Avatar of amorphical


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1 mo ago
Current rough patch temp over...yay? -.-
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8 mos ago
Going through a very rough patch will reply when able QQ


I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
Thanks for stopping by.

Most Recent Posts

Sup! [keeping it casual as Friday. ^^]

Please DM me responses!

I'm Amorphical, and after a bout of displacement trying to get a little itch scratched.

I expect one post a week minimum. RL doesnt give me more time than I need.
Casual writing at least a paragraph or more as the scene requires. I'm easy going so no need for novellas just cover the 5w's in the post mixed with some olfactory input and post, easy peasy. I can do any pairing but this will not be the usual smut, there will be no smut. YC will need the following...

Name first last
profile pic for the details. ai/anime/fan/self drawn/mostly face but figure for outfit.
list of provisions equipment
skills [those beyond breathing and simple math.] how you survive/ job/ what you learned growing up.

This will be a journey, a destination to nowhere, a trek into the untold reaches that I always wanted to see [and hopefully share] with someone. This will be world exploration in a 1x1 setting so gear up! Because you are the only person to count on.

*i may throw a npc in the mix but no more than two[npc's] to help out. XD See, flexible me.

Now to the fun part!

1. I want someone to explore the starcraft universe after all the dust has settled and the last emporer dies what happened? Want to play a protoss? a zerg? something abathur made and was forgotten? A probe left alone? Some poor SCV mech that over slept through the air raid? Well this is your shot!!!!

2. I have a DND world that needs a victim player like you to come and traverse the globe both above and below and everywhere in between! This might find a traveling companion [or two] to help in the exploration of a world divided! don't want to be any of the typical races? well that is great! be a Ronin of the gnoll tribe. Try to survive as a outcast orc, can naga be more than just a rando in a dungeon? Pitch the species/race and lets see if it works! I want your nerdiest! No sultry half clad elves, just a character that wants to explore and discover what is beyond the legends and folklore!
* I'm going for semi realism here so you'll need provisions and a good knowledge of survival for this one.

3. So im not happy about diablo... that being said I think there is a LOT of potential with this setting to delve more into the lore and atrocities. I want a redo! XD why not, right? In this you the unlucky stumble across a small village just off the main trail called, Tristam. A raven caws out its warning as YC ventures to the tavern from the down pouring rain. Will you meet the wanderer? Well, no... because this is a tale in some sub universe and things just get out of hand. Is YC a scholar of the horadram, a nimble hunter, or some other class in the game? This will be 20% combat and 80% world exploration filled with lore, mysteries, monsters, and puzzles! Be warned it will NOT be cannon!!!

I will be including fantastical art work from creative artists under the fair use rule to help inspire!
Hope im not the only one with this itch and you will let yourself be known. ^&^
In Ambrosia 2 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
In Ambrosia 2 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Name: Aanya Basu
age: 32

Name: Anjali Apte
college freshman

Name: Eesha Basu
Age: 36
Marketing/older sis

Name: Becky Hall
Age: 18
highschool student
In Ambrosia 2 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
When did it start... last year? No it was a more than a few years ago. Was it after the promotion? Was it before the move to be closer to corporate? It was so difficult to recall now as Aanya looked out the window of the legal office into the night. The cities lights were flickering as the storm continued on with its fury. Thunder and lightning streaked the sky as sheet of rain continued to slap at the window testing its resilience. She stood there mere inches from the floor to ceiling pane of glass as the shiver ran down her spine. Her body ached like never before. The whisper in her mind was it really hers or something else? Something sinister perhaps just on the outer edges of her sanity taunting her with dark desires. Whatever it was the rain was holding her at bay. Every lighting flash dared her to risk but her body was frozen in the fear of what she had done. Of what Aanya wanted to still do tonight.
chubba dubba
banned for the reasons of the few that out weigh the many, or the one.

live long, and prosper.

Pleiades Porter Dawnhaven -post office

When the woman @amorphical seemed to flip a switch on how she was speaking to him, his shoulders seemed to settle, and he smiled slightly. A light curl to the corner of his lips. “You can call me Pleiades,” He stated since he didn’t care for formalities. There was no reason to refer to him by his family name, and he honestly doesn’t know why he brings up the surname. “And it costs nothing, Flynn pays for all the services here,” Pleiades explained while his moonlit eyes focused on the woman.

Olivia felt so rushed was she really doing all of this for her people? She had felt so urgently rushed that she had run out of her meeting with the Prince, yet she also felt so justified with her abrupt departure after he had made such a deeply intimate request. "Let me know all your strengths and weaknesses while I debase you for my pleasure." or something like that followed by a maniac laugh. There was just something off about him she couldnt place. Yet now faced with the fact her letter was about to be paid for by him made the lady wonder about why. Astaros was charming, blond hair, fair complexion, yet he was royalty and as Olivia knew all royalty were flawed without exception. Children brought up in high society twisted them into dark sinister creatures with masks of human faces.

