Avatar of Atsushi akajima


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current if anyone wants to roleplay with me go ahead and pm me if ya want
1 like
5 mos ago
sunny pulled the trigger of the gun and he slept a beautiful sleep he can never wake up from
5 mos ago
it's been years since I watched/played any Pokemon related things
5 mos ago
omorionette is an au made by otomerson on ao3 based on the game omori
5 mos ago
omorionette new chapter...when???


all I have to say is don't ask for nsfw it will be an automatic no :P

Most Recent Posts

Sunny starts to write on a piece of paper and shows it it reads " My name is Sunny Omori Suzuki. I am applying as a chef and security, and if you need me to play violin or piano I can play it for you..." Sunny has a sad impression on his face it was almost noticeable. He flips to the next page and starts writing again. Again it reads " I am 19 years old, and I have a sister named Mari..." he completely stops writing and holds the notebook tight against his chest. " I-I'm done introducing myself " Sunny says in a faint whisper
Gotcha. We can establish a post order then.

Since we are waiting on one person now, do you guys want to start and have their character jump in later?

i'm fine with that idk about the others opinions since the person hasn't been online since they joined technically...
hello and welcome @EweDoughNo to roleplayer guild. my name is Yuki/Furina but you can call me Sunny or Basil all i'm here to say is welcome to the site we are glad to have you here. If you have any questions just ask us and we'll help. Well that's all i had to say I hope you have a great day and a great experience on the site. bye

- Yuki/Sunny
I will start us off when Everyone gets their characters in @Sunny Suzuki

okay ^^
( ehm I know that IC means in character, but i'm going to ask who's going to start all I know that it's not me. no rush to start but I wanna know so I can get ready to do whatever )
cool username

nice profile picture
(i'm not making him act 100% like the Sunny from omori this is tecnaclly my alternative universe(au))

Au by me picture art by Otomerson

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