What self-respecting hotel doesn't have ghosts?

~ Name ~Anna Rochelle DuBois
~ Age ~21
~ Species/Race ~Formerly a Human Medium, Presently a Ghost or Spirit
~ Personality ~ Having been pushed to her death from a high balcony by a drunken suitor, it's to be expected that Anna would be scornful and vindictive. To an extent, this is true. However this seems mostly reserved for specific people, or rather one person in particular. Even so, aggression requires some form of outlet; thus Anna passes the time engaging in the standard ghostly fares of being mischievous, enigmatic, and all around frightening as much as possible. These acts aren't without focus; she generally targets rowdy and uncouth guests in earnest, while mostly joshing and clowning on those she actually likes in good fun, even if it can get slightly out of hand. She harbors the truest malice for the one who murdered her, and seemingly lingers at the Nova for the express purpose of exacting vengeance should that person ever return.
Beneath the semi-chaotic behavior is a rather emotional and theatrical character. Fancying herself a thespian, Anna rarely misses out on a chance to be excessively expressive. This often comes out in the form of hammed up, melodramatic reactions to the goings on of her (after)life and the Nova. Among her favorite dramatic exploits is "re-enacting" the plummet that resulted in her demise those years ago; she does this most often when a wave of new guests arrive, and will treat regulars with the performance should they request it.
She can be quite gossipy when the mood strikes her, though she doesn't spill tea without getting something in exchange, whether it be favors, or more talk for to pass around later on. Being the non-corporeal being that she is, she has quite the way of learning information that she probably shouldn't. Still, much of what she sends along the grapevine tends to be harmless in nature, save for the infrequent nugget of trouble; if she's more friendly with someone, the more likely she is to keep deeper subjects to herself.
Anna, for better or worse, has been known to go on random streaks of promiscuity. Though perhaps not the best at it, she has few reservations about flirting with coworkers and guests alike. She gets around quite well in that department, at least as best as a ghost can, though her most frequent pursuits are after other spirit entities. Most of the staff and regulars are well aware of her on-and-off relationships with the poltergeist on the 13th floor, and the wraith that haunts the basement. Whether because of her torrid love affairs in life, or because being a ghost causes some degree of confusion, she doesn't appear to have a "type," engaging in helpless romantics on whims and fancies.
Despite these eccentricities, Anna is overall a good-natured, well-intending individual. The Nova Hotel is her home in her ghostly existence. Much of her more abrassive activity is engaged in the name of protecting that home and the staff who have accepted her residency as part of the establishment's ever expanding lore. She views those that work there her family in death. Even with the tragic death tying her to property, she had fond memories of mortal life spent staying at the hotel. Indeed, so long as the hotel remains, Anna Rochelle DuBois will be as much a fixture within it's halls as the chandelier hanging in the Grand Ballroom.
~ Magic Properties ~- Telekinetic. Able to move, control, and/or influence objects remotely using a form of psionic energy. Examples include shaking beds, throwing things across rooms, flicking lights on and off, and in extreme cases, lifting people off of the ground.
- Invisibility. Can render herself invisible, especially to the naked eye.
- Intangibility. Existing as a conscious, sentient energy, Anna is unaffected by assaults through physical matter. This also enables her to pass through obstructions such as walls, locked doors, etc.
- Ecto Mist. Can generate and moderately control a cloud of ectoplasmic 'vapor.' It's mostly a smokescreen, but can also induce delirium to unsuspecting, weak, or mortal minds.
- Minor Possession. Anna is capable of temporarily possessing others. However they either need to open their minds to it, or otherwise be asleep or unconscious for her to do so. Occasionally a weak enough mind can be taken hold of, though most people are fortified or stubborn enough to resist.
- Telepathic. Can communicate via ESP. It's a one-way street, though with the right effort she can pry information.
~ Hotel Job(s) ~Resident Ghost; Part-time Freelance "Security"; occasionally provides entertainment.
~ Proficencies/Skills ~- Scaring guests, and sometimes other staff
- Espionage.