shortly after Thea had; his timing was just right to continue avoiding a conversation with his mother. The harold, shouted his arrival, ...Lord Leo Smithwood of Stravy,” as he entered the dining hall. His suit, one of eye-catching emerald green and ornate gold design, now seemed a mistake. Apparently red was the color for the evening! Leo spotted the cardinal-clad Lorenzo looking as dapper as ever, Charlotte echoing her father’s red scheme in her own dress, and Alexander in a striking crimson suit. Even the notoriously poorly put-together Prince Callum was decked out in red as were a handful of others.

Green was quite literally the opposite of red, and Leo could feel his finger slipping from the constantly beating pulse of the latest trends. It was a maddeningly frustrating realization. Well, at least his shoes matched and looked significantly more expensive than a pair of slippers.

“Look at this feast. Seems the Danroses’ have gone all out for your birthday.” He whispered to Thea as he took a seat beside her. He looked around at the feast spread out across the various tables and breathed a small sigh of relief. If everyone was eating the same food like this, there was little opportunity for any mystical pranks to be played solely on him. Either everyone was going to have some magical weird side effect, or the food was untainted. It was a huge relief not to have to avoid eating and potentially offend Edin.

“Why are half the guests wearing red? Is that the new trend?” He asked, noting her orange dress. What was orange except a softer version of red. Still close enough to fit the theme. Unlike green.

Race: Aasimar
Class: Paladin
Location: Stormrider; Top Deck
Equipment: His longsword; Retribution and a healing amulet. A backpack with supplies and his lute.
Attire: Clothing and gloves
Gold Balance: 30
Injuries: Old injuries include a missing eye, numerous iridescent scars, and a knee that aches when it rains.

It was easy to spot a necromancer.

A hollowness behind their eyes. A sallowness to their skin. Death clung to them; it raised the hair on the back of one’s neck, sent a shiver down the spine, and made the pulse quicken- things people could ignore or pass off as a ‘bad vibe.’

Ezekiel was far too familiar with necromancers not to notice one. He caught the subtle odor of decay that clung to the elderly man as he walked past. No matter how much they bathed, what oils and fragrances they used to try to mask it, the smell of death always lingered on their skin.

His head turned, and his eye caught a glimpse of the man’s face. Time slowed.

Ezekiel saw that same face, now with its wrinkles gone, as if time had reversed. A man still in his prime, posture straightened, dressed in the red and black of Karrnath, commanding a legion of undead soldiers. That subtle whiff of decay he'd caught on the man amplified. The air became thick and suffocating with its sour scent. A cloying rot that clawed down his throat.

Ezekiel’s hand tightened around the hilt of his sword. An airship was not the place to bisect a likely retired Karrn general. The war was over. It was possible that the elderly man had given up necromancy. There were quieter ways to end a life. A tumble off the side of the ship could look like an accident. His head began to throb just behind his eye.

He watched the man walk past a towering warforged. For a moment, his hawk-like focus on the necromancer vanished, and he studied the machine with a softer expression. There was no mistaking the warforged origins; the elegant machine was of Cyran design. The sight of that warforged, of a Cyran brother, supplied a warmth that stung beyond words.

Warmth fanned the fire, hatred burned brighter, and the glow of his eye intensified. Those who held a hatred of the warforged had it wrong. The machines were not the monsters of The Last War; that title belonged to the undead forces of Karrnath.

And every horror caused by the undead came from the hands of necromancers.

The world could do with one less twisted mage toying with death.


The sound of bone breaking drew his attention away from the elderly necromancer. He turned and spotted a child, his expression a mix of pain, fear, and shock, who sat cradling his arm on his lap. Above the boy, a woman in a dark and decorated kimono attempted to comfort him with a hand on the kid's shoulder. The woman called out for a doctor and a couple of concerned passengers went to fetch the ship’s physician.

Ezekiel headed down the ship’s deck, the opposite direction from the necrommancer's path and toward the woman and the injured boy.

“I’m not a doctor, but I can do some healing magic.” He gave the pair a respectful nod of his head before kneeling down to the boy’s level.

“It’ll hurt and take a few sessions, but I can expedite the healing for your son’s arm.” He offered, his eye flickered from the boy the woman standing over him. “Get you back to enjoying your voyage as quick as possible.”

