Save for Lucian, couldn't we just keep the Princesses the same as in the game? Or do we want to base them loosely off of what worlds we go to?
Totally forgot about this honestly.
@IAmTheIsland Well, i did say that Garland would play a smaller roll with Am taking over as a much more prominent recurring villain. Ultimately, she has her own goals, so she's not only going to be fighting Karre and can show up on other worlds to serve as a secondary antagonist. She just wants Karre to see the error of his ways and join her.
That being said, we ABSOLUTELY need Hook to play a prominent bad guy roll. That guy is the absolute GOAT of KH recurring villains. Always represents a difficulty spike in his boss fights (I don't know why, but Birth By Sleep, everyone i know ALWAYS loses to him the first time they try it. He doesn't seem so difficult until you suddenly just die.) Also, when i was running my 5e game, the party went 0/2 against him (Granted, first time it's because the fan suppliment lied to me. It called him a CR3 boss and he was closer to CR6. So, when i threw him at my Level 3 party...)
Plus, i'll never forgive KH2 or 3 for not having Hook appear in Pirates of the Carribean world. It was such an obvious place to use him and they just didn't.
<Snipped quote by Daxam>
I think at this point it might just be Levi. Lucian will be with Donald and Goofy, Morgan with Max and Daisy, Taivas with Dotty and Zen-Aku, and Hoshi with Leon and Launchpad.
If Zac and Levi need an animal/Disney companion I can conjure up another one if you two want.
Figured a way for Zen-Aku to rejoin the fight with Dotty abscent. Next post will be as Launchpad and Leon. @IAmTheIsland Would you rather they found their way to you for the interaction with other Leon or would you rather they helped Aeris with the Heartless?