The lady of Durnatel knew this better then anyone. How her father was charming, regal, a fencer of wordplay. In his chamber, dark, monstrous, cold to both family and service maids alike. Olivia had the deeper parts of the keep walled off after a priest placed multiple blessing in those nightmarish tunnels of hell. The unspeakable atrocities under his reign made the blight borne lady's acts blessings by comparison. Too many dark rumors and silent whispers were all that remained of his legacy. Good riddance she thought. Now she was in the midst of more and even stronger royals.

"Purple. I would like a light lavender if you have it kind Pleiades." Her tone flattering and soft. She never wanted to be this monster, or the one her father wanted.

Looking over his shoulder, he smiled slightly, “I would say that this town has the best courier service, though I am extremely biased,” Pleiades chuckled while waiting for her to name her wax color.

Also, it doesn't cost anything. Prince Flynn pays for everything,” He mentioned casually. “And I am not allowed to accept sex offers here, so it’s your lucky day,” The bird-like man teased her with a grin that said more than his words.

After knowing her wax seal color and finding the seal that matched her desired description, Pleiades would hand those over to her, and wait behind the counter while watching the woman work on her letter. “I’ll be leaving once I make sure that all the letters that are going out today are in my courier bag. Once that’s done. I’ll be gone, so I should be gone before noon,” He explained with his arms crossed over his bare chest, and he waited patiently for the woman.

One more thing, do you expect a letter back from Jaylen? I will not be back for a handful of days since I enjoy roaming around the outskirts of the city, but I want to make sure I don’t have to stop by Jaylen’s again to pick anything up,

All these services were free? She shook her head. "Its fine." She pressed the seal to the liquid wax. Scowling at the mark of her family crest. Silently she shook her head no. "You should not wait for a reply." Even the thought of her Sya couldnt lighten her mood. She already knew the reply. She knew that girl better than anyone which is to say no one really knew Jaylen at all. Not the real girl under all that ice. Silent as an iceberg and just as deep beneath the surface. Thought one would surly drown trying to find the truth to that depth. The dark cloaked woman silently handed over the letter with but a smile. When it was over, she left without a word. The dark angel would deliver her message and the wheel would turn.

The dark creature within herself stirred slowly with its thoughts of fear and nightmares. Things she rather not think of right at the moment, there were simply too many things to be done and no time for detours. This place, seemed to be balanced on the edge of a knife. Olivia thought more on the matter of this Dawn haven when she was interrupted unintentionally by her chaperone, the guard.

Lord Coswain was on alert around this woman, his sense was usually correct and he had a feeling that she was far more dangerous than the regular towns folk. “Market likely for dry stock, not far away from here. Seller on right shady, fake castle forged.” He said not wanting people to purchase that kind of rubbish, he deserved to not have any customers, they were liable to be made from some scrap rather than steel. He knew what castle forged steel was and that was not it. Prince might need guards to cheek more detailed gate duty.

“Sunni. Trader, or so the eye folk say can get that.” He said as was alone, only a fool started a fight, not sure you could win if you had a choice, cheat, dirty tricks, anything you could to level or make the odds in your favor. Much as the religious caste might be Zealots, soldiers like that died young, they leveraged intelligence, tactics, cheated and used any advantage they had. Sometimes you just had to go with the situation you found yourself in.

She wanted to stop by and get something nice for Sya, if only some fancy garments. Olivia would also need a few more changes of clothes the streets were not the best in this weather. With more hands to help distribute the work more could be improved and the web would cling a little more to her favorite blonde. "Thank you for that information. You are very helpful. Here is where we part terms it seems." She said beneath the black bear cloak. Her voice a sullen whisper. Olivia always felt trapped in moments like this, never to be herself. Yet with Sya that bitter sweet moment of freedom was the only moment she knew could never truly last. Silent as she entered his store she left without a glance back heading to this Sunni market keep. Though her footsteps were slower and at times she paused trying to make sense of it all, while burying her demons a little deeper.

Had the noble woman really been such a glutton in her keep? Unable to go one day and night without the need for a feeding? Her mind fractured thinking of Sya, the prince, her people, her demon, her father, all spinning about in her mind pulling equally at her soul for dominance. "Enough." She growled under her breath, regaining control for the time being. The dark cloaked demon slowly moved to the store front waiting by the corner when she saw the thicker woman and her love enter the place. The nightmare felt her anger grow a little with the two so casually together. Her sins whispering their desires into Olivia's ear like honey.

Mention: Astaros@The Muse Sunni@The Savant
Interaction: Pleiades@The Savant lord Coswain@PrinceAlexus
just did that sorry ^^ I read the ivor post and was like ...facepalm then fixed it up.
@The Muse
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