Ezekiel waited for their answer and returned his attention to the child. “Ever broken a bone before?” He asked the boy, trying to distract him from the pain.

Time: 6 pm
Location: Castle Dinning Hall
Attire: Winners wear red & black!
Interactions: Alexander

<It is my turn.>

Clarence gave little warning before the monkey dissolved into a billowing cloud of smoke. The smoke entered through the nose, eyes, ears, and mouth of the vessel that submitted to possession. In a matter of seconds, all that was Callum Danrose was locked away in a dream.

And it could’ve been a good dream too. Had Callum shown proper loyalty and respect to the familiar, Clarence would’ve rewarded his mortal with an inspiring dream. But it was petty spirit, even the slightest fault would earn the mortal a long nightmare that would feel like an eternity.

Clarence stretched out what were now his arms and legs, and paced around the prince’s room until he got a sense of balance in his new form. He felt the weariness, the dull ache of old injuries, and the softly fading drunkenness. The urge to open the bottle of whiskey that sat on the prince’s desk called to him.

“This body abhors sobriety.” He whispered. The voice came out strained, the spirit practiced talking to itself in a hushed whisper until he had gotten the hang of speaking. He poured himself a glass of whiskey, and clumsy hands slowly lifted and swirled the glass.

“Only right. That my first taste. In this vessel. Is of whiskey.” Clarence savored the sharp burn, caught hints of the barrel the liquid had aged in, and smiled at the warmth.

He felt a hunger so different from its own. Simpler. A desire for mortal food. He looked around the room, softly talking to himself as acclimated to a human body.

“I must prepare for the banquet.” He said to himself, speech slowly becoming natural.

Clarence took his time getting ready for the event. He indulged in a long hot bath, savoring the sensation of water and scrubbing against skin that could actually feel. He inhaled the scents of soap and cologne with delight, no longer did the scents of energies and emotions overwhelm him. It had been too long since he could enjoy as mortals enjoyed and everything felt new and fresh.

He studied himself in a mirror as he dressed. He looked almost exactly like Callum with a handful of subtle differences. His eyes, still a brilliant blue, were a few shades darker. His posture was entirely relaxed and comfortable in ways Callum could never achieve. His smile was nothing like the prince’s, a show of teeth and a glint of dark mischief. Few would notice, and fewer would care about such minor changes.

Clarence found the simple golden crown that the prince never wore, a placed it top his head with glee. Dressed in a black and crimson suit, white shirt, and gold bowtie, Clarence made his way to the dining hall. His gait, confident and carefree, his stomach occasionally growled as the scents from the feast wafted through the palace.

“Presenting...Prince Callum Danrose?!” The herald seemed unable to contain the surprise in his tone; not only was the youngest royal punctual but arrived completely dignified and poised. No antics, no drunken stumble, and not a hair out of place.

Clarence flashed a wide smile and nodded to those whose heads turned to look at him. He helped himself in the dining hall, a plate stacked with rich appetizers, decadent meats, and savory sides. He balanced his plate, nowhere near as comically piled high as Edin’s, with grace in one hand, and a glass of rich red wine in the other. He took his seat at the banquet table.

He glanced at Alexander as the new advisor spoke. “I can assume the food is delectable,”

“Of course. We would never present our guests with anything less than perfection. Tonight you have the honor of dining as royalty.” He commented.

Time: 11 am
Location: Edin Theater
Interactions: The whole theater

Gods, he is such a momma’s boy. Callum watched as Wulfric ignored him in favor of trying to reason calmly with the vicious thing that liked to call herself a mother.

Briefly, he glanced at Alibeth; hatred flashed and seethed behind dark, tinted glasses. His jaw clenched as he tried to resist the urge to shout at both the queen and the crowned prince. Alibeth’s voice, the same voice that admitted to wanting Darryn dead, the same voice that had tried to condemn him to it once before, was a sound that made his skin crawl with disgust. But Wulfric, pandering to her, trying to reason with such a vile thing as if she were even worth the breath…

How can he not see it? He wondered of his brother. The pain of Darryn’s loss had been vividly displayed on that stage, but it did not exist in a vacuum. What about the pain of knowing the thing that calls itself your mother had your friend tortured? For something you did. Wanted him executed. Was glad he was dead.

