Avatar of Dragonydas


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Current Game Designer no longer in training (long overdue update)
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9 yrs ago
Game Designer in Training


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Well, I lied <.< Wasn't yesterday.

Location: Building 1: Ground floor, Reception
Interactions: @Expendable

Theria tapped her pen against the desk as she observed the growing collection of captured gremlins. Zylphorik sat cross-legged at the edge of her workspace, amusing himself by making faces at the newer captives. The eight snakes that made up her hair were all reacting differently to the situation—Xena remained vigilant, her emerald scales gleaming as she kept her gaze fixed on the gremlins, while Kisses had curled up into a loose coil, somehow managing to doze despite the commotion.

"That makes seven gremlins captured so far," Theria noted, making another mark on her clipboard. "Though at the rate they're causing chaos, there must be dozens more running around."

Isela, always the curious one, stretched out toward the Mischief Accords document lying open on the desk, her tongue flicking rapidly as if trying to read through taste. Theria gently guided her back.

"I know, I know. I'm still learning about this too." she murmured to the snake.

The intercom buzzed again—the third complaint in the last ten minutes about malfunctioning appliances. Pippin nuzzled against Theria's cheek in a show of support as she reached for the receiver.

"Front desk," Theria answered, keeping her voice as level and professional as possible. "Yes, I understand your refrigerator has stopped working. No, unplugging it and plugging it back in won't help if gremlins have chewed through the wires. We'll have maintenance look at it as soon as the gremlin hunt concludes. In the meantime, please join the hunt—every capture helps restore order to the building."

As she hung up, Neiko bobbed excitedly, drawing Theria's attention to a resident approaching the desk. An ogre—different from the one who had brought in the first gremlin—was marching forward with two struggling gremlins clutched in each massive hand.

"Found these little pests chewing through the wires in the gym." the ogre announced proudly. "Do I get extra points for catching multiples?"

"Thank you for your contribution to restoring order," Theria said diplomatically, checking the rules again. "According to the Accords, each captured gremlin counts individually toward your score."

The ogre nodded, turning to leave, but then paused. "By the way, the cafeteria's a complete disaster. Some fox lady nearly went ballistic when her food got ruined. There's curry everywhere, even on the ceiling."

"Thank you for letting me know," Theria replied with a nod of appreciation. As the ogre departed, she immediately dialed another extension. After two rings, there was just a soft tap on the other end of the line, indicating someone had picked up.

"Regina? This is Theria at the front desk. We have a situation in the cafeteria that requires immediate attention."

To Theria's surprise, Regina's soft, bubbling voice actually responded. "M-my slimes are still checking the v-vents like you asked..."

"I understand I asked you to do that, but the cafeteria is... well, let's just say there's curry rice on the ceiling and an angry kitsune involved." Theria's eyebrows raised slightly, still taken aback by hearing Regina's voice.

Another pause, longer this time. "I'll... I'll send some right away. The k-kitchen staff shouldn't have to d-deal with that."

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

Sheila, the most temperamental of her snakes, hissed and directed Theria's attention toward the entrance. Qaymu, the dragon in his human form, was approaching with three golden glowing spheres following behind him. Inside each sphere, a gremlin sat with a resigned expression, occasionally pressing their faces against the magical barrier.

"Three gremlis marked. Thank you sir. You can just drop them off here."

While updating the capture tally, Theria glanced at the security monitors showing various areas of the building. In the cafeteria, she could see translucent blue and green slimes beginning to arrive through the air vents, Regina's cleanup crew getting to work on the disaster zone.

"At least something's going according to plan." Theria murmured, watching as the slimes efficiently began absorbing the spilled food.

The intercom buzzed yet again. This time, it was a frantic resident from the third floor reporting that their washing machine was "dancing across the laundry room." Theria took a deep breath before giving a response.

"I deserve a raise after tonight..." she muttered to her serpentine companions as she reached for the receiver, already rehearsing her explanation about the unexpected gremlin invasion.
Hey guys. Sorry I've been a bit silent. Planning to make a post tomorow.
"Myrr" Velasien

--- The Village Center ---

Interactions: @Xaltwind @ERode @Remram @Zeroth

As they arrived back at the village, Myrravel was deep in thought, still contemplating the possibilities their captured slime presented. Something was nagging at the back of her mind - a sense she had forgotten something important. She furrowed her brow, trying to remember...

The seeds! She had completely forgotten to gather any seeds for Niara. Her ears pinked with embarrassment as she realized how distracted she'd been by plant identification, the slime capture, and theoretical alchemy. She'd failed to fulfill the simple request.

Her self-admonishment was interrupted by raised voices. Looking up, she was startled to find Akitsugu and MacKinnon engaged in what appeared to be a heated argument. The sudden escalation from irritation to what appeared to be an imminent sword draw made her eyes widen in alarm.

"Oh," she whispered, taking an instinctive step backward. Her eyes darted nervously around the village center, searching for Adrila. Surely she would know how to handle this situation without making things worse.

When Akitsugu's sword appeared to speak, she blinked in confusion. Despite her aversion to conflict, she found herself taking several small steps forward, positioning her slight frame somewhat between the two agitated parties. It wasn't a bold stance, but rather a tentative, almost unconscious movement born more from concern than courage.

"Um..." she began hesitantly, her voice barely audible at first. "Perhaps we could... that is... maybe the tools would be most useful in the smithy?" She immediately regretted speaking up, her eyes lowering as she took another small step back, though still remaining somewhat between them.

"I'm sure there's a way to work this out," she added softly, looking around again for Adrila or anyone else who might intervene more effectively.
"Myrr" Velasien

--- Springwood Forest ---

Interactions: @Xaltwind, @Remram, @Zeroth

Walking alongside her companions, Myrravel found herself alternating between watching the pot containing their captive slime and considering Akitsugu's suggestions. "I hadn't considered the metallurgical applications," she said thoughtfully, her earlier caution giving way to academic enthusiasm. "Though I'm not sure about... milking one." She couldn't quite suppress a small laugh at the idea.

She adjusted her satchel as they walked, her mind clearly processing the possibilities. "But the acid properties could be fascinating to study. If we could understand how they break down organic matter..." She trailed off, watching the pot intentively "Though I suppose our first challenge will be figuring out how to safely get a sample from our new... guest."

Her thoughts began to wander into the realm of experimental possibilities - different containment methods, reaction tests, perhaps even finding a way to neutralize their corrosive properties for safer handling. She was so absorbed in these alchemical daydreams that she didn't notice a loose stone in her path. Her foot caught on it, making her stumble slightly before she caught her balance. Her ears pinked as she glanced quickly at her companions, hoping they hadn't noticed.

The sight of Brom's secure grip on the pot's lid reminded her of their earlier concern about touching the creature. "I should probably look through my notes first. And maybe find some proper equipment. The last thing we need is to discover its exact properties through trial and error." She glanced at Brom, a mix of curiosity and concern crossing her features. "Though I have to admit, I've never heard of anyone actually trying to eat one before. I'd be very interested to see how that turns out."

Her pace quickened slightly as they neared the village, her mind already cataloging what she would need for proper research. "At the very least, this might help us understand how to better protect our supplies from wild ones in the future."
"Myrr" Velasien

--- Springwood Forest ---

Interactions: @Zeroth @Remram @Xaltwind

Myrravel watched with a mix of fascination and concern as Brom tossed the piece of wood toward the slime, her eyes widening as she realized what he planned to do with the pot. "Are you... are you going to try to catch it?" she whispered, taking an unconscious step backward even as her scholarly curiosity sparked at the possibility of actually obtaining a specimen.

She noticed Akitsugu placing down his wood bundles and reaching for his sword, and found herself caught between backing away to safety and staying to observe what might happen. "I don't know if anyone's ever successfully... well, contained one before," she admitted, though she couldn't quite keep the note of scientific interest out of her voice as she watched Brom's attempt.

Despite her earlier wariness, she found herself edging closer to get a better look at what might happen next. "If this actually works..." she murmured, her scholarly interest temporarily overriding her caution. Like any good alchemist presented with a new potential ingredient, she couldn't help but wonder about its properties, even in such a precarious situation.

She glanced between Brom's readied pot and Akitsugu's sword, realizing she should probably move further from the creature's path, just in case either attempt went awry. "Just... be careful not to let it touch you directly," she added softly, though whether this warning came from actual knowledge or cautious assumption, even she wasn't quite sure.
Be afraid, be very afraaaaiiiid~
Also, just to check for the sake of checking. @Dragonydas are we cleared to just... Capture gremlins as we see fit? Like... Can we just write up whatewver little scenario we want for the hunting down and subsequent strangulation anatching up of the little pests? Or do you want us to Pm you first and get an okay or something?

Also, Rebecca may be smelly, but she got a heart of gold. And stank.

Just go for it. Try not to make it too violent though XD
@Remram@Zeroth Please save Myrr from the evil slime 0.0
Max still hasn't been turned to stone by mistake. That still needs to happen <.<
I sincerely apologize for my lateness
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