When had Alibeth ever treated Ana any better than how Edin treated him?

As quickly as his rage flared up, it was reduced to a dull ache. Callum was thankful his familiar had eaten away some of that anger, enough to keep him calm. His attention returned to the stage as Fritz, the damn near impossible not to like stranger he’d once called Barry, began to sing.

What began as a haunting melody quickly spread through the crowd like a fire. A good fire, one that made him think of warmth and community - like the bonfire Roman and Mina had lit days before.

The monkey gently swayed its head and closed its eyes. As Clarence’s voice commented on the delightful swirl of flavors that the emotions of the crowd exuded, Callum could only agree. It was the depths of human experience as a crowd became a chorus, and that chorus sang as one.

The finale continued to dazzle and captivate. It all concluded with a bang, a rainfall of colorful confetti, and roaring applause. Then the spotlight shone on the royal box.

Callum found himself startled by the snap of a fan. He turned and was surprised to see Morrigan was there - had she been here this whole time? He wasn’t sure.

“This is a good chance to practice your rhetoric.”

His attention turned to Wulfric, who seemed effortlessly comfortable with basking in the spotlight. He almost could’ve used Wulfric’s time on stage with performers as the perfect distraction to just sneak out of the theater…

“...always the first to leave a good time.”

But Callum Danrose, sure as shit, would not let himself be known as the second person to leave a good time. Instead, he waited for the crowd to settle following the end of Wulfric’s speech.

<Yes our turn. The spotlight. The eyes. All of them watching you. Watching me.> Clarence lept for its seat to the railing and bowed with a flourish while gesturing toward those on stage. Callum stood from his seat and addressed the crowd, shouting just loud enough for his voice to echo through the theater.

“Shahzade Farim and the majestic Thara, you’ve added wonder to our day. Lord Drake, you not only make Caesonia proud, but that last piece you played left a spark of hope in all who heard it. Kazumin, not only did you delight us all with your story, but you have brightened our faithful king’s day. Duke Lorenzo…” He paused, a smile widened over his face as he pointed towards the duke and shook his head.

“You broke my heart with your words, and I love you for that. But what I loved even more? That everyone finally got to hear the beautiful melodies that have blessed the palace for as long as I can remember. Ana, I am so proud to call you family.” He gave a quick wave to his sister.

You are the best of us. Callum whispered so quietly that even he couldn’t hear it.

“And Count Hendrix, you managed to inspire most of the crowd to find their voice and unite all these voices as one. What better note to end a charity event on? A big thank you to everyone who attended, everyone who displayed their talent, to Princess Anastasia and Count Hendrix for making it all happen…” He paused again to turn and gesture to Edin.

“And to King Edin, a god among men, the shining talent from The Festival of Lights in ‘36, who is responsible for everything in glorious Caesonia.” He smiled and clapped for Edin, the monkey did the same, and soon the crowd did too.

“See you at dinner, father.” Callum dipped his head respectfully as he exited the box, Clarence following a step behind him.

<Boring but mostly unoffensive. An improvement for you.>

Time: 11am
Location: Edin Theater
Interactions: Wulfric @SilverPaw

“How could I possibly not make time for my little brother? I can pencil you in for the day after tomorrow…”

“I’ll be there,” Callum responded before Wulfric had finished speaking. He didn’t think about it for a moment, just jumped at the opportunity half out of fear that Wulfric was joking. Hunting trip? He should’ve taken the other offer. Look how incompetent I am brother. Watch me trip over a stick.

His mind was suddenly infiltrated by the sounds of what had to be hundreds of chickens.

I’m not a chicken.

<Then do not SQWUAK as one. It is annoying.>

The performances continued. He wondered what a hunting trip with Wulfric would be like and if the bird would be doing all the hunting. He’d much rather watch a falcon be a falcon than show his brother how he could barely manage to handle a bow. Or a gun.

He certainly didn’t feel any better when Wulfric pointed out that Ana was also a woman. Callum said nothing, only offered a half-hearted shrug but he noticed how quick Wulfric was to defend Ana. And it stung how none of that extended to him. Not even a ‘hey Callum doesn’t smell that bad today’. He wondered if Wulfric just liked being the golden child.

“I wonder how long this one can last before he lands himself on the execution block.”

The monkey’s cackle filled his head. <Your brother is amusing!> Callum didn’t quite get the joke that Clarence saw in Wulfric’s words. He did find it funny how the potential for one to end up on the execution block hadn’t seemed to matter before. Not when it was Darryn.

“How long? As long as he does a good job, and doesn’t disappoint the crown. That is how this all works, right?” His voice left him like a shrug, a breeze that didn’t care where it went so long as it rustled the leaves. Callum wondered why he didn’t care what happened to the puppet dancer, but he didn’t. It wasn’t like Edin sought his advice or approval for anything.

Lorenzo’s performance was captivating; as bold and strange as the man. When the Duke asked the audience to hold their idea of love in their hearts, Callum thought of unwavering loyalty, unconditional support, and sacrifice. The way it was in stories, and he wondered if he’d ever really loved anyone like that before.

He had never seen Lorenzo so clearly. As the second stanza told of how love had become a weapon against the poor Duke, Cal thought of his childhood. Of being trapped in a family that had so little love to offer and who only rationed it out to their benefit.

Then came lines about love from a bottle. His heartstrings were tugged and his eyes watered at Lorenzo’s words. Whiskey was love. Always there, always a comfort, always easing the pain.

<Pathetic. Both of you. Pathologically.>

Shut up.

“Heaven? Hell? It mattered not on which door…”

As the petal fell, Callum was on his feet wiping a few tears from his face.

<You will not...>

He ignored the monkey and applauded the great poet Lorenzo, a man who had shown the audience his soul and who had made at least one person feel less alone.

Then, Ana closed out the show. He smiled warmly as she brought up Darryn and he relaxed into the somber notes from her cello. It was beautiful and honest, but more than that, it brought life back into Darryn's memory.

“Weak…She makes herself look weak. And worse—she makes us look weak.”

Alibeth’s voice grated against his ears, such a jarringly ugly thing to hear after such a beautiful song. Once the soft applause for his sister had finished, he turned to Wulfric.

“Ana really is something special.” Cal spoke to Wulfric, looked only at Wulfric, but was not quite with his tone. “It’s no wonder that our people truly love her, I think it’s in her willingness to show how much heart she has. Brave thing to do in this world.” He studied his brother, wondering if Wulfric would contradict Alibeth to support Anastasia.

Time: 11am
Location: Edin Theater
Interactions: Wulfric @Silverpaw& Edin @princess

"Finally! Something worth listening to out of your mouth, boy!"

<Sucess!> A voice proud and boastful filled Callum’s mind. The faintest crumb of praise was tossed his way. By Edin. Not even Cal could hide his shock. The familiar hopped over to the seat next to Callum, where it stayed content and still.

“Tell me, son—does it bathe? Or is it filthy just like you?”

Edin returned to the expected responses. As discretely as he could, Cal attempted to sniff at himself but he had bathed today. Thoroughly, to ensure not a trace of ink from his spell remained on his skin.

“Good point. I will see to it that the monkey is bathed regularly.” He replied softly.

But his head quickly snapped away from sniffing at himself when Edin agreed to let him keep the monkey. That worked??

<Of course it worked. What does your father see? When he looks at you?> The monkey did not wait for the mortal to slowly piece things together, it pulled the image of King George from the boy’s memories.

<He looks at you. He sees George. He desires superiority. Give him that. Use that face. Twist how he sees you. George; under his control. George; asking for his permission. George; working for his approval. Then, Edin believes he has won.> Clarence rewarded the witch’s obedience with clarity.


<This…puppet dance…drivel! Better ending: puppet slays the offending mortal!>

Callum was caught between wanting to defend the touching performance and his disgust at the thought of agreeing with Edin.

“I must have him at the banquet tonight! No—NO! I MUST OWN HIM!

<Agree with him.>

“A wonderful idea.” Callum offered. With a grin, he continued “I must admit, a talented court jester makes an even more impressive pet than a monkey.” He almost felt bad about encouraging the idea and what it would mean for the dancer. The sentiment was quickly eased from his mind. As if carried away by a faint and imperceptible breeze.

Clarence smiled, the taste of a bitter thought lingered on the familiar’s tongue after it had been devoured.

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